Christians Should Always be Happy, Shouldn’t They?
When you think about all that God has done for you, smiling is almost always possible. But, does that mean that you should always feel happy if you are a Christian?
Not necessarily. Christians should feel a full range of emotions, just like anyone else. God gave us all these emotions and feelings to help us as we venture through the journey of life.

One reason that people think Christians should always be happy is because of 1 Thessalonians 5:16 to 18. This verse says “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” While it does seem like this verse would tell you that you always have to be happy, a deeper look shows that isn’t the case.
“Rejoice always” doesn’t mean that you are happy all the time. Instead, it means that you must always rejoice in the fact that God is in control. You can pray to God for your needs and special petitions, but you must remember that He is the one who is in final control over what happens.
You can trust in Him to do what is best for you so that you can simply enjoy the blessings he bestows upon you. But, this doesn’t mean that you won’t ever feel emotions.
The Lesson Jesus Provides
The misconception that Christians should always be happy can be refuted with only two words found in the Bible’s shortest passage. “Jesus wept.” This short passage is found in John 11:35 when Jesus was mourning the death of his friend Lazarus. You can also find other emotions throughout the Bible. For example, Jesus felt anger when he flipped over the takes at the tabernacle in Mark 11:15 to 18.
Jesus felt apprehension and sorry when it was time for him to be crucified. In Matthew 26: 36 to 46, he prayed to God three times. He noted to three of his followers that his soul was “exceedingly sorrowful.” He also said that his spirit was willing but that his flesh was weak. He also asked God to “let this cup pass,” meaning that he wanted God to make it to where he wouldn’t have to be crucified.
Human Emotion is Normal
Human emotions are all normal, but you need to focus on how you react to them when you are a Christian. Think about when you are angry. Jesus didn’t overturn the moneychanger’s tables in the passage from Mark because he was mad about something trivial. Instead, he did it because he was angry that they were being disrespectful to God’s house.
When you experience strong emotions, you can’t just react to them. You need to take a moment to center yourself and think about what options you have. Think about how Jesus would react to challenging events. Would he react in a negative manner or would he show compassion?
One of the most important lessons that you can learn when you are studying Christianity is that forgiveness is the cornerstone of human interaction. Not only does forgiving a person benefit them, it also benefits you because you don’t have to harbor negative feelings.
Every Emotion is in the Bible
Every human emotion is in the Bible somewhere. Rejection is covered in John 15:20. Part of this verse says “If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.” Jesus was giving a lesson then and wanted to remind his followers that they will have people who don’t like them. They will face tribulations and trials at the hands of others, but they have to keep their eye on God and the promises that He’s made.
Anxiety is discussed in Psalm 94:19, which says, “In the multitude of anxieties within me, Your comforts delight my soul.” As you can see in this one, the author has a problem with anxiety but have turned to God for comfort. You might not be able to be joyful in all situations, but you can rest in God’s peace.
Joy in Thanksgiving
One of the best ways to turn a difficult situation around is to start listing out things that you can thank God for. Earlier, we said that we should always give thanks. This is an important key to happiness because it reminds you of what positive aspects you have in your life. Even the small things can help you to find the happiness that can boost your mood instantly.
Far too many people only turn to God when they need something. They are quick to demand things but not to offer up thanks. God says that He is your parent. How would you feel as a parent if your children only ever demanded things from you without ever saying “thank you” for what you do provide for them.
God always has your best interests in mind when He is doing things for you. On top of that, He also thinks about what is best for his people as a whole. Sometimes, you will go through things that are challenging, but you can rest assured that God is walking with you as you go through them.
He doesn’t promise that you won’t have to handle difficult matters or that you won’t be pushed to your limits or tested. Instead, He promises support, comfort and love as you go through them.
Finding Inner Peace
There is a difference between happiness and inner peace. Your inner peace is what you can find within yourself regardless of the external situations that you are going through. Isaiah 26:3 outlines the plan for finding “perfect peace.”
“You will keep him in perfect peace
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.”
The peace that you have in troubling times, even when you are angry, can help you remember to turn toward God for the answer to the issue. Romans 12:19 has the important reminder “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.”
You can count on God to handle the situations that are troubling you. This doesn’t mean that you should sit around and wait on Him to do everything. He might call you to do things or provide opportunities for you to take. Don’t let those pass you by just because you don’t feel up to doing them.
Part of finding happiness in God is being willing to step out of your comfort zone sometimes to do God’s will.
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