This next prayer secret gets into the real heart of learning how to properly and effectively pray to the Lord. This revelation is coming direct from Jesus Himself.
I call this particular secret my fighting verse whenever I have to approach God in prayer for something specific. The reason I call this secret my fighting verse is because in this verse are the three main conditions that sometimes must be met before the Lord is going to want to answer any specific prayer request you may have.

Here is the verse where this powerful and profound revelation is being given direct to us by Jesus Himself:
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened … If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” (Matthew 7:7-11)
Notice two things:
1. First, there are three specific conditions that the Lord is laying out – asking, seeking, and knocking.
2. Second, all three of these conditions are listed in one sentence. These three conditions are being separated by semi-colons, not periods. This means that all three of these conditions are being purposely put together in one sentence in order to try and tell us something.
I remember when I first saw this verse, I wondered why the original translators were using a semi-colon to separate the three conditions instead of using a period. The reason I was wondering this was due to the way the first part of the verse was worded.
If you ask, and then you receive, why would you ever need to seek or knock? Or if you seek, and then you end up finding something, why would you ever need to go to the next condition, which would be some kind of knocking in order to be able to get the door to be opened up for you.
I initially thought these three conditions should be in three, separate, complete sentences so as to isolate and differentiate these three conditions from one another. But after pondering and meditating on this with the Lord, here is what I feel God may be trying to show us with this revelation.
Sometimes all you have to do is ask God for something and He will then answer the prayer. You thus will not have to go into any kind of seeking and/or knocking modes with Him to try and get Him to answer the prayer. Sometimes it will literally be that simple.
However, at other times you may ask God for something, but then you do not receive it. If God is not answering your prayer the first time around when you are pressing in and asking Him for something – I believe this verse is trying to tell us to do something else – and that something else is to consider trying one or two of the next two conditions – either seeking and/or knocking.
If you do not receive any type of an answer from the Lord on a specific prayer request you may have after asking Him several times, try considering going into either a seeking and/or knocking mode with Him to try and get Him to grant you the prayer request. Sometimes the answers to your prayers will only come if you start to do some type of seeking after them.
When I discuss each one of these conditions individually below, I will give you some very good examples of how sometimes you may have to add the seeking and/or knocking modes into your specific prayer requests to the Lord.
Sometimes Christians walk away too soon from their prayer rooms with the Lord. They ask the Lord once or twice for whatever it is they are wanting from Him – and when He does not answer their prayer off their initial request, they walk away thinking that He does not want to answer their prayer – not realizing that maybe the Lord was really wanting to answer their prayer in the first place, but that He was wanting them to go into some kind of seeking and/or knocking mode to get Him to release it to them.
So the next time you approach the Lord in prayer for something very specific, make sure that you consider all three of these conditions – asking, seeking, and knocking.
Sometimes the Lord will answer your prayer just off the first condition – asking – and you will not have to go into any kind of seeking and/or knocking mode with Him to get Him to answer the prayer.
But then there will be other times that He will want you to go into some kind of seeking and/or knocking mode with Him before He will answer your prayer.
Now here is some commentary on each of these three specific conditions so you can see exactly how and when to incorporate these 3 basic principles into your personal prayer life with the Lord.
1. Asking
This first condition, asking, is without question, the easiest of them all. Sometimes all you have to do is ask the Lord once or twice for something that you are really wanting.
If the prayer request is in His perfect will for your life, then many of the time the Lord will answer your prayer simply off one or two prayer requests and that will be it. You will not have to get all worked up into any kind of major prevailing or travailing with Him. Just once or twice at the prayer altar will do it.
However, as simple as this basic principle is for many Christians to fully understand, there still are many Christians who are violating this basic simple principle with the Lord.
This revelation that we are receiving from the Lord is another one that has two sides to it. Again, it is like looking at a two sided coin. On the one side of the coin is “asking.” Simply ask the Lord for whatever it is you are needing or wanting, and He will grant the prayer request as long as the request is in His will for your life.
But the other side of the coin is that sometimes the Lord will not bring a desire or request that you may have – all because you have failed to ask Him for it in the first place. Here is the verse from our Bible that gives us the flip side to this revelation:
“Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.” (James 4:2)
This verse is giving us two major revelations. The first revelation is that sometimes you do not receive something from God simply because you did not ask Him for it. You either simply forgot to ask Him for it, or you chose, for whatever your personal reasons may have been at the time, not to ask Him for it.
As a result, your request and desire is never brought your way because God was the only One that could have brought it to you in the first place – and you chose not to get the ball rolling with Him by asking Him to bring it to you.
The second piece of revelation that is coming off this verse is that maybe you have presented your prayer request before God, but this request was not in God’s perfect will for your life. You may be wanting something for the wrong reason or the wrong motive, like the last part of this verse is implying when it says that the prayer request might be for your own selfish and worldly pleasures.
This verse is telling us that when we do this, we are asking “amiss.” According to some of the different Bible Dictionaries, the word “amiss” means we are asking for something “wrongly” or “mistakenly.”
This is why all of your prayer requests have always got to line up with the perfect will of God for your life. As I have stated in my article, “Prayer Secret #2 – The Will of God,” God always knows what is best for you in all situations.
And sometimes God will choose not to answer a specific prayer request you may have because it may not be in your best interests – even though you may not be able to see it at the time that you are asking Him for it.
But now back to the first part of the revelation in the above verse where sometimes we do not receive something from God because we have never asked Him for it. This now becomes the flip side to this same coin.
Again, on the one side of the coin is receiving something from the Lord because we have officially asked Him for it. But now the other side to that same coin is that we may not have received something from the Lord simply because we did not officially ask Him for it.
As simple as this basic principle is to fully grasp and understand by everyone, it really is quite amazing how many Christians are not getting many of their basic needs, wants, and desires met because they simply forgot to ask God to help them receive the desire in the first place.
Here are several good examples to illustrate all of this:
A) There are many single Christians who are out looking for their true soulmates. But instead of going direct to God the Father and asking Him to lead them to the person of His choice, they are trying to find their true soulmate all on their own efforts and wisdom.
As a result, they either end up never finding their true soulmate in this life, or they end up marrying the wrong person. They are then forced to live the rest of their earthly lives in a miserable and unhappy marriage, or they end up marrying and divorcing several times throughout their lives, never finding that one true love that God already had in store for them had they simply asked Him for His opinion on the matter in the first place.
I literally cannot even begin to count the number of Christians I have personally met who have never thought to ask God for His opinion on who they should be marrying in this life, and then asking Him to lead them to the person of His choice.
As a result, many of these people have either gone through multiple divorces, or they have never married as a result of never finding that one true love.
Trying to find your true God-mate in this life without any of God’s help or guidance is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. In other words, you will never find the one person you were meant to be with unless you first start out by asking God to lead you to that person in the first place.
Not only is God the only One who knows who this person is that would be the most suitable and compatible for you in this life, but He is the only One that can actually lead you to where this person is located.
But yet so many Christians think they know better than God who they should be marrying in this life, and as a result, they all end up marrying the wrong people and they then end up going from one broken marriage to another trying to find that right person for them.
And all of these sad tragedies end up occurring because they all simply forgot to do one, little, simple thing – they forgot to turn the entire matter over to God and ask Him to lead them to the mate that He would’ve had in store for them.
B) Another area where many Christians get themselves in trouble with the Lord in learning how to ask Him for different things is that after a certain amount of time, they will start to want to try and do everything on their own – without any of God’s help or guidance.
Instead of remaining humble and accountable to the Lord in their own personal walks with Him, they now want the challenge of trying to accomplish everything all on their own efforts and wisdom.
Pride has now entered into their big picture, and they now no longer need God or any of His help to get through this life in one piece. They are now deciding who they should be marrying in this life, what kind of jobs they should be taking, and what kinds of goals and aspirations they should be striving after in this life. As a result, they no longer ask God for anything and their prayer life then gets completely shut down with Him.
And then sooner or later, it eventually happens. They end up getting half way up the mountain they are attempting to climb all on their own efforts, and then they fall, literally losing everything they had built up for themselves. They end up falling from what they thought was the top of their personal mountain down to the very bottom of it, literally losing everything they had worked so hard to build up.
They end up losing their marriages, their jobs, their careers, many of their so called friends, and much of the money and wealth they had acquired.
And again, all of this occurs because they simply forgot to turn the reigns of their life over to God for Him to fully handle, and then to ask God to lead them into the specific areas that He was wanting them to move in.
Again, God knows best as to who you should be marrying in this life, what jobs you should be taking, and what careers or vocations you should be entering into.
And again – all of this can be given to you free of charge direct from God Himself if you will simply enter into this full surrender with Him, and then ask Him to take complete control of your life and the direction it will now be heading. As the very first verse I have listed at the top of this article says, simply ask and you shall receive. However, if you do not ask, you will not receive. Sometimes it really is that simple.
All we have to do is be willing to stay in this full surrender with the Lord, stay humble and accountable in our walk with Him, and never forget that we will need His help and guidance on a daily basis to make it into the specific areas that He will want us to move into in this life.
2. Seeking
If at first you have no success with the Lord in asking Him for something specific, then strongly consider going into some kind of seeking mode with Him to see if that will be what will get Him to answer your prayer.
Notice in the verse at the top of this article that if you seek, then you will “find.” One of the ways God may actually want to answer one of your prayers is by leading you into finding it – and the only way you will be able to find it is by being willing to go into some kind of seeking mode to find it.
Here are a few examples:
A) Say you have just lost your job. Your first step will be to go to God in prayer and ask Him to lead you to the next new job that He will want you to be working in.
After you put the request before Him, God will now tell you to do one or two things. He will either tell you to just sit and wait, hold your position, and He will now bring the next job to you at the time that He has it set up to come into your life – or He will tell you to start going into a seeking mode to try and find that next new job.
If God tells you that He wants you to go into a seeking mode to try and find this next new job, then this means you will now have to start knocking on doors and going on interviews. You may have to go on 7 or 8 interviews before you finally land the job He will want you to have. God will make sure that you land at the right spot at the right time.
In other words, He will lead you to the next new job as you are seeking after it, and He will make sure that you find it right at the time that He has it set up to manifest in your life.
If God already knows where your next new job is going to be, why would He want you going through 7 or 8 interviews before you actually find it? I believe there are two main reasons for this.
The first reason is that He may simply want you to go into a seeking mode in order to show Him that you are willing to expend some time and energy in order to try and find it. Many of the times, the Lord does not always want to give you a free lunch. There are times that you will have to work, sweat, and seek for whatever it is God is wanting to bring your way.
And one of the ways that He will do this is by throwing you into some kind of seeking mode to try and find whatever it is that He is wanting to bring your way. There is a price to pay for everything, and sometimes that price is paid in the actual seeking of it.
The second reason God may want to throw you into a seeking mode where you have to go on several interviews is because He may want you to get your communication skills sharpened up before you walk into the door that will be your next new job.
By going on all of these different interviews, you will become much more skilled with the interview process, and this may end up being what will cause you to get the job that He will really want you to have. But if you have not been willing to sharpen up your interview skills by going on all of these different job interviews, then you may not have the right stuff to convince your new boss that you are going to be the right man for the job.
God always has His personal reasons for everything that He will do in your life. Be guided by the Holy Spirit as to what kinds of chess moves God will want to make with your life.
B) Another area where you may have to go into some kind of seeking mode in order to try and find it, is once again, the search for a soulmate.
Say you are 22 years old. You have just asked God to lead you to the soulmate of His choice, not your choice. You are now willing to be fully guided by the Holy Spirit to try and find this person. You have now fully committed this request into the hands of God the Father, and you will now let Him make the call as to who you should be marrying in this life.
Once you do this, God will now have you take one of two approaches. He may simply tell you to wait, hold your position, and that you do not need to be dating or getting entangled with anyone else in a dating relationship, and that He will lead you to this person at the time that He has it set up to occur. Or He could possibly have you go into some kind of seeking mode to find this person.
If you are 22 years old, and God has it set up for you to meet this person 10 years later when you turn 32, you will now have 10 years to wait before you will actually meet this person. During those 10 years that you are now waiting for all of this to happen, God may want you to actually date a few people.
One of the main reasons God may want you to date a few other people before you meet the person He will want you to marry in this life, is that you may need to grow and mature in how you relate to others in a romantic type relationship.
You may need to learn a few things. You may need a few rough edges in your personality smoothed out and cleaned up before He finally matches you up with the person of His choice for your life.
When you go into this type of seeking mode with the Lord, you will never know where, when, or how you will meet your true God-mate. God has now thrown you into an official seeking mode, and all you know is that you will find this person at the prescribed time that God has it set up to occur as you are seeking after them.
But if you are not willing to go into a seeking mode to try and find this person – then you may never get this prayer request answered by God after you put the initial request on His altar.
This lack of being willing to go into a proper seeking mode with the Lord is what is causing many Christians to miss out on some of the bigger and better blessings that God would have had in store for them in this life.
This is why I believe that the Lord has put both the “seeking modes” and “knocking modes” all together in the verse at the top of this article right next to the “asking mode.” Sometimes you will have to be willing to ask, seek, and knock before God will move to fully answer your prayer.
So the next time you have a major prayer request to put before the Lord, examine and analyze, and try to pick up from the Holy Spirit as best you can, whether or not you will need to go into any kind of seeking mode with God in order to try and get Him to want to answer your specific prayer request.
3. Knocking
The last and final principle in the above verse is the “knocking mode.” I believe the knocking mode is another higher level of intensity in this prayer secret.
The word “knock” in one of my Bible dictionaries means to “rap on a door.” And the above verse is definitely implying knocking on a door when it says that if you knock, then it will be “opened” to you.
When you knock on a door, look very closely as to what happens. Next time you knock on someone’s door, watch how many times you naturally and instinctively want to knock. You will naturally want to knock at least two to four times. You will not knock just one time. Try knocking just one time and see how unnatural it feels.
Knocking thus means that you are asking, and possibly seeking more than one time for whatever it is that you are asking God for.
The two examples I gave above about going on several interviews in order to try and find God’s next job for you, or being willing to date several other people before God leads you to the mate of His choice, are two perfect examples of putting this knocking principle into full operation.
Sometimes not only will God have you go into some kind of seeking mode before He will grant your prayer request, but He may also have you go into a full scale knocking mode where you are seeking more than one time in a certain direction. In other words, you may have to try something more than one time before God will answer the prayer.
So how do you know which of these three modes to go into when you decide to approach God the Father with a specific prayer request?
For those of you who have established a good inside connection to the Holy Spirit, many of the times you can pick it up directly from Him as to which of the three modes you will need to go into on a specific prayer request to the Lord.
Sometimes you will be able to read and pick it up from Him that all you will need to do is ask God one or two times, and you will not need to go into any kind of seeking and/or knocking mode to get God to answer your prayer.
However, there will be other times that you will feel led to go into a seeking mode with God before He will grant the answer to your prayer.
And not only will the Holy Spirit help to let you know when you will need to go into some kind of seeking mode with God, but He will also help guide and direct you once you go into that seeking mode so you can learn everything that God will want teach you, and then eventually get to where God wants to lead you to before He will be willing to grant the prayer request.
In other words, if God wants you to go into some kind of dating mode before He brings your true soulmate to you, then the Holy Spirit will let you know which people God will want you to date so you can then learn everything that God will want to teach you before it is His time to match you up with His very best for your life.
For those of you who have yet to establish this kind of good inner connection with the Holy Spirit, just simply ask God, if He has not already answered your prayer request within a certain amount of time, if you need to go into any kind of seeking and/or knocking mode with Him before He will grant your prayer request.
If you ask God with a sincere heart, He will let you know loud and clear as to whether or not you will need to only go in one of these modes with Him, in any two of these modes, or possibly in all three of these modes with Him.
This ask-seek-knock verse is another powerful piece of revelation being given to us by our Lord. In this revelation are three, powerful, key principles for us to fully incorporate into our personal prayer life with the Lord.
I believe these three powerful principles are giving us a major secret on how we are to approach God the Father in our own personal prayer life with Him.
- Introduction to the Prayer Secrets
- Prayer Secret #1 Your Personal Relationship With God
- Prayer Secret #2 The Will of God
- Prayer Secret #3 God Will Hear the Prayers of the Righteous
- Prayer Secret #4 Stating Your Case Before God
- Prayer Secret #5 Ask – Seek – Knock
- Prayer Secret #6 The Prayer of Agreement
- Prayer Secret #7 The Power of Intercessory Prayer
- Prayer Secret #8 Praying For Something More Than One Time
- Prayer Secret #9 Do Not Lose Heart
- Prayer Secret #10 The Intercessory Ministries of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
- Prayer Secret #11 Mighty Prevailing Prayer
- Prayer Secret #12 Prayers of Thanksgiving
- Prayer Secret #13 Pray to God the Father in the Name of Jesus
Thank u…this article has really touched me…
It’s no SECRET to know the things of God, and to even suggest it to be is a stumbling block to those who are desireous to seek Him. 2 Peter 1:3-9 is one among many places He tells us He has supplied all we need to know Him. It’s NO SECRET that He gave His only Son to free us from the bondage of sin and death. His Word is open to us, not hidden and hard to find. May you be lead to the truth that sets you free and glorifies God as you abide in His Word. John 8:31,34,36.
Excellent piece of information, did not know that before. This whole website is bound to enrich my prayer life. I thank God He is leading me step by step all the way to His perfect plan for my life in all Wisdom, Patience, and Knowledge. Praise God and Thank you.
I really liked your website since ready one is learning more and growing spiritually,one topic that u really must deal is the different types of fasting and what the power behind is
There are two main parts of the mind. The conscious and the subconscious. The conscious is logic/reason. The subconscious is emotion/feeling.
Conscious is finite mind.
Subconscious is infinite mind.
When we tap into our subconscious mind we connect with the Universal Mind.
Basically, ask, seek, knock is instructing us to use our subconscious to lend us a hand with the conscious.
Not just through logic Thinking – True Believer – But FAITH. If we rest on the subconscious and conscious mind and think as the Universal Mind… where does that Leave God ? I believe this leads us beyond the conscious and subconscious, but more into a doorway to allow the Holy Spirit, (GOD), to guide us, purify us, and sanctify us.
I like the way you have explained about the asking mode, the seeking mode and the knocking mode. I also feel that going on a fast in prayer is a seeking mode especially when you are praying for someone to be healed or to over come addiction. i.e a real spiritual emergency.
I believed that this principle of asking, seeking, and knocking the door of the lord God will help many people to see the breakthrough in their life, am blessed with this, may God continue to use you to open our mind in understanding the gospel principles accordingly.
I really thank Jesus Christ for this wonderful message , and clear explanation , I will burn this in my memory bank and share it to all my friends and family God will bless you more
This particular message is for me, I had been asking God on and off to heal me of hypertension and kidney disease. Not really applying my self to heartfelt prayer. The Lord impressed on me to pray about the reason I have these afflictions in the first place. Stress, worry, not trusting God.
I know he took anger, resentment, forgiveness, from me.
He can take the everyday stresses I give to Him dealing with negative situations. I know it’s His will to heal me, but I did not make a battle plan and stick with it.
This message, says start again, thank you.
wow, this was quite overwhelming to me a 71 year old Christian woman, that is a lot of perfection in trying to pray the way the Lord wants us to pray, I always thought HIS ways were pure ,simple and humble, I have gone before Him so many times !!
All of that kind of over whelmed me realizing maybe I do not even know how to pray.
He has answered prayers and there are prayers He has not answered, I pray for people who are fighting for their life from decease , sometimes HE heals sometimes He does not.
I always feel why should the Lord answer my prayers when others have so much more serious prayer requests .
I know God is not the author of confusion. I will always continue to pray , the only way I know how, humble before Him with Thanksgiving and Praise, as I come before HIM, I pray in faith and hope that He will answer my prayers. I continue to wait for a miracle this time. Amen and Thank You Jesus ahead for your answer I do believe He hears our prayers , because HE knows we come to Him in faith , Its hard for me to believe if we are not praying perfectly that He turns away from us , at least I pray NOT !!
Very well put sister! The simplicity of the Gospel is NO SECRET. 2 Peter 1:3-9
This article is really interesting and I think it should touch every one who reads it. It touches me a whole lot. I think that’s the right way to pray by asking, seeking and knocking. One must also have faith too when praying .Thanks for your articles I enjoy reading them. Wish you can also pray for me too.
God is gracious to our lives especially when we deepen our relationship with Him
When we call upon Him,He surely answers our prayers.
Thanks for your inspirational teachings.
Waw what a lovely and inspirational article, I fill connected by reading your word. May God Almighty give you more wisdom, I was thinking I have loss all hope but your word of admonishment bring and connect me back to God Thank need truth men of God like you in this our Roting And Decaying Generation. Thank you.
Thank you for the Holy Spirit revelation.I believe Matthew 7:7-11 teaching is for christians to continue to pray without relenting till God answers our suplication.In any challenge,one has to wait on the Lord in faith,patience and prayer for His purpose to manifest.I love your teaching:it is Holy Spirit revelational knowledge.I pray the Lord for more anointing on you.God bless your labour with abundant good fruitfulness,Amen.
Servant God, I have just read #5 secret, is very powerful, I have a lot from it. There are two level of asking depending on your position:
1. You ask because God want to give us something, but it must be by faith. It is impossible to please or ask God, without having faith in the existence of God and He is the One to reward you or answer you. Matt.21:22; 1. John 5:14-15; Heb. 11:6.
2. You ask because want you to ask; like Solomon, because he is king, he is like God on earth. The position God put you in, it depends what on you asked that will make you what you will be. Solomon asked wisdom to rule correctly, not revenge, not for his pleasure, but to rule best what God has put under his care.
I have learned may God richly bless you.
We continue asking, seeking, knocking, not and knocking, because God want us to get (receive, give), find, door be open to us. No more slavery, but free access to the throne of God the Father.
We asked the Father, in Jesus Christ’s name (following Jesus example) and the Holy Spirit will help get (receive), find, open doors, for our request.
God bless you.
I am a cancer survivor – am asking for prayer that cancer has not returned and that I am healthy. I am specifically asking for prayer that sores that don’t seem to heal. Thank you