To properly receive this gift, and to make sure that you really do receive it when you first ask for it, here is a simple five step process that you can take that will help you receive this gift the first time you ask for it.

If you properly prepare yourself by going through these five steps, then you will definitely receive this gift the first time you ask and press in for it. Here are the five specific steps.

How to Receive The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

1. Right Motive

The first thing you must have before asking God for this gift is the right motive. This one right here is where many Christians miss getting it the first time around.

Some people may want this gift because some of their friends may have just received it, or they want the gift of tongues, or they want God’s power to be able to do what their will is rather than what God’s will is going to be for their lives.

In other words, they want this gift for their own selfish purposes rather than for what God wants to do with their lives.

The two main reasons each Christian should want to have this gift for are the following:

To be able to draw closer to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in your own personal relationship with each One of Them.

The number one thing that God wants from each one of us more than anything else is a one-on-one, intimate, personal relationship. Once you receive this gift, you will be able to draw that much closer to the Three of Them, and They will then become much more active in your personal life.

The second main reason that you will want this gift is so that you can have God’s supernatural power flowing through you so you can fully accomplish whatever God’s perfect will is going to be for you in this life. This is where you really enter into what is called the anointing.

The anointing is the power of the Holy Spirit operating through you to accomplish whatever it is God wants you to do for Him.

If God calls you to be a policeman, then He will anoint you with His power to be a great policeman. If God calls you to be a doctor, then He will anoint you with His power to be a great doctor. In order for God’s anointing to really be able to properly flow through you, you have to receive this gift.

You will have much more of God’s supernatural power flowing and operating through you if the Holy Spirit is residing up in your soul area rather than just down in your spirit.

Good case in point was an evangelist by the name of Dwight Moody. Before Dwight Moody received this gift, he was just a “good” evangelist in getting people saved and led to the Lord. However, two older ladies at one of his meetings told him one time that he would get many more souls saved if he would just receive this gift.

They told him that he was lacking God’s full supernatural power – God’s full anointing when he was preaching.

After he found out what this gift was all about and then properly received it from the Lord, his ministry took off like a rocket!

He led many more souls to the Lord than what he was doing before he had received this gift. I recall reading that after he had received this gift, he could not believe the difference in his preaching and the results he started to get.

He said he was preaching the exact same messages that he had been preaching before he had received this gift, but many more people would come up to the altar to get saved after he had received this gift as compared to how many were people coming up before he had received the gift.

He said that the power of the Holy Spirit operating through his ministry dramatically increased after having received this gift. As a result, he ended up becoming one of the greatest evangelists of all time.

The difference was the anointing – and what got the anointing on his ministry was receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit!

Many Christians, after studying what this gift is all about, and realizing that God can release this kind of supernatural power in their lives, will seek after this gift for the wrong reasons. They will seek after this gift to get the power of God operating through them so they can use it for their own selfish purposes and agendas.

So the first step you have to take is to make sure that your motives are right and pure with the Lord. If they are not, then God will not release this gift to you. He will not allow His anointing to be tampered with or to be used for one’s own selfish purposes.

You have to really want this gift because you want to be able to enter into a much deeper, personal relationship with God – and that you will now need His power and anointing to be able to flow through you so that you can fully accomplish whatever His divine destiny is going to be for your life.

God will be able to read right through your thoughts and motives on all of this. If you are not sincere with Him as to why you are really wanting this gift, or you are seeking after this gift for all of the wrong reasons, God will then see right through your impure motives and withhold this gift from you until you can come to Him for the right reasons and the right motive.

So the first step is that you make sure that you properly examine your motives as to why you are seeking after this gift.

If you can honestly say that you really want this gift for the above right reasons, then you are now ready for step two.

2. Decide If You Really Want It

Once you have examined your motives and you know that you can approach God with the right reasons and right motives for wanting this gift – then the next step is to decide if you really want this gift.

This may sound a bit redundant, but it isn’t. This gift is only for those who want to go all out for God. It is only for those who are willing to put the pedal to the metal for God.

If God is going to allow the Holy Spirit to release up into your soul area, then He is going to want you to do something with it. God has a specific plan and destiny for each person’s life. If God allows the Holy Spirit to release up into your soul area, then you are going to have God’s power available to you to do what He wants you to do with your life.

If you are not willing to be used by God for whatever He wants to use you for in this life, then His anointing is just going to be wasted and He will more than likely withhold this gift from you. Again, this is another reason why God may not release this gift the first time someone will ask for it. This person does not really understand the ramifications and responsibility that comes from receiving this gift.

If you are not willing to go all out for the Lord in this life, then you will be wasting both your time and His time by asking for this gift. Many Christians, after really realizing the responsibility and ramifications that come with this gift, really do decide not to press in for it because they know they cannot give God a full and unconditional commitment to fully serve Him.

Some Christians are also afraid to get to close to God in their own personal relationships with Him. This kind of unhealthy fear will also prevent you from being able to receive this gift.

These first two steps – having the right motive and really wanting this gift – will be the main determining factors as to whether or not you will receive this gift the first time you try asking for it. If your motives are not right, or if you are not sure that you really want this gift and the responsibility and ramifications that will go with it, then chances are, you will not receive it.

This is why many people do not initially receive this gift when they first go up for it at the altar calls at their church. They have not been properly prepared as to what this gift is really all about, nor have they been properly prepared as to what God will expect from them if He should release this gift to them.

If you decide that your motives are right and pure, and that you really do want this gift, and are willing to accept the responsibility and ramifications that will come with it – then you are now ready for step three.

3. The Full Surrender

Once you realize what this gift entails and that you will have to be willing to fully surrender to whatever God’s perfect plan and destiny is going to be for your life – then the next step is to take that big leap of faith and fully surrender everything over to God the Father. What God wants from you are four specific things:

  1. your body
  2. your soul
  3. your spirit
  4. your entire life

He wants all three parts to your being – body, soul, and spirit. If you notice in the above verse at the top of this article, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, God wants to sanctify you completely in all three parts of your being – spirit, soul, and body.

The fourth thing that God will want from you is your entire life – and this will literally include everything. It will include who you will marry in this life if marriage will be in God’s perfect will for your life, what your call or calls are going to be, and what jobs you will be taking in this life.

In the Bible Basics section of our site, we have another article titled “The Full Surrender.” In this article, I give you all of the main Scripture verses proving and showing to you that this is something that God the Father really wants from each and everyone of us.

If you are not willing to make a full and complete surrender of your body, soul, spirit, and your entire life over to the Lord – then He will probably not allow this gift to be released to you.

The full surrender prayer will be included in the final step where you will pray and ask God to release this gift to you.

If you can now say that you really do want to receive this gift for all of the right reasons, that you have no fear in receiving it, and that you will now be willing to fully surrender every aspect of your life over to God the Father, then you are now ready for step four.

4. The Full Cleansing

Before asking God to allow this gift to be released in you, I feel every Christian should be willing to go through what I call a full cleansing. What this entails is that you simply confess any known sins that you may have on you that have not already been confessed and forgiven under the Blood of Jesus. For those of you with a Catholic background, it would be like going to confession before receiving communion.

Imagine if you got a message from God the Father and He told you that He was going to send Jesus down to visit you at your house on a specific date.

What would be the first thing that you would want to do? You would want to clean your house from top to bottom.

Why? Because you would want Jesus coming into a “clean house” to visit you.

The same analogy can now be used with the Holy Spirit. Since this gift is receiving the presence of the Holy Spirit up into your soul area – the first thing you are going to want to do is to make sure that you have a “clean house” for Him to come up into. Your soul is your house. So how do you clean your soul up in order to properly receive His presence up into your soul? By fully confessing every known sin that you have not already confessed yet. You want a “clean slate” in order to really be able to receive Him up into your soul.

There are two parts to properly do this and they are as follows:

1. The first thing that you will want to do is take about 4-7 days to really do this right.

Get a pen and piece of paper and write down any known sin that you still have lingering on you that you know that has not been fully confessed before God the Father to receive His full forgiveness for. Once you write down everything you can think of, then ask God to show you any other sins that you may have in you that you may not be aware of that are sins in His sight.

Many of us have hidden sins that we are not fully aware of that really need to be confessed and washed clean under the Blood of Jesus. You may be holding unforgiveness towards someone and God is viewing this as a sin, but you are not.

You are not fully aware that this is a sin in His sight. Be sensitive to any sins that the Holy Spirit may bring up to your mind’s attention over the course of about 4-7 days. Give God that long to reveal to you any hidden secret sins that you may have in you that you may not be aware of.

After you have written down everything that you feel is a sin in His sight, then simply go to God in prayer and confess each one of these sins as a sin, and then accept His full forgiveness for each of these sins. Here is a sample prayer that you can use to make sure that you do this right:


I now come before You to fully confess my sins of (the name of each of your sins). I fully admit that what I have done was wrong and sinful in Your sight. Father, in Jesus name, I now ask that you please forgive me and wash away all of my sins by the blood that Your Son Jesus has personally shed for me on the cross. I also ask by the power of the Holy Spirit that you give me the power not to do any of these specific sins ever again.

Father, I now believe that I have been fully forgiven and that my sins will no longer be remembered by You.

Thank you Father.
Thank you Jesus.”

Here is the Scripture verse backing up the above prayer and confession:

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

Notice that we have to first confess our sins directly to Him before He will forgive us on each one of our known sins.

2. The next and final step is to then deal with any type of heavier sin that you may have in your past. And here is where I need to give each of you a major warning.

Any previous “heavier” sins such as alcohol or drug abuse, any involvement in the occult, any involvement in a cult or false religion, or any involvement in a homosexual lifestyle – these types of heavier sins must not only be confessed – but they must also be renounced before God the Father.

When you fully renounce something before God the Father, you are telling Him that you will never, ever go back to that activity again. All of these heavier sins have one major thing in common – they are all major door openers to the dark side, to Satan’s realm where he and his demons roam.

Some people will get demons attached to them as a result of engaging in one or more of the above activities. If you do not confess and renounce these types of heavier sins before God the Father, then the demons who may have attached themselves to you as a result of engaging in any of these activities will still have a legal right to stay attached to you.

If you do not confess and renounce these types of heavier sins before God the Father, then what could possibly happen is that a demon will enter into your soul area when you ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit rather than the Holy Spirit entering up into your soul area.

There have been documented cases of this happening, and this was all because the person was not properly prepared before trying to receive this gift! And once that demon or demons enter into your soul area, then you are going to have to get them cast out of you by way of an actual deliverance!

So make sure that if you have had any past involvement in any of the above mentioned activities, that you both confess and renounce that sin before God the Father – and then go ahead and speak out loud to any demons who may have become attached to you to now leave you in the name of Jesus Christ, since their legal rights have now been fully taken away from them with you both confessing and renouncing this heavier sin before God the Father.

Here is a sample prayer and how to properly do this:

1. “Father, I now come before You to fully confess my involvement in (name the sin activity) as a sin. In addition to confessing this activity as a sin, I now wish to fully renounce my involvement in (name the sin).

Father, in the name of Jesus, I now fully renounce my involvement in (name the sin) and I promise and vow to You that I will never, ever return back to it again.”

Now you will need to speak directly to any demons who may have become attached to you as a result of engaging in this past activity.

This next part needs to be said out loud since demons cannot read your mind or your thoughts.

2. “I now come against any and all demonic spirits who may have become attached to me – either on the inside of me or on the outside of me as a result of my involvement in (name the activity).

I have now fully confessed and fully renounced my involvement in (name the sin) to God the Father and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

My past transgressions in this activity have now been fully forgiven under the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

You no longer have any more legal rights to stay attached to me in any way, shape, or form. My sin has now been fully forgiven and completely washed away by the blood of my Savior Jesus Christ.

I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ against each and every one of you. All of your legal rights have now been completely broken and taken away. You no longer have any more legal rights to stay attached to me.

Demons, I now command you, in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to leave me right now and forever more – and you are to never, ever come back on me again.

I repeat, each and everyone of you is to leave me right now in the name of Jesus Christ, and you are to never, ever come back on me – ever again! Go now in the name of Jesus Christ! I repeat, go now in the name of Jesus Christ!”

If you have drawn any demons in on you as a result of any participation in any of the above activities, then the above confession, renouncement, and engaging directly with the demons should take care of the problem.

One final note – when I say any involvement in the occult, I mean any involvement whatsoever.

If you have played with a ouija board even one time – if you have gone to a fortuneteller even one time – if you have been hypnotized even so much as one time – you need to go ahead and go through the above cleansing just to make absolutely, positively sure that you are clean and free of any demonic spirits before asking for this gift. It is much better to be safe than sorry on this.

I am going to go ahead and list some of the occult activities that will need to be confessed and renounced before God the Father if you do want to press in for this gift.

Any involvement in any of these occult activities need to be fully confessed and fully renounced before God the Father before attempting to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Here is the list:

  1. Fortunetelling of any kind
  2. Tarot Cards
  3. Ouija Boards
  4. Séances and any involvements with mediums or spiritists
  5. Astrology and any form of horoscopes
  6. I Ching
  7. Hypnotism
  8. Transcendental or any type of far eastern meditation
  9. Witchcraft
  10. Satanism
  11. Voodoo
  12. Channeling of any kind
  13. Astro projection
  14. ESP
  15. Dungeons and Dragons
  16. Any New Age techniques or activities
  17. Necromancy

If you are willing to pass all of the above four steps – then you are now ready to receive the baptism or release of the Holy Spirit so He can now release from your spirit to come up into your soul.

If your motives are right and pure, if you have decided that you really want this gift, if you are willing to make a full and complete surrender of your body, soul, spirit, and entire life over to God the Father, and are willing to properly go through the above cleansing process in order for the Holy Spirit to have a clean house in which to be able to enter into – you are now really ready to receive this gift and it will now become very easy for you to do so. The hard part is now over.

I really feel the reason many people do not receive this gift when trying to get it quickly at a church service is that they simply have not been properly prepared to receive it.

The above four steps will properly prepare you to receive this gift if you are honest with yourself when you complete these four steps.

5. Prayer to Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

If you have successfully completed steps 1-4, then the only thing left to do is simply to go to God the Father in prayer and ask Him to allow the Holy Spirit to release up into your soul. It really is that simple. You do not have to go into any type of major travailing or prevailing trying to get God to release this gift to you.

Any travailing or prevailing would have been done in steps 1-4 where you had to make a personal decision with yourself as to who is going to run your life – you or God.

You may have also wrestled with the Lord on going through the cleansing process in reference to some past or hidden sins that He wanted you to confess as sins in order for your house to be clean enough to allow the Holy Spirit to enter into your soul.

If you have successfully passed those steps on the full surrender, having the right motives, and allowing God to clean you up on the inside with any sins that He wanted confessed, forgiven, and washed completely clean under the Blood of His Son, then the hard part is now over.

This gift will then be released to you by way of just a simple prayer and request to God the Father. Simply ask God the Father in a simple prayer request and you will then receive this mighty gift from Him. This gift is then accepted by simple faith and belief.

Here is a simple basic way that you can word your prayer to God the Father to receive this most glorious gift. Notice in the prayer that you are agreeing to make a full and complete surrender of your entire life over to Him.


I believe that I am truly saved and born again. I believe that all of my sins have now been fully forgiven and washed clean under the Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Father, I now by an act of my free will, turn my entire life over to You. I now place my body, my soul, my spirit, and my entire life into Your hands. I now ask that You place and enter me into Your perfect will for my life. I now ask that You set me up on the perfect plan and destiny that you have set up for my life.

Father, I now want to go one step further. I now want to receive the Baptism of your Holy Spirit – the release of your Holy Spirit to come up and enter into my soul from my spirit.

Father, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, I now ask that you allow the Holy Spirit to enter into my soul. Father, from this moment on, by an act of strong faith and belief, I am now going to believe that the Holy Spirit has now entered into my soul – regardless of whether or not I feel anything.

Thank you Father.
Thank you Jesus.”

What completes this prayer request is your faith and belief that God has now granted it. If you have passed steps 1-4, then there is no reason for God to withhold this gift from you and you can now start walking believing that the Holy Spirit has now entered into your soul.

What you will need to do now is to start to establish a direct, personal, one-on-one relationship with the Holy Spirit Himself just like you have with God and Jesus.

Seek to establish a Father-child relationship with God the Father, and a best friend relationship with both Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

The apostle Paul tells us that we can enter into a good personal relationship direct with the Holy Spirit Himself. Here are two good verses giving us this revelation:

  1. “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Corinthians 13:14)
  2. “Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit …” (Philippians 2:1)

These two words above –”fellowship and communion” – tell us that we can enter into a personal relationship direct with the Holy Spirit Himself!

The word “communion” means to have a direct partnership with someone, to share with someone, to have fellowship with someone. These two words spell one thing – personal relationship!

What will really kick this gift into full operation is for you to start to establish a direct, one-on-one, personal relationship with the Holy Spirit Himself. Simply start talking to Him like you would a best friend. He is right there on the inside of you.

This is part 2 of our 4 part series on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

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  1. Thank you for your article on How to Receive The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I have always wondered why I haven’t found this kind of detailed description in the Bible regarding Baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of tongues. If it is truly biblical, I desire all the Father has for His children. Why didn’t Paul, Peter, John, or any other apostle explain in some detail about how to receive it. It seems that more Christians would desire & utilize Praying in Tongues if they saw instructions in the Scriptures. (Please correct me if I am wrong about instructions in the Bible. I do not want to be ignorant of anything – as Paul mentioned.) Many Christians hear of people being taught to speak in tongues-being told to just open the mouth & start speaking syllables & that eventually you’ll speak full heavenly phrases. Do we open our mouths & begin, or do we wait for His prompting? Please respond soon. Bless you.

    1. GOD my Father, your Father is so awesome when you know HIM as Father, it is about relationship and how awesome,righteous and just and loving and powerful and full of grace and sovereign is our Abba Father…..
      Thank you for Jesus Christ as Jesus is the the key…. yes the way truth the life……… and Holy Spirit is the revealer of the very essence of who GOD is……

      Lets start…… unless a man be born again………. Romans 10 v 13 confess with your mouth and believe with heart……….. there is an action a movement is involved there is a heart crying out and a mouth speaking vocally out loud saying the born again pray so to speak or prayed. Notice …… (WHEN YOU PRAY THE PRAYER OF SALVATION ( BORN AGAIN PRAYER WHEREBY THE WORDS CAN BE IN DIFFERENT WAYS VARIED BUT TO SAY AND MEAN SALVATION / I AM BORN AGAIN THROUGH JESUS CHRIST.) for one example OKAY NOW……… your mouth you open and one starts saying the born again prayer lead by a pastor or person in Christ or reading your bible or internet / booklet or supernaturally in your room etc etc all by faith not in your own understanding.
      You will have a GOD encounter….. a day you will never forget. A new beginning through and in Christ Jesus. You Born Again Christian……
      Well then why not receive Holy Spirit in the same way by faith believe to receive to be baptized in Holy Spirit. Say the Prayer to receive the Baptism of Holy Spirit ask GOD and then open your mouth and loose your tongue and just speak what comes out ……..there will be a something a vibration or a sound might seem strange will seem strange but also uplifting…… dont stop just say those two or one or more sounds and repeat keep going well just keep saying and keep moving your tongue and keep your mouth moving open your mouth say speak and get louder speak up come on now just let GOD be GOD and more sounds not your normal own language but it seems strange dialogue cause it is not your own English vocabulary for example but Only GODS heavenly language you receiving which sounds strange to you but just keep going…. keep your head out of it keep YES YES your head out of it because your heart is right and you crying out to GOD for the infilling of HOLY SPIRIT yes you asking you believe and you asked for this SO RECEIVE ……. so your mouth is in action your tongue is loose cause you have no fear and you mindset does not understand this so cool. It is by the Spirit of the Lord…
      I encourage hereafter to pray in the Spirit as you have just done daily and daily in and for all situations and in relationship as communion is powerful with our Father GOD and JESUS and HOLY SPIRIT.
      let GOD be GOD there are various examples or testimonies of the infilling of ACTS 1 v 8 in todays times year 2018……
      for example IN a service just supernaturally during a worship or at an altar call. And maybe driving in your car and crying out to GOD. or Just in your prayer time at home or your worship time…. many different testimonies of the evidence receiving the baptism in/ of HOLY SPIRIT
      And yes why does one sometimes show or demonstrate to brothers and sisters in Christ by saying for example open your mouth or by saying or showing just say what wants to come out your mouth cause its new or seems different to some, sometimes that maybe fear or strangeness just goes and the precious born again person is like wow yes and GODS in control always the evidence is revealed. Remember you cant manipulate or fake GODS power. Just believe by faith and receive your heart is right. GOD loves you. GOD always has you in mind for bigger things and for others……..

    2. From what I’ve learned this is not something that is taught. My pastor, my mother and others I know all say that the sounds came out of their mouths, like they couldn’t stop. But I’d advise you to pray about this, ask God to reveal the truth about it. There is a LOT of deception going on, which I understand, since Satan and his demons fear tongues so much that they’ve introduced all kinds of tools (including fear) to keep people away from the baptism with the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.

  2. Am glad to be lectured by your teachings and articles it has really exposed me to the real fact on how to go about the baptism of the holy spirit thank u so much but please Hw can someone withdraw totally from sin?

  3. From the amount of works involved in this 5 step process, I am assuming that Grace has nothing to do with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Where is the Gospel in this process? I think that the reason so many never grow to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, is because in their desire to be filled they turn to other people who pretend to have their picture on Jesus’s refrigerator, and become deceived by a false gospel, which this is, instead of allowing the work of the Holy Spirit to manifest to them in revelation. And this my dear friend is scripture.

  4. I’m not sure it depends on how much you want and are willing to let go of in order to receive it…because – form that stand point it’s already all about me to begin with. I have nothing to do with it at all. It is CHRIST Who Baptizes Us, The High Priest Who Baptizes the LIFE He Gives with His Spirit of Holiness..the Holy Spirit in The Spirit of Truth. It is almost impossible NOT to know when this has happened. There is no ‘speical prayer’..that has made it ‘automatic and rote’..and all in my mind all over again. Not to say that it could not happen, though. There is some other things in this post that are well the ‘level of commitment’ and that the Spirit is Fulfill God’s will For Him, not ourselves. What is God’s Will for you in your Life (which is HIS) vs. what I want God’s WIll to be for me in ‘my life’ are not the same thing. It is for us to be Enabled (En-Abel’d) to Live Again and ‘come out from the Ground having been slain by our personal ‘Cain’ which wants as to Live OUT The life He has Given in order to Serve His Purpose for ‘That” Life…Work OUT Your Life Unto Salvation with Fear and Trembling so as not to be of offense and/or quench the Holy Spirit..this post did capture the degree of Willingness to be Held Accountable and Being is not for our ‘feelings’ and to get anything..granted The Result of Having Been ‘Immersed Deeply” might well be a result of having been Deeply Cut by The Sword..the Spiritual Word…there are some who have Known this thrugh Experience in having an Ecsatcy or Inexpressible Joy… See book “Joy Unspeakable”

    7 so that the proof of your Faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by Fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the Revelation of Jesus Christ; 8 and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with Joy Inexpressible and full of glory, 9 obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls.…

    Ephesians 3:19
    and to Know (Yada) This Love that surpasses knowledge–that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

  5. Very enlightening and spiritually uplifting information. Blessed is the author and may the God Almighty’s grace be upon you always and forever more.
    This teaching is a blessing for anyone who believes in Christ and reads this article.
    Praise and Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

  6. Thank you for posting this wonderful article!
    Last night I went through the steps listed above and I said the “Prayer to Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit”. I was sitting on my couch with my palms facing up and all of a sudden I felt a warm feeling enter my body starting on my left side. I felt it in my left arm, then go through my chest and it stayed in my stomach area. When it first started I said to myself “Here it comes”. The heat in my stomach lasted for about 2 hours and I know that it was The Holy Spirit entering my soul. I literally felt a fire in my belly. I have never felt this feeling before. Thank you for posting such a powerful prayer it definitely worked for me!

    1. @Yesenia, That is a wonderful testimony! I am writing this reply 6 years later and would like to know how and what you are doing now living by the Spirit as to not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Bless you forever!

  7. thank you so much for this wonderful word of encouragement on how to have the baptism of the holy spirit. i’m blessed… may God Almighty blessed your ministry. Amen

  8. I have never ready anything so pragmatic and power packed as this article. Thank you times. You are such a blessings. May God increase you and multiply your seed.

    Pray for me to have this revealed knowledge become a reality into my life.

    I am appreciative beyond what words can tell.

    You are so generous.

    I love you and, I love your ministry, may the Good Lord richly and abundantly bless and keep you with your loves ones.

  9. I have sought after the Holy Ghost baptism several years now, I do believe with all my heart I have received, I am claiming His gift and asking Him to rise up within me & give me boldness to release His power. Thank you Jesu. AMEN.

  10. Wow!!! I’m so happy and blessed to have read this article. Thank God and thank you so much for showing me in details, how to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. God bless you more and more in Jesus name.

    1. I thank God for showing me in details n how to receive the the Holy Spirit,and baptism as well.Amen I bless God.

  11. In the above prayer you said that demons cannot read your mind and thoughts. When I pray or speak to God sometimes a voice talk to me. But what this voice is saying is not correct or misleading. What I am dealing with?? Who is speaking to me??

  12. Thank you for a very powerful and enlightening lesson, I have learnt a lot and I have also confirmed some of the things I experience when praying or when in church such as the cold or hot sensation entering my body and I usually start trembling. I am very greatful indeed

  13. I am highly favored and privileged to receive this beautiful blessing of knowledge, I consider myself very lucky to come across this by your direction because, I now know what I was missing out in my prayers, Thank you so much and may God continue to bless you and add more power and grace to your anointing, remain blessed.

  14. When I said the prayer to cast out any demons attached to me or inside of me I felt hot and started sweating a bit and also felt slight chills running down my spine. Could someone please enlighten me as to what that was? Was it a demon leaving me?? I have never participated in any occult activity other than my sister constantly coming to me and reading horoscopes from a teenage magazine that I never asked her to do but listened to and also have witnessed a group of people get hypnotized at a high school event but never myself actually been hypnotized. So I didn’t see as to why I would have a demon attached to me, but now I’m questioning otherwise due to the feelings I felt when I prayed that prayer.

    1. Demons are around us…and so are Angels.You may have have unknowingly allowed a spirit. We are to check ourselves regularly to see if our thoughts and actions line up with God’s word.
      As you begin to understand the deeper things of God it is not an unusual thing to notice demons or angels presence. Begin reading the word. You will find your identity and the fear goes away when you realize you have are a new creation.

      I pray protection over your mind and thoughts as you go through this journey.The enemy tries to mess up our walk at this stage with fear and confusion.I ask God to bless you with revelation and to be able to grow in faith.
      in Jesus name. amen.
      Having the Baptism of Holy Spirit was life changing for me. I was able to get off of cigarettes quite easily(after struggling for 15 yrs).

  15. Thanks so much for this article. I must confess I was really touched by it. I thought something was actually depriving me from receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit… I also thought I was not enough child of God. now I know that as soon as one accepts Jesus Christ as lord and personal saviour the Holy Spirit is released. I will keep asking until I experience it. However I would really like to know which are the false religions. Thanks so much and may the Lord fill you with more and fresh anointing.

    1. Iam grateful for the steps I have quickly understood and been able to follow. Thank u for simplifying it. I desire greatly to connect to my calling and serve GOD Almighty and Jesus Christ all my life powerfully. May God always bless you much and live to help many.
      Christine, Uganda

  16. Thank you for this power packed article on holy spirit,I read this artice in the year 2011, July precisely, followed the steps and lo and behold on 25August 2011. I was just sleeping in bed enjoying my sleep when the move of the holy ghost came into my room like a rushing mighty wind ,from my sleep I felt the touch of holy ghost fire and i was shaking from my head to toe then bursted into tongues, i try to shut my mouth ; I couldn’t the power of the Holy spirit was so heavy on me that I kept on speaking and not get tired and even sang in tongue. I appreciate God for this ministry . I also thank God for being ever faithful to His Word. For all that believe ,out of ur belly shall flow the river of living water. Thank u and remain blessed

    1. @Adekanbilara, I am thinking, “Wow! Wow! And double Wow!” What an experience that must have been! This is February, 2022. I am wondering how your life walking by the Spirit so that you don’t/haven’t fulfilled the desires of the flesh is going? I am very anxious to be fully baptized in the Holy Spirit and have Him guide me in a very real and experiential way, too.

  17. hey there,,, its alexander again I have do the above & there is still demonic attachment. what in the World must I do. Im in a wheelchair & my life is like Hell on earth because of the nothing ness & because what this evil attachment is doing in my life , attacking everything making life very isolated & very unpleasant. This is Years now. I see the spirit at times & i can hear it bouncing off the TV & other things. I sing to JESUS , i read , i pray & i have faith the size of a mustered seed. Why , Why , Why is this happening. Is there anyone that would be willing to try to meet me in person & save my soul , Please!!!

    1. Hi Alexander, what has been happening during this last 6 months? Always remember God’s love is unconditional, and his promises are yes and amen thru Jesus Christ our Lord. Revisit the 4 steps concerning receiving Holy Spirit. Our Lord’s name is all powerfull . Jesus is the one that sets us free.

    2. NOW YEAR 2018 APRIL…..Hi Alexander FROM Geri. I am a carrier of the Glory of GOD lets do this I am here as a vessel, a custodian, a son and you a daughter of the King of kings Jesus.
      I trust you doing well and you are blessed.
      I was reading your note above and just to humbly say by testimony and revelation and as GODS word says all the time as you know …… All things are possible …… note and doable with and through our GOD ABBA FATHER………
      How is your situation as per these requests and points you mentioned above.
      You need an encounter with GOD and the Glory of GOD . In GODS Presence there is everything fullness of JOY and whatever you crying out for. GOD loves you and that conquers all fear and destruction and uncertainty. An encounter a revelation an experience I release into your life right now In Jesus Name receive it take it be whole be blessed joy and peace is yours encounter the Living GOD yes JESUS our Lord and Savior is Alive AMEN. GOD will always show HIS GLORY. IT is done Amen.

    3. Dear Alexander,
      I’m 68 and have been taught against The Baptism of The Holy Spirit all of my life because I got saved in a Baptist Church. I have just now completed all of the above steps. My heart goes out to you. My stepfather was in a wheelchair since he was 19 and 20 years ago I had a crush injury to both legs and feet resulting in my legs almost being amputated. Instead a plastic surgeon saved my legs but all the nerve damage resulted in me wearing braces and living with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), the highest rated pain on the McGill pain scale.

      Are you saying you are seeing demonic spirits bouncing off the TV? Are you sure you have been saved first? The gospel is the good news that Jesus is who he said He was— the Son Of God, the 2nd member of The Trinity, and that we are ALL sinners. He came to show us The Father and to pay for ALL of our sons past, present and future. If we BELIEVE in our heart and CONFESS with our mouth that He is Lord and Savior we are saved, BORN-AGAIN and regenerated (His Spirit comes to dwell in our spirit.

      My question is: Have you made Him Lord above EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING in your life? That just means surrendering everyone and everything to Him. Make a notebook of everything and everyone that you are trying to hold on to and ask Him to help you to release ALL to Him! I pray this blesses and helps you.

  18. Prise the Lord for this opportunity given me to read about how to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit I am so blessed because it is my desire to have a encounter with the Holy Spirit. May the Lord God Almighty strength you as u bring people to know him more and more love you.

  19. Thank God for this page indeed it is needful and helpful for me I have tried many times not knowing i have this decisions to make Thanks a lot

  20. Some of us are Jews and some of us are not; some of us are slaves and some of us are free. But we were all baptized to become one body through one Spirit. And we were all given the one Spirit. ALL are baptized into the Holy Spirit when you truly believe…

  21. Thank so much for this powerful article. laying down all steps has deepen my understanding of what the Baptism of the Holy spirit really is. I believe the holy Spirit took me to this website as i searched for the subject, and your website was not among the first 5 results… i scrolled down and click on yours… i am so blessed and grateful to read this article , will read it again and again . Thank you. to the Lord all the Glory!!

  22. GOD my Father, your Father is so awesome when you know HIM as Father, it is about relationship and how awesome,righteous and just and loving and powerful and full of grace and sovereign is our Abba Father…..
    Thank you for Jesus Christ as Jesus is the the key…. yes the way truth the life……… and the Holy Spirit is the revealer of the very essence of who GOD is……
    Okay lets start okay
    now unless a man be born again Romans 10 v 13 confess with your mouth and believe with heart……….. there is an action a movement is involved there is a heart crying out and a mouth speaking vocally out loud saying the born again pray so to speak or prayed. Notice your mouth you open and one starts saying the born again prayer all by faith not in your own understanding.

    Well then why not receive the Holy Spirit in the same way by faith believe to receive to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Say the Prayer to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit ask GOD and then open your mouth and loose your tongue and just speak what comes out ……..there will be a something a vibration or a sound might seem strange will seem strange but also uplifting…… dont stop just say those two or one or more sounds and repeat well just keep saying and keep moving your tongue and keep your mouth moving and it gets louder speak up come on now just let GOD be GOD and more sounds not your normal own language but it seems strange dialogue cause it is not a vocabulary but Only GODS heavenly language you receiving which sounds strange to you but just keep going…. keep your head out of it keep YES YES your head out of it because your heart is right and you crying out to GOD for the infilling of the HOLY SPIRIT yes you asking you believe and you asked for this SO RECEIVE ……. so your mouth is in action your tongue is loose cause you have no fear and you mindset doesnt understand this so cool.It is by the Spirit of the Lord…

    let GOD be GOD there are various examples or testimonies of the infilling of ACTS 1 v 8 in todays times year 2018……
    for example IN a service just supernaturally during a worship or at an altar call. And maybe driving in your car and crying out to GOD. or Just in your prayer time at home or your worship time…. many different testimonies of the evidence receiving the baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT

    And yes why does one sometimes show or demonstrate to brothers and sisters in Christ by saying for example open your mouth or by saying or showing just say what wants to come out your mouth cause its new or seems different to some, sometimes that maybe fear or strangeness just goes and the precious person is like wow yes and GODS in control always the evidence is revealed. Remember you cant manipulate or fake GODS power. Just believe by faith and receive your heart is right. GOD loves you. GOD always has you in mind for others……..

  23. I was baptized at 15 where I confessed faith in Christ as Lord and Risen Savior. Then I became the prodigal son for almost 30 years. After sinning, and picking up some bad habits along the way, the weight of sin became heavy on me, and in a very low point of my life, I looked to God in shame, and asked for his forgiveness. I started to weep, and a deep peace over shadowed me, and I felt in perfect company. For the last 3 years, I thought that what I experienced then was the act of being born again. I had been given power over sin, and I am able to resist all temptations. I didn’t know that what happened 3 years ago was the actual baptism of the Holy Spirit being performed by God inside of me. A friend of mine asked me, since he noticed that I like to witness for Jesus, if I spoke in tongues. I said no, and he said that I wasn’t baptized in the spirit yet, but that I definitely was born again. I felt as if I had been deeply injured when he said that to me, and after researching this topic, I came across this page, and now things are more clear. I was born again a long time ago, during my teenage years, but I did not realize that the Holy Spirit was baptizing me at the age of 44. I even said to God to forgive me for having pushed Him away from me for so long, and He said to me “I never left you”. Since that day, the spirit witnesses inside of me, letting know He is with me always, and I love His company where ever I go. As the writer of this page has said, and I am a witness, the full surrender to God is Key. We can’t have any reservations, or hold anything back when confronting God with our commitments. If we are not all in, God can only meet us where we meet Him. In other words, God respects our free will, and He will not forced Himself on us beyond where we let Him. I’m just eternally happy and grateful to God for having shown me great patience, and keeping me safe until I turned the corner away from sin and into a life that will never end besides God. Thank you Lord for your Grace, and your Mercy.

  24. Ok, first off, you’re saying that you need to decide to be baptized, and then you say you have to renounce D&D? Are you sure you’re interpreting scripture and not just streching it to fit your worldview?

  25. Wow the teachings were really for me I have received thank you Jesus I am now a new creature old things are past away thank u for your mercy.

  26. Hello there: I did not ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, however when I was in Church I was touched in the side with a warm feeling; the warmth went thru my whole body, I could not stand, I had to get down on my knees; others around me, did not even see what was happening to me. After crying a whole lot, I got up and started singing again; but again I was not able to stand. When I finally was able to stand, I was in such a daze that I heard not much of the sermon. And I forgot to tell the Minster of the happening as I was leaving.
    My sister who was a Methodist minister, later that week, told me what happened. I was born again on that day.

    Many things happened in the days following that experience, of which I will not go into now.

  27. I just want to thank you for the above article which you shared about the baptism of the holy spirit. I have joined a women’s ministry group and it seems everyone is speaking in tongues accept me. I have been encouraged by others to ask for the infilling of the holy ghost. Up till now i am still waiting however i am not giving up. Your message has actually given me some thoughts to really reflect on my life, what it means to fully prepare and coming into full surrender. Thank you as I now understand that it is not something you will want because those you know have it and you don’t. Thank you once again and I can’t wait to have that encounter.

    1. Aiva,
      The Holy Spirit will guide you to what you are created to do in life. Some receive gifts that are unique to themselves but your gifts are unique only to you. Do not spend time envying others….it occupies your thoughts and that could be put to better use in discovering/developing your own purpose.

      1. In reference to spending time not sure it is really envying others and comment on last page “regardless of whether or not I feel anything” ? In my case being human if we can’t feel or imagine the Holy Spirit guiding us (me) it becomes frustrating. Knocking and the door never opens. Yet I continue to search. I do desire a one on one with God. I need or want to feel that my prays be received by him. I have a Daughter that is in pain everyday and is facing surgery again . I want to be able to pray in her behalf to spare her of more surgeries with the help of God.

      2. That’s incorrect. The infilling of the Holy Ghost was promised to everyone. Acts 2:38-39.

        Acts 2:38-39 King James Version (KJV)

        38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

        39 For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

        1. A Christian cannot ever be entered into by demons ..that is a grave error. The Holy Spirit lives in the redeemed of God. There is only one baptism that marks you as a child of God.
          After instantaneous redemption the process of sanctification begins. There is no need for a second baptism. The Bible teaches believe and be baptized.

          1. Where are you getting this from? No two baptisms? Then why did John the Baptist say that he indeed baptized with water, but that One would come after him (One Whose shoelaces he was not even worthy to unleash) who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire?

  28. Why in your teaching on receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, you make no reference
    To the book of acts. Acts 1:7-9 , acts 2:1-47 , acts 19:1-6

  29. I am certainly Baptized in the Holy Spirit after reading and studying your writing on the topic.I then followed everything stated accordinly with faith and belief.I am now filled with the Spirit of God,and the attendant evidences are manifesting in my life.It is a spiritual transformation:God be glorified in the highest.

  30. When I was 7 years old I went to the alter to receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. This lady told me should would place her hand on my forehead and I would receive the Holy Ghost. When she placed her hand on my forehead I immediately began to speak and tongues. Thank you, Jesus for your Holy Ghost! I don’t understand why people say that the gift is only for some people or that the Baptism of the Holy Ghost happens at salvation. Yes, we are saved through grace but this verse is not saying that baptism and receiving the Holy Ghost are works. It’s saying we are saved by grace not through works so that no man can boast. In other words, someone thinking they can do tons of great things to buy their way into heaven. But when we repent, are baptized, and receive the Holy Ghost, I believe that is the plan of salvation. ~Acts 2:38.

  31. I believe I was lead to this article by the Holy Spirit to determine if I really wanted to be Baptized by the Holy Spirit . I have been struggling with this concern for quite awhile and now I understand that this is something I do not want for my spiritual life. Many thanks for this article.

    1. Hi.. i read your reply and im concern about it.. God is Spirit and he who wants to connect with Him, should also be in the Spirit..thats where the Holy Ghost come in..The Holy Ghost is not there for any other reason, but for personal guidence, protection,and also for a real person to Father relationship….
      To live a christian life is not enough.. The word of God came to the world in bodily form to reconcile man to God.. and that same word promised God’s Spirit for our own benefits…

    2. Joes, I understandyour concerns but the truth remains your can not and will not have a sweatless, smooth and triumphant Christian life without The Holyspirit.
      If you are genuine and sincere in your claim to be a Christian, after Faith is the baptism of The HolySpirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Please do crave for because He is Power backing up Christianity.
      Remember Christianity is a personal relationship with God through the help of the HolySpirit. God bless and keep you

  32. I’ve been waiting so long for God’s faithfulness concerning His promise of the full Holy Ghost baptism to manifest. O that He would tear off my right arm and beat me with it rather than to withhold the HG Baptism. Jesus, don’t you see the tongue-talking showboats who have never been a witness to anyone but the choir accusing me of sin or unbelief? Are you finding hidden sin in me? Why grieve me this way?

    1. oh, how i feel the same way my friend i feel so depress because i dont have the holy ghost, the one thing that makes me eligible for heaven i dont know what else to do, im wondering if im being seen by God. Help me JESUS i beg you!!!

      1. Dear Troy, I also craved and sought the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I cried out to him for three months. Then one day I got prone on the floor and told the Lord I wouldn’t get up until I spoke in tongues.

        I began to worship , praise and thank him over and over. Then I realized I wasn’t speaking English anymore! Praise God.
        I just had to leave myself out of the equation and focus on Him to receive His power!
        He is so awesome! I love my ABBA !

        1. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Yes Praise God !! Kind of similar happened to me, as I was reflecting on that time, I believe a dream I had in 1997 that the HOLY
          Spirit touched my lips and I woke up praying in tongue! God knows our hearts

        2. I am baptised for 6 months now and I have been tarrying for the baptism of the Holy Spirit but its like their is something that am not doing anyone has any advice could you give it please.

      2. Hey Troy, who told you you don’t have the Holy Ghost? Holy Spirit! No one can say Jesus is Lord without the holy Spirits revelation. By the time you received Jesus, the Holy Ghost had for Long been working in you! convincing with with sin righteousness and judgement to come. He gave you a guarantee deposit of the Holy Spirit 2 Corinthians 1:22. Wait in prayer, reading of the word of God and fasting in earnest expectation of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Remember those who hunger and thirst for Him, He gladly fills them without measure of the Holy Spirit.
        Point to ponder: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire is a power & action endowment for you call into active service in the Kingdom of God.

        1. Great! that is it.
          You get the power through that baptism to go and do the work of god with zeal and boldness.The power to heal, the power to drive away demons …….all for the advancement of the kingdom of God.
          Thank you sir.

    2. Hello Chris!
      How long have you waited for the Holy Spirit baptism?
      Go ahead and wait until he showers you with the Holy Spirit Baptism. A contrite heart he does not despise neither does he put off a smoldering flame!
      He baptizes those who are ready for his service. Are you ready? Acts 1, and 2
      You definitely have the Holy Spirit in you.
      There are three different levels of manifestations of Holy Spirit endorsements
      1. The Holy Spirit in you, a deposit at point of salvation as a guaranteed mark of God’s ownership over your life and my life
      2 Corinthian 1:22 New Living Translation

      and he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he has promised us.

      2. The Holy Spirit With You. His name is called Emmanuel which means God with us
      Matthew 1:23
      They shall call his name Immanuel;” which is,: being interpreted, “God with us. … The author of Matthew still treats the name as more of a title as Joseph actually .

      3. The Holy Spirit Upon you. The Spirit designated for power, authority ministry miracles signs and wonders.

      Wait on the Lord with prayer, reading of the word and fasting, If you are waiting, wait until the Holy Spirit fills you and give you the utterance, if you are uttering words you don’t understand, allow it flow freely for you are in the presence of God. In the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy and at his right hand are pleasures forevermore.
      The disciples waited for 10 days in the upper room

      Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is on Me, because the …
      The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, …

      The secret is to wait on Jesus with earnest expectation to receive this gift of Holy Spirit Baptism

  33. I am always amazed how people can just step over the Book of Acts regarding the Holy Spirit. It’s not complicated, just follow the examples in Acts and trust God. We are given instructions. Remember, Jesus gave the disciples instructions, they followed them and changed the world. Why do we as “modern Christians”, just skip right over them. Believe the Book of Acts before you run to Romans, read the first chapter and see who Paul was addressing.

    Thank you.

  34. I feel your heart is wonderful but youve overcomplicated the whole thing and added to the Word. The baptism of the Holy Spirit, seen in the book of Acts, is not down to a man made formula of “do a 4 step program”. God deals with different people differently just as He did in Acts. Some had to wait for it, others received it before Peter even finished his sermon about Jesus, and others received it moments after learning the Holy Spirit even existed.

    Also, I take major issue with the (totally unscriptural) doctrine that demons can enter if somebody legitimately asks for the Baptism.

    I was saved out of being deep in occultic activities and utterly renounced it. That doctrine was EXACTLY the lie those demons fed me for years in order to prevent me from seeking it. I know another man who Jesus saved from the occult and thats the lie they fed him too.

    Their aim was to get me to put my trust in myself instead of Jesus and His Word. What if I hadn’t confessed completely enough? What if I had an attached demon and didn’t know? What if I asked before God was ready and they came in instead?

    What broke that lie was Jesus’ promise in Luke 11. “If a son should ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will for a fish he give him a serpent? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children the. how much more will the Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”

    There. If somebody is really seeking and wants Holy Spirit baptism, Jesus IS NOT GOING TO GIVE THEM A SNAKE. Your trust is 100% in Jesus Christ to baptize you in His Spirit, not in whether you have properly listed anything that could possibly give a demon an attachment.

    If somebody is looking for an experience, then sure the devil is happy to oblige. The cases where somebody claimed they asked for the baptism and got a demon may well be that their motives were completely off and they got exactly what their heart actually wanted.

    But to anybody who is genuinely after Jesus baptizing them in His Spirit, no, you can trust that Jesus is going to ensure you receive the Spirit.

    1. Amen! It’s given by God and by simply as how God says it: repent (turn away from sin; change your mind about living in sin and completely turning your heart towards Him) and be baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost!

  35. Wow! The bible does not give such elaborate instructions on how to receive the holy spirit. It is a gift! It is not a wage! Nor is it performance based! If one had the power to rid one’s self of sin, why does one need the holy spirit in the first place. You have turned the holy spirit into a wage instead of a gift!

    1. Even worse, he is giving false testimony to the world. He declares that “… a demon will enter into your soul area when you ask for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit rather than the Holy Spirit entering up into your soul area.” Nonsense. Apparently this is a potential pitfall of not preparing for the Holy Spirit, according to his instructions.

      Also, the scriptures never told me to spend 4-7 days documenting and praying for God to remind me of my forgotten sins so that I can be extra clean. There is no need to reinvent the Word.

    2. No Cathy it doesn’t because it isn’t necessary. Everyone should stay away from this foolishness of works. ‘Ask and ye shall receive’. Period. No ‘steps’ to follow. Those days died on the cross with Jesus.

      The Lord is with you Cathy keep following your instincts (aka Holy Spirit!)

  36. Wow this is so far the best solution to my question on how to get baptized by the holy God richly bless you

  37. An overall good article. However, you didn’t provide scriptural references for many of the points you made in this article. It would be nice to reference all your points. There has to be scriptural backing for important doctrinal points. For example, what is the scriptural support for the point that sin can hinder one from receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit? What is the biblical evidence that we need to pray to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? There are some Christians who believe that you don’t have to pray to receive the Holy Spirit because, according to them, the baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs automatically at conversion. These few examples show why it is important to provide references for every major point you’re making in your teaching.

    Many blessings.


  38. God richly bless you for your heavenly teachings. With this teachings I then know how to prepare my soul, spirit and body before asking for the Holy Spirit Baptist.

  39. How to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a powerful article I have ever read! God bless you real good sir. I am blessed to have read this. Please, oblige me any further help that can be of immense help to my faith. Thanks a million.

  40. Thank you so much for this wonderful and informative study. I’m going to start my journey in taking the steps that you’ve mentioned.

  41. Thank you so much for explaining how to receive the Baptisum of the Holy Spirit. I believe that it is the Holy Spirit that led me to this your article at this point. I have been praying for the gift to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Your article is an answer to my prayers.
    I will continue to work on my one-on-one personal relationship wirh the Holy Spirit, now that I have been Biptised with the Holy Spirit.

  42. The Bible does not give Christians the authority to rebuke/demand the devil (or demons)but to resist him. James 4:7 says to “submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Zechariah 3:2 tells us that it is the Lord who rebukes Satan. Even Michael, one of the most powerful of the angels, did not dare to accuse Satan, but rather said, “The Lord rebuke you” (Jude 1:9). In response to Satan’s attacks, a Christian should appeal to Christ. Instead of focusing on defeating the devil, we should focus on following Christ (Hebrews 12:2) and trust that He will defeat the forces of evil.

    SPEAK TO JESUS!! Not to demons.

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