On 9/15/98, a girl who I used to work with had a prophecy come in on her right in the middle of work.

The amazing part about this prophecy was the amount of Scripture that was in it. She had just come to the Lord about 8 months earlier. She had read parts of the New Testament but none of the Old Testament yet. You will see that there are quite of few verses from the Old Testament that she had no prior knowledge of.

Eagle Prophecy

I will go ahead and give you the prophecy as it was given direct to her by the Lord, and then give you some of the Scripture verses to back up what was given to her. Before I do, a few comments.

1.  A prophecy is one of the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is a manifestation as He wills, not as we will. We have no control as to when these come in and usually no forewarning from the Lord when one does come in.

2.  A prophecy is a direct Word coming in from either God the Father or Jesus Christ. God transmits the message to you through the Holy Spirit. Your mind will receive a flow of words from the Holy Spirit and your job is to simply grab a pen and piece of paper and write down the exact words as they are being given to you by the Lord. If you have a tape recorder nearby, you can also record it as you are receiving the words.

In either event, the prophecy needs to be written down and recorded if at all possible. The apostle Paul says that the gift of prophecy is the greatest of all the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is because you are receiving a direct Word from the Lord Himself. I do not think anything can be greater than receiving a direct Word from the Lord on whatever it is He is wanting to give you a Word on.

3.  Usually prophecies are in the first person tense as God is speaking directly to you. However, you will notice that in the first few sentences Cindy is making specific comments in her own first person tense. I feel this was used by God to set the stage for what He is going to try and communicate to her.

She starts out by saying that she is an eagle under God’s wing and then it goes on from there. This is why I call it Cindy’s “Eagle Prophecy.” I believe God is telling those who are willing to become real eagles for Him what they can expect from Him once they enter into what I feel is a little higher realm than where most Christians are living at.

We have another article in our site titled, “The Eagle Analogy,” and it is at the top of the Spiritual Warfare section of our site. The eagle analogy is a very powerful revelation being given by God to the Body at this time, and this article will help explain to you what God is wanting all of us to have with this very powerful analogy from the Bible. Just go into any Christian bookstore and you will see eagle statues, eagle pictures, eagle paintings, and eagle emblems all over the store.

Now here is the prophecy.
The Eagle Prophecy

“I am an eagle under God’s wing. It is my job to follow His way. He will order my steps and make a path for me. For in order to fly all obstacles must be removed. Clear mindedness and respect are ordered. My love for Jesus will excel me into this world, which is mine by inheritance. My walk is ordered and ordained by our Lord and Savior.

He died on the cross for us so that we may be saved. Our ways are not His ways. His ways are godly, ours are not. Our earth is our place of rest for the time being. We then come to live with Him. Our time is up on this earth, it is time to be with Him and to do His work. Our children are to be brought up loving and believing in Jesus, they also will inherit the earth.

Prosperity is the way of the Lord for believers. He that honors and trust shall receive. My gifts will be poured out on the believers. I shall not hold back on those with faith. True faith – undying faith is needed. You cannot waiver.

My Son Jesus is there for you to call on. He will bring your prayers to Me. My answers come from My heart. Your interests are considered. My people shall have all that is necessary to live and enjoy life. An abundance shall be expected.

My eagles shall teach and train so as to bring others up to their level. Their spirits are at one with Mine. We work together in salvation. Without My children My Word could not be spread among the Gentiles.

My increasing heartache has caused repression in My kingdom. We shall all rise up to God’s expectations for our inheritance of this earth and of His kingdom. Our will is His will when it is good. The non-believers will not receive as My believers will. My children are good in the Gospel of the Lord says He.”

Scripture Verses

1. Women Can Prophesy

Some people have problems with women getting any kind of supernatural discourse from God the Father. They think this is mostly for men. Here is the Scripture verse that will tell us that God can prophesy through a woman if He should choose to do so.

“And it shall come to pass afterward that I will our out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams. Your young men shall see visions; and also on my menservants and my maidservants I will pour out my Spirit in those days. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth.” (Joel 2:28-32)

2. “I am an eagle under God’s wing”

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

3. “It is my job to follow His way”

  • “O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself. It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps” (Jeremiah 10:23)
  • “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)

4. “He will order my steps and make a path for me”

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord …” (Psalm 37:23)

5. “Our ways are not His ways”

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8)

6. “Prosperity is the way of the Lord for believers. My people shall have all that is necessary to live and enjoy life. An abundance shall be expected.”

  • “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (Ephesians 3:20)
  • “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
  • “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, have an abundance for every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8-11)
  • “But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” (Psalm 34:11)
  • “The Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly”. (Psalm 84:11)

7. “My Son Jesus is there for you to call on. He will bring your prayers to Me.”

“It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.” (Romans 8:34)

8. “My eagles shall teach and train so as to bring others up to their level. Their spirits are at one with Mine.”

  • “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body … and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 12:13)
  • “For through Him (Jesus) we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.” (Ephesians 2:18)

9. “My gifts will be poured out on the believers”

  • “Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy.” (1 Corinthians 14:39)
  • “… and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.” (1 Corinthians 14:1)
  • “Do not quench the Spirit, do not despise prophecies.” (1 Thessalonians 5:19)
  • Do not neglect the gift that is in you … Meditate on these things, give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all.” (1 Timothy 4:14)
  • “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.” (2 Timothy 1:6)


I feel any prophecy given by the Lord should always be recorded or written down if at all possible, as they are real trophies when they do come in from Him. They do not come very often to most believers, so when they do, they should all be written down.

If anyone else has any other prophecies they would like to share, please feel free to pass them on and I will write them up like I did this one. Prophecies are used by God the Father for edification, to help build His people up. The above prophecy is loaded with good advice from Scripture.

For what it is worth, I feel that this gift will manifest more and more as we draw closer to Jesus’ second coming to our earth.


  1. I truly believe, NO I KNOW that the Eadle is Gods own messenger and have had 3 encounters with them that in no way could be coincidence. I excepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour in March 2009. A couple of weeks after that, I was at church and being Prayed for, when one of the ladies told me that as they were praying she saw a Wegde Tailed Eagle hovering over me and prophesied that they would be an important part of my walk with God. In June “winter in Australia” of that year I was Baptised in my pastors pool “I must say it was a very cold But, warming experience” anyway as i was walking back to my pastors house he said to me “Hey Matt, Look up” and there were 2 Wedge Tailed Eagles circling above me. My second encounter was about 4 months after that, I was struggling to except Gods love and forgiveness so had gone up to a lookout I had found where I spent my quiet times with God in prayer. I was playing my guitar, singing worship songs and praying for about 2 hours then wrote down all the sins I could remember and the last line i wrote was ” Lord as i burn this paper and the smoke blows away as far as the East is to the West,Please forgive me these sins and help me to soar above my worries as the Eagle soars above this world”. I then stood up and was thanking and praising God when a big Eagle appeared on my left and seemed to look me in the eye, it circled me and then soared off to my right, I was dumbfounded but thanked God for such a sign then said to him how i would love to get a better look at it, I sat down on a rock then all of a sudden it appeared again on my left, It then banked to its left giving me a look of its underside then banked right showing me its top, then cirled me twice, the whole time it appeared to be looking me straight in the eye, That morning on a Message from God app on Facebook it said that “today God wants me to know that i will see a sign, whether it be a bird in the sky or grafity on a wall, God will show me a sign” The third encounter was about a month later, I was still struggling and as i was working with my pastor landscaping on the side of a hill, I looked out to the sky and asked God again to show me a sign that I could soar like the Eagle, 3 days later I stood at the same spot, cursed God and said “Well it’s the Third Day and I haven’t seen anything” I then grabbed the wheelbarrow and took the bricks to my pastor and when I got back to load it up again I looked out and saw 3 Eagles circling directly in front of me over the valley. One would think with all that I would not have looked back, but since than I’ve backslid got back into drugs and my old ways, I know that God is there for me and am trying to find my way back, but yes am struggling with the fact that iam worthy of his forgiveness for the way I’ve been for the past 2 years.

    1. It’s seven years Matthew but I would like to offer you a reply. It’s not that we are worthy because each one of us truly are not. He is worthy. He died for you, to present you to His Father. He died for you, and for me, and for all who will receive Him. You have fallen down, so choose to get up and repent and sin no more as He told them in the Scriptures. It is trickery from the adversary of darkness attempting to keep you in darkness by telling you that you are not worthy. The truth is what God thinks of us, and we are “worth it” to Jesus and to God, as He has already shown you and clarified to you by the eagle as well. Bless you My Brother, Terry

    2. No one is worthy no one, it is by the grace of God that anyone is forgiven. Everyone sins and everyone will sin. The difference is you are sorry and want to be forgiven. Let God forgive you by asking. It is a lie of satan that you are thinking this way. He wants to steal kill and destroy your life. Do not believe his lies.God loves you and he wants you to turn to him! There are verses on this site to help you fight against these attacks. Look at spiritual warfare. ✝️♥️

    3. @Matthew Stirling, hey man I would just hold on to that and I been going through a lot too with guilt and shame but dude check this out I learn that God doesn’t always wants us to rely on His presence and hearing Him but trusting in His Word is Knowing the Lord remember knowing the Lord He loves you and will restore you and is always with you and know that He doesn’t lie

    4. @Matthew Stirling,

      Many are called but few are chosen. You obviously have a calling on your life, but you must first put down your fleshly desires. Don’t give up on the Lord. If you are still struggling with drug addiction I pray God would release you from this bandage and guide you to a good Bible based church where you can be fed and grow into the great eagle that God our Father has called you to be. God bless you.

  2. I had just attended a woman’s conference in Marcy NY called awaken your might . it was an awesome time of be charged up with the Holy Spirit , healing, deliverance, and powerful prayer and worship. Highly recommend retreat with the Lord regularly.
    The next day 6/3/12 my Sabbath with Him, He reveled unto me His presence as He soared over me in the form of an eagle, never seen Him in this way before. three hours laying on my bed and being healed of migraine headache. His presence was visually , physically, in Spirit made know to me of His divine love power and person of the God head, living and abiding in us as believers daily. we are to carry His presence everywhere we go and to be lead by His direction every min.
    As He revealed Himself to me I was able to recall most of the promises in the Word of God, that i thought i had long forgotten. Some of the same were written here on this web site under the eagle prophecy. I thought i had to share and encourage others of His abiding love, and to remain in His will and presence. As i got up and looked up at the sky I saw the large soaring eagle in the shape of a large cloud, as well as heard the soaring eagle of the Lord as I was laying in His presence.
    I found this site by searching on eagle and God, as the Lord revealed

  3. Mathew
    I was also shown many things by our Lord and did the same thing you did and
    backslid, numerous times though. I am finally walking closer than ever but
    I wasted many precious yesrs with our Almighty Father God that I can never
    replace. Seek Him with all your soul and you will never be disappointed.
    God bless you and yours. Father God will never disappoint you.

  4. i also receive a prophecy that says i am an eagle and the second said that i am like and iron in very special way and i my self i am special,can u please explain this

    1. Hi Martha, unfortunately, Mike went home to be with Jesus last summer and he had the special gift to interpret dreams and visions. I would seek the Lord and have Him reveal this to you

  5. As far as flying in the sky like a bird it happened to me when I was praying for my kitten. It was my faith that was soaring high as I was believing in God to heal him. Afterwards the cat and myself fell asleep with him in my arms and when we awoke his was completely healed. I’ve never forgot the miracle that he showed me. I still like to tell that story. BTW the cats head was swollen from trying to get to me from under the door and at that time in life I couldn’t afford a vet. Matter of fact I still pray for my animals.

  6. I am truly amazed with this site and very thankful for it. I had a dream last year and in the dream I was at a place that it appeared to be some type of conference, there were lots of people there and when it was over a lady walked up to me and she said “Lamar” and I said Yes, who are you and how do you know my name and she said The Lord is going to make you an Golden eagle, and I said… what? And she repeated it, and then she left… I immediately woke up and Went to the internet and Looked golden eagle and was amazed, because I didn’t even know that a “Golden eagle”… Even existed.

    1. Many years ago, I had moved away from my childhood home to a more affordable rural area. I had everything a worldly man could want.. A nice house, car, money in the bank. Was I truely happy? No BC I wasn’t walking with the Lord, but he was still with me. I’m more content? Now, but don’t become content.even though I’m homeless. God always seems to keep moving the goaline.. I was full of strife back then. Anyways I wasn’t working so I was play golf, terribly.. I was getting mad, it was very hot. Took a short break under a shade tree. I felt a bit unnerved, I looked up, about 4 ft. Above me sitting in the tree, was this huge Golden Eagle, sizing me up, he never moved, soooo beautiful. The rich browness of his feathers against the gold-yellow of his beak and Talon’s. We started at each other, I’m like, hello, wow. He looked mad, I think God was a bit disappointed the way I was acting. Idk.. but it’s a cool thing that happened. I keep thinking about it when I read these prophecies and analogies about eagles, something very special about them, and us.. Blessings all Cjp

  7. I dream recently, that I awaken by several times I am at the sky with many stars brightly below my feet, I sleep again, and awaken with the same dream. I do not know what is the meaning of that dream. I am above the stars, they are so bright under my feet.

    I am puzzled with that dream for me.

  8. I really enjoyed this article and all the many fascets of the eagle and how it applies to us.
    Thank you for all the time you took putting this together for us. There was one thing that bothered me though, and it occurred throughout this article. Doing things “For God” . . . .
    I find this way of thinking can cause us to become self-righteous, and prideful. I prefer to think of what I am doing, fulfilling my calling and destiny as co-laboring,with Christ.
    It was in His heart since the beginning of time and without Him I can do nothing!

    Ephesians 3:20 Voice
    [20] Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in us,

    I am just the beloved conduit through which He chooses to express Himself and His power and His love.

    Again, thank you for such a thoughtful article.

  9. Very interesting! I was given a lengthy prophetic word years ago that spoke about a strong calling of “authority” and “administrator”. With being a bit of an introvert in the beginning, I wasn’t sure what to do with it.
    Then I had a vision of being birthed as an “eagle” from a large butterfly cocoon and it alarmed me because it felt overwhelming.
    When it was confirmed to me to research eagles, I came across this article and felt more committed in the calling the Lord gave me. There are multiple examples to give to validate what the Lord was showing me. Thank you for sharing your insight!!

  10. I enjoy the Eagle Prophecy and I have Dream and Vision like Bible teach in Numbets 12: 6 And he said, Hear now my words:If there be a prophet among you,I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

  11. This year, I had a dream I was in the clouds and an angel was speaking in my ear. I did not understand the foreign language the angel spoke until the voice said something about an Eagle. I knew not personally what that meant but my soul was on fire and I was excited.

    Today (6/10/19), I was sitting outside reading a Perry Stone book. I was starting to get tired in the sun. Something internal told me to close my eyes. I closed my eyes not even 10 seconds and when I opened eyes I heard a whooshing sound from behind me. I saw on the concrete and a huge shadow with wings. I looked up and right in front of me on my roof was a immature eagle. I said “God?”
    I took a picture and the bird flew away.

    I can not believe how amazing God is!

  12. I was sitting home one day in prayer and I heard God say get in your car and drive. I could not figure out why but obeyed the Lord and got in my car and started driving. A few blocks from my house in my neighborhood I suddenly saw a large eagle flying towards me. The eagle flew right at my windshield and I saw the eagle looking right at me. All I could see was the eagle in my windshield. It flew right up to almost touching my car and flew right over me. I then heard God say you can go home now.

  13. Heather Rayner
    March 6th 2020.

    thank you for your article Michael and thank you for all the reply’s everyone.
    the honour the Lord has given me was about 10 years ago when I walk out of a church in Perth their was five Golden Eagles outside the doors. And the Holy Spirit said (take one)
    After telling myself why me, the third one I just fell in love with, and was told its name was
    Elph (shift in Greek) For many years my beautiful Elph and I have done the Lords work in the spirit round the world ( the power of prayer ) is great in this world.
    Also I am honoured to have nest of wedge tail eagles near where we live and some times they circle round and I just know I will have lovely day in the Lord.

  14. In my dream saw an eagle, the Eagle was sitting was just looking on me through out,, it was so amazing my first thought,, oh great the Bible says we shall mount up like Eagles.
    I wanted to take the nice picture of the Eagle but I woke up from my dream. I was googling checking what does it to see eagles in the dream, that how I came across this site.
    Can u explain my dream

  15. A friend of mine come and told me to read the book of Ezekiel 17:3-5, as we were discussing that parable, what really that great Eagle represent.. Suddenly and eagle came from nowhere and mounted on electricity post. We thought we (me and my friend) was dreaming but in reality we weren’t. It stayed there for a while then it flown away.. Day in and out I alway pray to God to give me an insight and revelation what really transpired that situation..

  16. I have to share my dream I had.
    I recently was filled with the Holy Ghost, and was baptized for the second time in my life on the same night. Two weeks after that I had a very vivid, and bright dream.

    I had a dream I died somehow
    It happened fast and it was somewhere outside.
    All of a sudden it was very sunny and bright.
    Next thing I know I was riding on a humongous Eagle…suddenly I ’m placed on the grass. From a distance away I see my two young children (Cooper who is four and Ella who is 6) playing outside. They wasn’t sad or grieving that I had past away. They were laughing and just having a fun time. It was very peaceful. They couldn’t see me for a while but I could see them.

    But then cooper looks right at me and says “LOOK AN EAGLE!! An EAGLE!”
    I knew he was calling me “Eagle.”
    I still felt like I was the human shape of myself…just normal. But they were looking right at me and started to run straight to me while still screaming “Eagle!!”

    It was a very fast dream.
    But I know it was from God.

  17. Yo so I been seeing and hearing things about eagles literally everywhere and something about sight of an eagle clear vision I can relate a lot to what this woman said and I agree but I’m seeing things that no one else around me are seeing and they think I’m weird yet I’m not it’s all based on scripture and thank you for this I just started writing down things from the Lord tonight and this is my first time reading this

  18. The Lord Said To Me…..
    THE BOX. You are trying to mould the box from within the box to be more like, and closer to God. You cannot do that. The box is a box. You must come out of the box, and see it as just a box. The Way God Sees It.

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