At the time I am writing this article, 10/27/10, many people, including many Christians, are battling severe worry and anxiety due to the fact that most of the countries in the world are still mired down into bad recessions.

As a result of these bad recessions, many people have lost their jobs, their houses, and most, if not all of their life’s savings. As a result of either losing all of this, or being very close to losing all of this, many people are battling severe worry, fear, and anxiety.

And then to add to all of this the fact that half of all marriages are still ending up in divorce, along with all of the sicknesses and diseases that are hitting many people across the world, and you have many in the world today who are in a constant state of fear, anxiety, and worry and they cannot break this kind of bondage off them, no matter how many anti-depressants they try to take, and no matter how many counselors they try and talk to.

For those of you who are being hit by this kind of severe anxiety and worry, you know how debilitating it can really be. You have no peace in your walk with the Lord. You cannot get a good night’s sleep. Millions of people are still suffering from insomnia, and much of this is due to not being able to let go of all of the worry, fear, and anxiety that is eating them up alive.

Then you watch the daily news and it is one horror show after another with all of the crime that keeps occurring, along with the breakdown of our political leaders in office who seem to have nothing but their own self-interests in mind. You can thus see major breakdowns occurring in just about every part and segment of our world and society in general.

As we have shown you in our articles on the end times, the world is going to get progressively worse over time once it all starts up – and I am afraid that we may be in the beginning of all of these end times events starting to occur as the Bible has specifically foretold.

If I am right, then things will get progressively worse over time, not better. We thus only have one hope and one solution to be able to get through all of this – and that one hope and solution is to completely rely on the Lord like you have never done before. The Lord is now going to be our only hope, our only refuge, and our only protection in these very trying times that will be coming all of our ways in the future.

If you are not truly grafted into the Lord and really relying on His divine help and power to make it through these very tough times, then you may end up crashing and burning, losing everything you have worked so hard for over the years.

In this article, I want to focus on one thing that many Christians are having a very hard time in handling. And that one problem is – how do I get a grip on all of the fear, worry, and anxiety that is eating me up alive?

God Will Take Care of Your Burdens
  • How do I not worry when I may lose my job or my marriage tomorrow?
  • How do I not worry when I have just lost my job and the bank is ready to do a foreclosure on my house, causing me to have to live with either neighbors, friends, or family?
  • How do I not worry when I am forced to live on my 401k plan and I do not have much money left?
  • How do I not worry when I do not have any medical insurance and I have just been hit with a serious disease?
  • How do I not worry when I am about ready to file bankruptcy and my credit will now be totally ruined for 10 years?
  • How do I not worry when I have been sued by several creditors for past due credit card bills?

Many people are battling some of the above described scenarios and no matter how hard they try, they cannot stop the fear, worry, and anxiety from eating away at them. They have no peace or joy left in them. They can’t sleep, they hardly ever smile anymore, and they have no desire to socialize with anyone.

If there are any of you battling this kind of severe anxiety and worry to the point of where you are actually starting to have a very hard time in being able to properly function in your normal every day activities, there are 3 very special verses from the Bible that will really help you get a grip on all of this.

As I will explain below, this advice may sound a bit too easy and simplistic, but many of God’s ways are really very simple and very easy to follow and implement in your daily life.

The Scripture Verses

For those of you who are battling this kind of severe anxiety and worry, really study and meditate on the 3 verses I will now give you. All of these verses are very short and thus easy to miss – but they are extremely powerful, and they are loaded with major revelation if you can grab ahold of what God is trying to tell you to do in your daily walk with Him.

Here are these 3 very special verses, and then I will comment on each one of them so you can see how to get this kind of major revelation from the Lord worked into your current state of affairs.

  • Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall not permit the righteous to be moved.” (Psalm 55:22)
  • “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all of your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:6-7)
  • “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Many of you have heard of these verses and read them for yourselves, but these kinds of verses really need to be chewed on and meditated on in order to get this kind of major revelation worked into your mindset and current state of affairs.

Since these verses are so short, it really is easy to miss what God is trying to tell you to do, especially if you are battling severe anxiety and worry as a result of being in some of the scenarios described above. And once severe worry and anxiety starts to get a real hold of you, it then becomes very easy to forget what these kinds of verses are telling you to do.

Here is what you need to grab a hold of from these verses, and then I will give you a short visual you can do in your mind’s eye that will really help you try and properly do this with the Lord.

1.  The very first verse will set the stage with what God is trying to tell us to do in these 3 verses. Notice this verse telling us to cast our burden upon the Lord and if we do, then God will sustain us.

However, before God can sustain us, we first have to cast all of our burdens upon Him. Again, when you really study this kind of verse, it sounds almost too easy.

If you are caught up in any of the above described scenarios, then you are definitely carrying a heavy burden on you – and this verse is now telling you to cast these kinds of heavy burdens upon the Lord. And if you do, then God will take care of them for you, sustain you, and keep you from being moved.

As we explained to you in our article on the full surrender, what God wants from us is that we fully surrender our entire beings and our entire lives into His hands. And once we fully surrender our entire lives into His hands for His full handling, then that will also include any major problems we will encounter in this life, including all of the scenarios described above.

So no matter what kind of dire situation you now find yourself dealing with, God can still move to help you with the problem if you will just fully surrender the entire problem into His hands for His full handling. And the above verse is telling us once more to do exactly that – to cast all of your burdens upon the Lord so from there He can move to help you take care of all of them.

2.  The second verse above will now add one more factor into all of this – and that one more factor is to not only cast your burden upon the Lord, but to now cast all of your burdens upon the Lord, not just some or part of them.

Notice in this 2nd verse it is telling us to cast all of our cares upon the Lord. And the word “care” in this verse has the same meaning as the word “burden” has in the very first verse above. In other words, learn how to cast all of your burdens and cares upon the Lord and if you do, then God will move to help you take care of all of them and sustain you while He is doing it.

3.  The third verse above is now one that really needs to be chewed on and meditated on. In this verse Jesus Himself is telling us several things.

First, Jesus is telling everyone who is laboring and who is in a heavy laden state to come to Him and if you do, then He will give you rest for your souls. If there are any of you out there in some of the above scenarios, then you are definitely laboring, and you are also in a very heavy laden state if worry and anxiety has now taken a strong hold on you.

So the first thing you must do if you find yourself in this kind of a heavy laden state is to come to the Lord just as you are and cast all of your cares, all of your burdens, and all of troubles upon Him so He can begin to move to try and help you out.

And not only will Jesus help you with all of your cares and burdens by helping you take care of all of them – but He will now give you rest for your souls, which means He can now give you His peace. And once Jesus gives you His peace, which is one of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit, then His peace will start to take the place of all of your worry and anxiety and completely take most, if not all of it out of your system.

Put all three of these verses together side-by-side, and God is giving you the solution for being able to maintain your peace in Him, even in the most trying of circumstances.

The second thing to pick up on this verse is the very last sentence where Jesus says that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. When Jesus says that His burden is light, I believe He is telling us that He wants all of our burdens to also be light. He does not want us carrying around heavy burdens which will do nothing but give us major worry and anxiety and from there, take away all of our peace and joy in Him.

And if you are caught up in some of the above described scenarios and it has now robbed you of your peace and joy in the Lord – then your peace and joy in the Lord has now been replaced by constant worry and anxiety – and this is not how Jesus wants you to be living in this life.

Per our article titled, “Be Anxious For Nothing,” we gave you the major verses where God is telling us to be anxious for nothing and not to be worrying about tomorrow and what tomorrow may bring, for sufficient for the day is its own troubles.

Put these verses right next to three listed above, and God is giving all of us major and clear revelation as to how we are to handle all of the problems that will be coming our way in this life. And that revelation is that we fully surrender and cast all of these problems, cares, and burdens upon Him so He can properly handle them for us and from there, learn how to chill out and just relax in Him so we can have His joy and peace continue to flow through us as we continue on in our journey with Him.

When Jesus tells us in this last verse that His yoke is easy and His burden is light, I believe this kind of verse should be interpreted very literally and we should take Jesus at His Word on this statement. If we can, then we learn how to get this type of right thinking imparted into our minds and thought process. And once we learn how to really do that, then we can drive out most of the fear, worry, and anxiety that has been attacking us.

But again, this is something that many Christians will have to work at, especially if the worry, fear, and anxiety has become a conditioned response as to how they react to adverse circumstances in their lives.

But with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can learn how to chill out, relax, and not let worry, fear, and anxiety get a hold of you where you are letting it rob you of your peace and joy in the Lord, not to mention letting it start to affect your mental and physical health.


Over the years, after I discovered the above verses and knew this kind of revelation from the Lord was the key to being able to be anxious for nothing in this turbulent world, I found a little mental trick that really helped me get this revelation worked into my mind so I could get God’s joy and peace to stay in my soul, and keep the worry and anxiety from getting to far up into me and getting any type of foothold into my mind and emotions.

Again, this little mental trick may sound too easy and simplistic, but it has really worked for me over the years and for the most part, it has kept me in a very good state of peace and joy with the Lord, even when I had to go through some real trying circumstances.

Here is this little mental trick that might be able to help some of you if you are battling severe anxiety and worry over any type of adverse situations you may be going through.

1.  The Bible says that we are to cast down vain imaginations. But notice it says vain imaginations, not every imagination.

Your imagination is part of your mind and it is a very powerful gift given to you by the Lord. Imagine not being able to imagine any types of pictures in your mind’s eye on a lot of the good things that has happened in your life?

Imagine not being able to go down memory lane from time to time and visualize your children and a lot of the good things that have happened to them and what a joy they have been in your life.

I believe we can use our imagination for good and godly things. But what God wants us to do is to not use our imagination on bad and evil things, as this is what starts to get some people in trouble with Him. Many evil things people end up doing in this life initially starts out as a bad thought and a bad mental picture in someone’s mind and imagination.

But if we take our imagination and realize we can use it for good and godly things, then we can take this and use it for what God is telling us to do in the above verse.

2.  And here is the little mental trick I have learned over the years that will really get the revelation in the above verses worked into your mind and thinking so you do not let worry, fear, and anxiety get the better of you when faced with an adverse situation.

What I have learned to do when an adverse situation has come my way is to first fully commit and fully surrender the entire problem into God’s hands for His full handling. I always do this by way of a very simple prayer.

But then the second thing I do, and this is the part that allows me to keep worry, fear, and anxiety from attacking me and getting too strong of a hold on me, is that I then literally visualize myself handing this entire problem over to the Lord.

I imagine Jesus standing in front of me and I then see myself handing a 50 pound bag to Him, which is the problem I am now dealing with. I see myself literally handing it off to Him and from there, I see that He will now take complete care of it for me and I now have nothing to worry about since He now has it fully in His hands and will now take complete care of it for me.

When I hand off this 50 pound bag to Jesus, not only do I see Him taking complete control of this problem from this moment on, but I also see Him taking away from me all of the worry and anxiety that is attached to this problem.

From there, I tell myself I have absolutely nothing to worry about since Jesus is now in full and complete control of the entire situation.

I obviously still have to be guided by God as to what steps I will need to take on my end to resolve the problem, as God will also guide me as to what part I will have to play to solve the problem.

But what I have found out is that by forming out this kind of a mental picture in my mind’s eye on what God is telling us to do in the above 3 verses, my mind seems to pick up the revelation better and it is more easily transmitted into my mind and thinking process.

And once that starts to occur, fear, worry and anxiety cannot get into my mind and emotions because this positive mental picture in my mind’s eye is now blocking it and preventing it from being able to get in on me.

I have found that every time fear, worry, and anxiety starts to creep in on me, all I have to do is bring back up that mental picture in my mind’s eye of me handing off the entire problem to Jesus in that 50 pound bag.

And once I see that mental picture in my mind’s eye again, it helps reinforce for me that God really does have this entire problem completely in His hands and that He will now take complete care of it for me.

I believe this is using our imagination in the way that God has intended for us to use it.

People have a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Psychologists have found that you can remember something much better if you have it stored as a mental picture in your mind’s eye instead of trying to remember something by way of words in a sentence or a paragraph.

By using our imagination off a key Scripture verse such as the ones listed above telling us to cast all of our cares and burdens upon the Lord, I believe this will really help us in getting a real grip on this revelation from the Lord, and you will then be able to get it more easily worked into your mind and emotions as a result.

I have found out that by pulling back up that mental picture in my mind’s eye of me handing off the entire problem to Jesus in that 50 pound bag, that is really does help in keeping worry and anxiety from being to get a hold of me every time I feel a panic attack starting to come against me. It really helps to keep my peace and joy in place with the Lord as I am going through the trial.

So if there are any of you out there battling any kind of severe anxiety and worry with any type of adverse situation you are going through, try fully surrendering the entire problem into God’s hands, and from there, form out a mental picture in your mind’s eye of you handing off the entire problem to Jesus in a 50 pound bag.

Believe in this revelation because the Bible tells us we can do this with the Lord.

And every time you feel a panic attack starting to come against you, just pull up that mental picture in your mind’s eye again that you have now handed off this entire problem to Jesus, and He will now take complete care of it for you and eventually solve the problem for you.

This godly mental picture will help keep your peace and joy in the Lord as you go through the trial, and it will also help in keeping fear, anxiety, and worry from getting worked too far up into your mind and emotions.

One last thought – there is a debate in the Body of Christ right now on how we are to use our imaginations due to the verse telling us to cast down vain imaginations. Many people in the New Age movement are getting themselves into serious trouble, as they are using their imaginations to contact demons and trying to tap into psychic type energy. But if you use your imagination in a good and godly way as described in the above kinds of situations, you will not get yourself in trouble with the Lord, as our imaginations can be used for either good or evil.


With things possibly going to get progressively worse in the coming years, each and every Christian is going to have to learn how to fully trust in the Lord – and from there, learn how to be guided by the Holy Spirit on how to handle each type of bad situation that may come their way so they can make it through some of these tough trials.

We can either learn how to fully surrender each problem that comes our way into God’s hand for His complete handling so He can eventually work out and solve the entire problem for us, or we can try and do everything ourselves, trying to work out everything in our own natural strength and flesh.

I have seen too many Christians over the years try to work everything out without asking for God’s help, and many of them have ended up failing miserably as a result. It was only when they completely turned everything over to God that things eventually turned around for them and they were then delivered from their adverse situations.

Again, if there are any of you out there who are battling some real severe adversity, try turning the entire problem over into God’s hands as He is telling us to do in the above 3 verses. And from there, learn how to fully trust Him to handle the entire problem for you so you do not let too much fear, anxiety, and worry start to get the better of you.

When God tells us to cast all of our cares and burdens upon Him so He can take complete care of them for us – and He then adds to this command that we learn how to be anxious for nothing and not to be worrying about tomorrow and what tomorrow may bring, I believe this can really be done with the help of the Holy Spirit.

One of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit is the fruit of peace, and He can give you His divine peace even right in the middle of the most trying of circumstances if you will just fully trust in the Lord to completely handle all of your problems and burdens for you.

Keep the above 3 verses front and center in your walk with the Lord, as you are going to really need them in the coming years ahead. If you can do what these 3 verses are telling you to do, then they will help get you through any tough trials you may have to go through in this life.

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  1. Amazing! Its reassure me everything is going to be just fine. This article has truly brought me peace. I was worried about a lot of silly petty things, and some big that I first naturally gave to the lord. Thank you so much for reminding me to do so! Bless you, you beautiful person.

  2. tanx for this article,,,,im very anxious person,,, i worry a lot,,, im just grateful to God coz He saved me….realizing dat if im not saved then i may risk myself to suicide…….moreover, we are so blessed that we have a God who is alive…..alive to answer and listen to our prayers,,, and always loving to lead us in a right path even in midst of our weaknesses ,,,,and always there to remind us that He is the best one to talk to,,, and only one to trust with

  3. Hi Mike,
    I’m deaf and is struggling with major panic and anxiety attack. I thought for sure I was going to die from an heart attack due the simplar symptoms related to heart attack. I need some really good advice how I can cast all of it with a powerful prayer to the lord. I have accepted jesus as my savior and repent of my sins. My goal is to fear and honor god with all of my heart. I need some good way to help me focus on jesus 24\7. These demons are toturing me and I m asking for agreement in prayer for my mental and health probelm. Thank you for reading my concern. May almighty father is in control and bless us.
    Shauna r neece of maine

    1. Hi Shauna, I am happy you have chosen Jesus as your Lord and Savior. I pray that you have also been full immersion water baptized with the Holy Spirit who will reside in you as your comforter, best friend and helper. Something i do by faith and it truly works is saying ” Holy Spirit, please come with your light and fire and burn any and all negativity off of me”. WITHIN 5 minutes i feel 100% better. Even if i have a stomach ache, headache, anxiety, sadness anything at all, i just ask the Holy Spirit to please burn it off. In addition, call out to Jesus 3 times and he WILL be there for you and he will help you. It’s by faith, BELIEVE IT WITH ALL YOUR HEART.

  4. I have been a Believer in Jesus Christ since my teen years and I am nearing my 81st year very soon. My journey IN Christ has been a Reality. Without the holy Spirit’s indwelling presence in my life and His life giving Word, I wouldn’t know how to survive in a changing and threatening world to remain faithful to my Saviour who is my Lord now. Thank God for His Grace. However, I am going through some health problems and have never relied on medications. Prayer and divine healing has been my experience in the past. I feel all alone and somewhat anxious about the future. The idea of the mental picture of handing over my burden to the Lord is helpful. I would also request prayer for this situation so that His name would be glorified in the end.

  5. Truly that revelation is divine. That huge bag of stuff to be sorted out completely. I pray that all of us, who call on His name ll be strengthened by His Holy Spirit not to attempt hurling the whole bag back unto ourselves.

  6. Thank you so much for reminding me that there is only one God who is able to fight all the battles for me.He can give me the power of holy spirit to fight the battles.I am happy that God will make a way where it seems to be no way.Praise the lord.

  7. This article is truly a blessing at a time when my husband and I are facing so many challenges in our lives. Satan wants us to be overcome by our fears and anxieties and turn away from God but this article is a reminder that God intends for our challenges to accomplish the exact opposite. He desires for us to take advantage of His offer to carry our burdens and help us navigate through the problems to reach His blessings for us right in the midst of what appeared to be a horrible situation. This exchange, our burdens for His peace, will truly draw us so much closer to God than we were even before the problems. Praise God!!!!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing with us such a great peaceful teaching. The teaching releases all my anxiety, worries, sadness, doubtfulness and negative thoughts. It brought me peace and serenity. And helps us how to cope with life’s burden and strengthen the relationship with our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Thank you very much. I would like to share Matthew 6 will all.

  9. Years ago when I was going through some really tough times, I cried out
    to God. He didn’t turn His back or tell me to wait in line. I handed
    everything over to Him, and He took care of it. Now, whatever comes
    up, I hand it over. I have no anxiety, worries, fear. I am at peace.
    I enjoy my time with the Holy Spirit and I get excited talking to and
    listening to Him. You are very important to God, it doesn’t matter
    who you are or what you done, He has so much love for you. Talk
    to Him today. Not tomorrow.

  10. To Hannah: I have found that prayer and worship can take my anxieties away and bring peace. You can take medicines, see a doctor if that is needed.

  11. God doesn’t listen to my prayers. Absolute sound of crickets. It feels like I only ever get his voicemail. I ask for help, but more things happen or break down. I get this world is a testing ground, but God is all seeing and all knowing… so why does he just watch. I’m here because Adam and Eve were greedy assholes who couldn’t appreciate what they had? Those two morons wanted to ‘be like God’ and pushed us all into this shit existence with their stupid grasping greed? Then finally God sees me suffer and just watches in silence. Please don’t insult me with “Gods ways are mysterious’ drivel. If you watch a toddler drowning and do nothing even though sith a thought you could save them but don’t? You would think being all knowing God would understand my limitations. Just unbroken silence, no encouraging voice. Nothing.

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