As people of God, we do get discouraged once in a while when go through difficult situations, persecutions, or trials.
When we seek the face of God over an issue, and the answer is not forth coming, or when we are in dire need of something important in our lives.
The fact that we are children of God does not alienate us from discouragement, but we must know that we have more than enough help in God to deliver us from every fiery darts of the enemies, and to keep us in the faith till His glorious appearing.
There is no magic formula to get over discouragement, just following the truth of the word is enough, and the steps are as simple as getting salvation and equally effective too.
These are the ways through which we can be encouraged.

1 – By The Word of God
The word of God is Spirit and life, purified seven times. It has the unequaled ability to create, build, and transform lives. It is full of encouraging promises for our weary souls.
We need to read and meditate in the word on daily basis, because man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from God doth man live. Daily intakes of the word will help us to resist and overcome all factors bringing discouragement.
Meditation makes the life in the word to be released into our spirit, with the effect that we contact the life of God.
2 – By Prayer
Prayer is another means through which we can get our burdens lifted off our shoulders. ‘Casting all your cares upon him for He careth for you’ (I Peter 5:7). Jesus is waiting to help us out of our frustrations, but we need to tell Him about them. He said “come to me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” (Mathew 11:28). Learn how to pray, for as you pray God assistance will come unto you.
Whatever is your need God wants to hear about them, no issue is too trivial to be presented before Him, He promised not to cast away anyone that come (John 6:37).
3 – By Self Encouragement
You can encourage yourself in the Lord by deliberately focusing your mind on the good things the Lord has done, the greatness of the Almighty God, His abundant mercies, and faithfulness, particularly on those things He has done in your own life.
David did the same in I Samuel 30:6, he encouraged himself in the Lord, and at the end he was ale to recover all, even after three days that the enemies have gone with all that he had labored for in life.
You can draw great strength from within if you dare to focus on the Lord. Philippians 4:8 says “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things”. No devil can beat that, it works any day!
4 – By Fellowshipping with Brethren
The presence of brethren can bring encouragement, hope, and joy, particularly in time of trouble. There is this bond that God’s Spirit brings in the union of children of God. Wherever brethren are meeting, deep will call to deep, and God’s presence will manifest.
The bible says “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17). Even Apostle Paul in Act 28:15 benefited greatly from this God given companionship, and was encouraged. Do not neglect the association of the people of God; from there you will contact strength and joy.
5 – By Worship
God indwells the praises of His people, worship brings down His presence always, when you worship God rightly, and sufficiently, fear, sorrow, and depression flees away. Many people may find it difficult to pray in time of trouble, but we can just manage to praise and worship Him.
David in his time of trouble in Psalm 42 queried himself; “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” What a man! He definitely knew how to condition his mind to praise God and to win.
6 – Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of encouragement and strength, when you spend time with Him, he will give you strength and you will no more remain in that state of despair. If you know how to speak in tongue, then you have the key to your liberation in your hands.
You can reproduce another upper room Pentecostal experience in your own room. Do it constantly and you will never know what is called despair again?
Do not give in to fear, and discouragement no matter what. For the joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10), grab it and maximize it in your life.