The Bible specifically talks about 5 different crowns that will be given to some of God’s people when they enter into heaven. If you look very closely at what these crowns are going to be for, they will be for work that is done for God that is beyond the normal scope of what the average Christian may attempt to do.

This is for work that goes far, above, and beyond what the average Christian may actually strive for.

Crowns In Heaven

Just like trophies, rings, and plaques are given to sports heroes or winning teams in sports, God apparently is going to be doing the same thing in heaven.

He will be giving out certain types of crowns for the people who were willing to go that extra mile, who were willing to give that extra special effort in whatever God had called them to do.

These crowns will be a special reward that will be rewarding excellence and maximum effort.

These crowns will also be incorruptible and will last for all of eternity. They will be a special mark and a special token given by our Lord to honor and reward all of those who have faithfully served Him in this life – way above and beyond what the average Christian would have considered doing for Him.

Now here are the five specific crowns mentioned in the Bible.

The Crown of Righteousness

This crown will be given to those who have lived a good and righteous life for God while living down here on this earth.

I believe there are two definitions of the word righteousness in the Bible. The first definition is that we have now all been made righteous before God the Father as a result of Jesus dying on the cross for all of our sins. The righteousness of Jesus has now been imputed to us.

However, the second definition of the word righteousness refers to us living a good and righteous life for God the Father with what time we still have left down here.

There are Christians who are righteous before God the Father as a result of being saved through the blood of Jesus Christ, but they are not living righteous lives in their actions, words, and behaviors.

They are out committing adultery, scamming people through their jobs, abusing their spouses and children, doing drugs and abusing alcohol. These people may be saved in God’s eyes, but God is not too happy with the way they are living their lives.

We all know Christians who are like this. No one is perfect. We all have our character flaws, weaknesses, and certain temptations that we have a hard time in dealing with. God is not looking for total God-perfection.

The Bible says that all men have sinned and have fallen way short of the glory of our God. But what God does want from each one of us is at least some kind of concerted effort to try and live our lives “right.” To stay out of the heavier sins like adultery, stealing, cheating, and the abuse of alcohol or drugs. This is what is meant in Scripture in trying to live a good and righteous life. In other words – just do the right thing as best as you can and as often as you can.

We all know right from wrong! God just wants each one of us to choose to do the right thing when faced with certain temptations or choices to do something bad. And when we are having a hard time in trying to do the right thing, we have the power of the Holy Spirit Himself on the inside of us to help us out.

We also know Christians who are “righteous” down to the very cores of their personalities. These are the people who never have anything bad to say about anyone else. They hardly ever lose their tempers, they are totally selfless, and they would give you the shirt off their backs if they had to. We refer to them as being “saints, angels, or angelic.” The world refers to them as “goody two shoes.” The world has always made fun of these types of people.

They never joined the crowds in high school or college in trying out drugs or the abuse of alcohol because it just never felt “right” to them.

They were willing to be laughed at and ridiculed by others for not joining in with the rest of the crowd. They have always stayed true to themselves and to their basic convictions and would never go against their basic sense of right versus wrong.

These are the people you will be seeing wearing “crowns of righteousness” in heaven. These are the people that God is going to be rewarding big-time when they get into heaven because of the godly and righteous lives they have lived down here on this earth.

These types of righteous people just make the world we live in that much of a better place to live and work in because they are just so pleasant to be around and work with.

For those of you who may think being righteous is too corny and not being cool – just remember what the Bible has to say about this issue, and how highly God the Father values this quality in His people!

And when it is all finally said and done, these types of Christians will probably be receiving some of the greatest and biggest rewards that God can hand out once they enter into heaven.

These people will end up having the last laugh on all of those who have made fun of them in this lifetime for always wanting to do the right thing.

The Bible says that many of the first will be last once we all enter into heaven and receive our final rewards from God based upon the earthly works we did for Him.

To live a good and righteous life for God will really be worth your while, as you will definitely be given this crown by God Himself once you enter into heaven and who knows what else from His bag of goodies! Here is the verse. This is the apostle Paul talking:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

I believe this verse is literal interpretation – that the crown of righteousness Paul is talking about is real, and that it will be given to those who will be deserving of it.

The Incorruptible Crown

Bible scholars feel this next verse implies that some will be given what could be considered a “victor’s crown.” And this crown is called incorruptible. The New King James Version calls it an “imperishable” crown – the Original King James Version calls it an “incorruptible” crown. Either way, it will be a crown that will last for all of eternity.

The subtitle of this passage in the New King James Version is called “Striving for a Crown.” The apostle Paul goes on to state that those who run in any kind of a race, all run with the goal of obtaining some kind of prize.

He then goes on to state that those who run a race in order to win the prize are temperate in all things. In other words, there is a lot they have to give up in order to be in proper condition to run that race.

Professional athletes are a good example. They have to go through training camp to get ready for the season. They have to watch their diets and weight in order to be able to successfully compete in the sport they are in.

They have to give up a lot of their social life in order to stay in good shape. In other words, they do not live normal lives like the rest of us do. They sometimes lose time away from their families.

Paul then goes on to state that the people who run in these types of races and are forced to be temperate in the way they live their lives, all do it to obtain a perishable crown. Paul then tells us that we should all run the race of this life to receive what will be an incorruptible or imperishable crown that obviously can only be given by God the Father in heaven.

The point to get is that God calls some of His people to do things that will require some sacrifice and temperance in the way they will live and conduct their lives.

Some people may be called to be a Bible teacher in a far off and poor country. They will literally be working for pennies a day. They will have to sacrifice the bigger money they could have made had they stayed home in America and taught in the states.

I believe God is telling us in this passage that if He does put this kind of special call on your life that will require you to give up many of the normal things of this life, that you will be greatly rewarded for this sacrifice once you enter into heaven.

This verse also seems to be implying that these people will also receive this imperishable crown for the sacrifices they were willing to make for God in order to successfully complete the call and mission that God had called them to do.

Most people would not want to go through the rigors of trying to be a professional athlete, much less be willing to give up and sacrifice what athletes have to give up in order to be able to successfully compete in a professional sport.

This is why professional athletes are so highly admired and respected in our society. Most people realize the time, commitment, and sacrifice made by our athletes and they are thus well paid for their efforts and sacrifice.

Just as we respect, honor, and pay these athletes for performing for us, God the Father will also be rewarding some of His own spiritual athletes if they are willing to go that extra mile for Him to complete what may be a difficult mission or call. Here is the verse:

“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things.

Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an IMPERISHABLE CROWN. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.” (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)

Bottom line – run whatever race or call that God has set out for you. Run that race with certainty, purpose, and intensity. Run that race to win. Run that race to be the best you can be for God at the position that He has called you to be on His team. Be willing to make whatever sacrifices it may take to successfully complete the mission and call God has set out for you.

If you are willing to do this for the Lord, you just may receive an “incorruptible victor’s crown” for going the extra mile for God and accomplishing for Him what many Christians would be to lazy to shoot for.

The Crown of Life

This next crown has been called by many the “martyr’s crown.” Jesus Himself says that He will give this crown to those who undergo severe hardship, testing, tribulation, and/or physical death on His behalf.

The Bible does not say anything about whether or not these 5 crowns are ranked in any way as to which is greater.

However, if they are ranked in any way by God the Father in heaven, then I believe there is a very good chance that this next crown will be ranked #1 out of the 5 crowns available to all believers for special service.

I do not think there is any question that being willing to die for your faith in God and Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice! It is the greatest act of bravery and courage that you can show God the Father.

And I believe that all of the Christians who have been martyred for their faith in God and Jesus throughout history will not only be given this crown of life, but will also be given some real special rewards once they enter into heaven.

I also wonder if this verse may be applying to all of the soldiers, policeman, and firemen who have lost their lives in a combat situation for either our country, fighting to save someone from a burning fire, or a policeman trying to save someone else’s life.

I believe there is a very good chance that this verse also applies to all Christian men and women who have lost their lives trying to save someone else.

Jesus says that when you are trying to do something to help out the least of your brethren, that you are really doing it for Him! If that is the case, then I believe God the Father will be honoring each of these men and women’s death as a true martyr’s death, and He will thus be rewarding them accordingly once they enter into heaven. Here is the verse:

“Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the CROWN OF LIFE.” (Revelation 2:10)

The Crown of Rejoicing

This next crown has been called the “soul winner’s crown.” The apostle Paul is calling those he has saved his “joy” and his “crown of rejoicing.”

The word “crown” seems to be implying that God will be giving out a crown to those who have been instrumental in getting other people saved and led to Him through the blood of His Son Jesus.

If you compare this level of service with some of the other levels that will be rewarded with crowns, there is no doubt in my mind that God will be rewarding those who will try and get others saved with this special crown.

As I have said numerous times in my other articles, working for God to try and get other people saved is the greatest thing that you can do for another person while living down here on this earth.

When you get someone else saved and brought home to the Lord, you have just been the vessel used by God to give that person eternal salvation and eternal life.

The Bible does not say how many people you actually have to be instrumental in getting saved in order to be able to receive this crown. My guess is that it will be relative. God will simply be judging you by your willingness and desire to be used by Him to witness to others.

In our fast paced, materialistic, self-centered society, there are many Christians who are simply too busy to be willing to be used by God to try and get other people saved.

This is a whole another article, so I will not go any deeper. Just suffice to say that God can fit into your daily and weekly activities the opportunities for you to be able to witness and work with others to get them saved.

This could be some of your unsaved friends, family members, or co-workers – people who are right there in your own backyard.

God is a master in being able to organize and structure your everyday activities, and still have enough time left over in the course of a day, week, or month in which to continue to build you up in His Word, and at the same time, arrange for you to be able to help others out on a one-on-one basis for either witnessing to them get them saved, or teaching others about God and the Bible in order to help properly disciple them after they have been saved.

Here is the verse from Paul about this soul winner’s crown:

“For what is our hope, or joy, or CROWN OF REJOICING? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For you are our glory and joy.” (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20)

Notice Paul calls those who are in the presence of Jesus at His second coming his “crown of rejoicing.” You cannot be in the presence of Jesus at His second coming unless you have already been saved.

People believe that Paul is thus implying that a crown will be given to those who are instrumental in getting others saved and into the presence of Jesus. I agree with that interpretation. I believe the words being used by Paul are again literal interpretation.

The Crown of Glory

This next verse is telling the elders of the church to “shepherd” the flock of God. Shepherds lead the flock into the ways and knowledge of God. They are teachers.

These could be the Sunday school teachers, the pastors and ministers who teach the Word of God in their ministries, or people who are appointed by God into the office of a teacher like a Joyce Meyer.

I believe God will be giving His teachers and shepherds this crown due to the extreme importance of bringing up others into the knowledge and ways of God.

Once you get saved, this is just the beginning. God wants you to grow in His knowledge and grace by reading from the Bible and learning as much as you can about Him, His Son, and His Holy Spirit.

However, part of the problem is that the Bible is hard for many people to understand when they first try and read it on their own. They do not understand half of what they are reading.

This is why teachers and shepherds are needed.

Most newborns cannot understand the Bible the first time or two they read it. They need immediate help after they are saved and are trying to learn more about God and all of His ways.

The dropout rate for newborns is over 50% after the first year. I believe the main reason for such a high dropout rate is due to the lack of quality teaching and coaching from other Christians.

I believe God is always looking for teachers and shepherds to help teach and educate His flock. However, you have to spend some good quality time in the Bible and have a good understanding of the basics before He can really use you to teach and educate others.

For those of you who have been in the Word for quite some time and have a real good understanding and grasp of all the basics – I really believe that God can use you to help teach and shepherd other people.

It does not mean you have to sign up to be a Sunday school teacher or be promoted to the office of a teacher.

God can lead just a few people for you work with on a one-on-one basis at a time and pace that is convenient for the both of you to work at. The fact that God will be giving out a crown for this type of special service shows you the extreme importance that He is placing on it!

Getting someone saved is obviously the greatest thing you can do for another person, because with the gift of salvation comes the gift of eternal life.

However, being willing to teach and educate others into the ways and knowledge of God after they have been saved just might be the second greatest thing you can do for them this side of heaven. Here is the verse:

“The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed.

SHEPHERD THE FLOCK OF GOD which is among you, serving as overseers, not by constraint but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the CROWN OF GLORY that does not fade away.” (1 Peter 5:1-4)

Again, I believe this verse is literal interpretation. A crown will be given that will not fade away. The only way a crown could be given that will not fade away is if the crown is given up in heaven where nothing perishes or fades away.


All of these crowns will be permanent, incorruptible, and will never fade away. They will be eternal rewards bestowed upon those deemed to be deserving of them by God the Father for extra-ordinary service rendered on His behalf while living down here on this earth.

One last thought on all of the above:

Though all of the above Scripture verses are implying crowns and rewards for those who will be deserving of them once we all enter into heaven – I personally feel that the greatest reward you can have down here is just simply the “good feeling” and “sense of approval” that you get knowing that you are in God’s perfect will for your life – and that you are doing the best you can with whatever He is asking you to do for Him on a daily basis.

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  1. Amazing. This article has shed a deeper look into the kingdom of God. Be faithful brothers and sisters and remember what a mighty God we serve!

  2. the reason why I read about the crowns is because a lot of people use the crowns as part of people losing their salvation in Revelation 3:11 they don’t believe that once save is always save. they say that you can lose your salvation by sinning or in Hebrews 10:28-34 you lose your salvation willing sinning. I think Christians who don’t have understanding of Gods words should not give advice to other’s thanks for the understanding of Gods giving crowns

    1. I truly believe in God the father and the finished works of his son our Lord Christ Jesus but as I learned about his ways I am not in any predicament to teach anyone except for to testify after I was saved by Christ I truly believe that God the father has to anoint you to be a teacher not all of us have that gift but glory be to the one who sits on the throne for he judges fairly

  3. the crown of righteousness, per the verse this page quotes, goes to any who love and look forward to His appearing. if it went to those who lived a righteous life, no one would get it, “for there is none righteous, no not one.”

    1. I do not agree. This would seem way too easy to obtain. However always doing what is right all the time is not so easy. Living a righteous life will earn this crown.

    2. Our righteousness is of Christ, so as Christians we ought maintain by being obedient to His word, until we see His face we’re not loving like sinners. When we were not saved, we were filthy and unrighteous and didn’t meet His requirements. But after salvation we’re not to go back to our sin but we’re to live righteously to please Him.

  4. Anew marie I disagree. Firstable, I agree that the crown of righteousnes is for those who love his coming, but is it possible to earn this crown by loving Jesus coming but, not living a righteous life? I would agree with you with you but in different words such as ” the crown of righteousness is for those who look forward and love the coming of the lord, and are preparing by living righteous lives” it would make sense they are having righteous lives so they end up with Jesus Christ.

  5. I loved reading this article! I am so thankful for the God we serve!! Jesus is the only way to hope for eternity and an eternity with a loving and forgiving God. We’ve all sinned, yes. The bible does say there is no one righteous. But look at it in the context with which it is written. We will receive the crowns that the author is talking of here, through the deeds which we do on this earth. We are tested every day. He sees all we do. If we choose to continue – knowingly- walking in sinful lusts and desires after we have accepted Jesus, then what we are really saying is that Jesus going to the cross was of no benefit or effect to us in this life or our salvation. We must seek to do good, in all things, caring for others. If not, you are strattling the fence. We are either for God or against. Yes, we make mistakes, but repentance leads us into more righteousness for His sake. Thank God for His Holy Spirit, the helper which Jesus promised us. When we walk with Him, He guides us in all things. I’m so glad I read this article.

  6. Your once saved always saved doctrine is an afront to Jesus cross. Do not excuse a real Christian? that is still adulterating, doping, carrying on. You have some nerve to write about their type of crown.

    1. what about john 3:16 ???? …shall have everlasting life. The goal is everlasting life so how does one lose their salvation except for blasphemy which I hear is not probable in these later days (2017) …please correct me if i’m wrong. And also “whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”. Saved from a horrible eternity, we are not saved from our sins. I hope I’ve edified some of us. prayerfully submitted.

      1. Prayerfully consider these 3 scriptures

        1. Philippians 2:13 ……work out your salvation with fear and trembling

        2. 2 Peter 1:10……be even more diligent to make your call and election sure….

        3. Matthew 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of God, but everyone who does the will of my father in heaven

        Secondly, we are saved from our sins by the blood of Jesus, if we appropriate that which he did at Calvary
        Pls read . I John 3:9-10 …..

        1. You are correct. The false teaching that once saved always saved is not from the Bible. There are so many bible verses that dispute this false teaching.

  7. What a wonderful explanation, thank you very much. A few evenings ago I spoke to God, can’t remember what about, then the words came to me, “hereafter, you will receive the CROWN OF LIFE.”

    God Bless!

  8. This is unbiblical.

    Nowhere in 1 Corinthians 3 does speak of receiving any crowns. Are we talking a literal, physical crown/ wreath on places on the head? Paul says his Crown of Rejoicing is his brethren, those that came to Christ. 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20

    Do not all Christians look for Christ to come again? 2 Timothy 4:8

    Look at the names of the crowns. In Jesus, especially at His Coming and our Resurrection, we have everlasting Life. Christ is life. John 14:6

    Are we not righteous, being in Christ? Romans 3:23

    Did Jesus not give us His glory? Will we not receive glorified bodies? John 17:22

    Will we not receive incorruptible bodies? Do we already not have an incorruptible spirit? 1 Corinthians 15:53

    Are we not filled with live and joy? Do we not gather to rejoice in the finished work of Jesus Christ?

    We already have these and will at the Resurrection be made perfect as promised.

    He has ordained us into good works.

    Average Christian???

    Has anyone read and understood Isaiah 28???

    Do we not know how phrases and concepts of the Old Testament are stressed in the New Testament, especially by Paul the former Pharisee?

    Is all of Revelation to be taken in a literal fashion? Do you really expect Death and Hell to ride on a green horse??? There won’t be a skeleton in a black cloak with a scythe in his hand riding a green horse!

    Read everything in context. Don’t just accept what have heard as Gospel. My pastor believes this. I’ve tried to help, but I’m sure he was raised with this doctrine.
    Much like the Rapture doctrine, it is was taught and believed, but Scripture does not support it.

    Our reward is our inheritance, His Kingdom!
    Colossians 3:24
    Revelation 22:12

    Look At His ministry. He mainly speaks of the Kingdom which is to come. The Millennium Kingdom.

    1. Well said! Not by works for we are His workmanship! It is our prideful nature that makes us want to ‘earn’ our rewards (crowns) so we can feel puffed up. To God be all the glory!

  9. Thank you for your article; it’s informative. If I may allow myself to be a stickler for words, may I encourage all of us to avoid using phrases such as “to get them saved”?

    I read your statement of faith, and so I am sure that your intent was not to imply that a human can get another human saved. But I worry that for the average person that might not yet possess a good understanding of salvation, that they might understand such phrases as implying exactly that.

    We can instead use phrases such as: “help them understand the salvation through Jesus Christ”.

    I pray that your work through this platform help many come to the understanding of salvation through Jesus Christ, so that we may all rejoice together with them in the presence of our Savior.

    God bless you!

  10. Revelation 4: 10-11
    “The twenty-four elders fall down before him who is seated on the throne and worship him who lives forever. They cast their crowns before the throne, saying, “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.””

    Do these crowns even matter if they will be tossed before the throne in worship to God?

  11. Yes, they do matter, but not as in a reward sense. They matter because they give recognition for certain events in a christian´s life. True, they are not real rewards, but they give recognition to the achievements that people do. In a sense, they are kinda like Christ´s participation awards. They don´t mean anything, but they are still nice to get.

    and in response to nathan…

    This truly is biblical. For example as refrencing to the four horseman, they may very well come on their respective horses, or in some other way. also, It does directly refrence in 1st Corinthians 9:25 about a crown. However, this may be due to a diffrent translation as it also refers to a ¨prize¨ that may be taken out of context as the crown.
    Also, We are Rightous in Christ, but only in Christ. Think of it this way. In refrencing Jesus, he is referred to as, ¨The second Adam¨ 1st corintians 15:22. This is because the crown of rightousness refers to the first Adam as in the garden of Eden, where he was like untested holiness, where he did eventually sin and lose his holiness. But Christ, the second Adam, was Holy because he retained his holiness and did not fall into temptation. This is what Jesus will reward the crown of rightousness for, for doing our best to remain as holy as possible.

  12. I recently turned to Christianity. I claimed no religion as none made sense to me. I rebelled against religion from an early age a I saw how it twisted my grandmother. I thought how can this be good? I followed my own path. It was a difficult one at that. I have always had deep feelings and knowings. What I discovered this week at 38 is that my visions have been coming from both God amd Satan. The reason I am here is I had a vison I was in this great courtroom. It was all marble. I was eye level with God’s big toe as I stood at his feet. He never spoke. He placed a crown on my head. It was small and gold and fit more for a princess. It has a red ruby in the center that projected images out from the crown . ive had many vison and this out didnt mean that much. Like I said i wasnt religious. I never heard of the crowns or anything. Years later as I am sharing with a devout christain she leads me here and to the 5 crowns. Ahe says I’ll know which it was. I had goose bumps when I read crown of glory. When I was 23 amd a waitress a blind man once told me I had a beautiful crown of glory…When I askes him what he meant he said my hair…that it was beautiful. That always resonated with me. Fast forward 15 years and I remeber him sayimg this. I’m in the middle of coloring my hair and in say to my friend ” my crown of glory” When she mentions how beautiful ahe finds it to look. The very next day is when I read of these crowns. Tho my life has been beyond troubled and I have sinned in terrible waya I have always keep a heart of gold. Ive been told by many I should teach and counsel. I write poetry that makes even the strongest man cry. I have this vast understanding of the human condition. I’m just not sure the path to take from here. I never had children. Tho I feel like I mother and nurture all those around me. People come to me often. Even strangers. They tell me their secrets. And ask for my help. I just dont know what im supposed to do. Just 4 weeks ago God put a sword in my forehead. It was a sword of battle. Maybe Michael’s ? As he has come to me once. He stood behind me. I could not see him. I felt his large presence behind me. When I asked if it was him I heard him “shrug” his wings. They were so heavy. The vibration was differsnt in the room as well.

    1. Dear one first of all you must read God’s word from the Holy Bible learn from it take a composition book with you and as scriptures are illuminated to you write it down find a holy ghost-filled church …God will teach you more..God will use you to help and encourage others in their quest for God…go forward into this your new Destiny…..blessings to you

    2. Crowns are only given to believers. Any service rendered outside Christ have no reward. I advise you give your life to Christ. Find a Bible believing church to attend where you w e thought the ways of the Lord. Thank you and God bless

  13. We’ll, anyone interested in learning Wisdom should be glad that some of us put up our Opinions as they are. We are all unique in that none are of an equal understanding of God’s Word. Voice your opinion with humility. Those that are not Born Again needs us to be on the same field anyway. It’s not about what one might know more than another. God Bless

    1. yes but coming to Christ is the first step . there is the baptism of water, baptism of the Holy Ghost, and sanctification of the word of God, etc. We should not be babies in Christ all of our life. There is so much more to God’s word that we are missing out on. That the churches are not teaching. In Christ

  14. Thank you for the teaching around this. I’ve become more and more convinced however, as I’ve gotten older, that the discussions around Crowns of Christianity end up in futile competitiveness with one another. You might even want to put up a disclaimer when teaching about that subject.

    It seems that the corruptible nature of our humanity still wants argue our works and sing the tune.

    “My crown is bigger than your crown, my crown is bigger than yours. My crown is bigger cause we __________, __________ da ta, ta da, da! . My crown is bigger than yours.”

    Can I remind the group that this argument is one which is of very old.

    Mark 9:33- 35
    33 They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house, he asked them, “What were you arguing about on the road?” 34 But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest.

    35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”

    If we do receive any Crowns, (and I believe that we certainly could), it is something that is still very dangerous and controversial to tout from one believer to another. It doesn’t fair well with the servant hood nature of our faith in Christ.

    1. As I understand about crowns they are a sign of a life lived with a concern for others. I have not met another believer who is concerned with a crown in heaven. Rather while on earth we should attempt to follow Jesus’s example. He loved the unlovable. His sacrifice on the cross was the last of many sacrifices. Remember He had a place in the Fathers heaven already. He gave that up and became the lamb of God. By all means strive for a crown but do it out of love for your sisters and brothers in Christ

      1. Wonderfully written! Our purpose of being born again in Christ is to know the Bible, gain insight, knowledge & wisdom…..and the result is to try our best to show the love of Christ to all. Offer grace and forgiveness to others just as He did for us. Love one another, encourage the broken and shine the light of Jesus! ✝️

  15. This article truly blessed me. I was already deeply dedicated about serving God and making it into the Kingdom, and now its gotten so much more sensitive for me!! God bless you beloved!

  16. Dear Brother in Christ, thanks for explaining in detail about the Crown.I am really very happy knowing so many insight of crown which help in my study & teaching also.And at the same time i have to work hard to keep my character,as pleasing to God & to my church members.I have learn that to get crown is not very easy i have to follow Jesus in day to day life.Saving faith is not just enough one has to do more than that.Obedience,reading the word of God,meditating& praying.

  17. God help to be a good solider, a good fighter and good runner.

    I love this article, it remanded me of how to leave and to achieve the crowns

  18. Last year I had a dream about what I believe to be a crown of glory. I saw a man seated on a throne and he had a robe cascading on the right hand side of the field of vision. The mans face was not visible but it had layers of brilliant light, the centre of the light or face was the brightest and then it radiated outward. IN the dream I a voice and all I heard Him say was you are. I do believe He is telling me that it is a crown of glory as explained in Corinthians, we are all with unveiled face beholding the glory of the Lord, being changed from glory to glory…

  19. The crown won’t be a big golden thing that is placed on your head and you can’t even turn. No no sir. We are not going to get that kind of a crown.
    Crown means dominion, ruler-ship, royalty.
    And there’s one crown you forget all the way.
    *Crown of Thorns, very painful when they are putting it on your head such that you need help to wear it. (Your persecutors see to this task.) But there’s no Easter Sunday without ‘Good’ Friday. You cannot get any of the glorious crowns in Heaven without first, on Earth wearing the crown of Thorns.

    1. This is so right on point. This really moved me with everything that I’ve been through. I had a dream of Jesus and told me he was very proud of me, I asked why. I said I’m a sinner and shook my head. He told me a second time. I asked why? I couldn’t believe it until he told me a third time. I felt his radiant love, patience and sincerity. He offered me a crown full of colors. I felt so special, loved, so honored. I took a look at it and it was an offering of blessing but I knew and felt that it will be hard to carry. So I asked God. Are you sure you want to give it to me. He said yes with assurances and in a way still asking. I then said, are you sure I can handle it? He said, yes because I’ll be with you. So I agreed with honor and he place it on my head. When I looked up I had the crown on my head and he also had the same one on his head.
      When I read your message I felt God speaking to me. My journey has been very tough that what I’m going through I don’t want it but now I’m going to embrace it that God is still with me and he want me to walk this path because he has a plan for me and my family.

  20. I do not agree that Alot of Christian look forward to His Coming. Most are scared of it and don’t even want to talk about it. Or want to get married first or have children first or experience earthly desires more than Have Jesus come back. For some of us we look at the sky longing for his return every day and every night. It’s rare and I find few who share my feelings.

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