With the advance of what is called the New Age Movement, there are many Christians who are getting pulled into dangerous darkside activity.
Many Christians have not read the Bible in its complete entirety and they are thus not aware of the strict warnings that God the Father has given about being involved in any type of occult activity. Most of these warnings are back in the Old Testament.

One of the greatest stories in the Bible is the story of Moses and how he pulled God’s chosen people out of slavery from Egypt – and then the subsequent story of Joshua and Caleb who were then called by God to lead His people from the wilderness into the Promised Land.
Before they went into the Promised Land, they were given strict warnings and guidelines by God the Father as to what they could do and what they could not do. And one of those warnings was about not engaging in a lot of the pagan practices of the people who were already inhabiting parts of the Promised Land.
Many of these people were evil and had horrible practices of sacrificing their own children to appease what they thought were gods. Some of these people were involved in heavy occult type activity, and God was very strict in the warnings that He gave His own people in that they were not to engage in this type of evil activity.
The warnings that God gave His people back then still apply to all of us in this day and age. The Bible says that God does not change, and this includes all of His ways and all of His warnings.
The trouble is that most Christians are not aware of what some of these warnings are because they have not spent much time reading and studying from the Old Testament.
In this article, I will list some of the specific activities in this day and age that God does not want any of us engaging in, the specific reasons as to why He does not want us engaging in these types of activities, and the Scripture verses to back it all up.
The Reasons God Does Not Want Us to Engage With the Occult
The Bible says that God the Father is a jealous God, a consuming fire. Here are two verses specifically telling us this:
1. “For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God …” (Exodus 20:5)
2. “For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.” (Deuteronomy 4:24)
Because God is very jealous and possessive over His own children, He wants all of us coming directly to Him if we have any problems with our future, or what He might have in store for us in our future. People are consulting fortunetellers, psychics, horoscopes, and ouija boards for guidance and information on what the future may hold for them.
The Bible says that it is the job of the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth and teach us all things in this life. God wants to be the Guide and Teacher of your life. He does not want you going to others to seek out this type of divine guidance because of His intensely jealous nature.
The Bible says that there is only one God – and only He knows all things about you – which includes all of your past, present, and future.
The first two commandments are that we are to have no other gods or idols before God the Father.
The minute you go to a fortuneteller or psychic for any type of divine guidance, you are placing this person before God the Father and you will thus risk incurring His wrath, along with possibly opening the door for demons to be able to come directly after you.
These fortunetellers get their ability to have partial knowledge about you and your present situation directly from demons. No human has the supernatural ability to know what is going to happen to you in the future, or anything about you in your present condition if they have never met you before.
And if they do seem to have some type of personal information about you that could only be supernaturally picked up, then that knowledge is being transmitted to them by demons.
Once you step into the fortuneteller’s office, you are stepping behind enemy lines since these people are operating under the direct influence of demonic spirits.
At this point, if God should so allow it, you have now given the demons the full legal right to be able to follow you home. And from there, the demons will set up shop in your house and they will then start to attack both you and possibly the other members of your family.
The Bible says that God’s people will perish for having lack of knowledge – and many Christians are dragging demonic spirits home with them due to their lack of knowledge about how dangerous it is to engage in any type of occult activity.
I recently did an article titled “The Dangers of Hypnotism.” A woman I recently met went to a hypnotist one time in an effort to try and quit smoking. Right after she came out, she literally lost 50% of her ability to remember things.
A demon had become attached to that part of her brain that controlled her memory functions, and it wasn’t until she confessed this activity before God as a sin, renounced it by telling God that she would never do it again, and then engaged with the demons to leave her in the name of Jesus Christ that she started to get her memory ability fully restored back to her.
It took two months before she got it all back, but after the two months, all of her memory ability was fully restored back to her by the Lord.
Fifty people may go to a hypnotist and never draw a demon in on them. Another person like this one girl will only go one time and draw the demons in. The risk is simply too great! No Christian should ever take their chances on crossing over into enemy territory hoping they will come out unharmed!
This woman had this 50% memory loss for one solid year until she met me and I told her how to break the demons off her as a result of going to the hypnotist one time. Her memory loss was so bad during that entire year, that she thought she was going to get fired from her other job because she could not retain or remember half of what was being told to her by her superiors.
Now here are some of the main verses from Scripture telling us that we can in no way have anything to do with the occult.
The Bible Verses On The Occult
These 5 verses are giving all of us major warnings from the Lord on what specific areas of the occult that we are to avoid like the plague. To be forewarned is to be properly armed.
- “There shall not be found among you anyone who makes His son or daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures up spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 18:10-13)
- “And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you feel driven to worship them and serve them …” (Deuteronomy 4:19)
- “Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:31)
- “And the person who turns after mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute himself with them, I will set My face against that person and cut him off from his people.” (Leviticus 20:6)
- “So Saul died for His unfaithfulness which he had committed against the Lord because He did not keep the word of the Lord, and also because He consulted a medium for guidance.” (1 Chronicles 10:13)
The above verses are telling us that God the Father means serious business on this type of activity. The above verses say that pursuing guidance from soothsayers, mediums, the stars, the sun and the moon (astrology) are abominations before the Lord, and that you risk having Him set His face personally against you for engaging in these types of evil activities.
Notice the very strong wording being used by the Lord in these verses:
- Abomination
- Take heed
- Give no regard
- Do not seek after them to be defiled by them
God says you are literally prostituting yourself with Him if you engage in any of these types of occult activities.
The extremely strong wording being used by the Lord in these verses is showing us that this is a maximum intense kind of warning being given to His people – and under no circumstances are we to engage, experiment with, or even try out for one time any of these occult activities.
Specific Occult Activities to Avoid
Now here are some of the specific occult areas that we are to completely stay away from. Every single one of these occult areas are major door openers to the dark side where Satan and his demons roam – and you are rolling the dice and taking a very big chance that you will not draw demons in on you and your entire household if you decide to cross over and experiment, even for one time, any of these particular activities.
- Fortunetelling – of any kind such as palm reading, crystal ball gazing, numerology, or seeing psychics.
- Tarot Cards
- Ouija Boards
- Automatic Writing
- Seances and any involvement with mediums or spiritists.
- Astrology and any form of horoscopes.
- I Ching
- Hypnotism
- Transcendental Meditation or any type of Far Eastern Meditation.
- Crystals
- Witchcraft
- Satanism
- Voodoo
- Channeling
- Reincarnation
- Astral projection
- Dungeons and Dragons
- New Age Movement techniques and activities.
- Necromancy
I am afraid with the increase of the New Age Movement and the fact that people are really starting to look for spiritual answers as to what the real meaning of life is – many people are falling into some of the above activities and they are thus putting both themselves and their families at terrible risk for the possibility of demonic activity that could set in on them.
Fortunetellers are all over the TV and newspapers, and most people really do not know the real dangers associated with engaging in these types of activities. They are like lambs being led to the slaughter due to their lack of knowledge on these issues!
Do not be surprised if some of you are led by the Lord sometime in your life to help someone out of a mess they may have got themselves into as a result of engaging in one or more of the above occult activities. Or God may lead you to someone who is thinking about trying some of these activities out, and He may send you in there to give them fair warning before they actually do it!
More and more people are dabbling and experimenting with different parts of the occult because they are dissatisfied with their lives.
They know the answers to the meaning of life is not found in the material things of this life, so they are looking for spiritual avenues to find true meaning and fulfillment in their lives.
What they do not know is they are going down wrong and dangerous paths to try and achieve spiritual fulfillment in their lives if they attempt to try out any of the above occult activities.
For those of you who may meet any Christians who have drawn demons in on them as a result of participating in any of the above occult activities – there is 4 step process that needs to be done in order to deliver them from the demons and restore order back into their lives.
- Confess the specific activity before God as a sin and ask for His forgiveness.
- Renounce the specific activity before God and tell Him that you will never, ever participate in that activity again.
- Burn or throw away all books, objects, or items associated with this activity.
- Directly engage with the demons by speaking out loud to the them, telling them they no longer have any legal right to stay attached to you since the occult activity has now been fully confessed and fully renounced before God the Father.
- Then command them to now leave you in the name of Jesus Christ and for them to never, ever come back on you again.
Once you confess this occult activity before God as a sin, renounce it by telling God you will never do it again, and then burn or throw away any items associated with this activity – the demons will no longer have any legal right to stay attached to you – and they will now have to go if you take your God-given authority as a believer and child of God and command the demons to now leave you in the name of Jesus Christ!
If you run across someone in trouble with the above who is not a Christian, then you would first have to get them saved before you could have them go through this 4 step process for a deliverance.
If they are not willing to come to the Lord to get saved, then there is not much else you can do for them other than to stand in the gap behind the scenes and pray to God for their protection and that He move on them at the appropriate time to get them saved.
Once they are saved, then you can move in to get them delivered from the demonic bondage they may be in as a result of engaging in one or more of the above occult activities.
I will let you know if any more good stories come in on the above subject. I do not think we have seen the last on what may be coming down the road on other people drawing heavy demonic activity in on them and their lives as a result of engaging in some of the above occult activities.
I had my palm read, Archangels Michael and Gabriel appeared to me because i can sense the presence of spirits
3 weeks after i got the reading they appeared, then i began to see the spirit in the periphery
they healed me of any hurt that caused me to get my palm read
they knew i would start reading stuff online
so i found out about the Law of Free Will that states that angels have the power to intervene and chase away demons but we have to ask for their help
so last night i realized why they appeared after a fallen angel appeared and pretended to be Raphael (the archangel i have not yet met) but i knew he was lying as he did not have the same power they had
i asked Angel Michael to remove any negative entities from my presence
and he did as this demon was not the one that followed me home
then i found this website tonight after trying a million things because i could see the demon next to me following me around after they pointed him out
i did this and it left
the weight was lifted
this works do not doubt
i think you saved my life and are a messenger of God
btw I am not a christian but i do believe in angels and demons and God
not necessarily jesus but i know the angels are real
this is why he sent his archangels as i believe in them and in order for it work i needed to believe in the creator and his angels
he provided me with the materials to get through this
and i believe he sent you on a mission to create this website
so i thank you from the bottom of my heart
Gina be very careful on “angel” worship as the fallen angles portray themselves as good but are the servents of the beast!
Angel worship is false idoltry. Ask those entities next time they appear, “Do you proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?”
If they cannot proclaim this then they are not from God the Father.
God Bless You
I did this… i did all this but i found another website that says you have to say SORRY
i said this and i did this and i still saw the demons
you can confess, ask forgiveness, renounce but if you’re not sorry it won’t help
Only those who belong to Jesus had the power to renounce demons. Mark 16:17, Acts 19:11-20
Gina, You stated that you do not necessarily believe in Jesus, correct? May I suggest you re-read the article, okay? The NAME is Jesus Christ is the only name that demons obey. They hate Jesus Christ. Hate him! because He kicked their tails and defeated and disarmed them of any power. Follow the instructions given in this article. Force yourself through the process, This is very, very important.
I went to a church about it and everything and i do believe in a higher power such and i did pray to my Lord and God up in Heaven
but i do not believe he incarnated in earth as Jesus Christ
I think Jesus was just a prophet
and if you think Jesus is the only name they respond to think again
they respond to the God up in Heaven
believe what you want but i’m telling you i went through this
the night before the attack i got a visit from Archangel Michael who whispered in my ear and told me ‘you’ll be fine’
and i know it was him cuz he felt totally different from the demon that attacked me the night after
they do respond to a higher power and i called on Archangel Michael to remove them from my presence the night of the attack and it immeadiately flung out of my room
but in order to remove them from my life i read this and confessed all my sins to the Lord in Heaven
but i do not believe in Jesus and i did not call on his name
so believe what you like… but this did happen
and i left out the details about not believing in Jesus to the priest but he told me i had the power discernment… i could feel the presence of spirits ever since i was a little kid
the only thing they respond to is the lord and whether you believe Jesus, Allah or wateva they respond to it
Hindus, Muslims and Jews also perform exorcisms, believe in whatever you like but it’s the higher power that they are concerned about, not it’s name
Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” I hope and pray that you will believe in Jesus as your savior. Please take the time to read for yourself the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts. Notice how Jesus disciples ran when he got arrested, but after he arose from the dead, and and after the Holy Spirit came down upon them, they were willing to proclaim his message, works, and salvation, even if that meant death to them — and most of them were killed for preaching the gospel = good news.
John 4:25-26
The woman said to him, “I know that the Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ).
“when He comes, He will tell us all things.” Jesus said to her,” I who speak to you am He.”
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while yet we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
1John 4:9
In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only Begotten son into the world, that we might live through Him.
Hi, Gina. it is many years later with this reply, but just found this article. For anyone else, or maybe you (pray not anymore), that don’t believe in Jesus Christ, simple answer.
Very very very very VERY sadly i fell into the new age movement and witchcraft, absolutely and completely repent and feel so SO SO so so horrible about it still.
i repent completely for doing that and MANY other things.
Was called by the Lord as I didn’t believe and know the truth myself, and the Lord knows our hearts and all. Whether we do something knowing or unknowingly (not that doing it unknowingly will save or protect anyone but there is a difference probably).
Also started a home based business (was idolizing money as well). I did everything that new age said would bring in wealth and had no clients or change in finances but was (unknowingly) demon\unclean spirit harassed and influenced. Had no peace, it was HORRIBLE!
Later learned satan and his crew, like perversion, evil, blood and worship. So that business was not going to bring in (other devil worshipping BTW) clients with out blood rituals.
So explained that to say this why God sent his son Jesus Christ as a blood sacrifice, so we can believe in and turn to Jesus, repent AND follow His word and foot steps.
In the old testament people did animal sacrifice for God ( don’t quote me still finishing the old testament), so now in these end times no need for that because the amazing, powerful, blessed, Holy, King of kings, Lord of lords (Jesus Christ Lord of satan), had already paid the price. Praise, hail, love, worship, THANK Lord Jesus Christ for what he has done for EVERYONE in the world. Lord Jesus Christ I love you. Thank you! Praise and hail your return. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ! We love you! Amen!
@Katherine Clark,
You know that demons can heal so you’re tricked into thinking what you’re doing is correct ? It won’t be until satan is ready to reveal or of if God reveals it or after bad things happen then you’ll know. You can’t believe in God – Yahuah and not Jesus Yahushua. He is the Bread we must eat – the Word of God. He is the way the truth and the life no man cometh to the father but by me. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Have you read these texts ? You’re being deceived. I’ve heard of Christians who believe in Jesus but not God of the old testament. His can you not Psalms and Isaiah and Evercreech genesis and other places testify of Jesus. God bless.
If you don’t believe Jesus is the incarnate Son of God, you have NOTHING to fight with. You have to believe EVERYTHING the bible says about Jesus. Those so called angels you are talking about are demons! You can’t have angel coming to you rescue and not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Please except what i am saying to you. Jesus is the ONLY way. PERIOD.
Gina the demons will do whatever it takes to make you second-guess our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. I believe in GOD, His SON JESUS CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT. You must have some love one interceding on your behalf to keep those demons down for NOW. They are laying low….they will be back. They are not worried about you because of your beliefs. Oneday they are going to show up bigger and better than before. I DO NOT wish that on my worse enemey. Again, someone is standing in the gap for you right now. But eventually you have to make the right decision and educate yourself about the bible. Ask God to come into your spirit and teach you His WORD. I love you my sister and GOD does too.
Gina I understand you. I can explain what you mean. Jesus is a made up name by people who wrote the bible. For all people who don’t believe you just don’t have knowledge to understand this puzzle. FIRST OF ALL THE ORIGINAL BIBLE WAS IN HEBREW. THERE IS NO JESUS BUT THERE IS YESHUA. ALL ENGLISH BIBLES ARE FAKE. THE ONLY ORIGNAL BIBLE IS TRUE WHICH IS IN HEBREW. TEHRE IS ONLY ONE TRUE GOD BUT REMEMBER JESUS IS JUST NAME PEOPLE USE TO CALL GOD.
No offense but your argument against Yeshua/Jesus is pretty flawed. You say that Jesus and God are complete opposites and a piece of evidence that proves that is Jesus’ complete authority over demonic powers. But would you not also say that the Lord, God almighty, would have also the same authority. Yes I am a christian and fear is not a concept that Jesus had taught on, but rather his love for us to actually go through the worst kind of death. I trust in the love of Jesus and I don’t fear him in the since that I’m scared of him, but rather in respect. How could Christians become a part of Satan and yet fight constantly with what you stated (organized religion) to be also satanic. In that way he kingdom would fair as it would be warring with each other. Jesus is one in God, they are the same. Though i must respect in your twisted view of accomplishing in help God the father yet to be truthful you are ill-informed
It’s sad to see unbelievers come here leaving comments about things they know nothing about. The person who said Jesus is a made up name by man is so wrong and obviously never read the new testament or the bible or know any biblical history. If you read in Luke 1:31 An angel comes to Mary and tells her to name her son Jesus, “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus”. Also, you cannot truly believe in God if you do not believe in Jesus. We are told in John 14:6 “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. You cannot deny Jesus yet claim to believe in God. Jesus is part of the holy trinity, the Father Son and Holy spirit are three in one and the same, so if you deny the Son Jesus then you also deny the Father. To say Jesus is not the messiah is heresy and I pray the unbelievers here to repent now! Read the holy bible and you will learn the truth. The truth will set you free of your ignorance.
Someone Please Answer My Question: Is it wrong to perform “hands-on-healing?” What if one does it in the name of Jesus Christ, God and Holy Spirit? I recently took a wonderful class and learned how to do this, as I have felt “moved” to help people in this way for a few years. It’s similar to Reiki, where the healer channels Divine God/Christ energy into a person who needs healing. I know that it is not me doing the healing, but it is God the Father working through me. Jesus healed people in the bible and said that we too can do these things. The husband/wife team teaching this technique are lovely people who only want to do good, however I must admit, they are New Age. Their knowledge is taken from many different religions and modalities: shamanism, Native American traditions, buddism, Christianity, etc, and mixing it all up. There’s nothing satanic or dark about these people or their teachings. But I’m thinking perhaps the enemy is wearing an excellent disguise and that these teachers and myself were perhaps deceived? I don’t know.
Ever since my Dad passed away last March, I’ve been miraculously pulled back to Catholic and Christian church. My Dad was a strict Catholic and a wonderful man, but although I was raised in that religion, I had too many issues with it and turned away from it. Now I receive great comfort from it (even though I still have issues) and from the huge presence of the Holy Spirit I feel there. In Catholic Mass, I take what’s good from it (and there is much good) and don’t focus on my problems with it. I’ve officially ( but privately in my heart and mind and soul) accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I believe in and love God with all my heart. In my heart I can say I’ve been born again and I feel much more relieved and peaceful. All this is amazing to me because I’ve been into the “New Age” thing for years. Now, in my reading and exploring and being pulled to Jesus’ side, I’m beginning to see that New Age and Christianity/Catholicism don’t really mix. And I’m worried about the hands-on-healing. Is that permitted? Did I open myself and my family up to demons? Is there a way I can do healings on people in Jesus Name? Do I have the right or am i breaking any laws? I love and fear God and really want to go to heaven one day. My quest for love and truth continues. Thanks for listening to my ramblings and any informed advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Emily. The gifts of the Holy Spirit is real but there are also counterfeits of the Holy Spirit gifts. The real power of God flows through people who have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and has chosen to be a willing sacrifice to God.
I know you’ve said you’ve official accepted Jesus as your Lord and saviour. But I can’t tell if you received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or have decided to offer yourself as living sacrifice to God.
Seek to be lead by the Holy Spirit, and you’ll will automatically have difficulty sinning. Refer to the Bible to test whether any decision/information is true or false. The Holy Spirit, Jesus and Father God are one – they do not contradict. Contradiction implys its from the enemy.
God sent the Holy Spirit to His people to guide and teach them.
No matter how good this hands on healing sounds, and no matter how many people you think yuo can help, if you ever hear the words “new age”, I would make a run for it. The whole new age movement is a deception to pull people away from the Lord. If you truly are a Christian I would stay away from the “new age” type healing. Word of caution, if you do a little research you will also find that the New Age Movement has many similarities as the occult such as reincarnation, channeling just to name a couple. The New Age movement and what they preach is purely demonic.
@Charlene, “Matthew 10:16 KJV: Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” I am a massage therapist and have been for almost 15 years – and yes, most of the places, I have worked, including the one now are new age. Yes, when I first got into it I was “kinda” new age-y – had the books the talismans etc but it never quite clicked. I truly became a Christian in 2018 – all I can say is our wonderful Lord started opening up scriptures to me that even though, truly ancient, all of a sudden made sense even when applied to today’s world. (False idols, fallen angels, etc. all made sense to me in what is going on in modern times now (good verses evil etc.) That said, I chose to remain a massage therapist as I truly believe it is a gift that God gave me to use on his behalf. I always ask God to lead me in the way of the Lamb before I start my day. From time to time, I get complemented by a client on the “gift” I have for massage and helping them with their muscle pain. I ALWAYS reply that I cannot take credit for it is a gift from God, and I have nothing to do with it personally. I leave it at that! Also, I have asked God over and over to change my career if it is the wrong thing to do but I am continually blessed in making enough to live with a bit to store in savings, and positive feedback from the clients I serve. I still struggle with human sinful traits – vanity, impatience etc – but I feel that I am led in the career and if He decides to lead me in another way in order to better serve him, I will do so. 🙂
Praise be to our LORD and Savior JESUS. I would like to share my thoughts. First of all to say that Michael and Gabriel appeared is quite mislead. The bible says that let any angel that does contrary to the word of GOD be accursed. Note that satan is a defeated fellow and is already condemned,he is under our feet. Philipians says that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that JESUS is Lord. Every demon even satan trembles at the name of Jesus. Jesus is Lord,without Him none shall make it to heaven. He is the Almighty,the Alpha and Omega.(Rev 1:8). Test everything and every spirit. May the peace of God which exceeds all human understanding be upon you.
These unbelievers need help. God is not known by argument .just believe it will be well with you in Jesus name. Amen.
Oh wow!! It is so sad to hear such distortions of who my MIGHTY LORD JESUS CHRIST truely is. Our salvation, our deliverer, our comfort, our guide, the rock of our salvation, the corner stone, the true messiah and SON of GOD ALMIGHTY. I am not surprised however! and to those who love JESUS, continue to have a heart to serve HIM and keep on keeping on!! because at the end of the day, when the dust settles, HIS WORD.. JESUS CHRIST will stand forever, Satan is defeated and no matter what….EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!!! Amen.
(I will not comment any further. Be blessed with this truth).
I somewhat disagree with the statement that Horoscopes and Hypnotism open the doors for demons to come into your life. Sure, there is harm that can be done with these. BUT, God isn’t going to smite you for going to a hypnotist show or reading the horoscope on your favorite news website. Seems a little extreme. But good article all together.
God doesn’t smite you. Instead you have left his protection by doing the things He told you not to do.
It is the demons that bring suffering /negatives to you. They are waiting for opportunities to kill, steal and destroy.
Just because you don’t believe it, doesn’t make it any less true.
so Mason what religion are you??
you know what i was raised in the religion of Mormonism but i don’t believe in it anymore. im more of what these people would call a soulless heathen (aka more pagan then anything) how about you Aaliyah?
i am a christain and i belive but i role play so im going to hell… really? what ever happend in TAKE THE LORD IN UR HEART AND ALL UR SINS WILL BE FORGIVEN or what about LOVE THY NEIGHBOR ?
Okay, really brief. Something jumped out at me in quickly skimming through Cassandra’s post. Role-playing. Is all role-playing considered a sin according to the Bible? I didn’t know that!! Could someone please point it out to me in scripture?
I’m new in my baby-step walk with Jesus Christ [I’m originally Catholic, then fell away dabbling/searching in all sorts of New Age for something of the Light which resonated for me, but a deep strong pull brought me happily back to God-Jesus Christ-Holy Spirit in the Christian/Catholic) way]. I feel relieved, although switching the way my mind works now is interesting. It’s a process. I don’t know the Bible well at all, but am enjoying reading it now.
Anyway, can someone on the know please clarify about role-playing? I really love the theater and movies (although I see it with new discerning eyes now) and my kids love to play pretend games. I just want to understand. Thanks.
We are only referring to Dungeons and Dragons on the role playing. There is nothing wrong with acting and role playing in other areas. If you want to see how dangerous Dungeons and Dragons can be, just do a google search on “Dungeons and Dragson from a Christian perspective” and you will see other sites that delve into this topic more deeply.
If you were the one who is a pagan and then put a link on our site to a
pagan site, then sorry, we will not allow this.
I know you disagree with our thoughts and opinions, but to us, pagan is
the dark side and we will not advertise pagan sites on our site. If people
want to check out those kinds of sites, they can google it and find it
like they do ours.
As far as crystals, we are not talking about crystals in salt. We are
talking what some of the new agers do with them.
As far as role playing, we are not talking about acting in plays, etc. we
are just talking about dungeons and dragons. I am sure if you google a
christian perspective on dungeons and dragons, you will see the arguments
as to why many of us feel this is a dangerous game.
I have been a Christian all of my life. I believe it to this day with all of my heart. That does not mean I cannot disagree with people of the same religion, however.
Looking at many of the above comments, I see that a lot of the people who say that they are Christian are the ones talking of “destroying non-believers” and “you’re going to hell because of this”. Jesus taught love, not hate. He taught us to love God and love people, not to point our fingers and judge. God is the judgement, not us. To even say that you can “step into God’s point of view” is ridiculous because he is omnipotent and the Almighty. How could a human even begin to comprehend what God is thinking? You are not immediately condemned for sinning or making mistakes. If that were the case, the reason for Jesus’ death is utterly pointless. He died to save us, not to condemn us. Saying Dungeons and Dragons is inviting demons is ridiculous. It is a game. You make a character and you give them points and you put them into situations. In no way is conjuring, inviting, or talking with demons ever present in any way. Many of the people on here are getting into everything that is said a little too much. Mike, some of the things you’ve said I agree with. There is plenty I disagree with, however, and I want it said that your word is not law. You are one believer of many. Your view point, despite having a website, doesn’t make you right. For any one person to come here and believe everything you say without their own research is close minded. I’m not saying you are forcing yourself on anyone, I’m not saying that to believe everything you say is wrong, but to talk with many narrow minded views and the ways you’ve written some of these things is giving no room for you to be wrong. There should always be room for you to be wrong, because from your posts and several of the comments, it is either one or the other when both could be right. Being a Christian is more than what one person says, and everyone needs to understand that. Think of it scientifically. When you test a hypothesis, you cannot prove something 100% because the world is constantly changing. There could be any number of variables that could pop up that changes your hypothesis. Thus, you can only state that your hypothesis was correct for that circumstance. There needs to be room for more information.
Next: Showing God’s love by telling people they’re wrong, that they will be destroyed when God comes back, telling people they are going to hell; none of these show God’s love in any way. All of these are cruel, close minded, prejudices that need to be thrown away. I understand many of your points about how things were done in the Old Testament. This is something that needs to be looked at. I’m not saying that the Old Testament is old and doesn’t count any more, but I AM saying that it is old. It was written well over 1000 to 2000 years ago. To view 2012 with the mind set of 2000 year old text isn’t fair.
Luke 6:37, “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.” Jesus said this in the New Testament. How are other Christians saying that they love Jesus and that they are preaching love when they are completely ignoring what he said?
Luke 5:30, “But the Pharisees and their teachers of religious law complained bitterly to Jesus’ disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with such scum (in Greek, “Tax collectors and sinners?”)” Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor-sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.”
If Jesus said this, but we don’t act on it, how can we say we are lovers and believers in Christ? Being a Christian shouldn’t be a pick or choose thing. You can’t pick one thing to preach, but ignore and trample on all the others. If someone doesn’t think that they’ve done anything wrong or sinned, then that is between them and God or between them and whatever they believe in. It is not our place to step in and interfere with other people’s beliefs.
The Bible says that Jesus Christ is “the same yesterday, today, and forever”. This is true. However, humans are constantly changing. God put us here for reasons ONLY HE KNOWS. Keep this in mind. The Bible says that God is the same, but if we are to love others as our selves and to treat people how we would want to be treated, we cannot justify prejudices by the Old Testament, but then preach the New Testament. All of the Bible counts.
As Christians, we should know how to love with a role model such as Jesus, but not a lot of us are doing a really great job of showing that. If you love Jesus and want to follow him, you should be able to talk to your fellow man in a civil and polite manner, without condemning, judging, hating, or pointing fingers.
If you have any questions for me, comments, concerns, by all means, please talk to me.
Thank you. I needed to hear your perspective. I am returning to God, and have been conflicted by varying viewpoints. I trust my instinct, and a lot of what has been conveyed here on other comments has not rung true for me. Your contribution has been quite the contrary. Thank you for giving me some direction.
I agree with you and it is straight from the bible not to judge, see this behavior keeps people away from jesus and makes it very hard to try to explain anything about jesus to others and this is sad, because he is real and he is the only one path to god , from what I have learned of my savior whom I am so truly grateful for is that he taught being humble, and to love your brother,sister,neighbor and enemy and to only follow him which I now understand because I had angels interacting with me, which led me to esoteric studies and complete demonic attacks and the only way to stop it all was the bible, jesus,asking for forgiveness and no more sinning..I truly believe that we are not to interact with angels at all since they came to me because I saw children suffering and wanted to help them so I believed they were good angels I havent read any where so far where the bible tell you to call out to angels so far I have only read that god has angels and they are his and there are the fallen so there is no way to discern this is why I love and understand why he only allows one path to him through his only son, it makes so much sense, I am so grateful for the forgivness and understanding I have receivedd I just want to add that it harms people when christians do the opposite of what the bible teaches it scares people away from god and jesus but I will not judge for I know better I jst want to tell christians to remember what the bible teaches about being humble so we do not scare people away with arguing, your words were perfect thank you.
role playing games don’t make all players want to do occult stuff. I play dungeons and dragons all the time but just cuz the characters do magic and which craft doesn’t mean the players do too. i also play other games like ‘devil may cry’ where i play a half demon who kills evil spirits and that isn’t much of an influence on my life. i don’t think games can mess with someone’s religion at least not me. everything else i understand but GAMES are not demonic. im sticking with that
Gina seems to be getting a little view of the dark side.
Gina, while it is still called TODAY-Hebrews 3:13–make a decision. The door is closing soon….
Keep fighting the good fight. The world is fooled into believing many of these things such as tarot, or fortunes are harmless. VERY dangerous activity. I liken it as putting a wide opening in your protective hedge of spiritual security. I also believe we may be living closer to the end times, where our guard should be up. Doesn’t the bible say there will be many demons who will walk the earth in search of souls to ruin or something to that effect. This information needs to be out there. Thank you for publishing it and I hope people WAKE UP!
The “mark of the beast” is some type of occultic designation and the “taking the mark” allows for the unholy trinity to inhabit the one who takes the mark. Satan copies God because he covets all God has.
Satan will copy John 14:23 in those who “take the mark of the beast”.
Its either most of you are demon possesed or just don’t get it.I live in israel and am a jew. My father is a rabbi.look, even the acient hebrew bible makes it obvious that the messiah is jesus.and his name is perfectely written.dungeons and drangons,whatever that you name is bad.I know so. It does not mean because you play it you will go to hell, but you are going to open a doorway to whichthe demons will enter into you.demons can turn into angels of light, so they can even take michael, gabriel or even jesus’s appearence. The first thing is to ask”who is your master”the hesitation in his voice will tell you that he is a demon.horoscopes and all those things that help you see through your life are all bad. God tells us not to council anyone who predics the future or things that will come. Or else God himself would have told us how our day and lives would go as soon as we wake up.if you all are real christians you would understand. But am really shocked by some answers. Thank you, jisca
Aaliyah, You are not telling the truth and have lied. Using the occult to “help people” is not from God.
I have asked the Lord God to destroy the works of satan in your life and I pray you will reject lies and deception and instead repent and ask God for a love of the truth.
currently i have been desperate in my life,i have been working very hared to improve my life for the past 7 year to bring success in my life believing that god will help those who strive.But in reality i have been failed in my plan for many times repeatedly for the past seven years.but now i am considering to use Magic to bring success in my life.i know so many people in my country are successful with this system.i am in conflict to decide , it is not about going to hell or death because i prefer success rather to live long ,it is about denying got whom i was trusting from my child hood or not, i am not sure that god really help those who strives from my experience.
Teshu, please consider Jesus words to us, “Come to Me, you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest”. Matthew 11:28
God has a plan for you and it does not require “magic”. It will be a life of fulfillment and peace to be in God’s will. God is the prosperer of our soul and He makes for us a straight path.
Satan comes only to kill, steal and destroy. Satan has diverted what belongs to God by leading many into magic and other things which will bring them great sorrow.
Dear maizie
Thank you for your advice ,i com across in the bible which implies there is no problems of using occult for good purpose
1 Samuel 28:10
Teshu, 1 Samuel 28:10 is an example of Saul turning to the occult (satan’s power)long after God’s Holy Spirit had withdrawn from Saul–1 Samuel 16:14.
Teshu, 1 Samuel 28:10 is an example of Saul turning to the occult (satan’s power)long after God’s Holy Spirit had withdrawn from Saul–1 Samuel 16:14
All those unbelievers who are seeing and talking with so called angels, including Michael and Gabriel should be very careful. There’s only one name given unto men under Heaven whereby we can be saved, the name JESUS! The bible says,” Neither is there salvation in any other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”(Acts 4:12). The so called angels are actually Demons-” And no marvel; Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (2 Cor. 11:14) See live manifestation in the bible, ” 16 And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:
17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.
18 And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.” (Acts 16:16-18).
a lot of you here do not understand. we live in a natural world controlled by the devil we are fighting against the enemy he can enter anytime you go against god’s word. he is so good at disgusing himself many of you dont get it. in the supernatural world there are many laws of the universe made by god. no you cannot play with horscopes maybe once or twice but what happens the demons draw you into coming back for more. god is a jealous god he is jealous of us and does not want us to be stupid and fall into the snares of the trap of the devil that regins here on earth.
yes these so called angels are demons. islam and mormons were founded by so called angels appearing to joseph smith and muhammand. these angels cannot tell you gospel only jesus can.
I recently went to a psychic because in the past another psychic told me that I had a lot of negative energy and had to do something about it, at the time I did not have the money to pay so I left it alone. 15 years later I’m having the same problems no luck and no matter how hard I tried things don’t go the way I want them to go, so I went to this psychic and she told me that I or someone close to me had played with the ouija board. I collect board games and I do own one but never played with it, is not even in my house, its stored with all my games in a wharehouse at least half an hour away. she said that just the fact that I own one had left me and my house open to evil spirits. she ask me to call my wife to come to her office and when she saw her she said your wife has a spirit within her right now and there are 13 portals open in your house. My wife doesn’t believe this, she thinks the psychic just wants money. Is there anyone who can tell me if this is possible and what can we do about it?
I was using an online site for anwsers about a relationship, even though I know it’s wrong as a christian.I’m not sure what happened, but I realised it was wrong and stopped doing it. I prayed for forgiveness and feel led to post about it, though I never post online about anything. There are no anwsers in the occoult…stay away and trust only God.
Many Christians have no clue what the occult is…I've lost friends by revealing some examples. Jewelry ( the ankh, the Italian horn, crystals, toys, games, pools, videos, clothing ( with the peace sign which is really a death rune used by hitler), martial arts, yoga, masons,a Shriners, eagles, certain silver jewelry, medical hypnosis,
Dear Carol Catell Moorby, I’m not trying to be a smarty, I just want to understand why you think eagles are of the occult. An eagle is one of God’s magnificent creations, one of God’s creatures. I also like owls, they are beautiful, but I think of them as God’s creatures, nothing more, I don’t worship them. Also I don’t understand what you mean by pools?? Do you mean like a little pond or a fountain that might be in a backyard? Please explain, thanks, your sister in Christ, Jane
Wevare not to judge hearts but the Bible does tell is to,judge by the word so if someone is winning against the word, we have an obligation to warn them . Remember, love the sinner BUT HATE the sin. Thwre is such a thing as righteous hatred against satan. Webare NOTbto be involved in the occult because there are severe consequences. Themonly way one goes to he’ll is if they reject Jesus Christmand what he did on the cross for us.That being said, disobedience to God does bring other consequences. Sickness, disease, mental or emotional problems can entrap you and you must renounce your sin. God has already forgiven used past, present and future sins. It is a one time commit and was done 2,000 years ago on the cross. We forgive because we are forgiven. Love for,another is telling them to truth. Jesus got righteous lay angry over sin, we should too, but we have to recognize that it’s principalities Andorra of darkness that satan uses to trip is up. Do,NOTnbe ignorant od Satans devices. We must not only read the word but STUDY it to show ourselves approved! There are too many sacre cow teachings ninth church today. I,thank God that the Holy Spirit reveals ALL,IF you are seeking,the whole truth! We are under grace now, not law! So important to,check out every ministry and pastor by the word of God. So many are misinformed concerning the scriptures and are teaching error! In the last days even the ELECT might be deceived! The occult is very evil and counterfeiting! I implore everyone who is involved to get out now!
Wevare not to judge hearts but the Bible does tell is to,judge by the word so if someone is winning against the word, we have an obligation to warn them . Remember, love the sinner BUT HATE the sin. Thwre is such a thing as righteous hatred against satan. Webare NOTbto be involved in the occult because there are severe consequences. Themonly way one goes to he’ll is if they reject Jesus Christmand what he did on the cross for us.That being said, disobedience to God does bring other consequences. Sickness, disease, mental or emotional problems can entrap you and you must renounce your sin. God has already forgiven used past, present and future sins. It is a one time commit and was done 2,000 years ago on the cross. We forgive because we are forgiven. Love for,another is telling them to truth. Jesus got righteous lay angry over sin, we should too, but we have to recognize that it’s principalities Andorra of darkness that satan uses to trip is up. Do,NOTnbe ignorant od Satans devices. We must not only read the word but STUDY it to show ourselves approved! There are too many sacre cow teachings ninth church today. I,thank God that the Holy Spirit reveals ALL,IF you are seeking,the whole truth! We are under grace now, not law! So important to,check out every ministry and pastor by the word of God. So many are misinformed concerning the scriptures and are teaching error! In the last days even the ELECT might be deceived! The occult is very evil and counterfeiting! I implore everyone who is involved to get out now!
First of all, I really appreciate this excellent information on this sight. I do believe I have something inside of me or around me. I guess I have been extremely ignorant of how negatively God looks upon the Occult, and exactly what the Occult is operationally speaking. I definitely am a reborn Christian. Looking for more friends in God who are experiencing these things, or have conquered them. At, 35 I still have so much to learn. smh
Hi Ryan, you can check out article Mike did on how to find an deliverance minister in your area.
@Laura, @Aaliyah
Folks these two people above whose names I’ve listed are perfect examples in which we can see how the world have been blinded by Satan. Just read their comments.
@Aaliyah said she assisted in 4 exorcisms, and still sees nothing wrong with Palm Reading etc.
Well your eyes still need to open, because there are many false prophets etc. And if you didn’t exorcise those demons in the name of Jesus (Mark 16:17; Luke 10:19), you just placed another bigger demon in the person to quite down the smaller one, for a time.
@Aaliyah you should read Deuteronomy 18:10-13 and Matthew 7:21-23, you ought to be very careful.
@Laura, there is much work to be done, as with all of us. I don’t know what religion you are but I can tell you the truth. That Jesus Christ is real, he came to earth and died for all of our sins and that he rose on the 3rd day. And no one can take his life, he gave it for us. So that we by our faith in him through grace we might be saved.
@Kel, I agree with you. People need to, Wake Up!
All in all, I’ve just used Laura and Aaliyah to make a point of what’s happening in the world.
I’m not attacking them, I’ll prayer for them as well as others, for we got saved to serve.
And we ought to love others as we love ourselves. And if you don’t love yourself, well I have news for you. Jesus Christ LOVES YOU, he died for you, try to get to know him.
It’s easy, just invite him in. All you have to do is say a simple prayer from your heart, I’ve given you a basic example below, you just reach out and speak to him in your own words.
Love you all, in Jesus name.
Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, and that I have sinned against you. I am sorry, please forgive me. Come into my heart and I’ll make you my Lord and Saviour. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
VEry well said and thank you
Thank you so much for this article. I have practiced almost all the above and in some cases i could actually seem to get some results. I wanted to quite alcohol, as I was addicted. But each time i used hypnosis, or mind control, or transcendental meditation, it would work for a while, I would stop drinking but then I would over eat to compensate. I eventually got fired from my Job, due to drunken behavior and I realized how useless the practices are. The worst part is that some, like new age literature quote the bible and Jesus’ teachings as their inspiration. The is actually a book entitled Jesus thought it too. Now I have put all my trust in the Lord Jesus and although my situation is bad, I know my breakthrough restoration in on the way. Thanks also for the spiritual warfare articles. May God bless you.
Mylan, there is no such thing as being far too gone. Jesus’ death and resurrection was enough for you to be forgiven. Place your faith in Him, find a Bible and read it. Find a fellow Christian – talk to them, confess your sins before God and repent before Him. He wants to forgive you and He loves you deeply!
I pray this reaches you.
To Mylan Monroe
Here’s the solution, first believe in Jesus, then confess your sins, everything that you recall doing, everything that does not sit well within you, say it aloud in prayer and ask God to handle it for you. Then rebuke all evil spirits in the Name of Jesus Christ, mention all of them that you know are attacking you and your family.. abortion, drug abuse, physical/emotional abuse, everything.. say that in Jesus name, I rebuke all these evil spirits and all forces and calamities that are not from God’s Kingdom, say “you are brought by the Blood of Jesus Christ and they have no authority over you. In Jesus’ Name say “get out of me, flee away and never return. I suggest you do this everyday when you pray, and take note of evil spirits that will attack your mind, i.e. doubt, fear, thinking immoral things such as sex.. as soon as you realize what you are about to think, rebuke the evil spirit in Jesus Name, trust the Lord, There is no other name like His name, I experienced that during my sleep I’d have all these immoral dreams, but as soon as I was aware of this spirit, I said in my sleep “In Jesus Name I pray”, believe you me, just that! Therefore God knows your distress, He knows you more than you know yourself, so call on Him and ask Him to forgive you for all you have done in thought, in words, and in doing, ask God to also forgive you for sins of omission, sins we commit without realizing that we are sinning, in Jesus Name ask God to pardon you and absolve you from all these sins. In Jesus Name Amen. DOING THIS EVERYDAY, WILL TRULLY HELP YOU. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, TURN AWAY FROM ALL ACTIVITIES YOU SAY YOU’VE ENGAGED IN THAT YOU KNOW ARE NOT PLEASANT TO GOD, IN OTHER WORDS, REPENT. ACCEPT JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOUR, PUT YOUR LIFE IN HIS HANDS, AND TRUST ME, THE LORD WILL NOT LET YOU SLIP AND FALL IF YOU PUT YOUR TRUST IN HIM.
Here is my opinion to Mylan. In your situation its way out, like to a lot of other people , but only for you in this situation better will be to go the pastor in the church , who do deliverens of the darkness , and you will be free from all of this and also connection from your all other family members wrong doings. You will fell , that you want to fly , because this will make you free. And don’t look back , look in front of you ……here is what you still can do , and forgive about the past…you can’t change…and the best that you understand that something its not right…God got his ways to talk to the people , and here for you answer…Let God bless you and give the way for you to be delivered.Aura
If spirituality is about not going on your feelings when some thing doesn’t feeling right how long do you wait to get out of the situation. When you go to the pastor and still every thing gets turned upside down and is m are worst what do you do? I believe that the devil operate in the church as well so who do you trust. Sometimes satan wants you to take everything you know about your family and make you hate them even more. No family is perfect and neither are we so we need to stop looking for perfection in ourselves and others. Just pray to God cause even the pastors h as his faults.
AMEN, AMEN and AMEN to Tholang (4/15/2014)
Even confessing aloud to GOD once, really repenting and following through in real life (and really mean it!) will make a REAL difference. Let is ALL out and place it in HIS hands. You can do this while driving instead of singing to the radio or cd at the top of your lungs. Be cautious though, the Lord WILL lift you and you may have just a bit of trouble getting out of and walking from your car for a while. You WILL know the Lord is right there with you. This would also be a great time to chase away the “spooks” if you can gather your wits from THIS experience. I was not able to at that time because my feet weren’t touching the ground for quite a while. (I’m old and had a lot of sins to confess). WOW!
Is the practice of Pilates against God? I know yoga is, but what about Pilates? And is holistic medicine like acupuncture, chiropractic care, and osteopathy against God?
All of them are of occult nature
I didn’t see anything listed about Divining Rods, Dowsing Rods, Pendulums, or Water Witching. I can do all the above really well and sucessfully, so I guess that means it’s ok? I live in the heart of whats considered the Bible Belt. I don’t know of any others that do this anywhere around in 3 or 4 states. It seems everybody is afraid to answer my questions. I was born with this ability and a few more not “tellable” abilities as well.
Thank you for posting this article. People seriously need to wake up. I had my fair share of eye openers yesterday when I shared a post from a page called Exposing The Lies on Facebook. It was a list of witchcraft practices and below that Christians involved with these should stop and repent. I wasn’t surprised when I got attacked immediately for posting this. One was by a wiccan, one by a new age follower and one by a spiritualist. But I was shocked when I started getting insults from two fellow “Christians” ridiculing my beliefs and what I stand up for. They continued making fun and posting comments like they are (sorry for the language) “bitch witches” because they “enjoy yoga, read their horoscopes, practice hypnotism and palm reading”. One even went as far as asking what’s is wrong with using an ouija board game. It’s all “innocent”. Yet they post Bible scriptures on their profile every single day. People you cannot serve God and be involved in the occult. It’s no laughing matter. It’s not something to make fun of. It concerns me how many Christians out there practice occult, knowing how dangerous it is and blatantly makes fun of a fellow Christian for pointing out the dangers. We are supposed to lead sheep away from the wolves lurking around, not right into the enemy battle ground. People don’t realize we’re fighting a spiritual battle with the enemy and the occult is spiritual.
We had a few sermons this past month on the topics of grace, harvest etc. It is so significant here. We as Christians have God’s grace upon us, but we cannot continue to have God’s grace upon us if we continue to live in sin. The occult is a sin. You cannot expect to have God’s grace in your life if you continue to be involved with occult practices unless you repent and stop.
We all real what we sow. How can we real a good harvest if we plant bad seeds? What fruit would come from that tree. And we will be known by our fruit. If Christians carry bad fruit, what example is that to the rest of the world.
Our Pastor said in one sermon that if the enemy suddenly attacks you from all sides you have probably done the something right, because the enemy is trying to convince you that you did the wrong thing and is trying to bring you down, but this is our opportunity to rise up against the enemy, because God has a purpose in our lives and that is to lead people back to God and away from redemption. It comes to no surprise how much the enemy hates the truth and the moment I posted the truth, I was under attack.
But I know my God and creator is much more powerful than anything in this world and hopefully I got my message across to a few that needed it. I sowed that seed and hopefully someone who saw that post will realize they’re busy with the wrong things and repent.
How do I pray for the Redemption of my three children? They need deliverance. The schools, friends and society are full of evil how do we undo the brainwash? My children love money, I share the little I have at times I cannot buy necessities. If I see people in need I give to them after rent is paid I live at times on about $120. a month. My daughter buys food for she and I if I do not have. She pays the internet, home telephone and for cable in the bundle (i do not use the cable). Only when I am out off money she buys food for us. She is good her sister is good my son is good but wrong company and misguidance from my family, and my ex-husband is causing them to sin. I will supplicate to God on their behalf and my ex husband and my family’s behalf. I will supplicate for them to be Redeemed and I will pray for my enemies redemption. Please pray the people in satanic cults will be saved the cult leaders too will be saved and that Hindus Buddhists and other polytheistic religions will know Jesus and they will believe and confess Romans 10:9-10. And Numbers 23 will be the answer. No one can curse whom God blesses. My children need to Repent, me too we sin daily and Psalm 51 is a place to start. Love you internet audience, thank you owner of this site May 3John 1:2 be yours owner and audience of this site. Amen
Shoan- Start by reading Deuteronomy 28 (The Blessing). Say it out loud and find all the promises of God in the Bible that talk about his prosperity, His abundant provision and blessings. Speak them out to yourself. The devil and his demons that are in the world (air) don’t want you to know that these promises belong to you. They are God’s promises to you of blessing and provision. Speak only positive words to your children. Send them out with a blessing when they go off to school and when they go see their father. Pray God’s ministering angels to surround them wherever they are. In the Name of Jesus bind demons that contradict The Word of God and cast them out to the dry places. Then, loose holiness, and abundant provision in your lives. The bible says we have the authority to bind and loose on earth and heaven. If you are not tithing, make sure you start. Start with whatever you have faith for. God will rebuke the devourer on your behave but tithing and sowing is key to the abundance of God’s provision in our lives. God is good all the time so speak His goodness out even if you don’t see it or feel it. This is faith. You will see your life changing for the best because life and death are in the power of our tongue.
Is the practice of Astral Projection considered “against God?” I just recently had a lucid dream and awoke and found myself looking up Astral Projection, entirely unaware of what it is or what it means. I look to research and maybe even practice Astral Projection but am unsure of how it will effect my Spiritual Life. I have read up on the warnings and possibilities of possession whilst outside the body and, to be honest, I am a little concerned. I spoke to my parents earlier this morning and got an answer I am not content with. They said that “Whether or not the warnings are real, or only speculation, that you (me) should not give in to the practice.” I want to speak with someone who has experienced Astral Projection themselves and speak about their experiences, but not before clearing it up with God first. What should I do?
Hi Garret, When I was in my late teens and early twenties I use to astral project. It is when your spirit leaves your body at will. You can go places or just move freely around your room or home. I practiced by watching myself sleep or watch tv. Eventually I was able to leave my home and then I began to go places. I wasn’t a christian and had no idea what I was doing. I thought it was cool but it was the beginning of horrific nightmares and fear. When you astral project you open wide the door for evil to come into your soul. I later struggled with dreams where satan was always chasing me. I had opened the door to evil (demons). If your trying to astral project, stop immediately, repent to God and never do it again. God is serious about this for our own good and protection. By the power and authority you have in Christ tell the demons to leave In the Name of Jesus. Follow God not the dark things of this world, it is a much more fruitful and fulfilling life. He has a plan and a purpose for you and it is good!
Name “Luci” short for Lucifer?
Your comment sounds a lot like your telling sheep to stay away from the good tools and get back in line and obey for the good of God!
Has anyone else noticed everything said about the Occult or New Age thinking all sounds just as valid if pointed back at Christianity?
I had this experience before. I have since avoided it by asking the Lord to fill every room in my house with his holy angels, and also to post them around my home at night to stop all evil and deceiving spirits from accessing my home. Pray this last thing at night.
Don’t play with astral projection you’re putting your soul at risk. Stick to reading the bible let God speak to you. Astral projection puts you in the spirit realm unprotected. God bless you in Jesus name.
Hello, I would like to ask a question. I do not have my own place so speaking out loud would disturb the people of the house because of the different time frames that operate in hear. Do you have any suggestions? Also, I bothered with a Ouija board over 45 years ago and have called a psychic before which I think had no truth to it-just wanted money. My close friend’s phone bill was astronomical because of my mistake and I have from time to time read my horoscope, and read up on numerology, but I have no interest in these things. But also know that it doesn’t make it safe nor right in the eyes of the LORD. Please, if you could send me an e-mail message; I would like to commune with GOD and bring forth deliverance over me for many situations.
I would add to this the stealthy way Satan is using children’s toys and entertainment,via Vampirina and Harry Potter,and so on,to lure them into the occult. Parents buy these occult-ridden items and allow children to play with them without second thought. These same parents let them participate in Halloween,and call it harmless entertainment,when they know the truth,even if they deny it.
I am was so blessed to had come in contact with this information that helped me to prepare my Bible Study Lesson on the topic, “Occult.” Honestly speaking, it seems as a difficult topic but this article had made it very clear and easy for me. I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will continue to bless you and give you more grace as you go about to expose the works of the devil in the lives of people of this generation.
I’ve had a lot of mystical experiences as a believer in Jesus as the /Christ and my hope for eternal life. Sometimes I see people before I meet them or know things I have no way of knowing. It’s not something I do but it happens quite often. While these things mess with my cartesian logic I never thought of them as supernatural but the synchronicities that I consider supernatural are the ones that came after submitting myself to God and years later HE showed me their meaning — HE was showing me that HE loves me.
what is cartesian logic and what does that have to do with the Love of Jesus?
Hi Doug, this is most likely symptomatic of a “soul tie” or some kind of generational curse within your family line. Consider this, we are given instructions from the Most High, warnings like this article states, of staying away (for our own protection), from any activity that can be sourced from demonic activity. I see this as a form of seduction that is inerent in our family blood lines and unless you recognise it as that and break the curse, it may pull you from the truth of the Scripture in terms of a small separation between you and the Father. In other words, a stronghold. These mystical experiences, and the key word even you used is “mystical”… how does any mystical experience encourage your hope of eternal life? Our hope and our hope alone is in Yeshua, that we should believe on Him for eternal life, walk in the WAY, being blameless before Him. You don’t want to be caught playing with the “mysteries” with a strongman taking over your house. Give it to Yehovah, call upon His Name and ask that He would rip that spiritual infection from your body. Cleanse your heart and your mind with the Scriptures, understand what it means to have the Law written upon your heart, and repent of being in agreement with this “family gift” and every time it comes upon you, rebuke it in the name of Yeshua. The lie is that a demonic spirit is telling you that you are special and that God has given you this ability because he loves you.
I agree with Doug. I am against all of those adivination but sometimes I know things that will happen and as I think it or speak it, it becomes a reality. I thought it was a gift from God to have revelation. But it does scare me in often times.
Thank you for the article you wrote. It is very enlightening. You mentioned to stay away from “dungeons and dragons”. Were you referring to the game by the same name?
I think you should add yoga, energy healing, and meditation to the list. All are very prevalent now, and appear to be ‘positive’, but I believe are very much a part of the occult. Yoga is an ancient practice that stems from worship to Hindi gods/goddesses (whether or not the practicer knows/believes in said gods/goddesses), energy healing is manipulation of the material forces in the world – which the practice of is said to be amongst the ‘occult’, and meditation involves opening the mind to possible infiltration of demons/demonic forces. I believe meditation on the Word of God is the only form of ‘meditation’ one should be involved in.
I can’t explain the way this article helped me .
Now I came to know the exact reason for me and family’s destruction…. Please pray for us so that we can get deliverance fast .
We will sure follow those 4 steps of deliverance..
Thank you so much…..
I commemorate the warnings of the risks attached to the occult, but this isn’t entirely what the occult is about, the occult is the persuit of knowledge of the supernatural( the studies that go beyond the learning of the nautral world unlike science). The verses provided from the Old Testament forbade those arts mostly because they’re divination magic or sorcery. Divinations are a sin because it is essentially using mundane coincidences and elementals of the nonmaterial dimension to gain guidance instead of God giving it to you at the proper timing. Sorcery in most contexts is the magical practice of having influence over elementals, demons, and learning how to charm animals and enthrall or deceive people. The only remotely acceptable occult-related mystical art would be thaumaturgy, the greek compound word meaning “wonder working”. Which is an art that was commonly done by saints and especially Jesus Christ, but this was a righteous art because its main function is by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit cannot be manipulated or subjugated to suffer someone a power, the spirit suffers you the divine wonder at your time of need when you let it guide your heart and soul in such a time.
Now most of the things mentioned that endanger people that are occult related actually deal with divinations, sorcery( in the form of weaponizing psychology), and other things that are otherwise exclusively warned against partaking in according to the book of Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. The part mentioning Dungeons and Dragons as an occult related risk to the soul is a bit outdated to back in the 80’s back when the spells within the game were derived from actual spells in witchcraft, and there was also the cleric spells that are kind of a biblical easter-egg like staves to snakes, create food and water, etc. The latest editions don’t seem to delve into the realism of magicka as previously, but necromancy and divination are still an option, but it’s just a game. The motive for making magic in 1st and 2nd edition more inspired by actual grimoires was to mostly make the game realistic playing as a magic-user. The article does do the job to warn people not to look to coincidences for answers, but to God, kudos to the author.
how do you get away from them if you yourself had nothing to do with them but someone you know has been involved with them and has allowed them or told them to harrass me and they are and have been for the past two going on three years now that I realize that is what it is. this year has been the worse. he denies anything to do with it but he was very much involved all of last year in what was taking place and I do feel he is still involved.
I would add one more item to the list: Law of Attraction aka “The Secret.” I used to follow that belief system a few years ago but the only thing I “manifested” was a demon that I had a hard time getting out of my home.
wow, God bless you for sharing this, my time for freedom has come…little did i know these law of attraction stuff and the secret is demonic. We really need more knowledge in the Word of God.