I have another real good story to pass onto to all of you – once more showing the power of intercessory prayer and how God will not only answer prayer, but sometimes very quickly like He did in this story!

Battle Prayer Against An Unjust Situation At Work

This story happened several years ago with a woman who I used to work with. She called me up one day and said her husband had been under a lot of pressure at work and that it was really starting to get to him.

He works for big airline company and had been employed with them for a long time. He was only 5 months away from retiring, so he did not want to quit with what was going on. He was one of the foremen in the department he was working in.

To make a long story short, this company had hired a guy about 6 months ago to basically be a headhunter and hatchet man. This new man had a very demeaning attitude towards those who were working under him. He acted just like a drill sergeant would if you were in the marines. He was calling his employees all kinds of demeaning names, constantly ridiculing and harassing them, and making their lives at work completely miserable.

My friend’s husband was working on this man’s shift and he was her husband’s direct boss. After about 6 months of working under this kind of severe demeaning dictatorship, my friend said it was really starting to get to her husband and that he could not take much more of it.

Her husband is a good Christian man, but he did not have much knowledge on the real power of prayer, or how to engage with an enemy by going on the offensive against it operating under God’s anointing.

I had immediate leading from the Holy Spirit to give her the following advice.

  1. Since her husband really did not have much knowledge on spiritual warfare, I told her that she could stand in the gap on his behalf and go directly to God the Father to handle this bad situation for them. I told her with her being his wife, that there was a real good chance that God would honor her prayer on his behalf and that He may just move very mightily to completely take care of this adverse situation.
  2. I told her to do 2 things. I told her to Plead the Blood against this drill sergeant and any demons who may be operating behind the scenes influencing this man to act like he was doing. I then told her to Plead the Blood with the intentions of stopping any further demeaning attacks coming against her husband from this man.
  3. I then told her to ask God to take complete care of this situation and for Him to bring complete and total deliverance to her husband from this man. I told her to tell God that her husband could no longer take it anymore, that you were standing in the gap on his behalf, and that you are asking Him to bring complete and total deliverance to him so that he would not quit or possibly get fired from his job by this man.

She went ahead that night and Pleaded the Blood of Jesus and petitioned God the Father with the above request. This prayer was done on a Tuesday night.

The next day – Wednesday – her husband went into work on the regular 8-5 shift that he was working. You won’t believe what happened next when he walked into work that morning!

As soon as he arrived, one of his other bosses called him in to speak with him in private. This other boss told her husband that this drill sergeant that this company had just hired was indeed a hatchet man, and that they had hired him to get rid of some of the dead wood in the place. This drill sergeant was getting ready to fire 6 people on her husband’s shift.

His boss then told him that he was not on the list to get fired – yet! He told my friend’s husband that this drill sergeant did not like him and that he was just looking for a good excuse to also fire him along with the other six people that were definitely going to get fired.

He then proceeds to tell my friend’s husband that he considers him to be a keeper, that he has always been a real good worker for the company, and that they did not want to lose him due to the fanatical whims of this drill sergeant.

So in order to protect him from this hatchet man, they tell him that they are going to transfer him to the third shift, which is the night shift.

This meant that he would no longer be under this man’s dictatorship and that he would be completely set free from him. He would now be working under a completely new and different boss.

My friend said she just about fell over when her husband came home that afternoon and told her about what had just happened.

She had just Pleaded the Blood of Jesus and asked God to take care of this situation the night before – and God literally moved in the space of about 12 hours to completely set her husband free from this man!

What are the odds of all of this happening in just 12 hours after she went on the offensive with the type of battle prayer I drew up for her below? Coincidence? I seriously doubt it!

Just more proof that not only does God answer prayer – but sometimes He can move very quickly like He did in this story. This story is another one to add to our ever-growing list on the power of Pleading the Blood of Jesus and engaging with an enemy head on when we are forced to do so.

Prayer warfare will work if you are willing to step into the arena with God and take your enemy head on like my friend did on her husband’s behalf since her husband did not know how to do this for himself.

This story also shows the power of intercessory prayer – that we can stand in the gap for someone else and pray to God for their deliverance.

I really believe that God loves it when we move into intercessory prayer on behalf of someone else. I think the reason He likes it so much is due to the fact that we are praying for someone else, not for ourselves! Intercessory prayer is a completely unselfish type of prayer since you are not praying to God for your wants and needs. You are praying for someone else’s need. This fact right here is why I believe God will sometimes answer intercessory prayer for someone else very quickly and very powerfully like He did on this story.

The other positive thing about the above story is that it really elevated my friend’s faith in the Lord. It showed her that God could answer one of her prayers – especially if she is standing in the gap for someone else and praying to God for their deliverance.

When you see God move to answer a prayer so quickly and so supernaturally like He did in this case, it makes you want to try it again with Him!

I will let you know if any more good stories like this come in. The above story is just another good faith-booster showing all of us how active God can really get when we properly approach Him with our prayer requests, and are willing to take an enemy head on by Pleading the Blood of Jesus directly against that enemy. I will end this article with the Battle Prayer that I gave to her to set her husband completely free from this adverse situation at work.

The Battle Prayer

Here was the battle prayer I gave her to war against this adverse situation at her husband’s place of work. Notice that she will Plead the Blood of Jesus directly against this foremen, directly against his verbal attacks, and directly against any demons who may be operating behind the scenes influencing this foreman to act like he was acting. I then had her Plead the Blood of Jesus as a bloodline around her husband in order to prevent any more attacks from coming his way.


In the name of Jesus, I now come boldly before Your throne to stand in the gap for my husband. As I know You already know, he has been under severe attack at work from a new foreman who seems to want to get him fired. My husband is only 5 months away from being able to retire and there is no way that he can quit his job at this time

Father, in the name of Jesus, I now ask that You take this battle up for my husband and that You bring complete and total deliverance to him from this new foreman who has been unjustly harassing him.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I now Plead the Blood of Jesus directly against this foreman. I now Plead the Blood of Jesus against all of his verbal attacks against my husband.

If there are any demons influencing this foreman to harass my husband, I now Plead the Blood of Jesus against each and every demon that is operating behind the scenes causing this to happen. Demons, go now, in the name of Jesus Christ! I repeat, go now in the name of Jesus Christ!

Father, in the name of Jesus, I now Plead the Blood of Jesus as a Bloodline around my husband. Father, from this moment on, I believe this Bloodline will now protect my husband from any further attacks from this foreman.

Father, I now ask that You move as quickly as You possibly can to end this harassing situation with my husband, and ask that You bring complete and total deliverance to this adverse situation.

Father, I have full faith and belief that the Blood of Your Son Jesus will now protect my husband from any further attacks from this man, and that You will now move in the time frame You so desire to set my husband completely free from this man.

Thank You Father.
Thank You Jesus.
Thank You Holy Spirit.”

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  1. Hi Michael,

    I am writing firstly to congratulate you on the wonderful website with such godly content. It is a real blessing to me and I am sure to many others who read it.
    Secondly, I would like to ask your forgiveness, as I was quite angry/upset when you posted that article that was NOT written by Billy Graham. Please forgive me as I feel I can not move on from that if you do not.
    Thirdly, what about doing something special about the giants in out modern Christian faith, like Billy graham, Pat Robinson and Michael Youssouf, just to mention a few.

    May God continue to bless your ministry,
    In Christ
    Brunie Davis

  2. Thanks for this prayer I must confess I’m saved and believe every word of the Bible from cover to cover. i prayed this prayer because I was having some severe issues at the workplace. When I prayed this prayer it took two weeks and now the situation has changed for the good of everyone. Thanks and be blessed.

  3. I have read your pray and and article, will this work for my daughter against her husband and his girlfriend they are trying to destroy her , she came out of domestic marriage and he ended up with children because the guardian ad litem doesn’t believe in domestic abuse, she fell right into another abusive situation not realizing he too was abusive , they hide so good not only being from the them but also from the family court

    i believe this is a super good prayer and good advice thank you sandy

  4. am greatly moved and amazed by what the Lord can do in such a frame of time.i believe that the blood of jesus is enough protection for us.thankyou and GOD bless u

  5. Praise be to God for what he did for your husband. I was going through a situation for one and a half years where my boss bullied and harassed me. He unjustly put me on a performance improvement plan which ended and he said I had failed, and I was dismissed. All through this time I have been praying to God to deliver me. I still believe in God, I believe he loves me; I wish he could have saved me from dismissal; I thank him every day for my life. I praise him for what he did for your husband.

    1. Hi there, don’t let the enemy get you down about the dismissal. You’re a good worker, and if they can’t see that someone else will. You will find a better job where your work is appreciated and respected! God bless you

    2. Praise God! Thank you Jesus. I am going through the exact same thing now. I am up distressed and cannot sleep. I am now told of this Process Improvement Plan where the new boss is planning on firing me unjustly. I need the job for another 2 years. Jesus help! In the name of Jesus I will accept your will. I thank you Jesus for any and everything.

      1. Thank you so much . This is my situation right now, and i believe the same God will do mine. Thanks for sharing

  6. Thanks for this prayer : i have faith that after praying it onbehalf of my husband, God will cerainly silence all those conspring, manipulating his job & seeking his life.

  7. Thanks for this prayer, I have prayed it for the adversity I am facing at work with my boss . I have faith that will surely answer me, I wait in faith for His vindication from this boss.

  8. Please teach me how I can pray this prayer so that it works I have been victimized by my boss both verbally and through emails for three years now.

    Nothing I ever do is ever correct or good enough.

  9. Thank you for this prayer. I will carry it with me to work and pray it over and over again until I get deliverance.

    I have prayed it and I pray it will help because I am having some issues at work with two females whom I supervise. One of them told my boss a lie on me and he didn’t want to hear anything from me. He believed what was told to him which was a lie.

    Please continue to pray for me for deliverance. I know that prayer works.

    God bless

    Thank you.

    1. I am experiencing the same exact situation, which is becoming very frustrating. You try to do the right thing, be polite, try to be positive and not be in a negative environment, but it seems the wicked gets away with whatever they want to say or do. I become the bad person….But my Father is a deliverer.

      1. I also face same situation, my managers are not problem, but my colleagues are,but when they have problems I’m the first person they can think of to help.
        But after their part is done they attack me.
        I’m depressed I don’t know what to do.

        1. Stop helping them. tell them why should you help them when after you have served the purpose they are finished with you no.they are on your own

  10. I also experience a smililar problem, being harassed by my boss and colleagues at work. I am confident that this prayer will be of utmost help. Thank you Father. I have not yet started the prayer. But i will soon and let you know.

  11. this is a powerfull prayer i prayed this prayer two weeks back as my supervisor doesnt like me they hired someone to take my position and ask me to teach him a work i did without complaining this was suppose to be my last week at work and the new guy today decided that he no longer want that job its too complicated for him not sure whats gonna happen next god is still working on it amen

    1. I am facing a demotion at my job for being in a task mode and supposedly not being able to manage at the same time.I’ve done everything that they have asked me to do and it seems like its never good enough.My dept is very busy with customer service.And theres. Gonna be times I’m gonna have to help.Please join with me n prayer.I need my job I’ve been here for over 12yrs thank u be blessed

  12. Thank you I have said this prayer and will say it everyday. I will stand in the gap of my husband who is being bill treated by his new boss. Nothing that he does is appreciated and good….This time he cannot afford to quit…I Plead theBlood of Jesus against Timothy’s attack to my husband. I know that my God reigns and have faith that he will save his job

  13. thank you for this.. I’m praying this prayer by midnight and also early tomorrow morning. I will be interceding for my mom. She works so hard, she even works on Sundays from morning and doesn’t get home till 11:30 or midnight sometimes. her boss is a big bully and doesn’t appre,iate her efforts. the sad part s that the organisation does not provide all the funds and equipment they need to carry out effective work. I have watched my mother work so hard over the years.. she puts so much into this job. her over all boss se t her an unjust query..and for the first time in so many years, I saw my mother cry..she is currently responding to this query in tears as I type this message. I will pray this prayer..and I believe that The God who delivered the Israelites from their oppressors will handle this matter. the Egyptian that my mother sees today, she will soon see no more! and like Joseph, the oppression of her boss will turn around to favour her. we will testify to God’s faithfulness. in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen

  14. Thank you for this prayer. I have been very discouraged since a lady who is not my boss, but feels she is, was hired in my building. She began demeaning me right after I returned after having part of my left breast removed. (no cancer though PTL!!!) This story and prayer is very encouraging!!! God bless you!!!

  15. Wow having faith in the Lord and prayers, this really worked. In a matter of hours after the prayer my situation at work was cleared and resolved.
    Thanks to the Lord , the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. …….

    Thank you

  16. Dear God I have a woman at work God has been harassing meshe has been verbally abusive towards me I believe she has a demon in her she has been trying to get me fired from my job this is been going on for almost 4 monthsI wanT to plead the blood of Jesus against her I want her to leave me aloneeverything that she’s doing and put it against me I want it to stop I want her to leave my family alone I want her to leave my daughter alone that I am so desperately trying to get back I pray that you keep this woman this demon away from me I plead the blood of Jesus on her and anything that she’s trying to throw against me go straight back to her please God keep this woman this team and wait for me and my family in the name of the father The son and the Holy Spirit amen and I thank you Father and I thank you Jesus and I think the Holy Spirit

  17. My name is Akinfemi Ogundele:Because of closeness to my boss,he posted me to head a unit at my place of work. Immediately, other senior officers began to harass me and demeaning me just because I gain favour from the overall boss. I was confused and have to search for God’s intervention for victory through the internet now came across the prayer you prayed for a sister which works within 12hours. I now decided to be using same prayer by pleading the blood of Jesus since the bible says we overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the words of our testimony. Sir,thank you for this prayer. God replenish every virtual that has gone out of you. Sir,pray for me too.

  18. My name is sandra I have a work situation troubling me.its caused by a woman and I don’t know why she is saying these things about me .the whole story is fabricated and it is out of proportion .thank you for this prayer I will resite it.

  19. This is Celeste, and by faith I believe that the people who have been used by the demons to remove me from my job, have left the organization and I have Peace, in the Mighty name of Jesus. I have peace and no one will ever harass me again because I have the protection from the Blood of Jesus. Victory is mine and I’m being used in His hands to spread His word. I’m blessed, blessed and the demons are destroyed in the name of Jesus. Amen

  20. Thank you for this prayer. I am in a very toxic situation reporting to a CEO of a small non-profit organization who is methodically destroying my confidence, so-esteem and good work. I can do nothing right in her eyes. She bullies and demeans me, even in front of my staff. She is a narcissist and I do feel sorry for her, but pray to the dear Lord to rescue me from this awful situation soon. I am worried for my health, my home life and my mental state.
    I have prayed the Blood of Jesus encircle me and make me immune to get demons. Please deliver me soon Lord, God and Christ. Pray for me.

  21. Pray that God protect me from these managers I left work today with a write up wish i didn’t sign i have reach to a point i don’t want to go to work anymore i want to retire anyway and the rate they going i feel like retiring tomorrow because of the evilness that’s going on. I know the POWER of God and going to retire being happy thank you God in advance from these wicked managers that God change there hearts in Jesus mighty name Amen.

  22. Thank you very much for that prayer. I had a similar adverse situation at work for 2 months and i came across this prayer. I used it one night and on the next day my colleagues who were being used by the devil went to my boss to complain against me. My boss set up a meeting with me and them and I explained to them how i felt being ostracised and psychologically harrassed. I even stated that I had decided to leave the job. On hearing what i had said, they had a change of heart and apologised for their behaviour towards me. Since then the situation has changed. But i keep doing the prayer daily to make sure they do not get used by the devil again. So, thank you very much for this prayer.

  23. I am totally depressed about the problems in my workspot. Nobody to help me. I am burdned work actually I am not supposed to do. There are guest workers who are supposed to help me. But they never rturnup to the spot and they are very smart to appeal authorities.Authorities blindly follow them . I am totally fedup with my job. Please pray for me.

  24. I came across this tonight and it was much needed. Thank you for sharing this with the world. I have prayed this prayer, for myself in hopes I will be protected from someone as well.

  25. i am facing tough time i was completely dismissed,my first interview results were replaced by one who didnt do well,i thanked God,i have done one more same organisation up to now no results,God will strike all demons and i will prevail in jesus name,help me in prayers

  26. I am working at a school and evil has been destroying this school for months now. After corruptly forcing a former principal to quit because he was disciplining the students (appropiate discipline), a new principal from within the school was selected, under the guise that improvements would be made regarding student behavior. The new principal began corruptly and sneakily firing employees and basically trying to force the staff to quit. All that matters to this school is the score and keeping enrollment up; so if you attempt to discipline students, which could make parents uphappy, you are treated badly or fired. The administration is hurting the students by not holding them accountable for their actions. On top of all of this, I suspect that this man is evil and that he enjoys torturing other administration in the school. I am a young teacher and this situation has put myself and other teachers under a great deal of stress. This whole situation seems crazy to me, but unfortunately I am finding that this is secretly happening in a lot of schools. Please pray that this situation somehow improves.

  27. I was having a rough time at work, ridiculed with my performance nosediving. In despair, I googled prayers and came on this particular one and prayed it constantly for one week.
    Within two weeks, I can testify to the glory of the Almighty God that my performance has improved and getting better on daily basis miraculously.

    May the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be praised forever. Amen.

    Thank you so much.

  28. Thank you for this prayer. I am praying for my husband who is being treated unfairly and his boss is ugly to him. He is being attacked daily but we know that God is Bigger than the enemies that walk in darkness. When I found your prayer that was an answer to my prayer. So now I am praying for my husband believing that God will help him and deliver him from his enemies that are trying to destroy him. God has the last word and we know that God is in control! Amen to that!

    Thanks, Su Underwood

    1. ANITA

      I have come across this prayer, am facing a situation where my son is bullied by his own DAD and my step son, in a home where I’ve put my all. But I believe God led me to this site for a reason, I have written down this prayer point addressing my own situation. I Believe Jesus will make a way and am coming back with a testimony, May God bless the author of this site,

      all you people stay encouraged. our God cares and listens to his children.

  29. Anne – March 14, 2017: 9.50 am. Thank you for this prayer. Am facing adverse situation at my place of work. I was locked out of office, suspended from work, demoted from HR Manager to Medical Records Clerk, salary reduced. The CEO has ganged up with his friends to frustrate me and look for reasons to fire me. There is nothing I do that is good. He only look for faults in everything I do. Am using this prayer to pray for deliverance from this unjust boss. I declare these demons of rejection, frustration in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit AMEN,

  30. I seem to have lost all my strength and I am struggling to cope up with the colleagues who makes me suffer. Even I lost my sleep and life. Think of even en up my life .Your word says that You love the prosperity of Your children. So, please be with me and bless all my efforts so that I can excel in my career. Grant me Your grace, which is sufficient to carry me through the most difficult times at my work-spot. Let me find favour in the eyes of my authorities! I plead for Your divine wisdom and strength to tide over the problem that crop-up in my job. Keep me in perfect peace O Lord so that I may do my work with freedom and bring glory to Your name.

  31. I prayed this for my job and all of a sudden my boss retired and so has the president. These prayers work.

  32. Thank You for this Prayer it was exactly what I needed for my husband who has been facing harassment as well as intimidation at work. I know the lord will do things in his time. Thank you again.

    1. God bless you so much for sharing and increasing our faith the more in the name and blood of Jesus Christ. My stumbling into this site today is not by mistake but divine purpose and that purppse will work for me as I say this prayer over my work and that of my husband getting a good job in the name of Jesus. Amen. Thanks

  33. Thank you very much for this prayers this is exactly what my husband is seriously passing through in the hands of his Boss.I believe this prayers will set him free in Jesus name

  34. Thank you…..I have been slipping in my faith due to harassment in my work situation by a coworker. As well, by our Supervisor (because of this co-worker’s fraudulent accusations about my work and her controlling attitude). This woman sends the nastiest emails that are hurtful and our boss ignores all of it. No one should have to be talked to or spoken down to as this woman does to her co-workers. Other coworkers have left to get away from these two…but I have stuck it out for 5 years. My job is my livelihood and was full time. The others were only working part time or as PRN basis. This coworker and boss have beat me down and God has practically had to kick me out the door to get me to leave. I still have part time hours since my job duties (next week) have been reduced along with the work hours…..so now I will be without health insurance & other job benefits.
    I want to keep this job part time as I love what I do. Just not who I’m doing it with.
    As well-I now need an additional job to support myself and I am 57 years old and worried.

  35. Thank you so much for this encouraging story.it as touched and encouraged me a lot.
    this is exactly what am passing through at my work place.
    I believe this prayer will set me free as well.
    Thank you and God bless you

  36. I am also passing through a difficult time at work. I have worked so hard for 5 years at this company, I have given it my all everyday. I love my job and the people I work with. But I guess others don’t feel the same which breaks my heart. It is so disappointing to hear the total opposite of what you thought they thought of you from people you thought were your friends. Everything was fine until this new supervisor came along. And she has turned every one against me even the doctors which have always been so nice to me and told me what an amazing employee I am. I am now so depressed and confused on how this happen and why? I will recite this prayer with such faith and devotion in hopes that this devil”supervisor” will have a change of heart and that the doctors realize they made a mistake as well.

    1. I started praying this prayer after two years of working in a hostile and inconsistent work environment. All of the managers and supervisors were out of control and enjoyed giving the hourly employees a hard time. They would lie and manipulate situations just to keep confusion going. The turnover rate was at 400% and corporate HR would do nothing to correct our problems. One day I was told by a manager that there was nothing no one could do because the managers and supervisors had the upper hand. I declared immediately that there is a higher power who is bigger than anyone in charge. I prayed daily at home, while at my desk, while walking around the building, or while sitting in my car. Eventually God began to remove the ring leaders. Now there is one more left who’s anger and hatred seems to be directed only towards me but I plead the blood of Jesus against every verbal attack and lie. Every unjust word that is thought and uttered against me my God shall condemn and prove to be wrong. No weapon formed against me shall prosper for this is my inheritance as a servant. My job shall no longer be a place of fear and torment but one of the best places to work in the area. Even as I type I believe God is shaking and shifting things like never before. That the holy spirit is tugging on the hearts of those who have the power to set things in Godly order. In the name of Jesus I pray, believe, and receive. Amen

  37. Thank you for a great prayer. Please pray for people who has given their lives for their companies and who has been very loyal. It is exactly what is happening at companies yo get rid off the older people who has so much experience.

  38. Thank you very much for this prayers, this is what I am passing through right now, I am looking for a way to be in my own business work but I don’t know what’s holding me not to move forward. Please if you can help me to pray that God should make me free from the bondages of enemies and I should be in my own place in the name of Jesus.

  39. I prayed to God and He guided me to this effective prayer that will bring deliverance to my husband in his work place from a co-worker worker who is harrasing him at work. I stand in the gap for my husband and plead the blood of Jesus over him. Thank you for this prayer I believe that we serve a mighty powerful God that his Justice will be served in Jesus Holy name Amen.

  40. Please pray for me. I am retired but need prayer to get a closer,relationship to jesus. I need his help to,put him first in my life. It seem the evil,one is,trying to take over my life. Also I,have tinnitius which is really bad.

  41. I went to the secret place and prayed this prayer for two negative people on my job, like the others, whatever I did wasn’t good enough, I was told that I was incompetent, lacked leadership and other negative comments. The colleague even kept chaos going in my department and continues to undermine me at every turn. When I prayed this prayer, it worked, my supervisor’s presence has been diluted and the colleague that lies and keeps chaos going has been silenced! The lord of hosts will do battle for you, make no mistake, go to God and pray this prayer. God is almighty over any and all mortals. He will protect you, go to the Great I Am, I will spread it all over the land what God did for me, and what the love and blood of Christ did for me… and to think I thought there was no way out! Praise be to God and glorify the King!

  42. I also need this prayer now on the place of my work,my co-worker was planing to remove me from were I am eating and giving my children food,their plan and remove me after I return for my leave,please need God to speak in this case,any man or woman who is behind this shall be push meant and also been remove.please my prayer for me so my ND can call me back for position. thank

  43. Can I use this prayer for daughter? My husband her very own father constantly curse and demean her and I feel so terrible. How can a parent do this to his very own child? As a result my daughter has lost all respect and just told me he is a father in name only. My daughter for all her 23 years has never given us any problem, she has been a good daughter. My heart breaks for her and I am at my wit ends on how I can reconcile both .

  44. My boss has been using my direct reports to undermine me and has succeeded in pushing me out of my job after 6 months. She is insecure and was afraid of the leadership I had exhibited. I am asking God to intervene and reverse the situation, for my sake and the sake of other staff who are intimidated. I know He is able. Pray with me.

  45. I was verbally attacked and accused of being a wrongful individual when I have been nothing but humble nothing but a good worker and employee and now this new supervisor comes in trying to make me quit or get fired so I asked for this prayer and I got a piece over me thank you so much for this prayer and may God protect us all

  46. I have just prayed this prayer for a very unjust situation at my workplace. I have complete faith that God will reverse this unjust situation and restore my rightful place at work. In Jesus name I pray. Please pray for me

  47. I usually do not reply but my heart goes out to each and every one of you. I too have been under attack at my job and was searching for prayers to help me get through this trying situation which seems unequivocal to the injustice each of you have suffered. And I ask God for repentance for the selfishness I felt towards what I was dealing with. I pray that we all continue to keep the faith as God shows Himself as a strong deliverer in all our lives. To God be the glory..Amen.

  48. Please pray for me and my manager as we are dealing with the exact evilness of store manager and co managers. We have been under attack in our office every since this new store manager came to the store. He is evil and get a joy out of it. Please pray for my Manger Carol and I. Be blessed.

  49. Please pray for me. I have taken a bold step to apply the prayer in this article to myself. I am suffering from persecution from supervisor. He hunts me down at every opportunity but God has been standing in gap for me. He futhers told some of my colleagues the he has submitted my name down for sack without any reason.
    My sins are that I have completely veered off the road in my Christian life. I have lived hopelessly and Focus not happy with me. I am a complete ingrate because God has been faithful to me but its choose not toe his path. I have since discovered that there is no other way About it than returning back to Jesus. Which I have done but I want to live a responsible life that caters for the family and I don’t want to loose this job now.
    I want you to pray for me that God should strengthen me and uphold me so that I will not miss it in the part of destiny. He should frustrate the desperation of my bosses to sack me. Kindly plead the blood of Jesus on my boss on my behalf so that the situation will turn around for my good.

    1. Please pray for my daughter MVR, she is having so much trouble with a co-worker that now is her supervisor. She has been harrassing her for over a year now and doean’t seem to stop. This person is so evil that she causes problems for all the employees here at work. She has the CEO believing all that she says. I have been praying everyday for my daughter. Dear Lord hear my prayers. Amen

  50. Ay.
    I keep having dreams that I was retrenched from my job post by my company due to constant harrasement from my boss and backstabbing from people I helped grow in the system. They continuously claim I am a treat and that I am getting more popular with the company’s customers. So they speak evil of me everywhere and capitalise on my little mistakes. They have said it that the MD will sack me come this New Year and that they have submitted my name. Please pray for me, I am afraid I don’t want to loose my job. Pray for me that God will turn the situation around for me for good. Pray for me that God’s name will be glorified for my case. That all my adversaries shall all be sacked.

  51. Please pray for me..I have been at my job for 13 years and a new manager took over and now I am in fear of losing my job and my license..she have been accusing us of stealing but because I stand of for my coworkers I am now been investigated by the state pleasepray for me

  52. I really really need prayer today as I am facing an enquiry over things others have done as a norm but only I was singled out for disciplinary action. My family depends on this job. I love this job I don’t want to lose it. Please pray for me. Intercede on my behalf to Jesus.

  53. Please pray for me I have been at my job for 5 years and do my job very well. Now i have a new director who is looking for ways to fire me. Yesterday i was giving a performance improvement plan that include lies and stated the working i have been during for 5 years now its not good enough.

  54. I ask for prayers for my husband. Politics have kicked in in his place of work. He is being accused thru a public audit that have shown descrepencies they have not spoken to him about. He has not been given a chance to show them where everything is at and he has not gone to work because they have asked him to stay away till they are done. Things have been changed since he has been gone which looks like those are his practices. I pray that justice will shine thru and that the people that after him will see things thru Christ’s eyes not thru evil. I pray for my husband and all who are involved. In the blood of Jesus Christ and I ask for personal prayers for my husband.

  55. Please pray for me..I have been at my job for 10 years and a new manager took over and putting the other workers against me as she lacks the knowledge for the position she holds and would often have to come to me to know what to do.
    I am in fear of losing my job as she has started doing little schemes with upper management and other staff to make me look bad when things are presented to her she ignores them to make it look like I am not doing my work. please please pray for me as I depend on the income of this job to see about my young child

  56. I love these wonderful things God does. Kindly help me solve problems at my workplace. I am supposed to be the next head of department yet the one who is yet to finish his term at the end of July next month I hear has lobbied and will do another two years. I need God’s intervention.

  57. My husband lost his job today of 8 years because accusations made against him by a female employee. They suspended him last week never asked him his side and called and fired him over the phone. He was investigated by HR department his teammates signed a statement that it wasn’t true because he sent the young lady home for not clocking out for lunch everyone heard her cursing and bad talking him he even got his boss on the phone and he heard it and said send her home. So today it was something else they said he was paying people for time they didn’t work. All untrue and they never called him in to ask only hear say. He started as a line working and worked his way up to supervisor. Everyone has gotten rid of the young lady in there department because she’s a trouble maker now they do this to my husband.

  58. Hi, I was moved by the above story of the wife praying the above Battle Prayer Against An Unjust Situation At Work. I too have been going through a unjust situation at work. A person whom I was once friends with stopped speaking to me because I wouldn’t assist in getting someone fired about 3 years ago. This same person is now in a position of power at work over me and is doing everything in her power to fire me. The smallest of things she tries to find something wrong with it even when its unfounded. I am a very easy going person & get along with everybody in our office except her. I feel that her issues are more personal because we are no longer friends & she now has the opportunity to use that against me in the workplace. She is always finding new ways to try to attack my character even talking behind my back. She’s also very rude to the other employees & are trying to find away to fire others as well. I have been applying for other jobs to try to leave the company altogether with no avail. This is very stressful to come to work knowing that no matter what you do it will never be right in her eyes. Please give me advice on how to pray against this. Thanks

    1. Hello. I went through the same thing for almost 3 years. No weapon formed against me prospered. You need to do the same thing I did, which is pray the same prayer listed above. Modify it to your situation and be consistent. It will work if you keep your heart pure and Do Your part

  59. I was let go of my Job on May 15, that I had worked at for three years,I worked at a car dealership in the cashier department,and Just In March I had an employee review and it was good I was told I did my work good and that I was a team player and that I dress well.Than May the Manager hired one of friends daughter for a receptionist and than there was a position for a title clerk and she moved her friend daughter to that position, and found out that she lied on resume and couldn’t do the job, so she moved her to the cashier department with Myself and another lady,than on May 15 I called into the office and the manager said we are going to have let you go.
    I ask why and the manager said because I didn’t get alone with the other cashier. I know I got alone with every one that worked there. I just don’t understand when I only work with her for four days and I gone and she there.
    I am praying that I am hired back and she moved back to receptionist.I don’t think anyone should lost there job. I am not angry,just can’t believe it.GOD will you answer my prayers,all of you out there will you please pray for me.I love my job there, I pray that the Manager boss intervene and that he hire be back.
    Thank You

    1. Karyn, there’s a bright light shining through this situation. You see God closes some doors that we want to stay open because we don’t understand he has bigger and better in store for us. We become so comfortable where we are that we have to BE pushed out of our comfort zone as in your situation. Look at it as God preparing you for greater. Let me know when you get your much better reward from GOD

      1. Renee,
        Reading your comment is very enlightening; how true it is when we become so comfortable we become anxious when new things unknown to us is being prepared by our loving Heavenly Father. Thank you as I am also going through rough time at work your comment sure have given me inspiration and understanding.

    2. Hi Karyn, Hope you have had a positive resolution? Nepotism at work is not good to experience. I work in HR, can I offer any insight, or are you doing better?

  60. Veronica- July 22, 2018
    Good morning, I have applied this prayer to my life today and modified it to my need. I want to thank you for the encouragement. I will let you know what happens because it is our testimonies that bring Jesus the Glory that He deserves. I asked the Lord while seeking Him in my storm and He said to write it down. I will send a message back to let the outcome be made known. I do know this that the Lord will keep me and my household we are his children and He is the Father !!!!

  61. Reading this makes me know there’s hope for me and my situation!! I don’t wanna quit and bring on more stress for my husband as if he already has stress in paying bills!! Lord keep me covered in your mighty name!! Give me the strength to endure this as I search for something else!

  62. Please pray for me I work at a Hospital in CA and my coworker did a search on a high profile patients record on my computer. She didn’t look in the file or print anything but now I am being investigated. I told HR it wasn’t me but that I knew who it was. After my interview my coworker was interview she denied she accessed the records. But in front of another employee she stated that she did access the chart but never opened.
    I emailed the persons investigating me after that she stated that she accessed the record but did not open to view. I ask you to pray that I don’t lose my job this is my only income.

  63. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR making this prayer available to ALL. I do believe in the power of interceeding on behalf of other HOWEVER, I needed this prayer for ME. AND IT WORKED! I had a very mean boss that treated me like a DOG every chance he got…totally abusing his authority. But Thank God for this prayer and the hand of God. I prayed this prayer everyday and that mean old supervisor is GONE…it didnt take long. THANK YOU JESUS

  64. Amen Sister thank you for sharing this story. It was very touching and inspirational. Yes God is amazing, we can trust him at all times. He is our protector he is our provider and he is the one that protects us from our enemies. Please keep me in your prayer, for our LOVING God to protect me from all my enemies in Jesus holy name. Thanks and be bless.

  65. I have been very inspired by the story of the wife interceding for her husband and how God answered and turned the situation right in his favour. God is great and powerful, but at times our faith flicker especially when we are troubled.

    There is currently a situation at work where a member of staff has filed a claim of a breach of confidentiality regarding her condition, by our manager and potentially other staff, some months ago. While that might be so, no one knows how the information became public knowledge and several members of staff are being summoned and questioned. I would appear as though the breach was by a senior member if staff who is no doubt being protected and it would appear as though they are looking for a scapegoat.

    Earlier this week a colleague who is friendly with the staff whose information was breached has been summoned to say how they came to know of the staff’s condition. This colleague said to me that I probably don’t remember but they had heard it from myself. I was completely bowled over as I certainly have no recollection of having said anything and certainly never saw that person’s records.

    I am asking you to pray for me that I do not get dragged into this situation and be wrongfully blamed. While I have prayed myself, there is more power in numbers and I truly believe that. I ask that God will lay His Mighty hand and plead the Blood of Jesus on those responsible and that I do not get caught up in the situation.

    Thank you for your urgent prayers and I trust and believe that the situation will soon pass and that I will be left out of it.

  66. My dear one was transferred to a new place. That place was very difficult for her to survive as that place is a remote place. No bus facilities. we were upset and with tears we prayed a lot. While with such heavy grief surfing the web we came to know about this site.

    With full hope and praise we prayed to the Father, in the name of Jesus, Pleaded the Blood of Jesus the Battle Prayer Against An Unjust Situation At Work. within 48 hours the transfer was stopped.
    Amen Alleluia Praise the Lord. Thank you, Father, thank you Jesus & Thank you Holy Spirit. Amen Alleluia Praise the Lord.aAmen Alleluia Praise the Lord

  67. Renee and Gloria,
    This prayer is a saving grace for me .
    I truly believe everything happens for a reason, our human perception don’t see or understand; behind all this is our Heavenly Father orchestration and plans for us. Early last October I just returned to work from a year off due to an illness.
    To make it short, I wasn’t well accepted by the newly hired employee including my close friend. They alienated one of my co-worker in the department and as a result she was moved to a different location.Of course I was also close to this person and saw how much she has suffered when I just came back. All because I was talking to her that the original person in that group started to isolate me and even refused to re-train me. I was more or less treated as a pariah, until I have to bring this to my manager that I was being harassed and bullied. I was really devastated and dreaded coming to work, they made it so
    difficult for me that they managed to do incident reports regarding my work, but with God’s grace it all backfired on them during the process of investigation. Also I am now being trained in a different field and sad to say the department that I left is now going through changes and affecting the people who have alienated me.
    I was constantly praying this prayer and now behold I understand now what God had in store for me. I have always believed He has plans for me I didn’t understand …. I thank you for your comments and insights, but most of all I give thanks to our Merciful God.

  68. Please pray for me. A lady at work has been speaking blatant lies against me i believe to keep others from talking to me. The reaction to me from others has been sarcasm, dismissive and unfriendly. Some have been drastic and completely stopped talking to me (including my manager). I have done nothing to this woman & we have never had an argument or disagreement and we still talk but she seems to not want me to talk to anyone else. I have done nothing or said anything about any of my colleagues & I don’t engage in gossip conversations. My coworkers know that I am a christian so it’s shocking to me that any of them would believe whatever lie she is telling them. I have gone through all the comments above and prayed for each of you and called out of each of your names before God. Someone please pray for me.

  69. Carolyn- October 10, 2018
    Hello I found your prayer and changed the wording to my need. I’m a supervisor in the medical office and really enjoyed my job and staff. I’m a Christian woman and believe that they are good people in this world. Until I came across 2 people on my staff who tried to get me fired. The lies they told my manager and HR to make me tired to get me fired. I was told by other employees on my team the schemes they will use to get me fired. How can people be so evil to do things like. This job is my only income I have a mortgage and bills that I can hardly keep up with, my kids and grandkids depends on my income to make ends meet. My vehicle giving me trouble I need my job I wish my managers will see the truth and get rid of the 2 trouble people. Before I actually started with this company other supervisors have told me about them the trouble they bring I don’t understand why they still there. I pray and trust inGod that they will see through them and release them from this company. Heavenly Father see the truth and I plead the blood of Jesus on my situation. I need your help please pray for me

  70. Dan
    Thank you so much for that encouraging testimony.
    My wife is going through a tough moment at her work place which is caused by a lady we called a friend and who got her job through the endeavours of my wife and I but now is fighting her. I as well request you to stand with my family in prayer.

  71. My daughter just started a job a bout a month ago so she’s the newby on the block.She gets talked down to and blamed for everybody’s wrong. Oten comes home crying and with chest pains. She says thboss talks to her like she is a dummy and she doesn’t know how much more she can take. She knows her stuff though and that might be one of the problems. Some inferiority.

  72. A powerful prayer, and I prayed it for my son who is having a hard time at his job, with his supervisor harressing him all the time. He love his job and need it to provide for his family.This lady seems to have some type of problem with authority.I prayed that the Lord take care of this as some as possible, be cause my son is under so much stress.Please pray form y son and his family that he may continue to work and provide for them. In Jesus name AMEN !!! November 9, 2018 Mary

  73. my sister daughter is through a hard time at her work place with a friend she is a shift manager not the manager .that lady go the system and change up the young lady hours take all her hours and the worst part of this she set it up that she can’t go to do second job .she just move to canada she his a nurse just left school a year ago but can not get in the nurse system in canada unless she go back to school so she try to get this job in kfc to help herself . and this is where the problem is with this other lady . please help me to pray for them

  74. Got a new boss recently, two months ago to be exact. He has made everyone’s life at work miserable. He has single handedly started harassing in my presence and without my presence. He keeps semearing my name with mud. He has tried to get me fired but he failed. He has now resorted to public humiliation even in the presence of our surbodinates. I fee I can’t take it anymore. Have talked to our superior boss but he says he is aware if the situation. However I have reached a breaking point because this man continues to harass me. This prayer was really an encouragement. Iam going to copy of down and interceded everyday till God comes through for me!

  75. I have prayed this prayer for my daughter two work days. The Lord had provided her this new job in October after graduating college in May 2018. It was entirely new with much to learn and much of that entailed asking questions, reading and applying that daily. However, she had a thorn in her side; a woman who was harrasing her at every turn. My daughter thought she had an “ odd” personality and tried to overlook a lot while continuing to make every attempt to befriend her. Nothing she did seemed to change the situation and the attitude of this woman was affecting my daughter’s work performance. It seemed that this woman was attempting to sabatoge her work effort by giving her instruction then denying she did that. She would be uncooperative when my daughter asked questions. She was “ bossy” even though she was not in charge. She seemed to be undermining my daughter at every level……..until I began praying this prayer. Even before I told my daughter, she told me that this woman was “ different” and the next work day told me how “ nice” this woman had become in just the last two work days! I then told her about this prayer and she could hardly believe the changes right before her eyes seemingly from one day to the next! She asked me to keep praying because it is working! Praise God for His word and His blood! We ARE overcomes by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!!

    1. My husband has been with same company for 30 years he has a manager that is constantly yelling at him and others he doesn’t like my husband had sought after a promotion everything was going in his favor with several people saying he’s going to get offer when all of a sudden everything turned on him this manager sabotaged his career. Now he’s stuck with this harassment and daily yelling; however we serve a Mighty Powerful GOD that with intercession and duplication to our LORD JESUS he is going to make all wrong doings right in the powerful name of JESUS he will bring forth promotion and bring forth justice to the unjust. I plead the holy blood of JESUS in this situation for his manager to be taken care of on my husband’s behalf on JESUS CHRIST name amen!

  76. 2 Chronicles 20:15b do not be afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.

    My daughter is going through a lot of intimadation and frustration..l am inviting God to be her buckler and shield..to fight agaist those who fight against her..to draw out the spear and stop those who pursue her..let those be put to shame and brought to dishonor Psalm 35

    Thank you for this prayer l have just gone through it putting in my daughter’s name where appropriate

  77. I am believing God through this prayer, and the by the blood of Jesus Christ that my supervisor who has been harassing me and is now trying to give me a written counsel to go in my personnel file will be stopped in her tracks and all other spirits and people who bring false accusations will be silenced in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.. I believe God for the Victory, He is my all and all! Please remember me in prayer as I Trust In Him

  78. I am dealing with similar circumstances at my job. My new manager and her Manager has been undermining my capabilities to do my job. I’m always second guessing myself and on edge all the time that I can’t keep my focus. My stomach is always cringing I cat go on like this my level of stress from the 3 of them is very overwhelming. I lost all my confidence and I feel so discouraged. I will say the above prayer and trust God to move in a mighty way.


  79. Lord, I want to thank you for leading me to this prayer. I’ve been on my job for awhile and they recently hired a new person. He’s my boss and I’ve noticed things are being done by him that isn’t right and it bothers me. I’ve mention to him that these things aren’t right alone with being put in the position doing more work for what he’s not doing. Because I care about this job i find myself being used because he know i would do it. Lord i turn to you to first forgive him and not become bitter and let you handle this. I have spoken up about it but understand it’s up to above if they want to step in. I will use this prayer daily to humble me lord

  80. I am under the attack of a boss I have been reporting to for the past 3yrs. Things have gotten so bad that I know the entire department has lost trust in what I do. Last week already he got mugged at gunpoint after a rude conversation with me. Yet the next day as I tried to be part of the conversation following his incident he spoke so bad I regretted taking part as a concerned colleague. I will definitely jot down this prayer and say it later. I believe in a God who punished the Egyptians for their mean actions towards the Israelites.

    1. please know that God loves you and hears your prayers &please remember that to forgive someone else sets you free. Jesus said to love those who despitefully use us and pray for them. Do good to them. for this reason I hope you will pray for the salvation and healing of this boss. I am praying for you too. I had a terrible situation with a Christian co worker who was higher up than me. God lead me to forgive her because I was tormented by the anger and resentment for the unjustified hurt I felt caused by her. When I talked to God he seemed to tell me to let Him have it and I would understand when we were in heaven and that she and I would only love each other there. I didn’t feel forgiving but I began to pray for her and well, finally I had peace in the midst of adversity and then things got better. I pray that your reputation will be restored for God’s glory. In our weakness He is strong. try to do good and work hard knowing that God recognizes your efforts and will reward you in this life or the next.

  81. Lord Jesus, you know how rude our boss is, the things that comes out of her mouth to some of the workers are very mean, she lies a lot, she does not appreciate those who work hard on the job. God, this morning I put her before you again, and ask you to take control. I am not asking you to remove her, but deal with her, because you know what she is and how she is. Thank you God.

  82. Thank you so much for this prayer. I just prayed and I believe that Father God has delivered me from the harassment I have been dealing with at work for the past year. There is no one more mighty and powerful that our Heavenly Father. I am a parent and I respond with quickness if anyone hurts my children… how much more will God do to defend me his Blood bought daughter. This day!!! will my Heavenly Father deliver me from the plans and actions of these demons and I will testify of his deliverance, grace and mercy for the rest of my life…Amen

  83. I am new in my work and I have a co-worker that I feel like he is just looking for my mistake. He right away telling to my supervisor. Just recently there is a situation that I’ve done completely innocent. I am not sure if he goes to my supervisor again. I am praying Lord, in the blood of Jesus that he will help me instead of telling what I’ve done wrong. I am scared that I will be fired. In the name of Jesus let him be quite and my supervisor will treat us fairly. I believe GODs victory and He will protect me from my work. Amen

  84. I thank you for this prayer. In the mighty name of Jesus I strongly believe that God will deliver me.I am new at my work place and while I was on training my supervisor as been pressuring me, shouting at me and she curses whenever I make a mistake. I tried my best to look pass all that but from time to time things have been getting worst. She starts to get very bitter towards me. It is two of us that she supervised and she is really nice to the other person. She councils him, speaks good of him, smiles with him and tries to build conversations with him. While she does the opposite to me. She has been getting to me, I cried a lot of nights, I’m unhappy in the workplace sometimes I question God as to why he placed me there. She extended my probation from three months to six months saying I did not catch on completely at my duties. I have mastered my major duties now and this month I’m suppose to come off probation and she’s giving me hell.. she made complaints to my hr how much I can’t learn, she’s tired of me and I’m complaining how my job is hard. Last night she pass her remarks how I haven’t been doing my work from morning I came to work I was on phone. Which was a lie and it got me really upset and I shouted back at her. Whenever I reach at work I work nonstop. She has a problem with me talking to others in the workplace. She only wants me to work like a slave and does nothing atall. Just stay by my self no talking. She treats me like I’m the worst, everything I do is a big problem even when it’s small .. if others make the same mistake as me she doesn’t curse them. I need God help before it’s too late because I have a feeling she won’t confirm me in the job. She’s taking things about me to higher persons so they can get rid of me but the power of God is why I am still here

  85. Thank you for this prayer. I feel the power in this prayer. I am being attack by my supervisor who has now influenced her supervisor against me. I could not take my vacation when it was scheduled because I had surgery. and was out for 6 weeks. I followed the rules of rescheduling my vacation per the contract. Management is now trying to forfeit my earned vacation time. My supervisor has always been very unfair in many situations in the office. She has twisted my words and relayed that to her supervisor which has made her supervisor have a wrong perception of me. I know God knows the situation and will have the victory.

  86. I believe in God and have been praying about my terrible work situation since June 2016. I have been bullied by my colleagues and my Unit Manager has condoned and encouraged that bullying. It was ignored by my Campus Manager, by HR and now by my CEO. It is nearly three years now. I can’t give references from work so I can’t find secure employment. I haven’t been able to pay my home loan for 6 months now and the bank will foreclose my home soon. I plead the holy blood of Jesus Christ to deliver justice to me and my family. Only he, the Angels and Saints really know what happened, how it has affected our health, livelihood and life. We need justice, closure and to be able to move on. I plead the holy blood of Jesus Christ, to open the eyes and ears of persons responsible, so they can recognize and acknowledge the bullying I have suffered, we have suffered. I ask this by the holy blood of Christ Our Lord. Amen.

  87. Amen! Praise the Lord ALL Mighty who STILL sits in the throne and is in control of EVERYTHING!
    I’ve been at my job now since December 2017. Since working here, I’ve had death spoken over my life, lies spoken over my life, harsh words spoken to me to bring me down and break my spirit, humiliated, persecuted, accused, and nearly everything else you can think of. But I praise God for His promises. They’ve gotten me through and I know that even though man may THINK he has a say over my life, he doesn’t. The Road to Calvary is not for everyone, but take heart, because just like Jesus overcame, SO WILL WE!
    I’m thankful for this prayer, because I feel and believe a change being shifted in the spiritual realm. Praise GOD!

  88. Hi. Fellow Christians! I graduated last year and got a permanent job. But the problem the evil spirits at work are making my life difficult , my manager is bad mouthing me saying bad things to me to my senior manager , hr and the whole unit department are aware of it. Now the whole department is asking how is the relationship with manager I can’t say anything because of the insulating I’m getting from him . I have been in HR meetings for something which I haven’t done but I had to admit because I’m afraid of getting fired. I issued a document of the way he was treating me saboting my work. I have been served with verbal warnings and now is written warning . Alright might good grant power. We need to stand up together against evilness at the workplace

  89. I need prayer for my company. My Boss past away and the stepmom and the children cannot get along therefor the company may close. We have about 45 employees that will be out of a job! I know my God can close one door and open another. But I have been here for years and I don’t want to leave. I pray for the children and the stepmom to come to a settlement and save the business. Our business is suffering in every way right now because of this. we need more business that pays well. We need God to come on the scene.

  90. My name is Joy and I too am a victim of bulling and discrimination at work and I am requesting prayer on my behalf in my situation with my supervisor for two years and another female employer they bully together against me and two employees and management does nothing they welcomed the unfair acts and I am requesting a strong prayer to stop this unfair treatment and behavior, been treated unfair unjust discriminated against These are some very evil and unjust people I work with and for and they will not cease, so I am believing God to prevail and move in a mighty way on my behalf.

  91. I am really surprised at how much people are being treated unfairly in the work place.

    My husband has been in his organisation for 30 years. His boss’s supervisor likes him and speaks well of him. There is restructuring going on in this major government sector.

    He was surprised to see his department on the structure but his name as head of department is not there.
    They say they have sent an appeal.

    Please pray for restoration of his name in Jesus name.

  92. Please pray for my wife who faces difficult challenges at work with the Vice President (her supervisor). She has been belittling her and bringing her down as of late for no rhyme or reason. My wife is she is her second in command and has been loyal to the company for over nine years, the VP is mistreating her more and more and causing my much distress on her. Please pray for her as we navigate through these hard times and let the father guide us and clear the path or present a new door of opportunity for her. God bless you all and thank you.

  93. Could you pray for where I work it is a place were we care for people with developmental problems. There really has nether been employees that cared what happens. We losing the battle for the residents well being. I just prayed this pray. Could see if someone else could pray for the whole company that finishes the employment at these homes.
    Thank you

  94. I request for prayer for myself and my workmates as our boss is very mean and he treats everyone unfairly except a few staff who gossip with him about the rest of the employees. He has a weakness of insecurity and therefore he frustrates every sharp knowledgable staff till they get disgruntled and they leave for other jobs. In the recent past he has set about four traps for me, wanting to put me in a place he could use such things against me. We agreed as an operations team to come together in prayer against his weired acts. Plz join us as we battle this belittling boss.

    1. I will stand by and pray in the name of Jesus that all who stand against you will be dealt with in a timely matter by God Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit In The Name of Jesus Amen

  95. Unfortunately bullying and harassment at work is very common, especially by Management. I have had enough and quit my job and working my notice, but God is good because when I quit I had no other job to go to, but now I have.

    I believe that God knew the only way i could be free was to take a leap of faith, and he has rewarded me.
    Thank you Father

  96. I ask for prayer to help me with my co-worker. He is not a team player, he is always trying to get me into trouble talking directly to our supervisor, telling stories and not doing his job leaving it for me to do.

    I ask for him to be transferred or replaced by a good teammate.

    I ask for peace and harmony in my life and work life.

  97. Do you have any “Battle Prayer Against An Unjust Situation At Work” for “Yourself” as I am the one that’s battling some unjust forces on my job after been on the job for less then two weeks. I know my God has blessed me with the position… The more I try to be a team player, stay professorial the more the enemy is attacking me through the two of ladies here… for no reason…. the last two things they tried to get me fired on did not succeed. and today one of the young ladies put her foot out in front of me as i was walking in hope of me falling. I brought it to my Sgt attention but of course she denied it happen and refuses to apologize…
    One of the ladies I don’t have to work with on a daily basic but the other one I have too… As we do the payroll together… Please pray for me, with me and provide me with a “Battle Prayer Against An Unjust Situation At Work” concerning “Me as the individual. Thank you! I will check back tomorrow

  98. I have worked for this company for 7 years. I was referred to this job by a friend/former co-worker who now worked in HR. This position paid more money & would allow me to support my family after divorce. I knew after the 1st week the job wasn’t for me but haven’t been able to find employment with comparable pay in order to leave…I have been battling with unfair treatment from a boss who found everything wrong with how I did my job all because I was quiet, did my job & went home. Fast forward, a few years & the very friend that brought me to this job now mistreats me the same as the old boss who is one of the reasons she does it. We are no longer friends because I felt the relationship just wasn’t worth the hassle in the work environment. She continues to pile work on me & although I do the work she looks for every opportunity to find something wrong with everything I do. It was an incident where she thought I had dropped the ball for a patient when it was the supervisor who was at fault but just for the simple fact that she was going to write me up & possibly fire me, when she realize it was not my fault no action was taken against the person who was at fault. She even tells new staff that we use to be friends and not to talk to me. This is a for of trying to ostracize me in the workplace. I have a good working relationship with everybody else except this one person and even though she tries to ostracize me staff quickly learn that I am not the person she makes me out to be. Our organization is closing for good in a few months & thankfully they’re offering severance packages for the staff who stays til the end…I feel like this is another attempt to pick at me to keep me from getting what I have worked so hard for. Its as if she spends her time plotting evil against me because she has the power to carry it out in the workplace. I would like advice on a battle prayer for this person who is head over me.

    1. Prayer and once you pray stand still and watch God do what he do best the Q is stand still once you pray and let God handle the issue

  99. Hi I’m working in a public service my supervisor wrote a letter to me today as for why disciplinary action cannot be taken against me because I have remitted the money late to the bank 2 months back and it is against the financial instruction to do that as I may face the dismissal from work.she is always giving me workload and pretend as if everything is ok even when I ask to take some offs in the office she is refusing.please pray for me to overcome the devil in the office and my life please I’m always in tears don’t know what my life will be if I loose my job

  100. Hi all, well just like a lot of us, I too have had a job and all of a sudden out of the blue I was called in for an investigation meeting over something I did not commit. I’m asking that whosoever reads this can be an intercessor in my life and pray that as I head to this meeting with management tomorrow morning I’m not only saved from this situation but blessed. I have always been someone who never gets into no trouble at work let alone had tifs or anything along this lines with co workers and so this is really heartbreaking for me. My name is Laura.

    1. Dear Laura,
      I just saw this today. I pray the Lord has delivered and vindicated you. The Lord has promised never to leave you or forsake. He hears the cries of His children and answers them. The Lord’s protection, favor and provision continue to be you and your loved ones. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

  101. Thank you so much for this prayer – spiritual warfare is real. I’m experiencing it daily, yet I although not always strong, I stay in faith that the demon spirits which surround me near, far and hidden will be casted away as needed for my protection.

  102. I am requesting agreement through the Blood of Jesus.
    I have been harrassed and bullied at work for over a year now. I raised a grievance, and that had made them even more insistant in terminating my employment. Yesterday, I receive yet another letter requesting me to attend an investigation meeting. with so much stress and worry, I missed my shift on Tuesday 9th July, thinking it was afternoon shift allocation, but it was for the morning shift. I turned up at wotk for the afternoon shift and was sent home, and I followed up with an email to apologise. I plead the blood of jesus over this situation and would ask for intercessory prayers to avert this upcoming threat of disciplinary action against me. Every blessings.

  103. Hey, I’m facing some attacks at my job. Thank you for this prayer. I have been at this job for 2 years now. I was a temp and the I got hired on. This lady that’s over me is giving me a hard time. She will not help me or train me probably. Little mistake I make she emailing me. She checking my timesheet. I have done both to her, but be nice. I’m a single mom and also she’s a single. Some time she’s nice, but it’s like she snaps and become mean. I get so stressed out to hear I’m not Focus on my work. Please say a prayer for me. I love my job and I want to be there for a long time. But, she making it hard for me. Also, she looks down on me because what type of car I drive and it’s not a newer car. Thank you! God bless!

  104. Power of prayer is powerful prayer in JESUS name I been attacked by my supervisor on the job on many occasions this prayer had help it’s sad that caused you black and work for the government and be a victim of discrimination from a white supervisor but by the grace of God this prayer had help me

  105. I m writing feeling so hurt. I’m stagnant and abused at work. I am a hardworking person and I have been putting my work first. I’m the one doing everything in my department less than everyone though I’m earning less than. It’s been 7 years. I have been working hard. Thinking hard works will work for me. Hard works don’t pay. People. Managers are taking advantage of me overworking me. For this past 7 years I have seen people come and grow before my eyes. It’s hurting me. Jobs are scares. I have bills to pay. Family to provide.. I am stagnant. I pray that God will open a door for me. I need to find onether job as soon as possible.i can’t go anymore

    1. I am just so disappointed and in need of God’s deliverance into a better productive working environment. I waited for about two years to get the department I am currently working in and I was so elated when I finally got this position. They switched Supervisor’s a couple of months in and this very young inexperienced lady with a power hungry attitude was granted the position. I felt this was going to be a rough up hill journey but I never could imagine how insensitive unfair and rude this young lady was ever going to become. She has made it so stressful my blood pressure gets so high and migraine headaches everyday just with the thought of having to endure the day with her. I stay prayed up but I just need God to please anoint me and cover me in the absolute blood of Jesus. I pray for her to be softened and stripped down to clarity so that she may see herself as she truly is and help her to truly change her spirit to be better and a kind person. I am seeking God’s favor in blessing my business where I do not have to any longer endure Cooperate politics, and I can make others happy and bring joy to people’s events. I pray for deliverance from this bad situation . I pray healing to my flesh and also for my spirit. I pray for forgiveness and strength in a time that I feel so defeated and weak.

  106. Please everybody pray for me as I’m in a job where people have started dating each other in the same office and are teaming up against me every way because I tell them when they are doing things incorrectly that could hurt patients. I only have a few months left at this job but they are doing everything and telling every lie to try to get me out of my job. If anybody knows how awful is when you work so hard and people begin to do everything and say everything malicious. I’m praying somebody sees this and will pray for me. Thank you

  107. I have read what other people are going through and it makes me sad. I have two people at work targeting me and one is a person I pushed through the lines because she is a good worker and deserves to be in this position. But now she snubs me and I believe she and my boss are trying to get me fired. I work very hard at my job and make sure things are done. I hate going to work now it’s such a horrible feeling I could cry daily. I just want to get through two more years and I can retire. I guess I did not see the real person that deserved the advancement and I feel I made it happen. God knows how hard I work he knows everything. I just let people walk on me and I have tears now so I had better go. Thanks for letting me say this to someone. I am really afraid because I have obligations to pay all of my bills. We

    1. Loretta, I am going through something very similar. The situation is affecting my sleep, my stomach and my overall emotional state. I need my job too and have to wait for two years to retire. I feel like an idiot because I did not see the imposter and the Abalsom spirit that has risen up. I am glad this prayer was shared. I cry out to God for help and plead the blood of Jesus. I am in a prayer of agreement for all that is going through as we are that God will deliver us and no Weapon formed Against us will Prosper and Anyone that has the Nerve to rise against us shall be defeated. No Weapon! In the Name of Jesus! The Blood.

  108. Hi All,

    It breaks my heart to hear how we are all so similar in struggles at work and the spiritual warfare we are in the midst of that is causing stress and strain from harassment, racism, gender equality issues, and other forms of discrimination and no inclusive practices. For my testimony, I have been with my employer for three years and I was placed under a manager last year who immediately let me know through his behavior that he didn’t want me on his team. He intentionally refuses to provide guidance, expectations, and feedback. He has been setting me up to fail. He also has verbally abused and talks poorly about me to my team members and management. He is setting me up to fail. By the grace of God I have survived this long and I trust God will sustain me as I look to find employment elsewhere. The politics of my environment are wrought with a lot of fear, backbiting, competition, and racist tactics all under the guise of this great culture. It is sad to think how many other people are going through this as well. Pleas pray for me as I pray for you. Be blessed everyone!

    1. In the name of Jesus, I stand in agreement with RLT praying for protection from all evil. Jesus, your word states, “For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” Thank you, Lord Jesus, for protection and favor for RLT. Please open doors of opportunity and send your Holy Spirit to convict the hearts and minds of those in management and on the team. Let no weapon formed prosper against RLT. Isaiah 54:17 says “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.” Thank you Lord for deliverance, for peace and for the overflow of blessings. In Jesus name, Amen.

  109. please pray for my friend and I we are in different state but going through similar situations pray for the blood of Jesus wash over us. Bullying hurts so much. I love my job but now I hate to go to work, cry a lot feel so lost.

  110. I have been working at my current job for 7 months. People ask me how I got the job because people are hired by referral. No one referred me. I work in a cubicle setting and a guy next to me always says smirk remarks about me to a person who trained me. He is always looking at my work and even went behind my work, always looking at my drawer when I open it. People looks at me with the kind of look of why I’m there. I feel that rumors has been said about me. One of the management team does not like me and she express it. I have done nothing wrong to them but be kind and I do my work.
    People get jealous when my name shows that I did the most work for that day and I hear smirks remarks. I almost wanted to say that we are all in the same team. But I don’t want to say it because it might make the situation worst. I’m hurt inside. They claim to be a Christian but likes to talk about me. I see a lot of favoritism and it shows. It affects me.
    I want to speak to the management about this but I am misunderstood when I speak. I don’t know what to do. Please pray for me. I want my situation at work to change.

  111. Hello, I am really experiencing a lot of harassment on my job. My immediate supervisor recently retired and now I have no one to stand up for me. I have been harassed from this person every since I have been on this job. Now this new girl works with her and now harass me also. My leaders are influenced by them and always go with them. They never ask my side they talk to them and make decisions about me on what they are told by them. They speak to me very harshly. I have asked on several occasion to have a meeting with leadership but they wont even talk with me. I recently had a run in with one of the ladies. I was off work but had not left the building when she came to me and ask me to sign for some paperwork that she was trying to give to me, I told her that I was off work but just hadn’t left yet. she insisted that I sign the paper, I told her no because I was off. She then took it to the head boss and told her I wouldn’t sign the paperwork because I was off. I immediately left the building. this was not the first time she has done this, she has done this on several occasions waited until I get ready to leave to come to bring me work. The leadership did not come to me and ask me about the situation. she had the other boss just to change my schedule to leave at a later time. I want my schedule changed back to 7 to 3 and to get the promotion I deserve and stop the harassment .

    1. Jehovah , you have heard your child. Give her her due promotion and let these harrassment stop. Show up in this situation and let your will be done in the name of Jesus

  112. I am in a similar situation at work. My supervisors are incredibly rude to me, treat me like I am completely incompetent and unworthy of the job. Its high pressure and deals with a lot of money. I have only been there six weeks but its been humiliating, stressful and I never sleep anymore. I have a nervous system disorder that causes panic attacks and now I just freeze and apologize and make mistakes over and over because of it. I want to quit and not work there anymore and its sad to me because I really was excited to get the job to begin with and wanted the health insurance and retirement there, but now it doesnt even matter to me. Im starting a menopause stage, my husband and I may separate after 23 years together and two of my children have health and mental health disorders and I needed this job to help them as well. I am just not strong any longer and my husband is no longer very emotionally supportive. I had one hour of sleep last night and have to be at work at 4:40 today and work till 12:40am and I know that this extreme lack of sleep which is almost every day now will effect my work performance and I will be berated and belittled for it. I dont even know what to pray for anymore because there is so much causing me to break down mentally, physically and even spiritually. I need Gods help so bad and I pray every day before work and first thing when I wake up, even with no sleep. I feel like im about to collapse and I honestly dont want to go to work today. I just dont know what to do anymore, im ready to give up on everything. Maybe someone out here can pray for me and my family. There is honestly so much more going on then I can explain.

    1. Praying for you La dawn, we are experiencing the same. God knows what’s going on and He will help us.
      Continue to read the word of God. And He will direct our path.

    2. I decree and declare that these mountains be moved in the name of Jesus. You will operate with excellence because you have the mind of Christ and you carry the glory of God

    3. Mrs.Bowman,
      I pray that God hears your prayer and bring peace to your situation. I feel you 100% going through a similar situation at work. I pray daily for my boss who thinks one day on the schedule a week is all I need. He picks and I never pleases him. I know I haven’t done wrong is why I pray for God to deal with him. I pray all is well with you. Hang in there don’t give up.
      May God bless you and your family!

  113. I am 63 years old and have been working this job for over 4.5 years. My husband is at end stage renal failure and I have been the sole support for him. I provide all the money and insurance for his dialysis. The last 6 months I have been written up for every little thing. From font sizes on a word document to quality of work . The stress has been so bad I can’t eat, sleep and just today passed out over an email criticizing my work. Please pray. I can’t take the stress anymore. Thank you

    1. Hi Susie, God bless you for your loyalty and kindness to your husband. I pray that God will make a way in the darkness, that He will lift you abc your husband up from this situation, I also pray that He would bring complete healing to your husband’s body. I come against all lies of the devil in every area of both of your lives, and we know that by the stripes, by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, we are all HEALED and DELIVERED. While it may be hard to keep your head up, keep full confidence in God to protect you and to advocate on your behalf. Also, I pray that if God can bring you a better work opportunity with supportive staff and coworkers, He would do so immediately, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen! Be well, do not fear, you and your husband, in Jesus, carry the authority of God over all that would seek to destroy you. Sending you love, peace, fortitude and faith. Hallelujah!

    2. I pray GOD will relieve some of the stress you are experiencing at work. As I read your story I can share with you that my work situation is very similar to yours. I just know GOD is there for both of us and I pray we both are blessed with longevity at our jobs. Hang in there. Your story is giving me HOPE. I wish you and your husband the very best. Amen.

  114. I have been on a daily battle to come to work everyday. My nightmare started when my department head threw a staff at me that nobody wanted. She used to work in two other teams, made hell for people in those teams and in the end , she was thrown to me as a last resort. She is lazy, not willing to do a single bit more, always finding excuses at work, not cooperative, rude and only great at 2 things – backstabbing and complaining. I have talked to her but to no avail. I talked to my boss to transfer her out also she wont as she cannot go anywhere else. As such, my life had been very miserable. I pray for a miracle that something will happen she will soon leave me and I can continue to work with peace of mind

  115. I am just so disappointed and in need of God’s deliverance into a better productive working environment. I waited for about two years to get the department I am currently working in and I was so elated when I finally got this position. They switched Supervisor’s a couple of months in and this very young inexperienced lady with a power hungry attitude was granted the position. I felt this was going to be a rough up hill journey but I never could imagine how insensitive unfair and rude this young lady was ever going to become. She has made it so stressful my blood pressure gets so high and migraine headaches everyday just with the thought of having to endure the day with her. I stay prayed up but I just need God to please anoint me and cover me in the absolute blood of Jesus. I pray for her to be softened and stripped down to clarity so that she may see herself as she truly is and help her to truly change her spirit to be better and a kind person. I am seeking God’s favor in blessing my business where I do not have to any longer endure Cooperate politics, and I can make others happy and bring joy to people’s events. I pray for deliverance from this bad situation . I pray healing to my flesh and also for my spirit. I pray for forgiveness and strength in a time that I feel so defeated and weak.

    1. Sister Nicole,

      Prayer one of a Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ’s most powerful weapons. Our faith causes us to pray from a place of victory! I’m dealing with a work situation myself, but I made the decision to keep my heart right by PRAYING FOR THE PERSON!

      Remember, people who don’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ are doing EXACTLY what they are supposed to do…lend themselves to the influence of darkness. BUT WE WHO KNOW HIM, put our trust in Him ALONE…AND PRAY! I’ll be adding you to my time of intercession and if I don’t ever hear the praise report I already know YOU’RE VICTORIOUS!!!

  116. Please pray for me. I am in a leadership position. My job is to protect and advocate for others in the education field. We have such limited resources. I care deeply for those I lead and we we have so much working against us. I carry a huge burden to keep everyone safe from those who try to do us harm. Jesus is teaching me that His burden is light and I submit daily. God has been so good and just. It is a long fight.

  117. Prayer intercession for m at work , being attack verbally,speaking demeaning towards me ,by 1 shift supervisor ,I plead the blood of Jesus , bloodline covering me under your protection , angelic assistant, Holy Spirit to have your way , increase me in knowledge at my work an continue to favor me by my manager on Jesus name Amen

  118. Please pray for my son 50 years old who will face a lay off from his job as a crane mechanic. This job has been good for him and he will not be able to replace it if laid off. There are 2 men in there 70 ‘s who have hard time with the labor work were offered a retirement plan but refused it . They have seniority over my son, so he is the first to go. If laid off he will lose his home he is building and the rent will double to 1800 per month. He really needs his job I prayed the prayers and might need some more prayer. The stress is affecting his health Thank you and

  119. This year has been the worst year for me in my professional career. I have been constantly lied on, ostracized, bullied, made fun of, constantly bad mouthed all by one of my bosses who is constantly abusing me – If I’m talking to a friend and he’s near by he will do a complete about face to see what the conversation entails. I really need God at this time I’ve never experienced this before – I’ve tried going higher up the food chain but nothing is ever done about his behavior.

    1. Molly I know you don’t want to hear this, you are not alone in experiencing this, and my struggle with my current supervisor is the same that lead me to this prayerAll we can do is pray, keep our head up, keep our faith and belief strong in the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and don’t allow evilness defeat us. I have developed a new mantra of, “I am coming out for the Father God, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. “

  120. I am facing serious challenges in my working place right now with 1of my Captain who was threatening to remove me from the vessel he finds fault in everything I do condemning me before the 1 who brought me. even some crew members are planning evil against me as well. please pray for me I need God intervention in this. this man have sacked about 6 people since he came here. and if not my boss he would have sacked another person last 2 months before he went on leave. and he is threatening to do more than that when he returned. please Pray for me. thanks Sir/Ma

  121. My friend is facing a serious challenge in her workplace. A new staff cohort with the hold staff to unseat her position. She’s mentally, emotionally disturbed and she’s making lots of mistake at work. Please, people of God, help her in prayer for the battle is for the Lord.


    1. I’m having the same issue, especially with the mistakes. this is something I’m not used to. It is a much older woman than I, who verbally attacks my character behind my back. Its hard to sleep, I wake up emotionally, physically and mentally drained. She’s 62, I’m 21. I fear losing my job as I am new here, only three months and she got the girl who was also my age, fired.

  122. I am experiencing all of the above… A new woman started work… I was nothing but helpful and encouraging to her. But all of a sudden she turned on me and started to ostracize me from events going on at work. She has gone out of her way to turn people against me. I don’t know what or why this is happening. It almost feels like Junior high, where the new girl turns on you and becomes one of the mean girls…. I know this probably makes no sense…. But it has effected me with depression and hurt.I don’t understand..

  123. Thank you so much much for these prayers I’m standing in the gap for my son who’s going through this oppression at his work may God deliver my son from his enemies and protect his job as I’m praying these powerful anointed prayers more grace shalom

  124. Thank you I was going through an adverse situation at work I modified the battle prayer to my need and today I can say that every thing is falling into place with the glory of God.
    With faith all is possible.

  125. Dear faithful,
    Kindly please pray for me. My manager tortures me every day at work with verbal abuse. I am been insulted in front of all. He is mocking me and abusing me and is good with others.

    Please pray and intercede for my intentions that the devils will leave me and he will not be my manager anymore. God please act quickly I pray that i cannot take this pressure anymore. Please help me Lord. I claim precious blood of Jesus on him right now that tomorrow when i go to work he will not be able to utter a single word of abuse or torture towards me. Please pray for me. Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus, Thank you Holy spirit. I pray in Jesus holy name. Amen.

  126. Please pray for me as I been suffering a lot of stress under a team mate who is unreasonable and always making my life very tough. I am already 46 and in this economic situation plus my age, it is not easy for me to start all over in a new place. More so, I will have to give up my retirement gratuity once I leave and get nothing. Please pray that I can continue to work in this place without her everyday harrasing me as my boss is also afraid of her and I am left to defend myself. I worry I cant this anymore…

    1. Praying for the blood of Jesus Christ to envelope us protect us from the attack of evil all of us here are facing! I believe that when we are in the right path that is when evil will post most barriers in front of us to make us stray from believing in the one true strength for our Lord loved us so much he allowed his only begotten son to live and die amongst us and rise to eternal life! In Jesus name I pray for all if us facing these battles! I too am in a desperate situation and am at wits end! I don’t feel strong enough to deal with what I am facing and would rather God take me as am too old.tired to be fighting this battles!But am praying for God to intercede for all of us here!

  127. I have been going through lots of problems in my work station because of my co-worker may the blood of Jesus fight for me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen, Amen and Amen.

  128. Thank you for this prayer for sharing it. Please pray for me. I was harassed, intimidated, over worked, never given a salary increase and now let go at work. Please pray for me to get a new job. I thank you In Jesus name and God bless you for shedding light about the heavenly court room and how to plead the blood.

  129. Dear brother,
    Greetings in the name of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Iam being repeatedly tormented by subordinates in my office. Iam using the battle prayer you have given here. Kindly pray that the lord would protect me from them and change their attitude..
    Yours in Christ,

  130. Would you please pray for me? My supervisor does not like me and makes very snarky remarks to me and in emails regarding my work. I personally believe it is jealousy but I have asked the Lord to correct ME wherever I am wrong. Now she is dragging my big boss in to it. I am a good worker. My clients love me. I go above and beyond to help others but I truly feel persecuted and do not like the feeling that I could lose my job especially during a time such as now. Please Lord please.

  131. Dear beloved ones

    I work for the company for 20 years, we having a manager that is too jealousy of her workers she doe’nt want to them prosper, and the are lot got fired because of her in the management, she leading people with full of lies and the boss trust her so much what ever she says they believe her, and I m the child of God this situation is giving me hard time, if she doesn’t like you she treats you like anyhow, if you want to sarvive you must agree with her what ever she says bad about someone else if you don’t agree she starts holding garages against you, and I m also a Supervisor, she doesn’t like me at all and I feel like I can leave this job because of her ways, can you help me to pray for this situation and I m also praying for myself to ask the Blood of Jesus to intervine. God bless you. CHRISTINA

    1. Good day I myself I am currently going through the same ridicule and torment with an evil boss lady . But tonight I pray that the Holy Spirit will intervene in each and every situations for each and everyone and vedicate our cause . For He is the righteous judge and victory belongs to Him. We are heirs of the kingdom of God and we apply the blood of Jesus all around us and our families we declare Isaiah 54:17 no weapon formed against us will prosper and every evil tongue that rise up against us we condem in the mighty name of Jesus . Father we ask that you will make haste and fight for us we apply the blood of Jesus on the atmosphere in every workplace we send forth to the fire of the Holy Spirit to burn up every evil thought every evil plan burn up every spirit of conflict and confusion in the name of Jesus Christ . We apply the blood of Jesus upon every boss we bring their mind will and emotions under your subjection . I declare freedom and deliverance for your children. I pray for strength not to give up to the enemy we declare and decree the enemy is under our feet . Satan the blood of Jesus is against you tonight . Jesus we proclaim you are God over our lives . In the mighty name of JesusJesus Amen

  132. I need prayer as well I have a boss who doesn’t like me she recently suspended me without pay I have three kids and im a single mother Im not innocent I had my share of calls out I been improving my attendance since then I took 4 days off to grieve the lost of my father and she suspended me because she didn’t believe me because I didn’t provide her with any documentation now im home waiting for my case to go to abetration that can take a year or so…please pray for me and her as well…

    1. Please pray Psalm 35 The Message translation. IT IS SO POWERFUL for your situation!! You will be infused with hope and see the Lord’s love and power.

  133. Please pray for me as i been suffering a lot of stress under a manager who is so unreasonable and always make my life very tough lam alredy 43 years old and in this economic situation plus my age is not easy to start all over.iam everyday thinking of resigning, haven’t been at work since Tuesday and heared that he wasn’t talking good about my name.iam going back to work but my heart doesn’t want to.Please Pray for me.

  134. I’ve been working with this institution for two years without pay, not even transportation but I worked really hard all because I had hope that some day I will be given a permanent job status.
    Now, after the final interview the vice chancellor of the institution instead of 20 slots decided to bring in his own people and employ only 5 people from our group and this put me on the first of the waiting list.

    I am in my room right now and have been crying and weeping for three good days. I don’t know what to do but I came upon this article while looking for prayers to strengthen me, I plan to go home and let my family pray with me this battle prayer and see how God turns things around.

    Thank you and God bless you

  135. I searched the internet for some battle prayers like this one. I started a new job on July 1st of this year. I am a foreign language teacher teaching English here in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Everyday I battle evil spirits, witchcraft, sorcery, and chaos. I thank Yah that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises against me, I shall condemn in the judgement. I stand and boast in my most Holy Faith. I prayed the above battle prayer and added some to the prayer to tailor it to my own personal situation. I am looking forward to posting about the result (deliverance) Yah brings me in the name of Yahawashai the Eternal One!

  136. This battle prayers is very powerful and I know that the God we serve see and hears everything on my job they have a supervisor that should have been gone permanently but you have upper Management that he hold something over they head they allowed this man back into the station because of race but the God we serve sees and watch everything he no better when he left but there is a judgment day for everyone inspector made cant get him but God will he will be on that lists that the God we serve had written for every wrong and every thing he took,every time that he improperly entered to pleased his clicks you don’t steal from a company to make your self look important but God

  137. This battle prayers is powerful,just stand still and watch God quietly your tongue and humbly yourself to the Lord sometimes God’s send us thru just to show how the enemies who attacked us and who they are and just to show you as a child of God’s these enemies do not believe in God’s they are satan kids who constantly attacked Gods children when the enemy is jealous of you watching your every move they want to fight you with they’re poison tongue But God I have a supervisor that they allowed back into the workplace under a federal government job who try to attack me everyday even day he retaliation against me yes this supervisor might want me dead but the God I served I Fear him(God) not this man we as employees see the mesh he do and try to get away with this supervisor feel he can pass a lie detected test under federal government law but the God we serve sees everything this man does the wrong the thief’s the change of time the hated language that he have against black employee every thing he does God’s see and watch just remembered judgment day is coming he lie his way thru God he can’t keep harassing God’s children God will stand up and shields you it’s just simple a test that everyone cant go thru God only have chosen one’s who can stand the test every one can’t go thru the fire and come out with God’s on their sides just remembered God’s will show you who for you and who’s against you he will even show you your hateful friends that’s not your friends just remembered when you go thru you got to leave some baggage behind friends you thought were your friends deleted and when you come God’s will show up and show out and watch how the spirit of the lord’s work thru you yes it’s a test to get up every morning and go to work and watch how satan’s enemies attacked you on the job’s its want last God’s said it’s just a test he show you how many coworkers who scratch the enemies back and how many back that that supervisor scratch caused when it’s done just remembered he can lie to Management teams and not twist his eye but God when he come face with God’s whether it’s a he or she when the real fire burned that’s Hell it’s no way out but the test of fire you go thru on your Job it’s a way out just hold on to God’s today’s I closed my eyes and mediate on Gods words know that’s this man this supervisor were trying to take me out he tells his friends he crazy (yesheis)but God’s can show you in his beautiful battle prayers how he can will fight this battle against your enemies read this battle prayers several times daily and then take psalm 35 and 91 hold your hands up to the lord’s and say to God it’s me lord’s stand in the need of prayer yes the enemies steal and take life but don’t give up God’s will fight your battles just remembered you have a testimony that someone needs to hear Amen The battle prayers is not for everyone caused everyone’s cant stand the STORMS Amen

  138. Dear faithful,
    My wife has been facing this same story you shared and she was about to get fired before God turned things around for her, this happened by one of her colleague resigned because of her to stay back,and now her boss still pestering her everyday.pls I want you to pray for her

  139. I am constantly undervalued and not held on the same regard as my coworkers. I have been praying for hofd help on my job. I am at the point of pleading with God to fight my battles at work and the injustice I gave daily. My company within the last year switched to a new epr system and I’m constantly trying to figure things out. I pray and pray for God to give me clarity and help me understand how to use this new system. I am constantly feeling stressed, unappreciated, devalued and discouraged on my job. I am the bread winner on my household which makes my current situation even more stressful. I feel like my manager and boss secretly feel am not competent. And they dismiss me and how hard I try to learn and do my job accurately. I feel like God is not answering my prayers. I feel so defeated and aftaid.

    1. In the middle of your storm it sometimes feels like it’s too hard, your not going to make it, but your strength comes from our Lord Jesus. When your have a battle Pray, when your exhausted Pray, when you feel alone Pray, don’t give up.. that’s what Satan wants, he wants you to be weak. As you go through this difficult times stay strong in prayers, open the Bible look for Gods words. Faith is the unseen, put your faith in His hands, He will not forsake you, it’s in His do timing. While at work speak scriptures pertaining to your situation. Listen to worship music if possible. Praise God when you wake up and thank Him for helping you stay confident and strong while at work before you even go into work. God is good always, not only on good days, but through our misery too, because it makes us stronger and we always learn through it too. God Bless you and I pray God will answer your prayers, may you have Victory and Justice. Read Psalms, beautiful verses that will help you through your struggles.

  140. I am being treated very poorly and humiliatingly by my boss, at my place of work.
    I have modified and prayed this prayer and await to testify the Glory of God.

    Please keep me in your prayers that the unjust situation changes.

    Thank you so much.

  141. Dear faithful, I am undervalued by my boss and all other workmates even the cleaner. They do not take me for workshops in the field. I feel so rejected and I have prayed and trusted God but things just get worse everyday.

    1. Dear Asiimwe Jocelyn,

      I am also being undervalued where I work so much so that it has affected my performance so I have decided to leave. I recommend that you pray about staying at this job or asking God where He wants you to be because sometimes we are meant to be somewhere for just a season, to learn or see something and then move on. I pray for you and I both to experience a supportive, kind, and motivating work place where we can live out our talents and help others.

  142. I ask all to please keep me in prayer. I have been working with a nurse for the last year and at first we got along well, but I began to notice how she talked to staff and talked about people a i wanted no part of it and stopped talking to her. Immediately after this nurse began fighting with me in front of staff and used her authority to talk and treat not only myself but staff badly. The other night i was the only worker and there was a lot of call outs there was a aid who stayed over to help from the previous shift and while getting report on our patients i noticed that this nurse gave me double work and gave the other aid nothing so i asked the nurse about it and she told me that it was not her problem so when the shift was almost over the nurse came to me yelling and saying how i didnt complete everything on the assignment i then told the nurse that i did most of the work and that the staff that stayed over was suppose to complete the work i didnt complete the nurse then yelled at me and told me that i am suppose to do what she says and that she is my charge and how she is going to emiail my supervisor. I have been at my job for 5 years and have never been written up or is trouble and the second this nurse comes on the scene its problems with the whole shift other staff has tried to talk with her and she doesnt want to hear it please just keep me in prayer i dont want to lose my job or get in trouble for something i know i wasnt wrong for please keep me in your prayers

    1. Jessica I pray for strength and guidance for you and for a resolution to your situation. I believe there is no problem God cannot solve with the the blink of an eye when we ask in the name of his son Jesus Christ! I too am a Nurse and find myself in an unacceptable situation with a Nurse who was a friend and I referred to the job now causing a multitude of problems! I am at my wits end have been at Job for long time am older and really need my job. I believe God has a lesson for us and puts us in situations where he knows we are the ones that can act in that situation but I am at wits end having done everything in my power to resolve to no avail, as I am sure you have to! Lets pray that prayers are answered fir both of us soon! May the blood shed by Jesus on the cross envelop us and protect us from these people who cause harm! In Jesus name i pray for both of us!! Maria

    2. I am a nurse as well and just started a new job by boss gaslight me every time I ask for more training on something that I don’t recall her showing me then with sarcasm say you don’t know how come you don’t she ask her assist did you show her yes I think she replied them as another co worker and same answer , I told her I don’t recall and you said you would teach me and then she’s like which one is it , it can only be one and laughing, I loose it and I point out this things that she does and now I am the bad one, So I am here praying god helps me keep my cool and hoping she retires soon,or I find something better …please pray for me I’m a single mom just trying to make end meet

  143. Please pray for me too.
    I have been acting in a position for almost two years now.I have done interviews of the same position so that i can be confirmed in this position but in vain because i have a couple of people fighting my going to another who have sweared that i will never be promoted. Iam very tired of all the frustrations iam going through.
    Please pray for me so that my God ashames the enemies that are fighting progress in my life.

    Thank you

  144. I am working with a boss who has always seen me as a threat, the funniest part is that the man is related to my mother, any problem that comes up between my mothers family and theirs he will use it against me, every year he keep on appraising me low performance so that the company will find me incompetent and lay me off, please stand in the gap for me let the almighty God contend with my contenders.

  145. I pray all your prayers are answered
    Please join me in prayer over someone I hold dearly to my heart she is also going through a situation at work and needs a miracle she has bills to pay like every one else and just wants to go to work with out being bullied and falsely
    Blamed for things she didn’t do she lives in fear of being fired and losing the only thing she has her house

  146. Dike
    Please pray for me as I am suffering a lot of stress under our team leader who is unreasonable and always making my life very tough changing work brief without informing me and blaming me for not doing the right thing. I’m wondering what have I done to this guy. I am already 48 and in this economic situation plus my age, it is not easy for me to start all over in a new place. Please pray that this guy mind his own business stop harassing me and making me cry so that I can continue to work in peace.
    With faith all is possible

  147. Dear faithful,

    Kindly pray for me as my line manager always finds a reason for me to get fired.I was been insulted in front of my Team members and he can shout on me as if am a small baby.

    I can not do it own my own but i ask the blood of our Jesus Christ to cover and protect me against all evil attacks. Please pray that I can continue to work in this place without his everyday harassing me as my boss.I like my job and am very happy with it. I also pray for him to be delivered from all satans work so that he can have peace forever.

    Please pray for me as i cannot stop praying because i know our Father,GOD is the almighty and will answer all of our prayers .
    Thank you Almighty God
    Thank you Jesus

  148. To all of You past and current, I plead the blood of Christ over You. The enemy comes to rob kill and destroy! But God has said He will grant that the enemy that comes agsinst us will be defeated before us. They will come in one direction and flee in seven! I am experiencing cruelty at work as well. . I will decree and declare that the enemy will stay down !! My supervisor will not answer emails, has taken away my duties and micromanaged everything. I pray that she will be released from the enemy’s wickedness. May we bless those that curse us. I speak life into her. That she will be a supervisor that edifies, leads and instructs with the intentions of promoting not only herself but her employees. Forgive all these bosses and leaders Lord, because they do not know what they do. All we need to know is that no matter what God is in control. Thank God for these adversity as we learn to truly trust the Lord. Be still and know He is God. Have faith and do not doubt His Greatness. Lord work a miracle in our lives that You and only you will get all the glory as this prayer is answered.

  149. I know that God’s Word works! A supervisor and I were talking one day and he said the most incredulous to me. His words were “ We can’t seem to get you.” My response to him was “And you never will!” While he wasn’t malicious I was so shocked to hear him say that because I wasn’t a troublesome employee and I felt we had a good rapport. Anyway I would constantly display Isaiah 54:17 No tongue or weapon formed against me shall prosper in Jesus Name in my work area and it has worked for me then and still works for me now. I’m so grateful for God and His word All Praises to Him.

  150. I am dealing with a great deal of stress at my workplace. I have been employed on my job 30 years but can’t retired because I’m still to young. I have always gotten outstanding work appraisals. I have never been in any type of trouble and I have alway cared myself professional. I am such a humble and happy person. My faith in God has always been strong, but for the last few months I am starting to feel confused and lost. I have been placed under a new supervisor that is very evil. This woman has cause many other employees headaches. This woman has made many of her employees cry. This woman has gotten many employees fired, and now she is working on me. This woman must have something on higher up management because they allow the woman to do what she does and get away with it, and they go after the innocent ones. As I face higher up management tomorrow morning to plead my case, I’m am asking you God to stand in my place. Lord I am asking you to be my voice of reason, and whatever the tacked May be tomorrow you block them in the name of the Holy spirt. As sit there tomorrow fight to be remove from this supervisor I will plead the blood of Jesus them evil demon, and I am claiming the mighty name of Jesus, that God is going to prevail in my favor. Please pray for me… Amen

  151. This prayers is powerful and I truly know this prayer works and truly know that our father God going to moved David a supervisor his team player who he steal from the company for rita’s fosters God’s have ever eye’s on everything amen amen amen

  152. I feels so happy to have this encouragement. Because I have an similar issue like this in my working place, to the estend that, punishment awarded to be dismiss from the work. And my wife has an ignorance in prayer. Pls brother’s and sisters I need your help in prayers over the situation.

  153. Yes I read this message and it’s so powerful. Please this message is one my husband it’s now,please remember me this two weeks,he is already in out. Her boss tell her he will call her after two weeks after investigating,now he have two weeks out of office. Please remember her in prayer,so that we can destroy all evil things,and to call God to entavine.

  154. Just want to tell you that about 2 years ago I was under serious attack at work from individuals who wanted me fired. Every morning on my way to work I would say this prayer numerous time and called their names and within a month I was offered a shift change which was better for me and also I was out of their way.

  155. God is bigger then the enemy and I know that one day the oig will pick up on the thief’s of stealing time on those leave early and mgr clock them out like they still at work and I know God see everything and that carla ward will be prosecution for her foul mouth her wrong doing attacks employees on the job and managers oh oh God see it all and the battle of prayer see this case it will come to an end yes God is Faithful and he will show up and show out in this battle that unjust in our workplace amen

  156. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. I am going through a similar situation like this at my place of employment. I am being attacked by the enemy .I have started pleading the blood over this situation!!
    Thank you

  157. My husband is going through this now…so much severe stress at work and hard work, he can’t keep up with his boss. Work at 5 am and only get home at 19:00p.m Please pray for him. His name is Hendre. We hardly see him now and do have a 1 year 20 month old boy.

    We need prayer


  158. This is really uplifting given that I am currently in a very difficult situation at work and my boss wants me fired. She subjected me into a disciplinary hearing without and verbal or written warning and that as a witness she said bad and false things against me to such an extent that the presiding officer has found me guilty and will recommend to my employer that I be dismissed from work in 7 days time from writing this comment.

  159. I’ve been passing through the same oppression at my work place for the past one year. It brings tears to my eyes each time. Going to work now comes as a nightmare. Please pray for me that God will uphold me and embarrass all my oppressors. Give me victory and favour in Jesus Name Amen.

  160. Thank you for the story and prayer, l kindly request that all who can help with praying for me please do so, l am currently facing an attack at work from the finance and admin manager, who wants to relocate me to be field based such that l do not benefit from the travelling funds, she has also requested me to use a motor cycle in terrain that is not suitable for riding. What is really affecting me and weighing my heart down is the fact that l recently got married and my wife is due to deliver in April,meaning l cannot quit the job as l have to fend for them and if l am to ride the motor cycle and l get injured no one will take care of my family. Please anyone who can help me pray please do

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