In part 2, I discussed The Ways in Which the Jezebel Spirit Will Operate. In the first part, I explained what is a Jezebel spirit

In this final part I’ll tell you how to handle a Jezebel Spirit.

How to Handle a Jezebel Spirit

1.  If you ever come across a person who has this kind of evil spirit on them, and this person is working close with you to some degree, whether it be at the church you attend, the church you work for, your place of employment, or if by chance it be with your very own spouse, the very first thing you must do is go direct to God the Father in prayer and get His direct advice and strategy on how to deal with this thing.

As we said above, in many of these types of cases, the person who is carrying this kind of evil spirit will have no idea they are actually carrying it. By the time you meet them, they may be so full of pride, they will never admit that they could have this kind of evil spirit operating in them in the first place.

If that is the case, then you will have to have God deal directly with that person and pray that He supernaturally show them that they really do have this kind of evil spirit operating on the inside of them.

Until this spirit is fully exposed to the person who has it, and this person is then ready to receive a full deliverance from the Lord, there will be nothing you can really do about it but continue to pray to the Lord that He show this person what the real truth is.

But if God does fully expose this kind of evil spirit to the person who has it, and the person is then ready to be delivered from it, you can then do the deliverance like we have shown you in the other articles in the Spiritual Warfare Section of our site.

You first will need to get good, detailed information on their past, and then find out what the legal rights are that allowed this spirit to enter into them in the first place. And then once you find out what those legal rights are, then get them properly taken care of and fully broken with God the Father.

Then once all of the legal rights have been fully taken care of and broken with God the Father, then move to bind all of the underling demons to the chief Jezebel demon, and then from there, proceed to cast all of them out of the person as one spirit.

For a full, detailed explanation on how to deliver someone from demons, please refer to our three main articles titled:

  1. Dealing With the Legal Rights of Demons
  2. Deliverance System For Casting Out Demons on the Inside of a Person
  3. How to do a Self-Deliverance

Each of these articles will show you how to set someone up for a true deliverance from the Lord.

2.  If by chance this person is not open to receiving any kind of deliverance and they are causing major trouble, strife, and dissension in a church, prayer group, or Bible study class, you may have to ask this person to leave so this evil spirit does not continue to attack the other people who are in the same environment with this person.

If you do not ask this person to leave, this spirit will set up shop right in the middle of your church or prayer group, and from there, it will start attacking everyone, trying to cause as much strife, dissension, and chaos as it possibly can. You cannot give any ground to this kind of evil spirit. If you do, it could end up eventually taking down your entire church, prayer group, or Bible study class.

3.  If this kind of spirit has infiltrated your work place, the supervisors will need to take charge and let this person go. Again, if they do not, this spirit could end up causing mass mutiny and disloyalty, along with seriously affecting the productivity of your entire work force.

This spirit and the person who is carrying it are toxic, and they will infect and contaminate every person they come into major contact with, as this kind of spirit is an attack dog and will viciously attack anyone who will get too close to it.

4.  If your spouse is carrying this kind of evil spirit on them, again, you will need to go direct to God the Father and get His specific instructions on how to deal with this if your spouse is not open to admitting they have this kind of evil spirit on them. God hates divorce, but at the same time He is not going to allow this kind of evil spirit to run rampant and unchecked in a family environment.

As we have showed you in our article titled, “Battle Verses of the Bible,” our God is a powerful Man of War and He will go to war for you and fight this kind of evil spirit if you will just pray for Him to do it for you.


As we said at the top of this article, the Jezebel spirit is without question, one of the most evil and vile spirits you will ever come across in this life. This thing is nothing but pure evil and hate, and all it wants to do is attack and kill everything in its sight.

This spirit has been attacking mankind ever since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden. And until Jesus comes back to set up His Millennium Kingdom and throws Satan and all of his demons into the bottomless pit, we are all going to be stuck with this kind of evil spirit being allowed to roam in the air seeking who it is going to try and attack and devour next.

And if by chance this kind of spirit ever comes into your neck of the woods, go directly to God the Father and get His immediate advice on what you should do and exactly how you should handle this kind of extreme situation.

Again, you cannot give any ground to this kind of evil spirit. If you do, it will establish a stronghold base within your environment and from there, it will launch major attacks on both you and anyone else that is in this environment.

This evil spirit must be resisted right at the outset if at all possible. If it is not, it can eventually end up destroying the entire environment it is working in, whether it be a family, church, prayer group, Bible study class, or an actual company or corporation.

Table of Contents:
1. What is Jezebel Spirit
2. The Ways in Which the Jezebel Spirit Will Operate
3. How to Handle a Jezebel Spirit

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  1. I had a jezebel spirit attached to me. I didn’t know it. It destroyed me and annilated my life and everyone else’s around me. I will never forget the feeling and fight for my soul. I got down on my knees and prayed to God who I didn’t even know at the time to please help me! I went crazy in my mind, endured sooo much pain! But by the grace of God I was saved and the evil spirit finally released! When this happens it is no joke and it is REAL! I have ran into it in others! It has tried to get me again through others. But I seem to recognize it now. I have tried to help others when I know they have it, but usually I have to tell them or the spirit that they must leave. Which they do. I got married last august and I think my husband has one attached to him, he doesn’t know, but I do! I am trying to save him and I will not give in to it! Not ever! I love God! He and his son Jesus Christ is my savior! After what I went through for my soul to be saved that will never ever change!

    1. I was aware of that demon in my twenties, and made sure I stayed far away from it, at the age of 39 it came at me in a whole different direction and form. And destroyed my life took me down to literally nothing. I even started having thoughts that I’ve never had in my life. This demon is out to seek and destroy everyone around you like a domino effect. This spiritual Demon is very powerful , Everyone has to be well prepared for this battle with prayer, obedience to Gods word and Bible knowledge, I have also learned to truly forgive people , because what ever any person have done wrong, l truly believe that a demon was present and we sometimes are not aware that a evil demon is present, thats how powerful these things are. They will make right feel wrong ,and wrong feel right .This is a great article with lots of Truth

        1. Their bold so the will take a human form and have actual conversation with other members to poch them. Basically asking hey wanna ne friends with me (No!) I think they get scared they transfer by touch. And right now I have a Jezabel spirit, i prayed against becuz i knew what it was. But then she disguise herself as an Ahab. She made an altar in dream world (spirit realm) so how am suppose to find that.

    2. @Vanessa Heath, hi Vanessa I need your help I think I have that same spirit on me can you tell me how you prayed and asked God to get rid of this spirit so I can live a blessed life I hope you can reach out to me soon?

  2. Please can whoever wrote this help me.I am at my end. My husband is under this spirit. He is cheating on me and lying all the time. I have proof he is cheating and then he will stop and then after 3 weeks he has gone back to doing the same deceptive things., I think he never stopped seeing the person at all. it leaves me depressed and just want to give up, He is controlling and plays many mind games. He never will admit or get help. I pray over and over again to God. Why id God is so powerful can he not break this spirit in my husband. I just want my husband to stop lying and being deceptive. I hate divorce never wanted to get one but I have two babies 2years an 1 year and I cant let this destroy them too. Please can someone help me.I feel like all my strength to fight is gone and that im stuck. I know if I leave im letting this spirit win and I want to save my marriage… Please can you help me?

    1. From my own experiences, the only real, lasting help is Jesus Christ! He is amazing and almighty. You do not have to struggle with finding awsers or plans, just focus on Jesus. Focus on the Cross. Focus on His body that was broken for your wholeness and compete health and prosperity! I was posessed by this spirit and i have destroyed many and i was unaware. But Jesus delivered me even without me asking for it! Thats how unconditional His love is. I dont know u but tonight I pray for u and your husband.

      1. Tania if you were delivered from this Spirit how can I help my ex partner who has this spirit?

        I still love him but I know he is under Jezabel. I pray God will bring him back as a born again Christian and I pray for this almost every day and I pray for him to be freed. Is there anything else that I should do? Should I write to him and informed him about Jezabel spirit? He does not want to even listed about Jesus? He says he believes in God but he then adds that whether his name is Jahwe or Allah it does not make a difference for him.

        I broke a contact with him as I feel this spirit drains me and each time when I was giving him a chance of a benefit of doubt he would stub me on my back. He also did not control his words that hurt me deeply on many occasions and claimed that sometimes he did not say them! I found our that we was leading double if not triple life and he would become aggressive towards me if each time I would catch him on a lie.

        Recently I have been contacted with another women and it turned out that he was meeting with her, had a second women with whom he kept intimate contact over the internet including private pictures and at the same time planning a wedding and family with me. The breakup was very bad and only recently I have realized with what I was dealing with…He was living in a lie and manipulating all of us yet he would be such a charming and lovely person that it was so easy to forget every wrongdoing until being stub in a back again and again….

        I have realized that he was not only like that with me but with his previous relationships as well. I do feel sorry for him as i know that deep down he is a good person. On one side i do love him but I cannot live with Jezabel and I want him freed even just for himself whether God will bring us together or not as he destroys his life being under Jezabel influence.

    2. Yo i went to jail for a woman like that. I lost everything and I got back more, I’m free! Find a place and take ur babies.. I can do this. It’s not over. It’s just the beginning

    3. I had read a book during my ex-husband’s affairs that I wished I had followed. It’s called Love Must be Tough by Dr. James Dobson. I believe that my knee jerk reaction of trying to be even more loving and giving even more sex just ended up being detrimental to me. I ended up divorced anyway and had to have a hysterectomy to prevent cervical cancer from growing due to the std I got from my ex. You notice the author lists some tough love approaches for dealing with the evil spirit in other situations. This situation most likely requires some degree of tough love as well. I feel firm boundaries are necessary here. If he can feel good being deceitful, what motive is there for him to fight this spirit? Consequences and boundaries on the other hand may make him think twice…

    4. Just keep praying and don’t give up , show you surport him (just like the movie war room ) God wil open his eyes , God is a God of power and he wil not dissapont you . Take him to church and anoint him also against any evil
      Just keep on praying

    5. Bristol, I trust God has guided you to your salvation. Please know you are loved by Him and that He will fight your battles for you if you let Him. His “shaking” you, through your current challenges, is His way of bringing you closer to Him. As far as the technicalities of how to handle your situation in this thing called “life”, remember the psalm that says in all ways and in all things, devote them to God and He will make your paths straight. He loves us so much that He lets us choose our path; all we have to do is devote it to Hin. <3

    6. Read Matthew 17:20-21

      20 He said to them, “Because of your unbelief. For most certainly I tell you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
      21 But this kind doesn’t go out except by prayer and fasting

      Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

      Mark 11:22 “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.

    7. @bristol,

      I lift your husband up to God, as he knows his needs the most. Right now, there are many needs in your family, and not one of them is unknown to God. I praise God and acknowledge his righteousness in your courage to intercede for your husband. I ask that God would renew in you a steadfast spirit, while he works to redeem your husband. I rebuke this spirit of Jezebel off of tour husband and anything attached TO your husband, in the name of Jesus. I plead God would cover you with protection, wisdom, discernment, and right action-may he order your steps.

      God bless you

    8. @Seth Pierre,
      Lifting you up in the name of Jesus and rebuking this evil spirit off of you! I send it back to hell where it came from, IN JESUS NAME

    9. @bristol, hi there! My name is Tim I’m a Christian man I wanted to see if you’re still suffering that was a long time ago 2013 how are you now let me know if I can help you in any way I know how to deal with this Jezebel spirit she’s very aggressive you got to put her in her place in the name of the Lord I will show you how to do it this article that you’re on this guy shows you very well let me know if you need help and God bless you and your children shame on that husband of yours in Christ’s love Tim

    10. @bristol, You can’t stay with someone who had this Spirit. This Spirit is not of God, but of the devil. It will seek to destroy you and your children. You must leave. You cannot save him. Only God can save him if he is willing to truly repent and accept the Lord Jesus Chirst as his Savior. God would not want you to stay and be abused. Adultery is grounds for divorce and an unbelievering spouse. You must separate yourself first, then get out of the marriage.

  3. i finally got answers to my situation. 30 years of the same, of what you described in your article. many times thru out the years i have split up with the man that i love so dearly. this time i could see the demon, it was not my husband, at one point i asked who are you ? i told my honey, i dont what you got its big and he is a monster. the abuse,name calling the whole package was there. i couldnt understand why he couldnt see the destruction and desvatation he was compounding his family with. the day he treaten me, i said go ahead your monster can only get so close to me, i saw the demon was shackel in chains,like a pit bull on a short retractable leash. only way i know this i had gone to a spiritual consouler . i was walking in the spirit it got reveal to me. then days later i run across your web site to comfirm what i have been experecing. its true only GOD can get him demon free. i now gave everything i had with him to my children home,hot tub etc.. i have to start over leave the past behind. to seek the kingdom and the rest will be added to me. i truely belive between the two forces, fighting for us. i am sure glad jesus had me by the shrit tale,i stayed longer then i needed to be because of the lies and decite of empty promises. thank you for letting me share my story

  4. Thank you so much for this article. It explains everything so clearly. I am a pastor’s wife. When I first met my 27 yr old son’s girlfriend, the hair on my neck stood up. She was nice enough at the time. I tried to get to know her better, but she always kept me at arm’s length. I began to see things in her behavior towards others that really disturbed me. She has 2 small kids that I am concerned about. We are also raising 2 girls as well. I found myself arguing with her which was so unlike me. In the process, I was alienating my son as I just could not get along with her. This is so unlike me. I am able to get along with everyone. He kept telling me that I am making too much of things. But I see her underlying cruelty to her kids and to the girls that I am raising as well. It isn’t overt yet, but I feel as if it is just lying underneath the surface. The situation finally came to a head and to protect the girls, I told her to leave my house and that she was not welcome back. My husband wholeheartedly agrees with this decision. Unfortunately, my son is blinded by her and has broken ties with us. Until this article, I couldn’t understand my reaction to her. It describes her perfectly. Every point is a point describing her. I was beginning to second guess myself and even went so far as to apologize. In response, she has been sending me vile, vindictive, hateful texts which I refuse to respond to. This article has convinced me that removing her from our house is saving my girls, my husband, and I from her chaos. I am in constant prayer, that my son will see God’s light and she will be revealed to him as well. I do not know how to help him, but I do know that I have to keep the girls safe from her. I am praying for her children as well for I fear for their safety. I know with God’s certainty that they are in danger. But I do not know how to help them except by praying at this time. Thank you again for this article. It totally explains what we have experienced these last 6 months.

    1. This is EXACTLY what has happened to us! My 29 yr old son and my 5 yr old grandson have moved into her house and they are in a relationship. We have been manipulated and isolated and are no longer a part of their lives and my heart is breaking for my son and grandson. I pray everyday that the deceit is exposed.

  5. Cunning, baffling, powerful. To use an AA term. I was totally under this demons influence as I toiled to “be the best” get the promotions etc. no matter what it cost me! And it cost me one marriage and almost another if I hadn’t submitted to God and the Cross of Christ and the Shed blood of Jesus.
    I still battle with it at times,but it no longer rules my thoughts and attitudes.
    Its real, but God is MORE real and MORE powerful.

    1. Wow after reading all this I can tell you my mother in law most definitely has this spirit . I have witnessed so many times and have felt the evilness. I have even questioned my self to try to figure out am I really seeing this correctly . The photo information is so true , I have pictures of her over the years that show a different person . You can see the anger and hatred she feels for others . The character she portrays is so extremely heightened with overwhelming power . Over the years I saw her creative theatrical ability, it would be so overwhelming when we visited. I also would get caught in that feeling of wanting to be with her , then she would attack. .When I would stand up to it ,she was so good(and I mean so good at defusing it ) I never experienced or saw this kind of behaviour in anyone I met. My husband and I are Christians who have given our lives to the Lord. She now distances herself from us , refuses to come to our home ,we tried helping her by bringing her to church with us and our two girls , I could see when she came with us she was ver very uncomfortable . She has checked herself into a retirement home , when we come to visit she controls our coming and going . I believe now after reading this study , she is releasing havoc on those around her in this residence .she is the youngest on their , and takes great pleasure reminding everyone including us ,how she can come and go with her car, and they can’t . Thank you for this great information , the thief comes and destroys in darkness , We in light are so fortunate to see Him our Lord and Savior , only he can rescue these poor souls from bondage . Will pray for guidance and direction to save this poor lady in chains

  6. i have tried everything i can think of to convince my co-worker but to no avail. my supervisor and manager have the ahab spirit. that left me as the victim. so much as i love my work, i will have to leave and look for something else. i tried to speak to HR. this spirit is so cunning and deceptive i still cannot get substantial evidence to state my case. last time i spoke to HR she said please, help us help you. i dunno how. but i’m still praying…

  7. This is me again. I had written before about my son’s girlfriend having the Jezebel spirit. Since I last commented the drama continued to unfold. She created a huge issue with my son’s exgirlfriend who is the mother of his child. They accused her of child abuse and kept his 4 year old son for a solid month without letting her talk or see him. At the same time, they also kept us away with the excuse of the boy needing less stress in his life. Finally the issue was brought to court and my grandson’s mother received him back with my son having visitation. Something good did come from it as they both have to take parenting classes. I have tried to keep in contact with my son by phone calls and texting which he barely responded to. Yesterday, my son informed me that he had gotten married to this woman. I tried to be encouraging, but did tell him how hurt his father and I was by not being invited. My husband being a pastor performed his brother’s wedding and we are so hurt that he wasn’t asked to perform this one. But maybe God was protecting us by not letting us have a part in his wedding. We feel so hopeless as we love our son and miss him so very much. In the meantime, we are struggling to see God’s hand in this and are praying constantly. Then last night an email came referring me back to this article. I have to let go and believe that God is in control. God does have a hold on our family. He will prevail. For those of you struggling with this issue of a Jezebel spirit, don’t lose hope. Follow God’s direction and the advice in this article. God will strengthen you and give you wisdom. He never fails. Continue praying and don’t lose hope. You may have to sacrifice for now, but God will pour out His blessings on you. Trust in Him.

    1. I know this is old, but after reading both of your response to this article regarding your son’s wife. I was inclined to respond. I would like to suggest since you are a pastor’s wife to look at the situation as a woman that might need help. How can you help her, perhaps God placed her in your family for a purpose maybe not to bring you something you might have anticipated from a daughter in law but rather for you to pray for her delivarance. I urge you and your husband to begin to pray for her and accept her with love. God bless

      1. Thank u for your reply. As of this time, the situation has gotten worse in some ways. We do pray for her, my son, and her children everyday. As of this time there is contact between us. A couple months ago, I went to watch My 6 yr old grandson play football. They stand in the end zone as they do not want any contact with the boy’s biological mother. After the game as I was leaving, I saw my daughter in law sitting on top of a woman punching her on the ground. I and a friend pulled my son away from the situation to try to calm him down. Then my daughter in law came running over to me and started screaming in my face. I did not say a word as I was afraid she would hit me. I just backed away and left. So as of this time there as been no further contact. I do pray for them everyday as there is nothing else we can do.

        1. Kristi, please don’t fall on satans strategies.
          If you know Jesus Christ personally, then you know that He gave you power and authority over all evil.
          Do you expect God to drive that demon out? If you do, then you might end up praying a long time without any results. God gave us dominion over Earth right, meaning it is our responsibility to deal with the stuff here on Earth and He helps us through the Holy Spirit. Actually God wants to work through us, God needs bodies to work through and He filled us with the Holy Spirit so He can work through us(of course this is for those who are baptized in the Holy Spirit)but it’s up on us how open we are and if we allow Him to use us or not.
          Please get up and stand strong in spiritual warfare, ask the Holy Spirit to help you, you forgot that God lives in you? You don’t have to be scared from satan, he has absolutely zero power when you walk in the authority of Jesus. If someone screams at your face you just shut that demon up in Jesus name, you bind it up, you don’t have to be scared from the demon. In order to walk in Jesus authority and power there has to be no gap for satan in you. Repent, ask God to bring up any sins that you don’t remember or are not conscious of, you need to know your Jesus very well and stay close to Him. Humbleness, humbleness, humbleness! Aks God to open your spiritual eyes and clean your heart from any unrighteousness, ask Him to take away from you anything that is not of Him. Sanctification.

          So don’t forget. It is your responsibility to cast out demons and step on satans face, show him where is his place, if you are child of God his place is definitely not in your life. Satan is a liar, he lies to you that there’s no hope, it’s so hard, that he is so powerful and dangerous, he will try to mess up with your head and make you fear, once you are caught up in fear the rest is much easier, he will throw you thoughts like oh it’s so hard, there is no way, some things are just meant to be, despair, what I am going to do… you are going to rebuke him and cast demons out that’s what you’re going to do. Things can be dangerous yes only if you give authority to satan, that’s why we need God soooo much every second, we need His wisdom.
          Stay encouraged my sister, God is on your side, when you have God you can do anything!
          Don’t judge the girl, see her through the eyes of Jesus. Can you imagine how much God loves her and that He died for her too, Jesus is suffering when He sees His creation going through stuff like that. You are dealing with the spirit not with her don’t forget that. I’m sure God wants you to help Him deliver that woman. Sometimes the people don’t want help they make their own choice, in that case you will ask God what do to, I am just sure of one thing, that God wants us to give others unconditional love and be humble all the timr, just be aware that doesn’t mean to be stupid and naive. Just stay persistent and seek God, ask wisdom and you will know what to do. And speak the Word of God out loud all the time, declare and decree, speak that you and your household will serve the Lord. Also every day when you start the day ask God to fill you up with the Holy Spirit and use you as His vessel, to work through you and to send you wherever you are needed, pray in tounges a lottttt.
          God bless you with peace, strength, wisdom, guidance by the Holy Spirit and I speak over you that you hear the voice of God and you are obedient to Him doing His will in Jesus name.

          Don’t compromise with satan, go on fast and prayer seeking God, clean spiritually yourself and your house first, after you can be used for much more.

          God’s blessings

          1. I thank God for using Adri to respond to Kristi’s post. as I read Kristi’s posts all that was going through me is the authority the Lord gave us in Luke 10:19 and Mark 16:17-18.
            I 100% agree with Adri’s advise and encouragement. Not only for Kristi but for all of us having contacts with the hosts of this Jezebel spirit.
            Satan and his cohorts have no power over us. We are the one that have the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and ALL the power of the enemy and NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS HURT US.

            May the Lord bless us as we continue declaring His word and using the authority He has given us on our walk on earth.

  8. base on the jezebel spirit and some of the stories i have read of wat problem people r experiencing’.its very flatering cause i myself had a very bad experience with my ex girl friend .who didnt only pull me down but was destroying my mind stressing me to the highest level.sometimes i got sick to my stomach.she is very controlling..honestly i did wat the prophet elijah did,ran away from her to another it was such a relief.i am doing alot better now.i reunited with my daughter and we both dedicated our life towards working for the lord.i was spiritual blinded by the jezebel spirit but the lord delivered i can see my way clearly.thank god.he never leave us wen we r in trouble.he alway show us an escape route.wen u see it run dont look back like lots wife.i did and now i am living a happy life.wat the enemy meant for bad god meant for good..i hope my story is helping some else that r trap by a jezebel spirit.dont gave up there is hope in jesus christ for u.amen .to god be the glory.

    1. I have been dealing with a woman for 2yrs with this spirit..she seemed to be caring and thoughtful .even planted the seeds in me to change my life and give it back to Christ. church and bible study etc..she’s even gotten baptized..of course im in love thinking God has sent this women ..throughout the relationship ive watched the spirit surface..controlling,manipulation and nothing i did was ever good enough.she plays the victim role in every dispute even when i know she was wrong..i continued to date her even made wedding’s the good soon as we saught pre marital counseling the demon refused to participate in the required assignments..found excuses and ran out on me..of course i was hurt and still question why..but these articles have helped me tremendously..i do love this woman.but im realizing that i have to allow God to work on her…the thing is she led me to Christ and i believe the lord has a great calling on my life for the Kingdom..and that spirit was trying to destroy me through her. to the point i.was not only doubting myself but at times doubting God ..pretty much this is a real spiritual war ..and until you realize that it will destroy you..but Glory be to God..what satan meant for bad..the Lord has made for my as of now..all the strife and heartache she caused me..its broken me to a point that the only one i can rely on is GREAT is that…Praise conclusion..if anyone is dealing with this and seek cant beat it any other way…ALSO OUR CHURCHES AND RELIGIOUS LEADERS NEED TO ADRESS THIS SPIRIT WITH MORE AGGRESSIVENESS..its evident that its attached to alot more people than you realize…GLORY BE TO GOD!!

    2. My 46 yr marriage is failing because Jezebel spirit. Me the husband see now how the moves of that vilest spirit would control me. She Jezebel has seen and used all me up and dumping me for what? I’m exhausted wrestling this spirit. This spirit hates me to the core. TY for tips. I have been reading for days. Fasting is a good edge over that spirit. I’m not ahab, my name is stanley.

  9. Yikes! Can a scheming group of Christian Jezebel spirits and co-enabling Ahabs accuse an innocent person of unwittingly harboring a Jezebel spirit?

    “Come out of her, Jezebel!”
    “What? You are the freaking Jezebel!”
    “Oh, yeah! Take this, WITCH! (jump her back, grab her platinum-dyed hair showing mousey-brown roots and ruin her Jezebel-thick mascara attempting to scratch her eyes out.)

    Co-enabling Ahabs: “Girls! Girls! In Jesus name, stop it!”

  10. My son is married to a woman with that spirit for 9 years now and I see that the spirit has moved into him now and it is after his assignment from God. 3 young children that she does not love everything i just read online i have been seeing. She hates my guts because I’m a prophet and avoids me at all cost. She even deceived the minister who was supposed to deal with this.
    She is in total denial of that spirit. Very unfaithful etc.
    How can they be delivered. What can I do to help them?

  11. I believe that my wife has the Jezebel spirit. We are separated 4 months and she has been nothing short of vile and hateful towards me, a complete 180 shift in personality. She would never submit to a deliverance or admit to any personal shortcomings.

    My question is this: can I bind and cast demons out of her through battle prayers even if she lives miles away?

    1. Yes, Jesus cast the semons out of a caananites daughter from miles away. Remember, in Matthew 15:21-28.

  12. Please how do you deal with someone who is now sick and now realises they have the jezebel spirit and they feel it is too late for them to repent but now they know they have been wrong.what can be done.

  13. This is for emmanuela
    It is never too late to repent and change! However that isn’t what a Jesabel spirit does! They may say the words but their actions repeat the same old behaviors! A fallen soul will! But there’s a big difference between the two! Pay attention to action not words or promises.

  14. hi

    thankyou so much for this info on the jezebel spirit. I’ve been dealing with this satanic spirit my whole life! I have a soft heart and I always seem to attract controlling abusive people who want to destroy me. only now have I asked the Lord to teach me how to fight this off and I was lead to this website. I have been studying psychotic behaviour from a psychological perspective and it is frightening to see how many similarities there are between people who are psychopaths and the jezebel spirit!

  15. I have read about this very strong spirit over and over again, just to be sure I am aware of what I’m dealing with. I hate to pin such a demonic spirit on anything or anyone, but the truth is the truth… and my son’s father is completely caught up with this demon. We haven’t been together for Over seven years and he is married now to a wife that believes all his lies and even assists him in his attacks against me and our son. This man is evil and has been doing everything in his power to take my son from me and destroy our lives completely. He told me he wanted me to suffer for walking away from him and not being obedient in the past! The past!! Yes, he said that, a married man!! Can we move on already. It’s very sad, and he has his family thinking he’s the victim while he perpetrates as a Christian every Sunday, but I know he’s no where near God’s light. I’m so glad my faith and hope are high in the Lord, because I know HE will fight my battles!!! I am so sick of this man, his wife, and his mother! He literally has all but one trait of the jezebel spirit, and I have been dealing with him long enough to know that he’s completely possessed. I will continue to pray for him but He’s destroying his son’s life and doesn’t even care!

  16. For Bob,

    No you cannot cast out demons in someone who is miles away. All of the demons cast out in Scripture were done with the people there. Yet God is more powerful than you so that’s where your hope should be. He can send a believer into anyone’s life to take care of evil, or He can do it himself. Believer’s are not necessary to break the power of the Devil. Once someone truly repents of major sins, demons will come out by the power of God alone. So pray for this to happen & ask other believers to join with you.

  17. You have to CLEANSE yourself from the demon BEFORE you worry about ANYone else spouses,loved ones etc. Submit YOURSELF to the Lord. The One True Living God of Elijah Solomon, David and Moses.

    As YOU get DELIVERED, those around you will. You will cleanse the atmosphere around you. It’s called ‘being the light of the world” Welcome to your mighty deliverance ministry. Your a M.O.P. ” Man of prayer” A Plecostomus ( the fish that cleans the filth for all the other fish to have a cleaner environment”

    FOCUS on yourself and let God be God and deal with the others. He will show you how to pray. Proverbs 16:32

    P.S. Fight back! Loose The TRIPLE 3 fold chords of Galatians 5:22 everytime a demon so much as makes a peep in your life to you or anyone else. Anything against the Word of God fully manifested in your life requires a layer of Galatians 5:22.
    Loose spirits of repentance on anyone used by demons to harm you. See how long they keep that up!

    1. Thank you so much for writing this.sorry of I make mistakes, English is not my first language. I have read so much on this topic and one thing that struck me is the amount of projection on all these websites. Soms people see Jezebel everywhere. I too was accused and People wanted to cleanse me and help me find the light. Why??? I was too quiet and quiet people hide things. I was too different, I dressed different from most. I was very good at logic reasoning and so called leaders don’ t like that. The accusations started and when I defended myself, they saw proof. If I ignored it, I was agreeing. Fast forward,I was damaged and needed a psychologist to fix me. Been in a depression for 8 months. I never became me again, lost my innocence and never felt true happiness again. I’ m ” better” now, but not the same. Keep in Mind that this world has a lot of different people. Different doesn’t make People a Jezebel.

      1. Hi Bella, I felt compassion for you when reading what you went through. What a sad state the church is in today. People running to and fro in a state of confusion trying to search out this one and that one for deliverance; when the Word of God clearly tells us that we have already been delivered from the kingdom of darkness and that we have been given power over all the enemy. Many of our problems stem from the receiving end or rather, lack of receiving the complete redemptive works of Jesus. The devil is a liar! Let God be true and every man a liar. We have the Holy Spirit as our inner witness to guide us into all truth. He does not condemn us; He is our helper. Bella, I don’t know where you are at right now. All I know is, that if you did confess the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, He will never let you go.

      2. Bella, those qualities don’t sound like a Jezebel spirit, QUIET, keeping things to yourself. People can be very cruel especially to cover what they don’t understand. I am guessing you intimidated them because you didn’t fit in with what they were use to seeing or having around them. Because THEY were intimidated by you they preceded to do the very thing they accused you of BULLIED YOU. The worst situation of all is to get a PACK OF JEZEBELS going after it’s prey. I am glad your better! YOU ARE LOVED by the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS CHRIST THE KING RETURNING SOON!! ♥️✝️♥️✝️♥️✝️

      3. Don’t confuse jezebel with people. No one here has a right to say that a human being is jezebel, although some seem to be unable to distinguish these two. Whether one choose to call it mental challenges or possession by the spirit world, in this case jezebel, is a matter of world view and different perception or beliefs. But no one ever has the right to call You jezebel, still they might conceive your mental challenges as a possession. In both cases, it brings trouble to the garden of a human fellowship. Who cares how you perceive it? The most important thing is to get well and rid of the entrapment, being mental or spiritual. This forum is based on a faith in Jehovah and the works of the Son.
        I find it to be helpful in the right hands, and destructive in the hands of short sighted people, in the same way physiological methods will be. But You were never a jezebel in any world, this or another. Only jezebel would be the entity called jezebel. Depression is depression, a mental lack of healthy balance, or sickness. Not the person. In the same way you will also always be You. May Jehovah bless you abundantly and protect you from people of little understanding, whether in spiritual or secular societies.

  18. I have a question I pray a lot with my spouse but he was very abusive physically now he is just a little bit verbally abusive & psychologically abusive. Every time we talk about prophets he gets really upset however he does join me in prayer to the Lord every now & then but when he is upset he does not.

    The Lord also shows me revelations in my dreams & when my husband read the bible he came across a verse in the book of Jeremiah about the false prophets & their dreams & he started saying I am a fake & my dreams are false.

    He almost tried to kill me in the past as the abuse was getting very bad….I always plea the blood of Christ when I pray & I pray at midnight hour.

    My question is does this spirit activate & de-activate? As my husband can be the sweetest person at time & also the most horrible person other times.

    1. Carroline,

      God doesn’t condone abuse ….EVER. If your husband has almost tried to kill you in the past , it is not God’s will that you stay together. All abuse is wrong and your husband needs help, he is dealing with some major attacks from the enemy. Continue to plead the blood of Christ over your situation and pray for him and remove yourself from that abusive situation. I pray that you read this message in time. Remember… You can do all things through Christ that strengthens you.

      With Love,


  19. This is truly spiritual warfare and we have the holy spirit inside of US.. because of Jesus he lives in us and we hold the power and have strength to defeat these battles because Jesus already has won the war!!!! Do Not be afraid, for light is much stronger than the dark and with Jesus we can conquer all….demons will have to flee. So fight and do not fear an pray for discernment, wisdom, and patience. Be grateful and show love and mercy to all, for that is the highest light.

  20. I recently cut off all ties with my boyfriend of over 2 years. He actually kicked me out of the house a while back, and loving him as I do, I tried to make it work even though he hurt me deeply . In the beginning I knew somehow he was a tortured soul and asked God to bring him to me , so I could help him and show him true love. It worked for a while. He was back to the man I fell in love with, he was healthy and his drug use had waned. And just like that he changed into someone evil that I didn’t know. Called me names, cheated right in front of me. Looked at me with eyes that were not his own and degraded me , verbally abused me and made me feel like less of a woman, ugly and useless. I need help to get this demon out of him. I know that God was hoping I could do it, but I think I just took on some of his demons for a while, and I did cast those out. But now he knows I know and can see right through him, and he wont let me back in. sometimes his guard is down and I see the person that I love, but just as quickly he is gone and the demon is there. His eyes one time were black with silver emanations emitting from them. I dont know what to do . I cant turn my back on him or God, but at the same time I can’t keep getting hurt this way. Idon’t know if I can stand anymore.

    1. I’m reading though these comments, so your a Christian Right? Not judging you, your worried about his soul his walk with God? Your boyfriend is using drugs,you said you was living with him in his house together your not married to him, get yourself right with God,

      1. Your response is absolutely correct; however, the love of Jesus does not come through. This woman is hurting and she is doing her best to seek God right now. Being demanding by telling her to get herself right is only going to push her away because she doesn’t see the love of Jesus coming through you. When I read your comment, the only thing I hear is a harsh response to a hurting woman’s cry for help. Please go before the Lord and ask Him to soften you before you respond to anyone else and cause further damage.

    2. I can so relate to where you are in your life right now. My now ex-husband carried the Jezebel spirit as did I. We were both very broken and I too believed that God might want me to cast the spirit out of him but I wasn’t in the right place with God to be able to do that. I say this with the most love and kindness I can offer you, this demon is strong and it needs to be dealt with in both of you. Seek Hod with your whole heart and ask Him to deliver you with the fire of heaven and ask Him to remove the scales from your eyes so that you can see clearly. I pray that you be delivered and go on to help other women be delivered. In the mighty name of King Yeshua! Amen!

    3. This response is in reply to Leslie who says she is struggling with issues concerning her boyfriend. First of all, to tell someone the truth is NOT unloving. If Leslie and this guy were married she would not refer to him as her boyfriend. Yet, they live together in the same house. Also, she says that he is on drugs and has manifested some things that were not right. Did you ever stop to think that maybe God is giving you a way out of this relationship? Maybe God is giving you discernment to show you what is going on behind the scenes.

      Yet you keep going back and trying to make it work. Do you think that a man who is on drugs, who is abusive, and who is willing to live with you but not marry you is God’s best for your life? God loves him too but if he sees you claiming to be a Christian and yet compromising in so many ways, he will not see any reason to turn to Jesus himself. If you think you will somehow change him, think again. Only God can do that. Yes, continue to pray for him, but honestly, this is not God’s best for your life. You are settling, Leslie. If you were walking towards the edge of a cliff and someone saw you but did nothing to stop you, how would that be loving? We should be careful how we say things so we don’t turn people away from God. But, to blindly say “all is well” when it clearly is not, is wrong. I really don’t think God would have you follow this man….a man who is not following Christ. Continue to pray for him. But beyond that, God can turn His heart with or without you being in his life. You are not his link to God, only Jesus is. The fact that this man would cheat on you before marriage is only a picture of what he would do after marriage. I know it might be hard to get him out of your life, but it would be much harder to keep him around. Leslie, if you are a Christian, then realize God has something, and someone, better for you. If you are not a Christian, then turn to Jesus and allow Him to change your heart and your life.

  21. How do you stop the Jezebel spirit from controlling your best friend?

    My current best friend used to be best friends with the person who has the spirit in her. They stopped talking 3 years ago and that’s when my best friend entered my life. She was down in her faith and I was able to help guide her back to God.

    Well fast forward to now somehow Jezebel we asked her way back into my best friends life and she has changed. She says she hasn’t but as we all know they don’t see it when they are under control.

    The crazy thing is I can see something isn’t right in her eyes. She has stopped going to church and told me that she is thinking of going back to being a Catholic. (Which is not a bad thing it’s just when we became friends I was able to get her to become a Christian through showing her my love and faith in God and my relationship with Him. She even became a member of my church.) Just the other night she told she watches the show Lucifer on TV.

    Last night she told me that it’s a waste of my prayers to pray for her when it comes to that and it’s “just a show”.

    I’m scared I’m losing my best friend not only in my life but in her faith.

    I have given her to God and I have asked for His guidance.

    This Jezebel spirit in this woman is so strong it managed to destroy the type of person my brother is, make an unhappy home for the kids, get my childhood home taken away from my family, get all my dads guns taken away (he passed in 2002 and was a marine then became a cop.) and now it’s after trying to take my best friend away from me and what’s worse taking her away from God.

    I’m tired of this spirit and it’s time I push her out of the window and let the dogs have at her!

    1. I’m going through this with my brother as well…. Go to Jesus with a piece of paper and make a covenant with him over this and ask him to take this person with the Jezabel Spirit out of your life….. It works and let HIM tell you what to do next…

      Rely on Jesus completely…. HE WILL TAKE CARE OF IT…..

      1. Hello , my name is Mariah & I am 16 . I came across this article because lately I’ve just been dealing with a lot , spiritually . It all started with me having health problems & then a dream of me being possessed but in my dream as I called out to Jesus , I woke up from it . My god mother ended up having a dream similar to mine also & I got very sick for I wanna say almost 2 weeks , full of anxiety & fear & stress . I couldn’t eat sleep or use the restroom . Now I’m looking back into this & before all this started happening , I became very lustful , I had very ugly fantasies & the things I was doing were just beginning to come out of hand. I started to get disgusted with myself tho . I reached out to a man I used to go to church with & he told me it was the Holy Spirit trying to tell me that it wasn’t right & wanted to break me off from that habit . I’m unaware if I’m dealing with this kind of spirit tho . The doors I had opened , I closed . I’m unsure of wanting to be center of attention & letting church & prayer get to me . I study the word everyday & praise god & pray often throughout the day . But now that I’ve read this , I won’t lie , I am afraid . I feel like I’m gettinfg my relationship back with god little by little & when I hear my Christian music there’s times where I cry but now I am afraid that it’s a demon & not the Holy Spirit . I know that god did not give us the spirit of fear , but I’m a very fearful person & at this point my mind is all over the place . I’ve had lotsssss of dreams , probably every night for the past couple weeks & just little thoughts in the back of my head . At first I wasn’t able to fight these off I was so afraid , but now I’m able to push it all to the side & im glad to say I’m able to fight back & I have the strength to not let it overpower me . But as I said now I’m afraid of being mislead . & the indecisive & confused part is all me .

        1. Mariah, I just read your post. How are you doing? You are absolutely right in says that God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but one of power and love and a sound mind.
          I used to be bound by fear but ten years ago, God set me free. Psalm 34:4 – I sought the Lord and He answered me; delivering me from all my fears.
          Whenever you start to feel fear, say this out loud, “God did not give me a spirit of fear” over and over and the fear will go away. Satan has no authority over your life because you are a child of God and no one can snatch you out of His hands. You have to believe the word of God, without any doubt. It is powerful. I will be praying for you.

  22. I am shocked at what I have read. My colleague told me straight up that my spouse is suffering from this spirit. I then started searching and landed on this article. Everything points to it, except that she doesnt hate prophets coz she is one herself. Mothers do not doubt your instincts , they r always right , u r observation is spot on. Personally I had started to hate my family for criticizing my wife. I stood by her all the way until everyone decided to back off. She hates my family,controls me and evryone around her including her parents. As Im typing shes locked me out of our bedroom coz shes mad at me. I almost abandoned my walk with God because of her ruthless grip on me . I had began looking down on my family , me and my church coz that’s how she sees all these. Low and not worth her respect. I will pray for her and confront this spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.

    1. I too have a wife who has this spirit . We have been apart 1 year . When you say she is a prophet just remember that that spirit in her that prophicies over people is usually not from God but a counterfeit clairvoyant spirit speaking . You may think she is right with what she speaks over others but it is coming from that spirit and not God . Remember Jesus said we will know them by their fruits . And also he speaks about where it says if I speak in tongues , prophicy in your name etc but have not love them I have nothing . I have had 2 marriages both to Jezebel women and another relationship with one as well . After a while you start to notice turmoil in every area of your life , they dislike your family , fianances eroded , your health suffers , your friends leaving and that your spouse always has to be the centre of attention , kids rebelling the list goes on

    2. This is happening with my son and his wife as well. She meets every point of this article. as he has passively stood by, she has totally isolated him. His father and I are cut totally out of his life as well as any of her own family that we have never met. He has a 7 year old son from a previous relationship that she absolutely hates. She has even had CPS investigate her for abusing her own 2 children ages 6 and 5. She gave birth to his baby 2 months ago and now has pressured him from seeing his 7 year old son. In her mind, she has given him a son and now wants my son to stop having any kind of contact from his 7 yr old. I know that this is probably God’s way of actually protecting the boy, but it is very hard to see the hurt on my grandson’s face. We are not allowed any kind of contact with the new baby or her children either. They have been together for almost 3 yrs now and I am constantly praying for all of them. I have given them over to God as there is nothing further we can do until God works through this.

  23. I have what I believe to be a unique situation. I have poured over hours of articles, teachings and sermons regarding this spirit but I am still stumped on what more I can do besides prayer. I am a Pastor as well as an outreach ministry leader. We recently dealt with an individual who fit all the criteria to a perfect “T’ when it comes to all the identifying trademarks of this vile spirit. I have been serving the Lord for 18 years and this was my first serious encounter. Because it was a person whom I was very close to I was unaware and caught off guard. There was not a single trait within the individual that did not apply to this person. While I miss and pray for the person they were I do not miss who they have become.

    Anyway, once myself and our ministry team brought this individual to account for their sinful conduct and made it clear that we were not going to going to entertain doing their bidding anymore. The door was closed to us immediately. They severed their relationship to us and absolutely refuses to talk. Which falls perfectly in line with “Don’t say NO to Jezebel or else!” They are so enamoured with bitterness that they will literally and physically turn their back if we cross paths. And this is where the awkwardness of this situation arises.

    While they are out of the church (and they left by choice as their clear pride and arrogance would not have them deal with the situation they had created) they have essentially made close ties to our unsaved ministry target group. In fact becoming much like them (we minister to gangs). We have noticed to some extent that some individuals from these groups have given us a bit of “stink eye” since his (It was male btw) departure and so their is no doubt we are being slandered. I don’t doubt for a minute that God is bigger than all this and He certainly did not build our ministry over the years to where it is to let one man tear it all down. Especially since we no longer have him amongst us. We did not tolerate his spirit. However, it is not like we can cast him out of these other circles either so we are in a very awkward position.

    Has anyone ever come across this type of scenario? If so how does one function in it? I mean we are still going in amongst these groups and being received but have a sense about some of them that wasn’t there before. If the Jezebel spirit is no longer wreaking havoc from within but somewhat from outside it feels like we are handcuffed. At what point does the Lord intervene? How will we know when this person the enemy is using as a wedge is about to either come to repentance or judgement? They are clearly wearing a cloak of religiosity and portraying themselves as the poor victimized Christian whom the church cast out in unfair judgement and condemnation. We have been vilified for a situation we never created. It is most definitely one crafty and cunning dark spirit we are up against. Any insight on this unique situation would be very much appreciated. God bless.

    1. Yes! I completely just went through this and came out victorious! I run a ministry 15 years now! One of my closest friends was apart of it and carried ALL the traits of Jezebel! I told and confronted her she needed to repent! I too was unaware at that time of how we should not confront them but pray! She left the ministry and slandered me and my staff! She took away half of the target group! Long story short! It was awful! Slander and lies being said! I prayed and interceded for a year! Then one day I felt lead to pray for JUSTICE! Our God is a God of JUSTICE! And I went to a friends party where I encountered a lady who sided with the Jezebel lady! She asked me questions I told her the whole story! “My side of the story” she actually right then and there asked for forgiveness for believing lies about me and my ministry! And then went on explaining how God opened her eyes and that woman carrying Jezebel left the country! The woman I spoke with went back to the target people and defended us! And they came back! And now God is rebuilding our ministry and it’s flourishing! TRUST God, never give up praying, Pray for JUSTICE! If God is for you Who? Can be against you? Bless you brother!

  24. I have what I believe to be a unique situation. I have poured over hours of articles, teachings and sermons regarding this spirit but I am still stumped on what more I can do besides prayer. I am a Pastor as well as an outreach ministry leader. We recently dealt with an individual who fit all the criteria to a perfect “T’ when it comes to all the identifying trademarks of this vile spirit. I have been serving the Lord for 18 years and this was my first serious encounter. Because it was a person whom I was very close to I was unaware and caught off guard. There was not a single trait within the individual that did not apply to this person. While I miss and pray for the person they were I do not miss who they have become.

    Anyway, once myself and our ministry team brought this individual to account for their sinful conduct and made it clear that we were not going to entertain doing their bidding anymore. The door was closed to us immediately. They severed their relationship to us and absolutely refuse to talk. Which falls perfectly in line with “Don’t say NO to Jezebel or else!” They are so enamoured with bitterness that they will literally and physically turn their back if we cross paths. And this is where the awkwardness of this situation arises.

    While they are out of the church (and they left by choice as their clear pride and arrogance would not have them deal with the situation they had created) they have essentially made close ties to our unsaved ministry target group. In fact becoming much like them (we minister to gangs). We have noticed to some extent that some individuals from these groups have given us a bit of “stink eye” since his (It was male btw) departure and so their is no doubt we are being slandered. I don’t doubt for a minute that God is bigger than all this and He certainly did not build our ministry over the years to where it is to let one man tear it all down. Especially since we no longer have him amongst us. We did not tolerate his spirit. However, it is not like we can cast him out of these other circles either so we are in a very awkward position.

    Has anyone ever come across this type of scenario? If so how does one function in it? I mean we are still going in amongst these groups and being received but have a sense about some of them that wasn’t there before. If the Jezebel spirit is no longer wreaking havoc from within but somewhat from outside it feels like we are handcuffed. At what point does the Lord intervene? How will we know when this person the enemy is using as a wedge is about to either come to repentance or judgement? They are clearly wearing a cloak of religiosity and portraying themselves as the poor victimized Christian whom the church cast out in unfair judgement and condemnation. We have been vilified for a situation we never created. It is most definitely one crafty and cunning dark spirit we are up against. Any insight on this unique situation would be very much appreciated. God bless.

    1. HI Pastor Kev…God over the Years has trained me in dealing with this Vile and Prideful Spirit. I too was Delivered of Jezebel in the 80’s and have had to walk out this Deliverance for long time. Renewing my Mind in God’s Word Continuously. Little did I know that the lord was Grooming me to become a Prophetic Person.
      Dealing with this Spirit you have to not allow this person into any aspects of your Ministry. Any part what so ever. Huge Drawing Line and Boundaries has to be put into place. I would be doing some heavy Teaching on the Jezebel Spirit and Witchcraft. Or it will destroy every one.. Teach and Train every one around you. This person is Not open to Deliverance they have to go. You have to be literally Tuff as Nails. I hope you are Baptized in the Holy Spirit with speaking in Tongues. Pray in Spirit always. They are very wounded people inside. With deep seated issues of Rejection, and Insecurity. Getting to that Root is to painful for them. I hope this helps. God Bless you… Allison

  25. I am shocked of what I could read on this site found by mistake on Google after i watched a video from Youtube… Well in my case is the wonder if I have this spirit attached of me being a young male , I look good I think !! , i dress well… and from time to time, i feel furious and talk bad things for few moments… I feel sorry afterwards . I see a lot of celebrities from Hollywood with most of the patterns related above this site , movie stars , singers, politicians , business men, etc …
    Can anyone tell what are the symptoms on males & females ??
    I am a christian by the way , I belive in God and where I live we bless the house with fresh holy water , and from time to time we burn special incense and let the incense smoke go in every single corner of the house , basement , attic , backyards… etc , to protect from evil spirits and a professional older minister visit in your house for a prayer is very good … God bless !!!

    1. Believing in God will not save you. You need to repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Please read the other articles on this site. Especially the ones about Surrender.

    2. Believing in God is not the same as repenting and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. Satan believes in God. Please read the other articles especially the ones on Surrender. It is a start on your recovery.

  26. I was married to a Jezebel 17 years ago for 3 years She was a Pastor’s Daughter. She was trying to hide behind something good which was her Father’s good name. I have way to much info to share on this subject.

    I am currently in the process of writing a book about it as we speak. Dealing with this kind of Spirit will raise your level of Wisdom. Now we know how Satan acts and operates. As Paul said “we are not ignorant of His schemes and devices”. It’s just like in war, once you know how a enemy attacks you can successfully plan and predict their next move and be able to effectively fight back and counter attack.

    This Spirit was trying to destroy the anointing I had with the Lord from having a close walk with Him. She was a accuser just like Satan was in the book of Job, asking Him did He serve God for nought? We all know that Satan’s ultimate goal here was to get Job to accuse God and to get Job to turn His back on God. It never worked. Why not?? Job’s love for God was bigger and greater than any trial He would face in his lifetime. That’s the key to get out of this situation. You have to let your love for God rule and reign over any situation.

    This Spirit was very jealous of me because I stayed in the presence of God. Overtime I had to repent from doing and saying some things in reaction to this Spirit. One thing I can clearly recall was this Spirit constantly lying. Always talking behind me back to other people trying to slander my character and reputation.

    And the sad truth is people would often believe her because she always portrayed herself as “the woman being in distress” and “the woman being in a crisis because of me”. She would do anything to try and get her way. When she was actually the perpetrator. When I came up against this Spirit I was very young in the Lord. I was 20 years old and had only been saved for 8 years. I was blindsided by it.

    And now 15 years later I can look back and write about it to help others in this situation. May God bless the person who wrote this article. It will save you a ton of headaches and heartache to know how this Spirit operates beforehand. I wish I could have heard a sermon or message to prepare me for this type of Spirit. King Solomon talks about the seductress which is this kind of Spirit.

  27. God bless you, God’s little boy, My name is Adrian and i am an Australian and the same age as you. The poem you wrote sure makes sense to me and i just want to let you know , keep being encouraged in the Lord Jesus Christ and dwell in the safety of His Holy Spirit, Yes i watch the goings on in your country quite a bit so i am aware of the path it is going down,and going quickly. In this country the great majority have no idea what is coming down on us, even they that call themselves after Christ’s name have no appreciation of the signs of the times we are living in, but as it was in the days of Noah so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of man, the Lord Jesus christ. The Churches are weak and for many their church although dwindling in numbers is still a source of income for them.

  28. The reason I came across this article is because I searched for ‘how to deal with a Jezebel Spirit’. I am dealing with this spirit and hopefully the Lord will give me deliverance from it as soon as possible. Amen.
    In 2012, I came across many videos, sermons and articles about the Jezebel Spirit but I never thought I would have it. Maybe I didn’t have it back then or it may have been hidden, I don’t know. I just thank God for providing this knowledge through leaders. However, this year in church I started to act in some way that I found it strange – it was more sensual, there was a bit of strife between myself and with church members and also godly friends, family, I also wanted a lot of attention and be seen by people and I would ask myself why do I thirst for attention because it is something I never liked and there is no need for me to do it. From the moment I realised I was trying to be more sensual in church that’s when I said ‘yes, I got to deal with the Jezebel Spirit’. The only thing that a knew the most about this spirit was about sensuality, and that it breaks marriages and brings divorce, I was ignorant about bringing strife, dissensions and the other things you said in your article. I probably came across it years ago but maybe I forgot and all I knew about the Jezebel spirit is a ‘prostitute spirit’ if I may call it that way.
    Thank you for your article and for warning about what type of spirit is this. As I was reading your article, I noticed that this is just not any type of demon, but a serious demon that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. I can’t wait until I am totally free from it. Please keep me in prayers as I am going through the process of self-deliverance.
    Also in regards to the churches, I don’t know if it is just me or where I live but I have been asking why there isn’t many teachings about Spiritual Warfare’s in our churches. When there is, it seems like is just one and off – knowing that in this world we are living is not our country we are just passing by and there is a serious battle going on out there in the heavens. I hope God will stir up many people’s spirit in regards to the seasons we are in now and what He desires for us to do. Christ’s coming the time is very short, I pray we are all striving to be wise virgins and be led by the Holy Spirit.

    1. My prayers out to all who have the Jezebel spirit. Thank God for revealing to those who are possessed by it. We love and serve a God greater than any demon out there. There is no other name but the name of Jesus Christ that drives out demons.

  29. Right, because the democratic party is the only party with demons in it? Let’s not be biased here because we do not serve a blind or biased God. If you think for a moment that any political party in the USA is godly, then think again. For a group to blatantly treat people of another color as them as inferior, oppress and steal from the poor, those two parties are not too far from each other. Serve God and not worship humans. And don;t twist the bible to justify your selfish desires.

  30. You know what I am not seeing here is, you have been giving authority to stop this spirit, Satan isn’t in heaven he on this earth, we was told by Paul we don’t wrestle with humans but demonic forces when Paul had a thorn in the flesh a messenger of Satan to buffet him Jesus told him use my grace an deal with him, so you can stop this spirit like Jesus when Satan spoke through Peter Jesus said Satan get the behind me, Jesus never said anything to Peter, we love the person and deal with Satan he defeated already just enforce his defeat

  31. Two years ago my life changed so much that I am not the person I was, I never knew how evil or bad I had been. Now my whole life plays time and time again, my heart has become so hard that only a miracle would save me. I betrayed my own son, never has there been ounce of love in my being, now I feel like a fraud and no that my whole life has been fraudulent. I am married and thought I knew what love was only to come to the true understanding that I have not love. True repentance comes from the heart and through being and feeling guilty about what you have done, maybe once I have known what it is like to feel bad.
    I feel that evil runs through my veins, I understand that God gave us free will and that we have had choices all of our life to make that would make a difference to others for the right reason. All the good I have done have been for the wrong reasons without evening knowing it. I feel like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, never understood that saying but now understand more than I should. I am searching for answers that will make soften my heart and make me whole. How can I have been so bad without any self-realisation and then when I knew be so stubborn that I did nothing about it. I have never put another in front of my own true needs, I understand that God sent Jesus to save us, but by knowing that I have betrayed my own son, family, husband, Jesus and everyone else that I have ever met, how then can I feel truly bad about Jesus dying on the cross, don’t get me wrong I know that what God has done for mankind because he loves us so much, but knowing that my own son and knowing what I had done to him, never loving never understanding love and what it is. Now I know but cannot connect to anything. When we cannot repent it is because we cannot feel guilt, and we cannot truly feel guilt when we do not love or care. I Have been a terrible mother and never been able to forgive others, let alone myself, really do not know where to begin with forgiveness again if we cannot forgive others it is because we do not know how too, I am already in hell and it is not a nice place, it is a living disability that no one else understands. I have wasted so much time chasing materials and smoking cigarettes that I have missed all the true meaning of life. Nothing satisfies, just a loop that goes round and round and the wheel is never broken. I have children and a grandchild and yet I am a stranger to them, I see them but have no connection, this is due to my past now it feels like I am unable to break through the barriers of true love. God can change me if he wanted too, but I know that I have to be willing to participate, I am not a nice person please do not be fooled, I have been fooling myself all my life that I have been a good person. God has revealed my own heart to me and it is ugly, I don’t want it to be ugly but have become lazy and complacent and not even bothered, that bothers me because I feel like a ghost. The holy spirit does not dwell in me, the holy spirit told me years ago to stop smoking but I continued and still do, smoking has been my god, just like a faithful friend always there in good and bad times, that is the truth and it is sad and pitiful. They were my choices and I made them, now I pay the price for never loving or trying to love. Maybe this has been written so that you can help save another but for me it is too late.
    Why have I been like this all my life, why I have never understood anything, how can I be such a retard that I did not recognise any of this until it was too late, why I have never learnt to listen or take good advice? I feel that the darkness is all that there is left, I do not see the beauty in flowers, in any of Gods kingdom, I hate myself for everything that I have done and everything that I have become through greed, hate, jealousy, never listening, never telling the full truth.
    I sit here and ask for mercy and a cigarette pops up to say come and I will listen to you. Tormented souls are already in hell, looking at the papers and the news I see what is going on but never feel really sad or bad for others, I must be the daughter of the devil. If I am not then who am I?
    I want change but have no idea how change will come, effort is needed but when you have not stopped all your life and have only just realised that what you have been at 52 years old how can you go back and change the past, I know you cannot , what we sow is what we reap, I have sown bad seeds throughout my life, and now I have nothing. Too bad to sad, I hope one day that God will change my heart and give me the strength to do what is right,

    1. Bad:
      It is never too late to follow Jesus. In fact it sounds like he is already working in your life. Ask Jesus to teach you how to love and to soften your hardened heart. Ask Jesus to help you to forgive others and to be more like him. If you are seeking Jesus, he will change your heart and your behaviour will change as a result. Surrender your life to Jesus and invite the holy spirit to show you when your wrong. No, you can’t change the past, but you can apologize to those around you now and you can change the future. I am praying for you. I hope that you will some day accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and that you will be able to truly repent and turn from your sins. It is not too late for you.

    2. Bad- There is NO condemnation in Christ. Jesus loves you no matter what you have done. You are perfect in His sight. Ask Him into your heart. Tell him you are sorry & He will make you new, all things forgiven.

  32. I believed that this moment of my life, my mother possess the controlling spirit, i am her daughter and i really grieved with my mother and to her victims,. who ever comes to her became miserable, she choses people to be able to support her, or take advantages of them.. mostly those new believers coming into the church.. even the poor she obligate to give to the church without the permission of our pastor. I love my mother, but she almost destroying the life of the others. I really don’t know what to do..

  33. This post really enlightened me.

    I have been working with my supervisor who is possessed by this Jezebel spirit for over 4 years and the last 2 years have been the worst for our department. I only got the revelation 2 weeks ago that a its the jezebel spirit operating in her. All along the Lord has given me patience to deal with her. I obeyed her, submitted to her as my boss and have been there for her as a colleague. she favors me and fights for me (when it suits her) just because I am in agreement with her. I realized that I had to be in agreement with her otherwise my department will be ruined I report to her and the rest of the department reports to me but she is basically running my department – thank God for leading me to do this when I did not know that I was working with this devious spirit. I have taken a greater walk with the Lord beginning last year and this way there was a lot of peace in my heart and I actually learned to love this lady with this love of the Lord despite her behavior. People left the department because of her and many are so unhappy.

    All the traits mentioned on this article is 100% about her. As soon as I got the revelation I shared with my belier colleagues and friends so that we can come together in prayer underlining Ephesians 6:12 as many of the people here are now so frustrated by her.

    What puts burden on me is how this spirit uses its hosts and ends up breaking them. One can tell that his person is living a happy life, she is losing children to death unexplainably and that is just this spirit that doesn’t want to share her with anyone she is married to an Ahab and even her supervisors are Ahabs.

    I must say the first day I fought this spirit in my prayer closet when I got to the office this lady attacked me and immediately the Lord showed me its because I have challenged this spirit. I declared the word of God over it and these days I pray and she is much calmer and she is so quiet, people are wondering what is going on with her. I believe the Lord is busy with her. This spirit will bow so that we can deliver this sister of ours to the Lord. I believe she is naturally a lovely person because when this spirit throws its tantrums through her she would feel bad and the moment the spirit picks that up, it jumps in to use her and give her a negative reaction.

    Christ has paid the price for us to be free. whatever gates this spirit used to get its was into this lady, may they be shut and sealed with the blood of Jesus. this spirit must leave her and return no more in the Mighty name of Jesus.


  34. I have been in a relationship with a man who has they Jezebel spirit for almost a year. It started out good, he was very attentive, and he had so much charisma and oozed power. Then i got to know him better, this man does not have friends and he is not close to any one of his family members and when he talks about it , he makes it seem like they did him wrong. He would be also fixated on controlling me, who i talk to, my friends, even my family. When i read this article i saw him in every pointer, how he abused me, physically, emotionally and verbally. I felt like he was a broken spirit and it was my task to help him get better, but now i realize that its this spirit he has. He would talk of how he wants to marry me and i would tell him I’m not ready, that made him angry. He was so obsessed with me, sometimes he wouldn’t even go to work and he would lock me in his house with him to ‘fix’ fights we had. I love this man and right now we are separated mainly because of the fighting and i recently sent him an article on domestic abuse highlighting what he does to me. I think this got to him and now he doesn’t want to talk to him, i was praying to God to save our relationship, for him to be a better man, maybe i shouldn’t and let him go.

  35. Its true, someone planted this thing into me after breaking down my defenses. I was so close to marrying my catholic girlfriend when this jezebel girl appeared in my life. No matter what I did, I felt absolutely disgusted by my catholic girlfriend, and I felt so bad feeling that way at the same time, therefore unable to marry her.
    After giving my soul to god , did her effect start fading. (I also hated god for no apparent reason) for a damn long time, because of her of course. Her influence is rather futile and pathetic now, her “human” puppet isnt doing too well either. She finds ways to trouble me here and there but her attempts always end with a head shaking sigh from me.

  36. I have a question for the people who have overcome this Jezebel spirit/repent/asking for Jesus in Life….

    It is well known that Jezebels are stubborn and that they do not want to repent.
    Can you please tell me…
    What was the final point that made you change your mind to repent?
    Was it about “the true facts about narcissism/Jezebel” and that you recognised yourself in this?
    Was it about the “deep wound”?
    Or was it something else that changed your mind to repent?
    I am very interested what made you change your mind to pray to Jesus to overcome this Jezebel spirit. My prayers are for my friend and everyone who have this Jezebel Spirit

  37. Fantastic testimony. I read how the Jezebel and Mocking spirits destroys lives. I prayed for God to deliver me and commanded the evil to leave and felt sick. When to the bathroom and continued praying and feel free. Will continue to pray for myself and family. It’s definitely in my family. Those who are in the faith please pray for me, my children and grandchildren in Jesus’s name. I know God wanted me to find this website. Lookef up Jezebel spirit after listening to R.T. Kendall on TBN UK this morning. Really caught my attention. Praise be to God!

  38. So I was referred to this website by The Jezebel in my life which made me even more confused. I grew up watching my dad beat my mom and cheat on her, and after my parents left the relationship they kinda left me too so I deal with issues myself of abandonment and distrust. But I met Jezebel when I was at a very vulnerable state I had just left where I was living to change my life. Like I knew I was all messed up but I didn’t even know where to begin to fix it and he was there so I thought. We ended up have our first daughter within the first year of meeting, and thought he was the greatest guy ever but something in my soul would not allow me to fully trust him like I would see the way he looked at other women, and how he was like sneaky about it. Not to say that all men don’t look but his were different. And I felt in my heart that he just wasn’t ready to be faithful. He wanted to spend more time in the streets that he did with his kids and his family and then the fact that he had 3 kids and 3 different moms that should have been an indicator right there but I felt like it wasn’t fair to judge a persons mistakes. The whole time between us we were never committed even though I was faithful, to everyone else we were together. He says he didn’t start sleeping with other people until 2 years in but I don’t believe him because that’s when I caught him that when I found out for sure that he was and he couldn’t deny it. I left town but I was still paying the rent where we lived together I came back a month later. And found out while I was gone he was sleeping with them in our house our bed on our couch and one of them claim to be pregnant (which was a lie) I was so broken. So hurt I couldn’t even function. And he showed no remorse. Like I shouldn’t have been being nosy and that’s what I get. He was more consoling towards them from me than he was towards me. Me being a dumbing I forgave home and moved on and of course he did it again. This time with someone that I knew and spoke to everyday but would never suspect. Like I saw the number in his phone and he said that the old man that like her used his phone. And like I said I would never think he would stoop that low. She was our neighbor. He even faught me in front of her pulling out my braids and her and her family laughed in my face and he told me that he wasn’t sorry for something that he intensional did. As if I deserved it. It’s been a few months since he was honest with me about it but how can you not care that u hurt someone. We now have 2 kids and I left the state. But I’m starting to hate him and I constantly have nightmares about the stuff that he did to me and he acts like it was nothing. I don’t know what to do I pray all the time but some times I’m so hurt that I can’t even look at myself. I’m lost

  39. Thank you very much for this very, very insightful article. God has used you to help me identify what I am dealing with in my family. God bless you more!

  40. I believe God Himself led me to this site this morning. I honestly believe I have recently crossed one of these spirits and he has tried to retaliate. There is a man who came to our church last year, who we were actually warned against by one of the wiser members of our church.

    Looking back, I think I subconsciously knew there was an evil spirit there when I met him. I used to have these dreams, years ago, where I was being attacked by demons. They frightened me and shook me to the core, and one night I broke into tears and begged God to always protect me from them. He gave me peace and I have never worried about it since, nor have I had those dreams. However, meeting him gave me the same uneasy feeling.

    Fast forward a year later, and the church that I love is on the verge of a split, all around this person. He somehow has managed to charm his way into a position as music minister despite being horrible at it, and thinks that this gives him some kind of authority over everything. I became a target of his when I was put in charge of the church computer. I like computers and was overjoyed to have a chance to put my skills to use for God. He has combated me every step of the way, accusing me of stealing things, making sure I can’t have access to the computer, etc. However, so many people are so fooled by him that if it’s brought up, I get accused of having a bad attitude toward him! He’s a control freak and has to have control of everything. He even tells people what songs they are allowed to sing and won’t allow any upbeat songs.

    I didn’t say much when he took the church computer home with him and installed malware on it, but I didn’t like it. He kept ordering me to give him the computer, which nobody has any purpose to take it home except for me and one other. The real kicker, though, was when he told me I was going to have to start asking his permission before taking it home!

    I was already a little ticked because the week before, he’d sabotaged my PowerPoint on it (just went in and deleted all but one slide). This made me more than a little angry, but I kept a civil tongue and said, “Wouldn’t it be easier to just assume I’m taking it home? After all, I need it to get ready for service.”

    And…the mask slipped. I had never before seen so much hatred on a human face. I knew right then if I hadn’t known it before, I was standing in the presence of something truly evil, right in our own home church!

    But God had me, protecting me as he’d promised to years ago. I felt no fear when he demanded, “And WHY would we do THAT?”

    I said, listing it off on my fingers, “1. Every time I leave it here, something gets screwed up. 2. I need to run maintenance on it. And 3, it’s my job.” The hatred on his face only got more intense as I spoke, but I walked away.

    He has been trying to make my life miserable ever since, with passive-aggressive text messages, lying about me to others behind my back, and even attempting to get to me through my mother.

    He does not scare me; God is bigger. But I am concerned about our church, which has for years been a second home and family to me. The few who see what this is get berated for it, and the pastor is attempting to address the spirit of discontent in our church exactly the opposite way that he should: preaching at us to accept this individual as a leader. I feel like fighting this is fighting a losing battle.

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me put a name to the evil we are facing, and I ask for prayers – for our church, our pastor, and this person who brought this destructive spirit into our midst, who is just as much a victim as we are.

  41. I can happily say that with the help of the Holy Spirit and powerfully anointed warriors of God, I have victory over the Jezebel spirit that tried to destroy my marriage. Pastor Robert Clancy has some powerful prayers that you can pray over your situation. Look him up on Youtube and play the prayers out audibly in your home. I also follow him on Facebook as he regularly sends prayers that bring such healing and peace to my day.
    We need to remember that we are not fighting flesh and blood. Hate the sin, not the sinner, but don’t allow yourself to be abused. I learned that saying less and praying more really solved my problem.
    Be blessed and fight from a place of victory. The enemy has already been defeated!!!!

    1. Thank you Nicole- this is about the only genuinely helpful thing I have read here. I find this a lot when i research this topic, ie: frankly, if I was not aware of the sheer dreadfulness of this spirit, why would I be researching it? and books bang on endlessly about it and offer Very little helpful strategy which just leads people like that poor girl at the start of this thread with the conclusion that her life is ruined.
      So thanks, and I’m going to look up that pastor and his helpful prayers. I can also recommend fasting. Blessings and holy protection to all.

  42. Wow…this is absolutely alarming stuff..!!??? Saying every Lord’s prayer for you, and me right now..!!! GOD IS GOOD..he is our Lord and our savior..AMEN..❤

  43. Now that I know what this is, I’ve been surrounded by them my whole life. My abusive father has it; at least one, if not two, aunts have it….a cousin of mine who is a pastors wife whose church I attended has it, a friend from school has a major dose of it…the Jezebel spirit hides itself very well in Pentecostal/Charismatic churches because if it’s ability to deceive and cause chaos, as these things are already present in those types of congregations and modern day Pentecostalism/Charismatic chaos is most likely NOT from God, at least what I experienced. In these churches, it hides in plain sight. I have fallen victim to the Jezebel time and time again and she has taken everything from me, though I don’t believe I’ve ever operated under her….my life is ruined.

  44. amazing read thank you, i’ve encountered such a person before and this article describes them 100%. it attacked my self esteem leaving me feeling unworthy, unloved and suicidal. after a lot of self work and educating myself i’m finally back to my old self again but a lot more wiser. god bless

  45. Thank you. I’ve read, reviewed shows, and studied the Jezebel spirit for years. Out of all of it, this article has been the most insightful.

    There seem to be lots of examples of what she’s like followed by too much posturing and too little substance on how to take action.

  46. I am married to one. She has kept me from getting my green card for 15 years. The verbal put downs mentioned the ruling the house taking my role from me the lies the attack on my church and faith violence theft and her sense of being all knowing and powerful all match what you say here. God used this situation to get my attention.I have slowly been taking back control and it may come to a head in a few weeks. The more control my wife has lost and the more i refuse to be drawn into shouting matches the more she withdraws from me. I read in another article when they can’t control you any more they leave you. And tho we are in same house still she has left me in her mind. And it’s only a matter of time before one of us finds our own place to live. If she wasn’t dependant on my meagre income she would be gone.

  47. Wow! I’m so grateful for this article, because I knew I was under attack, but didn’t know what. Now I have the knowledge I can trust God to lead me and deliver me and others from this spirit. Thank you so much for sharing this message.

  48. I thank the Lord that I got my hands on Francis Frangipane’s book “The Three Battle Grounds” while I was a teen and I came to know about the spirit of Jezebel. I am from the Fiji Islands and never heard anyone teach about this spirit when I was young. I had no idea that the Lord was preparing me to face 5 people under the influence of this spirit within a space of 12 years. I never planned to confront any of them but I could see that the Lord, set me up so that I had no choice but to do so. Of the 5, 3 were women, 2 were men. Sadly, 3 had broken marriages, while 2 went through much humiliation before repenting. Its not easy dealing with people under Jezebel’s influence,.. But the Lord and his word prevails!!!

  49. My friend has this evil spirit. I’ve been trying to get her delivered but it controls her. She sees demons all around her all the time. She cannot even look in a mirror, all she see is a demon. She wants set free but they physically hurt her. Most of the time they won’t allow her to see me or even email me or they hurt her. They make her make deals with them or they will kill her. She has begged Jesus for help and now this last incident, she refused the deal hoping Jesus would protect her and now she has full blown cancer and they are squeezing her head and they are killing her. She has given up and believes she was born of the devil. She wanted a life with Jesus so badly but still will lead others to Jesus But she cannot get set free. She is so magnetic, anyone near her loves her. My heart is broken to think such a special gifted woman that wants Jesus truly believes Jesus wont save her, she belongs to Satan. I’m begging for someone to come here to help me deliver her. Please, before she dies.

    1. That’s horrible she has lost faith she will have to read her bible live in it and search the internet and find different sites like this to help you understand it!

    2. Laurie…. I just wanted to see if your friend got deliverance. Jezebel operates with the spirit of fear….fear is the opposite of faith. We must stand firm… He has given us His armor. Please let me know how your friend is. I work with a deliverance team and they may be able to help find you help.

  50. We must remember that as children of God, we have been given the authority and the power of the Holy Spirit over the enemy. He was stripped of all his authority 2,000 years ago when Jesus shed his blood, died and was resurrected again. The enemy roars around seeking vessels to use, as the only authority he has is ours-where we hand it over. We need to rise up as the church, get ready as the bride and stand firm. We have are covered by the blood of Christ and its our duty to go into spiritual warfare for our loved ones. We suffer from a lack of knowledge . I believe knowing who you truly are in Christ is essential and vital in spiritual warfare. If you are married to someone who you believe is under the control of the Jezebel spirit then you can stand in the gap as one flesh and come into agreement with the Holy Spirit to break them free. Keep making declarations of truth over them. God’s word does not come back void. Be persistent, even when it feels like it may be getting worse….God is always working ….and will never fail! I am currently going through this with my husband so I understand the frustration, trust me. I am consistently asking God to be the strength in me as some days I feel drained emotionally. I refuse to have conversations with any manifestation of the spirit. I take authority over the conversation and began to speak God’s word out loud. My husbands deliverance has been sloooow but have seen positive changes over time. Focus on God, his goodness and allow him to work through you as a vessel ….if we are finding our self weak and frustrated, more then likely we are battling in our own strength and not yielding to the Holy Spirit.

    1. Amen Christina. No matter how strong these demons think they are, and may be in the devil’s realm, before the blood of Jesus they are powerless. We need to remember who we are in Christ! Thank you Jesus. Give us wisdom, strategy and discernment, please, Lord, as we use our authority to overcome these entities – authority You have given us. May Your Name be praised forever! JESUS is Lord! Amen. 🙂

  51. Me and the man I was dating had a Jezebel spirit we where faithfully faithfully possessed as one soul but he got into a relationship behind my back and then I broke it off with him he got bad but I never called the police but I prayed and talked to god and told him to deliver me and he did I saw the spirit it gave me as I stood up to him face to face it was a horrible sight I never seen something so ugly and evil as I was casting him out I feared him I trembled then he told me you can’t get rid of me I think he said his name was Orias it made me mad I cast him out and he left and the other demons which was a witch and a warlock after him and the rest of the spirits out in me I’ve changed I fear for my life and I do fear god I still love him but he still has those evil spirits they have consumed him I pray god cast them out or put in me to cause I hate the way he going about with his life and he don’t even know it

  52. It was meant for me to read this article, as I am writing I believe my wife is being attacked by this spirit. I’m short period of time she went from a Christian woman to a cheating, lying, children abandoning stranger. She is now going to live w the man she is having an affair w and he is isolating her and she no longer has contact w anyone other than him on a daily basis. It’s as if she went to bed and woke up a different person. Her parents and siblings feel the same way – she’s a totally different person and this man is financing our divorce for her. I’ve been praying as we are all saved (in laws , wife and myself). My children are witnessing this and it breaks my heart but we pray nightly for her .

    1. All cheaters and the one cheating with them has Jezebel’s control over them. Your wife has another type and the other man has another type. Well of course if they combine forces, Jezebel is more successful in ruining the God ordained marriage you have. The devil’s purpose is to kill, steal and destroy. Jezebel attacks marriages because it’s one of the most important relationship (second to our father relationship with God) out there that God made to picture his close and deepest love to His bride, the church. If Jezebel can destort that picture and make divorce acceptable and normal, then guess how many generations can she hit in one stone. Our Lord Jesus have mercy on us.

  53. I’m living with jesabel spirit in my spouse. Like in hell on earth… Loosed everything in my life and myself after a normal life and marriage with her. Yes, it’s like living in hell. Making an monster of me. Showing it to anyone. But real monster is she. Jesabel. I just can’t fight anymore. It’s pure evil, satan by himself. Pray to Lord to save me each day. But it’s impossible with our law system. She is master of manipulation. Evil thing. And we are only humans. We will fall in this battle and our Jesus will not help us…

    1. Read and believe the word of God. The Lord God is not a man that He would lie. His word is truth. He has told us that we do not contend against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of wickedness in high places – but we already have the victory, it was won on the cross by the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He and only He bought and paid for your deliverance and salvation. The devil is a liar , he comes only to steal, to kill and to destroy. It is a lie from the pit of hell itself that Jesus will not help us! He is THE SAVIOUR. He came to SET THE CAPTIVES FREE. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Pray, seek God, repent and confess sins, wait upon Him for direction. Remember that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds. No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper – if truly you are in Christ. He will bring victory – he is a faithful God. Trust in Him and do not despair. He loves you and gave his life that you might have eternal life. if we are in Christ we are not mere humans but we are more than conquerors, we are a royal priesthood, his beloved children.Praise God always and give Him thanks.

      1. I was not aware of this Jezebel spirit. So many of these stories are very familiar!! SAD! Thank you Lady for conforming the word of God!! I am more than a conqueror! I am the righteousness of God! I am Victorious in Jesus name. Thank you God!!!!

  54. Brian- very interesting insight and troubling too. Im not sure if my wife has such a spirit or not. She does exhibit many of the sighs but is a Proffesing Christian but has a lot of defensive tactics. I can’t talk to her about anything without her debating and demanding that im wrong and strife, contention, condencending tones are always the outcome. To end the strife, I apologize then she says she is sorry after damage is done. I can’t stand to talk to her and can’t go anywhere with her because we end up in strife. I hate strife. No peace in our home. She does not have a narcissistic way about her though.

    1. You may want to research borderline personality disorder. My ex husband has this disorder, and he would repeatedly cause strife and fighting in the home with my daughter and I, but then he would be sorry later. This is different than narcissism since there is some regret and apology.

  55. As i read through this information it was as if I was reading about my ex husband and my life. Although we are divorced we have two girls 7 and 9. I struggled with so many of these charachter traits with my oldest daughter but since she was baptized and filled with the Spirit of God she is like a new child. But since then he has started to take them tto the Cathoic church with him every other sunday and my youngest daughter has been strugging with horrible tantrums even to the point of cursing God. My ex says i have to lighten up with the whole “God thing” with her. I was actually praying asking God to give me discernment of the spirits attacking my family and he led me here because as of yesterday i was even unaware about this being a spiritual thing. I started calling pp who treat kids with behavior problems. My litte girl has always been so sweet up until last year. I know kids go through phazes but this is destroying me and creating such chaos and division in our home. I know my ex will not admit to having this spirit on him to be delivered but my children are with him every week. What can I do besides pray for him and my kids?

  56. I left a church because this vile and evil demon was operating in the pastor. I felt like I was being examined by him to measure up to his standards continuously or be labeled rebellious and insubordinate. He was confrontive on what he felt were you’re spiritual failures and verbally told you so. No encouragement or building up the member, but always focusing on the negative aspects of your behavior. If you were making some headway to change, it was never enough and you needed to try harder. It got to the point that his authority over the individual became so intense, you would cower and do whatever he said in order to change according to his teaching and instructions. But no matter what you did, you were scolded with a failure attitude that continuously missed the mark. After spending a little more than a year in his church, I finally left. It was the best decision that I made. My only regret is that I didn’t leave sooner.

  57. I really thank God for this information, I am a pastor and I’m still serving under my spiritual mother’s church. She has been attacked by this spirit, it’s so bad that the whole congregation has left the church only few people remain. And the ones remaining live under constant attacks, bad dreams, strange deseases and depression, even our children get attacks. The situation is still so worse that my spiritual mother is suffering from depression and has the spirit of death following her. The sad part is that despite all these her pride is beyond and she is in so much denial and saying that she is a victim for people hate her without a reason. She is very far from admitting that she needs deliverance and this spirit is closing in so strongly, it destroyed everything now it is planning to close the ministry. I pray for God to intervene in Jesus name

    1. Dear Pastor, if this woman truly carries a Jezebel spirit, be very careful about continuing to call her your “spiritual mother”. It denotes and gives permission to this spirit entrance to your life. If it were me, I would repent of those words and renounce any spiritual inheritance. Blessings to you now.

  58. Married to this. I’ve read about a narcissist and thought weird they have the same traits. Has to be more to it. Well one person said it’s a jezebel spirit. Science or an article I read, is now saying they are in a spectrum category. They note the traits ( I’m assuming) they say not curable but I’ve seen my husband do well when following god. I thought to look up jezebel dpirit, glad I did. I always ask for stratify and guidance. Mine also has dividing spirituality with me too. A thing about the last 3 years. He’s tried to get my adult kids on his side now our17 year old but this kid loves god and hears from Holy Spirit. This won’t continue to long as god knows it’s end.

  59. I am so glad to have come by this article, I have also encountered two of these demons, one in the form of my sister and the other a co-worker. This monster has caused me a great deal of stress, anguish and suffering. Although I saw it, named and revealed it it continued to come against me. But you have to continue to call on and reach out to the Lord in order to subdue this demon. I have come to understand how to recognize this enemy and know that you have to work hard to reveal this vile and monstrous entity because it is relentless when it comes after you! As was said of this demon, it tries to destroy you. I couldn’t understand why my baby sister was doing the things that she was doing for a long time. I found that she was talking bad about and against me to any and everyone that would listen, trying to get them to dislike and hate me. All the while I was giving her my money and treating her very well. It was if she just wanted to hurt me, and I couldn’t for the life of me understand why. She had my sisters at each other’s throat and and about to throw hand at each other. She would go back and forth between to two talking about one to the other, and back again. I then saw the pattern and how that when the two of them would start arguing, how she would become absolutely still and quiet and her chin would drop to her chest without a sound from her. My baby sister always had something to say, just couldn’t keep her opinions to herself. Couldn’t keep her mouth shut. She knew everything, you couldn’t tell her nothing, she always wanted to be in control when she couldn’t even control her own life, not even her mouth! Didn’t want to hear anything about herself! I told her one day that. “she was so self-righteous that she couldn’t see her own wickedness.” Oh my God, why did I say that?! That demon really got busy at this point! I guess it realized that I had seen it for what it was! It all came to a head when I finally let it know that I wasn’t going to take it’s abuse anymore and I totally confronted it! It takes fire to fight fire sometimes, and I had had enough so the demon in me came out and when all was said and done, that demon in her couldn’t handle it. Mind you I didn’t and don’t curse, and/or go off, but that day, well………! Later I let her know that I was going to go with the Lord and I didn’t want nothing to do with her or the demon anymore. I haven’t heard from her again. I say this to say, the best thing to do when confronted by such a demon is to acknowledge that it exists, seek and talk with the Lord as to how to deal with it, and then expose it. These entities, just as with the devil, don’t like nor want to be exposed, and when you call on, seek the Lord and rebuke this spirit it will have to flee!
    The co-worker, well, I talked with Jesus about it and He told me what to do. I went to work and call as many of the other co-workers together and exposed him. I told them what was going on from beginning and that was that! So if you can, openly confront it by exposing this spirit, revealing the truth about it and the lies and/or whatever it is trying to do! God bless you all and fare thee well!

    1. Wow, it totally sounds like my situation with my sister and our mom ! My mom is supposedly a Christian , however is very negative, prideful, judgmental and defensive, playing a victim while accusing me of just about anything. My sister is a total demon! Pretending to be so nice and good to everyone while threatening me after her husband physically attacked me and our mom and I got a restraining order against him- she threatened me with me losing my daughter and my job and threatened to kill me and burn me. Mind me- she is 60 years old ! I blocked my sister completely. No more contact. Mom has not contacted me for over a month now.
      I am so glad I read this article and realized about this evil spirit. I didn’t understand before how evil and distructive it was !

    2. Cleveland, when you confronted your baby sister, I believe that was the Spirit of the Lord in you doing what we read in Revelation 2:20 — not to allow, permit or tolerate that Jezebel! It also worked with your co-worker, in that you did not cover for it, but finally exposed it to everyone. How do you deal with a bully? You stand up to it!!

    3. I tried to get the supervisors and coworkers to listen and understand what was happening with particular demon who stole all my ideas, took them to the boss and got the credit, rose to a higher position on the strengths of myself and others, all the while gossiping, mocking, and deceiving. Well, I was the one to get let go not her and from what I know she still works there happily. I prayed to God the entire time! I got a better job. Thanks to God. However, I do not understand how no one was able to see through this person. It’s because it wasn’t any of them that she was attacking so exposure didn’t work for me in that case. You were lucky.

  60. Many times I have been call Jezebel but was not aware of the fact that there was two jezabels in the biblical days the one in which I asked the Lord to give me a great understanding of was the one that lived on the top of the mountain and later help the people to take over the city and was giving a spot to live with her family after the city was overtaken by the Lord’s people now this brings us to the other Jezebel which I was really unaware of until now which is Queen Jezebel I could not understand why this name kept coming back up man I have a better understanding of this from reading your article I’ve been affected by Queen Jezebel in the form of a he Queen Jezebel Trust and Believe I will take care of this with the Lord my father savior in Jesus Christ thank you and may God be with you

  61. Brian the narcissism isn’t necessarily being selfish. It is the motive that drives even the most unselfish acts. It is doing the right thing for the wrong reason. For example being a great mom and spending time with the kids to one up dad and be the center of attention and be praised while criticizing and putting dad down a lot while he is in front of the kids so he looks bad she looks good. I’ve
    Dealt with more than one and many times your friends will love them . That’s their plan. To act one way and win the crowd so you seem crazy when you point out how prideful and dominating they are being. Hope this helps

    1. True, I lived withit. Everyone sides with her and makes me think I am jeleous and hateful person. This continuous drama has no end and IT is he’ll on earth.

  62. Thank you so much for this article. I recently went on a missions trip and I was faced with this demon. It was full of anger and rage directed at me. It was very accusatory. I called it a harassing spirit at the time because it just kept coming for me no matter what I was doing or where I was. She would scream at me and try to order me about. She would do malicious things to me trying to get me to argue with her. I pleaded the blood of Jesus against her one time and told her I wasn’t going to argue with her. She walked away saying “right the blood of Jesus.” Then it turned around and came back towards me while others are watching and I just started to sing praises to God and it walked away and didn’t say anything else to me it just kept using it’s host to do little taunting things to me during the entire missions trip. It wanted all the focus on her. No matter what the groups conversations would be about she always found a way to turn the conversation onto herself. She was very manipulative and wanted to play the victim with this woe is me attitude. Talk about murderous spirit! Wow I couldn’t believe she purposely leaned over and caught right in my face, not once but twice. I thank God I have His Holy Spirit living in me because I didn’t retaliate. I just started to bind up the effects of what ever germs or entity she was trying to pass off on to me. She was going for a third time but she realized that someone was sitting in the back with me so she quickly covered her mouth and turned her head back towards the front and caught in her hands instead. I have known this woman for several years and have never seen this behavior in her. I knew she liked to do things so she could have something to brag about so the focus could always be on her but taunting, argumentative, accusatory, being irrational, playing the victim and having a murderous type of behavior, I was in shock. I asked God how could she let herself be posed by these spirits. I knew she had to have an open door in her life with something she was doing. Through her own mouth God revealed to me that she was entertaining familiar spirits that would come to her in the form of a loved one who had passed away. I will continue to keep her in prayer, asking God to reveal to her that she has unclean spirits attached to her and to give her a heart to want to get rid of them as well as the familiar spirit.
    Thanks again for this information

    1. Thank you Elnora for describibg Jezebel clearly.
      The Jezebel I am living with had a dad that worshipped the devil. Jesus called her into freedom and I found her in the church. After being married to her, I have absolutely discovered two personalties in one psrson.
      How long can I live with consistent attack from Jezebel? Of course, there were several reg flags that I ignored before being married to her. I don’t blame God for my suffering. I thank Jesus for helping me to survive alive while living in earthly hell with Jezebel.

  63. I am going throw this attack also with two jesabel spirits. In the building I live in, it’s a lonely neighbor and an the building leasing assistant. They have vandalized my car that God has blessed me with three times. They watched me constantly and they talk to each other every day. They made people in this building think that they are the two sweetest people in this building. I am praying to the all mighty God for help .It’s like something I’ve never seen in my whole life.I’ve seen pitbulls nicer than these two spirit.I’ve stopped talking too them both .But thank God for his grace and mercy .I know how powerful God is and I know he is going to get the glory out this thing. They don’t realize that the curse of this spirit will curse their whole love ones too.In Jesus name father help us all.Amen Amen,Amen.

    1. Cat, are you Catholic? If you are, do one Hail Mary for each of these characters everyday for at least seven to nine days and watch what Mother of Jesus our Ever-Virgin Mary and mother is able to do. Won’t hurt them but will show you and them what God’s Love is all about. Be careful to keep showing them love not hate! Remain blessed and ask God to grant those two the grace you wish them to have.

      1. Unfortunately Oma, you have to realize that Mary -mother of Jesus was just a human. Therefore she won’t be able to do anything for you. The bible says not to pray to the dead. It is Jesus who IS GOD, and who is the only mediator between you and God. It is HE that can help you. NOT a human woman. Pray in the name of Jesus to God. Not to Mary. I mean to be respectful towards you, but it frustrates me when people pray to Mary and believe in her power but not God’s. This is another lie that needs to be exposed…

        1. Many people are not seeing the manifestion in their life situations because Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed his blood!!!! for our healing, freedom, salvation, protection and so on…..
          Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge.
          When man lead you to the wrong highway, your lost by yourself. Mary is the mother of Jesus. BUT, Jesus paid the price for us!!!
          We have to study His word to get an understanding.
          Deuteronomy 31:8 It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.
          God bless you, again no disrespect. To know God is to know His word. Knowledge is power.

        2. Truth!
          Go to the BIBLE for guideline of prayer, you will NEVER see that you’re to pray to MARY, angels, or saints!

        3. Always remember the wedding at Cana, Mary The Mother of Jesus only points us to The Lord with her words “Whatever He says t you, do it” Never be afraid to pray the Hail Mary, it is the angelic salutation, Our Mother Nary hears and comes to our aid, she will make the voice if Yeshua clear for us to hear.
          Best of all demons flee at her presence, so you are safe to present your needs at the gates of heaven before Our Lord.

      2. When you say the Hail Mary first ask your self is this prayer in the Bible and who made up this prayer ??
        Matt 6:5-6 forbids us to pray like the heathen and how do the pray? They do it with beads!!!
        Will our mother Mary contradic her son..??
        Wake up read the Bible throw out what is not according to the Bible traditions which are opposite to the word can it be from God??

      3. Oma, You are being deceived. Marry cannot answer any prayers as she was a human just like you and I; praise the Lord that God used her! It is Jesus plus nothing equals everything. Mary cannot hear your prayers or answer your prayers, but Jesus can. God bless you as you journey to find Jesus who is your only advocate before God the father Almighty

      4. Pray everyday to Jesus as he died and gave his life for you and through him you can have a relationship with him!
        He is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
        Respect Mary as his mother as a person but pray to the one is is your savior, Jesus!
        Saying this in love as I know Jesus is the answer:)

        I was brought up as catholic went to Catholic Church and once prayed to Mary……and now 30 years later I am pastors wife and pray everyday to Jesus my savior:) blessings in your journey of faith and May Jesus be the center of your life:)

    2. I have left countless churches where this spirit is in pastors’ s wives who are clearly undermining their husband and his ministry by pretending to be a saint on the surface but exhibiting a very damaging attitude to members behind the scenes. The deception is incredible and involves a very accute form of schitzophrenia. People are literally being attacked spiritually by so called church leaders all over the world. We have to be praying and fasting in these very last days, trusting only in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who sees and knows everything. To God be the glory for his strength and continual faithfulness as Jezebel continues to be on the rise.

      1. You hit the nail right on its head. We need prayer warriors against the jezebel spirit controlling at least 75% of evangelical/protestant churches.
        I don’t have words to describe how jezebel is powerfully attacking most of the innocent christians who do not understand how to handle an evil spirit in the church and forced them into accepting powerlessness and fear under the guise of false preaching and application of principles of love and forgiveness.
        In the book of Revelation, Jesus warned the church to deal with Jezebel.
        I am married to a Jezebel who knows who she is. I couldn’t find any pastor willing to confront her. I wasted two decades of my life just trying not to lose my sanity. God spoke to me clearly that I need to divorce her. I am going to divorce her. She doesn’t want to go away by herself as she doesn’t want to lose her power over me.
        Most christian people and pastors fear and obey Jezebel spirit instead of fighting against it.

  64. You are so right! Hailing Mary, doesn’t do a thing. She was just a human being chosen for a work, like any other prophet of God. They keep the Catholic people in bondage this way, to the false church, so that they will not have and know the true Power in the Name of Jesus, the Lord of All. They are really saying, “Hi, Mary,” and giving an evil spirit place to come into their homes and lives. Then, they wonder why bad stuff happens to them! Get the statues out, folks, worship Jesus ONLY. It’s Jesus plus NOTHING ELSE! Amen!

  65. Many years ago I remember Derek Prince telling us that there were principalities over major cities in the world. He told us that the Spirit controlling Washington, DC was the Jezebel spirit. I have almost always lived in the DC area and I can confirm this to be true. I believe that this is the motivating spirit in the women’s movement and that it has brought about nothing but death and destruction, thru abortion, mental castration of generations of men, and the false placement of women over men in every capacity. Men are terrified to be men. In media, men are depicted as feckless idiots, dependent on women to help them make decisions for themselves. I do not think the church is generally aware that this is going on. And I do not believe the church is battling in the spirit against Jezebel. Look at our culture, our government, our world. Wake up!!!

  66. I got a lot from this. So much on my journey.

    I do recognize a bias with women being the jezebel spirit attacking men and “making” them be unfaith and practice infidelity because as you said, they can be cast out, don’t like spiritual warfare, and are manipulative. It would seem that the spirit of jezebel is within the man as well if he is pulled or driven to cheat or step out of his union. The woman has it to engage with an already formed union but I see the man as possessing that spirit on them as well, even before meeting the one they step out with. Just my opinion as I’m on my journey to understanding.

    1. True. Men can lure as well. Especially thru spritual needs (i.e. Godly leadership, not anger and emotional/verbal abuse) not being met within the woman’s marriage. And the Jezebel spirit can twist it and abuse our faith. Certainly a wrong turn. Thank you Jesus my Lord.

    2. I would have to agree with you. My husband is currently with a Jezebel but he did have a little bit if it in himself I believe as well. Nothing to the extreme as her, but just enough that he was so drawn to her because she could understand him like nobody else 🙁

    3. With all due respect, the jezebel spirit is a specific set of attributes, not just unfaithfulness. My experience is that the majority are women, although my ex-husband had a jezebel spirit. There is no bias here, just experience. Manipulation and unfaithfulness are just 2 of many other characteristics. 🙂

  67. Thank you so much. And i thank God for directing me to search and bring me to reading this article and it answered to all my questions deep inside. . . Please pray for me to have courage, strength and wisdom to stand against this kind of spirit in my church that i am attending. . .

  68. So deal with this spirit ASAP, but what do you do when it’s the pastors daughter? This woman has her hand in every ministry in this church. Some people quit doing their ministry because of her not letting them do it like they feel God leads. So here’s where I am scratching my head, for two years she has told me I am suppose to be the worship leader. I prayed about it because I wasn’t so sure, finally God shows me I am the worship leader. Well guess who chooses the music , tells us how to sing it, etc? You guessed it, she does. Her father, the pastor even told me I was the worship leader. I told him God showed me I was and I was ready to step into position only to be dealing with this now. This is not my first time dealing with this spirit but idk how to handle this. Seems since her father allows her to do these things, there may be nothing I can do?! Help because I am very discouraged to be going through this again!

  69. I need guidance here and I hope someone can educate me as I am what I call “a baby Christian”. I began dating my husband 7 years ago and when we first started he told me about a girl he had dated for a few months who had been stalking him ever since they separated. I was going through a pretty bad break up with my son’s father and basically laughed it off, didn’t realize he was serious. The first encounter I had with her, AR, she came to my job and confronted me about dating my now husband. I brushed her off and asked her to leave but after making eye contact with her I knew something was off. She ended up becoming very close with his parents and told them all sorts of lies about me. I didn’t even know this woman. After a couple months she found out who my ex was and made contact with him. His older son had been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer and she reached out to him under the guise of wanting to be supportive. She quickly convinced him I had been cheating on him and that if we had any contact with each other I would have him arrested with false claims. This resulted in my children, our son and myself being alienated through the illness and death of my son’s brother and our son not seeing his father for months at a time. Shortly after my husband and I got married we found out we were pregnant. His parents refused to participate in anything having to do with our marriage or new child. AR also reached out to my husband’s daughter’s mother, AH, and told her lies about me resulting in her withholding his daughter for over a year. At the funeral of my son’s brother AR announced smiling to a group of my close friends that her and my ex were pregnant and that they had purposefully gotten pregnant and were very excited about the new baby. My husbands parents were very excited as well and lavished them with gifts and praise. It was all a horrible experience and it still hurts to look back on how easily she manipulated and made a game out of everyone and everything, including life and death. Time went on and eventually I approached her and my ex to try to make things right for our son’s sake. This was a huge mistake. She immediately latched on to me and made herself overly available in every way. After I gave in suddenly everyone was back, his parents, my ex, AH and his daughter. Things seemed well for a bit until AR started expressing her love for me and telling me she wanted in our family, that she loved my husband and my kids also. Things got very weird and I was talked into things I was not really comfortable with. After that it all got so much worse. The discord and debauchery and deceit was rampant. I ended up finding out she and my husband were having an affair and other people were involved as well. We separated and for 6 months I went through hell as she taunted me while I tried to process what was going on and how. My husband and I ended up deciding to fix our marriage and for over a year things were on the mend and peaceful and lowkey. At some point AR found out we got back together and approached my ex to get back together as well. He started bringing our son around her again (which I didn’t approve of because she was lying to him in all sorts of weird ways also) but again I choose to face her head on and hash everything out for the sake of our son. Everything was fine for a bit and them little by little she started coming around more and more. She would go over everything from the past and I would tell her to stop and that I had forgiven him and everyone else and I don’t want to stay in that place. This would make her so angry but by this point I could see very clearly how she worked. Within this period I started noticing synchronicities and signs. I ended up giving my life to Jesus and it was like I could see everything clearly. When I told her this she became noticibly and physically agitated and made many attempts to tell me why I was wrong for believing in Jesus. I prayed for protection and for the removal of anyone or anything that was not inline with God’s plan for my family and I. She never stepped foot in my home again. She came to my house one last time ranting and raving about how she was divorcing my ex and she never wanted him, she couldn’t stand our son and wished she had aborted theirs. I was floored but so grateful for God exposing her. I thought we were finally free. No, she turned her sights back onto our family, my inlaws and AH, stepdaughters mother. She thankfully exposed herself to my inlaws and did divorce my sons father but she has done something to the beautiful relationship we had with stepdaughter and her mother-she has become hateful, vindictive, lying and has made many attacks against our family. It’s like watching a puppeteer work a puppet. We have not been allowed around my stepdaughter for over a year. My husband finally was allowed only a handful of times during a temporary mediation agreement which she has since ignored and refused to comply with. AR babysits his daughter. It’s an unbelievable mess. How do become untangled when they won’t let you go?? Everytime I think we are free she hooks another loved one. I don’t understand this. I pray for her, I pray for AH and SD. I pray for resolution and guidance. I’m sure God hears me but how do we break free….its been 7 years. There has to be a way.

    1. WOW. I totally get it sister and know what it is for that spirit to be set on trying to infiltrate your spirit and family, but in the name of Jesus, continue to stand, in His authority, and RESIST the devil and tell him that through the blood of Jesus and power and authority of Christ that has been GIVEN TO YOU, that he must flee! And it will. That spirit of jezebel and ALL the demons that are attached to it, her hoard will go! It is the word of God and they cannot resist the truth. This unfortunately does not mean that there will be no warfare, there will be, but just KNOW in your heart that it will flee and you WILL experience SHALOM, peace that pars passes all understanding, that peace that comes from GOD. You are the one right now that is standing in the gap for your family. For your husband and children and their children’s children and all their siblings. Don’t grow weary in well doing. Don’t let just anyoneinto your close circle. CHOOSE VERY WISELY e with great discernment. Ask GOD to make it plain for you and ask Him to give your husband DISCERNMENT and to know he had a wife he can trust.

  70. Just a quick question…I think I just encountered a Jezebel Spirit with someone new that was hired in my department which I am the head of. All the ‘character’ traits are there including stories about her I have subsequently heard. She disturbed my spirit big time and by God’s grace she is now gone! She has now tried another attack on me through emailing the big boss the most remarkable insane email asking to (demanding) to meet with him so she can tell him the home truths about how his business is going to run into the ground without this knowledge she acquired in her short time there… obviously me being the centre of this and ending off saying why allow 1 bad Apple to destroy your whole reputation. It’s insane! And he’s not biting thank you Jesus.
    So my question is do I need to do anything for myself, in my office etc to get rid of this thing that was there? Should I annoint the space with oil or should I perhaps be prayed for as I came into contact with it?

  71. I believe the Holy Spirit has laid it on my heart that people who are narcissist and have personality disorders have the Jezabel spirit and possibly other spirits attached. I also feel that the Lord is not happy with the churches not discerning and helping the people to be set free of bondage. Back in Jesus’s days on earth it was and everyday thing to cast out demons. He don’t care what denomination you are it’s not important setting people free from bondage is. It’s not about denomination it’s about Jesus and doing his will and as a disciple of Jesus Christ if took up your cross to follow him you are discern and help people get set free of bondage. If your worried about running off church members your in it for the wrong reason. my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. Hosea 4:6

    1. I agree totally with you. I received Gods calling in my husband who gas been possessed by this spirit. He is a covert narcissist. My father was a malignant narcissist who died one month after he gave his life to Christ (grace at work). My spiritual eye was opened this year after all the years of torment and oppression. I contemplated suicide at a point before mercy found me and God started revealing this to me. These people need help. Let God make us a vessel for their salvation

  72. Now I know what it is and how appropriate the name. Went out of town on business and lost contact with my family at home, no one was answering the phone. Stopped by my wifes place of work and asked to see her. After waiting outside for some time,2 employees came out and asked if i was there to cause trouble!!! Once home I found that she and the 2 teens at home had left days earlier. The next day the sheriff delivered a restraining order on me, very clever as it dictates that i cannot go anywhere near her or the kids, because I am malicious!!!!Truly a liar!! This was followed by divorce papers. It knows that I know and no one else will do anything about it so it is causing me grief. But, I BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AND HIS HOLY SPIRIT you can run and you can hide unclean one but THE MASTER IS COMING- AMEN PRAISE BE TO GOD ON THE HIGHEST

  73. My brother is in an abusive relationship with this jezebel spirit and just goes alomg with whatever she does. She is now slanderingmy name and no one confronts her. I need serious prayer bc i dont know what to do anymore. I keep praying but dont see anything changing,

  74. My girlfriend might have this. One time I tried to cast it out via what’sapp call, then it started to laugh, and line cut off, I believe it was the devil who cut the lines, but she called me back.
    So I have expose her once, but I can’t torture it by saying Holy Spirit fire on the demon. Nothing happens, even I have done it over 5 or 10 minutes a row, but what works always is renouncing the spirit, worship music and when I pray that Holy Spirit fills her whole body, she always starts to cry. Do you have any good advice more? In her church has a female lead pastor, I don’t like the idea. Bible teaches that women should not lead.

  75. My husband is under attack by this very spirit. When he stopped going to church earlier in 2018, and never reads his Bible, I knew he would fall under attack sooner rather than later. She appeared in November 2018, she’s a co-worker that wormed her way into his life. I knew from the very onset that this was spiritual warfare. By December I increased my prayers and had a lot of people praying with me for my husband. By January, all hell had broke loose and we got into a terrible fight. It’s like she knew what happened and called me the next day. I actually recorded the conversation. At that time I wasn’t sure why I did that, but by February, I was led by the Holy Spirit to listen to that conversation again – that’s when I heard all the lies. By April 1, Our church had just launched a campaign that started that day “Who’s Your One?” and that morning as I was praying for “My One” my husband, the Holy Spirit told me this woman was evil. I started praying throughout the day at work for my husband, because by this time he had fell off the wagon and started drinking again and using drugs and disappearing for days at a time. The Holy Spirit assured me, everything would be ok. Even though I was praying and had a lot of people praying with me, he was still under her spell. By Easter, a breakthrough came, and I could see a shimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. He had another set back in May, but finally reached out for help, and I know this time he’ll be okay. He is starting to read his Bible, and getting his Spiritual Armor on. When he fully repents (not 1/2 repent), only then will he see her for what she is. Right now he is still obsessed with her, but not for long, because My God is AWESOME!!

    Thank you for the information, I now know what to do to send this demon on its way, away from my Beloved!!

    1. Hi Judy. I can relate to your story because the same thing happened to me and my husband. Thank you for sharing and for the enlightenment. God bless us all!

  76. Can evil spirits get into a person and reside within that person who accepted Jesus Christ as their saviour, redeemer and He died for our sins and Father rose Him on the 3rd day?
    And can we loose our salvation by any chance even after accepting Jesus Christ as our saviour and He is the Son of God who died for our sins and on the 3rd day came back defeating death? Because I find some people who say it can and others say it cannot..

    1. No it cannot. However it can influence them. It has come inside my body. I have seen it in my eyes. I have felt it in me. I have fought it and tried to get it out. As it is in my ex boyfriend. It attacked me to stay or come back so it can destroy me. It has tried to influence me but I can still fight it. It is a bit of a fight, kind of hard. But it cannot take control of me. It tries to seduce me. I am still fighting it and still winning. But it is very persistent. You cannot lose your salvation if you are truly saved. How you can tell is if you have any of the fruits of the spirit. But yes, it can totally attack God’s people and it is important in these end times we have the eyes to recognize this spirit and not be deceived.

    2. Of course it can. We must walk with Jesus (hering him and then obeying him) all the days of our life. Saying a sinners prayer does nothng for you. Jesus did die for the sins of the world, but you must accept the redemption and take it as your own by allowing the Spirit of God to show you your darkness. If you do and continue to allow God to penatrate every area of your heart and soul. And then chooseto remain one with God on a second by second basis. Then nothing can touch you. But if you shoose to “quench the Spirit” and ignore him, you allow evil spirits an open door to come back in. It is a daily fight, but the fight is for Jesus as long as you simply do what he is showing you to do.

  77. I feel like my husband has this spirit on him a lot of the things you where saying about dealing with the spirit in marriages sounded a lot like me Especially the part about when u talk about god the spirit gets up sets my husband don’t like to talk about god and he say he doesn’t believe in god but it’s funny because when I first met him all he talked about was going to church and encouraging me to get my life together as soon. As we got married he then changed everything and said he don’t believe in god …. do it sound like I’m dealing with that spirit ?
    We fight a lot he always try to make it seem like I’m crazy I need to seek help when really I feel he is crazy he sits there and talks to his self all day and he try’s to make it seem like I’m the crazy one and he always act like he knows everything he tears me down by calling me fat after I gave birth and given him two beautiful girls … let me know if I’m dealing with this spirit please

    1. Miss, you are not crazy. My wife has this same spirit. As I read this article, it was like the author was a fly on the wall in our marriage. Be encouraged. I’m praying for you today.

    2. Good Morning Ryesha,

      Just in reply to your concerns about your husband having a Jezebel Spirit within him. You may perhaps consider a “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” too. I can’t tell you either way what may be happening but educate yourself about Narcs as well. Narcissists don’t ever actually love the person they are with but they’ll use you as supply for themselves. Anything you have already done with or will do with them moving forward is a cherade. Example: you’re actually in a relationship with yourself & the Narc is just taking up space. A person can be in a relationship with a Narcissistic person for decades before ever realizing that person has this personality disorder. Most people with this disorder are unaware of it. This is what I’ve learned through research & invite you to start doing the same.This sounds/ is crazy but unfortunately it happens. Check out YouTuber Carmen Bryant she is a professional expert on the topic of Narcissists. I’ll pray for you moving forward in Jesus name. Amen ❗️

  78. Great insight! Thank you for sharing this!! I have been studying the Jezebel Spirit through different books, youtube videos, etc. but I really like how you have broken down the details and explained many other facets. My dad and sister are depicted in this description, I can see many details in them. I’m not sure about my other sister, but I now my entire family is against me, as I unveiled abuse and lies. My aging father has dangled his “carrots” (inheritance) and is pitting us all against each other, sending slanderous emails and smear campaigning. He has a terrible divisive spirit, controlling, manipulative, abusive, but everyone who doesn’t know the real person he is thinks he’s charming, handsome and generous. It’s all so dreadful and evil. It’s been going on for decades. My entire life was controlled by this, but now I see clearly. God is good. If He is for me, who can be against me?
    Thank you for writing this…God Bless!!

  79. I know this spirit to reside within my boyfriend and each of the characteristics he displays daily just as you described them. He has destroyed me as a person when I was once so happy and bubbly and taught me to feel so inferior and depressed as if i am nothing. Thank you for this information, I know now to stay clear. What can I do for him though? To free him of the Jezebel spirit so he can be happy himself as he is very depressed and alone and troubled himself and I worry what he will do.. he has nothing and nobody. I feel like he would be okay had he not have this spirit working through him. What can I do?

    1. I see this in atleast 3 relationships in past, and I care for each of them. Third part shared steps to help these persons. For me, i will prayerfully intercede and then ask God what steps i can take next. Amen. Thankful i found this article.

  80. This spirit resides in my church as I see it there is a long history of it. Through the years there have been persons that have held positions forever and have no desire to give them up. Our pastorate is like a revolving door historically and whenever most of them have left it has been conflict involved and when we are without a pastor there always comes along a member that takes charge and CONTROLS! The sad thing is that it is not recognized I see it but I have I dont know how to address it . I will give it to God and pray that God will break the chains in our church.

  81. This spirit resides in a specific woman in our church. I recognized her years ago when she became so angry at our Pastor because our school was closed. She said, “His inaction closed this school and now I don’t care if this whole damn church closes.” She proceeded to seduce our janitor and then our Deacon next she covered fiscal improprieties and then had me fired. Our Pastor is either enamored by her or blinded by her or in on her evil doings. By the way, our Pastor is also the exorcist for our Diocese. This woman uses others to carry out her wishes and appears to be innocent. I am giving this to God everyday. I want my Bishop to see this diabolical disorientation that has taken hold of a once pure hearted holy man (our Pastor), and help him see this and defend this…for Gods sake…he is a deliverance minister after all…Lord have mercy!

  82. hi I have been dating a woman for 4 years and I recently got away from her she has every one of these personality traits. over 90% of what I have read I have experienced them she brought down to my lowest point to where I was considering suicide on more than one occasion and actually attempted it. But I know that God is STRONGER than this and he opened my eyes one night and I just decided out of the blue to walk away. My question is could she have put some kind of spirit in me without me knowing. Should I stay away from her and just pray for her. Because there is always something she says that will make me go back and its always the same every time. I’m confused please help.
    God Bless you Jody

    1. Dear Jody,
      I’m so sorry you are going through this ordeal – I had 10 years of it! It brought me to the point that I actually overdosed with sleeping tablets. After that I realised I should have left a long time ago.

      You asked: should I stay away from her? You already know the answer to that. Let God deal with – it walk away and pray. I did and I am free.

      God bless

    2. This is often a trait of someone with this spirit.They will always seek to manipulate you into entering the same relationship with them just to seek to destroy you further.The bible says bad company corrupts good character and do not be unequally yoked.Once you’re free stay free and you will have to fight to remain free and in Jesus name you will overcome.Praying for them is the best thing you can do.

  83. Can a Pastor have this kind of Spirit. My Pastor always talks about how I need him, he is trying to help me. He says he is the one God sent to help me. He is very charismatic,has a lot of control over everything in the church. I heard him say nothing is going to happen in his church without his knowledge or approval. He tells people let him be their Christ. Every time we speak the conversation comes back to I don’t receive him like I should. I am not close to him. Been told I was rebellious cause I don’t agree with some things he says.

    1. He says stuff like John the Baptist was Jesus Spiritual Father. I have heard him say to people they are nothing with him. He is Phrophet called by God.

      1. You need to get together with other trusted members of your church to discuss this and pray for your pastor. I am willing to bet that you’re not the only one seeing and thinking that something is wrong. Your pastor is nothing more than a man, and if he thinks anything higher than that about himself he is in danger.

    2. I would say yes, the pastor can have that spirit – sometimes completely unknowing. You have reason to be consearned. I was married to a Jezebel aand I recognize that spirit very quick. Use your descearnment – your spiritual gift.

      1. I know when the spirit in her stole my faith and I went into fear, with a text. I remember when I lost my ears to hear the Lord and I went from seeing and knowing God’s heart and ways to intense bitterness and torment, 4 out of the 7 years in this church was horrible. They used fear to make me stay saying no one else would see it, and I would become a false prophet. Now I am trying to regain my sanity and move forward, yet at the same time there has been breakthrough throughout my life, this spirit has taken me from being intimate with the Father to barely getting scraps. I am now blamed for everything bad that has happend in that church and I become their black sheep….so godly right?

    3. I would get out of that church and find one that allows you freedom. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Sound like this Pastor has a controlling spirit and is not directing the people to follow Christ through the Holy Spirit that dwells within you. You must hear and be led of the Holy Spirit and do not allow this person to manipulate you or control you. God is with you and He will give you the strength to be free of this person. If you have honestly spoken, it sounds like he has a Jezebel Spirit

  84. I was directed to this series by my wife as shown to her by our pastor’s wife. Our pastor is at present in the hospital recovering from a direct attack by this evil spirit that came over a couple year’s time while we were not present at his church. My wife and I returned to a shrinking church after much prayer and growth in our walk. Neither of us were quite sure why we were being directed to return, but my wife felt called to teach children’s church and I felt a direct calling to protect this pastor, a man I barely know. I find it both amazing and timely that God has led so many to read about this evil spirit at this exact time. As we get closer and closer to the coming of our Lord, this spirit is in high gear in an attempt to reek as much havoc as possible. But…we have JESUS!

    1. Please pray for me. I blindly was seduced by people with this spirit. I am now married to my husband and it feels like I am married to him and his mom. I think they both have this spirit on them. For years I could not understand why there was such a strong pull in my marraige of control and manipulation. Lust was a big issue with my husband as well. Also, they have tried over and over to convince me I’m wrong and have an antichrist Spirit because I believe in the trinity and because I believe Christ is coming back again. I am not allowed to go to any fellowship or church because they think all churches are wrong. Now I see how they have twisted God’s truth and manipulated me to stop talking to several friends and close christian friends. Please pray I would follow God’s will on what to do. God can do anything but I am mentally and emotionally drained. I don’t know what to do and I don’t want to raise my two little one’s with all this strife and hatred and false accusations.

      1. Hello I came across your comment and would like to offer some advice. You are going through spiritual warfare and you need to guard your mind and your heart and put on your helmet of salvation. You need to go to God in prayer and fasting until you hear from God. Don’t stop until you hear from God. I repeat don’t stop. I’d you don’t hear from him in one day, go to him again….and again….and again. Keep reading the word of God (I prefer King James Version) and ask for wisdom and guidance after you read the word. The more you get in God’s word and presence….there will be more spiritual warfare that will try to discourage you and deter you from victory….don’t be fooled…but put your trust in the Lord, believe in his promises. He is with you in the storm….be encouraged for the Lord is with you wherever you may go….be good to and respect your husband as the Lord calls us to do so…….but pray for him diligently and His mother and ask God to bless them, to lift the veil, change their hearts and their minds……..Most of all have faith in our father and his son Jesus Christ….nothing is too hard for him…as a matter of fact he knows what’s going on with you already….he is waiting for you to come to him…..Be encouraged and don’t give up no matter what you see or hear. May the Lord be with you and guide you and give you peace and victory in Jesus name.

        -one of God’s children

      2. Bea, Know that the God who created this universe is able to see you through this trial.

        May The Most High God lead you through this situation and may you follow His way

        and raise your children to serve the Living God. Just as He delivered Daniel from the

        lion’s den may He also deliver you from this trial. May His perfect Will be accomplished

        in your life, in Jesus Name we pray, Amen.

  85. Hi, I could not believe that your Pastor’s character does exist!

    My pastor himself told us that we can only share or give godly wisdom to someone but, WE CAN NEVER BE ANY BODY’S CHRIST!

    Meaning, only God Himself can do things beyond any person can do. We should always be dependent on God alone and no one else except those true godly people who live their lives according to God’s ways.

    Check out Hebrews 13:7. I hope this helps. Lord bless you and keep the faith! 🙂

  86. This spirit has destroyed my marriage and family, I am alone and isolated and feel like I’m the crazy one(maybe I am). I have been involved in ministry a few times(even deliverance) each time things start getting intense for God everything goes In a tailspin and falls apart…I always seem to come back to to this spirit in my research…I hate it!

    1. thank you this lets me know i am in the right path with my Lord Jesus Christ so much confirmation. blessing to you and your journey in Jesus Christ.

    2. Carol, you just described my marriage to a “T”. I am finally coming out of living in the “F.O.G.” (living out of “fear”, “obligation”, and “guilt”) and realize that the man I married and had two beautiful daughters with is actually a covert, malignant narcopath (narcissistic sociopath). I had the same excuses with the cheating and lying as well. He was “only” talking about our bad marriage to her at all hours of the night; and yes, he “only” kissed/hugged her…please, give me a break! I have always said these “subhumans” are the epitome of evil walking amongst us. He even said in a narcissistic rage one day “My ‘goal’ is to tear you down!” I do believe the eyes are the windows of the soul, and at that’ instant (as well as at other times), the center of his eyes went black like a neverending blackness that is so evil complete with his smirk or mocking smile. I have been and will continue to talk to my Heavenly Father in helping me getting away from this soul-sucking monster.

      1. Hi Lynda and Carol. I am four years free from my now ex husband after 30 years of marriage and knowing him for 40 years. All the above happened to me too! Resulting in a mental, physical breakdown twice! After four years I can honestly say working with Our Lord and choosing to repent of unforgiveness hatred bitterness jealousy and a bucket load of others. Years of lack poverty and worthlessness and fear having been transformed by Our wonderful Lord and redeemer, I now live everyday trusting God as he has shown himself to be faithful and provided for me in amazing ways always just as I need it, not a minute before, which I believe has taught me not to worry or stress out about my uncertain future, because the Lord has a perfect plan for me, I just need to trust and obey. It is so freeing. I hope and pray you will come to the place where you are free too.

  87. In modern secular psychology the Jezebal Spirit is now called a Narcissistic Personality Disorder – and at the Narcissistic/Anti-Social extremes this is the malevolent sociopath. But it is really the same thing – with the same destructive outcomes. Christianity identified the behavior pattern in earlier times – ‘don’t cast your pearls before swine’ – this statement is an age old Biblical equivalent to modern psychology’s concept of identifying the ‘red flags’ of toxic and destructive behavior. Jezebal Spirit is real – but sadly, once infected from an early age there is very little hope for the host. The host is actually a victim, but they are very dangerous to be involved with, they will always seek to create unnecessary hostile competition and chaos for those around them, and so they need to be cast aside and whenever possible it is advisable to go No Contact with them.

    1. I agree with the article. And with the above comment. My/our predicament is how to honour my father & mother – Ahab & Jezebel – and yet have nothing to do with them. It’s one thing to fire an employee, or kick someone out of a church who won’t repent, but to effectively divorce from your parents….. Any – I mean any – contact we have is ok ish, but the spiritual attacks that follow…!!! I will continue to ask the Father and wait to see what He will do.

    2. Bob,
      I am a mental health therapist and encountered this Jezebel spirit\/Narcissistic Personality Disorder, to have very similar characteristics. Sadly enough, these individuals are not always as willing to get the help they need, because they think they may lose control of their life, when in actuality these individuals are being controlled by this Jezebel spirit. Another characteristic I have found to be very astonishing about these individuals is their lack empathy for their victims. They are emotionless. Unscathed or unbothered by the harmful negative effects their behavior has caused onto others.Once these types of individuals cause emotional/mental or even physical abuse they run. Only concerned about themselves, and not their victims. I want to say good points you have made in regards to the comparison of the two. You actually helped me to acknowledge facts that these two personality traits do go hand in hand.

      1. Sheri, Thank you for your comment. it confirms my thinking that they are one and the same. I’m busy writing a book on Jezebel and I have been asked if they are one and the same.

      2. Hi Sheri,
        Glad to know people like you (considering your profession) are exposed to this knowledge & acknowledge by yourself from your experience. Bob said the actual truth. I’ve had multiple experiences with Jezebel spirit even serious relationships that wrecked my life. And I’ve always believed mental illness as a work of devil, (a spiritual attack or a spiritual awakening gone wrong) especially NPD & other cluster B type disorders as a true work of Jezebel & fellow demons. People like you should be extremely aware of this facts so that you don’t dismiss the red flags in the name of ‘science’. Because of lack of proper knowledge, psychologists/therapists often doesn’t realize what they’re dealing with when they get exposed to these individuals. They often work in favor of the spirit by passing them out with green flag & worst, judge & accuse innocent people with their psychological terms, who are actually the victims.

    3. Hi Bob, I’ve just come across and read your comment. It has given me confirmation on my thinking that they are both the same. My understanding is that the only real solution is deliverance from a biblical perspective. I have been under the influence and attack for many years and the exposure only came in mid 2018. it freaked me out! i’m busy writing a book on my experience and the experience of others on a familial level. blessings..Peter

  88. Hey all, I would just like to ask if someone can help me identify as I think my ex-friend has this spirit in her. Well she was my best friend for 3 years and now cased me and my partner of 4years who I still love dearly to leave me for her, she is intelligent and attractive and I did start noticing that he was falling for her more and more, she constantly wanted to come first and numerous times tried to over power me and be better then me in front of my partner…… Reading this actually makes me sick that I did not know this before. We are separate need for 8 months and she already has asked him to marry her….. I know he still loves me but it is if he can’t get away from her? Can I be wrong? I really do think she has this spirit. All I can do is pray to our heavenly Father. I so wish I knew this before she took ground in our relationship

    1. Sorry to hear about this situation Jessica. I will pray for your situation. It sounds like he got caught in her web. There is responsibility that lies on him in the situation too. God has a healthier situation for you, I will pray.

      I had a close friend who had this spirit in them & I did not realize it. Looking back, I see where they were subtly manipulative, self-centered, and used me for their benefit. They did not seem this way when I first got to know them. It was a form of covert narcissism.

      It hurts looking back on the situation, but I learned from it, I forgive them, and pray for them when they come to mind.

    2. Jezebel typically needs an ahab spirit to join with. If your ex is weak willed or if he is easily controlled he will need to repent of that and be delivered himself, then learn his spiritual authority to stand against the wiles of jezebel. Pray that he becomes aware and open to all that is happening.

  89. This article is quite revealing and confirms a lot. But I am very uncomfortable with how the influence of that demonic spirit and influence of the spirit is unduly magnified by the author while the power in the name of Jesus casually referred to.

    I found it very disturbing. The article kept reiterating how great and powerful and intelligent this demon is that I started questioning the motive.

    Please, I think it should be toned down. The solution offered in how to deal with it was quite underwhelming and unsatisfactory. Almost seems like there’s no hope in Christ for the believer who is within the environment of the person who has it. Firing and confronting such a person??? What if he or she is your boss or spiritual leader as the case mostly is?

    1. I found this article to be exactly what I needed! As someone who has been born into a family of host for this spirit to live in…it’s very important to know how powerful this spirit is, otherwise people will underestimate it. The solution was short because it is simple. Why write an entire page on a simple solution. Only God can remove this spirit. It is too powerful for us to fight on our own. I’ve tried and physically got attacked. This spirit has caused me to lose thousands of dollars and has even tried to physically kill me. I have the scars to prove it. (It was operating in a woman) The ultimate goal of this spirit is to not only kill you spiritually but to kill you physically. It wants to wipe out your entire existence and if we don’t know how it operates in it’s entirety…we will not be able to catch it when it first shows up so that we can take it to God. This article was very well written and I’m so thankful to the author.

    2. If you have not come into contact with the jezebel spirit you would not understand..I is that horrible. Every teaching I have ever heard says the same thing. It tries to kill ppl and shut down the prophets. I have been under attack from it. If someone gives it legal right in their life then it will do awful things and destroy churches, marriages and workforces. I have seen it. Jesus is more powerful, but that spirit needs to be dealt with exactly how the article states.

    3. I work in the deliverance trenches and the attitude that you describe this article with is one that is trying to distract from the characteristics of the Jezebel. Why does this bother you? There is no where it sends a message of no hope. There are always recourse that can be taken, but the point is not to cower to the spirit. If they are a superior, Christ calls us to be obedient, but only in the confines of the rules of workplace. You can resist without being obstinate. You cannot confront this demon head on if the person isn’t willing to be released. Only God can do it with the help of our prayers. Praying protection prayers when around them. Praying God reveals the truth to them and they want freedom. Complacency is of the devil so his minions are left in place. I pray God will confirm this for you and give you a Holy Spirit Fire of Boldness to stand firm for Him in all areas of your life.

  90. Hi bob, I’m very thankful for this article. I’m currently struggling with my husband who I believe is in the trap of the jezebel spirit. After we had or first two kids, he was misled by a student whom he ended up living with for almost for six years now however he still went back to me and we had two kids again then he left us returned to the same lady. She now has become so possessive over him that he hardly visited us nor assisted me with the kids. Whenever I asked for his help he would turn them down because he feared the woman might leave him and he is always angry at me for no reason…I’m praying for him and her and this article I believe will help me much

  91. This article was very helpful for me. I’m a little nervous about saying this, but only a few months ago, I had a realization that spiritually, my name is Jezebel. This may sound weird, but those traits you describe have been things I’ve tried to work on in my natural, God-given personality since I was young and became self-aware through interactions with friends. I was baptized four years ago after a very strange thing happened to me in a new church. It was like everyone kept adoring me, opening doors for me. Coming from an abusive situation it felt good to be accepted. People at church kept saying how strong they could feel the Holy Spirit in me and how much light they could see in me. Multiple women in leadership shared visions they had of seeing God’s glory on me and how much Jesus loved me. Needless to say, my life soon got destroyed and I ended up in a mental hospital for bipolar disorder. I am not a seductive person. I have never been with a man or even had a boyfriend, but I’ve been lonely all my life and struggled to hold friendships. After that strange experience at church, I held back from getting involved again in a Christian community. But the past few months, I’ve gotten back in the word and Jesus has been really present for me. My name is literally Jezebel (without revealing my legal name, but my first middle and last come together and sound very similar to Jezebel. Only through the Holy Spirit did I start to hear this when people would say my name. All though my life I would feel hesitant to say my name and now I know why). I can’t help but think that there’s a reason I was given this name and maybe I can be of some help I’m praying for this spirit to stop it’s work on earth. Recently, a woman said she saw how people in authority just cave to me. But the thing is, I don’t want to kill or destroy people. But I definitely have felt almost like being stoned whenever people cast out Jezebel. Sorry for this post but I’m looking for answers. What if this spirit is literally me? There are too many experiences I’ve had to let this go any longer without seeking answers. I want to be part of a church again but it has seemed impossible due to all the very strange things that happen when I’m around other Christians. All the positive things you say about Jezebel are my positive traits and the negative things are that which I’ve worked to tame. Please forgive me if I’ve overstepped here. My only desire is to humbly serve the Lord.

    1. Hello Gina, I also have a very weird but kind of similar experience as what you had. The weirder thing is, after my baptism, they all kind of turned against me all at the same time and the interactions started to become very weirdly draining, like supernaturally toxic (for lack of a better term).

      All I know is, the enemy tries to keep people from knowing God. But for most Christians who are called to serve, the already-defeated enemy will try its damnedest to keep them from serving with all their hearts, souls, minds and strength.

      Let’s connect on email and see how we can build each other up! Your sister in Christ, Gene.

    2. That is absolutely amazing and thank you for being transparent! It’s so noble and righteous of you To even risk that. Keep praying – Jesus will give you answers and please let us know what transpires – in Christ

    3. Gina i am so sorry that you had to go through what you went through, but it sounds to me that this spirit was calling you out meaning it was trying to destroy you. The next time you hear the name Jezebel rebuke it in Jesus’s name. Bind that spirit and cast it to the pit of hell

  92. Hi everyone

    I just have to agree that the jezebel spirit is really bad. I thank God for opening my eyes. It affected my ex partner, when we were together he met someone else and was immediately drawn to her. Later I found out their relationship is mostly physically and believe me he is not that type of guy. He was never a one to be disloyal . Everything he does now it is clear there is a spirit operating in him. Do not understimate this spirit, it will try to ruin lives.

  93. Thank you for this article. You really did write everything in detail. To be honest it was bit disturbing for my mind to read but I’m glad that I know how this works. I am not Christian but I do believe in God and the Supreme lord. I came to search for this after I saw one video of a man who was possessed by this spirit and I don’t know much about Bible or the evilness. But this explained alot than I expected.

  94. Please pray for my Marriage. Right now my husband bears the Jezebel spirit from the mother of his child. She manipulates him and does everything to interfere with our marriage. There is a strong demonic presence everytime he comes in contact with her. It is always tenses and awkward between us when this happens. He is definitely unaware that he is controlled by it. He doesn’t know how to deal with her, he just accepts the negativity and evil. I pray fervently but I need for him to understand what he is going through. I was read to give up until I realized that he is dealing with demons.

  95. I am asking for prayer for a dear friend of mine who has someone with a Jezebel spirit who keeps drawing him in. He recently accepted Jesus as His Savior about 5 months ago. This woman will come into his life betraying herself as such a willing helpful spirit and friend but the minute he starts getting better and socializing with others, she goes into rages of jealousy and rants on social media. One time it became so bad he almost took a drink. He is a recovering alcoholic and has many health issues. He does well until he links back up with her. Then his health will go down. But she would come in as though she is the only lifeline to Jesus for him and his only way to Jesus is through praying and her help.

    I have encountered Jezebel spirits before in my church but never one as deeply entrenched with it as this woman. I pray for her true salvation but my main concern is for my friend to revert back to alcoholism and lose his faith. He is emotionally fragile and still struggles with a lot of areas of unbelief. I speak life to him every day via texts. I try to stay off of social media because of her intrusiveness. People can be encouraging him and she will come out of nowhere with some comment or inappropriate emoji. Most of his friends have stepped aside because they have told him they cannot stand her and her behavior. They are both fairly recent divorcees and he knows he is not ready for a relationship but this woman is determined to gain complete control over him. Please pray and if there are any guidance you may have or prayers. Please share. Also, thank you for the wonderful article. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.

  96. Why does He have to keep putting them in my path…. Especially one as harmful as this. Fits him to a T but his situation is much more developed and dangerous on top of everything else… Didn’t have this level of proof it was another one but had my concerns when he automatically involved me in his story and what he said his ancient “ghost but idk….” would do to involve me further. Immediately called my prayer partner and we prayed for Jesus’ blood protection. (Still learning) He is already the lead within a couple months… My friend doesn’t think I’m supposed to be taking this on but then why did God open my eyes last year and directly after show me who needs help and gives me such a passion to do so… It’s now been a handful of very bad ones now. This potentially being the worst. And only since last Oct… I’ve got a lot to fix and a lot to learn but I wonder if this article was my final kick in the butt to take this as serious as it is, get fully back on track, seek out the knowledge I don’t yet have and basically end my Jonah mode before I’m eaten… (sorry. Need some humor here lol) but I’d appreciate if anyone could maybe clarify this so I’m more confident? Forgive my inexperience and writing style.. I’m 23…

    Please, God, if you could send someone to tell me if my thought process is accurate and if this is what You want of me…..since I’m still having a hard time knowing and hearing…. Amen..

  97. Go before God in prayer and let God make the individual with the jezebel spirit get to identify that he or she has this spirit.identify the point of entry and deal with it through prayer. Bind the demons spirit together with chief spirit of jezebel out of this individual in Jesus name.

  98. Very informative. I hope that I can retain this information to use in times of need. Thank you for following our L’rd’s commission.

  99. Reading this my whole life makes sense now. It’s my parents and sister who have this spirit and have trapped my brother. I never went along with their toxicity and what they wanted so I was the one they always dumped on. My mother trashed my credit, took my money so I couldn’t get my own place, never supported me. She and my dad almost ruined my marriage, God blessed me with a good wife who thankfully has stayed by my side. I stopped talking to them all and moved hundreds of miles away to keep them from poisoning my life anymore. I am struggling with guilt because I still love them. My brother I worry for constantly. I pray for their deliverance.

  100. It’s no secret many good souls have fallen victim to the Jezebel spirit. Why? Because you are WORTH something to God. It is no lie that you’ve (we’ve) allowed this spirit to take a foothold in your circle. Maybe through an unknowing and truly unaware ignorance, life truly is a learning experience. This isn’t the end for you, it surely sucks now but be strong, stay aware, don’t be worn down, and pray pray pray. We MUST do better in the future. Stay resolute, no jumping into relationships. Ensure a true and strong Godly influence that is kept inwardly sacred and outwardly honored is with your spousal interests. We look like fools complaining after the fact, when we should have known better. Were our walk with the Lord tighter, had we kept close holy principles we could see this coming. Again life is a learning experience. Tolerance of this wicked spirit in the name of peace.. isn’t to be tolerated. Don’t give an inch lest a mile be taken, be absolute and resolute in your faith and holding accountable those for the content of their character. May God bless all of you reading. Bless me as well, I truly need it.

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