God Will Run Protection For You
Sometimes God will want you to go into the battle, and then He will fight the battle through you to defeat your enemy. However, there will be other times where …
Sometimes God will want you to go into the battle, and then He will fight the battle through you to defeat your enemy. However, there will be other times where …
All of the above Scripture verses are definitely telling you that God can anoint you with His divine power whenever that power is going to be needed to take on …
If you are walking in a full surrender with God the Father, and walking in all of His ways and staying out of any serious sins and transgressions against Him …
As you will see in the next two verses, the second thing you must do after making a full surrender with the Lord is that you have to seek to …
The second part of this verse then gives you secret #2 to true spiritual warfare in the Lord – and that secret is to “resist the devil.” Notice the verse says …
Battle Verse For The Full Surrender The first thing you must be willing to do before you can even begin to get God to protect you and fight some of …
If there is one thing the Lord keeps having me put in many of our articles, it is the reminder for everyone to keep themselves open to being used by …
When the Bible tells us that God is no respecter of persons, what this means is that we are all on an equal footing with the Lord – we are …
Since we have opened up this website almost 6 years ago, we have received some very intense and gut-wrenching testimonies from people who have been struck by nothing but pure …
Without question, one of the hardest things for many Christians to do with the Lord is to wait on His timing to make certain things happen in their lives. In …
Without question, one of the most important analogies God has given to us in His Word on the new, restored relationship we now have with Him as a result of …
In our article titled, “Trials and Tribulations – the Testing of Your Faith,” we gave you all of the major verses from the Bible showing you that now only will …
At the end of the Gospels of both Mark and Matthew, the very last thing that Jesus tells His apostles is for all of them to save, heal, deliver, and …
Without question, the most disturbing, gut-wrenching, and heart-breaking doctrine in all of the Christian faith has to be the doctrine of hell – a place where all of the unsaved …
For the record, we believe that all of the main denominations of Christianity are accepted and honored by God the Father. As we all know, the Christian faith has been …
In a world where most of us get beat up to one degree or another, many people come out of these beatings with a problem in being able to trust …
I was asked about the passage in Scripture on the Parable of the Unjust Steward. In my opinion, this story has two key pieces of revelation that God really wants …
The Bible makes it very, very clear. God the Father has sent His one and only Son Jesus Christ down to our earth to physically die on a cross in …
If there is one special revelation that we have received from the Lord that can help keep us out of major trouble with Him – it has to be the …
Seeking After the Lord With All of Your Heart There are two main themes that you will see repeated over and over in many of our articles. The first theme …
The Scripture verses I will list in this article will be giving us another major, basic, fundamental principle that we all have to get worked into our mindset and walk …
In this article, I will give you 100 of the best battle verses from the Bible. I simply cannot stress enough the power that is on these particular verses. Here’s …
Due to the extreme importance of just this one topic, I am going to go ahead and do an entire article on this topic. This major revelation from our Lord …
This article was an email dialogue I had with a friend on the differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament. He had asked me to explain some of …
As Christians, one of the most important things we need to fully understand is the grace of God. As you will see in the Scripture verses I will list below, …
As you will see repeated over and over again in many of our articles, the absolute #1 key in being able to find exactly what your true divine destiny is …
As Christians, one of the first rites I believe every born-again believer should observe, either at the moment of being saved in the Lord or sometime shortly thereafter, is to …
Awhile back ago, I had heard a very disturbing statistic. The statistic was that 50% of all newborn Christians were dropping out of their walks with the Lord within the …
This article started with a friend of mine was was really stressing out due to the fact that you cannot seem to find a good job right now. This was …
One of the main, fundamental, key doctrines of the Christian faith is the belief in the Trinity. Simply put, the doctrine of the Trinity states that there is: One God …
One of the things I feel I have picked up from the Holy Spirit is that it will really be “worth your while” to fully surrender your entire life over …
As you will see in the very powerful verses I will be listing in this article – Jesus Christ, and His sacrificial death on the cross, is the central and …
Now that I am saved, what do I do next? This is a very common question for people who have just recently been saved. Awhile back ago, I read that …
The first thing each and every Christian must fully realize is that the Holy Bible is truly the inspired and infallible Word of God. There are many liberal Christians who …
Now That I Am Saved, What Do I Do Next? What Is The Next Step In My New Walk With The Lord? If there is one theme that you will …
If you only want to see a list of the 10 commandments and not read our article, then Click Here I thought I would draw up this article for all …