Per our phone conversation the other day, the first thing you will need to do to get the real show going with God the Father is to make a full and complete surrender of your entire life over to Him.
The first full surrender prayer I will now give you is the one you will initially start out with. After that, say the second prayer once or twice a year for the rest of your life if you really want God to have full and complete control of everything in your life.

1. Making The Initial Full Surrender
This is the first one that you will use to make the initial full surrender to God the Father.
In the name of Jesus, I am now willing to place my body, my soul, my spirit, and my entire life into Your hands. I now ask that You place me into Your perfect will and plan for my life.
Father, from this moment on, I will choose to stay fully surrendered to You all the days of my life, and will allow You to lead and direct my life in the direction that You will want it to go in.
Thank you Father.
Thank you Jesus.”
2. To Stay Fully Surrendered
John, just say the following prayer once or twice a year after making the initial commitment to God to show Him that you are really serious about staying in this full surrender with Him. The words are changed around just a bit.
“Father, in the name of Jesus, I continue to place my body, my soul, my spirit, and my entire life in Your hands. I am now choosing to stay fully surrendered to You all the days of my life and I ask that You continue to keep me in Your perfect will and plan for my life.
Thank you Father.
Thank you Jesus.”
1. The Bible tells us that we have 3 parts to our beings – body, soul, and spirit. God wants all three parts of your being fully surrendered to Him along with your entire life. When you fully surrender your entire life over to God the Father – this will literally include everything in your life – including yourself, your wife, your children, your jobs, your finances, and your health.
2. Also ask God to give you His peace so as to help take away some of the stress you are feeling right now with things being tight right now. Once you fully surrender everything over to God the Father, then it will now be His job to lead you into the jobs that He will want you to be working in, along with making sure that enough money comes your way to help keep you and your wife afloat.
If He wants you staying in the financial field, then He will lead you and open doors for you that you could not open for yourself to get the sales that you will need to stay afloat. Give God a try – you just may be pleasantly surprised with what He may do with your life!
We also have a very good detailed article on this topic in the Bible Basics section of our site. The title of this article is, “The Full Surrender.” This article will give you all of the main verses from the Bible on this full surrender that God is looking for from each and everyone of us.
Tuesday 17th of October 2023
I have been living in despair and total depression. In my 40's I was trying to find the true essence of life. I made up my mind to yield myself to God and let Him be master of my life. I came across this article at the best time. Thanks
David Hosier
Friday 21st of April 2023
I speak the name of Jesus over all my worries and give him control. Life is to unpredictable and each day has its challenges. But there is nothing to difficult that God can’t help us thru . Thank you Jesus
Friday 15th of October 2021
Knowing The Godhead, is the most important and best decision I've made in my life. Staying surrendered is the second most important decision. God, has been faithful in this. He is taking the daily stresses off life and given me his peace. As I've surrendered finances, he's faithful here also. Every area. Thank you Father,Son, Holy Spirit.
Wednesday 11th of August 2021
I feel as if I was divinely guided to your site this evening. Everything you are saying about how I want to live the rest of my life totally devoted to God and His plan for the remainder of my life here on earth is exactly what I have been saying and feeling! I want to make a difference with my life and I want to completely surrender to Him right now!
Ogbu Emmanuel
Saturday 20th of March 2021
I thank God sincerely from my heart for coming across this great teaching, this is the kind am been looking for all this while and I know that God purposely prepare this to be of help to me in other for Him to show me how to totally and fully surrender to Him for him alone to take the lead on how I will follow his plan, purpose and his perfect will for my life and I pray that He will give me the grace to start this Race that is set before me and to finish the Race in Jesus name amen.