As you will see when reviewing many of the articles in our Spiritual Warfare and Stories and Testimonies Sections, we are big believers in self-deliverance. God has given all Christians the authority and the power to cast out demons, and that also includes Christians who have demons attached to them – whether they be on the outside of them or on the inside of them.
The testimonies of people who we have set up for their own self-deliverances are again more proof that Christians can cast off any demons who are attached to them, especially when the demons are just attached to them from the outside and are following them around like a dark cloud causing all kinds of trouble with their lives.
However, as we have explained before, the inside cases, where the demons are literally living on the inside of someone’s body, is a little tougher and heavier kind of case to deal with as compared to the outside cases.

If you are a Christian and you have demons living on the inside of you and they have been in there for quite sometime, you will have one of two options to take.
- You can either seek out a good deliverance minister who will know how to cast out demons and let them do it for you if you are too afraid to try and do it on your own.
- Or you can attempt to do it by yourself by way of a self-deliverance.
If you are too afraid to try and do it on your own, and would prefer a good deliverance minister to do it for you, please refer to our article, “Looking For a Deliverance Minister,” in the Spiritual Warfare section of our site, and take the appropriate steps we have listed in that article if the pastor of your own church will not do it for you.
You can also go to our article, “Healing and Deliverance Rooms Across the Country.”
In this article, we give you information on how to get in contact with a ministry that has healing and deliverance rooms set up all across the USA, along with some of the other countries in the world as well. Many of them will be trained in this area and they should be able to help you get a full deliverance.
If you start to seek out a good deliverance minister in your area, God will then lead you to the one He will want you to work with. If however, you would like to try and do this on your own by way of a self-deliverance, you can then follow the steps we will now give you in this article.
This article will be for people who have demons living on the inside of them. However, you can still take most of these same steps in this article if by chance the demons are only attached to you from the outside.
We have plenty of other articles in our site on how to handle these easier outside type of cases. But I want to gear this article for the heavier inside type of cases, where the demons have been living on the inside of someone for quite a long period of time.
In addition to the basic steps you will need to take, I will also give you an actual testimony in this article of a woman who delivered herself from demons who had been living on the inside of her for a good 10 years.
I will give you the exact battle prayer I had given her so you can see how to form out your own battle prayer to finally drive these demons out of you for good if they have been on the inside of you for quite a long period of time.
Her testimony is a very good example showing that Christians can deliver themselves from demons by way of a self-deliverance if they will only have enough courage and determination to do it.
As you will see when reading this woman’s testimony, it was her determination, tenacity, and courage that got God to move on her behalf and blow the demons right out of her. This was a very dramatic deliverance as you will see when I describe exactly what had occurred in the deliverance itself.
Before I get into her actual testimony so you can see how it was actually done, I want to now give you some basic steps to take so you can properly prepare yourself to do this.
Initial Articles to Read
If by chance you are fairly new to our site, it would be our recommendation that you do some initial reading of some of our other articles so you will fully understand what you are about to do and what this is all about.
Here are the articles that we recommend that you read before attempting to do a self-deliverance on yourself with the demons. In the Spiritual Warfare section, here are the 7 specific articles we recommend that you read so you can properly educate yourself in this area:
- 4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits
- What Are the Signs of Demonization
- The Different Kinds of Demonic Spirits
- Dealing With the Legal Rights of Demons
- Deliverance System for Casting Out Demons on the Inside of a Person
- Battle Prayer to Break a Generational Curse Line
- Battle Prayer to Break Legal Rights of Demons
All 7 of these articles will give you what you will need to know so you will fully understand what you are about to do. Just take your time when reading these articles, take your own notes if need be, and read at a pace that is comfortable for you to handle.
Also, do not rush this. If the demons have been living on the inside of you for a number of years, another couple of weeks will not make a difference.
Here are the articles we recommend that you read from our Stories and Testimonies Section:
In all 4 of these cases, demons were attacking these people from the outside and in each case, they each had to directly engage with the demons to get them off them. These are also much shorter types of battle prayers than the one I will give you for this article, but they will all show you how easily demons can be defeated if you will just have enough courage and determination to take them head on.
Initial Steps to Take
Now here are the initial steps you will need to take before beginning the battle prayer to take on your demons. I will first list them out in a numbered bolded format so you can have them right at the top of this section.
- Make Sure You Are a True, Born-Again Christian
- Make Sure You Are in a Full Surrender With the Lord
- Try to Go Through the Rite of Water Baptism if You Have Never Been Baptized
- Write Down the Legal Rights the Demons Are Using Against You
I will now go through each one of these steps so you will know exactly what I am talking about.
1. Make Sure You Are a True, Born-Again Christian
Deliverance from demons is only available for Christians. Demons are cast out of a person by the Word of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit. If you are not a true, born-again Christian, then you will not have the Holy Spirit on the inside of you. And if you do not have the Holy Spirit on the inside of you, then you will not have His power available to you to cast out the demons.
If by chance you found this article through a google search and you are not a Christian, please go to our article titled, “The Basics of Eternal Salvation Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
This article will explain to you the basics of our Christian faith in reference to Jesus being the only way to eternal salvation with God the Father. Also in there will be a good, basic, salvation prayer you can use and say that will get you fully saved and born-again with the Lord.
2. Make Sure You Are in a Full Surrender with the Lord
If you are a true, born-again Christian, then the next step you must take is to come into a full surrender with the Lord. Please refer to and read our article titled, “The Full Surrender,” on exactly what this full surrender is all about with the Lord. We also have a good full surrender prayer in there that you can use that will get you into this full surrender with the Lord.
The reason you have to come into this full surrender with the Lord is due to the following verse:
“Therefore submit God. Resist the devil and he will flee.” (James 4:7)
Notice the very first sentence – “Therefore submit to God.” Submitting to God means that you have to be in this full surrender with the Lord where He will now be the One to handle and control the direction your life will now be taking from here on in. If you are not operating in this full surrender with the Lord, then you will not be very successful in being able to resist the devil and his demons when they do move in for an attack on both you and your life.
3. Try to Go Through the Rite of Water Baptism if You Have Never Been Baptized
If by chance you have never gone through the rite of water baptism, it would be our very strong recommendation that you do so before beginning your self-deliverance. There have been documented cases of people having all of their demons completely expelled out of them as a result of going through this very powerful and holy rite.
If the demons can be cast out by going though this holy rite, then you will not have to go through any type of self-deliverance. Here is the link to our article that will fully explain to you what this powerful rite is all about.
However, if by chance you cannot do this for whatever reason, you can go ahead and proceed with the rest of the steps below. But again, try to do it if at all possible if you have never gone through this rite before. It is never too late to go through this rite if you had never done it at an earlier age when you initially got saved.
4. Write Down the Legal Rights the Demons Are Using Against You
This next step is now going to be very important. As we explained to you in our other articles, demons just cannot enter into your body because they want to. There usually has to be some kind of legal right or rights that were given to them earlier on to allow them to enter into your body.
What you need to do now is to write down what those legal rights are. Again, go back to our article titled, “Dealing With the Legal Rights of Demons,” and go over each one of them very carefully to see if they were some of the legal rights the demons were using to get on the inside of you.
Many times people who have demons on the inside of them will know exactly what the legal rights are and exactly when the demons entered on the inside of them. But if by chance you do not know, study that list we have in the above article very carefully to see if you have any of those legal rights in your past.
Also, go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to show you any additional legal rights that you may not be aware of. Give the Lord a good 4-5 days to let you know what they may be so you can get all of them all properly taken care of with Him.
Once you have all of the legal rights written down, then you will need to properly break all of them before the Lord. And that will be the first part of your battle prayer – to properly break all of the legal rights that the demons are using against you. And again, the above article tiled, “Dealing with the Legal Rights of Demons,” will show you how to fully break each one of these kinds of legal rights.
This will now take us into the actual testimony I will now give you so you can see exactly how to form out your own battle prayer to fit the specific set of circumstances you are dealing with.
Testimony of an Actual Self-Deliverance
This testimony is now going to give you a very good example on how to form out your own personal battle prayer to finally cast all of your demons out of you once and for all. Here is exactly what had occurred with this case.
About a year ago, we received an email from a middle-aged woman who had demons living on the inside of her for 10 years. She knew exactly what the legal rights were and exactly when they had entered into her.
Long story short, 10 years ago, she met a guy who was practicing in some of the occult arts. She was warned by both God and her family and friends to stay away from this man due to what he was involved in. However, she did not heed their warnings and went ahead and started to date the man. Shortly thereafter, she started to have sexual relations with him.
On the fourth or fifth time she went to bed with him, she all of a sudden felt something enter into her body in her stomach area. She told me she could literally feel something moving around in her stomach area. She also thought she might be pregnant, but she felt this moving sensation immediately after having sex with this man on the 4th or 5th time. She also thought it would be kind of strange that a baby would start kicking this early if by chance she was pregnant.
She went ahead and went to a doctor to see if she was pregnant. He told her she was not. Then over the next month or two she still felt that moving sensation in her stomach area. She then went back to the doctors to see if there might be anything else wrong with her. All of the tests came back negative and the doctors told her they could not find anything medically wrong with her. At this point, she started to wonder if demons had entered into her body as a result of fornicating with a man who was involved in the occult.
Then shortly after all of the above had occurred, she started to get some strange demonic manifestations in her house. She said she got punched one time in the face by a demon and one of the demons also attacked her 5 year old son. She said her sister then got involved and was able to cast the demon off her son, but nothing had happened with her.
From there, she carried these demons with her on the inside of her body for the next 10 years. By the time she contacted our site, she said she was fed up with having them on the inside of her for as long as they had been in there. She had read many of the articles in our site, especially the one titled, “Battle Prayer to Break a Generational Curse Line,” where a 16 year old girl did a self-deliverance on herself with a battle prayer we had drawn up for her.
She said she was now ready to do the exact same thing for herself. She told me the demons had hardened her heart over the years and every time she tried to go in a church, they would rise up in her and burn her chest area. She also said she was not comfortable in having her pastor do this and she wanted to try and do it herself by way of an actual self-deliverance.
After questioning this woman on her past, the only legal right involved on this case was the fact that she had not only fornicated with a man outside the bounds of holy marriage, but she fornicated with a man who probably already had demons either on him or in him since he was involved in the occult.
Many deliverance ministers have found that Christians can get demons on the inside of them if they fornicate with a person who already has demons attached to them. This is why it is so dangerous for any Christian to be fornicating with anyone outside the bounds of holy marriage, as you have no idea what some of these people may have in their past, and whether or not any of them already have demons attached to them.
By the time she contacted us, she was already very sorry for disobeying the Lord on His command from His Word that He does not want any of us to be fornicating outside the bounds of marriage. She had already received the conviction of the Holy Spirit on this issue, and she had fully confessed it out before God the Father and told Him that she would never do it again.
She was thus fully ready to take on her demons since God had already well prepared her ahead of time on exactly what the legal rights were that allowed the demons to get on the inside of her body in the first place.
The Battle Prayer
As we explained to you in our other articles, many of these heavier types of battle prayers will have two major parts to them. The first part is where you go before God the Father to fully break all of the legal rights of the demons. The second part is when you will then turn around and go directly after the demons, casting them out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
What I did for this battle prayer is take the longer, heavier battle prayer that I had in my article titled, “Deliverance System For Casting Out Demons on the Inside of a Person.”
Many of our other articles have shorter types of battle prayers than this longer, heavier one. But when dealing with these heavier inside types of cases, I would rather use a longer and heavier type of battle prayer rather than use one that may be too short and may not have enough meat in it. When demons have been on the inside of someone for a number of years, they will really get lodged in there and they will not easily leave.
Now here is the battle prayer in its complete entirety. Again, the first part is where she will go before God the Father to fully confess this sin out and properly break the legal rights of these demons. The second part is where she will then turn around and verbally engage with the demons, telling them they will now have to leave her in the name of Jesus since she had fully broken all of their legal rights earlier on in the first part of the prayer.
I actually had her do the first part of the prayer several times on separate days from the second part of the prayer. The second part of the prayer was then done on a subsequent day due to the length of these two prayers.
This woman has given me permission to release her entire testimony, but she has asked that I leave out her name due to the very personal nature of this deliverance. I will also change the name of her boyfriend so as to protect his identity as well.
1. Prayer to Break the Legal Rights of the Demons
Here is the first part of the prayer to confess this sin out before the Lord and then fully break the legal rights of the demons. Also note in the second part of the prayer that I had her break the soul tie that had formed out between her and this man as a result of her fornicating with him.
I also had her say the prayer out loud so the demons could hear her loud and clear. You want them to know that you are now fully breaking all of their legal rights.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I now approach Your throne of mercy and grace on a very important matter. Father, I think I may have drawn at least one demon, if not possibly more, as a result of my involvement with Joseph.
1. Looking back at what happened between him and I, I feel that You were trying to warn me to stay away from him, but I did not heed Your warnings. As a result of not heeding Your warnings, I may have broken my hedge of protection that I have with You and then allowed this demon to literally enter in on the inside of me as a result of fornicating with him.
Father, I believe that he may have been involved in either witchcraft or possibly satanism itself. I know now that what I did with him was terribly wrong in Your eyes. I should have heeded Your warnings. I should have never any sex with him, as I know Your Word tells us that any kind of fornication is a direct sin against You.
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now want to confess this sin out direct to You. Father, in the name of Jesus, I now want to confess that I have sinned directly against You by fornicating with Joseph as many times as I did with him.
Father, I know now that what I did was wrong and sinful in Your eyes and I am so sorry that I violated one of Your direct commandments. Father, I now ask that You please forgive me and wash me completely clean by the blood that Your Son Jesus has already shed for me on the cross. Father, please wash away the stain of this sin from my body, my soul, and my spirit, as I know now that I have contaminated my body with this vile sin, since Your Word tells us that our bodies are the temple of Your Holy Spirit.
2. Father, Your Word tells us in Hebrews 4:16 that we can “come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Father, I am in need of a deliverance from this evil spirit that has entered in on the inside of my body. I now ask that You please have mercy on me and grant me a full deliverance from this demon.
Father, Your Word tells us in 1 John 1:9 that “if we confess our sins,” that You will be faithful to forgive our sins and that You will cleanse us from all unrighteousness associated with that sin. Father, I now believe that You have fully forgiven me for this transgression made against You and that You will now fully cleanse me from this vile sin.
Father, I will also make a vow and promise to you that I will never, ever fornicate with this man or any other man ever again, as I believe there is something very evil attached to him.
Father, again, I am so sorry that I have sinned directly against You, but I now want this evil spirit out of me. Father, I now ask that You take up my case and move to fully deliver me from this evil spirit.
Father, as a Your born-again child, I know that I have Your power and Your authority to be able to directly engage with this evil spirit and drive it out of me for good. Father, I will now approach You for my full and complete deliverance from this evil spirit in my next prayer to you. Father, thank you for hearing my cry and my petition on this extreme matter. In Jesus name, amen.”
2. Battle Prayer to Cast Out the Demons
This is the second part of the prayer where she will now turn around and directly engage with the demons in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. And again, all of this has to be said out loud so the demons can hear you loud and clear.
1. Prayer to God the Father
a) In the name of Jesus, I now come before Your throne on a very serious matter. As a result of fornicating with Joseph, I feel that at least one demon, if not possibly more, may have entered in on the inside of my body. Father, these demons may have entered into me way back 10 years ago when I was first sleeping with Joseph and it may have gotten worse when I once more slept with him back in the first part of last year.
Father, these demons have been in me long enough. I really do suspect that these are demons who are on the inside of me and not anything that may be medically wrong with me. Father, if these are demons who are on the inside of me, I want to be set fully free from all of them right now in the name of Jesus Christ. I no longer want these foul and evil spirits to be residing on the inside of my body, which is the Temple of Your precious Holy Spirit. I now want to be set fully free from every single one of these evil spirits.
b) Father, before I directly engage with these demons, I now want to do one more thing with You on all of this. As a result of fornicating with Joseph as many times as I did, I know I developed an ungodly and unhealthy soul tie with this man. This soul tie and my direct fornication with Joseph opened up the doors to these demons and gave them legal permission to enter in on the inside of my body.
Father, I have already confessed out my sin of fornication to You in the first part of this special prayer. But I now want to do one more thing. I now want to break the soul tie that has developed between myself and Joseph. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now ask, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, that You fully break ever single inch of this soul tie that has developed between me and Joseph. I now ask that You fully break and fully sever every single part of this soul tie so that I am no longer physically and spiritually bound to Joseph in any way, shape, or form.
c) Father, I now want to end this ordeal with these demons once and for all. In the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, I now ask that You personally anoint me for this battle.
Father, in Your Word you have told us that we will have Your power and Your authority to be able to trample over all of the power of the enemy and that nothing shall be able to hurt us. You have told us in Your Word that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. You have told us in Your Word that we shall cast out demons in Your name. You have told us in Your Word that You are a Man of War and that You can be stirred up to go into battle for us.
Father, I now ask that You stir Yourself up as a Man of War and that You personally take on these demons and drive them right out of me and right out of my life for good – never again to return to bother, harass, or torment me – ever again!
d) Father, You have said in Your Word that the Sword of the Holy Spirit is Your Word. Father, in the name of Jesus, I now ask that You let Your Word be my Sword. Father, I repeat, let Your Word be my Sword so that these demons can now be fully driven out of me once and for all.
Father, I now ask that You fully arm me for this battle. I now take up and put on my helmet of salvation, my shield of faith, my breastplate of righteousness, and my Sword of the Holy Spirit so I can now fully operate under Your full anointing against these demons so You can drive and cast all of them out of me once and for all. Father, I now ask that You allow Your full spiritual armor to be put on me right now in the name of Jesus so I can now do battle against these demons who are on the inside of me.
e) Father, these demons have been in me long enough. Father, I now ask that You declare ALL OUT WAR against these demons. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now ask that You move FULL FORCE against these demons as a mighty Man of War so I can be set fully free from these demons, once and for all.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I now plead the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ over every inch of my body, over every inch of my soul, and over every inch of my spirit so I can now have a full protective covering against these demons. I now ask that You station your battle angels all around me so they can fully protect during this entire deliverance.
Father, I also ask that You allow the blood of Your Son Jesus to fully protect myself, and all of my personal possessions such as my house, my car, my family, my finances, and my health. Father, I now ask that You fully protect me from any type of vengeful act from any of these demons after You have fully cast all of them out of me.
f) Demons, I am now coming against each and everyone of you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I repeat, I am now coming against each and everyone of you operating under the full power, the full authority, and the full anointing of God the Father.
Demons, the Word of my God tells me in Luke 10:19 that my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has now given me the full authority to be able trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and that nothing shall by any means hurt me. Demons, the serpents and scorpions that Jesus is talking about in this verse is all of you and I thus have my Lord’s direct authority and direct power to be able to cast all of you out of me once and for all.
Demons, Jesus has told us in Luke 9:1 that He has given His disciples “power and authority over all demons,” which includes all of you who are on the inside of me. As a true disciple of Jesus Christ, I now have His direct full authority and His direct full power to be able to cast all of you out of me once and for all.
g) Demons, the Word of God also tells me in Exodus 15:3 and Isaiah 42:13 that my God is a “Man of War” and that He shall “go forth like a mighty Man,” that He shall “stir up His zeal like a Man of War” and “that He shall prevail against His enemies.” Demons, every single one of you is a direct enemy of the Lord and He will now be moving against each and everyone of you. God the Father will now totally prevail against all of you. You are no match for His strength and His power.
I repeat, the Lord of Hosts will now be moving against each and every one of you right now as a mighty Man of War, and you will have absolutely no chance against His wrath, against His fury, and against His power. Demons, you are now all done and you are now all finished. Your show and your time with me is now all over.
h) Demons, I now bind up each and everyone of you right now so you cannot attack or harm me in any way, shape, or form. I repeat, I bind up each and every one of you right now in the name of Jesus Christ so you cannot harm me or anyone else who is in this house while I am doing this deliverance on myself. You are to stand down and completely back off me and you are not to engage with me in any way, shape, or form. You are not to move an inch, say a word, or harm a hair on my head during this entire deliverance.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, I am now raising up my shield of faith against each and every one of you. This shield of faith from my Lord and Savior is now forming an invisible and impenetrable shield between you and me. You will not be able to cross this shield in any way, shape, or form. Every single one of you is now fully bound up and completely shut down – all in the name of Jesus Christ.
i) To every single demon who is on the inside of me, in the name of Jesus Christ, you are not to run, hide, or attempt any kind of communication to any other spirits who are on the outside of me. You are not to seek out any kind of help or reinforcement from any outside spirits whatsoever in the name of Jesus Christ.
All of your lifelines and all of your cords to any of these outside spirits has now been completely cut and completely severed – all in the name of Jesus Christ. The Word of God tells us that God the Father will “cut in pieces the cords of the wicked.” (Psalm 129:2). All of your cords have now been completely cut, completely severed, and completely cast off, all by the power of the Holy Spirit.
If there are any demonic spirits who are in this room, but not on the inside of me, I now command you, in the name of Jesus Christ, to leave this room and to leave this house and do not come back to this place ever again. GO NOW, in the name of Jesus Christ. I repeat, GO NOW in the name of Jesus Christ.
j) To all of the demons who are on the inside of me, you are now all bound up together to the head, chief demon and you are now all fully paralyzed. You cannot move an inch, say a word, or harm a hair on my head or anyone else who is in this house. Demons, there will be no manifestations whatsoever from this point on. You will not attempt any type of violence against me. You will not attempt any type of vomiting or distracting type of behavior. You are now all shut down and completely bound up by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, I also forbid you to try and communicate with one another on the inside of me. To each and everyone of you, you are not to talk to or try to get any help whatsoever from any other spirits who are on the inside of me. All of your communication lines are totally and completely cut and severed by the power of the Holy Spirit so none of you can communicate in any way, shape, or form with one another. I forbid the head, chief demon from being able to communicate with any of his underlings, and I forbid any of the underlings from being able to communicate with the head, chief demon.
k) Demons, we now know what all of your legal rights have been with me over the time that you have been in me. I know I opened up the door to all of you by fornicating with Joseph as many times as I did. But I have already gone before my heavenly Father and have fully confessed out my sin of fornication directly to Him.
The blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has now fully washed away this vile sin from my soul and my body. I have also fully broken the soul tie between Joseph and myself, so there is now nothing left for any of you to be able to hang onto. All of your legal rights have now been fully cancelled and fully broken with God the Father. You no longer have any more legal claim over me or my life.
Demons, as a result of all of my transgressions being fully confessed out and fully forgiven before the Lord, you no longer have any more legal rights in which to stay attached to me.
I repeat, in the name of Jesus Christ, you no longer have any more legal rights to stay attached to me, as all of your legal rights have now been fully broken and fully severed as a result of my full confession and my full repentance before God the Father. Each and everyone of you will now have to leave me in the name of Jesus Christ. I repeat, each and everyone of you will now have to leave me in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
2. Dry Up the Waters of the Enemy
“Demons, in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, all of your waters with me have now been completely dried up. I repeat, all of your waters that you have been drinking from in me have now been fully dried up.
I have already confessed all of my sin of fornication to God the Farther and I have also vowed to Him that I will never, ever go back with Joseph ever again. You thus no longer have any more valid legal rights to stay attached to me.
I know the legal rights that you have been operating on with me have been feeding you over the time that you have all been in me. But this is now all over. There is now nothing left for you to feed on, to drink on, or to operate on with me. This show and this game that you have been trying to set up with me is now all over in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
3. Tear Down the Inner Kingdom of the Enemy
“Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, there is now one more thing that I have to do with each and everyone of you. I know that you have been trying to build up some kind of an inner kingdom on the inside of me during the time that you have all been in me. I know Joseph was probably into some kind of dark occult activity. But your day and your time with me is now all over. I repeat, your day and your time with me is now all over in the name of Jesus Christ.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit now moving against you, I now fully bind up the gatekeeper demon who has been controlling this gate into my body and soul. In the name of Jesus Christ, I now completely break down and tear down the gates that you have established on the inside of me. This gate is now being completely tore down, cut down, and demolished by the power of the Holy Spirit now moving against it.
Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit now coming against you, I now tear down all of your pillars, all of your walls, all of your bars, and the rest of your inner kingdom that you have built up on the inside of me. Your stronghold base, your fortress, and your inner kingdom that you have built up for yourselves on the inside of me has now been completely tore down, cut down, and demolished by the power of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Word of God tells us that God the Father has “broken the gates of bronze, and cut the bars of iron in two” (Psalm 107:15-16). God is now moving forward to completely break down and cut down all of your bars and all of your gates that you had put up on the inside of me. You no longer have a place, a fortress, or a kingdom in which to stay in with me. You now have nowhere else to go but OUT – OUT of me once and for all.
This kingdom, this show, and this game that you have been playing with me is now all over. You must now all go and leave me – and you are to never, ever come back on me ever again.”
4. Bind the Lesser Demons to Chief Demon and Cast Them All Out as One Spirit
a) “Demons, in the name of Jesus Christ, you are now all at the end of your rope with me. All of your legal rights have been fully broken by God the Father. You now have nothing else left to hold onto. Your waters have been fully dried up and your inner kingdom has now been completely destroyed and obliterated by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Demons, you now have nowhere else to go but OUT of me. I repeat, in the name of Jesus Christ, you now have nowhere else to go but OUT of me.
b) Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now come against every single demon who is attached to me, whether it be on the inside of me or on the outside of me. I now bind up every single, lesser, underling demon to the head chief demon, who has been running this entire show from the very beginning with me. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, all of these demons are now fully bound up under the head, chief demon – all under Your might and Your power.
Father, if by chance there is more than one group of demons on the inside of me, with each group having their own head chief demon and their own stronghold area they have been working on in me, I now bind up all of these groups together as one spirit. They are all now joined together and bound together by the power of the Holy Spirit.
c) To the head chief demon who has been running this entire show on the inside of me, I now come directly against you in the name of Jesus Christ. I repeat, I now come directly against you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
All of the lesser underling demons are now fully bound up directly to you. I am now going to command all of you to come out of me and leave me as one spirit and when I do, you will all leave me quietly and without any type of commotion or disturbance. When you leave, and you will be leaving, you will not hurt me or anyone else who is in this house. In the name of Jesus Christ, you will not manifest in any way, shape, or form as you are being cast out of me.
Demons, in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit now coming against you, I now command each and every one of you to come out of me RIGHT NOW – and you are to leave me, and you are to never, ever come back on me ever again!
GO NOW in the name of Jesus Christ and do not ever come back on me or in this household ever again. Your assignment with me from Satan is now fully over. I repeat, your assignment with me is now fully over in the name of Jesus Christ. You now have nothing else left to hold onto with me. This show is now over – end of discussion!
d) Demons, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has already fully destroyed all of your evil works at the cross. Jesus Christ has already fully disarmed all of your principalities and powers, making a complete public spectacle of all of them and totally triumphing over all of them. My Lord and Savior has already delivered all of us from the powers of darkness, which is all of you.
Demons, the Word of God tells us that every single knee shall bow to Jesus Christ and fully confess that He is truly Lord over all. The Word of God tells us that even those who are underneath the earth shall bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. And demons, those who are underneath the earth are all of you.
As such, each and everyone of you has to now fully bow and fully confess that Jesus Christ is truly Lord over all. As a result, you are no match whatsoever for His power, which is now coming directly against you to drive all of you out of me once and for all. Colossians 2:9 tells us that in Jesus Christ dwells all of the fullness of the Godhead bodily, that I am fully complete in Him, and that He is the head of all principality and power.
Jesus Christ is truly King of kings and Lord of lords and you were all totally defeated by Him at the cross. As such, you no longer have any more sway, any more power, or any more legal rights over me. This captive is now being set fully free by her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and there is now nothing more any of you can do about it.
e) Demons, the full fury and the full wrath of God the Father is now coming against each and everyone of you. You are to release me RIGHT NOW in the name of Jesus Christ. You are to leave me RIGHT NOW as one spirit and you are not to harm a hair on my head as you are leaving me.
God the Father is now raining down heaping coals of fire on each and everyone of you. He has now had enough of this show, and by the power of His Holy Spirit, He is now moving against each and every one of you, now fully driving all of you out of me – never, ever to return to me again.
f) I now plead the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against each and every one of you. I repeat, I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ against each and everyone of you so that you are all COMPLETELY WASHED OUT OF ME AND COMPLETELY CAST OUT OF ME – never, ever to return to me again. By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, I now break all of your holds and all of your evil grip on me. Demons, LOOSE ME RIGHT NOW, in the name of Jesus Christ.
g) Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now ask that You loose your battle angels against all of these demons who have been holding me captive all of this time. Father, allow Your holy battle angels to now move forward and strike and smite these demons with full force. Father, I ask that You reign down heaping coals of fire on every single one of these demons. Father, strike these demons right now with Your full fury and Your full wrath.
h) Demons, every single one of you are to come out of me RIGHT NOW in the name of Jesus Christ. And as you are leaving me, you are not to manifest or hurt me in any way, shape, or form. You are to leave me quietly, without any type of commotion or disturbance. GO NOW in the name of Jesus Christ. I repeat, GO NOW in the name of Jesus Christ and do not ever come back on me ever again, and do not attempt to try and send any other evil spirits my way from this moment on.
i) Father, I now ask that You pour out the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ over every inch of my body, over every inch of my soul, and over every inch of my spirit so I am fully protected from this moment on from any demonic spirits who may want to try and come back against me.
Father, I now ask that from this moment on that You give me perfect physical and spiritual protection from these demons and make sure they never, ever come back on me – ever again. Father, let the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ perfectly seal and perfectly protect me from any further attacks from these demons ever again.
j) Father, I now ask that You allow Your Holy Spirit to release from my spirit and allow Him to fill up into my soul so that I can now become truly Spirit-filled, so the Holy Spirit can now fully protect my soul from ever being attacked by these demons ever again. Let me receive the baptism of Your Holy Spirit up into my soul so I can now become that much closer to You in my own personal walk with You.
k) Father, if there is any part of my soul that has been fragmented as a result of these demons being on the inside of me for as long as they have, I now ask that You put these fragments back into my soul in perfect order so my soul can now become fully restored and fully healed.
m) Father, thank You for this victory. Thank You for caring enough about me to get me fully delivered from these demons.
Father – to You, to Your Son Jesus, and to Your Holy Spirit – to all of You be all of the glory, praise, and honor for this incredible victory and this incredible deliverance.
Father, I will never, ever forget what I have witnessed today. I have seen Your love, Your mercy, Your glory, and Your power come against these demons to set me fully free, once and for all. Father, again, thank You so much for caring and setting me fully free today from these demons.”
Specific Things to Note in The Battle Prayer
Since many people would be afraid to try and directly engage with their demons, please note the following that was put into the actual battle prayer itself. If you add these additional steps into the battle prayer itself, you will severely weaken the demons and take away any ability they may have to try and attack you direct once you start up the deliverance.
So people would not be afraid to try and do this on their own, I put these extra steps into the actual battle prayer itself so you will be fully protected from the demons once you start up the actual deliverance.
- Put on the full armor of God
- Ask God to station His battle angels all around you
- Plead the Blood of Jesus on your body, soul, spirit, and on some of your personal possessions for God’s protection
- Put up the Lord’s Shield of Faith between you and the demons so the demons cannot get to you with any type of physical attack
- You will bind up all of the demons so they cannot move to attack you in any way, shape, or form
- You will tell the demons they are to stand down and that they are not to attempt any type of manifestations or attacks directly against you once you start up the actual deliverance
- You will completely cut and sever any lifelines and connecting cords from the demons who are on the inside of you to any demons who might be on the outside of you, as many times the demons who are on the inside will be taking direct orders from higher-ranking spirits who will be on the outside of your body
- You will also be commanding any other demons who might be hovering around the inside of the room, but who will be on the outside of your body, to leave the room and not to come back, so they will not be able to help the demons in any way who are on the inside of you
- The last thing you will need to do is totally shut off all of the communication lines between each of the demons who are on the inside of you so they cannot try to communicate with one another once the deliverance starts up – especially any communication that could occur between the chief demon and all of the underlings who will be under his direct control and authority
What Had Occurred During and After the Deliverance
Here are some of the things that had occurred either before, during, or right after the deliverance had taken place.
1. When this woman first did the battle prayer, she did it 3 or 4 times, but nothing had happened. She then told us that she still had a few children in the house when she was trying to do it and thus could not get a good “crack” at them.
She then wrote us back stating that the next time she would do it, she would make sure that all of her children were out of the house and she would be totally alone when doing it.
2. That day finally came. She said when she started to go into the battle prayer, she felt the power and the authority of the Holy Spirit rise up in her. She said she got about half-way through the prayer, when all of a sudden she felt all of them start to come right out of her.
When the demons started coming out of her, they went flying right out through the bedroom windows. When they went through the bedroom windows, she then heard a loud explosion as they were leaving. I believe God was allowing her to hear this kind of a manifestation as they were leaving so she knew they had really left her for good.
3. After all of the demons were completely expelled out of her, she said she felt like her old self again. She said the demons had hardened her heart over the years, and when they left, she was able to feel her heart once again and that all of the hardness around it was now gone.
She also told us that when she said the battle prayer the last time, that she said it with “all of her heart and with great passion, like it it was a life or death situation.” Those were her exact words to me in an email. There was no doubt that what helped her with this deliverance was her willingness, determination, courage, and resolve to get these demons out of her for good. When she initially contacted us, she was absolutely fed up with having them in her for as long as they had been in there.
Also, many of the times the demons will reside in the stomach area of a person once they move in to set up shop. And that is exactly what they did with her. That was why she had always felt them moving around in her stomach area.
4. Shortly after she was delivered, she said a few of them came back “trying to steal her deliverance from her.” They were trying to tell her they were still on the inside of her, but she knew they were out due to the difference she now felt on the inside of her.
At that point, I told her to verbally engage with them, telling them to now leave her in the name of Jesus Christ. She did this and they finally left her for good and they have not been back since. And all of this took place about a year ago.
As we have said before, when you read of demonic testimonies like this, it is very hard for many believe. But as we have showed you from all of the verses in the Bible on this subject, demons are real and sometimes they do enter into people’s bodies. And when they do, that person will then need a full scale deliverance.
If any of you are battling the same thing as this woman had been for 10 years, do not be afraid to try and either have the appropriate deliverance minister deliver you, or try and do it for yourself as this courageous woman did.
God is no respecter of persons. We all have the same Holy Spirit on the inside of us. And God will move to help anyone out in this area if they will just approach Him in good heartfelt prayer and ask for His direct help.
The above steps will give you a good outline to start with. You can then decide whether or not you want to shorten up the above battle prayer or use it close to how we have it. Again, when dealing with this kind of heavier inside case, we wanted to draw up a heavier and a bit longer type of battle prayer so we could cover all of our bases on this. Sometimes you can use a much shorter version. I would just be led by the Holy Spirit as to how He will want you to do it.
But in this case, this woman did not have to go all the way through the battle prayer. She said she was about half-way through it when all of a sudden she felt them all started to come out of her. My best guess is they knew what was in the rest of the battle prayer since she was reading it out loud from a piece of paper, and the Holy Spirit then moved ahead of time to finally blow all of them out of her once and for all.
We want to personally thank this woman for allowing us to use her testimony for this article, as it will give everyone a very good example of how this kind of battle strategy can actually work in a real, live, deliverance situation.
Hello,really like your website and have written up my own battle pray from your teachings thank you so much.Have been in deep pray for many days and finding it a huge battle.I have had many horrible things happen to me in my life been abused by my father had drug additions etc many of my own sins and a huge generational curse has been in my life.A few years ago I spoke to my pastor and told him I was basically suicidal due to my heavy past and he told me straight I can kill myself and he would be over me in 30days.I have not been able to go to any church since and he will not admit his behaviour was wrong.His words just intensified my low self esteem and it has been a real battle for me over the years.I would just forget him but I cannot because God showed me him in a vision when I was a small girl he was a different man in the vision than he currently is.I pray for him everyday and secretly give to him and his family.I know Jesus would never speak to someone the way he spoke to me it is very hard to get over aswell as other things in my past.wondering if you have any helpful words for me.My husband and I are praying these battle prayers everyday alot each day and your site has helped us with alot of information.I cannot give up on this pastor as I have said but it is so hard to deal with his pharasy behaviour towards me .He will not have any contact with me or my family again until we go back to church any thoughts would be very appreciated thanks again for your very insightful website……maggie new zealand
It’s horrible I know, but sometimes you have to fight to save yourself when it seems that no one cares about you; and a hard fight it is. I can truly relate, seeking help in a place one would assume they could get help and they dismiss you; and you feel like your in this dark place alone; but that doesn’t mean God and Jesus will. When you are seeking deliverance, some people will try to convince you that God and Jesus doesn’t care about you or that you don’t belong to THEM; don’t believe that lie, even when your emotions are trying to tell you as well. You may not see it or believe it, but God and Jesus are there to help you! Take care!
Hello,have written up my own battle pray off your awesome teachings thank you so much.Went to my pastor a few years ago for guidance as was suicidal due to an extremly hard upbringing. He told me straight I could kill myself and he would be over me in 30 days.His words only added to my pain.Pray for him alot and secretly give to him.Tormented by his words .I try to forget him but canot as I have seen him in a vision when I was a small child he was a different man than he currently is.Cannot go back to church and he is not sorry for his behaviour any thoughts would be appreciated.maggie
ok fellas… again, you go on and on and on and on. first of all if you or someone else is truly inhabited even part time by a demon, the one sure thing there not going to do is think of a deliverence. they dont know. the nonsense about legal rights is just that…nonsense. this is a spirit, they have no time. no rules no laws. nothing legal binds them to anyone. longevity is the key here. the longer they reside, the stronger the hold. the warrior stands in intersession to relay the scripture. etc etc. if and when you can get it to manifest, thats when the true deliverence occurs. its the only time the human cant move. unless you tie them up..thats just out of the question. oh yea or unless there almost dead from some disaster..and then its too late. demons already gone to another assignment
Read the book of Job because you are incorrect.
Sin and Unforgiveness and any traits like pride, hatred or whatever gives them Legal Rights. ….If a person is not willing to change the demons will stay because they are the root of certain behavior or sin. A person has to humble themselves to the will of God and want to change. Its by the power of the Holy Spirit that they are compelled to leave, we have no power to make them leave. We just pray in faith and God does the real work, not us. God’s Spirit sees All and knows the intent of the person, thats why some people get free and others dont.
Run baby run!
Simple question … do you feel loved by this man?
No … of course not.
If a minister shows no love or compassion and is cruel go find someone with the love of Christ manifested in their life.
R U N, forgive, pray for him, and don’t look back.
Wow I am so glad that I found this webpage!! The battle prayer and the testimony was awesome !!! The power of God just gets me so excited I know that all the wisdom you have to offer will impact my marriage and I greatly !!
May I ask a question? I thought that once saved, if truly saved, then Holy Spirit alone can reside within. He doesn’t dwell in what, upon salvation, becomes His Holy Temple and then share that space with evil.
You are erring, not knowing the Word of God! Demons are intrusive, proud, disobedient and cursed spirits. Which means they are lawless. Only full surrender to the Lord gets them out of people. Partial obedience to the Lord doesn’t help either. They are spirit beings and recognize when the Lord is in full control of an individual. If not, they are free to carry out their lawless deeds on a person. Don’t be deceived, dabbling with sin(s) will give them legal right to you even if you claim you are a Christian. The only way out is staying close to the Shepherd.Jesus Christ!!
Just finished my MA in ministry with a large focus on deliverance. We are made in God’s image of three parts, soul, body, spirit. The demonic infiltration occurs and is attached to your body (flesh) but cannot infiltrate you’re spirit where the Holy Spirit dwells if you are born again. As a part of my degree I went through deliverance with a deliverance minister. Yes, this is real. I experienced it first hand and I’m in ministry.
Maggie , STOP Going to that church! Find a church where they treat you with love! You have the power inside you to resist evil. so FAITH ARISE within you Maggie and take yourself To another church. Ask God to show you the way. God Bless you and keep you his. peace he leaves us his peace he gives us. He say’s many times throughout the bible “don’t worry”. You only need 1 person to pray with you. Where 2 or more are gathered god is in the midst. But you can pray and god will hear and deliver you.
Hi im glad that i got hold of this wappage,an heart opener for me as an pastor myself starting with the spirit of jezebel thank u so much
Thanks and glory be to god for using all of you.
For bringing this to light and open in the air.
May this website continue to be a beacon of light to all believer and unbelievers in the name if Jesus Christ our Savior X
Thanks be to God almighty for the inspiration he had given to the owner of this website for bringing into light the secret of the devil and his agents, and the way out of their bondage through self deliverance prayer.I think it is a good materials for christian homes, family, and churches. So, I bless the name of the lord on your behalf God bless you.
Thank you for this prayer , I said this prayer this morning at 9:19 and stuff started to happened . I started to vomit , spit up cold etc I had a black bag with me so everything was going in that black bag . Half way through I started to feel weak cause I know they were leaving I called on GOD to give me the strength to finish this prayer , going through the end I felt weightless like a big weight has been lifted off of me . I threw away the black bag and proceeded to take a shower in the mist of me showering I saw a battle I saw God Angels fighting these Demons in a valley , the Commanders of God’s Army was looking down on this fight , and what stood out was the numbers of these Demons a whole legion and on God’s Army side, the Battle Angels were so many the eye couldn’t see so far and just like those battle movies Gods Army advance and started attacking . I saw Demons fleeing , hiding , begging for mercy and the Angels were just cutting in pieces I say this is MY GOD AND THIS IS HIS ARMY , THE POWER OF MY GOD HAS GIVEN ME THE ABILITY TO SEE THIS. I am still a bit drained but I rejoice I am now filling my spirit with songs of praise and worship . THANK YOU FOR THIS PRAYER GOD VICTORY IS FOREVER AND FOREVER
Thank God for this wonderful website, I am so blessed to have discovered it and it gives me true enlightenment. I have seen deliverances where demons do xall for assistance from their head demons and the surrounding demons. Every single step described is powerful and is the proper and best way to real deliverance. May God continue to use you, the writer and use these important instructions to “self deliverance ” many countless people who are under any demonic bondage of any sort in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen
Hi all of you glorious people !!! who im bound to love more than myself . For im sincerly sorry for all of you who come across this pagr that are constanly bothered by the evil one his angel (apologies for my spelling ,hehe i have a malfunction in my autocorrect.) For im writing to you so that you might find more clearly tgr understanding of the truth and also that you might find peace in my words. This page can be used template .but template only .for praying from someone elses words is rendered completey useless for theyy do not come from your own heart. Remember the Relationship between u and the father is personal . Your all his children . The main thing that you should know is that the devil likes to manipulate ypu into thinking that your not delivered ,for he is truly the father of all lies. And please …do not do a self-deliverence constantly for that will show the enemy your doubt and lack in fath. No need to follow any complex writings or pages to get saved. For all it takes is a deep personal prayer between you and the father . NO NOT say your sins out loud. Thats why Yeshua /Jesus thought hes disciples the “Lords prayer” . Which should be prayed 3 times a day . And thats all you need . For the satan can plant thoughts feeling etc. But he cant read your mind God denied him that authority. So if you expose every sin one for one .then your literally telling the enemy all your weakness and sins . Our farher Abba Yahweh!! Knows every word that your going to say before u even pray. And he knows all your needs and pain and hurts . So pray this 3 times a day .(might take a while to make it a habbit)
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us our daily needful bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one: For thine is the glory and power forever and ever. Amen.
And then you are delivered . Do not let the devil fool you into thinking your not . With your personal relationship with father ask him ,and if you believe that it will be given to you . Then ita surely yours . Do not attempt to rebuke the Satan himself for he knows the true words of God better than amyone else . So just pray and
Ask GOD to rebuke him in Christs name. And it will be done . GOD bless you all for your pure at heart and couregous . AND as one of you ,remember your the light of this earth and demon should be scared of you . Love you all. Your truly blessed
Please change your description of the Lord’s Prayer it is on earth not in earth you live on earth not in earth that is the Mandela effect and please let everyone you know understand this
Im sorry but me and my wife have been saying that prayer for 6 years now and my wife is being attacked with blasphemous thoughts against God and she hates it so bad that its killing her. I have tried everything and even pleaded with God. but nothing is working. her thoughts are constant and she can’t cope. I haven’t tried a deliverance yet and I know it will work.
Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. (Matthew 18:19)
Dear Lord Jesus, we come together here agree on the healing you have granted for Sal Venezia’s wife. In your name Jesus, we come together to rebuke the demonic spirits out of her mind, heart and body. In the name of Jesus, we cast these demonic spirits back to hell where they belong. In Jesus name, it is DONE! Jesus, we thank you and praise you for your are the KING of kings and LORD of lords and you are inside of us and is greater than anything else. We believe in you. In Jesus name we pray, AMEN.
P.S: please say a prayer for me if it’s ok, because I’m going through a deliverance process myself and needed prayer as well.
Thank u for the website. i am so glad to land on this. Iam actually going through the same experience. Have demons inside my ear for 10 years now. Have moved to different churches but all in vain. Was just tired of myself. But since i have got the steps to self deliverance, i am going to start it immediately.
God bless you.
You can also go on fasting and study more of God’s word as this will suppress their power and be driven out. But most importantly maintain a holy lifestyle and give no room to them. Let the Holy Spirit lead you.
Excellent prayer that helped me in my deliverance, thank you. The Holy Spirit is now fully in control of me. I praise God that He directed me to this prayer and that i was able to get complete deliverance.
Continue the good work.
There isn’t sufficient Scripture on which to base such a fully fleshed out “legal rights” doctrine. I am going to assume this falls under the same category as “soul ties”, “generational curses”, and other such teachings that are usually founded on a misapplication of a single verse.
Self-Deliverance does work I am praying following the guide & I can testify here that Self-Deliverance Prayer does work. You must be determine to show the demon/s legion that you mean a total break with your sinful past & the demon/s will relent & leave you. Thank God for this platform & site God bless you all frm brother Lee.
I thank God for opening my eyes n mind to come across this wonderful website. I ask God to give the grace n release his Holy Spirit to grant me full armor of God during this deliverance period.
How do I get this battle deliverance prayer, or do I copy the one the woman used. Please I need help for my wife is being attacked.
Hello, I know that I have spirits within me and my body that have been attacking me for years. As far as breaking the soul ties do you recommend saying each individual persons name along with the deliverance prayer.
And what about fasting.
Thank you so much! I have been suffering for 6 months, and no one could tell me the exact solution, finally I discovered this article. I have fasted for many times, but couldn’t cast them out. I hope I can receive more guidance for my deliverance from your ministry. God bless you.
I will try self deliverance too because I have gone to many churches but deliverance failed. Thank you for the blowing testimony.
Thanks so much for this article. I have been going through a a lot of demonic oppression for about the same period of time. I would really need help and also as I start to put this into practice
Thank you very much. I will like to makeup my own battle prayer from the above experience.