I believe that our God is a God of perfect order. I believe there are reasons for everything. For those who are seekers with the Lord, I believe many of the times God will give you answers as to why things are the way they are and why certain things happen the way they do.

Though we are all stuck with having to deal with the reality of demonic spirits in this life as a result of the curse Adam and Eve brought upon this earth, there is still a divine order in all of this and God is still running the entire show.

What I have personally found out in the area of spiritual warfare in having to deal direct with demonic spirits is that there are rules to the game, and there are limits as to how far they can go and how much they can get away with. For all Christians, there is complete deliverance from demons, no matter how bad and how hopeless the situation may look to you in the natural.

What we are trying to do with the spiritual warfare section of our site is to break these articles down accordingly so that you can pick and choose which ones will be best suited for the battle situation you may be forced to face.

In the area of having to deal direct with demons, I once again want to summarize your possible options per the articles we have done to date.

Conclusion to 4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits

1.  If demons are attempting to attack, harass, or torment you from an outside position, but have no real legal right to be doing so, it would be our recommendation that you read our article titled, “Battle Command Against Demonic Spirits.” A good, simple, basic battle command against these demons should do the trick and you should be able to drive them off of you very easily and very quickly.

2.  If you have committed any type of door-opening sin and transgression against the Lord giving demons the full legal right to be able to come directly after you, we recommend that you read our article titled, “Battle Prayer to Break Legal Rights of Demons.”

Before you can verbally command the demons to leave you in the name of Jesus, you will first have to break their legal rights – and this article will give you a good, sample, battle prayer on how to properly do this with God the Father.

3.  If you have had someone violate, abuse, or harm you in any type of extreme way, and have drawn demons into your life as a result of what that person or persons may have done to you, it would be our recommendation that you first read our article titled, “How to Handle Negative Feelings When Wronged by Someone Else.”

After you read this article and have made a commitment to the Lord to fully forgive all of your trespassers, then you can form out your own personal battle command as mentioned in the first two articles above, and then cast the demons off you for good.

4.  If you have demons that have been nipping, attacking, tormenting or harassing you as a result of being raised up in a dysfunctional family where either one or both of your parents have committed some severe transgressions against the Lord, it would be our recommendation that you read our article titled, “Battle Prayer to Break a Generational Curse Line.”

This article will give you a step-by-step process on how to fully break the generational curse line that may have formed out from one or both of your dysfunctional parents – and then how to verbally command the demons to leave you in the name of Jesus Christ once you have properly broken that curse line with God the Father.

As I have said before, you do not want to get so paranoid and spooked that you are seeing demons around every possible corner.

But you also do not want to take the other extreme position and turn a blind eye and keep your head in the sand ignoring the reality of demons and the different ways in which they will operate.

Many of God’s people are getting torpedoed and taken out of this life way too early as a result of not having the appropriate knowledge on spiritual warfare and how to do battle with their enemies – whether those enemies be demons or other evil people in this life.

The Bible has made it very clear. God’s Word has told us that we have all been called to be good soldiers of Jesus Christ. Notice that God is using the word “good soldiers.” When God is using the word “good soldiers,” I believe He is meaning exactly what He is trying to tell us. Good soldiers are warriors and they know how to directly engage with their enemies if they have too. They are strong, bold, and fearless.

God tells us in His Word that He wants us to be as bold as lions and that we are to directly engage and cast out demons when we have too. He tells us that if we faint in the day of any kind of adversity, that our strength will be considered small in His eyes.

Per all of the Scripture verses I listed at the top of this article, Jesus Himself had specifically told the apostles to cast out demons every single time He commissioned them to go out and walk with His anointing. We are to save, heal, teach, disciple, and cast out demons when we do run across these types of extreme situations.

I believe God is looking to raise up more well-rounded, anointed soldiers in these last days to battle some of the more increasing evil that we are starting to see more of. As we approach what I believe will be a coming Rapture, and then the coming of the 7 year Great Tribulation where this entire world will literally be ruled by a real, live, living Antichrist, I believe God will be pulling out all of the stops to try and get as many people saved and on that rapture train as He possibly can.

In order to do this, I believe God will be raising up an incredible army of anointed believers who will walk and fly with His supernatural power in a way that the world has never seen before and will never see again. Many of these anointed, chosen ones are being worked, trained, molded, and shaped right now into the eagles that God is calling them to become in Him.

For those of you who would like to read a direct prophecy on this coming army and what Jesus will be doing with this army, go to our article titled, “Prophecy from Jesus to Mary Baxter on Joel’s Army to Come” in the “Prophecies” section of our site. In this article is a direct word that Jesus gave to this woman on this coming army that He will be personally raising up, and some of the things that will be happening with this army.

Jesus says that this army will be the army of Joel as spoken by the prophet Joel in the Old Testament. In this article, I give you the full verse from the Book of Joel and the description that He gives of this army. He says this army will be the greatest army that God has ever raised up, that there never has been an army as mighty and powerful as this army is going to be, and that there will never be another one like it ever again.

I personally believe that this army could be coming out of our generation, and that our baby-boom generation may end up being the generation that will see and experience the Rapture.

Recommended Reading

For those of you who would like more detailed information in this area of spiritual warfare, here are 7 very good books on this subject that I would highly recommend, with all of them being written by very creditable, anointed men and women of God who are very experienced in this level of spiritual warfare and have learned much in the actual battlefields with demonic spirits.

All of these people are real pioneers in this area. The Bible tells us that we are to cast out demons, but it does not tell us exactly how to do it. Many of these people have had to learn how to do this all on their own as the Holy Spirit was guiding and teaching them along the way. As a result of all of their learning experiences, there is now an incredible amount of knowledge and revelation on this subject for those who want to learn more about it.

If I had to rate which one of these books would be considered the best at this time, I would definitely have to say the very first book I will list below. The title of this book is“Defeating Dark Angels” by Charles Kraft. This man gives the best, easiest, most logical, rational, and thorough analysis of this topic that I have seen to date. You cannot go wrong with this man’s teaching on this subject.

Two other books that are extremely good are “Healing Through Deliverance – Volumes 1 & 2” by Peter Horrobin.

Here are seven of the best books the Body of Christ has to date on this subject:

  1. Defeating Dark Angels
    By Charles H. Kraft / Gospel Light
  2. Healing through Deliverance, vol. 1: The Foundation of Deliverance Ministry
    By Peter Horrobin / Baker
  3. Healing through Deliverance, vol. 2: The Practice of Deliverance Ministry
    By Peter Horrobin / Baker
  4. How to Cast Out Demons: A Guide to the Basics
    By Doris M. Wagner / Gospel Light
  5. Pigs in the Parlor
    by Frank Hammond, Ida M. Hammond
  6. In The Name Of Satan How The Forces Of Evil Work And What You Can Do To Defeat Them by Bob Larson
  7. Larson’s Book of Spiritual Warfare
    By Bob Larson / Thomas Nelson /

If any more good books on this subject become available, I will add them to this list.

This was the last part on our 4-part series about “Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits”. You can find links to other parts below. If you’ve already read all the parts, then you might want to learn “How to Break a Generational Curse Line“.

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  1. im still waiting for information from Chris. He wrote to me yesterday. Thank you! I need deliverance badly and have been prayed for numerous times with little results. Please help!

  2. I need deliverance i been dealing with this for years . Thank you for the 4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare reading helps
    I Been praying ,and fasting very little results.

  3. As we should all accept the roles God needs us to do and the understanding he loves us, we need to protect ourselves and show the enlightenment to others
    To share his love and protect others from the deception the ‘Unclean’ multiply with. The 7 mortal sins Dante used to explain can be averted and defeated with the Words Jesus my Lord my Messiah said and died for. The ultimate sacrifice and divine love

  4. What is in you -Holy Spirit -is greater than the demons or even satan himself. They have to leave in the name of Jesus Christ. Be vigilant and confess your sins and turn away. Clean your mind and body. These things are out to destroy but can’t because you’re under the protection of the God almighty directly under the shadow of his wings. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Believe it Own it and get out your sword-Gods Holy words! Can’t touch you because you’re covered in Jesus Christ blood!

  5. I am a burn again Christian, Spirit Filled and served The Lord most of my Adult 30 plus years. All the critics ,you need to be careful of just quickly giving advise to those that are seeking help with deliverance. Be thankful you are not living the reality of demonic attacks we are experiencing. I’ve confessed, repented, renounced, bound and loosed ,and spoke The Word, only to have temporary results. This website and The Prayers has led me to greater results than 3 ministries teams prayers for me along with my own.
    You would be more helpful in praying FOR US while we are learning the skills ourselves to wield the sword!
    If you were searching for this subject I have to ask you WHY?
    Because apparently The Lord gave you interest in this and you’re more than likely called to INTERCEDE FOR THE SAINTS…not correct us or make us think its simply a 3 step program.
    Stay encouraged those of you experiencing this battle. I have experienced a victory in the higher level and am now wrestling the lesser demon with building up of Gods Word, fasting and knowing Jesus as My Deliverer and Redeemer.
    God bless you who have this website. Thank you for providing us Hope in the midst of this battle.

  6. My nephew is under attack by demonic spirits, this has been going on for 15 years, prophets, pastors, prayer warriors we have all prayed for him over the years but no change. I ran across your prayers about breaking generation curses and my sister had him to repeat the prayers about breaking generational curses (his father was into witchcraft and my sister believes he did something to her son because this happened suddenly after she was ready to divorce him), when he finished repeating the prayer I asked him if he understood what he had just said and he started speaking words I had never heard in the English language. I started speaking in tongues and he stopped and just looked at me. Two days later we had him to repeat that same prayer and again when I start asking him did he understand and he will say yes I understand but then he begins to talk to us with words that we have never heard and I asked him what the words mean and he will tell me what it means but I know it’s demonic. He seems to have agreed with whatever these spirits are telling him, he even said he was at peace. I asked him didn’t he want to go back to college, etc. he said no he was at peace. What is the next step when the person is almost discounting what you’re saying to them, he is only going through the motion because we ask him to, then he will get up and go to his room. We have commanded the demons to stand down, we have commanded them to come out, etc. but no real changes have taken place except those words were a manifestation that was totally different from the norm. I also smelled a terrible odor the first time we had him to repeat those prayers.
    It’s so much more I cannot tell it all.

    1. Wow my heart empathises with you. I too have had these trials at the hands of others. I am no expert and no one has really directed me i can only advise you from experience.
      Pray on his behalf ask the lord to reveal the sources at hand be strong in faith ensure you have on your Armour things will be revealed to you that may shock and frighten you. Make sure that you repent of any sin in your life so that the enemy can not use it against you.Take note then start researching your family history there may be much more not just the person you mentioned. Pray for the forgiveness of your forefathers and sever and bjnd every assignment against your family in Jesus Name stand boldly in Christ. Do not give up wage war against the enemy God is a War man ask him to send and place his warrior angels to fight on your behalf. Take back the authority. Now your nephew he has clearly been decieved by the evil to the effects of the deception have granted him peace for a season. Make him confess his sins even the ones he cant remember ask for forgiveness repentance is key. Ask the lord for his Holy Spirit to fill your nephew make him surrender his life onto the lord. Constant prayer is vital. Ensure that you too seek forgiveness of others including the dad. Pray for gods will to be done on earth as in heaven. Talk to your nephew about who has granted him peace as the enemy comes as light or as someone he loves and trusted in his life. Ask him who his father/god is and if he does not confess jesus is lord and saviour died on the cross and risen on the third day. Then you will be sure. Pray and ask the lord Make your nephew ask to recieve the holy spirit. This is not going to be easy but no hesitation God is faithful.. my fone is playing up as i try to continue. U see the enemy hates when hes found out. So do not give up have no fear. Pray regulary daily. Our father will reveal all Truth if you truly believe accordi ng to his will. Hope this helps god grant you peace where ever you are.

  7. You listed several books and authors. I have only heard of Frank Hammond from your list.

    I have read
    Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare from John Eckhardt
    The Discerning of Spirits by Frank Hammond
    Overcoming Rejection by Frank Hammond
    Self-Deliverance by Rabbi K.A. Schneider *
    The steps to freedom in Christ by Neil Anderson
    Battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyer
    Pulling down Strongholds Derek Prince *
    The biblical guidebook to deliverance by Randy Clark
    Protection from Deception by Derek Prince
    Authority and Power of God’s Word by Derek Prince
    Declaring God’s Word by Derek Prince
    Blessing or Curse, you can choose by Derek Prince*
    Winning the battle within by Neil Anderson
    Bondage Breaker by Neil Anderson *
    Victory over darkness by Neil Anderson *
    Renewing your mind by Neil Anderson
    Grace that breaks the chains by Neil Anderson

    I clearly own an arsenal of them and yet 2 years later I remain the same.
    In addition I have done soul tie breaking and generalizational curses with Christian counselors.
    I am tired and weary.
    I pray God would just tell someone what is wrong with me because I am not hearing him and I’ve researched like crazy.
    I do not want to be like I am for another day.

    1. @ Michelle

      Is the problem possibly on the land upon which you dwell?
      WHEN did your problems begin in relationship to where you live?

      Focus on the goodness of Father God in your waiting for the answers to come. Stay in worship mode, and although demons hate worship that is not the best motive in worship. Worship because He is worthy! Find things for which to be grateful, they will be there…like the Internet, this website, other believers, certain verses of Scripture. Find ways to honor Him, and He will honor you in return.

      Fast and cry out, literally cry out loud from your deepest being. There are yet things Father wants to reveal to the Church for the end-time battle, and possibly your part in that is related to your suffering. If so, there will be authority when this is complete, but the qualifier in receiving more authority is intimacy. Unless we develop the mind and heart of Father God we cannot be trusted with more authority.

      Father God is just, which is not the same as being fair. Since He is no man’s debtor, He will make things just in the end…yet the time is His to choose. It may not seem fair for you to have to wait so long before He responds, but give Him time to respond for He sees things we do not.

      1. As a Christian and baptized by the Holy Spirit deliverance by the Holy Spirit isn’t enough if you’re not gonna make the effort of being delivered.Yes the Holy Spirit will deliver you but the bible clearly says to cut off anything that makes you sin, what i’m saying is that you must make the effort to change, remember we are fighting principals of darkness not mere flesh and we must examine ourselves and not give the devil an opportunity to devour us.

    2. I don’t know you but your story sounds like a season that I have experienced in my life.
      It may do you a lot of good to stop reading what these men have written about what the Bible says and find out what God is trying to tell you personally through His word, not what these theologians you listed say. The Bible is God’s Word to you, there is no trick to it and it God’s Word for you is not always what a pastor says he got from a scripture. You need to seek God’s Word for your life, you may not find it in Derek Prince’s interpretations, you need to read God’s Word and He will tell you what is going on. If you read this article and all the parts without skipping over any parts it gives you a lot of what you need to do. It is not about how someone else does it and it does not take special prayers with preset words and phrases. You need to cry out to God on your own and seek a Fatherly relationship with Him. Christianity is very simple. If you have not been delivered it is because of one of the reasons that the author of this article has already mentioned. If you have a sin that you are not willing to give up, then there is your answer, keep on doing it and you will hear very little from God until you stop. This article and God’s Word gives you the open doors for the devil and until you close them and stop the sin or break the curse with God’s help, you cannot put on the full armor of God and you do not have His full protection over your life. I have a feeling that you know what is coming between you and God and you are seeking anyone that will tell you a way to stop the torment without stopping the sin or maybe it is a sin that you have rationalized that it is not really a sin, but it really is a sin. The truth is, that it is never going to happen. God is an all or nothing God and He wants 100% of your life and Jesus died for everyone. Do not believe that there are any sins mentioned in the 10 Commandments or in the Bible that are still not sins today. Being a modern world does not change the sin in the world and God tells us in His Word that there is nothing new under the sun. If you have repented and turned from all your sin and broken all generational curses, forgiven everyone for anything they have ever done to you and giving God all the glory honor and praise for the good things in your life and remaining humble before the Lord and you are walking with God daily through prayer and reading His Word, not just books written by others who have read God’s Word, then you have a door that has either never been shut or one that God has been closing for you and you keep opening back up or God may have allowed a thorn in your side for some reason. If the latter is true God will tell you and most likely tell you the same thing he told Paul after Paul fervently prayed to God to remove it, God said, I am sufficient. And it was good enough for Paul. It really is that simple. Ask God to reveal the issue to you and seek the answer in His Word not what others say about His Word. He uses all of these great Pastors but Christianity is about a one one One relationship with our Heavenly Father God only through the shed blood of His Son Jesus. No Derek Prince or other Pastors needed. The equation to a right relationship with God in Jesus + nothing, that is it. You do not need all the extra stuff to hear God’s plan for you and that may be where you are missing it. If you have not found the answer through all these books you have read, I would say that God is waiting for you to seek Him directly through prayer and your intentional seeking His answers directly from the Bible and not through someone else’s interpretation. God Bless

    3. Stop trying and start receiving…
      The moment you relax, God’s power will flow and no demon can stand that.
      You’ve been lied to… God isn’t far off. He sent Jesus to die while we were still sinners and enemies against him. Our whole being just hated and rebelled against him. And yet Jesus came and died for you with no strings attached. How much more do you think he’ll want to commune with you even with a simple cry for help? Don’t listen to the devil.

    4. 1. Make sure you repent all your sins sincerely from your heary (Psalms 51)
      2. Forgive everyone who have wronged you (Mark 11:24)
      3. Engage the Holy Spirit to guide you and let your spiritual eyes and ears be open, so that you encounter God

    5. Please don’t give up.try focusing on your relationship with God.remember the word relationship .you seem to have a lot of information but what you need is revelation of Gods love ,faithfulness, mercy,power. Sometimes we can get caught up with all the dues and built of The Bible and kind of lose our relationship with God in focus on your relationship with God acts of for revelation of all the things I just mentioned.God bless you.

    6. An Exorcist Tells His Story by Father Gabrielle Amorth. Another read if your are interested- he was the priest at the Vatican who did thousands of exorcists. Keep in mind there are portions that are largely doctrinal towards Catholicism; however, Frank Hammond’s Pigs in the Parlor lines up very well with the teaching on how the enemy works. Dont allow yourself to get distracted by the denominations when you are reading and prefer to focus on how to defeat the evil one. The reason I recommend this book is because it provides examples on how it is not unnatural for the cleansing from demons to take years. Faith, pursuit, communion, worship, and consistency for Jesus are what makes you truly free – possessed, oppressed, tormented, or an average joe sinner!

    7. I’m sorry Michele. I know what you are going through, not exactly but I know that you’re pain is unbearable. You have my deepest compassion and love. I am going to pray for you. I might suggest if you have doing more praying for others.

  8. I have a reasonable question… If persay the blasphemy is used in someone’s language as a result of being non-forgiven by Jesus Christ himself, than does this mean the individual stays in absolute rapture by demonic beings and burns in hell? This is quite alarming. Isn’t there any alternative to being released or what can a child of god do? What if it were something not taught growing up or brought to the attention of this person who lives and believes in the word of God and Jesus Christ the savior?

  9. I am dealing with what I believe is demonic attacks. But after reading all this I am not quite sure where I would even begin. Before I read this I thought my boyfriend had a demon which I still believe. I also believe it’s affextkng my two year old daughter just by how she has recently become extremely rude and mean towards me and only me. She only wants her daddy.(boyfriend) and I also have thought for years I have been being attacked periodically. All of which I still whole heartedly believe after reading this. However, I was raised in church and stopped going when I was 14. I have gone back and forth with trying to get right with my faith. And the last couple weeks I have been sincere about it. Even praying and reading to my daughter and trying to refrain myself as far as using profanity. I have changed my music to Christian music. And it seemed to be working with my daughter. However it seems to be getting worse between my boyfriend and I. He has always been so family involved and so loving and kind and concerned and easy to talk to best friends. We’ve known each other 17 years but only together off and on for about a year. And that’s where it gets tricky. He doesn’t believe in demons nor is he a Christian. He doesn’t try to change my mind or hinder what I am trying with my daughter. And at first I got him to engage in some of the sermons and pastors I watch. And I thought I had a breakthrough start but I was wrong. Things go worse. His words his anger his lack of care or concern for me or the family seems as if it’s jist done out of trying to seek revenge. And that brings me to my next point. I hurt him really bad. For eight months I was in and out. I was a dancer. Anyhow, so that brings me to the point of him being bound to demons because of me. Then there’s me being bound because of sins I’ve committed and because of generational and because of things been done to me since I was little. And then there’s my daughter and my patience and her seeing arguing and tension etc and now her ties to generational curses. Please help!! This has been on going for months for the family years for me. And I’m afraid I’m going to loose my family.

    1. You must truly know your identity in Christ, you dont need to fret and or worry about losing anything, because worry is actually a sin, make it a priority to read the bible everyday and I mean every single day, at first you will have to force it and start by reading one chapter every day and pray that God will give you a thirst for the bible, and pray that there will be no interruptions, after some time, you will love spending time with the lord Jesus and being in his word, and that is why the devil wants to keep you away from reading the Bible, because when you read the Bible, your mind begins to renew and your heart begins to change, it truly does protect you from sin, the more you read the bible, the more strength and power you will have to resist sin and to abstain from it…. Just read the Bible and pray, those are the two most important things you could do to help your situation, it is actually simple, but, the devil wants you to think its impossible and hard to achieve, but beloved, I tell you its not…

  10. It’s been years that I now understand that why God started giving me visions and I started seeing demons and they’ve become muchmore clear as I’ve gotten into the word. It’s been a challenge to overcome and conquer demons face to face becuase they hinder in you as deep as the waters that surround us. I’m so glad to have came across this site its explains more to me as to why i need to surrender it all to God and let him be my guide!

  11. Belinda Preece
    January 2, 2020

    I am sitting up at 4 a.m. unable to put this article down. All I can say over and over is…WOW! I have been saved for 40 years and just this past couple of months have I pleaded with God to baptize me in the Holy Spirit, to give me my prayer language and gift of tongues. Personally I want all the gifts. I see my need to break generational curses. Both of my parents were alcoholics and 3 out of 4 of their kids became alcoholics and the grandkids are alcoholics and drug addicts. We are plagued with ADHD, Bipolar, Severe Depression and more. We have married other alcoholics with obvious curse lines as well. We need help bad and to my knowledge, no one else has learned of generational curses or if they have, done anything about it. I can not read fast enough to get this all in. It’s almost overwhelming. God bless you for this work. Don’t stop! Keep going! We need it all!

  12. Can sleep paralysis really be a spiritual attack from the devil and his servants because i read somewhere online that the devil and demons do come and attack us when we be asleep I can’t accept that it’s just a nightmare or just a dream and it’s nothing more than my brains way of contending with my fears and concerns as it still functions during sleep cycles and I’ve been expericing these sleep paralysis for quite a few years now and i know that it’s not what I ate before i dosed off?

    1. I wouldn’t say that sleep paralysis is a spiritual attack per say since it is a natural biological response of our brain/body during sleep. But to say that a spiritual attack can’t occur during this time would be questionable, in my humble opinion. I say this from experience–much of the encounters I’ve had with the demonic have been during times of sleep paralysis. But I eventually learned to stop all of it in the name of Jesus and it’s been years since I’ve had an experience.

  13. I don’t know if I commited the unforgivable sin I need deliverance they tried to do deliverance on me that thing manifested but the deliverance process was hindered I struggle with unbelief and fear of God. Demons attack my dreams and physically torment me I want freedom and already fearful and anxious of God that I don’t have enough faith because I’m not free yet

  14. Thank you very much for your guidance in this area.
    It was well written and easy to u understand for beginners.

    I looked up self-deliverance how to, as a means to run in ministry and keep accountable/responsible.

  15. I am experiencing the glory of a relationship with Christ. I will definitely be following these step while being guided by our Father. Thanks to the lord for all his army. They with me physically and in the Holy Spirit.

  16. After reading this article it has truly opened my eyes. Not 1 but all 4 apply to my life. It’s overwhelming because now I don’t know where to truly begin to break all these chains and cast all demons out forever. Not only have I been abused sexually, verbally and physically has caused some resentment. I have noticed that these demons follow me into my marriages. I see this affecting my kids too. My mind, body and spirit is screaming to be finally set free. To finally live the way God has meant for me. I want these chains broken from my kids and my marriage but where do you begin to start? Any advice would be great cause I am ready to be set free!

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