This article started with a friend of mine was was really stressing out due to the fact that you cannot seem to find a good job right now.  This was my reply to her.

Here a couple of thoughts for you to consider.

As you will see in the Scripture verse I will list below from the prophet Jeremiah – God will now be giving you a brand new future and a brand new hope for your life.

God Will Guide Your Steps

You Are Now Operating On A Different Playing Field!

Now that you have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and have made a complete and full surrender of your entire life over to God the Father – He is now in complete and total charge of your life!

When you make this full surrender with God, it is now His job to take full and complete care of you in every detail of your life – including finding the next new job that He will want you to move into.

There is not an area or detail in your life that God will not be willing to help you out with – no matter how small or trivial you think it may be.

The Holy Spirit is called “the Helper” in the Bible. It is now His job to help you in every single area of your life where you will need His help.

Here is what you will really need to ground on in your own personal walk with the Lord. Now that you are walking in God’s perfect will for your life – God will now be the One to fully guide you into whatever jobs He will want you to have from here on in. The choice is no longer yours!

God now has a perfect divine plan and destiny set up for your life – and He will now be the One to guide you every step of the way into the fulfillment of that divine plan!

What specific jobs you will now be taking will be very important in your own spiritual growth and development with the Lord. The jobs you will now be taking will be building blocks that will lead you into whatever His specific plan and destiny is going to be for your life.

This now takes the burden off you in trying to find the next right job. You obviously will still have to seek after the next job – but God will now be guiding your steps as you continue to seek after this new job, making sure that you always land in the specific jobs that He will want you to have at the exact time He will want you to have them.

You are now operating on a different playing field where the rules have changed a bit for you.

What this means is that if you go on a job interview and do not get the job, this means that God did not want you to have this job in the first place – and He was the One who closed the door on you getting that job so as to make sure that you did not go down a wrong path.

So when you keep getting rejected after several interviews, do not look at these rejections like you are a failure. Look at it that these were jobs that God did not want you to have in the first place, and that He was the One who was running interference so as to make sure that you did not end up taking those wrong jobs.

Remember – God already has your next new job all set up and planned out for you. All you have to do is simply wait for His timing to bring it to you!

I know the waiting can really get to you, but this is how God develops the fruit of patience and faith in your personality. You simply have to have full faith, trust, and belief that God now has your life completely in His hands and that He will now bring you the right job at the right time.

And not only does God have a set plan and a set future for your life – but He also has a set timetable in which all of these plans will manifest in your life.

You simply have to learn how to have patience during these waiting periods.

In the meantime, God will make sure and arrange that you have enough money and support coming in to help keep you afloat until this next job comes through. This is where you have to learn how to have complete faith in the Lord to do all of this for you.

Trust me, both Chris and I have been put through the waiting ringer plenty of times, and God has never failed to keep us afloat and open the door to the next step in our walk with Him when the time was right. You can take that fact to the bank!

The Scripture Verses

I will now give you some of the best verses from Scripture that will show you that it is now God’s job to fully guide you every step of the way as you now embark on this new journey with Him.

Study these verses very carefully! This is where many Christians really miss the boat with God.

Too many Christians are running there own lives and making their own choices instead of turning the reigns of their life over to God the Father for Him to fully handle.

Only God knows what your true potentials are in this life – and He is the only One who can arrange to have those full potentials maximized and realized in this life!

1.  This first verse will specifically tell you that God now has a definite PLAN and FUTURE set up for your life. This is from the prophet Jeremiah and it is a very popular verse.

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Notice the words “to give you.” God is going to give you, to bring to you His specific plans and future that He now has in store for your life.

2.  Memorize this next verse. This one liner is extremely powerful.

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord … “(Psalm 37:23)  

Another way to look at this is that a step is one day in your life.

What this means is that God now has each day of your life perfectly planned out for you to the day that you depart from this life. You are now on the yellow brick road with the yellow color now being the light of God Himself.

Your job is to now live each day to its fullest, always trying to do the best at whatever God will be calling you to do for Him on that particular day.

If you can learn how to keep this kind of mindset, you will be less likely to throw pity parties when things do not go the way you think they should.  

3.  Study this next verse very carefully as it really applies to your situation

 “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)

What this verse means is that at times you will have to plan things out, try to figure things out, start testing things out.

As you are doing all of this, God will then direct your steps as you are walking them out, and before you know it, you will then end up at the place where God will want you to be at.

This verse perfectly fits into what you are dealing with right now on your job situation. You now have to seek after this next new job, but as you are in the process of seeking after this next new job – God will then make sure that He perfectly guides your steps all the way so that you can then land in the next job that He will want you to have.

You will thus find it as you are seeking after it.

4.  Here is another very powerful verse that will tell us that God will provide us with His divine protection if we are willing to listen to Him and follow His ways.

“But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.” (Proverbs 1:33)

Notice the words “listen to me.” God leads – you follow. If you do, then God will give you safe and secure dwelling in this life and protection from evil things!

This is a very powerful promise for all believers. Many Christians find themselves in one dire circumstance after another as a result of not listening to God and doing what He wants them to be doing with their lives.

5.  The next 5 verses will tell you that God will now be fully guiding your steps in this life.

  • “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5)
  • Thus says the Lord, Your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48:17)
  • “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (Psalm 32:8)
  • “For this is God, our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to death.” (Psalm 48:14)
  • The Lord will guide you continually …” (Isaiah 58:11)

Notice the specific words that God will “guide you continually, be our guide even to death, guide you with His eye, leads you by the way you should go, teaches you to profit, instructs you and directs your paths.”

These are extremely powerful words. All of these verses make it very clear that it is God’s job to fully guide and direct your steps in this life. And all of this is given to you free of charge.

This is why you can let go and let God.

This is why the Bible tells us that we can now cast all of our burdens and cares upon the Lord – because it is now His job to take full and complete care of all of us from the moment we fully surrender everything over to Him.

6.  This next verse now goes one step further and specifically tells us that it is not our responsibility to direct our own steps in this life, that this responsibility now belongs to God and God alone!

“O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.” (Jeremiah 10:23)

Put this verse together with all of the other ones listed above – and it becomes quite clear that it is God’s job to direct our steps in this life – not ours!

7.  This next verse is especially for you. Notice the last sentence where it tells you to trust in God, to wait patiently for Him, and that He will bring it to pass!

“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass … Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” (Psalm 37:4,7)


I know it can get rather stressful and trying while waiting for God to bring this next job to you – but this is where you really have to give yourself pep talks from time to time when you start to get too down, just like a professional athlete does when he starts to go into a slump.

The professional athlete can either quit, or talk himself back into the game until he gets his swing or shot back.

In this game with God, we have to give ourselves pep talks from time to time, telling ourselves that God has complete control of our entire situation, that the ship is not going to sink, and that our breakthrough will come at the exact time that He has it set up to occur on His timetable.

Until that happens, do what the last verse says to do – “Rest in the Lord.”

Otherwise you will drive yourself crazy with all of the nervous energy that will start to eat at you and rob you of your peace and joy that you now have in the Lord.

When it is all said and done, you will look back on all of this and see that you had wasted a tremendous amount of negative energy, since it will have been shown to you that God finally came through for you.

Trust me – I have seen God come through time and time again without fail. There is a saying that many have heard – “God is never late, but He is never early.”

This means that God will come in with the breakthrough on His time schedule – not ours!

I hope all of the above will help give you some peace of mind. The Bible is truly the infallible Word of our Holy God, and you can totally and completely rely on what all of the above Scripture verses are trying to tell you.

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  1. Been a christian since 1994, and until recently (1.5 months ago) I had not experienced true piece, and freedom.Not until God led me to your sanctification.Till then lots of deep spiritual scriptures didnt make a lot of sense to me.I later read the Trusting feature, and believe you sister, I have been transformed beyond recognition.God has since annointed me to help hurting souls, and I just took the first opportunity to plunge, with amazing results.My chest is about to explode with pain of gratitude to God, for donating a vessel like you.The question I now ask myself often is, what would my life have ended like, if God had not led me to these revealations?May the Good Lord preserve you, and increase you in every respect.

  2. This is very well written! I was looking for a job for 2 years and I always said I had 2 years before my financial house of cards would collapse. And, guess what, someone called me today (exactly 2 years to the day) with a great job offer. I do believe that God was sending me not only a job but a great message that God is never early but always on time.

  3. Amazingly true Go will never leave us, we only have to leave everything to the holy spirit. I am in the same situation where I am looking forward to a new job as my contract has now come to an end. I trust God is with me always as you have said in the text. May God bless the ownderful revelation

    1. I am who i am today only becuse of my lord he loves me and forgive me and he the peace and joy. Yes we are all wanting sonething good or bad ect.. But after sitting here in my car and ready this today looking at the sky watch the brid listen the wind blowing the leaves filling what Jesus wanted us to feel all along pease…it is and always will be in God’s hands. thank you for showing me the love you have for me no matter what I do or have done u and only u are incontrol of our peace

  4. God is truly AMAZING! I can only attribute this article to His amazingness. Being online, we can stumble across so much, even that which sounds and appears as truth and yet not. When you come across something like this, you may wonder, is it coincidence? or is it divine power at play. For me its been more than mind blowing as I was reminded just how much God loves us all. My heart overflows with gratitude as I come face to face with the truth of God in such a powerful and timely way for me. But why should I ever be surprised? The world may have a sneaky way of blinding us from seeing the love of God, but I know God loves us all so much. He loves me. He is amazing. To the writer of this article…thank you for your faithfulness and readiness to share Gods truth in such a powerful way. To the readers, I pray that you may be as encouraged as I have been and remember for those us dead to the flesh and alive in the Spirit our challenge is to listen, remember and obey the word of God. To God be the glory!

    1. My friend. This is eternally true. If this is a miracle article or coincidence. I totally think our Lord God is so worthy of all praise and gratitude way in advance for all he does for us. I’m too in the shape shifting phase of life and my heart is desiring to do God’s will.
      Can’t wait to see the miracle job he has for me.
      God bless evry1 reading this post.

  5. I just want to say that I am in the midst of figuring out how to balance everything highschool has to throw at you, and I needed words of encouragement. I tried looking up verses and talking to my parents but when I came across this it truly made it clear for me. So I just want to say thank you so much for making this. It truly meant a lot to me and now I am just ready for whatever God has in store for my life! Praise the Lord!! God bless!

  6. This indeed is encouraging to know, but the problem most a times is the waiting process believe me even when we know Gods is always at work in our life and will bring it to pass.the devil and the situation seems to suggest it won’t .But thank God because he will remain faithful ours is to keep waiting and trusting . in such a time but trust God will perfect his plan as you wait.

  7. I am presently in the chapel. I came to pray and seek God’s guidance towards my fear. I fail out of medical school and my dad decided to send me abroad for studies. I have been trying to get my invitation letter from Colorado but i have been so afraid if this is gonna work out, so i came to the chapel and decided to browse for advice. Lo, i got this. I am so grateful to God and you because i am no longer afraid. I now belive that His hand is in my life, and i am sharing the testimony to you that He has done it because i know my footsteps are directed by HIM.

  8. I tell you, this is RIGHT on time. I lost my full-time job back in April of this year. God provided me with a part-time job at Bojangles, and along with unemployment, I have been able to provide for myself while living with relatives. I’m at a point now where I’ve had/will have interviews with three different places so far, plus I’m officially a substitute teacher in the city I’m living in. One of the interviews is with a bank. I thought I wanted to do banking (to get different experiences under my belt), but after watching the job duties video, I really don’t feel that I’d be genuine teller, concerned about the financial needs of each customer. I’ve worked in customer service for the past five years-don’t get me wrong, I like working with people, but I don’t really think I want to work for a bank anymore. What I really want to do is work at Macy’s as a beauty consultant (waiting for an interview slot to open) and work as a substitute teacher. Yeah, the banking opportunity pays more, but I feel that if I’m not genuinely happy about doing it, then I’m deceiving myself. I’m gonna go forward with the phone interview and give it my best shot. If it’s meant to work out, it will, and if not, then God knows what’s best, and He understands how I truly feel within. Thanks again 🙂

  9. Thank you for this encouraging, scripturally based article. I feel that in difficult times, we may find ourselves falling into fear, anxiety and despair – but these emotions are not what God’s intentions or promises are for us. If we make Him the Lord of our life, He will give us peace and guidance, and most importantly He will open the doors that will enable us to serve and glorify Him.
    “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. John 14:27

  10. I am truly grateful to God for the job I currently have and by no means taking it for granted. I’ve been in my current field for 18 years and just not feeling the same enjoyment and satisfaction anymore. I am seeking Gods guidance for a new career path. I feel embarrassed to say that I’m not the best at translating scriptures, but reading the scriptures/interpretations above has helped me understand and put all faith, and trust in God and he will direct me to a new career that will be full filling and meaningful.
    To God be the Glory!

  11. This article has inspired me a lot, and reinforced and reassured me of things that I know already. I have been through many trials recently and had even given up hope but God’s love is constant and he constantly raises me up with his mighty arm. Defeat does not come to those who trust in him.

  12. This, article really inspiring me as it tells that we should praise him. as “God is really great”. we should seek him from all our heart and he will listen to us and he will not leave us”
    “God is our shepherd”. Amen

  13. hi, i have been a relationship with one man but he is from the other believer though both of us we are Christians but we have to be separated just because my parents did not allow me to develop a relationship with him. So i have to obey my parents and sacrifice my love but this really hurts me. So I trust Our Jesus whatever happen to me for the good cost only. “o lORD I TRUSTED YOU”.

  14. I have been going through alot of ups and downs in the last four and a half years.But today after i spoke with a friend and i decided to come to these website after i am looking for direction from God.When i read these article i am so blessed and looking forward to a brand new life and ways.
    Thanks alot

  15. Thanks for the encouraging, yet challenging word! I’m a recent college grad and am having a hard time finding a job. I’ve been looking since the start of my senior year and have yet to get an offer, but I believe that God has a GREAT plan that will be fulfilling and rewarding. I will not lose hope, it’s coming! Thanks for sharing! <3

  16. God has His amazing ways of answering prayers , After seeing this I cried and called unto the Lord and said to the Lord thank YOU for YOU are the Lord who hears and the Lord Who answers prayers , wow We have a mirracle working God who has alwys been there and knows whats best for us all always now I know the reason I was never called for all those interviews its all the will of God , and I shall trust in Him to lead me for as long as I shall live . Amen God bless You all Thank you.

  17. I actually Google “Scriptures on careers” and I came upon this site. I am currently working and feel like I need more out of life then where I am today. I have a talent of writing poems and currently studying to go into HR but I question those things and wonder am I making the right decision. And that’s why I wanted some scriptures to read. Reading the information on this site has helped to put a smile on my face because I did lack the patience and the wisdom to know that he will always take care of me. So instead of me trying to control I need to let go and let him control the wheel and let him lead me to the right destination. Thank you I received more than scriptures today I received the answer to anointing life.

  18. God has me in His Mighty Hand! Reading this has restored my peace. I was in the greatest turmoil of my life before reading this. All hope gone on several levels and fear of everything else going wrong in the other areas consumed me – tortured me. Thank you so much for what you have put out here – thank you. You know when the Lord speaks to you specifically in Scripture, and verifies it over and over – you have a promise from the Lord about your situation – absolutely you know it! That has been me for the last 10 weeks – until I began to question if I had, indeed, heard from the Lord. Now there is no way I could have gotten what I have gotten on my own – no way. I write the verses on large index cards, and date them. Keep a record. What He has told me is incredible to me. And I know He was telling me to “Rest in Him” – but I could not once I allowed doubt in. Your writing – this text – has literally renewed/saved my faith. I am secure in Christ. Again, bless you. Praise the Lord! Amen.

  19. I discovered this website a few years ago while searching for words of inspiration and upliftment and it is the power of the Holy Spirit that takes me to this site, it has gotten me through some serious and difficults patches in my life. I rememember one day I got home and I spent pratically the whole entire day on this site, I feed myself with the word of God.

    One of the article the plant a root in my heart is the one about the Eagle and how it operates, from that day onward, any thing that comes into my life I see myself as an Eagle that soar with higher height because I wait upon the Lord and the Holy Spirit gives me patience. It’s such an awesome site, may the good Lord bless Micheal and his partner for setting up this site.

  20. Praise the lord that all things in time shall work out for the better for the rigtheous has never been forsaken. Faith, trust and patience is all that’s needed and with these scriptures it is gauranteed confirmation. I too have been on a job search for over two years. I had my ups and down about it but learned not to lean to my own understanding and wait on God’s timing. Now that I come across these scriptures it’s like extra ammunition because it’s nothing like wating on the lord for his plan in our lives so thanks sooooo much for sharing….

  21. Well said ! I have been out of work for over 3 years BUT God has made a way for me every day since losing my job. I am thankful I found this. It serves as a reminder to me when I get down at times. God is in control in my life . I think of the verse that says my life doesn’t belong to me I have been brought with a price. God bleed

  22. God bless u for this article.I can sense God talking to me directly.Am in the same situation stephanie finds herself.Sometimes it occurs to me God doesn’t listen to me.Bot your article has made me realise God is preparing something bigger for me.I attended about 13 interviews last year and i couldn’t land any of those jobs.But i know this 2012 year is the year for upliftment,what everi lost in 2011 will be restored in double fold for me.God bless you

  23. God bless you for this article, i am currently trying to get my business up and running but things are not going like i want them but this article was a eye opener that God thoughts and ways are not our ways and thoughts and that a breakthrou is on the way for me i can feel it my spirit, stay blessed in know that this article changes the atmosphere.

  24. I used to walk by faith when I got saved. Got a good job miraculously and worked for 11 years before the contract ended. I lost the job in December, I experienced a very depressing family issue and many more things followed after. I continued trusting God but people that I trusted in this christian walk started saying that I have been rejected by God. That I had been rejected the word of God hence God had rejected me. This really hurt me because now instead of getting encouragement from these people I was getting really hurt. I slowed down on attending fellowships coz they were hurting more than were encouraging. It has been four years of a long wait. Sometimes I just tell myself to trust God for eternal life for me and my family members only. That is seems as if He is not answering other prayers. Sometimes I feel there is no point of praying if I have prayed and all you get is ridicule and discouragements and negativity from people. I do not know when God will show up. when I will finally say he has answered my cries. when my heart will confidently praise Him again. He has been good to my family. We have not lacked but the ridicule, those who esteemed me highly laugh at me, those I used to counsel not longer want to hear anything from me. It is as if we are measured with what we have. God hear my prayer. Vindicate me and give me the strength to wait on you if you are still tarrying. Amen

  25. Lily, don’t lose your faith. Hang in there. I have been struggling for a few years without a job–interview upon interview where I have made the final two and yet I lose out, time and time again. I have wondered what does God want? What am I doing wrong? I have held on to my faith by my fingernails it seems in many painful circumstances and have reached breaking point–I feel broken. Yet I was reminded todayby a friend that it is just at this point that God will make you whole. He takes the broken pieces and raises you back up. He has a plan. I am grateful and I am turning myself over completely so that God can work his divine plan for me. Coming across this website tonight was perfect. I am waiting to hear about another interview and well,it is in God’s hands. I have done everything I can – now I have to let go, and let God. I think I finally understand what that sentence means. Thank you for the article. I will be praying for all of you who have commented. Bless you!

  26. I have been reading your work for a few months. I have been saved santified and filled with the Holy Ghost since I was 19 years old I am now 59. I have had many wonder experience with JESUS thru the years and one is your website. Thank you for your obedience to GOD in your life and ministry. You have confirmed my faith in the HOLY Trinity over and over. God word is the same yesterday today and forever.I am not sure why GOD directed me to this message today but I have completely enjoyed it and the testimonys that followed. I have a deep concern for the unemployed today more than ever. I truly believe GOD does provide. My the HOLY TRINITY continue to bless and confort us all yes he does and will,Amen

  27. Praise God for this powerful Word! I haven’t been going through the job struggle – going through a different one, but God was speaking to me about the guideline of His Holy Spirit and led me to this message. He is our guide in every situation and brings us through things that are often very difficult. It’s so good to be able to see the journey for what it is. No sense in packing for a day at the beach when God is leading us to climb a rocky mount. Thank God we are doing it with a guide who knows every nook and cranny of the mount and can navigate successfully all the way to the top. Lily, read Psalm 22 – they ridiculed Jesus but praise Him you see where He is today! Looking forward to celebrating with all of you for eternity! Packing my spiritual suitcase with the right equipment for the right journey now! Blessings to all of you in Christ who supplies all of our needs by His riches in Glory!

  28. I must say that God is Something! I’ve been going through the fire since 2008 after company closed. I didn’t panic because I always believed in my heart that I would succeed as a sole proprietor and freelancer of my own work; I’m a visual artist and craftsman initially, but I did data entry to pay the bills. Three years before it closed I told someone I see myself running my own business performing the artistic talents God blessed me with. Since then, I’ve been growing in those talents, finding out I can do new things each year – it blows my mind at the creative privilege God shares with me. To date, though, I desperately need something financially big to come through for I’ll have to move and know not which one of my destinations holds that prosperous plan God has for me. After reading this article tonight, my heart is a lot lighter and mindful of constantly thanking God – trusting that He’s on my case – Jesus is my advocate. Thank you for this article.

  29. Praise be to God for leading me to this website. Thank you Lord! You are more than worthy to be praised. I have been out of work for for 4 years. God has made a way for my family and me. I am grateful. I know it was God that led me to this website. I pray that everyone that posted and reads this website is blessed as I am right now. Thank you so much Mr. Bradley and the Bible Knowledge Ministries for all the work God annointed you with. Praise be to God!

  30. You really made my morning and thank you so much for writing this article. I was feeling some kind of way but the Lord had a plan for me. It was to read this and receive some scriptures that will help me and give meaning. God never gives up on me so I will not give up on him. Your word is a Lamp to my Feet and a Light for my Path. Psalms 119:105

  31. I feel abandoned right now. I used to be full of hope and certainty that I had a mighty father who would look after me no matter what and see that my wishes were fullfilled. I don’t feel like this after years of waiting. Instead I started to believe that if I don’t do something myself, God Will not help out but above all what hurts the most is that I don’t feel loved by him any more. Or that he has his plan for me, as you said… I feel totally alone, weak and unable to find the path of happiness. I don’t feel that he cares about my being happy… I am so sorry to say al this…

  32. Alex, I so understand your despair. Trust me (and of course I know you don’t know me-so why should you believe what I say?) but God does care and He does have a plan! It may be hard to believe now but it is true. In my earlier comment I spoke my heart about how I was pretty much at the end of my rope. Now I have to tell you that I’m glad I hung on by my fingernails–because from my point of view-a miracle has happened. I start a new job the second week of February! I can’t believe it! It has finally happened. While I still face enormous challenges; surviving till my first paycheck-getting the funds to pay back old taxes by June or my home will be sold-finding extra funds to repair the car, the washing machine, fix the falling roof etc., I now have the chance to get back on my feet. Because of my lack of a real job, my family was forced to move in with others because I could no longer afford the heat or feed them. And what has hurt even more, they are not close and I cannot see or talk to them often. The debt-well I won’t go there, although I am making decisions to deal with it all. It has all been very depressing. There is nothing that makes you feel more like a failure than realizing you can’t even take care of your family. At least that is how I looked at it!
    But God has continued to bless me and given me a new opportunity. Now, more than ever, I am praying and trying to listen to His direction. Because I can do nothing without His help!
    ALex et al, I do want to share with you some of what I did as I kept my faith. I joined a new Bible Study at my church and met the most amazing group of people who became s good friends over the next three years. If you had told me three and a half years ago that this would have happened, I would never have believed you. Why should this group of strangers want to know me? This group watched my struggle weekly over time and saw how I never gave up, trying to keep that smile on my face. Next I found myself volunteering to teach Sunday School, count our Church collection, work on our Spiritual Committee. Any time I could volunteer for my Church, I did. The more I volunteered, the better I felt even if I was still financially poor. Spiritually though I was growing. Now, I am not going to tell you that things changed for me right away, but slowly they did. One time when I was literally without food, one of my new friends became my guardian angel; another helped me with funds to get to an interview out of state; another paid for a month’s winter heat, and everyone I volunteered with started to pray for me. God always saw when I was at the end of my tether and did not leave me without hope. He has always been there. He sent me people at just the right time, even if it was just a comment that they were praying for me. As I look back over the last several years, I see clearly now, that the more I did in His name, the more I was taken care of by Him.
    I also prayed for direction. Every day was a dialogue with God, but I also had to make an effort to listen. Sometimes the answer to your prayers is not what you expect, but it may be a step that assists you: the name of a good contact, an offer for dinner, prayer time with a friend so you don’t feel alone. Please keep your faith, keep praying! Know in your heart that you are being listened to. Please do not give up! I am keeping you and everyone here in my prayers. God has not abandoned you-He is always with you!

  33. I am so grateful to the Lord for making me come across this article. It is not necessarily a job that I am seeking for but the scripture quotations and the message in this article speaks very well to me and to my current situation. Thank You so much Lord for Your words and for Your promises. I know that in Your perfect timing, You will let what is mine be mine. I also want to thank You so much for keeping me patient and concentrated in improving other aspects of my life, even during this time of turmoil in my life. I know that You have every situation of my life in Your hands…and that You have also already made a way for me. I surrender my all unto You Lord. Please take control.

  34. Susanne thank you very much for your beautiful words and for the time you took to actually talk to me. It is touching to feel someone cares. The truth is I have stopped praying for some time now as I was feeling deeply frustrated. People tell me to keep on praying and I find it hard. I think what you did is wonderful,helping out in the community. It is so nice to hear that you found a job and I hope everything works out for you just fine.
    Sometimes patience seems to be the most valuable virtue of all. To just hang in there and pray. If I only did n’t have these thoughts that I am doing something wrong… It was so nice to hear those words from you. Thank you!

  35. I asked for wisdom…
    And God gave me problems to solve.
    I asked for prosperity…
    And God gave me brains and the strength to work.
    I asked for courage…
    And God gave me danger to overcome.
    I asked for love…
    And God gave me troubled people to help.
    I asked for favors…
    And God gave me opportunities.
    I received nothing I wanted.
    I received everything I needed.
    My Prayer has been answered.


  36. Alex I do unerstand every single words you say because I am going through the same or similar path as you are and has been experiencing the same feeling of abandonment and alone, who can feel my pain and sorrow apart from God Himself. Over the years been a christian, I have never yet question God to an extent or disbelieve about His exisitence becasue I know hwo He is and I’ve seen Him work wonders in my life when I trust Him, He never lets me down.

    Two years ago I had an experience which I cannot get over, it eats me up on a daily basic, I totally trust that God would have abck me up in this particular circumstances but in the end I felt so much on my own and lost when each and everyone comes against me included God, that’s how I felt then and even now.

    He knows the situation inside out so there’s no need for me to explain what had happen, He told me to give a helping hand alongs lives journey, which I did out of my heart of compassion I didn;t try to help but I put my whole heart, mind body and spirit in whatever I was doing to help someone less fortunate, but in the end the betrayl was too much, the pain was and is unbearable, the problem it causes in my life along with finicial problems is too much to bear. I started doubting God and questoning Him, how does He allow that to happen at this stage in my life. I have worked so hard all my life, never get a helping hand from anyone, everything I have acheive has not come by chance or luck, I have to go out and put my best foot forward and that’s how God helps me to achieve what I’ve got.

    During that time it was only God and I alone, no one was or has been in the picture, we have early moring and late nights talks, He gives me comfort when I needed it, He has always been my passenger when am drivng, we use to laugh and talk and sing and also cry becuase He makes me happy because I count on Him as my Father and my provider, but things had change so bad that I felt that I have let Him down somwhere along the line, it makes me sad because I cannot get my head around the fact that He’s not someone for me to question His doings.

    I ask my self the question, if only I had turn away from giving any form of assistant to this person in particular then my life would never be in this low and torrible situation it’s in for the past two years, where do I turn for comfort ? even though He said He would comfort my heart, but it’s two years now, where is that comfort ? Now it gives me reason to question. No one knows how it hurts, I felt as if God was and is on my opposition side, I feel totally let down, that’s how am feeling. Where is the justice since God is a just God ? Is this pain and suffering is my reward for opening my heart of compassion for my fellow being ? I dear to comprehend.

  37. Monica I feel for you and for everybody else (like myself) who is in pain and is sometimes loosing faith. Maybe spiritual guidance at this point could be helpful and encouraging. But I only have one major advice to give you. If what happened is in the past, why don’t you just let it go? I suspect that you still suffer from the consequences but you have to stop thinking about wh

  38. Monica I feel for you and everybody else (like myself) who is in pain and is starting to loose faith. Maybe spiritual guidance could be of help right now. I only have one major advice to give you. Whatever happened in the past why don’t you just let it go? I suppose you are still dealing with some of the consequences but if there is really nothing you can do, just let it go. If you were wrong about something just acknowledge it, ask God his forgiveness and move on. If you did nothing wrong and you were mistreated by someone else it is the same path of forgiveness that you will have to take. Only this time you will be the one that has to forgive and once again move on. Don’t waste any more of your valuable time for it’s the most precious gift we all have. At least some of us. Stop feeling bad about what is in the past!

  39. Alex, I wish I could just let it go and move on as easy as it sounds. I know in my heart I have’nt done ANY WRONG doing and that’s what hurt more than anything else. As a result of the whole thing I am finding it difficult in finding a job because I was taken to court and haivng criminal record for accusation. Now I have a mortage to pay, how can I find a job to pay my mortage ? I had wanted to go back to uni to finish my course and because of this problem I cannot, so I am stuck i the middle of nowhere after I plan careful over the years to go back to uni and get inot my desire field of work. Was God there to protect me from these problems or was He there when I needed Him most of all, I don’t think so but felt all alone. How can I forgive someone who I help with my heart and then laid allegation agaisnt me to riun my futrue ? It’s over two years now and I cannot see myself getting down on my knees to pray because it makes no sense becuase who is going to answer my prayers if it hasnt answer all these two years ?

  40. Monica, think about it. He, the most righteous of all people was falsely accused and taken to trial for a crime He had never commited. So you are a little bit in His shoes right now. He can understand and sympathize with you. Since you have done nothing wrong I am most certain that eventually He will do justice to you and relieve you from your burden. i am sure it must be very hard on you now -and has been hard for a long time – but you have to believe that He does not give us false promises, ever. Read psalm 143 and you will feel his presence.
    ” Hear my prayer, O LORD; give ear to my supplications! In thy faithfulness answer me, in thy righteousness! 2 Enter not into judgment with thy servant; for no man living is righteous before thee. 3 For the enemy has pursued me; he has crushed my life to the ground; he has made me sit in darkness like those long dead. 4 Therefore my spirit faints within me; my heart within me is appalled. 5 I remember the days of old, I meditate on all that thou hast done; I muse on what thy hands have wrought. 6 I stretch out my hands to thee; my soul thirsts for thee like a parched land. [Selah] 7 Make haste to answer me, O LORD! My spirit fails! Hide not thy face from me, lest I be like those who go down to the Pit. 8 Let me hear in the morning of thy steadfast love, for in thee I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to thee I lift up my soul. 9 Deliver me, O LORD, from my enemies! I have fled to thee for refuge! 10 Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God! Let thy good spirit lead me on a level path! 11 For thy name’s sake, O LORD, preserve my life! In thy righteousness bring me out of trouble! 12 And in thy steadfast love cut off my enemies, and destroy all my adversaries, for I am thy servant.” Amen

  41. Alex, I will meditate on this psalm in particular because I find it really hard even to read my bible, with you sending me these scriptures it just gives me a little strenght to read and some what divert my mind off the problem. My heart has been ripped in pieces and crush from the whole thing. It’s the injustice that hurts so bad. What will be the reward of those that hurt other people ? Does God allows then to carry on living their lives as if nothing happen, while they are trying to riun other people lives ? Where is the justice tha He said He gives ? Why should I be wondering each day how my mortage is gonna be paid becuase of injustice ? And who can ever be in their rightful mind even thinking of asking me to grant then a favor or help then in their time of desperation ?

    As you said that God has gone throught it but am not God, I am only a human made of flesh, Job went throught it but God gave him that faith to go through his trials, God said He will never gives me more than I can bear, but looking at things now, it’s beyond what my faith can produce, How would you feel to be relying on someone and then you realise you felt abondon and been left on your own to pick the pieces up ? Only God Himself alone can RESTORE the faith I had in Him before and my strenght.

  42. I agree with you Monica. God himself has the power to restore your faith. It is really an act of free will to believe in God. None of us has to. We are free to either believe in His name and His words or not. Things are getting really tough sometimes I know, I feel it myself. But if you think about it, there is really no other way, is there?… I know my words are not of any comfort to you right now, for me neither. But I cannot stop hoping that some day He will have mercy on me and restore me in to the world, for I am deeply in pain as you are. I feel abandoned in my heart although I know in my mind that my situation does not go by unnoticed by Him. I an sure of that. I am sure He watches but I dont know why He does not help. You know there is a little story about the devil ‘s store. Someone was looking through the stuff in the devil ‘s store. He saw lots of things, among them there was something with a sign on it that said NOT FOR SALE. That thing was called DESPAIR.

  43. I’m pondering about what my road will lead as I will be trying to find a job within the next month or so. I’m nearing the end of my unemployment term. When I lost my job (almost 2 yrs ago)and every day there after the Lord has provided so absolutely everything it’s truly incredible. I’ve been quite ill these past 3 months but I’m mending. As I was looking for bible quotes and uplifting things to post on my Facebook (not for me for others) and my prayer group I came across “exactly” what I’ve been talking to the Lord about “WOW” all I can humbly on my knees say “thank you Lord”, my favorite verse that speaks to me Jeremiah 29:11 followed by all the verses quoted in your page, I’ve just been touched by Jesus. When I feel I’m at my loneliest Jesus is the closet to my heart. THANK YOU HEAVENLY FATHER, I pray for other’s to know you, to accept you in their lives, to confess your the only way to eternal life, to just be loved by YOU, in Jesus most precious Holy name, AMEN!!!

  44. Thank you for this topic. I needed to hear this sermon. I am fortunate to have a job but it is a bad job with much trial and wicked coworkers. I have prayed for 5 years for a new job but God has left me here most likely due to the bad economy. God has given me a means to pay my mortgage and this I am thankful for, but unfortunately this is not the right job for me and it has caused me much anquish and personal suffering and has been detremental to my health. I know God has something better for me in the future and I have been holding on to a thread of hope that he will guide me through the muck that I presently work in. Praise the Lord.

  45. I can’t believe this word for me today…I am having major job problems I have been laid off,from about 3 jobs in the last 2 years and have went almost 3 years on and off without employment. I found this morning the knot slip away from my rope when I found I was not able to get unemployment insurance. I get several interviews a month just can’t get the job. I have tried taking a lesser position but companies see my resume and they feel I won’t stay. I believe what you say about God not allowing you to get the job because it’s not what he had for you. However I struggle with the issue if he did not have this job for me why allow me to go through the interview process in the 1st place-it will only bring me pain if he knows I will not get it. This word did encourage me in many ways on a day that I really needed to hear a word from God.

  46. none is like this God.i had once bn so down in life.after getting a fatal accident and my right hand was to be darling dad told me “my son,the love of God wont let your hand amputated.i thought it was an empty comfort but later on the miracle happened.i still have my hand.glory be to God

  47. Hi. I am attending a church with my family but I don’t feel like I am growing on dunsays in my faith. I would like to go to a church with my cousins. Its so great there and I love their style of worship. My parents aren’t happy and quite angry. I want them to understand that I need to follow my own faith and build it myself. God before family right?

  48. For what it is worth to those of us struggling with a bad job, no job, or unhappy workplace. I wanted to share something that happened to me recently with those who still doubt God will show a way. In March when I totally was at a loss of what to do about my plight, I orginally posted on here and I booked marked this page and have reread it everytime I felt worried and stressed about my present job.

    Well God does pave the way and its amazing how smooth things fall into place. I have gone on so many interviews and tried for promotions at my present crappy job and just wasted my time. Well God opened the door for me to get out of my present job and away from the evil coworkers I work with. Unfortunately, it is still in the same line of work but an amazing transfer opportunity was proposed to me back to an area I grew up in. Yes I will have to leave behind a mortgage if the position is given to me and yes I am very distraught over what to do with all my posessions and how I will accomplish a move with such short notice. But God already has provided me a place to stay at this transfer location. However, I may have to sacrafice my animals to a rescue, but on that note I am going to trust in the Lord that he will also take care of my animals and provide a way for me to keep them. God has provided me away out of my present muck and I did as instructed and did my part in filling out the paperwork and submitting it to my boss today. If this is the path that I am to take “God willing” than the door will be opened. If not than God will close that door also. Yes I am scared and I am very sad about my house since that was the best thing in my life for the past 5 years. My home was my safe haven from my evil coworkers, but where I may be transferring to, I have a church family already established and better support. Where I am at present, it has been just Me and my faith in God to take care of me, since I have no family or support here.

  49. Thank you Mike,(God Will Guide Your Steps) this helps me with my feeling of being lost in my job search. I don’t know where my gifts and talents lie. When I go on job interviews I always lose out on getting the job. I tried to wait patiently, but with no job and no money its very hard. I been out for so long that employers see me a being lazy
    I volunteer some of my time while looking for work, but it makes no difference to them. Thanks for the good reading of hope.

  50. I became a Christian while going through divorce and all I can say is that I was called into a Kingdom where I never fit in. I got real tired of hanging around other divorced women and their kids (really abnormal for adults) so I stepped away from church, fellowship etc and focused on my family and career.

    I’m still waiting for God’s plan to unfold in my life and I’m 60.

  51. Linda, the same thing happened to me. I went back to school later in life and for years and years I was always passed over for jobs. I started looking outside of the area where I live and a part time job is becomming a nice full time one.
    Good luck, Linda

  52. Awesome testimonies,
    I swear I would have considered you where all wacko’s if I hadn’t experienced God’s provision myself.
    I am so very blessed with an awesome job, a business which is my own, all the things which I know are the envy of many and my heart goes out to you all in a position of hardship and pain.

    Just so you hear of God’s incredible divine knowledge of us all, let me clarify my perfect job.
    It is only perfect because it’s where God wants me to be.
    I live in this job seeing God provide for me day by day.
    I wait for my phone to ring and I go and do the job, I watch the moments unfold and God provides.
    So often it feels as if at any moment the phone will stop ringing.

    I get so anxious and afraid when it rings less yet somehow it does and he provides.

    My job is no more than one or two days booked, sometimes it’s one job after another.
    He has us covered and I just wanted to encourage people that he has never failed me despite my huge list of failings.
    He had always been there.
    But my greatest witness is this; the greatest gift from God is not money but the knowledge of trusting in him for providing not just money but everything.
    I am still learning this lesson and I learn it better the quieter my work is and the more afraid I am the closer I cling to him and the more clearly I see his grace.

  53. Update. God is amazing! Not only did my company approve the transfer I just got an interview for a better position at the site I will be transferring to.
    Amazing how blessed I have become by just believing in Jesus and taking that leap of faith that God will take care of me in this risky move. May Jesus provide for me as I shed my old belongings and walk on an unknown path to where God wants me to be.

  54. there is time for everything, God is never too early but never too late but he does it on his own aproprate time hence our thoughts are not his thoughts neither our ways his.i have passed through any difficulties of life and i am still doing so which i believe the almighty God who never sleep will judge for me one day being it education, family, marriage or jobs.we only passed through this temptation to be strong in faith and for God to show his power.

  55. I can’t think of too much positive in my life except my belief in GOD and that I can trust that my life is in this situation because GOD wants it to be and I can trust that GOD will make my life how it is meant to be. Trust is the key word. No matter how bad my life seems to be, I have to trust GOD.

  56. Another testimonial! It is now the end of May and God is Good! I just recieved word that I have a promotion at the job I transferred to. Yes all it took was for me to believe that God would lay the path and he has. I took the step out on faith to allow change and God has provided for me. No only has he blessed me with a better job but he has also blessed me with a buyer for my home; eventhough, I have been very stressed on the move to a new city he has provided me with help. God is good! Thank you Jesus. All I had to do was believe that he would provide and to trust in him the Almighty.

  57. Although things have been tight, I know a huge wave of blessings and good things are coming our way. I cling to God and His promises of prosperity and purpose because He’s faithful. I’m standing my ground with Jesus that we’re making it to that better side.

    God withholds nothing good from His children. He guards the feet of His children; our blood is precious in His sight.

  58. Hello again and now its early June, and the blessing keep rolling in. The good Lord blessed me with funds from the sale of my belongings. I had hoped and prayed for a certain amount and Praise Jesus! I got what I prayed for. One of the final puzzles to be recond with is to find a new home which will allow me to keep my dog and cat at a reasonable cost. I lift this up to the Lord to make the way and provide me a place to live and call home. Thank you Jesus for all the blessing you have given me in recent months. This experience has been sooo amazing it’s hard to express the exuberance of joy I feel. Praise God!

  59. My God!! This is my confirmation… I am currently looking for a BETTER job and my husband CHRIS told me this exact thing on Sunday !! I’m so excited because I know God has me….WOW!!!

  60. Hello Mike,
    Your lessons are really inspiring and is changing me..
    i’m not a reader at all… but wow since i’ve found your website… i cant put your notes down.. i’ve even fallen asleep late at night with them on me – this is Gripping Awesome news!! Thank you!! – Now to my Question.. other and above that the Lord is working with me.. I am still not sure what it means to be Born again..?
    my confustion is, does it mean that you have been baptised in the
    Holy Spitit?? or is it – now that i’ve repented of my sins to Jesus,
    i’ve asked Him to come and live in my heart? and therefore i am Born Again?

    Please could you refer me to the correct place where i can get clarity on this..or please elaborate.

    Thanking you kindly, and God Bless you Always!! –
    “Your reward is going to be WOW!!!

  61. Lord, how awesome are you? Too awesome. I was looking for scriptural evidence on how my job crisis is just temporary & I came across this. Confirmation & evidence is what I received. My current job is such a dissatisfaction. I know God is not allowing me to be content & complacent with it because he wants me to pursue something else. My current position restricts me from giving advice to those in need & this bothers my Spirit almost everyday. I am a very personable individual who loves to allow people to share their stories with me, but because of my job I am limited. Don’t misunderstand me, I am restricted somewhat, but I go with what the Spirit tells me to do regardless of what my job says because I have a eternal contract with God, not my job. I would love to say I hate my job, but I cannot & will not because it pays the bills & it came at a time when I truly needed it. The issue is it is draining me mentally, physically, & spiritually which prevents me from developing. I used to set goals & knew what I wanted to do in life, but now I am indecisive, I just don’t know, but at least I can trust that God does. So, in reading this site & responses, I will persistently petition God to show me, guide me, & lead me to my Perfect career within his Perfect will. I will pray without ceasing & I will believe God has already set my life plan in motion.

  62. Thanks for the wonderful about to get into an interview secession and this article gave me all the encouragement I need. Our God is wonderful and he never fails us. He is a God. Of miracle I believe a miracle is going to happen to me today. No man shall shut doors that he has opened .i say thank you Lord for making this interview a success .i declare victory and success in every in this job ,this Job is mine thank you lord.

  63. Lord, I have a job, I am truly blessed in that, but I have been searching for a new one for several years now, one that lets me stay where I live, but many seem to come, and just go away. I pray so hard every single day, but just seem to not get anywhere. Please Lord, can you guide me to that good new job.. I am blessed to have one, I do know that, but the waiting and working in a business with such anger, bad feelings and at times downright lies is really getting too much for me. Please, can I find that good new job soon. I have passed it to you many times, but maybe I am just not reading the signs.. Please help me, please encourage me, please Lord, Please make it soon. I am desperate for your guidance and just to see that I wont have to wait too much longer. Please

  64. Thank you so much for your articles. I started reading your articles about two years ago. Since then God has been speaking to me using His Word and through visions and dreams as per His Word in Joel 2:28 which He spoke to me in August 2011. This is a confirmation of what God spoke to me about during my crying out to Him on 7th July 2013. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11) and “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass … Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” (Psalm 37:4,7) on 26th September 2013.

    Thank you very much and may God bless you abundantly.

  65. i stumbled onto this article after coming to the conclusion that god did not want me to work right now. I am a new christian (old in faith- new in obedience) and i have been looking for work, but i have not found a job. God put it on my heart that i need to study and become stronger before i will find the right job, because the world can be very distracting i need to cloth myself in the armor of god first. Then when i am ready god will slowly move me toward what he has in store for me.

  66. Hi Thanks for this message. God has been very good in providing me with a 9 months job. But I always worry about the next 9 months as it has been the case for me for a while. Very encouraged by this article and it feels like God speaking to me. God Bless!

  67. I can’t begin to tell you how much your articles are helping me. Newer levels of trusting the Lord has led me here. Thank you for your obedience.

  68. I was doing just this “stressing out over jobs” I had applied to hundreds of places and not heard from any of them. I searched the Net and found this site and read this page and quit worrying about it that morning. That evening I got called for 5 different jobs. After praying on the situation and letting go. I now have two jobs an I am praying all the time thanking the Lord. I am doing very well in both positions.

    Mountain Home Arkansas

  69. God is so awesome and I’m so grateful for this testimony and word. This article has inspired, encouraged, and given me peace. The steps of a good man are truly ordered by the Lord and I’m ever so thankful for the Holy Spirit leading me here. Everyone please keep your hands to the plow and remember, “There’s a blessing in the pressing!”

  70. Thank you so much gor this veri inspiring message. I am so confused in my decision right now. I know, I have neglected God in my life, i have been very busy with my work, family and taking God for granted. I only talk to him when I needed him, since my childhood my faith was so small. I feel so stressful when there is a problem and get easily upset.

    LNow, I am facing another challenges in my life. Do I need to pursue to college and not to go on our family vacation, or do I need to stay where I am now and continue to be like this for the rest of my life?

    Lord, I am here again, asking your forgiveness, begging you to equip me with your wisdom and guidance. Lord, please send my guardian angel so I have a light to carry my burden and to choose what’s the best thing I can do. Send your Holy Spirit and shower me with your loving heart do I can continue my legacy in this living earth. Whatever your plan to me I will be grateful and thankful for your merciful hands in leading me to your fruitful paradise.

    I ask you, Oh Lord to grace me with your wisdom in order to partake my knowledge share my blessings to everyone who are in need.

    I also ask your holy name for your glory. Amen.

  71. This is such a beautiful and very real article. I thank the Lord for directing me to this webpage and I also thank the writer for your time and commitment in sharing the knowledge God has equipped you with. I certainly shall apply the biblical advice stated. I enjoyed taking notes and will share this with my family and friends.
    It is amazing how our GOD WORKS IN WONDROUS WAYS! 🙂

  72. I appreciate Our Father for speaking through you, as well as your gracious time and energy that you set forth to inspire others. It is true, we must often give ourselves pep talks along our spiritual journeys, and it helps just as much when believers of the holy spirit speaks to others in a variety ways of correspondence.

  73. Thank you for this. I stumbled on this article searching for scripture about God’s guidance. As I skimmed through the article writing down the scriptures, when I got to Proverbs 16:9, it was the one I was looking for. Then I read what you wrote and God used it to speak straight to me. It is exactly what I needed to hear and exactly my situation. i went up to the beginning of the article and saw you wrote it for a friend going through a tough time with a job situation. That is me. I lost my job and in the midst of praying, seeking, and searching for the next opportunity. This was EXACTLY what I needed to hear and read. The Lord is so good and His timing is truly perfect.
    Thank you.

  74. Good morning. My name is Roselyn from Nigeria. I should be sleeping but… awake searching out comfort or rather meaning to my life. Recently survived the period of the dreadful silence but right now, also seeking the help of the Holy Spirit to make me COMPLETELY TRUST that my obedience to His lead will make the way for me.
    I thank the Lord for leading me to this article and may He strengthen you much more in Christ’s name, amen.

  75. Dearly beloved in Christ I want to thank God really for leading me to this write up.Recently I felt deeply unfulfilled with my current job and decided to leave to find a way out and do something else in life. Now I’m a Christian and in several occassion had sought the face of God over this matter. But I noticed that I get clear leading on all aspect of life issues except this particular case about job. I recently was in front of my management to inform them an my disengagement plan but surprisingly i went blank. I came out with severe negative feeling about myself, doubting God’s love,favour in my life and deep silence. Going through this write up I confess my sins of doubt and faithlessness towards God. I surrender my future to Christ He has it perfectly in control and with give me the best in His time. God has just broken the silence with this write up.
    Thank you.

  76. Thank you for this article,i have been doing a lot of things in my own way thinking I can fix it my self without involving God,but I still feel unfulfilled,and confused,but after this article I surrender everything to God and allow home to take control,and manifest in me the reason why he created me,thanks to all the people that commented I got inspired,God take the wheel and be in control AMEN

  77. Thank you for your obidiance in writing this article. I wish I would have read it early in the morning. I spent the whole day anxious, worried, fighting with getting my peace, reading the Bible but not letting it sink in. Thank you for putting everything in perspective that “we are not in control” and that’s OK. Uhhh THANK YOU and thank you Abba for you are our true Good Father and Provider!!

  78. god bless you I love it and I really needed to hear all of that now to practice it in my everyday life. amen

  79. I am also job-hunting and sometimes I feel anxious “even though” I should know better that God has my back. I pray for His divine guidance to land that new job as promised in the scriptures. Please pray for me.

  80. Dear Brother,

    Thank you very much showing us God Words and promises can be of sure to receive from him and to Bless his Holy Name.

    Ever thing from scripture written are Hundred percentage right and helping us to understand God is control of our life as per is Plan

    Joshua India

    1. I think this is why I’m always in these predicaments. Everything will be going great and I’ll still pray but I don’t really like to pray until something is going wrong. Well I’m sitting here all this happened within the last week I lost my apartment I’m staying in a hotel I don’t have a job more or less not much money then I started reading this and I don’t know I just a writing and writing and writing before I knew it I wasn’t copying I was writing. My feelings and this time I’m sticking with God and I’m not turning my back on him when things get right. Faith of a mustard seed is all it takes..Thats where we go wrong we pray but then again we still worry..Im giving it my all this time..I have know clue where or what im doing, but Im going to believe god is working it all out..God bless and dont give up, be patient..He will deliver…

  81. This is a a very strong passage..I’m blessed to say God showed me different.I moved to a different state knowing I’ll find a great job,and thought I found a good man of god,wring.I got to my new place praying I’ll find a job nothing I didn’t start losing faith but I was giving up on my self due to the negative things my guy would say like I am ping to have to go back home cause of what else can’t do alone keep in mind I have 4 kids and a little income but just wasn’t working.So I cried every night even threw he negative things he would say day in and out.So 2 day ago I called a store and started crying saying me and my kids about to be homeless and I’m about lose everything, and they gave me this story about they will call me I wipe my tears and and skills god to please show me please.I call another gave my info had a interview the next and Guess What…God spoke into these people hearts and gave me the job.I cried and said god you wanted me to wait and I’m glad I did not give up my faith,and please everyone don’t give up when God comes and bless you accept it,be greatful,and most importantly keeping praying,don’t give up.

    1. Good morning Latisha, God’s continuous blessings to you! God directed me to this site as I did a google about learning God’s guidance today for me and my husband, Praise God! My tears of joy rooted in your faith as God lead you where you needed to be. I’ve learned even if it’s God’s blessing that particular blessing can be temporary as our Faith grows then God presents something even better because we are ready for it. Continue in the Faith and watch God’s blessings overflow!! Amen and Amen.


    2. To Latisha
      Get rid of the guy. He’s a narcissist (google or You Tube this on your computer)
      Keep the job God gave you, concentrate on taking care of your kids, let some time pass. God will, in turn, when your self-esteem heals from being with ‘this guy’, get you a proper companion. I would say ‘this guy’ is a hindrance rather then a help and what good is that?
      Well, this is a year later… maybe you already did that, LOL

  82. So I’ve recently rededicated my life to the Lord. Times before I completely scared myself away from trusting the decision because I thought I had to give up everything I was doing and didn’t know how to start this new journey.
    This time I’m leaning on God to help me find my path and order my steps. I found this article through I Google search of what do I do next. Wow. This was meant for me….I am currently seeking employment (since July) and I’ve been feeling very discouraged and was storing up the negative energy frm the rejections. After reading this and the scriptures I feel like God knows exactly where and when He will place me in this new opportunity and I just have to exercise my faith and patience. My steps are ordered and I’m ready to walk in them xoxo

    Thank you for this.

    1. don’t lose heart Kitwana,keep looking you will surely get your job, will pray and hope you get your needs fulfilled as the Lord has plans for his believers and followers. i have been through much of my work career and now find the emerging economies and highly competitive industrial scenario aims to reduce men/women into machines, expecting higher and higher volumes of revenue from anywhere by any means. There is no human touch nowadays in work- though it pretends to make a show of it through various gimmicks, parties & outings, but come back on monday to find your assignment of the mission impossible on the desk. It is truly said by the wise king Solomon “I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after the wind.” (Eccl.1:14).

      I am 56, have a happy family, wife & two young daughters, though resigned from work for reasons cited above, though i would want to work still as the Bible also speaks in favor of doing any work diligently that our hands/minds may find to do, but employment does not appeal to me -it is same slogging everywhere i think, thought i would serve the Lord by serving the local church but got away seeing the politics, ambition and clever minds at work there too. Finding hard to literally obey the Word (leaving the family and world, giving up home etc.); i have now started my own company and looking to be self employed and to provide any service/goods in ethical manner with integrity.
      Before above decision i tried finding answers from various experts of christianity and on websites like this but still struggling to find the right answer – whether the Lord wants me to forsake everything including family and any work, the way apostles of Jesus were instructed to leave everything and follow Him and not to work for money as Bible says “you cannot serve two masters…” (though the earned money of people is a source of blessing to the poor & needy also to the charities and tithe are supposed to go).
      I do pray and meditate but unable to hear any still small voice giving me guidance, so i have taken a step to work as a challenge and if the Lord is upset with this decision he will show me some sign or hurt my work, so that i am discouraged and return to find meaning of life in him.

  83. God has done that for you time after time??? How has God done that for you? Not by you just waiting, was It, all the ads on this write up is on things you can do to improve oneself, God gives to who he pleases saved and the unsaved, no where does God or the bible tell us what job to take, it is not God that stops us and causes us stress , THESE may sound like facts but they are questions , we have a good life, many do not and cannot get a job and live in peace

  84. Amen, Amen and Amen!!
    To the Lord Jesus Christ be All Glory, Honor , Power and Praise forever and ever!

    Meditate upon God’s Word and Truth day and night ..psalm 1:1-3, Joshua 1:7-9

  85. Grace,
    You just said all the words I say at some point in time of the day every day! Again, To God be the Glory, Honor, and Praise always. God Is Good All The Time, All The Time God Is Good. This is right on time for my husband who is searching for a job that will fit our situation and also for me. I pray every day for God’s guidance now I know how to not try to do it my self and to Let go and Let God! Thank you, Father, God for leading me to these words this site, Amen, Amen and Amen!!!!

  86. Ok that’s Great that God has blessed you and Chris to live above water and that everything is working out for the best in you guys life but what you’ve failed to mention is what happens if i’m going to job interviews and every door has been shut in my face for the last three months and yes my car has been repoed and I’ve lost my job to begin with and I have no income and my rent is 3 months behind it’s like really? what did I do to deserve this but don’t get me wrong i’m a sinner.. but the kind of sinner that minds her business the kind of sinner that don’t have friends or family by my own choice the kind of sinner that only went to work and didn’t bother anyone it’s like people speak on what they have and just because they have it they think they know everyone’s situation i’m not married therefore I don’t have a Chris to cherish the moments that god has blessed you with… I mean is this because I just choose to be alone that i’m being punished for not wanting to deal with society no more than I need too it’s like where is the God in this situation I’m just a Loner and don’t want to be bothered with people and their ?…..You would think I went out and committed murder or some type of crime but at least the offender that really commits these types of crimes have it easy it’s like Really what the ?

    1. God is trying to break your wrong beliefs – he wants way more for you in life, he wants you to drop all your preconceived ideas about people, situations etc. – follow him, seek his word and implement with zero fear – imagine if everyone lived like you mention, the world would be pointless – reading your message you have amazing insight but it has manifested itself into a negative development – if your circumstances were good you would just stay stagnant in your current mind set – trust god and just ask for what you want to happen be patient and try your hardest to listen to his subtle voice in your head telling you what to do/how to do/when to do – do not listen to the noisy fearful negative thoughts of I cant, it wont happen, its to late they these are all lies and only manifest negative experiences. Think to yourself that in 5 years time you are going to look back on your current circumstances and think Oh my God imagine if that situation did not happen I would not have been pushed into a high positive mindset. Reference for more information try Joyce Meyer’s website. Find the competitive spirit within and don’t let the negative side of life defeat you, seek and learn and pray its very powerful you have to believe 100% that what you pray for can be delivered by God and trust me it will come but he will want you to drop all fears and preconceived negative beliefs (can be very uncomfortable but its just the way it works).

    2. Wanda, one of the great commandments is to love others, you can’t do that in a shell. You also cannot be a part of the great commission, sharing the Good News by staying holed up. When you are a part of an amazing community, part of a great church, there are many opportunities to share your struggles with them, and they in turn can help encourage, guide you to finding a job, finding resources to help you get caught up in your rent. All of these things are available to you. Trust God, do your part, and allow others into your life and let them do their part. Be humble, love God, love others, and see God do his amazing work through you and others. God wants us in community, building relationships, with him and others. Praying for you to take that next right step.

    3. Ohhh… my dear. I was put on here to taste my faith. But Upon reading your message, I can say I’ve been there and back… a few times. Like right now.. I’m going through it again. But I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Now I can, because I have given up my life to God. Am I a full Christian? No, I am not. But has my faith brought me peace in the middle of the storm? Yes. It has indeed. You learn that those are tests and it’s up to you how you take or handle them or give them all to God. I know it’s bad… it sucks because we have feelings and worries, He made us human with those for a purpose. But if you say, I’m going to let go, and let God. He will bring you through it. I know it’s not easy… but the hardest you hit the bottom, the higher you’ll bounce back up. Like a ball. I’ve been there. I was in a car accident with my 9 month old, my job worked on “credits” and I lost them going to therapy.. I lost my apartment, lived in my car with my son. Then lost my car as well. By choice? No. I had no option but to hit a shelter. I was there for EXACTLY a year. Prepared myself well enough and got out to my own apartment ( in the hood) working a great job. I then moved the the condo of my dreams and I’ve lived here for the last 4 years and have two other babies. So now I’m a newly single mother of 3 and no job… but I’m not letting that get me the angry i used to get. I’m at peace because all thought all that sounds nice. I’ve been through some storms to get to this peace I feel inside. All glory to God! He has me feeling this way. As soon as I tested it out… everything just comes together for you. He is walking with you. Every step of the way. Have faith. I hope all is well.

    4. Hi. What is happening to you ,this is called life ,but we are all sinners. ,but our life is different to others , god now. were you are in this terrible situation ,but he will never leave you , may be look up the book of job in the bible this man lost every thing ,but didn’t blame god for his loss. He said the lord gives and the lord takes away. See may be with you. God is may be saying just trust me l will not let you fall l hold you in my hand your my child ,but you need to trust me ,see l tell you this. I have seen god do this for me ,my life is even harder now ,but l wait on the lord ,and he shows me and he gives me guidance what to do. Just trust in Jesus not men of the world. By grace we are saved. Cheers.

  87. Waw petgectly encouragement, himmmmmmmmmmm, i was at a point of giving up but you encourage me and bring me back, i now know the secret of being patience and perseverance. May God give us /me a heart to wait patienly uppon Him.

  88. Really wonderful.A real insight into God’s thought which I had ignored earlier.God had,has
    and is going to help me forever. Thank you Lord.I feel He has compassion for me.So I was successful in everything that I did.
    I am truly mesmerized by His love,concern for me .I feel I am His chosen one.
    My faith in Him will be everlasting.

  89. WOW, for some reason… and it’s not a coincidence, because there’s never a coincidence in God. I was looking up something else from the Bible and this what popped up, I kept reading, and it was identifying with what exactly I am going through . If this is not God speak to me, then I don’t who it is. Wow, I am speechless, for real. Thank you to the person who did this bible article.
    P.S God is always on time, and to Him be the glory, Amen…..

  90. I have read this blog several times in last several months – having been out of work since September, 2017. It has been a great encouragement to me during an incredibly difficult season and I wanted to thank you so much for your beautiful encouragements. Sometimes, two are better than one – when the self encouragements need re-enforcement, it is a wonderful blessing to have a brother or sister come alongside to help hold us up. Thank you for much – you are a great blessing to me. Blessing you with extra measures of The Father’s perfect Love. <3

  91. If you are working under somebody , that is not your final destination, what God wants us to is to find our purpose in life, the purpose of our life can only be discover when we have strong connection with God, Christ, And Holy spirit, when you have them and you are obedient to them, ask them to direct you to your purpose, any thing they put into your mind, do it, it will direct to where you really desire in life and Give you peace.

    1. Agreed with you….
      In Genesis God blessed man to have dominion, man a ruler to creation and servant to mankind.
      Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, kingdom established in you (God, Christ, & Holy Spirit) a heaven is created where there is purity, righteousness, and holiness, hence your purpose will be revealed and be guided by Holy Spirit.

  92. Thank you for writing this. I am a contractor in my late 40’s and never have had such problems finding work. In the last 36 months, I have worked a total of 14 months of that. I’m on my third break. My breaks were covered by unemployment and I had to take very little out of savings. Family members even blessed me with money without asking. During the 2nd break I finally let God in control and asked what he wanted me to do and within a couple of weeks of my unemployment money ending I got job and it was like clockwork. I thank God for all the breaks he has given me and each time I get closer to him and let him be in control. This third break I am going after desires that God has put in my heart being a Teacher, which I have pushed off since it doesn’t pay as much as Corp. I’m also teaching Sunday school. I am letting God direct my steps and open and close the doors where needed I just need to obey and follow his desires and leave it up to him whether he gives it to me or not. God bless you all!!!!!!

  93. Thank you! Such encouragement!
    This article could even prompt someone to reflect on their own relationship with God.. what it means to really surrender. How to wait.. how to get to know The Holy Spirit.
    In other words, this article can be instrumental in Saving a Soul!
    Stay blessed

  94. Wow thank you me and my family is going through a lot now and my husband just lost his job I told him yesterday that well since you try on your on and it don’t work what about you let God be in control for now again I told him the day we had accepted Him as our savior our life is not ours just let God guide you. Thank you

    1. My soul is really at rest after going through this message. The Bible verses are exactly what I needed to calm my nerves. Ever grateful to you for this. God bless you loads.

  95. I am more bless after all reading, understanding this God guiding steps for my life, this is actually what im waiting for, I need the perfect well of God over my entire life specially 7 more days to be my 74 birthday on this Nov 11, 2018. May God always guide and bless me for all things, He wants to be, Thanks and praise the Lord, and your ministry amen.

    1. This really was a message for my current situations.. I recieved it and claiming it. I know the Lord is my every day walk and my breakthrough is about come Thank You Jesus

  96. Reading this has opened my heart and let gods light flood my heart and mind and god has a plan for my life and career I trust in the lords plan thank you so much

  97. Thank you so much for these words. I just came out of prayer and somehow ended up on this page. God is truly good. The holy spirit truly leads.
    Thank you

  98. It’s refreshing to hear from people who have unwavering faith in God and who also speak from personal experiences. More grace to continue following after God.

    This message is just the answer I needed at a time like this.

    God bless you.

  99. I have come across this a few times over the years and even shared it with others when they were feeling uncertain about their future. God, in His loving kindness led me to this during a time when I was feeling down and uncertain about my future. Thank You Father God for ordering my steps and bringing me to this again.

  100. Wow, thank you Lord for the message I received in my spirit, I’m now strengthened, encouraged and I am blessed. God bless you all with your family.

  101. As you say your article started with a friend of yours who was stressing out due to the fact of not being able to find a good job right now. I have been running this same thought through my own mind and sometimes fretting over it. But, reading your article “God Will Guide Your Steps”, has given me a better outlook on life and letting God direct my steps. May God continue to bless your ministry and your life for the Lord.

    1. I stand in faith with you Randy. Recently I was going through a tough time. One of many verses I drew strength is Isaiah 26:3, You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast (stayed on God). Also all the scriptures about Resting in the Lord. God Bless

  102. With this I have been able to be convinced that has plans for me and in spite of the plans he will also protect me in the days of trouble, I want to use this medium to thank you for this powerful article, God bless you and your ministry.

  103. Thank you for this article I am just having difficulty it’s been years and one problem after the other seems like one never gets resolved without a new one coming up and I am just at my wits end I’ve always thought that God does expect us to help ourselves a little If we can I feel like if were able to help him help us then we should do our part I guess that’s not it anyway thank you so much for these readings and verses God bless you

  104. Thanking our Heavenly Father for using Michael to share this message. It is an in season word for me. It really confirmed what was already in my spirit. It is encouragement to keep going. God bless this ministry.

  105. I really needed to hear this. I have been hoping for a job i qualified for since 2016 and i am still experiencing delays and stagnation. I believe that God will make a way where there seems to be no way, He is a way maker, miracle worker and promise keeper. May the peace of God that surpasses understanding be upon me, may i wait upon the Lord and continue to serve Him in the name of Jesus…..Amen. Father God bless the writer of the message above in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen…

  106. Thank you Lord for this message and understanding you more than you know. My husband is going through some medical procedures. And by TRUSTING in our Lord. I kniw that he will be well .

  107. To God be the glory for reading some or your teachings l have archived something that will not slip off my grasps. God bless you.

  108. to God be the glory I am so happy for this massage I have have been passing all this but I believe that God has use this massage for me to learn a lot may the Lord bless this ministry amen

  109. Thank you, for this message of encouragement and power. God knows our future and we need to trust in him. I am so thankful for his love and guidance. My direction is to walk with him because he is able to direct my paths and understands the pitfalls but can pick me up even when I fall. We must trust him and his safety surpasses all understanding.

  110. I believe God takes us from glory to glory. I have worked by serving others in the last 10 years working as an RN. It has its ups and downs, for sure. Over my lifetime, I have had A LOT of jobs. I don’t say this to brag, quite the contrary. I’ve held more positions than most to the point of embarrassment. I believe that God has wanted to show me things along the way. Either I am slow to learn and/or God has wanted to place me in strategic places at strategic times. I’ve looked at my jobs as a provision, not the provider.

    Many look at their job as their SOURCE of income. It’s not. Because it is the Lord who gives us the POWER to create wealth. I’ve seen people so stressed out that their health was ruined because of their choice to look at their job as their source instead of the Lord.

    Here I am again, at a crossroads. I hoped to stay in this position for a long while. However, due to crazy circumstances, that may not even be possible. I’ve gained valuable training in this position but from the very beginning, I knew deep down that I was only to be here for a season. So although I have hoped to stay, deep down I know it is a short season.

    My biggest concern is for people being trapped and controlled by corporate America. It’s not a good situation. They promise fancy 401k’s and health insurance and regular paychecks. It sounds all good but in the back of mind, I’ve often wondered, “Is this God’s BEST plan for His people?”

    The reason I question this is that, although a person may have a position in corporate America, there are MANY drawbacks. Most employers make it very difficult for a parent to take time off to be with their child. I’ve worked jobs where there was a total of 40 hours per year that a person could take off for ANYTHING. What is a parent to do when she is near the end of the year and has used up all of her time to take care of 2 kids when they were sick? I’ve been in a situation where it is the last few weeks of the year and end up sick myself with an illness, had to wrap up in TWO coats because of a fever and chills. That is not fun. Is work REALLY that important?

    Often times, we don’t hear about these types of situations in the church. These are everyday, real examples that are happening in our midst. I believe the Lord wants to raise us up to lean on Him, to allow Him to be our provider instead of seeking positions that really aren’t honoring God. And by that, I am talking about speaking more of God’s word WHILE at work. The two can’t be separated. Our nation wants separation between church and state but is that what God desires?

    In 1 Samuel we see where the Israelites were crying out for a king like the other nations. It was not in Israel’s best interest, yet they cried. So God answered their requests and gave them King Saul. But God had told the prophet Samuel to warn the people what would happen when they got a king to rule them like the other nations around them.

    And the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.” (1 Sam 8)

    The second point I want to make is how the Apostle Paul worked as a tentmaker, as he went about ministering in different towns. He did not stay in one spot because he prayed to the Lord regularly and allowed the Holy Spirit to direct him. How many of us do this in our lives today? Paul’s main focus and purpose was ministering and spreading the gospel, not wondering where he would get his next meal. This is quite different than the way we live in the United States today. We often worry. We must rely on the Lord daily and give Him our lives since that is what He did for us on the cross.

    Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12)

    Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
    “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more
    clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6)

    In conclusion, it is a challenge. We must trust, pray continually, and not focus on what we see around us. I know I, myself am guilty. Lord, help us to trust you more! Lord, I thank you for allowing me to find this website. I’m at a crossroads like I know so many visiting here are as well. Please help us to have ears to hear, hearts that are open to you and help us to be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. Please help me to be like the disciples you instructed in Matthew 10
    These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.
    “Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts—no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep. Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave. As you enter the home, give it your greeting. If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.
    “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.

    1. Thankyou for this message. Circumstances have been wearing heavy on me and I now know I can cast my burdens on the lord and he will allow my busy mind to rest. My steps forward from this day will be directed by God and I will trust in him to lead me this I declare in his holy name. Praise Jesus!

    2. Hello,

      But unless we are a missionary or a pastor or such, it can be kind of different otherwise.

      Also, someone in my family told me that God may give us what we pray for but we may then realise we did not want it. When you wrote about the King and the people who prayed for him, it reminded me of that, but I still do not understand it-why does God give if he knows it will not be right for us? Like you said God warned the people through the prophet Samuel, but then did the people still want the King? and if they did not know what is the right or good things for them, why did God still abide to their ignorance?
      And also then that same family member told me God could show us/change our feelings towards a situation, to lead us away from it. But then this is contradictory to the other situation I noted above. I just want to seek truth to have some sort of foundation net under me and some sort of decent life, and Gods peace, comfort helping me out throughout life too.

    3. @Kim I saved this page in my bookmarks tab in 2013.. from time to time I visit it and read material under subheadings as I continue to study the word of God. Today 21 Aigust 2020, as we in SA begin the slow emergence from lockdown, the description you have written out above is for me currently a true blessing and has helped me with the guilt and anxiety I have been experiencing during the lockdown and even before of my inability to move forward in my life. I have been experiencing for almost two years that I need to change the way I live in this world. I don’t fit the orporate or other worldly structures and never have. I have also drawn closer to God in the past 7 years than in all my 62 years (in which I have always enjoyed a relatinship with Christ)- However, the blank wall in front of me has remained in place for two years almost and I have prayed and prayed for God to guide me. I have wrestled with my spirit over and over about what I should do and come to rest at a place where “waiting on God”to lead me in the direction I must go has been the resolution. It is tough and very stressful given the human condition but if I have learned or been led to learn anything, it has been to “wait in faith and continue in the same faith..knowing that God has never left me. Believe me I have seen and experienced some unthinkable disappointments and sorrow in life but my faith has always carried me to the other side. I have to continue in faith that this time will be no different and that it must be that God has chosen this for me for a purpose and I truly hope that I am honouring His purpose for me. I am deeply in love with Jesus and so grateful to be a kingdom daughter. I just wanted to add a testimony to support you and many others who must be exoeriencing waves of anxiety and stress and that this is why we need fellowship with Kingdom family. Thankyou and God Bless

  111. I have a question in regards to the jobs. For example I have been in the same job for 5 years now. Although recently I got a raise with more responsibility however I was traveling out of state and staying he night in OKC but I went through a time where I wasn’t sleeping for three weeks and got to the point where I wasn’t sleeping all night. how do you discern wether GOd’s hand is in this or not.

    1. Hello,

      I have a similar situation, I am working at a job which has me finishing at a late hour, and yesterday I took a taxi home so got home earlier and was able to sleep earlier, which helps, but the taxi cost 30$ – about two hours of work. There are other opportunities or possible opportunities but have casual hours for instance, even though I was initially told it would be weekends and optional weekdays. I am sometimes scared I will not do the right thing or listen to the voice of God/God’s leading. Is it what falls into place that is Gods will? I mean I chose this job since I thought it would be interesting, and helping people, but it is taxing on me as well. May God help you Jenny, in your search and dilemma, as well as me. In Jesus’ Name I ask, Amen. xo

  112. we just need to appreciating God without any complained, because for the fact that you are alive and you believed in God he will take you to promise land.


    Thank you.

    1. I am so thankful for this article. I didn’t really appreciate God my Father, as much as I do right now. It is so amazing to know about His indescribable love for me. I have all the time, always thought that I knew the extent of His love for me but now, I can say that I hadn’t known until now. God’s love for us cannot be fathomed. God my Father loves me and I’m so glad that I belong to Jesus and I’m glad too that He gave the inspiration to put this together for me to see and read tonight and my spirit is revived, waxed stronger, my soul is restored and I am alive again in Christ Jesus. Thank you and Gods’ blessings always.

  113. Im so grateful for your articles, bless you, in Jesus name, thank you. I have smiled for the first time today. I feel such relief because God led me to here and i see now.

  114. I was in a hard place due to fact I was battling on how to let go and let God. I have been to many churches but never could grasp the meaning of all this. God then led me to a church which fed my spirit and open my eyes to the true goodness of God. I had lost everything trying to do it on my own and was tired. Facing repossession, eviction, and a host of other things. I needed to stop depending on man and begin to depend on my creator. After doing things my way I woke up one morning and prayed and asked God to help me read His Word for His truth was what I was seeking. I open up the computer and BEHOLD. This page was still up. I had read on how to test spirits. I began reading this passage and it was like God Himself was speaking directly to me. I was like what a second, so I kept reading then it spoke on finding a job which I am seeking one now. I was like what is this. My phone goes off with the daily scripture and BEHOLD Psalms 32:8 pops up. I had not read the whole article yet, so as I kept reading the scripture pops up on here! I screamed thank you Jesus! I felt the peace of God fall on me and I knew instantly He was right here guiding me. Thank you for your work in the Kingdom and I pray many blessings over you and as I keep exploring this site, I pray for all who reads this. God is amazing and never fails us. Believe His word to be true. Blessings to all

  115. This is a fantastic explanation! About three years ago I began to ask God to guide my steps. I go to him for everything. I don’t make decisions without asking for his counsel. I ask the questions and then I wait on Him. And I know that “waiting” means I pray in the spirit every day. Sometimes He gives me the answer right away, sometimes he doesn’t. And sometimes he will give me part of the answer and then gives me more as I continue to wait on him. The end of my lease is coming up, so I came to him and asked Him if I should stay or go. I was shocked because he answered me right away, however, he told me I would no more later (as I wait on Him). So now I know what to do about the lease, but I do not have any more details. Come to God for everything!! He will guide you and show you the way!!! I believe he has the best for me, therefore, I want his pick or choice of everything!

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