As a result of the curse of Adam and Eve that is still in full operation on this earth, we are all stuck having to deal with the reality of demonic spirits. It has been estimated that as many as 25% of the miracles Jesus performed were Him casting demons out of people.
Like it or not, we have all been born into a war zone as result of what happened in the story of Adam and Eve. And not only are we all stuck having to battle with people who have chosen with their own free wills to live this life on the dark side, but we are also stuck with having to do battle with demonic spirits from time to time.

For most Christians, the most demons can try and do with us is to start playing their mind-games with us from the outside. Unless you have a major hole in your hedge and have given a demon some kind of legal right to be able to enter into your body – the most a demon can do to you is to try and attack you from the outside of your being, not from the inside of your being.
For those who have the problem of literally having demons living and operating on the inside of them, they will have to go through an actual deliverance process to get rid of those demons. You will first have to find out what the legal right is that allowed the demons to get in there in the first place. And then you will have to properly take care of that legal right with God the Father before you can cast the demons out.
Example – if you have drawn demons on the inside of you as a result of engaging in heavy drug activity or getting heavily involved in some type of occult activity – you will first have to confess this sin out before God the Father and then renounce it by telling Him you will never go back to it ever again. Once that has been properly done, then you can go after the demons on the inside of you and start casting them out.
However, for most Christians what demons will try and do is attack you from the outside. And they are very good at playing mind-games with you from that outside position.
The Bible says that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. Our minds are thus the battlefield in the area of spiritual warfare. Both God and demons will come after your mind. God will try and renew your mind through His Word, and demons will try to pull you down into their dark and evil ways of living in this life.
Many Christians have been lured into some of the dark and evil ways of these demons, and as a result, many of them have either died before their time was really up in the Lord, or they have been forced to live with the extreme consequences of some of the bad choices they have made.
I believe that many Christians who have committed suicide may have been operating under some kind of heavy demonic influence. We have 3 specific testimonies in the “Testimonies” section of our website where 3 girls came under direct demonic attack with demons literally trying to get them to take their own lives.
In each case – all three girls were very close to actually doing it until we showed them how to directly engage with these demons. In all 3 cases victory and deliverance was secured very quickly once they turned around and directly engaged with the demons who were trying to get them to take their own lives.
This is why the Bible tells us in the following verse:
“BE SOBER, BE VIGILANT; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. RESIST HIM, STEADFAST IN THE FAITH, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.” (1 Peter 5:8)
You do not want to get so paranoid and spooked that you are seeing demons around every possible corner – but you also do not want to go to the other extreme where you become completely ignorant of their existence and the ways in which they will operate in this world.
If you look closely at the wording in the above verse – you can really feel the solemn warning the Lord is trying to give to us. The verse starts out with 4 very powerful words in that we are to “be sober” and that we are to “be vigilant” in dealing with the reality of Satan and his demonic spirits.
It then goes one step further and says that we are to “resist him” by being “steadfast in the faith.” Resisting the devil means you stand, fight, and directly engage with him and his demons if you have to.
As I stated at the top of this article, we are all living in this war zone and we are all called to become good soldiers of Jesus Christ, no exceptions.
Demons will come after any Christian where they think they might be able to get some kind of foothold on. If God the Father allowed His Son Jesus Christ to be tempted by Satan while He was in the desert for 40 days – then you can bet the chances may be very good that you may have to deal with the possibility of having to directly engage with a demonic spirit sometime in your life.
When demons try to attack you from an outside position, they will basically try to do one of two things:
- They will either try and hinder you from being able to progress from point A to point B in your walk and call for God.
- Or they will try and start playing mind-games with you in an effort to try and throw you into some kind of mental torment and sever your spiritual connection with the Lord.
When they move in for an attack in order to try and start playing mind-games with you – they will try and throw you into a depression, try to steal your joy and zest for living, and try to get you to start thinking very critically and judgmentally towards others so as to cause dissension and disunity among family, friends, and co-workers.
They will also try and tell you that you are not really saved, that you have committed the unpardonable sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit, and try to dissuade you from reading your Bible and continuing to grow in the knowledge and ways of God.
They will also try and run interference in your prayer life with God, and try to sever the inside spiritual connection that you have forged with the Lord. If you are not wise to their schemes and how they can play this kind of a mental, mind-game with you, they can really make your life miserable, especially if you do not know that it is really them that is doing all of this to you.
Their mission is simply to “seek and destroy.” The above verse literally says that Satan is looking for those who he can “devour.” The word devour is an all-encompassing word. It means total and complete destruction and annihilation on whoever they may be coming after. Demons have absolutely no mercy on their victims. Their goal is total death and destruction on the ones they are attacking if they can go that far with it.
I believe that many of the teenagers who are committing suicide and killing one another in some of these high school shootings are operating under heavy demonic influence to commit some of these horrible acts of murder.
Demons first start coming in on these teenagers planting their thoughts, desires, and compulsions to do these kinds of horrible acts. After a period of constant bombardment from these demons, some of these teenagers literally start to act out on these evil thoughts and suggestions – not fully realizing that these evil thoughts and suggestions are coming in from an outside source – demonic spirits!
It simply amazes me that so many of these people, both teenagers and adults, will act out on these murderous thoughts – knowing full well that it is wrong in the eyes of God and wrong in the eyes of society – and that they will end up in jail for the rest of their earthly lives if they get caught. This shows you how easily some people can be led, even to the point of literally being able to commit some of the most heinous acts that a normal person would never think about doing.
Demons know this and that is why they try to pick their victims accordingly. This is why many of the high school shootings have not been committed by the bullies, but by the people who have been picked on and made fun of during a good part of their school life. They specialize in looking for vulnerable and weak-willed people who can be easily led and persuaded to buy into their demented and evil ways.
Demons cannot make you do anything. All they can do is try and convince you to do what they want you to do. They can plant their suggestions and thoughts into your mind to kill someone else, but they cannot actually make you do it. They can also give you strong inner compulsions to try and kill someone – but the final choice will always remain with that person as to whether or not they will actually pull that trigger.
Demons cannot “make” a person pull the trigger – but they will do everything in their power to try and “persuade” that person to pull the trigger on his own.
The fact that so many people in our country are committing these horrible acts of murder shows how powerful mental persuasion can be, especially if it is coming in from an outside source – either from demonic spirits, or from other bad and evil people who may also be trying to influence that person to kill someone else.
As Christians, we have something that the nonbeliever does not have. We all have the full power of God operating on the inside of us in the Person of the Holy Spirit Himself. We also have the fact that demons are already a defeated foe. They have all been totally defeated by Jesus on the day that He was crucified for all of our sins. We are thus dealing with an already defeated foe.
However, for many Christians, the subject of demons and spiritual warfare is too scary and frightening to deal with and they would just prefer to keep their heads buried in their sand. As a result, demons are literally getting away with being able to tear some people apart with all of the murders, suicides, drug use, alcohol abuse, divorces, spousal abuse, abortions and thefts that is occurring across this country on a daily basis.
And most of this kind of dark side activity starts with a simple mind-game that the demon will start playing with the one that he has targeted. This is why the above verse says that we are to be “vigilant” and “sober” in keeping our eye out for any kind of demonic activity that could easily set in on either ourselves, our families, or some of our close friends.
Again, you do not want to get so paranoid and out of balance that you are seeing demons around every possible corner – but you have to realize the reality of demons and the mind games they will attempt to play with either you or someone who may be close to you.
In this first area of spiritual warfare, I have found something so simple, but yet so extremely effective in dealing with demons who have targeted someone to start playing their mind-games with from the outside. It comes off the saying of nipping something in the bud before it even has a chance to sprout or grow.
Once you sense the presence of a demon trying to mess with you and your mind from the outside – you immediately, I repeat, immediately have to engage with him and drive him off you before he even has a chance to work his claws into you to form out any kind of a mental stronghold. So how do you do this for those of you who do not know how to directly engage with a demonic spirit?
You directly engage with a demon by using “verbal warfare.” The Bible tells us that the “Sword” of the Holy Spirit is the “Word of God.” In other words, the Words of God operating in your mind and spirit that can be released out of your mouth is the Sword that you will use to go into actual combat with this demon!
Since you are a now a child of the Most High God, saved through the Blood of His Son – you now have the legal right to be able to use the appropriate command words from the Lord to verbally engage with any demon who may attempt to come against you – operating under the full power, anointing, and authority of God the Father Himself to be able to do this.
The Word of God is your Sword. Keep that Sword in your sheath – and do not be afraid to take that Sword out to chop off the head of any demon who may come after either you or any of your close loved ones.
You are a soldier of Jesus Christ! Realize this fact – and directly engage with the enemy if that enemy should ever attempt to attack either you, anyone in your family, or any of your close friends.
You do not have to become a punching bag for the darts and attacks of these demons. God has already given you His power in which to totally defeat this enemy. It’s just a matter of every Christian realizing this fact and not being afraid to directly engage with the demons by saying the appropriate command words against them to drive them off them.
Before I give you a good, simple, battle command in which to engage directly with a demon who may be attempting to come against you, I want to release a personal dream that God gave to me several years ago on not being afraid to directly engage with a demon.
I then want to release a very personal testimony that I had with another girl who put all of this in full operation against a demon that had come in on her 6 year old daughter as a result of something that her husband had done to open the door of their house to this demon.
Personal God Dream on Engaging with Demons
In this dream, I am walking down a very dark alley. I then cross the street to get to the other side of where there was a sidewalk area for me to walk on to. I had just crossed the street and was just about ready to step onto this sidewalk – when all of sudden I sensed something very evil following directly behind me.
I looked behind me to see what it was. I see a dark, hooded figure standing about 20 yards ahead of me getting ready to cross the street where I had just got done crossing. This hooded figure was looking directly at me and he was wanting to come directly towards me to attack me. I then tried to look directly at his face to see who it may be and all I can see is complete blackness. I could not see his face.
I then received an immediate knowing from the Holy Spirit that this figure was a demonic spirit wanting to come directly against me. As soon as these words are received, I then started to feel an immediate sense of panic and fear set in. I realize that I am no match for the physical strength of this demon and that I cannot defeat him operating in my own strength.
As soon as this fear and panic completely envelopes my entire body – I then feel the presence and power of the Holy Spirit rise up in me and He then says to me:
“Do not be afraid of this demon. I want you to show him that you have no fear of him. I want you to take 3 steps towards him and communicate to him that if he takes so much as one more step towards you – that you are going to directly engage with him and cast him out by the power and blood of Your Savior Jesus Christ.”
After the Holy Spirit says this to me, I then feel His boldness rise up in me to give me the courage and boldness to move towards this demon to release this battle command.
I then take the 3 steps towards the demon. After the third step is taken, I then say to the demon – “If you take so much as one more step towards me – I will hold out my right hand against you and Plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ directly against you.”
After I communicate this statement to the demon, I can then tell that the demon knows that I know who I am in Christ, that I know how to wield the power of God through the Sword of the Holy Spirit, and that he has no intentions on trying to come against me.
It’s as if he was calling my bluff to see if I knew who I really was in Christ and if I knew how to really wield the Sword of the Holy Spirit. As soon as he saw that I meant serious business with him, his whole being literally disintegrates in mid-air, just like what you would see in a science fiction movie.
This dream was like a simulation type training exercise. What this dream taught me was that I am to have absolutely no fear if I ever have to go face-to-face with a demonic spirit to drive him off either me or anyone else I may be helping.
As Christians, we all have the power of God operating on the inside of us through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Demons are no match for any Christian who knows who they really are in their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – and who knows how to wield the Word of God as their spiritual weapon!
Personal Testimony
This testimony is a perfect example of a girl who put all of this in actual operation against a demon that had entered into her house as a result of something that her husband had been involved in. Here is what happened.
All of this happened to a girl I used to work with. One day she called me up and wanted to run something by me that was really starting to trouble her. She was married, had 5 children – 3 girls and 2 boys. The youngest daughter was 6 years old.
She then proceeds to tell me that her youngest 6 year old daughter started to manifest some strange behavior. About 4 months ago, her daughter all of sudden started to want to talk more about boys. She was wanting to try and wear heavier makeup and was constantly talking to both boys and men in a very flirtatious manner. My friend stated that this change in her behavior literally started to occur overnight.
Before this started to occur, she was a completely normal, pure, and innocent little girl for her age of 6 years old. This sudden change of behavior was not at all like her. My friend initially thought it might be some type of strange phase that she was going through and that it would only last for a short period of time. However, when it kept going on and on for a good 4 months, she knew there was something wrong and that something else was triggering this, but she really did not know what it was or how to stop it.
She then called me up to see if I had any thoughts about what may be going on, especially in the spiritual realm. All of her children were active church-goers and they were all being properly brought up in the Lord by this woman.
The first thing I asked her was if any of the other children were exhibiting any of this strange behavior. She said that none of the other children had any noticeable changes in their personalities and that it was only the youngest girl that was manifesting this weird, flirtatious behavior.
I then asked her if either her or her husband were engaging in any activity that could be opening up any doors for a demon to enter into the house. I got the immediate impression as she was telling me this story that there was something “on” this little girl.
She then tells me that her own personal slate was clean as far as any door opening activity to the dark side – but that she could not say the same thing about her husband. I then asked her to tell me what her husband was doing that could have possibly opened up the door to the dark side.
She then proceeds to tell me that her husband has been actively involved in surfing the internet for pornography and that he had been doing so on a very regular basis and for quite a long period of time. I then told her that it did not take to much to put one plus one equals two on this situation in that her husband’s continued and heavy usage of the pornography right in the middle of their house could have opened up a hole in their hedge allowing this demon to enter in.
I told her that it would be very easy to test this out to see if this is what the problem really was. Here is what I told her she would need to do. I told her to wait until everyone was out of the house to do this. I told her to go into her youngest daughter’s bedroom when everyone was out of the house.
I then told her she would have to go in there and speak out loud to the demons – telling them that she knows they are in there, that they have jumped on her daughter as a result of her husband’s involvement with the pornography, that they have no direct legal right to be attacking her daughter since she was completely innocent of being involved in the pornography, and that they would all now have to leave her in the name of Jesus Christ.
She then asked me exactly how she should word this kind of battle command. Here was the basic battle command that I gave to her to drive these demons off her daughter for good:
“I am now coming against each and every demon that has come onto my daughter as a result of my husband’s involvement in pornography.
I know that you are all in here. I know that you have contaminated my daughter with your evil presence. My daughter is completely innocent of these charges. You thus have no legal right to be attacking her like you have been doing.
I now come against each and everyone of you operating under the full authority, power and anointing of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I now Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you. I repeat – I now plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ – you are to leave my daughter right now – and you are to never, ever come back on my daughter ever again. GO NOW – in the name of Jesus Christ. I repeat – GO NOW – in the name of Jesus Christ and be forever banished from our presence!”
My friend went ahead and did the above battle command one time. She said when she initially entered into her daughter’s bedroom, she felt “electricity” manifest in the air, much like what you would sense when two fighters in a boxing ring are getting ready to square off in an all-out slugfest.
She then said when she woke up the next day, her youngest daughter was all of sudden back to her old self. No more talking about boys, no more asking to wear anymore makeup, and no more flirtatious behavior with the young boys and men that were in her life. Before my friend went toe-to-toe with these demons, she said her daughter was manifesting this weird, flirtatious manner every single day.
After she did the above battle command one time against these demons, she said her daughter immediately reverted back to her old self the very next day and there have been no further problems since.
This is a perfect example of a Christian mother who was being very sober and vigilant over her young children, and sought out immediate help when she knew there was something not right – and then was not afraid to go into battle to take these demons out once she knew what the real problem was.
She said she had tried to get her husband off the porn long before this all started to take place, but she has had no luck in that area. What is really scary about this story is the fact that her husband’s involvement with the internet pornography apparently was enough of a door opening activity to allow these demons to enter into their house and then to be able to jump onto their youngest daughter.
I wonder how many other husbands are putting their children at terrible risk if they are regular users of internet pornography right in the middle of their own homes.
The Battle Command
For those of you who are either battling the possibility of demons harassing and tormenting you, or if you should ever run across this problem anytime in your future – here is a good, simple, battle command that you can use to cast the demons off from you. This type of battle command is for demons who are attacking you from the outside.
However, if you have demons living and operating on the inside of you, then you may have to seek out someone who knows how to do an actual inner deliverance, since the demons have some type of legal right in which to continue to remain on the inside of you. You will need help in handling this kind of deeper problem.
But for those of you who may be dealing with a demon or a group of demons who are just tying to test you, and trying to attack you from the outside without any type of real legal right to be doing so – this type of battle command should easily do the trick for you in getting them off you.
You will have to say this battle command out loud as demons cannot read your mind or your thoughts. I would also hold out your right hand when speaking out this battle command. The right hand of God is His hand of deliverance and power. As a born-again believer and representative of God, you have the legal right and authority to be able hold out your right hand while operating under His authority, power, and anointing when engaging with the dark side.
Here is the battle command. Feel free to add any additional words that will fit the specific situation you may be dealing with like the girl did in the above story. Also be very sensitive to any specific words the Holy Spirit will want to give you when you start to engage with the demons. You may also want to consider writing this out on an index card so you can have it readily available should you ever have to face this kind of battle situation.
“If there are any demons who are attempting to attack, harass, or torment me – I am now coming against each and everyone of you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am now coming against each and everyone you operating under the full power, anointing, and authority of God the Father and Jesus Christ.
Demons, in the name of Jesus, I now Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you. I repeat, I now Plead the Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ – I now command you to leave me right now – and you are to never, ever come back on me again. GO NOW – in the name of Jesus Christ! I repeat – GO NOW in the name of Jesus Christ!”
This is the basic gist of a good battle command. Notice that you start off by telling them that you are coming directly against them in the name of Jesus, and that you are operating under the full power, anointing, and authority of God the Father and Jesus Christ.
By making this kind of statement right at the very beginning with them – you are showing them that you are not attempting to come against them in your own power or in your own natural strength. You are letting them know right off the bat that you are coming directly against them operating under God’s power and authority, not under your own power and authority.
Once they know that you know who you really are in Christ and whose power you are really operating under, they should leave very quickly without too much of a fight. Demons are no match for any anointed believer who knows who they really are in Jesus and who is not afraid to directly engage with them by using the Word of God as his Sword.
Remember – the Word of God is your Sword. Do not be afraid to take that Sword out of your sheath to take these demons head on – and cast them off either you or anyone else they may be attempting to come against.
Remember what David did with Goliath. He was able to kill that huge, evil, blasphemous creature with one well-placed blow! You can do the exact same thing with any demons who should attempt to come against either you, any member of your family, or any of your close friends.
Always remember – you are a good soldier of Jesus Christ! Do not be afraid to directly engage with the enemy if he should ever attack you or any of your close loved ones!
Nice and very resourceful article.
“since the demons have some type of legal right in which to continue to remain on the inside of you. You will need help in handling this kind of deeper problem.”
Can u please tell more in regard of the demons possesing person from inside,what kind of things be done to drive them away.
Go to our article titled, “Battle Prayer to Break Legal rights of Demons” for more information on how to do this.
Biblically, there is no way a demon can poess a christian. They can only oppress. Demons cannot indwell where the Holy Spirit resides. It doesnt mean that we cannot create strongholds by dabbling and opening doors for demonic oppression.
Think about it this way, nothing is more powerful than the father in heaven. If He doesn’t force his way into a life, neither can a demonic spirit. And since a believer in Christ is filled with the presence of God, demons cannot subvert the Spirit of God. They can only cast imaginations
I have an unbelieving cousin who has an unemployed boyfriend living with her, her sick mother, and two young children. Her boyfriend practices Wicca. I’ve shared Christ with her and the dangers of being involved w/ a Wiccan. She is only 33 y.o., has been hospitalized twice and doctors’ diagnosis stated that she was under a great deal of “stress”. Now, she’s under intense pain in her tooth or jaw. She has broken up with him before, which is when she was hospitalized. Now he is back in her life, living with her and her family. I believe she is under a great deal of stress due to demonic attacks and bad choices. She’s going through a divorce, not doing well at work, smoking, drinking, car trouble, financial trouble etc. What can I do as a Christian? I’ve been praying for her and showing her acts of kindness. I’ve also let it be known that my husband and I refuse to have him in our home during family gatherings during the holidays to protect our children and others. Our aunt (her mother’s sister), has told me that I’m being judgmental. I believe I’m being discerning. Do you have any advice? Thank you and God bless you for your knowledge and wisdom.
i read that you had a dream that maybe god was trying to speak to you. well, i had a dream a little while ago and it started with me feeling really good with a warm feeling in my chest then i heard some music in the backround, nothing you hear on the radio but music that just made me feel really relaxed and happy it started getting brighter and brighter and then i found myself looking at the gates of heaven as soon as i got a good view of everything i fell straight down and i woke up
some things are going on in my life at the moment and i have been over them many times scrutinizing them as rationally as i possibly can but in the end what’s going on i can only relate to the enemy.
i am 17 and have only been saved for 6 months but after what happened to me last night i truly believe that the enemy is trying his hardest to get me off track.
yesterday leading up to church i was in agony with headaches and cramping. i started to doubt whether i would be able to go to church because i was so violently ill. i managed to go though and i noticed that my headache and cramps were gone! (but i did feel extremely hot) i mentioned this to someone i was sitting with and they said to me the enemy will do anything to stop you…
i thought nothing of it at the time but once i got home my grandmother randomly said let me show you something so i said ok as long as it doesn’t involve me, so she went to her room and came back with a crystal on a chain and held it over my bible so i grabbed it quickly and held it as tightly as i could. i felt within me that it was not right and that it was of the occult so is of the enemy.
i told her it was evil but she didnt understand how, i then prayed briefly.
after that i was freaked out. it seems strange though as many years before i was saved i played with ouija boards that i made in secret when i lived with my mother.
i also used to handle tarot cards that my grandma bought and i never thought anything of it. (she says she is a christian?)
but now that i am a christian i just have this weird feeling and sense that its really not right at all.
so anyhow i went to my room eventually and gave jesus authority over my room and prayed and read out romans 8:37-39 and played christian music.
when i left my room the next morning i just felt like something was wrong, i cannot honestly explain it but even know when i walk out of my room i dont feel safe, i feel insecure and not my self.
i then got to thinking about what that person said to me at church and i realised…
that whenever i am in this house i am always very cold or extremely hot no matter what. that whenever i am in the house i feel sick, have headaches and cramps. that CANT be explained by a doctor
that i feel paranoid.
that no matter how much sleep i get or what i try i NEVER feel rested and that sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night i can feel evil at the end of my bed and i can see them as a black shadow in my room.
i honestly dont know what to do as whenever i pray out in the rest of the house it feels ok at first but then it just goes all creepy again.
im starting to wonder if my grandma is being influenced by the enemy as i have noticed she has been saying very strange things lately such as… “i can baptise you myself if you want” , “im a miracle from god that has come to look after you” (she then refers that the bible even states this) she also says other herisies. she also talks and understands of her self in third person. i have also noticed that she finds it absolutely impossible to tell you how she feels, she will instantly change the subject and avoid it and delves into how you are feeling. its as though she CANNOT say or understand how she is feeling
i hope that you can help me as i dont really feel safe in this house anymore.
there are other things thathave happened within my life and if someone can help me i will share them too if it will help for a better understanding of whats going on
i hope someone can reply as soon as you are able
thank you and god bless
Remember that any time you allow fear to manifest itself you are giving away some faith. Sound faith in Jesus Christ and what was done at Cavalry will trump any demonic spirit including Satan himself. 1 John 4 : 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Hello, you need to renounce any dabbling with the occult and ask forgiveness in prayer. Your grandmother needs to do the same and she needs to get seek deliverance. [She needs to be saved first and believe the gospel] 1st corinthians 15 1-4, Remove/destroy any tarot cards, crystals, anything that gives you that feeling. You can’t have these things as they are doors.
This information is so desperately needed. We recently had a murder of a 19 yr. old girl in our little town. It took place on Halloween night, and it strongly appears that this was a demonic act. It continues to amaze me how few Christians understand any of what this site teaches. If it’s mentioned, as you say, they cringe in fear and prefer not to acknowledge it exists. The enemy wins. “My people perish for lack of knowledge”
I really want to thank God abt everything I learned from here. I was living under (witchcraft) demons attacks, bt after reading dis and applying it I was able to destroy every demons that were attacking me. All glory to God.
Hey Mike,
Ive been asking our Lord to help lift a recurring heaviness that i couldn’t understand. One night i happened upon your site. What a blessing! I have learnt so much, and exactly what I needed to know. Praise God. Always at the right time, never early and never late.
I used the Battle Command and the charge that surged through my body was incredible. I had hairs on end and goosebumps all up my legs and my arms and neck and face and ears. Thank you for sharing this knowledge. May our Lord bless you and keep you.
God bless you.I have been struggling with demons in my mind that i had even started believed i had blasphemed against God and lost the desire of you demons,in the name of Jesus,am coming against you!
Hello. I have had several dreams, one of which I can’t figure out. I have been trying to figure out what it means. If anyone is good with discerning dreams and their meanings please let me know what it means. I think I know but am not sure: I am 26 now but I had this dream when I 11 or 12. I went to bed one night and I thought I had woken up, so I don’t know if it was real or a dream. I was walking through my house and it was night time, and I went through the living into the kitchen and out of my back door. When I looked out into the drive way and saw two figures standing in it. One to my left and one to my right. I was so frightened that I ran back to bed. I kept having the dream until one night out of no where I asked God before I went to bed to help me if I had that same dream again. That night I had the dream again and this time my Grandpa was standing at the back door asking me who was out there. I told him not to worry and that I would take care of it while picking a yellow broom handle with out the broom end on it, and that it would be okay and told him to go back to bed. I walked outside and over to the figure to the right and it was dressed in a blue robe, and standing really tall. I couldn’t see who ever it was face because it was blurry and distorted. I poked it’s robe and it seemed to vanish and rise into the air. After that I turned to face the other figure. It was dressed in a black robe, and it’s head was a goat head that was as white as limestone. It’s eyes were completely black and had weird symbols carved into it’s forehead between it’s horns. This time it had a twisted contorted wooden staff in it’s hand. I could feel it wanted to kill me, and I swung at it and it disappeared and re-appeared to my left. It shot something at me and missed and I swung again hitting it in it’s side and it then completely disappeared and to this day I have never had any dream like that ever again. The only problem is is that I can still see that figure in my mind at times following me where I go. It can be on a landing of stairs at a distance, or standing in someones yard, etc…
please help me know what this means, anyone, please and thank you. I will pray and ask God as well, it’s just that I have asked before, but I still haven’t got an answer yet. 🙁
It sounds like the figure in the dream is a demonic spirit. If he is
following you around, have you done anything on your end that would give
him a legal right to follow you around like this?
If not, try telling it to leave you in the name of Jesus – and say all of
that out loud to him.
What do you mean by legal right? I have a daughter 25 who is reestablishing her relationship/faith in the Catholic Church and I’d being attacked/tortured she says, she is afraid all the time, believes it’s got something to do with people she had spent time with and the priest thinks it’s got to do with trying interference with her relationship with God, either way I don’t understand “legal right” as you say for demon to bother her? Please explain so I may understand.
The broom handle that you used represented your resistance against an evil spirit which the Word of God which says “resist the devil and he will flee from you” Thanks be to God who has destroyed the works of the devil through our ever victorius Jesus ! See you at his throne !!!!
The main goal is make an individual understand that he or she has a soul. Once this understanding is made then a whole new realm of realization develops in the persons mind. This is why Psychology is a fraud because it is not the brain but rather the soul which is being harmed…..the only way to rejuvinate the soul and to remove these harmful evil spirits is by calling on Jesus..literally speaking to Jesus as you would to a person standing next to you.
I had such demonic oppression that my eyesight was literally being toyed with. I had black spots in my vision and images were being magnified. These stupid spirits even tried to get me to harm myself and other people. When Jesus freed me my vision has become like high definition, everything I look at is so sharp in detail it amazes me. I am living proof that demons exist because I when these things were casted out of me, the overall change in my physical and mental state was extremely noticible and obviouse
God bless you I have had spiritual problems since being a little boy i am still being attacked due to ancestral and family involvement but I keep battling on the best I can but I find faith can move a mountain and praying helps alot but I am still under attack due to family and do go to very dark places even in every day life moving from A to B is very difficult for me my social life disrupted my name dragged through the dirt and still find I come up against more of the darkness people as there are so many but going to church helps and have been able to help others
hello every one im glade im not the only one with demonic problems…..since i was a kid around 4 years old i started seeing and hearing things all the time but i always try to ide from it even if i know they would find me…as i got older it got worse i remember the first time i hurt my brother i was 4 years old i put the bed he was sleeping in on fire because of the voices in my head….as i got older it happened more because of it i hurt my brother 4 times all times he needed to go to the hospital…i could never understand why i was doing all of it….it got to where i tryed to hurt other people as well….as i got older i was not a happy kid i never was told about jesus…i always looked at others as i looked at myself with hate…..i always see a man following me any place i went he was always in a long black coat and his hat looked like a cowboy hat…. it seemed he would never go away…but as i got older i started to get into the whole gothic thing i do remember that one night i was playing the bored game and asked what it wanted it speeled out my name and also spelled out it wants me….i did not care at the time i was so depressed after a while of seeing spirits and talking to them that i was just going to give in for in return some power over people…i dont know why i did it but it said it will help me but i needed to promise myself to him,so i i got older it continued but after a while i stoped seeing it and stoped hearing it for a long time but then when i hit my mid 20’s it started again but now it was always bothering me hurting me it would leave me burn marks on my body..and it also hurt my boyfriend…my kids are starting to see them as well ……i started going to church and tats when it got even worse..i had a prayer done at my home and my kids had to be out in another room because when thay prayed on me i started acting up…when they asked my boyfriend to help and hold my hand thats when i felt anger and after that i dont remember but i was told i started to scream and yell at them telling them to burn in hell they continued with the prayer and then i started trying to twist my body tryed to hurt them also cursed at them telling them to go away the one thing i really got scared about is when they asked it to let me go it told them no she is mine…finally after a long prayer and fight wit it i woke up and felt better ….but now its starting again just not sure what will happen now im always afraid to sleep so now i have sleeping problem…..cuz i always se them in my sleep they always trying to stop my breathing……i need help what else am i to do plz tell me…..
my friend was attacked by a demon i spoke to the demon and i learned its name and it took my friend to hell and back now he doesnt remeber a thing now if it ever starts to happen again i will be ready for it.
it my old house one night i had a dream i was sleeping in my bed then there was a guy with a goat head in a black robe he had the unholy star on his head an he had like some weird knife he spoke in a language i didn’t know i have had some dream with him in them some he was occupied by 3 men i could see there faces but they had a newborn once in the unholy circle with the star with some other markings around them if any one know whats happening and what to do ive bin having some weird things going on in my house i hear walking when im alone and running i some times see doors shut slowly what should i do im really scare im only 11 please i dont know what to do this things following me every wear i feel like hes every wear school,home,store,and even friends house JUST I NEED SOME HELP
thank for this site I have a witness that demons are really.but its until you understand it that you will be delivred from them.first to move out of there trap you need to receive Jesus in your heart and to those saved mantain holiness fill you self with the word of every game or voice from the enemy have a right rev 12;11 says they defeated the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony
ASHLEY!!! I hope you see this soon. I read your story. Yes, it very much sounds like you were possessed. Possibly someone opened the spiritual doors in your household when you were young and the demons targeted you! When people began to pray over you, were any of them people well educated and experienced in spiritual warfare? This could be incredibly helpful in case we don’t fully understand how this works. Secondly, if the demons were removed, you then have to fully renounce all activities that may open the spiritual doors for you to be attacked again. Any and every occult activity, Goth, and a plethora of other things that lead to sin and the weakening of the spirit. And lastly you have to except Jesus Christ in your heart as your personal savior! This is the most important. And it must be genuine. If you do not, the demons will return, possibly in stronger numbers. Many times when a deliverance is performed, some demons are cast out, and you feel a physical and emotional difference, thinking you are rid of all of them, however, some remain. They hide only to attack later on. This is why when deliverances are performed, the spiritual warfare solider must test the spirits! Meaning, in order to decipher if ALL the spirits are completely cast out, he will tell you to verbally say out loud, “I accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. I ask for the Lord to forgive me of my sins and wash them away with the blood of the Lamb. That I may be renewed in Jesus and be a righteous child of God.” Or something to that affect. If you cannot say this, that means there are demons still residing inside and resisting the blood of the Lamb. No demon wants nor can accept the blood of the Lamb coming upon them. They will fight back! This is when the deliverance preacher or whomever, will begin another attempt at fully delivering you. Remember, you must renounce the demons, renounce all activities that can open spiritual doors and ask Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior, accepting his Blood and His grace and forgiveness and being renewed in Him. If I were you, I’d go to a bible-based Christian church and speak to a pastor about your situation. They should begin praying over you and ready for spiritual warfare. I hope this helps you, Ashley. I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you.
Every Christian should bookmark, I wish I had this web site 3 years ago when I came under intense spiritual warfare, I resisted and fought with all my might, every night I was afraid to sleep in my own bedroom, the hairs on the back of my neck would raise up just entering the room, it was my own fault for playing with a Ouija board twenty five years ago.
It all started twenty years ago when I was trying to sleep a negative force completely surrounded my very being, it seized me and would not let go until I prayed,I could barely say the words I was so frozen in fear “dear God help me” it then seemed to get stronger and left, simple battle cry, but it worked.
So there it goes, for twenty years I have fought off this demonic invasion with prayer and trying my best to ignore it, until one night three years ago I decided to confront this demonic force with a simple question…”What do you want with me?” big mistake, now instead of a visit every other month it was happening every night, my spiritual battle was about to intensify to the point I thought I was loosing my mind.
Demonic spirits can speak to you in the spirit and can invade your dreams, I have personally spoken to and communicated with a variety of different demons both male and female, the female spirit was the last straw for me, I told her to leave me along because I was a Christian only to be told “Hah but you sin so well” she then started to sing what I thought to be a lullaby and then switch to a very frightening chant, I prayed and cried out to God like a little child calling for help, the last words that I could understand from this chanting demon was “we shall enter into his lungs” Jesus, his Angels, and The Holy Spirit fought for me right there and then, I was simply a observer as the Holy Spirit yelled “I repel you, I repel you, I repel you over and over, I coughed up three smokey black evil spirits.
The next day I phoned a local Christian church who showed up within minutes they went into my bedroom and prayed and rebuked any demons who were tormenting me, they had me pray and ask for forgiveness of my Ouija board playing and asked God to protect me…well three years later and I am free, Thank You God for helping me. Remember to always ask God to forgive you of your Sin, and do your best to stay sin free…God Bless You.
I have a lot going on in my life and in my mind. I realize many of the circumstances I’m dealing with are a direct result of my ill decision making. I try to remain positive, knowing in my heart that–when no one else seems to–God still cares. But, unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be enough sometimes. I know it’s ridiculous, that’s the complexity of the predicament I am in. I know God is in control, yet these unseen forces are so heavily influencing my way of thinking that it’s like I can see my salvation, but I am so bound up by sin and wickedness that I can hardly get one foot ahead of the other in pursuit of my salvation. I just ask that those of you who know God and who know the use of prayer, please keep me and all others like me in your prayers. Thank you.
Shanelle, I will definitely keep you in my prayers. I’m all too aware of struggles, confusion, and bound up thinking. I pray you feel a change real soon. In the meantime, continue to ask God for guidance and that He will lead the way for you during these times of strife. God bless you.
This is very difficult for me to wrap my brain around what is happening to my daughter. I had a dream a couple nights ago that I was fighting an invisible force from taking my daughter from me. It was very frightening, so much so, the next morning, I shared this with my twenty year old daughter. She opened up and shared with her dad and myself that most of her life, she has had a presence that is around and it scares her. It isn’t daily but definitely a few times a month. She copes by ignoring the presence and praying. It has never done anything that we know of to physically harm her, but she has a definite uneasy feeling. She has been told randomly by three different strangers, that there is an evil spirit that has attached itself to her. She doesn’t want my husband and I to share this with others in our family. She thinks people will think she is nuts and most do not believe in spirits. With her permission, I have talked to a friend and my sister. We have been praying non-stop and since we have been doing that, this entity is around her more often. My daughter feels that if we continue to aggravate it, things will get worse for her. She feels that if she ignores it, it will go away. I did print off the battle command for her and even offered to stay with her and confront this entity together. She is a full-time college student (lives two hours from us)and lives with several roommates. She is worried they will find out and not want to live with her anymore. I would appreciate any advice you could give us and I would appreciate the prayers from anyone who would be kind enough to pray for her. This is our first experience with anything like this and it almost feels like a scary movie.
Elizabeth, you may also want to read some books on Spiritual warfare that may give you some more insight. On this website there are a number of recommended books, but I bought several recently, and a truly informative one is by Richard Ing – “Spiritual Warfare”. He has tons of battle commands and coinciding scriptures that are specified for each case. He is highly experienced, and the Holy Spirit seems to work through him in such a powerful way. It’s an absolutely great book and a wonderful source to have. Check it out.
This is to JONAH P.!!! From what it sounds like, this “Goat-head” demon is associated with Witchcraft and/or the occult. Have you been experimenting with spells, Ouija boards, tarot cards, black magic, pagan rituals, or has someone in your home? If so you must renounce it at once in Jesus name! Ask Jesus for forgiveness of your sins, and do away with any of these pagan practices. Ask Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior, and when the Holy Spirit fills you, you are then given the anointing and authority of Christ through the blood of the Lamb. Command the demon to be cast out of your home or you in Jesus name. Demons have no power against the blood of Christ. They must obey. Any demonic paraphernalia must be throw away/destroyed for they can house evil spirits. Get into a good bible-based church, and ask an elder or a pastor to bless your home. They can further educate you on the matter of spiritual warfare. Keep praying for the Lord to guide you, and when you are at battle, you must speak it out loud, and with authority, “I rebuke you evil spirits in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! You have no authority here, I am forgiven of my sins and I renounce all practices. Jesus has given me the anointing and authority over you through his sacred blood, you must obey! I command you in Jesus name to leave now!” You can use plenty of other battle commands in addition. Read up and scripture and use it against them. God says that are offensive weapon against the enemy is scripture, repeat it out loud and cast them away. If there is someone in your household practicing occultist activities, you must tell them of your experience and urge them to stop, otherwise the demon(s) have legal rights to enter your home. But given these tools you can keep them off of you. You may also want to state out loud that you break any generational curse through the blood of Jesus, both on your Mother’s side and Father’s side, 10 generations back and 10 generations forward. So that these demons wont pass on to any other family members. Renounce and be bold, Jonah! I’ll be praying for you. Take care and God Bless.
I need help with an interpretation of a dream I had recently. I rarely dream, if I do dream at all I do not remember my dreams. About a year ago,- this is an aside to what I want to say – my son (who had just turned 15 at that time) told me he heard me scream one night when he had woken up to go to the bathroom around 2ish -3ish a.m.,a very scarry screaming, so he said. He said after he got back to his room he prayed to Jesus for our protection and immediately he heard a very clear male voice ask him; “Do you trust me?” I can totally agree with him regarding the screaming because in the last three or four years I have caught myself once or twice suddenly jumping off the bed as one would do on seeing something scarry and imposing.But to tell you the truth I do not even remember what caused me to jump off the bed like that.Can somebody help me to understand this? – But I digress.
Recently I had a dream. It was on the night of the 9th of March this year. The dream was strange. I saw myself standing on a sidewalk but on this sidewalk there was no concrete paving, it was just grass. I was standing slightly to the right of a post on a slight hill, it could have been an electric or a telephone post, I don’t know. As I was standing there I was looking at what was happening in the middle of a wide street. There was water gushing out from under the street right in the middle of it and it was very brown with mud. So, as I was standing there waiting for a moment to cross the street suddenly small missiles started coming out going with the water sliding on the surface of the street. After a few minutes just as I thought they were done coming out and I was ready to cross the street much bigger and heavier ones started coming out and they were slightly in the air about three or four feet off the ground and one of them headed staright at me, somehow I was able to duck under it. I waited to see what was going to happen next. They disappeard after sometime and the water disappeared as well. At this time I was able to cross the street. When I got across the street I found a very dilapidated looking place with a cluster of bandoned houses which were entangled with dry-dead-looking creeper plants and there were people living in some of these houses. The people looked strange also,I only saw those who appeared to be males, their bodies were hairy and at the same time appeared to be hollow from the stomach down, these were the ones that were in one of the houses.They were talking and at times screaming at each other. There was one on the outside of the house whose lower body appearerd to be rolled as though it were a thread or a rope of some kind and he was lying on the ground. When I tried to find out what this place was they gave me a name which sounded like a name from another country other than the US. At this time the alarm clock went off and I awoke.
If anybody could help, please help me understand this dream as I don’t dream that often or perhaps do not remember my dreams.
You have strong demonic activity in your house.
The demons are frustrated and terrorizing you, because God is giving you some protection. Is there a history of witchcraft, occult, abortion involved in family history, or in this house? What was the house built on? History of property? What time of year do terrors happen? The time of night , between around 2-3 ish is classic for demonic activity and dreams.
You should try to find an experienced deliverance ministry to speed things up, even online.
This website is excellent for outlining what you need to do to free yourself. Resolving unforgiveness is crucial- start praying earnestly for your enemies if you are struggling to forgive them. Break family curses and negative soul ties, DO NOT SEEK TO TALK TO DEMONS. Do not converse with them in your mind or dreams, EXCEPT BY PROMPTING OF HOLY SPIRIT. Do not seek help of angels, Mary or saints. Obviously, do not seek help of anyone that offers solutions outside the EXPLICIT WORD OF GOD,
Your dream may be indicating that the land you live on is cursed- past or future war. The creatures you saw may be nephilim creatures. See also ancient predeluvian world/ now on bottom of sea. No stomaches- no souls, spiritual barrenness, and only men, again, unable to reproduce. Ropelike tails/ tied or bound to ground, grounded spirits, demons.
The past five years of my life have been extremely rough. Several trials and tribulations have come upon my life, I am a christian and I know about spiritual warfare, i just can’t shake the BAD “luck”. These turbulant years began with the divorce of my parents, my mother left my father for a man who we later came to find out used ancient witchcraft on her. GOD freed her from the grips of this individual and needlss to say he is now in jail but since then my own personal family has been experiencing lots of turmoil, not supernatural, just detiriorating health, financial troubles…etc. He is also related to my spouse, I am begining to think that he has cursed my family! What can I do to undo this curse? I pray and go to church regularly, I’m just starting to weaken from all that we have had to endure. I LOVE GOD and I know he is faithful and he will prevail, I just want life to get better….whoever listening had has time please pray 4 me and my family and if U have any insight please respond!
You need to go through the steps of forgiveness, breaking soul ties, confessing sins of your family especially witchcraft. Your mother or other family members, may have tried her hand at it for whatever reasons, in the even to break or return these curses. Break off the possible new generational curse of witchcraft now hanging on your family. Ask your mom to reveal why she was attracted to such a man, and/ or if there is a history of witchcraft, abortion, murder that she is aware of.
You must not curse your enemies or the demons tormenting you- this weakens you. DO NOT TALK TO DEMONS OR DEMONICALLY POSSESSED. ONLY SAY OR DO WHAT THE HOLY SPIRIT TELLS YOU TO DO. DO NOT TALK TO THEM IN YOUR MIND OR IN YOUR DREAMS WITHOUT THE EXPLICIT GUIDANCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ALONE. To do so is like opening the email with a computer virus in it. Do not seek help from angels, Mary, or saints. You will be talking to demons.
Find a deliverance ministry- even online. Regular prayer needs extra reinforcements in the warfare with witchcraft and false religions.
L.G. I will be more than happy to pray for you and your family. He may have very well placed a curse on you, and what I read of spiritual warfare is that the enemy’s curse will break through the power of the blood of the Lamb. First you and your family should pray out loud!!! I would find scriptures specifically addressing your troubles. Find scriptures on healing, finances/prosperity etc. For example,(Exodus 23:25) “Lord, I pray that you would heal my family of whatever ailment, for it is said in the Living Word that, “He will bless your bread and your water and that you will take sickness away from the midst of us. No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land, that you fulfill the number of our days.” (Jeremiah 30:17) You also said, “For I will restore health and healing to you, and heal your wounds.” Secondly when addressing the issue of occultism/witchcraft, rebuke it out loud, in the name of Jesus! Ask for the blood of the Lamb to cover your family, for the Holy Spirit to serve as a protective hedge around you, and demand the curse to be broken. It has no legal rights if you are casting it away. (Matt 16:19) I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Bind up any and all evil spirits of the occult that are attacking your family. “I bind each and every one of you, spirits of witchcraft, etc and I server the ties, breaking the curse that was placed on my family by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ-You have no authority over us for we are children of God, protected by Him. You must obey the authority of Christ who lives in me. I bind you and cast you out, never to return, be gone in the name of the Lord Jesus!” Or something along those lines. Remember to say it out loud and say it in the authority of Christ. You are a warrior of God. You are not asking for permission, you are commanding the spirits and the curse to be cast off once and for all. Also there is numbers in prayers. Ask your fellow church-goers, pastors etc to pray for your family. I hope everything works out for the best. FYI, Richard Ing’s “Spiritual Warfare” is a fantastic and very informative book on how to battle all sorts of demonic attacks. He also goes in depth about curses and the realm of the occult. Hope this helps some. God Bless
Margery: First thing is first, go to God about your dream interpretation. Us humans have a great propensity for making mistakes, but God is flawless. Keep praying till the answer comes. 🙂
Thank you so much L.G. for your input and advice regarding the strange dream I had a few weeks ago. I will certainly do what you advised and consult the Scriptures you mentioned. Thank you so much. God bless you and your.
Oh, my above response was meant for A.,instead of L.G. as I wrote, who responded to my request for an interpretation of a dream. Thanks again.
In your statement/question written in November of 2011 you ask what can be done to drive demons away that indwell a person. As a Christian, this is what I would suggest that might be of help to you or any one else. Deliverance. I am currently reading a book by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond on deliverance and demonic possesion titled “PIGS IN THE PARLOR”. It is a very good book on this subject, it is to the point and easy to understand. It gives you an understanding of how we even get to be possessed or oppressed by demons. The book is very Scripural in its writing.I hope it helps you
there are these two rings that my mum had about 20 years ago worth a lot of money, rare dimonds and gold.
they were stolen and given to my mum by her brother who was a driller but has sinced past away about 15 years ago. the reason my mum chucked them away is she said there was a demonic presence with the rings….the day she chucked them away as she chucked them away she heard a voice say to her ”you bitch”” but at the same time she said she felt a huge feeling of releif come over her. now my mum has has battled her fair share of demons, my dad woke up in the night to mum sitting upright in bed speaking in another language and she only speaks australian. also dad has woke up to mum trying to beat dad in the the night. there a lot of things that have gone on but i dont know the half of it. but this is all a long time ago. she is cristian and so am i but im 23 and havnt really followed religion yet. i do beleave in good evil,heaven and hell,satan and god cause after seeing what my mum went through how could you not as she doesnt lie either. i guess im wanting to know the risks of digging them up. i know where she through them, in a small dam that at the time had water in it but is now dry…but the reason im thinking of digging them up is i have a rare injury to my shoulder and its going to cost $20000 to get it private health cover or anything will cover the cost of this precedure and only have a short period of time to be able to get this done before im stuck with this injury for life (NERVE INJURY) that in 6months if not fixed will be paralized for life. so you can imagine the temptation to want to just go and find the rings but at the same time i have a good life and girlfriend and wouldnt want anything demonic to start happening to her or me but mum has already warned me i shouldnt do it, it could curse me and i could have bad luck and finicial problems in the future or even could effect my relationship or girlfriend. these rings were thrown about 13 years ago but im now 23 and i guess just looking for convicing or some feed back.
I have been dealing with a sex demon for almost a year now. At first I just thought it was dreams but I could feel him moving in my bed I wasn’t afraid and he didn’t try to harm me he feels human breaths just like a human he talks to me his voice sounds like someone about 28-35 years old. The first time he spoke to me he told me he wanted me to show him what it felt like to love someone and he told me his name Ledford. About two weeks ago I felt him get up and lean on my leg as though he was looking at me. I have always been able to feel him he is very warm feeling but this time I saw him. I noticed that a girl up above discribed 2 demons in a dream one had a blue hood on with a blurry face this one looks just like that his hood was different though it come to a what looks like a widows peak on his forehead. It scared me so bad that I didn’t see him but just about one second I will never forget. He tries to have sex with me or masturbate himself around me or mostly he wants me to do it to him. I woke up this morning and he was there and I told him to leave in the name of Jesus and to never come back. He did get up and leave but I feel like he will be back. I think he thinks that I belong to him and he is not going to give up to easy. I had a dream the other day and I’m almost 100% sure I went to the underworld it is pitch black and very scarry a place I don’t want to go back there for sure. I am a saved christain but have been tormented by demons pretty much since I was about 14 years old I have never had anything like this to happen where one talked to me and I could feel them I had no idea that they brathe just like us he sleeps breaths and feels human even his private parts do except very large. So girls be careful these things do happen I am living proof of it.
Thank You A, I appreciate all your help, your words of encouragement and your words of warefare! I am definitly going to check out that book! I would have responded sooner but I just found out I had a miscarriage, I didn’t even know I was PG. I will continue to fight the GOOD FIGHT!!! The devil and his legion of demons WILL NOT bring me and my family down, NO WAY!!! Please continue to pray! 🙂
I have been involved in the deilverance of others and something my parents taught me is that satan/demons are a defeated foe! If you live in God and in his will you have THE AUTHORITY over satan and demons!! The Bible says greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world!!! Keep me in your prayers I am currently trying to help a friend and his wife with spiritual attacks!
Hello, I just found this website and have learned alot in a short time. I am having demonic activity within my home. Could it be possible that this activity is being sent my way or may have been here all along? I have been praying for months now asking God to remove these evil spirits. I feel things on my body when I sit in my chair and when I get into my bed; mostly the lower parts of my body. It feels as if something is trying to invade my body (a perverse spirit). I am a Christian. Can anyone help me to better fight this darkness? Thanks.
Breeze, if you are Christian and know who you are in Christ, having the holy spirit living inside you, then the holy spirit has given you power and authority over every demonic spirits through the blood of Jesus Christ. Command them to go in Jesus name! Say it out loud. Use this authority and cast them out. Bless your home, out loud through anointing oil (olive oil works) pray over the oil asking God to bless it, then bless your home, marking every door and window in your home. Also having a group of people pray in agreement with you helps to rid the house of these spirits. Pray that God will send a hedge of protection around your home, and if there’s any activities, anything in contrast to what the Bible tells us not to practice or embrace, cease all activities immediately. Ask for God’s forgiveness and command the spirits to go, that they no longer have legal rights to be there.
Breeze, when I was struggling with demonic attacks I really believed I would able to deal with the problem by my self,my faith and belief as a Christian would be more than sufficient, it wasn’t until I was physically invaded(unbelievable as it sounds but they tried to possess me)that I finally decided to pick up the phone and call a local church for help, it wasn’t easy I was afraid they would not understand, but they knew what was troubling me and came over and prayed with me, and that was the end of my demonic attacks, ask for help and get a prayer group together, it worked for me.
Thank you A and G.Orr. I have done all of the above except called a body of believers (Church) to come together with me in agreement with this matter. I shared what was happening with my previous pastor, he said he would come to my home with some other church members and pray, but he never came nor brought the matter up again. He told me to call someone else because they had more experience in that area than he did. I called that person and the individual prayed with me over the phone once. I was never taught how to fight effectively within this area, but I am learning quickly and asking God to help me. I do believe I need some additional prayer, help and support; so I will ask God to lead me and show me, “where are these true believers?” Thank you both!!! If you think of me, please pray on my behalf as time permits.
Breeze, i too have am a Born Again Christia. I will pray for you….Father wherever Breeze is i pray you will guide Breeze to Fight without fear. Show Breeze the power of your name spoken in faith…
Breeze its a matter of knowing where you stand in Christ. Its His love for you that enables you to Say and Believe but we Must fight to overcome. I pray you will meet a Brother or Sister that is willing to go to battle with youd stiike down the evil principalities you up against. Remember, you have the weapons. USE THEM. They must be used! Amen?
Genevieve…..the first thing is to recognize the fact you have been contacted, now is the time to take action and eliminate them from your life, call your local Christian churches and ask if they can help you with demonic forces, if they shy away, call another church and pray that the church you call has prayer warriors who can come to you and pray with you…THIS IS IMPORTANT, it will free you from demonic activity for good.
It took me years before I reached out for help….I Know what it means to be stubborn, some times we all need a hand!
Thanks for the comment G.Orr.I’ve been going to a healing room for prayer.I have also been covering myself with the blood of Jesus.It doesn’t have sex with me anymore.But I think it is still hanging around.But I’ve been hitting it with the scripture James 4:7(Submit yourselves,then,to God.Resist the devil,& he will flee from you.)I’m pretty sure it has been weakened.I will keep getting prayer,though.Thanks again.I think I may just about be free(sigh of relief)
This is great Geneview. It sounds like you are becoming stronger and stronger. I will keep you in prayer.
Thanks A. I appreciate the support. This is all new for me and I have to study and learn as I go. I just want it ovet, such as Geneview. well, my brother is moving out. I did not have to ask him, actually he decided to do it on his own. So, after he leaves, I will do a spiritual cleansing of my home from top to bottom. Is there a thing as a bad spirit and a not bad spirit? If so, how can one tell? Thanks, Breeze
Breeze, I thought the demon was gone, or weakened. But it has not it is still raping me. How long do I have to put up with this? I go to a prayer room for prayer, which seems to weaken it, but that’s all and it doesn’t last. It is a big problem. This parasite wont leave me. I think it’s my own fault, because I give in to it sometimes. It is temptation, it actually feels good. I know that this sounds bad, but I can’t help it.
What do we do if we can’t workout what door we have opened? Because I’m not sure what brought this or these demons to me.
You may be a victim of demonic possession, the more you think about it and allow the demons actions to continue, the more of a strong-hold it will have over you. I’m convinced by your postings, that it’s now something that will follow you whereever you go. The only way to fight something you cannot see, and cannot control is to contact your Priest, have him come over and bless the house, wear rosary beads, and have him get the authorization to perform a Minor Exorcism. This is a Catholic Church thing only, no other religions will have anything to do with Demonic Possession. Keep me posted whats going on.
A. Thanks so much for all of the information, wisdom and a heart to stop and share what God has given you to another sister or brother who may be weaker in another area. I am still praying constantly. My brother has not totally moved out, but I am excited about when he does finally complete his move. This is a new area of warfare and I am still here and still in the fight for Christ Jesus. Again, A., Thanks so much. You are a blessing!!!!
I encourage you to read Scriptures in the four Gospels regading demonic attacks and possessions. Also, quote the Scriptures as you pray for your situation to change. If you can’t quote them by heart read them out loud directly out of the Bible as you pray. Another thing that you could pay attention to is that some demons can be very stubborn (that’s why it would be good to quote the Scriptures) – as Jesus said in Mark 9:29; “This kind can only come out through prayer and fasting” Perhaps you could read verses 14 – 29 for context of the verse I just quoted. Though, in this Scripture, Jesus was referring to another kind of demon as opposed to what you are suffering but their characteristics may be the same.
Another thing I would suggest is that,if you can, visit a church in Pasco, Washington,called Good News church. They pray over people with anointed water for healing in the body and deliverance from demonic oppression.They get the water from Prophet T.B. Joshua’s Ministry in Nigeria. You can google his name or go on YouTube video to see what his ministry has done for people,literally, from all over the world!! Many who are or were in asimilar situation as yours. Before you go to Pasco however, you would have to register bfore you go there. Registration is free. I’ll be going there myself in a few days.(I have my own demons as well!) It will be my first time going there.
This comment or suggestions may be good for Breeze and her brother as well.
Hi G.Orr.So will God deliver me, if I cant work out what door I opened?
Genevieve….if you call upon Jesus, Angels, and the Holy Ghost to protect you, you will find yourself directly involved in a spiritual battle, an amazing battle that can free you, BUT!….you must call out like a child and cry like you have never cried before, the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ will rescue you, trust me, pray to God and he will reveal your sins, have faith!
Thanks Margery, I will view the information shared. Please share your experience when you return. God bless. Thank you all for sharing. Your responses have really helped me in this area.
Thanks A.
My house is better, but I still can feel something, I prayed, annointed and walked around the house, my grandmother’s trailer home which has been empty about 30 years when she died and a very old barn that has been on my property since I was a little girl. I did touch everything, prayed and commanded evil spirits to leave. Also, the home I live in is the home I grew up in as a child. My dad died about six years ago and I moved in. As a child, I only have bad memories such as my father being extremely physically abusive toward my mother and especially me. Alot of drinking daily, verbal abuse and always living in terror and fear. What do you think? I have been praying for a peaceful home. It is hard living here, but I really want this home and property to be a place of peace, joy, healing, laughter; filled with God’s presence, God’s love and Holy Spirit.
I was awaken one night about a year ago. a woman was standing over me I come not move. she layed a big white book on me and stuck some type of needle in me in was very painful. the doctor says I have inflammation in that spot an d my right ovary is enlarged but he doesnt understand why since that night I’ve been In a lot of pain. I told afew pastors about this’ they don’t seem to believe me. this women is my sister and she is a very well known witch. also my x-husband. attacks me with witch craft. these attacks have been going on for at lease 25 yrs what can be done I need help please I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ
I was raised in church, growing up going to church 3times a week, and a christian school,graduated from it infact, very soon after i went to the military. I felt it was away out of that life,and soon after bootcamp my grandfather died suddenly, and that was all it took to push me over the edge into a life i never thought I would lead. Heavy alcohol and drug use, street racing sleeping around, and extremely hard drug abuse.
After reading this, it has really opened my eyes. I have been clean for almost 6years.2years ago after fixing my life,I was diagnosed with MS. and my father died,and a few more untimely events happend. Do you think that was the evil side trying to lure me back into that life style? I struggle everyday with thoughts, and temptations.I really think there is a battle going on on my inside i want it over,horrible thoughts,dreams,nightmares images out of nowhere,about loved ones,and friends who have killed themselfs. what do i do?how do i end this? it feels like on my inside i hear one voice that says,”NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, THEY DON’T CARE,WHO WOULD NOTICE, NO ONE WOULD MISS YOU OR EVEN COME TO YOUR FUNERAL.” THESE are horrible voices and thoughts, and on the other side I hear the exact opposite. when you read this if you can, would love to hear back on how to attack this,and fight the thoughts,images,voices,dreams.
dustin, you have an open portal to your soul, you must close this portal right now, seek out christian pastors or a local church of bible believing Christians and have them pray with you as soon as possible, get together and bring this evil to the light and banish the demons from tormenting you, you must take this seriously, waiting for them to stop will never work…TAKE ACTION NOW!!!
I am being attacked from an outside position at the moment. this demon or demons moves things around in the house, makes me twitchand my girlfriend twitch. Makes the dog antsy, plays with the electric, makes my heart race. Basically non stop harassment. I need help. I had alresdy casted out weaker demons and they returned with syronger ones. Im in trouble here. I think putting up a meditation pyramid is what caused them to come back.plz help
Praise God. I gave the battle command to my son who is studying at the university and is being tormented by the demons. The feed back I got from him is that he is free and the demons have not come back. I remember one time I had a dream, I was eating something jelly like and I knew that this was some kind of poison but I eat it anyway. When I woke up in the morning I felt so bad and sick. I was so terrified by the fact that I have eaten this jelly in a dream and that I was feeling so bad. During the day I remembered Luke 10:19 and Mark 16:18 I began saying those words loud telling the demons what Jesus said in these verses. God, it worked. Immediately I felt good and happy. I used the sword given to me by Jesus before He left this world. Thank you for the powerful teachings. God bless you. I am giving this site to other people so they can read and learn.
Hi can u pray for me from deliverance from every type of demon and occult activity being previously involved with them and me being not well with spiritual headaches severe please from birth thank u.Also my partner needs prayer aswell from them her name rachel last protection me aswell craig so we are both delivered god bless we pray daily well i do god bless craig
I was “chosen” by the Holy Spirit on April 10th, last month! My feet never touched the ground for a good three weeks. I read the entire New Testament in 32 days as well as took notes and cross referenced. It was amazing and still is, however, over the last two weeks I have had a nagging uneasiness and unsettled feeling in my stomach and the only cure is reading the bible. I meet with my Pastor weekly and will meet with him again in the morning. It feels now like my wonderful experience is gone. Like this unsettling stressful feeling is not from Him but from something less appealing and darker. Could this be a demon trying to get in the way of my growth with the Lord?
I said I was chosen. I meant that literally. I thought I was saved when I was 13 or 14 years old. Boy, was I misguided. I was literally chosen by the Holy Spirit last month and I think I have either attracted or awoken the negativity around me.
Any thoughts or comments?
This is one part that sticks out with me …”unpardonable sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.” Today my Dad, out of nowhere asked me “Why do you hate this country?” I had to stand up and say softly, as I leaned forward, that I have never, ever said any such thing…ever. “Where did you get that from?” He insists that I said I hate this country (that he served for in WWII without leaving the states and serving as a Capt). He has made several queer statements to me like that and it just leaves me staring in wonder at the man. As a child, my Mother kept swearing and prejudiced thoughts to be uttered. Now, well since my Dad’s retirement about three decades ago, he is preaching hate, towards pretty much everybody, to me. I just woke up this August and haven’t told him. I don’t recite scripture, I only try to get him to come up with the logic behind his anger. I’m only good to him really. I take care of anything that he needs. I live very near enough to be called upon. I’m helping with my time and labor to fix the house needs such as painting, roofing, masonry etc and don’t do it for any money profit. He hates very much to part with his money and so I don’t get into that garbage with him.
I’m doing my best to get him to reason his way to happiness since at 95 1/2, being unhappy with everything and being abusive to everyone without conscious.
QUESTION: How do I jolt that deep of evil in an otherwise human body which happens to be my own father? Can his body survive expelling such a tremendous force. What chance does he really have. He swears that he does not believe in God.
I never revealed anything about my awakening and still the demons in him are recognizing it somehow. He isn’t successful in plucking an angry string in me; they are broken now for good. The thing is that now the demons are angry at me, like I did or am doing wrong to them. I’ve been caught I guess, and now “they” are saying that I’ve turned hateful. No exaggerationg on this what I am saying. I’ve been crying behind his back for every human suffering in the world today and many other things. I am exactly the opposite of what he says of me and I’m blown away. I’ve actually realized for years that he wanted for me to hate right along side him but now the evil inside of him is not toying and trying to suck me in but to do direct battle and he wants me to take his side and reap some unknown reward for dedication towards hatred. It’s very overwhelming and absolutely insane.
I’ve taken this for granted all my life. Now at 50, how I wish could have learned fighting demons in my life earlier. Many bad choices could have been avoided which has lasting consequences in my life.
I recommend that you play worship music at home at all times specially when you are away, it annoints your home,in the morning pray, praise, sing, say thanks, joy and praise keep them away, when you are in the light and HEAR YOU be joyfilled, praising Jesus, reciting the word of GOD, they flee, Plead the Blood of Jesus over your home, family, possesions, write out bible verses in mirrors, clean out your home from things and stuff that may not be holy, the holy spirit will tell you what must go out, you must be CLEAN in many ways, disconnect from Garbage..
Make your home a Sanctuary for the Holy spirit and demons will not bother you, LIGHT keeps them away.. It all starts with with our lifestyle, Bless your neighbords, they listen but they can’t read your mind.. Let them listen how you talk to your heavenly father, how you praise him how you trust him, let them listen about the power of the blood of Jesus and that for sure will crush them’
We have all the spiritual weapons to destroy them HIS WORD, HIS NAME AND HIS BLOOD… what else do we need? Recommend Cindy Trimm’s lecture on spiritual warfare.. God has many soldiers, he need Generals, Sign up now!! In his name.
I know that I have several demons working inside of me. Please pray strongly for me that they will leave, and God will show mercy with forgiveness, and fill me with His Holiness again. I know I have insulted Him with sins, please pray He will forgive me , and have compassion one more time on my life. Thank you for caring.
I sure pray all of you are telling the unbridled truth in your notes, because I feel so alone at this time, its hard to believe that there are others like me. I think I have them inside/outside because of sins I didn’t repent of. I have been prayed for many times, and the last woman who I talked to on the phone, said only God can help me. She said they are here because God allowed them to be. This is why Im so scared. I hope to really see someone like me on here. I met one girl from another site who contacted me, but we were nothing alike, and it made me very angry because she basically lied, or was really confused in her thinking. because what I have been through for the past two years, has no comparison in my eyes.
Thank you so much for helping me get rid of this demon im so grateful…. 8 years ago i was but a 11year old boy troubled with being picked on and bullyed every day to come home to no one that cared just a broken home but then i found and became seduced by the darkness and the power and riches that where to be entailed i started dabblleing in dark arts profoundly blood magic,through continuous practice and the emotiinal pain caused by people turned me cold ,so cold i willingly invited the most powerful shadow demon to trade places with my shadow ,i had given myself utterly to the darkness at this point , years went by i felt the power inside me i could control it it changed what other people saw gave me the ability to seduce any girl just by staring into her eyes i could really get into someones mind even to the point of making them hear/see things but i was non the wiser that the demon that was inside was far more powerful than i ever expected he began to control me and alter my memories , after a while i no longer felt emotions such as love ,sympathy,joy,happiness,and comfort its like nothing made sense i was just following behind my body for years, at this point it had completely blocked the memories of my trails in dark arts and even the fact i had let it in , i had become a slave stuck in my own body with barely any control left no idea why i couldnt reach out and control myself or the things i say,why when i looked in the mirror i didnt see myself anymore nothing but emptiness staring back no happyness only coldness and this emptiness inside that burned worse than any pain ive felt(this became a constant state of pain) , then the other day i saw an old friend he looked at me and knew it wasnt me, as we began to converse it felt strange i felt like i was there for once, the demon dared not to show himself to him because it could sense something in my friend , eventually my friend just stared into my eyes, two things happend at that moment first its almost as if he planted a seed inside my soul that started clearing my head slightly and the bitter coldness inside faded a just a little i felt like a human for once in over 8 years even if barely,then his face just went blank with horror and suprise he then told me im being consumed by a demon of the shadows a archdemon it started to all comeback to me the memories of what ive done and what i had really become ,at this point he said he could no longer help me for he can only do so much against a great power of this point i was so lost i knew it had cleansed from me of course it knew aswell, he started to retaliate as i went home (the same place this all started)more memories came back this time i saw these through the demons eyes, as i began to fight the demon off using non religous ways i started to bealive his words asying i have forsaken my god i am an abomination, i then began to look for ways to combat this demon i had had enough of the pain i wanted to feel alive is where i stumbled upon this article, ive freed myself from this tormenting darkness by the power of god and i felt the demon fade as i confessed to god what i had done . Im free now but one problem remains i had opened up a door to the darkness all those years ago , now that ive been accepted back into the light i can feel the taint and the spine melting lure where where it was opend… how does one use the power of god to close a portal to hell?
In the battle with incubus/succubus (as I am sure were at the epicenter of the little girl’s fathers compulsions and the subsequent influence on their 6 year old,) among others, I have followed certain prayers and concepts which cannot be misconstrued or resisted. I have fought these from the inside, from my son and now my daughter, as well as from the solitary life of my elderly landlord whom I recognize through him relating to me life encounters- has been plagued by these demons his entire life. and the first of which, the Confetior- confessional prayer calling upon the hearts and forgiveness of human souls, angels, saints, and God the Father- in Jesus Name. Next, in my Catholic upbringing: Lord i am not worthy to receive you but only say the word and I shall be Healed!. Then the Glory Be’s. Next, Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me. Christ beneath me …also Known as St Patricks Breastplate prayer- Literally putting on the armor of God, each piece at a time. Then I announce taking my stance upon the blood of Christ, claiming His grace and sanctification. I command them bound in searing hot chains and cast into the abyss, nevermore to be loosed upon another human soul. I visualize these things, sometimes gesturing with my hands as to push them out. The most effective prayers for stronghtolds of this nature- after putting on your armor and confronting the evil, is The Lord’s Prayer and most of all, the Hail Mary, beseeching her joining my petition as the virgin mother of the immaculate conception. They really cannot stand that. And separate descriptions from my 11 year old daughter, and my 83 year old landlord described the exact same visual and audible last manifestation of these wicked beings.
As it stands, there may be greater threats should one of them allow the sex spirits back in (and thus 7 more stronger than the first), but there are decades of negativity that hangs over the 100+ year old divided rental property. Witchcraft. Bootlegging during prohibition…theives in the day and night. A recognizeable pattern of dissent with every new renter who has come and gone in my 8 years here. I continue to renew my mind. But I need help with the complete absent memory of my children regarding rules, chores, proceedures, I know there are other influences at work but I need help finding the root. Pray for them…and I will stay vigillant!
I had a demonic visit April 15/ 2014, I awoke at 3:00 am feeling distressed, I knew something was not right, but tried to ignore it and went back to bed, at 5:30 am I was vexed by a demonic spirit, I was taken off guard and asked what it wanted with me (this happens in a spiritual realm) “Hate everything, I Hate you, I Hate your mother and everyone else”, I got up and phoned a prayer line and was hung up on because they where experiencing terrible prank calls(Cross Roads Ministries) I finally got through and prayed, I called the 700 club and had them pray for Cross Roads Ministries, it wasn’t tell later in the day I discover 5 young university students where stabbed to death at 1:30 am.
April 15 was a very significant day, do some research, put on the full amour of God and be prepared to fight, we live in evil times…God Bless You!
I have experienced this kind of attack… anxiety… trying to convince me to kill myself… I had a very dark winter last year… I was so close one night… but God rescued me and helped me fight back… I also knew I had to get out of the house we had moved to… we sold it in 6 days! So I knew God wanted me out of there. I now live in a bright and good feeling home and my mind is being transformed. The anxiety is almost gone and my power is back. This battle prayer is going in my nightstand as that is when I find the dark one likes to mess with me. He tried this last night and I had no fear and began to repeat vs of the bible. It does work. God wouldn’t tell us to do it if it didn’t.
This is all new to me but one thing I know about it is real. I feel the evil presence specially when I sleep, in dreams and I can sense it also. I can also see different stuff in people, I do not know what exactly it is because is different stuff on different people always. At times I can see demons reflecting through the eyes of some people and it makes me angry and I wish I could help them. But I am not prepared for that and I know It’s vary dangerous . I still have to learn how to battle for me and my family. I know the LORD is with me and teaching me little by little in his time and his way. The Holy Spirit will guide us and help us if we seek him. He that lives in me is greater than he who lives in the world and no weapon forced against me shall prosper and I know this. The Lord is in control of my life. I have a long way to go I know this. When I first realized this I was in chock and I was vary sad but than I accepted it and decided to learn and understand more about it. And prepare myself for the battle that awaits me for now on until the LORD comes for us. All I know is that the LORD is with us and he will not give us a battle we can not win with his help. God Bless…
Be VERY CAREFUL of people that tell you to only say something just once. Even Jesus with the deaf guy had to reinforce his commands. A pastor friend and I work in deliverance and have seen and experienced some pretty powerful demons, been thrown across a room smack into a wall by one after spending hours in prayer preparing as we new the history of the person housing this particular type of spirit.I could give tons of examples of this. Smith Wigglesworth certainly told them more than once, he even hit a few with his fists. They can read your faith level and react accordingly,The more you command them the stronger you get the weaker they become, fight fight fight and never give in
I just want to say that I have faith in God and have been saved, also believe in what you write But not everything that happens in terms of “other dimensional” are demons. If sensitive, like me, you are aware of the pure evil and it is very very intensely frightening but a spirit, otherwise known as “a person who is dead” can give a sense of fright but not evil. I’ve helped many of the spirits move along and yes there are many, but they’re not attached to demonic forces and I’m surely not possessed in anyway. My point is you can not say that all sources of spiritual energy is evil because that would be a contradiction of the Trinity, a form of spirituality, right? It’s teachings of this nature why I do not attend church but stay diligent with God. I’m pretty sure the Bible states that you will not know everything. There are some things the mind can handle and knowing what is really happening in spiritual terms, is just too great and overwhelming. Are you stating that I’m doomed to hell because I was given a gift at birth? If that’s the case the Bible was written from apostles who “spoke to and seen God”, in other words they were not demonic. Yes, some people are just pure evil but you can not label everyone that way, it’s wrong. Period. And hypocritical. I didn’t ask or seek to hear, see and feel the dead, it’s always been there, ive never been in a cult (unless a church is a cult”, nor have I done any kind of other awful activity, I know better, it’s common sense for some. Not that I haven’t felt a demonic force because I have and it’s terrifying, something I wouldn’t wish on anyone!! Words can’t describe how awful the experience. But I don’t agree that everyone, thing or or other spiritual energy is evil nor am I.
If you would like to give me feedback feel free.
I woke up over 3 months ago and my mind has been tormented with the most horrible thoughts I have never had these thoughts before. I am so anxious and down, feel like I’m going crazy.
Kelly I’m no expert and I’m not trying to freak you out but it sounds demonic I would pray and repent any sin and beg forgiveness and God will start to heal you and help if you are indeed sincere
I was born again in September 1991. Since then, I have been tormented by demon spirits. I physically feel or sense their presence on various parts of my body, at various times and in various places, even in Church. Unfortunately, when I talk to fellow believers about these experiences, I am misunderstood. I am told that I have a problem with my thoughts or in my mind. These frequent demonic visitations have caused much unemployment, loss and failure for the past 26 years.
My question is: is there anyone else out there with the same or similar experiences?
Secondly, is this ability to sense demonic presence a gift from God, or is it purely a matter of torment?
I would appreciate any advice or feedback from you.
Many thanks.
Kelly I had same thing but before I got saved lost my whole twenties I cried out Jesus for help and was saved Jesus healed me but it took about fourteen years I also had posttraumatic stress disorder but some off it aS witchcraft ide been involved in but Jesus healed me I just wouldn’t give up till I was healed
Hi, my name is Gloria. In your article, I could relate to the attack from the outside on me and my ministry in The Lord. These demons has been attacking me to make me become Fearful and Confusion! I would use the word of God. It would stop for awhile but try to come back. I had used the word of God on some women’s who were full of bitterness and anger. The Holy Spirit called it out to me and as I began to listen and pay attention. I could see how it had took root in my phone ministry. They were sowing a lot of doubt, divisions and unforgiveness. At first, I did not know until The Lord Revealed and as I said it would show itself! When I rebuked it, it disguished itself with others in a group but The Holy Spirit would still let me see it! I began to pray and seek answers. Then The Lord Lead Me To This! I prayed your prayer and commanded those spirits to leave because they were stealing, killing and destroying and holding people’s spirits in captivity. When I prayed it while holding it in my hand with The Commands Of Jesus Blood. Something came out this phone like electricity and rubbed my head and left. I had been having someone playing on my phone, messing up my messages and their’s to me. Messing up the phone calls, had people mad at me and me at them. This is how bad it was. I got to the point where I refused to engaged so I stop calling people and asking The Lord to show me what this was and He Did! I was coming from Walmart and my phone ranged but I never answered. The Holy Spirit said, ” Let It Go To Voice Mail!” I Did!! Later on, it did it again. He told me the same again and I did!! Before my ride came, He said, ” Listen To Your Voice Mail?” So I did. The date was 2/20/16, The Message was of my finance apologizing for the wrong he had done. I’m like huh? The Holy Spirit said, “take the phone down and look at it?” In the spirit right now, I hear demons screaming because I am exposing them! The Holy Spirit lead me to listen to it again? I had the same respond, “huh?” On the third time, the real message came forth! It was not my finance. Then The Holy Spirit told me, The evil spirits on that phone was trying to clean-up the mess that has been made! I told it, No!!! YOU WILL NOT PLAY WITH MY LIFE AGAIN!!! When I said that, ” It Knew It was defeated!!” And even more so now!!! I knew it existed but it tried it’s best to keep it from being revealed because it was trying to use insanity. Up to this day, it has been losing because as The Lord lead me to pull back, a lot began to be exposed. I believe to get rid of anything and I am a tracer, you must go to the root and pluck it up and it is gone for sure!!! Today, I have done just done that in Jesus name. HALLELUJAH . I thank God for your obedience and I thank You for your obedience to him. I just had a vision of a man in a wheel chair. He was very discouraged. You see, I bought a car on the Internet in May of last year. Within 3 to 4 days, it was to be delivered to me, but No Car!! NOW, THAT THOSE SPIRITS ARE GONE, EVERYTHING THAT WAS HELD UP, STOLEN, BLOCKED HAS TO BE RETURNED NOW!!! THANK YOU JESUS..
Please I have a demon inside of me and I have been tormented every minute that I sleep for years and I have been clean off drugs since may I have also cleaned up my life and made drastic changes to live my life according to gods will and now my worst fear my 13 year old daughter with autism is experiencing the same torment but she is a inncent little girl I feel the demonic influence in my life I have tried everything I really don’t think the pastor of my church believes me I Dont know who can help me get the demons or curses or whatever out please I need help
Cheri I hope your doing much better, keep your head and keep in mind that demonic forces have no official reign over yourself then your dreams will just become a reminder of how far you’ve come . I am not saying that your demons are just in your head but rather the further you put between you and your old life the more desperate and there for more prevalent evil try’s to become in that desperation. Any why, try to think of ways these attacks can benefit yourself and not your demons.
God bless you Cheri I really know how it feels to get little or know sleep from drug terrors and night terrors. I don’t know exactly what type of demonic force that your having, asleep, waking or both, but there is some good things out there that really help, one thing you can do is is vent to people in person and for me it was Celebrate Recovery. the two groups I attended where assume there was only 5 or 6 in my and they don’t just deal with addiction; small groups usually and a wide band of problems. Another thing that has help me a lot was Life Paths Systems i don’t know if you have heard anything about them but are excellent for a lot of foke they are free and have great people that really enjoy helping. It is a psich-program but it an’t like that they are some really good none addictive med’s that can help you get sleep like a hobo in a boxcar and build up your day energy. i hope some of this infoe help Kevin S
This torment can also be of yourself and your past and that you don’t believe God has forgiven you. Believe in Gods goodness and know that he loves you and sees that your trying and when you have thoughts or make mistakes ask for Gods forgiveness. Never loudly say that your not strong enough. Demons hear everything we say and feed of our negativity/fear. Say it strong in your mind and and loudly says God is in control. IN the name of JESUS leave my home. I did not let you in here! Jesus is my father and protects me everyday and he forgives me and love me! Believe it and say it until you feel it completely and his peace wash over you. Clear your mind of negativity and your past. God has forgiven you so forgive yourself. Pray over your child as extra measure say it “in the name of Jesus Leave this home” Write down scriptures that repeat God’s love for you and his forgiveness. say it out loud which will help with the thoughts of your past or not being good enough etc. Demons just want you back to fall into your habits and sins when they had power over you. Release them and fight them and pray. Don’t believe anything negative that comes into mind and repeat in your Mind and out loud God loves me and forgives me. God is good. etc.
I am a 54 year old who has been devoted to the Lord for quit some time now. I have had what most people would right off as an unproductive life, most of my life a was a addict and there for under the influence of some really destructive principalities. In or around 2005 my wife of 17 years left me with three kids, one girl and two boys ‘all teens’ at the time; anyway a few months earlier something had devastated our lives to the point that it steel has a grep on my children and ex-w. So just when you think it cant get any worse it dos, my children get into a mess and are locked up the youngest being 15 & the oldest 23 It wasn’t drug related but I’m also not talking about giddy stuff ether. Any way it didn’t take long for me to lay all the blame on myself and get myself locked up to. I would end up being locked up for nearly 7 years which was exactly were the Lord wanted me so that I might reflect on the possibilities he would lay in front of me if i would just let him do the driving. Anyway Iv’e been out now for a year and a half, oh when I came home it was with a pacemaker-defibrillator and conic-hip A-B-C, but God would some how get me lined up with the hip-cure at the cost of 1oo.000 $ no insurance and I,m hoping to get the pacemaker out when the time is right. But the really miraculous event was that the Lord let me see my demons for what they really are, and that would be that they real and more than willing to destroy what we offer up. Demons are very real, Mevurakh al-yedei Elohim
about 9 months ago I got my first demonic attack. It came on suddenly and out of nowhere, fear and depression suddenly enveloped me. I have felt it really was a demonic attack. I tried focusing on the Lord, and commanding the demon (s) to go in Jesus Name….and I expect all that fear etc to leave immediately. sometimes it takes hours to get back to normal. And these attacks come repeatedly. Sometimes a couple times a day and sometimes I go days without. I’ve been a Christian for over 40 years and never had anything like this happen to me. I had back surgery last year and was put on a drug of 2400 Mg a day along with Oxycodone, which I got off of after 3 months…cold turkey. The other one, Gabapentin, I’ve managed to go down to 150 mg a day but has taken nearly 9 months to get down this far. Several times tried getting off cold turkey as I was feeling good but 3 days later went into severe depression. Has anyone else ever experienced this and offer any help? Could it be because of these very addicting drugs I was put on and struggle so to get off of and be free of. I’ve been asking the Lord to give me wisdom on how to combat these evil onslaughts. I’d so appreciate any help.
I’ve had a recurring theme in my dreams for most of my adult life and am looking for some insight. I sense an evil presence in a dark or dimly lit bathroom, bedroom, or basement. I’m compelled with an overwhelming urge to confront the evil. The closer I get to it the darker the room becomes and the more intensely I sense pure evil. The evil has no shape, just darkness like a wormhole in the corner of a room devouring all light. As I get closer to the evil I exponentially lose the ability to control my body until I’m being rapidly pulled into the evil presence. I start to panick and am breathing so loudly that I can hear it in my dream. I try to call for help but am unable to speak. Only rapid breaths can be heard. At this point my loud breathing usually wakes my wife up and she rescues me by waking me up. When I wake, my sheets are soaked with sweat and I’m shaking in fear. Why am I always driven to confront the evil but entirely powerless to it?
I had a similar experience which caused me to feel paralyzed and wile I was conscious I was unable to speak no matter how hard I tried. I would wrestle and fight until I fell asleep. This “thing”happened to me from childhood until about 4 years ago when I had been brought to my knees by God wanting me to commit 100% and not the 90% I had been offering… (different story) but I believe in hindsight that as a last attempt to “claim”me I had the most violent attack of all which felt like an entity was physically pulling me and I remember trying to say the name Jesus several times but was too paralyzed to speak…I then in my mind picked up my bible and swiped it in the direction of the entity and fell directly into a peaceful sleep. I have never had another attack since that one.
you are not powerless repeat “In the name of JESUS CHRIST leave this room! I did not invite you here! Ask for forgiveness if you have watched or done something to allow this demon to enter. Mine were evil movies as a child. I still struggle with them now. But the attacks are not there anymore. I fight and say it out loud in the darkness and I will feel the chill and goosebumps of something in my room.If it doesn’t flee immediately I also read the Bible out loud of scriptures that repeat Gods love and protection over my mind and soul. I pray and really ask God to forgive anything I’ve said or done to allow these demons to attack me and but I pray this in my mind never out loud. Then I say in the name of Jesus! Leave this room! You have no power over me. Jesus is my father and protector and He is in control. In the name of JESUS! Over time it will get easier even if you are scared do not say this out loud. Demons listen and feed off of every negative /fears we have to attack us. You are powerful because God is our father and created us to stand against such evil and with him creating us in his image he has “not given us the spirit of fear” So walk in his peace strength and believe it. You are strong enough to fight it. The fear will eventually go away and you will grow stronger to fight against it whenever it comes. You might even start to recognize an imbalance in your peace when you around certain people. Pray over them and yourself and do not fellowship around people that are fervently choosing to be defiant and live in lawlessness (no rules selfish and desires of self) that spirit is not of God. They will began to attack if you continue to be around these people. I used to live with a roomate who brought this unsettling spirit and it was so strong I had to pray everyday throughout the day until she left. Once she left peace was back in my home. It was so odd but so much easier to catch when I meet new people. protect yourself in prayer every morning.
It’s interesting what you say about sensing a demon in a dream. I’ve had that happen to myself as well, they trapped me in a nightmare and wouldn’t let me wake up. I found myself in the back seat of a car being driven at night along a desolate country road when I noticed the two figures in the front seats, who I had initially thought to be my parents, actually had more bestial features like they were animals upright and in human clothes. I could just sense this horrific sort of malice coming from the front of the car and they opened up their mouths, while I could only see silhouettes, to reveal just these jagged teeth. Anger flared up in me, and I could tell it was reciprocal, but I stopped myself from lashing out at them because I didn’t think it would do anything. I considered trying to get out of my seatbelt and physically attack them but I kind of knew I was in a dream plus I didn’t want the car to veer out of control. So, oddly enough, it turned out I didn’t even need to drive them out or anything- I just started singing one of my favorite hymns and they started laughing, just these demonic laughs, when a pillar of light literally reached into the car and I rode it up back to the waking world, I woke up still singing. Very odd experience.
Dear Taylor,
Seek out a church that has deliverance services, they should be able to cast the inner evil spirit from you. You would also need to plead the Blood of Jesus Christ throughout the house because they are still there. They come back from time to time to test you. You MUST keep speaking the word of God to them, as you said they are persistent.
I know this will help you move forward.
You must ask your angels to protect you by asking GOD for his angels and GOD to protect you. I am a Earth Angel I work for GOD.GOD would not put you in a place where he knows you couldn’t handle You are not alone. May GOD Bless you to you and your family. Ps I defeated a very bad evil demon in a friend of mine It took tremendous energy from me.Ihad defeated the demon with GOD
I’ve read several of your articles & I thought I had things figured out until I read “Battle Command Against Demonic Spirits”. You say that demons can’t read your mind. That’s exactly what is happening. I’m having a very hard time as he will actually answer me. I’m sure he is a demon of lust & it is driving me crazy. I’m going to a church that believes in demons & tell me to just look to God, but I think I need help & they don’t seem to go any further. Any suggestions?
Hi Susan, from another Susan! I know, i have heard before that they can’t read your thoughts…and wondered, then how are they engaging battle?
To break it down in a G version, lets say i am on a strict diet, but desiring a piece of cake in the kitchen more than ANYTHING. Conflicting thoughts come before a decision is made. “Awww, go ahead and eat it, you deserve it. Nobody will notice.” But your thoughts fire back, “No, you cant do it. It will hurt you!” Then the enemy again says, “Will it REALLY hurt you?”
I dont understand HOW this battle occurs if the enemy ISNT able to hear out thoughts.
But sadly, i dont believe the website owner actually responds to comments, so… blessings to you!
My Question is why do people believe that demons cant hear our thoughts? What is the basis for this and please dont tell me because they aren’t omniscient. Our thoughts are just another way to communicate. In the physical we receive information and give information through sound waves. But in the spiritual we communicate through the spirit and the way we control our spirit is with our mind. Demons are spirit so why do we think they function under physical laws of sound? I believe we are giving demons way more power by thinking they cant hear our thoughts. We arent careful with how we think because we think there are no reprocussions when the whole time the enemy is listening and using it against us. I saw we are way better off if we believe the enemy can hear our thoughts even if he cant then to believe he cant hear out thoughts when we can. We need to have some fear of God in our lives and be very careful with what we think.
Hi Adam, demons cannot read our minds. What is happening is that, somewhere in the group (always) is a monitoring spirit! Meaning that this demon watch and studie EVERYTHING about those it has been assigned to, over decades sometimes. They knows that person better than the person knows themself! Thee demons plant seeds and then wait for your reaction, like you getting quite may indicate that you are thinking, so they will begin to operate on the assumption that you are thinking about that particular thing that you have profess verbally or on what they have planted. They will throw many things at you and watch your response, your movement etc.once they have concluded that they have you right where they need you, they will “go to work” on your mind. As for the piece of cake example, it was not a demon urging Susan to eat it. It was Susan not a demon, God and Satan are not the only ones in our thoughts, we are also up there in our mind! It was Susan, who was asking questions and answering them and providing reasons why she should or should not have that cake!
Hey you two Susan’s…here’s how this works. In the case of the Susan with the cake example just be ware that all that conversation going on in your head is really the enemy. To break that on going silent convo, you need to speak out loud. For example you can say, “it is said, ‘man shall not live by bread alone’”. Funny response but fits perfectly for your case with food battle. You are basically telling that demon that, “hey you stop. I can do without cakes in my life”. The moment you start directly responding to his comments with your own personal made up opinions, you’ve already lost the battle. He isn’t afraid of your opinions. He’s terrified, however, of the sword. The word of God.
I truly hope this helps.
This site has really helped me grow in leaps and bounds.
I really like your response straight and to the point. I was thinking they know you and that you are looking at cake. They are familiar with you that is why they know exactly what to say to defeat you in that area at that time. But made it nice and plain. Thanks
Susan, hello my name is Gina just to let you know the churches today do not know how to handle these situations. I am going through the same thing. Some perverted demon that torments 24/7. I have dealt 6 years with this. I have been trying to be strong in this matter and have been trying to figure out a solution. Through sweat and tears girl I know. But the churches can not help they are already doing away with deliverance and healing ministry. Several looked at me as if I was nuts. I have cried to God massively no one on this earth it seems can help I get really frustrated. And the people like the pastors just look at you and turn away. It’s because they do not know what to do.
So true. You just said what I have been noticing that churches today dont know what to do. Even pastors dont know what about. And if you talk about any tyoe of spiritual opression such as sleep paralysis, negative thoughts etc.. They look at you like you are nuts.
This is to both Susan’s and also Gina. Did you all take the first step of confessing your sins, if any? Then, did you speak the words out of your mouth to the demons? Demons only respond to the spoken Word and Commands. Gina, you are dealing with a spirit husband demon, who comes to have sex with you in your sleep and in your dreams. He may even be working through a physical person, but, it does not mean that the person knows he is being used by that perverted demon. Always speak to the evil spirits, as Jesus spoke to Satan. If you have the Holy Ghost, there is no way, that demons know your thoughts, neither can they hear your thoughts. Consider your praying in secret, which is in your mind, that only the Father hears, and answers you openly. Go back and do the first thing, first. Confess your sins, and ask God for forgiveness of them. then go to Battle. God bless you, and hope this helps.
To All:
!. Demons cannot read our minds. Angels and demons (fallen angels) are created beings (just like us). Therefore, they are limited in the same way that we are – they are not omnipresent, nor are they omniscient. The devil “roams around” and “wanders to and fro” upon the earth, same as us. The only difference between us and them is that they have spirit bodies and we have physical ones. This subjects us to death and disease, which is why they live longer than us – their bodies do not “break down”. But because like us they are created beings, they also cannot read minds. The only Person Who can is the Lord Himself, because He is the Uncreated One.
So how do they wage battle against us? Demons cannot read our minds. They do, however, take good notes. They don’t HAVE to “read” our minds – we have a habit of always SPEAKING our minds! They hear what we say – all of it. Pay attention to how much information you give away, every day, to someone who is smart enough to just follow you around and listen closely. You’ll be appalled to find that we really have no secrets!
2. As far as being attacked, the first thing you must do is make sure there is nothing unresolved between you and God. Find a nice quiet place and take some time to worship (music can help). Invite the Holy Spirit to come and join you, and when you feel His Presence there, turn the music off. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you anything that you have left of any sin that you have not confessed and asked Jesus to take. Sit quietly and allow Him to show you. Let Him go anywhere He wants, and as any sin is revealed, large or small, confess it and give it to Jesus.
3. Try envisioning each of your sins and mistakes being literally HEAVED off of you and away, down a steep clifff.
4. Pray daily, and read your Bible. Just like anything else, garbage in, garbage out. Feed your soul good things.
Don’t allow demons to deceive you, Demons are very intelligent and understand how humans work. They can read body language. They can hear what you say. They can read us in ways science is only starting to understand.
Demons know what you want, even if they are attacking you from the outside. They can insert their thoughts, even if they cannot read yours, unless you talk to them. Don’t answer their questions or offer information. They can learn from your conversations with them and make what they insert seem like your own. Demons can always hear what you say , if follows you around all day. It knows you want that cake. They can even interact with you in your dreams. They cannot read your thoughts unless YOU OPEN A DIALOGUE IN YOUR THOUGHTS. Then they can respond telepathically. They are spiritual creatures, and don’t have their own physical voice. They need your body and voice to create and destroy.
This does not mean that they have free reign of your all your private thoughts and memories. Demons can, however, manipulate and react to what you give them permission to hear, when you yield to them and open dialogue with them mentally. TAKE EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE.
Demons that attack form outside a person have a lot less information about you than ones that are dwelling inside a person’s spirit. From deep inside, a person’s spirit, boundaries between communication and thoughts become a war zone. A demon can dominate and bully a person’s access to their private thoughts much more efficiently. While they are not able to access what a person doesn’t give them access to, the demon infecting the spirit has gained a great deal of control over its host’s “ library”, like a computer virus.
Spoken words are MUCH STRONGER IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD than thoughts. They carry creative and condemning powers. Getting enough control over a person’s words and actions is the goal of demons.
It takes the Holy Spirit to give enough power to a believer to GUARD THEIR MINDS, learn mental discipline ( one if the fruits if the Holy Spirit is discipline) and immediately disengage from telepathy with demons. GET BEHIND ME, SATAN!!
I wish I would have seen this sooner. It’s 2019 now. These idiots aren’t hard to fight once someone teaches you how. Start reading your bible every day. You need to learn scripture. And if you’re not saved do it now. Ask God to come into your life, confess your sins, ask to be forgiven, acknowledge that Christ died for you. once you do that go to town against the demons. Yell at them!! Tell them you’re going to call on Jesus to send them to hell early! Get mad. Fight them. They are powerless trash.
To God be all the glory for using this piece to deliver my family from activities of demons.
They appear in their legion for several weeks. Upon getting in contact with this piece and making the declaration. I am totally delivered.God bless you sir and more grace.
I just started reading this article. I have been doing spiritual Warefare since 1990s. I have also seen a black figure, and have learned that they/it are absolutely subject to the Name of Jesus, and Gods Word. Luke 10:19 is a primary verse I stand on. Memorize it and others. Ephesians 6:10 begins the passage about putting on the armor. Do that every day. A pastor, W
Watchman Nee, stated all Christians have the first three, but the rest of the items are things we have to “take up”. One of which is the helmet of salvation, to which I add, “protecting my mind and bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, protecting my ears, so I do not hear the voice of the stranger, but only that of the good shepherd, my mouth so that I am able to use the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God.”
Look up the scriptures on binding and loosing. Its in the passage “keys of kingdom”.
State aloud after reading passage,
“In the name of Jesus, I bind every evil spirit to silence and powerlessness. You can not speak to me, nor can you speak to anyone or anything about me. You can not use your powers against me. I cast you away, in the name and power of Jesus, never to return here.”
When Jesus faced the devil, He quoted scripture. “It is written….” learn the scriptures, cause they usually attack at night in the dark. You need to be able to say the Word. Pray to God, that you are able to hide His words in your heart.
I think that the person who is a satanist is sending demons to torment you. You can ask God to protect you. If someone sends demons, they have greater power than a random “fly by demonizing”. BUT, the is nothing more powerful than the name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus.
There is a utube by Billie Brim, a short one about ten minutes. She reads passage out of Ephesians and goes over the following.
Read- Ephesians 1 and most of 2.
Tell them, “it is written, demon, I have overcome you, by the blood of the lamb, and the word of my testimony. Here’s my testimony, I draw blood lines around and sprinkle the blood of Jesus on me”. You can also do that for your mom. She is being influenced.
Since I have been doing this, everyday I do it, I don’t have any night visitors. I know there have been demons sent, my granddaughters mother is a witch. Friday is 13th with a full moon, I will be absolutely praying and on guard as its a witch’s time to do stuff.
You can ask for hedges. Re: Job
I ask for hedges, above, below, and around.
I ask God to send waring angels.
Get rid of any occult stuff, books, dream catchers, cute little buddas.
I pray, you use these things, they work.
I willingly let a demon in. Since I’ve crossed over to the light. Still this demon is constantly attacking me everyday . I have things that come out my hand feet and face that are not of this world. Every day. Thousands of them. At first they all in what ever form were black. I started praying and made a vow to do God will as that is my only wish . They changed to white… God has directed me to pray and I’m shown things from time to time but I get no direction of the n how to get these fuckers to stop coming out of me. I’ve tried alot…I mean alot of things to end this daily suffering yet nothing’s has ever really worked. So etimes for a day or a couple days but than the little fuckers are back. .. how do I get this to stop
Father God and Jesus Christ revealed to me that I have been cast with demons. I hear voices and when I was writing, they told me I was an Automatic Writer and that God and Jesus spoke to me. I believed it. The voices literally say to me “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to stand down” how can demons say that? What about a house not being divided amongst itself. I’m so confused. Please help!
Command the voice to declare that Jesus is Lord. You will either hear CLEARLY “Jesus IS Lord” or you will hear some sort of mumbling or refusal.
(This is based on 1 Cor. 12:3)
Genesis 3:1 tells us that the serpent was the “craftiest” thing God had made. The enemy is an accomplished deceiver and knows what he is doing. It is very possible that the “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to stand down” voice IS the voice of the enemy. Why is he able to say that? Easy – there’s nothing that stops him from saying that. He is not saying it against himself; he is trying to say it against you. He is not declaring anything, so it doesn’t mean anything to him to say it. His PRIDE, however, will not allow him to declare Jesus’ Lordship. That’s why you must test the spirits -1 John 4:1-4.
Personally, Resa, I can say that I am quite certain that the voices are not from the Lord.
Try this (out loud) “In the Name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Who has triumphed over all sin, demons and Hell itself, I take captive every thought and every voice in my head. I place each captive voice and thought under Jesus’ Lordship, Authority and Power. In the Name and Power of Jesus, I declare my ears deaf to the lies spoken by my enemy and by my flesh. I declare that Jesus is Lord and that any voice I hear in my head must declare the same, in Jesus’ Name.”
The just listen, and pay attention to how you feel. If you are peaceful and safe, it is the Holy Spirit. If you are agitated, scared or annoyed, then you must say it again and again until you are at peace.
Praying for you, sister
Incredible! This was one of the best resources for deliverance I’ve read