Battle Verse For The Full Surrender
The first thing you must be willing to do before you can even begin to get God to protect you and fight some of your personal battles for you is that you have to be willing to fully surrender every part of your life over to God the Father for His direction and handling.
In the Bible Basics section of our site, we have an article titled, “The Full Surrender.” In this article, I give you all of the main verses from Scripture that will show exactly what this full surrender will entail and exactly how to enter into it with God the Father.
As you will see in this first verse I will list below, you have to be fully submitted to the Lord before you can even begin to do battle with Satan, any of his demons, or any human enemy in the natural realm.

Here is the very first verse each Christian must get under their belt before they can even begin to enter into any kind of true spiritual warfare in the Lord. This verse is only one sentence long, but a lot is being said in this one sentence.
Here it is:
“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)
Most people skip the first part of this verse and jump right into the second part of it. However, the first part of this verse gives you the secret in which you will be able to engage with the devil.
The first part is to “submit to God.” Submitting to God means you are in a full submission with God. To be in a full submission with God means you are in a full surrender with Him.
This lack of a full surrender to the Lord is one of the main reasons why so many of His people are coming under such heavy attacks from demons and other evil people in this life. It’s your all for God’s all. If you want God’s maximum protection on both you and your entire life – then you will have to be willing to give Him your all. And your all is a full and complete surrender of your body, soul, spirit, and your entire life over to God the Father.
If you are not willing to fully surrender every part of your being and every part of your life over to the Lord, then you simply will not be getting God’s full protection on you and your life, and you will then be subject to various types of storm clouds being able to come against you.
This is part 1 of our series on the Battle Verses of the Bible. Here are the other sections.
An Introduction to the “Battle Verses Of The Bible”
1. Full Surrender Battle Verse
2. Going On the Offensive Against Your Enemies
3. Walk in All of God’s Ways – Keep All of God’s Commandments
4. God Will Anoint You For Battle
5. God Will Give You What You Need To Walk With His Anointing
6. God Will Run Protection For You
7. God Will Fight Your Battles
8. Battle Angels