There are serious main differences between their system of beliefs and those of true Christianity. These differences are so extreme, this group has to be considered a cult and false religion.

I will first start out by giving you some basic general facts on who they are and what they believe in, and then go ahead and highlight the main differences between their system of beliefs and those of true Christianity.

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Basic Facts of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses are also known as the “Watchtower Society” or “Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.” They were officially founded back in 1884 and were initially called the “Zion’s Watchtower and Tract Society.” They did not officially adopt the name of Jehovah’s Witnesses until 1931.

They currently claim a worldwide membership of approximately 9 million people in 205 countries. Approximately 4 million of them live in the United States. They also allege they are averaging 200,000 new members each year.

They tell their flock they are the only true, sole, Christian religion on the earth today and that only their interpretation of the Bible is correct. They have their own interpretation of the Scriptures which they call the “New World Translation.” As you will see in the differences I will list below, they are really off in their interpretations.

God the Father will in no way honor or accept this false belief system as one of His own due to some key main differences between their interpretation of the Bible and what I feel are simply the basics of true Christianity. Here are some of the main differences.

Main Differences Between Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christianity

1. The Trinity

They do not believe in the Trinity. They believe that Jesus Christ is St. Michael the archangel. They think the Holy Spirit is an “impersonal force” and not actually God and Lord Himself.

They believe that Jesus, as St. Michael the archangel, was God’s first created being. However, our Bible says that Jesus was never created, but is “co-eternal” with God the Father. In other words, Jesus has always been just as His Father has always been. Neither one of Them has ever been created. Here is the verse from our Bible that specifically proves this point:

Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.” (John 8:58)

The words “I AM” are telling us that Jesus “always was” and thus was never created. This makes both He and God the Father co-eternal in the Trinity – which means that neither of Them have ever been created, but have always been in existence.

They believe that the Holy Spirit is an “active force of almighty God which moves His servants to do His will.” Our Bible specifically tells us that the Holy Spirit is God and Lord Himself and that He is referred to as “He” in the Bible – which tells us that He is a Person and not some type of “force” that God uses.

2. Jesus Christ Coming in the Flesh

They do not believe that Jesus Christ was God coming in the “flesh” to our earth to save mankind from their sins. This one right here completely disqualifies them from being a pure true branch of Christianity. Here is the verse from our Bible that completely nails them on just this one issue alone:

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God.” (1 John 4:1-4)

Any man, religion, or system of belief that does not preach, teach, and believe that Jesus Christ is truly the Son of God who came down to our earth in the flesh to physically die on a cross for all of our sins cannot be accepted as anything that is truly coming from God the Father. End of discussion!

3. The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ

They do not believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus. Our Bible tells us that when they went into the tomb to see if Jesus was still there, that His entire body was no longer there.

They believe that Jesus was “annihilated” by God, not risen. They believe that after 3 days from His death, that He was resurrected as a “spirit creature” rather than being resurrected having a new “glorified spiritual body.”

In other words, they are taking out the word “body.” Our Bible tells us that when we die, we will all be given a brand new “glorified spiritual body.” Here is the verse:

“The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.” (1 Corinthians 15:42-50)

Put all of these key words together in the above verse, and we will all be getting new “glorified spiritual bodies” when we die and enter into heaven just as Jesus was given when He fully resurrected on the third day from His crucifixion.

4. The 144,000 Witnesses

They believe that only 144,000 people are going to make it into heaven. They actually believe that most of the 144,000 out of their group are already in heaven. The rest of the Jehovah’s Witnesses still living can only hope to inherit the earth, not actually make it into heaven, since this is only reserved for the special 144,000 chosen ones.

However, our Bible tells us in the Book of Revelation that the 144,000 people being talked about are 144,000 Jewish witnesses that God marks and seals during the 7 year Tribulation to help proclaim the Gospel during this horrific time.

The Bible says that this 144,000 are 12,000 Jews taken from each of the 12 main tribes of Israel. They are called the “firstfruits” of God, as they are the first set of Jews who get officially saved and accept Jesus Christ as their true Messiah.

These 144,000 Jewish witnesses are obviously going into heaven since they are saved, but so does everyone else who accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Here are three key Scripture verses proving that the gift of eternal salvation is for all who will accept it – not just for 144,000 special chosen ones.

“… that WHOEVER believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:15-16)

Notice the word “whoever.” This applies to all who will believe in Jesus and His sacrificial death on the cross!

“… God our Savior, who desires ALL MEN to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4)

Notice God the Father is very clearly stating that He would like “all men” to accept the gift of eternal salvation through His Son Jesus, not just 144,000 specially chosen people.

For “WHOEVER calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:12)

Again, notice the word “whoever.” God is not making any exceptions either by race, color, creed, or gender. Our Bible also tells us that God is no respecter of persons and each person is looked upon equally by our God, not just 144,000 specially chosen people.

5. Hell

They do not believe in a literal hell where the unsaved and evil people will suffer eternal torment. They cannot believe that a loving God could create such a horrible place of eternal punishment. They tell their followers that hell is the “grave” where we are buried in when we die, and that the wicked will simply cease to exist and will not have to suffer any type of eternal punishment and torment.

However, our Bible teaches just the opposite. Our Bible says that there will be a Great White Throne Judgment at the end of the 1000 Year Millennium Kingdom. All the unsaved and wicked people will have to appear before the Lord for this final judgment. This verse says that whoever’s name is not written in the Book of Life will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where the smoke of their torment will ascend forever and ever.

The Lake of Fire and Brimstone will be the eventual end of Satan, all of his demons, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and all the rest of unsaved humanity who has ever lived. I believe this passage is literal interpretation! The Bible says exactly what it means and there is simply no other way you can spin or re-interpret these words out of Scripture. The verse on this is found in Revelation 20:7-15.


As you can see from all of the above main differences, Jehovah’s Witnesses can in no way qualify as being a pure true branch of Christianity. I personally believe that God the Father will in no way honor or accept this false religion.

For those of you who are ever led by the Lord to try to witness or debate with some of these people, this article will give you some of the main basic differences between their false beliefs and those of true orthodox Christianity.

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  1. Maybel I think you should go to and look at false religions…seventh day adventists is in it too. True Christians believe what the Bible says…you dont add to it or take from it. I only use the KJV of the Bible, there is a sight about the bibles out there and which one we should use backed by tons of facts…called We accept the Trinity. And whoever believes that Jesus is

    1. @Martha, by sleep they do mean death but they believe they will wake up from Jehovah God. Deep sleep is a metaphor, (i think idk the right one if it’s adjective or metaphor or something) either way sleep is not what they mean.

  2. cont…Is the son of God (God in the flesh) and he came to die for for us on the cross, and shed his blood to pay for our sins will be saved. Just have faith in Jesus that he is our Savior. Faith + anything else to be saved isnt faith. Majority of false-religions teach you must be good or do good deeds, talk in tongues, keep the sacrements etc to go to heaven if you believe that then you dont believe the Bible. To be born again, you must be convicted of your sins (realize your a sinner worthy of hell) and repent (turn away from your past sins) ask God to give you a new heart and new life, have faith! Thats it!

    1. @Charlamaine,if you believe and repent, you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. You should not be a sinner after receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. You are a new creature, old things have past away! So it is no longer that you will do good deeds to be saved, you will do good deeds because you are saved! You won’t talk in other tongues to be saved, you will talk in other tongues because you are saved! You won’t keep his commandments to be saved, you will keep his commandments because you are saved! Faith without works is dead so is works without faith! Jesus was manifest to take away sins, to destroy the works of the devil! What the law could not do that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his only begotten Son in the likeness of sinful flesh; and for sin condemned sin in the flesh! That’s why you have to walk after the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh! Your actions show if you believe or not. All the commandments are summed up in these commandments, love God with all of your heart and mind and love you neighbor as yourself! For this is the commandments of Jesus!

  3. Tony, as for your question, if you want to know the true religion …religion is what destroyed people constantly seperating making new doctrines…I believe Christianity is not a Religion, being a Christian just means you are a born again believer and you have a personal relationship with Christ…being good wont get you to Heaven. We are all sinners no matter how hard we try not to be. Here is some scripture from the Bible that backs up what I’m telling you…Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us…” And again in Ephesians 2:8,9 we are told, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” We are all Hell-deserving sinners! We do NOT have anything to do with salvation except to receive God’s free gift by FAITH. Salvation is receiving; NOT giving.

    1. @Charlamaine, what you have said is perfect, beloved. A Christian is morally upright (or at least expected to be so), but being morally upright does not mean one is a Christian (has a relationship with God). I love the RELATIONSHIP clause because it is what makes all the difference between Christianity and religions.

  4. Your Welcome, Maybel I enjoy sharing what I know with people especially about Jesus and the Bible! I read something about it everyday. And I love to share the Gospel because I believe that that is what God layed on my heart to do. God Bless You!

    1. @Solomon, believing in Christ is not a license to sin freely. Actually, Romans 6:14 indicates that because one believes in Christ and His grace that makes us all what we could not be by observing rituals (righteous, holy, etc.), that individual is no longer subject to the power of sin. In other words, he is not a victim to sin. In view of one’s belief in Christ, the Scripture demands that the believer lives a life that is worthy of the Gospel.

      Furthermore, the Bible is clear in saying that no true believer lives a sinful life. Committing sin and living in sin should not be confused with each other. a child of God can sin (make a mistake, since there is no sinless perfection on earth), but to continue in sin as a habitual lifestyle is anti-nature – it is incompatible with the new nature that we obtain when we accept Christ.

  5. i googled, difference between christians and jehovah witness and found this web site. this is everything i wanted to see. i had an encounter with a witness. i thought i made a good case for the trinity, along with other topics, but i wanted more so i could debate other beliefs they have. thanks for this website.

    1. Majority view on Trinity may be mileading. When the very word itself is absent in the Bible no need to discuss on TRINITY. Non_issues are real issues for a religionist. Satanic religious setup is so smart to win majority for unBiblical or even antiBiblical traditions of the Church.

  6. Hi charlamaine, if i may “with all do respect”, say something about your comment that we are all sinners. thats partially true. we may sin, but because of what jesus did for us ( and if we except it) we are now considered rightous in God’s sight because of what jesus did. so how can we be labeled sinners and rightous at the same time. i hope i explained it ok. i don’t want to be a rightous sinner. does this make sense ??

  7. 2nd corinthians 5:21 “for he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in him”. Thanks, i’ll be eagerly awaiting your responce. i love talking about the Lord too. lol

  8. @Mike…I am just saying that no matter how hard we try on our own we do still sin. If you are born again I believe those sins are forgiven past, present, and future. But no matter how hard even I try to be a good Christian I still sin, and fall short of the Glory of God…many righteous men in the Bible we strive to be like were sinners. Peter sinned by denying Jesus. Yet, Peter was a born-again believer. King David was a Christian; yet he conspired to have a man killed, to cover up an unwanted pregnancy, from an adulterous affair with that man’s wife. Abraham and Sara doubted God. Moses was a murderer. Samson went with a harlot. Jacob was a thief. Jonah ran from God. Noah got drunk. Isaiah was a man of unclean lips. These were God’s best and brightest. Romans 3:10, “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.”
    Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”but we know all these men went to Heaven…because they were men of Faith 🙂

  9. While I am no defender of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, I am very familiar with this particular religion, certainly I am sure more familiar than the author of this article, and there are inaccuracies in his statements. They DO believe that Jesus came in the flesh, and they DO believe that he was resurrected bodily, not as a spirit or ghost. As to other points the author made regarding the 144,000, the scripture the author quotes doesn’t actually state that everyone goes to heaven. It states that everyone is saved who accepts Jesus. The belief that only 144,000 will actually go to heaven and the rest get to live forever in paradise on earth is what the JW’s believe, and is based on their interpretation of scripture. While you may disagree with that interpretation it is irresponsible to mischaracterize their stance.

    Let me be clear, I personally despise JW’s, and have plenty of issues with how they interpret things, but this article is skewed and inaccurate, and I can’t abide by irresponsible journalism.

    1. Lisa,

      I have already done my research with some very creditable people, along
      with talking to quite a few JW’s. They all confirmed what I had written
      are some of their basic beliefs and that they do not agree with our
      different positions on some of those key issues.

      So sorry, will have to respectfully disagree with your conclusions. I do
      not know if they have different opinions even among themselves or if they
      have changed over the years, but the ones i had talked to about 5 years
      ago all agreed with what i had written and I could not persuade them

      But I will put up your original post and see if anyone else wants to
      comment on it.


      1. I was raised by JWitnesses and while I may not agree with some of their religious beilefs ( religions in general) Lisa made valid points and there are inaccuracies in your post about what they believe. This is a fact.

    2. Lisa I’m not an expert on the Bible. I study only the King James Bible after learning and seeing changes that have been scued to personal interpretation and even verses left out entirely. I do believe God’s word is true. Many verses we could discuss but as the Apostle Paul wrote Romans 10-9 ” that if you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
      And Romans 10:12 for whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”
      My last remark Lisa is Matthew 5:44-46 about love. My belief is that we are told to love one another. We can disagree but to despise someone for their belief is surely not an example of being or trying to be Christ like. I believe JW is a cult an anti Christ. We can tell others how to be saved and our beliefs but only God can save them. So let’s just plant the seeds and let God handle the saving. Amen. I hope that you read this without offense. I know that our Savior Jesus Christ died so we could be saved and not go to hell. Yes I do believe he’ll is real. Thanks for reading.

    3. Jehovah’s Witnesses do believe that Jesus came back as a spirit person the author is correct. Their version of the bible is skewed you should get a copy from them to compare the scriptures they will be more than happy to oblige you!

    4. The author is correct I have JWs on my wifes side of the family and everything he has written here is accurate. I have also studied religion as a whole in depth most of my life as well as the Watch Tower Tract Society. The JW go off their own version of the bible. In which is universally rejected by every Christian scholar. They do believe that Christ rose from the dead as a spirit not whole body. They believe his body disolved by gases in the tomb. Which contradicts scripture. When Christ 1st appeared to the apostles after rising from the dead they thought he was a ghost. Christ stated to them touch my hands and touch my feet. Does a ghost have flesh and bones as I have. The 144,000 is a total misconception of scripture. Right after John states that number he goes on to state that he has a vision of a great multitude that cannot be counted looking down from all nations. Romans the apostle Paul tells us our citizenship is in Heaven. Christ also talks about a flock singular. Not flocks no heavenly flock and earthy flock. Just some food for thought on the topic

  10. charlamaine; i don’t dispute anything you said, yes we do sin, but do we put our focus on the sins we commit, or do we focus on what we now have in Christ Jesus. Look at romans 6:2. but like everything else we need to read before and after to get the context.

  11. Im sure everyone has something to say about every area of the bible. but just keep one thing as our focus, and that is what Jesus did for us. And now we have ever lasting life. (if you believe)

  12. All religions are man-made and set themselves up to be a mediator between Jesus and you.The 15th chapter of John shows clearly no one is between the branch and the vine(you and Christ).Religions are nothing but big business.A true disciple of Christ guides us to Christ(THE WAY AND THE TRUTH).Then the HOLY Spirit takes over to teach us and seal us in Christ by(THE WORD).Religion killed Christ because they were scared Christ would take all of their followers (Acts 4th chapter).Remember, Salvation is between you and Christ no one else.You will see this on Judgement Day.

  13. Lisa is correct.

    I am also very familiar with this religion and she is right, they do believe that Jesus came in the flesh, and they do believe that he was resurrected bodily, not as a spirit or ghost. As for the 144,000, I agree the scriptures provided were not good examples. Jahovah Witnessness do believe that only 144,000 will reside in Heaven, and those people are already chosen. However, they also believe that those who call upon Him, or those who are saved will live eternal life and happiness in paradise, which they believe is planet earth. There are many scriptures that talk about going to Heaven and being with God, JW’s believe that these scriptures were directed towards the 12 apostles and the others included in the 144,000.

    Also – KJV – Acts 2:31 “He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption.” This is just one scripture that talks about Jesus and the crucifiction, Jahovah Witnessess don’t believe hell is a firey doom… They believe it is a place of nothing, no feeling, no thoughts, no… no nothing. And the reason they believe this is because there are several scriptures that say that Jesus went to hell between his death and his resurrection.

    1. You are mistaken about their belief concerning the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ-
      They do not believe it- they believe He as raised a spirit being! Ask any Jehovah Witness.

    2. The Lord Jesus Christ never went to hell, he went to Sheol (Hades)

      In the Old Testament, Sheol is the place of the souls of the dead,
      both the righteous (like Jacob, Genesis 37:35, and Samuel, 1 Samuel 28:13–14)
      and the wicked (Psalm 31:17).

      In the New Testament, the Hebrew word Sheol is translated as Hades, and the description of Sheol in the Old and New Testaments bears some resemblance to the Hades of Greek mythology.

      It is under the earth (Numbers 16:30–33), and it is like a city with gates (Isaiah 38:10) and bars (Job 17:16). It is a land of darkness — a place where shades, the shadowy souls of men, dwell (Isaiah 14:9; 26:14).

      It is the land of forgetfulness (Psalm 88:12), where no work is done and no wisdom exists (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Most significantly,
      Sheol is a place where no one praises God (Psalm 6:5; 88:10–11; 115:17; Isaiah 38:18).

  14. 0)The watchtower Bible and tract society (JW’s) is a false religion.Just look at what is required for must pledge to them instead of father son,and holy spirit and answer 100 or so questions.Then read the requirements in the Bible (Acts 8:26-40)


    1. Yes Jesus went to Hades. Remember the story of the rich man, poor man. Both were in Hades but there was a gulf, a divide between where the rich man was and the poor man. The poor man was in Abraham’s. A gulf between them. Jesus set the captives free. Those in Abrahams bossum. Jesus said also to the thief on the cross who cried out to Him, this day you will be with me in paradise.

  15. Thank you so much! Today I had a jw come to my house and I really didn’t know the exact difference between them and Christians. All I heard was they twisted the Bible around. Now I know and am grateful:)

    1. I never questioned why I believe what I was raised believing….until speaking with J.W. I personally, don’t know alot about their religion but from research I have done, I also believe that this article holds some significant discrepencies. Lisa, don’t go by what others tell you, it’s important to research it yourself from reputable sources, and they don’t get much more reputable than the bible. (u may even want to research the history of the king James version) interesting. blessings

  16. If the Bible says Christ is the WAY and TRUTH(john14:6)and the Holy Spirit the teacher(john14:26)why do I need the watchtower magazine to teach me their truth and way.Then pledge Allegiance to the watchtower bible and tract soc. and answer alot of their doctrinal questions or I can’t get baptized.CULT,CULT,CULT

  17. This is a very informative discussion regardless of what we believe In. It reminds us the importance of testing and evaluating all those who come to us telling us they are man of God. The solution is simple listen to what you are told , take notes. Pray to God for the guidance of the Lord and the Holy spirit. Check the bible and see whether it contradicts what you have been told. Pray for your family loved ones and all the poor souls that are being led to hell by these false teachers and false religions. For there is only one God who sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins, sickness and diseases so that through Him we can be saved and assured of eternal life. If you go to a church that does not preach God, Jesus The Holy Spirit and the forgiveness of sin through Jesus leave it and pray for those in it so that God can open their eyes to the truth. Let us all love God and show love for one another by asking the Lord to show the light to those who are in the dark.

  18. Yeah, I needed to read something like this, because I met this girl at work, we really hit it off for the first couple hours that we’re talking.. but then the topic got onto religion and she told me that she was a raised Johava’s wittness, and that it’s a huge part of her life. I still talked to her on the phone for a couple nights, hoping that maybe we could keep our separate beliefs, seeing how I was brought up in Pentecostal ism, and I thought that our beliefs had some differences, but for the most part we were both Christians that believes and accepts Jesus as our Lord and saviour. But she said that I basically need to convert to a witness in order for us to date or anything, and that I couldn’t call her house any more unless I converted.. It’s a pretty crappy situation, I wish Christians could just get over themselves, love each other and have unity with one another.

    1. I only know what I have read about what JW’s believe. I worked with a young man and his uncle who were JW’s about thirty years ago. The young man, about 22 years old, told me he had been a JW all his life. His uncle was also a JW, so I assumed that the whole family was. In a conversation in which we were discussing the Bible one day, the uncle mentioned that they did not believe in the Trinity. I said something like “you don’t believe in Jesus as the son of God”? He said they thought of Jesus as more of a profit, not the son of God. They did not believe in the deity of Jesus. I ask him why in the Bible would Jesus say “I and my father are one”. He went on with some explanation about how a husband and wife are one, but not really one. I left the conversation at that as we were at work.

      1. This is why, when you start to have a conversation with someone, pull up the fact that you’re a born-again fundamental King James Bible believer.

        Watch how they react and continue on.

        If they’re interested – continue on
        If they leave – you’ve saved time.

    2. @Drake,

      It’s not a matter of us getting over ourselves or loving or wanting unity. It is a matter if where YOU will spend eternity. She is telling you that you will need to become a member and believe their way. You have to decide what that means for you and what will happen to your relationship with Christ. God wants us to be equally yoked so that we can stay strong in our faith. The current situation on Earth with this pandemic has tried many a soul and many struggle with their faith. If we don’t have the help of the holy spirit to guide us thru ..what will we do? Do your research and pray for Gods wisdom and guidance. God bless.

  19. Drake if her religion was the right one she will have quoted some bible verses to you. Also this could have been your chance to talk to her about God and better to use King James Version although difficult at least its closer to the original.

  20. a new commandment i give unto you. that you love one another as i have loved you. by this all men shall know you are my disciples. if you love one another… not if you are jehovah,s witnesses, catholics, adventists, pentecostals, bishops, kings, peasants, rats or cows! just love others! christians can make me sick sometimes but i love them anyways! ford

  21. what is most disappointing is the division between Christianity as well as their judgmental outputs. Its amazing,,,gods Personal Name has been removed from all the modern day bibles almost 7000 times. That name seems to be most important in the Lords prayer, Matt 6:9,,,,probably because Jesus came to do his Father/God’s will not his own,,,,,who did all the ancient followers and believers prior to Jesus time worship and bow down? YHWH,,,,that guys kingdom is going to ruin this wicked world and set his original intention in place in the Very Near Future,,,,,Matt:24:14,,,,how is putting this scripture in place World Wide…? As far as JW’s being a Cult,,,,that’s impossible,,,they are putting in place what Jesus Commanded us all to do – Preach The Good News, Matt:28 19-20,,,if it wasn’t for Jesus and is Apostles / Paul / John for the most part setting up the preaching work, The Witnesses WOULD NOT BE Out There,,,,,they all seem So Loving,,,,,,,and are trying to fallow all the Biblical guidelines,,,,the other thing that is very impressive is they are not cconnected with the Governments and all the others spectrum’s in regards Satan’s World / The Ruler Of This World,,,,i don’t understand how they can be So Condemned….? Amazing. They are always out there doing there best to Preach The good News of The Fathers Kingdom,,,,,which is what we have to look forward to,,,,,,For some reason many of the angels were jealous of the Intercourse than Mankind had, and there are neither male nor females in the heavens,,,,maybe that’s what pissed Satan off.

    1. It has not been removed from true Christian texts. During Jesus’ time the language was different and “God” was not always the word used. JWHW is God’s sacred name. JW’s have twisted the words of the Bible and are not following gods wishes. God advises us not to follow false prophets or use his name for vanity.

  22. Christ is the mediator not the WBTS. They want the worship directed to themselves,just like the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin who killed Christ.The Holy Spirit is the teacher not the false doctrine in the Watchtower.Now you must be baptized to the organization.Where in the Bible is that stated? The eunuch saw water and ask Philip to baptize him.Philip never said you must answer 100 question and summit to the organization.I don’t even want to get started on the false prophecies and how self-rightness do you have to be to say only the we(the Jw’s) will be saved? John3:16 says WHOEVER believes will be saved.It does not say Jw’s only will be saved. Has CULT written all over it.

  23. Last year, I was involved with a JW. It seemed odd that she didn’t live what she professed to believe. I’m Roman Catholic and was shocked at some of the nonsense these bozos preach about my religion … horrible things. They claim to be select. Nonsense. This woman was forcing her daughters to live some kind of chaste lie while having no problem bedding someone as obviously evil as me. Didn’t end well … LOL! Christ gave us ALL a means to salvation. Any religion preaching that fact is a true Christian religion. JWs are not true Christians. They also have an interesting view on “works” … has nothing to do with kindness or charity … just “witnessing” … LOL, again. Peace, out.

  24. This article is clearly written in bais. How can all the people on this forum that are so IGNORANT and intolerant be revered as Christian?
    ALL, absolutely all, that accept Jesus as the one and only passage to heaven are accepted by God.
    Leave the labels, love the Lord.

  25. I came across this article while ‘searching’. I have been on a spiritual journey for most of my 43 years. I was raised in a ‘born again Christian family’ with much love but had many unanswered questions and confusion over many scriptural interpretations. I am currently studying the Bible with JW and can honestly say that I feel closer to GOD and have an inner peace that is just beautiful. GOD is love, HE knows your heart and will ensure that you have a relationship with him if you want to:)

  26. It starts with “bible study” — their bible, their interpretation — and continues with indoctrination. Let me guess … you’ve been told you seem to have a special grasp scriptural teaching? I hope you check yourself before swearing into their belief system. It’s about you, your God, and the way you find enlightenment through scripture. Don’t let their dogma run over your karma. God knows you by name, faith, and works … not by religious affiliation.

  27. Coleen,if you want answers I would suggest you let Christ teach you though the HOLY SPIRIT as stated in John 14:26. They will tell you that they have the truth but the Bible tells us it is CHRIST that has the truth, John 14:6.They will become the mediator between you and God rather than between you and Christ.Do not let emotions lead into a trap.You are not having a Bible study with them,you are having a watchtower magazine study backed up with scriptures taken out of context supporting their false doctrine.

  28. The people above are simply intimidated by anything they are unfamiliar with. If you feel close to God that is all that matters, your title is irrelevant to what is in your heart. JW are the nicest most honest people I have ever met. Remember that the people in this forum have never even been to a JW church they are speaking from what they have been told as most ignorant people do.

    1. Jeremiah 17:9 – This is the Lord speaking
      “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”
      We cannot rely upon our hearts to declare what is truth. In verse 7 is says that “blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord”.

      Proverbs 3:5-6 says to “trust in the Lord” and to “lean not on your own understanding”.

      We want to believe the things that our hearts tell us, but the only thing we can truly rely upon is the word of God.

      2 Timothy 3:16, 17 – All scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

  29. Cristina Alisa,I was baptized in 1974 and spent a year at Bethel.My above posts stand.Christ is the truth and the Holy Spirit is the teacher not men in a man-made religion.

  30. Jehovah Witnesses study the Bible. Like I said, know what you are talking about before you speak. Being baptized has what to do with this conversation? Accept Christ as your savior is the only way to God. True Christians practice tolerance.

  31. Christina, trust me; I know quite a bit about JWs … and you’re wandering down a dangerous path. Jim D seems to have even more insight into the JW scene. Ask your JW “friends” about their disfellowship process. They make up their own rules. They don’t even believe in one of Christianity’s core truths — The Trinity. The Holy Spirit doesn’t function as scripture states to them, let alone exist as a guiding force. They even insist you can only find truth through THEIR literature, the only true scripture is in THEIR bible. That you knew nothing about Bethel proves your ignorance. Wikipedia “Jehovah Witnesses” sometime, them post about how wrong everyone else is.

  32. Oh dear, I was just sharing ‘my journey’. Each to their own and as we are all imperfect, nobody really has all the answers except our Creator. God loves me and I love him 🙂

  33. hey folks…. I am so confused. my son’s father and family is mostly JW. My family is “christian” and feel very opposed to JW’s. I’ve been raised to not even answer the door for them, which made me feel pretty bad as a child. Anyways, as an adult looking for the “truth” I am finding it hard to deal with. Should I be in church or go to the Kingdom Hall? I cant decide, so I think I wont go to either…. I believe SOME of what the JW’s teach, I love their views on family and such. But some things are extreme, no holidays or birthdays… WHY? I’m so very confused and I couldnt help to think while reading this, that I understand why some ppl dont even bother and while some become atheists… Its just too confusing… I will pray and read my bible and hopefully God will understand. Isnt life confusing enough? What about my 2 kids? How can I teach them when I dont even know. Some call me weak in my faith, well maybe…

    1. If you are born again, born from above, born of the water and the Spirit, and you continue in Him(Christ) then you will know the truth and the truth shall make you free. Do not follow man. Seek the Word of God, ( the Bible), the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to you. You won’t be doing what man wants you to but what God has prepared for you to do. You must truly repent of your sins and believe in the finished work on Calvary. Without repentance there is no forgiveness of sin. Christ the perfect Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Once born again like it says in Joh 3:3 you will start to understand the scriptures. Always repent before reading His Word and ask Him to for His discernment and revelation as you read His precious word. Go to the well that never runs dry, Jesus. He has the words of eternal life. He who has the Son has life. You must grow and mature in Him, in His Word, in the scriptures. They are like a hidden treasure. So much to say, but can’t say it all now, but I pray if anyone is really confused and does not follow man, but seeks the truth with all their heart, they will find it. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father but by Him.(Jesus)

  34. TEA,Christ is the way and the truth.John14:6 Christs’ church is not a building or sect(denomination).Christ church is a body or assembly of believers taught by the Holy Spirit.John14:26.You are trying to equate salvation to belief in a man-made religion and the Bible doesn’t say that.Your salvation is between Christ and you.15th chapter of John explains this.Faith and obedience to Gods word brings salvation.So, read His word and ask for His Holy Spirit to teach you the Way.Trust in Him and not Man for the TRUTH.

  35. I dont know JIM D ..but will agree in all that is printed , A good answer to a problem in a twisting of the Scriptures ,by a Denomination who will never know any thing else ,but a downward path leading to destruction

  36. My wife became a JW many years ago after we got married & although I was greatly opposed to everything, especially the abstenance from the celebration of holidays, I appreciated how it helped her become a better wife & mother & overall person. I was raised southern Baptist and it is very difficult for me to have conversation about the Bible when I have such strong opinions about it, to be honest even if they proved me wrong I might still not change… I am what I am & maybe God will one day humble me to show me exactly the path I need to be walking or if I am already on it. There is one thing I must say though for ANYONE that says JW’s are not true Christians really need to think about the kind of character that defines a person who sincerely models themselves after the Christ because if there is any group of people who as a WHOLE represent such… I would honestly have to say that it would be them. (JUST DON”T TELL MY WIFE lol)

    1. My fiancé is a JW and i haven’t met a more humbler, kinder, and peaceful people than they are. Call it whatever you want, talk about cult however you want…every person that was a Witness I’ve ever met has been so much more kind than many Christians and Catholics that I know. Truth. They don’t judge and they don’t believe in forcing their beliefs down your throat. The way they go door to door is actually pretty noble if you think about it-invasive but noble.

      If there were people in a burning building that couldn’t find the door out and you knew where it was, would you show them? Likewise, if you knew what you felt was the truth and believed it would save anyone who knew, would you do all you could to save as many people as you could…? Think about it.

  37. Yawn …

    Been there, smelt that; ain’t buyin’ it. LOL!!!

    What this lass fails to mention — and is QUITE obvious — is that she is a JW herself.

  38. Thank you for the info Nicole, it all makes perfect sense. I will be printing it out 🙂
    James, I did not yawn, I am there and I’m SOLD! God is about Quality, not quantity.

  39. Coleen,
    Thank you for taking the time to read my comment, and I’m glad to hear your interested. And James, I’m not a Jehovah’s Witness myself. I’m not baptized, don’t go preaching or attend regular Jehovah’s Witness congregations.

  40. Nicole and Coleen,if you believe in the doctrine of the JW’s,why have’n you been baptist a JW.Is it because you have faith in God through the Holy Spirit and you realize that they are only men acting as a mediator? When you get baptized a JW you will be pledging your allegiance to an organization rather than to God. God told you that Christ is the way and the truth John14:6 not the doctrine of men Matthew 15:8-9,1 Timothy6:3.Christ is the mediator between you and God,John 15th chapter.He is the vine and you are the branches. There is no MAN BETWEEN THE VINE AND THE BRANCH.Those men (governing body) did not die for you!Christ died for you so that you would receive the Holy Spirit that would teach you the way to salvation.John14:26.If God tells us he will teach us through his Holy Spirit why don’t you believe him?Why do you believe men in Brooklyn Heights over God?They are not even of their so call anointed class.Your salvation is between you and Christ and not 7 or 8 men in Brooklyn Heights.I pray you realize how important Christ is in our salvation.His blood justifies us to God and without it God does not even deal with us.

  41. One last comment. This is not about who is right or wrong in doctrine.It is about Jesus Christ.The whole bible is written about him.Every verse !

  42. This is what Jesus told us to do:

    NWT: Matthew 28:19

    19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit

    Jesus told you how to baptise people, quite straight forward, quite simple,

    So why do you people say the following instead when it comes to baptism:

    1) On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?

    2) Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization? (The Watchtower, April 1st 2006, pages 21-25)

    Did Jesus tell people to ask them questions, when they get baptised?
    Did Jesus get you to say yes to any questions to qaulify your baptism?

    Jessu told us what to do, why don’t you do it? Why add all those questions?# 2 #2 IS YOUR PLEDGE TO THE ORGANISATION NO WHERE IN THE BIBLE IS THIS STATED !!!!

  43. Nicole,your words” It especially upsets me when their are really bad people and religions out their, cults that are satanic, that abuse children, but Jehovah’s Witnesses are truly Good and God Serving people”.Did you ever google search “child abuse in the Jehovah Witnesses?In the search you will find many Jw elders all over the world who have ABUSED CHILDREN !As you can see these men claim to be directed by Holy Spirit while they are abusing them.The point I’m trying to make is why do you listen to man to tell you how to worship God. The bible clearly states that the Holy Spirit will teach us not man.I pray that he will give you the Spirit, who will let you know truths about God and help you understand them, so that you will know him better.Ephesians1:17.It’s the Holy Spirit through the Word of GOD(Christ) that teaches us not men in Brooklyn Heights or any where else.Nicole,if you truly see what you have written,it’s all quotes from the Jw watch tower and their doctrine.Have you ever really studied the bible and allowed God’s spirit to teach you?It’s what the bible tells us to do.I have never read in the bible, where it states I must join an organization and that organization is the only people on earth that will be saved. Do you realize how self righteous that is?


    1. I googled what Jw believed and this thread popped up. I have been reading the posts and I must say as it started in the right direction, it sure headed south quickly.. It went to what “they” think and what “I” think, and “they” are wrong and so on… While trying to prove points judgments and some ugliness have showed it head. What started out as a discussion on differences ended up being very judgemental. From reading these comments I truly see where most have some very valid points. One thing that has yet to be pointed out was one of the major things God wants from us now and from the beginning is unity!! We should focus on what we agree on instead of what we don’t agree on. If we all did that imgine what could be accomplished.. God is all about love and unity! Not proving each other right or wrong! If we keep the focus on gods love and not on the little differences, together we can spread the gospel, show love, mercy and grace we could build gods kingdom more affectively! By loving each other and sharing the gospel, not pointing and saying flat out your wrong we will accomplish much more. After all by telling others how wrong we are aren’t we doing the exact same thing that were accusing others of doing?

  44. Whether we believe that Christ Jesus is apart of the God head or not, he came to abolish religion. He came so that we would follow the first most important commandment; to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. All other law hangs off this commandment. We are called to put love above all else. Unconditional love for God and others should be our priority. Our loving God does not prioritize our religions. He looks at our hearts and our motives for our actions. He has called us to a love revolution. No religion can disagree on that because it is ingrained in our spirit (heart). It is important to know the similarities of our fellow followers so we can be witnesses when God’s glory pertains. But to rub the differences in others faces is not conviction.

    We are products of out environment. I want to be a product of My Fathers environment! Our environment shapes our beliefs, but when we ask God to shape our beliefs we are given a faith unlike any other because it is built by God. Even if you are ‘sure’ of your belief, shouldn’t you ask God to clarify it for you? If you have solid knowledge that disagrees to another’s solid knowledge, this is a sure sign to ask the all knowing God what He thinks.

  45. I am catholic; early in life I learned that JW were to be avoided as they use a very subtle way to convince into joining them. But, now as an adult, I have done more research as to the teachings of JW. I was dating a JW and needed to decide if I should continue in the relationship. I have been very open and attempted to compromise, since I was never going to abandon my faith/religion. Unfortunately, I encountered extreme resistance. Aside from the scriptures, the teachings and their rules, JW are trained to be closed minded to any other faith. My siblings have married into other faiths (jew, protestant, atheist and baptist). None of them have encountered the resistance and closed mindeness of this sort. As my last words were to him: ” My faith is about inclusion, my faith is about love, forgiveness, understanding and humility. I have seen nothing of that in you…”. Everyone is free to excercise their faith or spiritualy as they wish. It affects you only if you encounter experiences where your or your loved ones are being coersed into joining groups of this sort. I respect JW, have nothing against them and their teachings (I even attended one of their sessions), but only God, will eventually judge them. As for me, I will stay away from them.

  46. Elva, you’ve said it in a far less venomous way than I would. Sorry for your bad experience. I’ve been there. Oh, and to all the JW/JW apologists out there: explain the fine pseudo-Christian JW practice of “disfellowshipment”.

  47. I would like you all that think you know the jw , to make sure you read Gods word – the bible not some sinfull persone translation done in 1884 or what ever, a man with sin changing Gods true and beautiful word the bible so that he can benifit or be the leader of a club/organization.
    Tel me if he was so right and the dude after him – what happened or what was suppose to happen to all of us in 1914 and 1925 and 1935 when will you get it right One of the devils tools is to take man and make him question God the father – Adam and eve – I am a Christian that loves Gods word, not some poor persons translation – I can only pray that you all will not make my Father small to just 144000 people , shame you are being led astray so badly and I can only pray for you and ask my loving Father to show you His son Jesus. It is so sad!!!

  48. Jesus Christ (the Son of God) said–“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” (Matthew 7:1-5)

    This was stated by Jesus at Matthew 7:1 & Luke 6:37. In the Matthew passage, Christ explains this statement as a matter of not being able to judge clearly or with the right frame of mind & heart, if one has critical problems worse than the one whom he judges. Christ says that this is a hypocrite’s way of judging. He says to clean up your own life before attempting to correct your brother’s.

    Yet Christ is not prohibiting judgment, but warning against hypocritical criticism. A few verses later, He says, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” v.15. One has to discern & use judgment to comprehend & be on guard against false teachers.

    Jesus is God, and has existed for all eternity (though not known by that name before his incarnation). Colossians 2:9: “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily”(in human form). The Godhead is a union and communion of Three in One. The Father expressed Himself perfectly and begat Jesus the Son, who is God. Jesus is the only person who has a true God nature and true human nature. He is fully God and fully man. He therefore has two wills, a divine will and human will. To say “Jesus is the Son of God” is accurate with the understanding that “Jesus is God the Son”. This was revealed by the will of God.

    The Gospels clearly show Jesus considered Himself God and the Jews knew that Jesus considered Himself to be God and put Jesus to death for this. All the Gospels are in union with no differences whatsoever. Some who are ignorant of Scriptures do not know that Jesus has a dual nature, human nature and Divine Nature. Jesus also has two wills, a human will and Divine Will. So, some who ignorantly misinterpret Scriptures will claim that Jesus did not know He was God or did not consider Himself as God.

    Some say that Jesus was a great prophet or a good man. However, Jesus cannot be considered simply either. He came claiming to be God. So, He was either God, or a terrible blasphemer. The Jews in authority at the time of Christ’s ministry had him put to death strictly because Jesus claimed to be God.

    Some get confused by the dual nature of Jesus being true God and true Man, and don’t think about Jesus’ human nature as well. Jesus is the anointed One by the will of the Father. Jesus being the unique God-Man allows Him to be anointed with the Holy Spirit. Some are confused about the Holy Spirit.

    Many heretics have also denied that Jesus is God. Anyone who claims Jesus is not God is not a Christian. If you don’t know that Jesus is God, then you don’t know the Father either. To claim Jesus is not God, is ignorance of proper meanings of Scriptures and ignorance of the revealed attributes of God.

    Jesus came speaking to the Jews, whom were given the promise of the Messiah as recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus spoke to the Jews in the language they understood, in fulfillment of the OT promises as He showed how He fulfilled all the prophecies about the Messiah. He also referred to Himself as the “I AM” (John 8:58) which Jews knew meant God alone. The Jews wanted to kill Jesus for blasphemy, because they understood Jesus was claiming to be God (which is true). One must interpret Scriptures as they were intended, because Scriptures were not written so that it would be impossible for even the most ignorant and uneducated person not to misunderstand. God also said we must listen to His Church, which is the pillar and foundation of the truth.

    Jesus said the last and greatest of the OT prophets was John. Jesus established His New Covenant Church to teach, and sent His Apostles to teach with authority in His Holy Name. At the death of the last Apostle, John in about 105 AD, this signaled the end of public revelation about God. Anyone who teaches a different Gospel than Jesus is Lord and God, is a heretic and knows not God. So-called “prophecy” which came later and described Jesus as only one of many prophets is not from God. This false prophecy only claimed a person greater than Christ, yet was not foretold himself and foretold nothing. There are numerous and grave errors in this false prophet’s book, chief among which are to claim Jesus is merely a prophet, when Jesus is God.

    If those who considered Jesus at least a prophet would actually listen to His words, they would realize that Jesus said the Prophet John is the greatest OT prophet and more than a prophet he came in the office of Elijah. Jesus Himself is greater than John. Jesus’ own words show that He is the Son of God which is to be God, and not a son of God as we humans are who have one nature.

    If people actually honor what Jesus said about God, they would worship Jesus. So, to call Jesus simply a good man, or even simply a great prophet is actually blasphemy, and is ignorant of history and of the revelation of God.

    1. Jesus, God in the flesh indeed! He forgives sin, only God can forgive sin.
      He lived a sinless life. Only God is sinless. And He spoke of things to come in the future. Only God knows the future and the end from the beginning.
      The early church taught these things. And Jesus Himself taught: “you have seen me, you have seen the Father.”
      But the most important statement Jesus made concerning our faith is: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to The Father but by Me.”
      Jesus also said “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.”
      Our Bible tells us that no man can be saved unless The Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost if you prefer, draws him.
      Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Our beloved triune Godhead. Men can say you can have one without the other. But you cannot. And by no means can you have The Father without The Son. God came to earth in the flesh. He can do that. This is not teaching that intends to divide, but in love is intended to bring lost souls to the point that they know that they know the truth. This is the other thing The Holy Spirit gives us. Blessed assurance of our salvation provided only by Jesus Christ.

  49. So what did people believe in before the watchtower? What book guided them? For some man, just an ordinary (actually I would say ignorant) man to come along and take this beautiful history book and change the words around for his own agenda is absurd and dangerous not only for him but also for all of his ignorant followers. Since they feel there is no everlasting hell they have nothing to loose. Where were all the jw in 1700, 1730, or 1770. Why cannot people see this. Why do we need the watchtower? We have the bible.

  50. So what your telling me is everything before 1884 were false teachings since these ways of thinking did not come to light until then?

  51. My life has been tough at times, but the teachings saved me at times and hurt my family sister is dieing from kidney failure and needs blood transfusion for surgery.she wants a kidney but not blood,I don’t get it.when she was younger she confessed to elders of fornicating.they punishment her by no one speaking to her formally for a year,she wad 18 and hurt she ran away I did not see her for years.they will not speak to there own child. If the commit a sin like this.and that’s sad, that’s when you need family love and forgiveness.I know a j.w.lady who daughter was molested repeated by j.w. dad.they did not believe her daughter or her.he is divorced now married to a j.w. lady I know there are really good j.w. but they should not look down on other religions and make fun,I think they have people whom sincerely beloved in Jehovah,I am not one but do believe in psalm 83:18.just don’t get the not talking to your own kids if they sin,there not perfect,and Jesus forgave Mary magdeline,did he not?we all know there is one God!so it really does not matter to him only you live and respect this.

    1. It is not a matter of not talking to our children over a sin but instead it is about not associating with anyone who is practicing sin or has committed a gross sin. Also this disassociate on is not permanent. But if we continue to socialize with those disfellowshipped one there is no reason for them to work hard on their own repentance and relationship with Jehovah. If no loss or distance is felt where is the reason to work on making necessary adjustments to repair the damage done. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not the only ones with this type of practice. Other faiths call it excommunication.

      1. It’s God’s job to judge sinners, my job is to love. I don’t want the responsibility of making judgement over other’s actions.

        The whole ex-communication aspect that you wrote about is a complete contradiction to the teachings of Jesus:
        “But if we continue to socialize with those disfellowshipped one there is no reason for them to work hard on their own repentance and relationship with Jehovah. If no loss or distance is felt where is the reason to work on making necessary adjustments to repair the damage done. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not the only ones with this type of practice. Other faiths call it excommunication.”

        How does one not associate with a sinner? We are ALL sinners…. and we always will be, due to the Fall. Had the apple not been eaten we might live in Utopia- but we screwed up and we are broken as a result. This is why we need a Savior! God attempted to reach His people all throughout the OT. We continued to go our own way- thus, He sent Jesus- fully human and fully God to save the world. Maybe a baby would reach people? Jesus died for our sins- so we can repent and be redeemed.

        It’s God’s job to judge sinners, my job is to love them. I don’t want the responsibility of making judgement over other’s actions. I also know excommunicating doesn’t really bring people back- It’s punishment and it’s negative. You attract more bee’s with honey than vinegar.

        I thank the Lord that Christianity is actually the ONLY faith in which one is saved by grace not by works- we all sin, we all need a Savior to forgive us and take us back. We are new in His eyes and forgiven by simply asking to be. There is no excommunication with Christ. There are no other belief systems in which one is saved by grace alone.

        1. Maria you are a little off. The Bible says we are to quit mixing in company of a brother or sister (a Christian) who is practising immorality (Not sinners of the world).

  52. The more that I read how people twist the scriptures…it just confirms even more that Jehovah’s Witnesses are the only ones that seem to understand them:

    The words “I AM” are telling us that Jesus “always was” and thus was never created. This makes both He and God the Father co-eternal in the Trinity – which means that neither of Them have ever been created, but have always been in existence.( No…what these scriptures show are that Jesus existed before ABRAHAM….which he did….the scriptures call him the first-born of creation…he was also the one that God was speaking to when He said” Let us make man in our image”….and Jesus was also the one that came to be beside him as a master worker…..JW”s twist the scriptures??? You won’t even believe Jeses himself when he says ” The Father is greater than I am” hard is it to understand the difference between a Father and a Son? It’s really not that difficult…..unless you just refuse to give up on a pagan three-headed deity that was instituted in the churches a long time ago…As the old saying goes….if you can’t beat them..join them!…Don’t make them give up their pagan teachings and practices….just put a “Christian” spin on it and call it what you want….

  53. why is Jesus referred to as YHWH’s only begotten son? Why does Jesus pray to himself? Why does the bible, our guide, mislead us with lies regarding god’s first creation, aka Jesus? These aren’t questions for myself, for I know the answer, but rather for you to ponder….

    1. Jesus has two natures: divine and human. Jesus was not denying that He was God. He was merely acknowledging the fact that He was also a man. Jesus is both God and man. As a man, He was in a lesser position than the Father because He had added to Himself human nature (Col. 2:9) and was made under the Law (Gal. 4:4). He became a man to die for people (1 Cor. 15:1-4).

  54. My goodness,
    Aren’t we to be loving each other? Come on people……..
    Thank you Alice, March 13, 2013! The truth.

  55. If Jehovah/God/Yahweh/Allah/etc himself has never stood in front of you for an absolute fact, undeniable to all scientific reason, then you’d better treat all beliefs with love and respect because the fact is NOBODY on this Earth knows the ONE true way until it either shows itself beyond any sensorial doubt or until we die. On the day this happens you’re going to want to look back on your behavior and know you behaved in a Godly way, i.e. Loving always and with warm open minds. This is the only behavior you’ll never regret or be embarrassed by. I promise you.

    1. there only one way to God , that’s through the son OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST WHO Came in flesh die on cross 3 days he rosed ot life seated right hand of His Father. allah is nothing like Jehovah-Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit 3 persons in one God. allah was a fake invented god by idiots to create one of many cults, like Mormons, jevo witness name few. open up your mind speak to Jesus in your heart, and go to His Word speak to him its about relationship see Mathhew 7:21-23 Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord shall enter his kingdom of heaven, but whom he does the will of my Father, verse 22,23 says google it see read

  56. By definition, Jehovah’s witnesses is the worldwide Christian society of people who actively bear witness regarding Jehovah God and his purposes affecting mankind. They base their beliefs solely on the Bible.
    They derive their name from PSALM 83:18~” May people know that you whose name is Jehovah You alone are the Most High over all creation”. and ISAIAH 43:10-12~ “You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “Yes, my servant whom I have chosen………”

    Matt 26:29 ~ “Going a little farther he [Jesus Christ] fell on his face and prayed, “My Father if it be possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not as my will but as thou wilt”
    If the Father and the Son were distinct individuals, such a prayer would have been meaningless. Jesus would be praying to himself.
    John 8:17,18 ~”…I bear witness to myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness to me…. ”

    If Jesus is the firstborn of all creation, then why is the Father and the Holy spirit not also firstborns of all creation?

    Rev 1:1; 3:14~ “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him…..”The words of the Amen,the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation.”

    Prov 8:22-25 ~ “God produced me as the beginning of his way….From ancient times I was installed… When there was no deep waters, before the mountains were set in place, I was brought forth…”

    Prov 8:30~ “Then I was beside him as a master craftsman…”
    Note the similarity with. Col. 1:16~ “For by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth…. All other things were created through him and for him.”
    Does being beside someone mean that you are the same as that person??
    And clearly, Jesus was installed as the ffirstborn of all creation… unlike Jehovah God who is omnipresent.

    Mark 13:32 ~ “Of that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
    If Jesus was equal with God, wouldn’t he be knowing that time?? Or was he merely lying to his disciples?

    1Cor 11:3 ~”….the head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.

    John 17:3 ~ “This is eternal life that they know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent..”

    1Peter 1:3~ “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!”

    Deut. 6:4 ~ “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.”
    here other translations replace the name Jehovah with the title “The LORD”

    Phillipians 2:6
    Titus 1:4
    John 1:2

    1. BIBLE ~ they believe that the entire Bible is the inspired word of God, and instead of adhering to a creed based on human tradition, they hold the Bible as the standard of all their beliefs.

    2.GOD ~ They worship Jehovah as the only true God {Deut. 6:4} and freely speak to others about him and his loving purposes towards mankind.

    3. JESUS CHRIST ~ They believe, not that Jesus Christ is part of a trinity but that, as the Bible says, he is the Son of God, the first of God’s creations.

    4. GOD’S KINGDOM ~ They believe that God’s Kingdom is the only hope for mankind {Heb. 11:10, 14, 16}…that it is a real government; that it will soon destroy the present wicked system of things {Rev 12:12} including all human governments {Dan. 2:44}, and that it will produce a new system in which righteousness will prevail {Rev. 21:1}

    5. HEAVENLY LIFE ~ They believe that 144000 spiritually anointed Christians will share with Christ in his Heavenly Kingdom, ruling with him as kings. {Rev. 14:1-5}

    6. THE EARTH ~ They believe that God’s original purpose for the eearth will be fulfilled {Isaiah 55:11}, that the earth will be completely populated with worshipers of Jehovah and these will enjoy in eternal life in human perfection; that even the dead will be raised to an opportunity to share this blessings. {PSALM 37:29 and MATT. 5:5}

    7. DEATH ~ They believe that the dead are conscious of absolutely nothing, that they are experiencing neither pain or pleasure in some spirit realm {Eccl. 3:21 and Eccl.9:5 and. Psalm 146:4}

    8. SEPARATE FROM THE WORLD ~ They earnestly eendeavor to be no part of this world, as Jesus said of his true followers. They do not share in wars or politics but they show genuine love for their neighbors.

    9. APPLY BIBLE COUNSEL ~ They believe it’s important to apply God’s Word in everyday life.

    The Bible does not agree with the modern view that there are many acceptable ways to worship God [Matt 7:13,14, 21 and 1Cor 1:10]
    Because Jehovah’s witnesses base all their beliefs, their standards for conduct and organizational procedures on the Bible, their faith in the Bible itself as God’s Word gives them the conviction that what they have is indeed the truth. They are not self centred but are eager to share their beliefs with others.
    Col 1:15,16~ “He [Christ] is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation.”

    1. Hi Arnold. Are you a JW?
      I am a bible study with a JW and what I see are truly loving.people that want to share good news and help thisE in despair.
      There are a few things they do that I struggle with ( encouraging their children to not focus on a career and to dedicate their lives to pioneering or going to do the greater work).
      That is for reading. My neighbour sent me the arrival above trying to dissuade me from studying with the wrong religion.

    2. Arnold well said, I don’t see how the trinity can be defended 1 Cor.15.28 says that Jehovah subjected all things under Jesus and when all things have been subjected then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things under him. As well as John 14.28 which clearly says that the Father is geratel than I.

    3. Arnold you are reading the Bible out of context and therefore put forward a very misleading argument. To say that Proverbs 8; 22-25 is speaking of Jesus is blasphemy. In fact start at the beginning of the chapter and you will see that this chapter is referring to “wisdom”. And again in verse 12 it reads “I wisdom dwell with….” Clearly this chapter is explaining that when God created everything that He “possessed wisdom” and that wisdom is found in all the virtues of His people… “by me (wisdom) kings reign and princes rule…”

      Jesus is equal to God and IS GOD. By Him were all things created. But Jesus chose to set aside His Godly power and come to earth as a man, so that He could suffer and die in our place and take back our God given authority on this earth.
      Phil 2:5 “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus: who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation and took upon Him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men. And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

      When Jesus was resurrected He became the “firstborn from the dead” so that in all things He might have the preeminence. (Col 1:18).

  57. This is a lot to ponder upon. I wonder if God will be very strict to us all who at-least believe in Him in one way or the other. Satan and sin as well have divided us through many things. the bible is translated and there are Issues as well to deal with when we read. But love love,prayer faith more so love for one another will help us to last day.

      1. The word “Trinity” may not exist but it is abundantly clear throughout that God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are all manifestations of the same thing we simply call God.

        1. Thanks be to God there are still wise men of God such as yourself who know his biblical teachings and can decipher truth from all the false religions of the world.

      2. JWs love to use that same argument: that the word “trinity” is not in the Bible.
        They claim: therefore, it does not exist. I would remind them that the word “Bible”
        is not in the Bible either. By their same line of reasoning (or lack thereof) I guess
        we can assume that the Bible does not exist either!
        They were among the first to remove 1 John 5:7 from the Bible (which speaks
        of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost), and says “these three are one”
        Nearly everyone criticizes them for changing John 1:1 (“the Word was “a god”)
        But few people mention how they changed John 14:10 (where Jesus speaks of
        being “IN” the Father.) They must have thought that simple word “IN” sounds
        too suggestive of the Deity of Jesus; and so they changed the wording to have Jesus say “I am IN UNION WITH the Father (meaning they merely agree).

      3. Jehovah Witnesses love to point out that the word “Trinity”
        is not in the Bible. They claim that therefore, it doesn’t exist.
        I like to remind them that the word “Bible” is not in the Bible either.
        By their same line of reasoning, I guess we can assume the Bible
        doesn’t exist either!

  58. @arnold,

    Jesus Christ is a God-Man whose mission was to mediate for bothe man and God. Jesus is God…He would have blasphemed if he wasn’t God and he did all things God does like forgiven sin, being worshipped,being called God, being called or addressed as a savior.

    it amazes me when you outlined such finicking reasons jw don’t believe Jesus is God. you successfully changed john 1:1 by seeking a spiritualist called johanea greber who claimed to be in a spirit medium to get his revelation from God. The president of the WBTS ,Mr Nathan Knorr bought the plate of john 1:1 to buttress the point that Jesus is a god instead of being God.
    that negates Isaiah chapter 43 that says before him and after him,there is no god. Jehovah also declare that there is no savior beside him.
    if there is no god beside Jehovah, then it negates john1:1.

    firstborn of all creation doesn’t mean he was created
    the Greek word for “first-created” is word PROTOKTIOTI if Paul wanted to say Christ was the first created being.he uses another term ,PROTOTOKOS.Paul is referring to the Jewish use of the word “firstborn” as “title of sovereignty and preeminence for example
    here,in psalm 89:27 God says of David,” I also shall make “first born ” the highest of the kings of the earth.Let’s take a good look and see how FIRSTBORN is used David the firstborn son of Jesse.No, he is the 8th and youngest son of Jesse. the old testament use of the word ,he is firstborn in that he is ” preeminent or sovereign of all the kings of the earth”

    The beginning of all creation. the beginning here in Greek word is ARCHE which means SOURCE, ORIGIN,ARCHITECT “not having a beginning” revelation 3:14

    Jesus talk from the perspective of his humanity (that is why he prayed to the father because he exemplifies man praying to God(he is a model for man))
    Jesus also talk from the perspective of his divinity showing he is “ever knowing or all knowing” mark13:32, …no one knows the day except the father…COMPARE with verses like matt17:27,Luke 5:4-6, John 2:25,John 16:30, John 21:17

    childish questions JW asked are , who ran the universe for three days when Jesus died in the grave?
    jw problem lies in the definition of death. Death in the scriptures is the separation from the body as in the case of first death(physical death) and separation from God for eternity is the second death in the lake of fire. death never means annihilation or extinction of consciousness. No single collective rendering of Greek or Hebrew words in any reputable lexicon or dictionary will substantiate JW view.

    JW are sincerely wrong in their teachings. they have semblance of truth but not in anyway close to it.

    all what Arnold listed are just paraphrasing of what the watchtower instilled on you.

    The watchtower has made more than 200 changes to their teachings uptil now and it keeps changing. They keep buttressing the point “the light is getting brighter” Prov 4:18.
    it was taken out of context to defend their mistakes. The whole of proverbs 4 wasn’t talking about light getting brighter for the righteous ones but an analogy between the deeds of the wicked ones and the righteous ones. The righteous ones becomes successful in his things and ways but bass nothing to do with getting information gradually.

    proverbs 8:22-30 wasn’t for Jesus my dear brother. wisdom personified from Proverbs chapter one to proverbs chapter nine. The word wisdom has the grammatical gender is a “SHE” . The proverb 8 has (1) figure of speech(2) Genre and (3) grammatical gender.
    proverbs is heavily artistic. proverbs8 is a specific type of poem called ENCOMIUM. poem of praise .other encomia in scriptures are found in 1Col 13(in praise of love) and prov 31:10-31(in praise of the vitreous wife) Hebrew 11(in praise of faith).

    Jehovah’s witness tried very hard to change the scriptures so as to Jesus will look like he was created . look at kingdom interlinear Col 1:15,16,17 , four “other” was sloted in to make Jesus made all OTHER things and not all things.

    they changed john8:58 to “I have been” from “I AM” . what a loss from jw. They twisted the scriptures to fitting to their theology.

    Watchtower is more correct than the bible. JW doesn’t read the bible without their literature.

    watchtower is their holy spirit. watchtower usurped the role of Both Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

    salvation in jw,you don’t have to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior but accept and belong to the organization.” The Noah’s ark Jesus talked about”.

    They blindly follow the bible and declare they are the ones doing all what the bible says .They are without the holy spirit to guide them so they take the bible hook line and sinker ,that is, wrongly.

  59. That’s how saint michael defeats the dragon by making Christians believe in him as the lord but saint michael is just an angel of the lord and Jesus doesn’t need to defeat the dragon because he already did and saint michael and the dragon are warring for their place in heaven me my belief comes from the spirit of god because that’s how you get to Jesus and Jesus is how you get to the father and these things don’t matter. I came from other worlds because of the spirit of god and and I believe that jws and Christians need to put their religion together so they can realize who Jehovah god and Jesus and the spirit is but the thing is Christians are being deceived by saint michael because he’s the Jesus that Christians believe in and Jesus is the lord not some fantasy that they feel that who Jesus is. Jesus’s brothers are the devil and satan.and god is the first one to be alive and Jehovah is the one that made god and saint michael is the Legend of Jesus today and Christians don’t know that Jesus’s face is saint michael and the Legend Of Jesus it wasn’t till after that saint michael was alive until these days that people that feel and see who Jesus is but Jesus is my father that’s why the spirit talks to me and doesn’t wasn’t me telling people the mysteries of god I’m from the religion Native American and our god is the spirit because he was the one that made god and Jesus . Isn’t Jesus the son of man and man is Adam and lucifer told Adam that if he takes the fruit that he be like god that means Adam is god and he’s offspring is Jesus and the son of man and the son of god makes it there.

    1. Satan deceived them. They didn’t become gods. They became mortal. They then knew OF and about Good and Evil, like a god would, but they certainly got no godlike powers, did they? Satan also made Eve question what God had said about the Tree of Knowledge- he made her doubt her previous convictions of what God said would happen if she ate thereof. He told her she wouldn’t die. Jesus is God in the flesh. His crucifixion and the shedding of His blood are what redeems us. There is nothing in the Scripture that even alludes to Him being anything other than God. He was not created.He created everything seen. Period. He wasn’t Michael, an angel. That is nowhere in the Bible. St Peter said the test of any idea, doctrine or spirit is if it denies or affirms whether or not Jesus came in the flesh. That which denies Jesus has come in the flesh and is not God .is of the spirit of the antichrist.

  60. well you said it yourself “The Lake of Fire and Brimstone will be the eventual end of Satan, all of his demons, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and all the rest of unsaved humanity who has ever lived. ”
    It says in revelations right after what the lake of fire means in your OWN bible…revelations 20:14 says “14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.”
    Now death and hades are not literal physical beings that are going to be tormented in the lake of fire for eternity. they are states of being. when the bible says this means the second death it means they will be destroyed forever just like satan and the demons. Look at your history of the story of hell …most of the ideas and description of hell actually came from a poet called Dante who wrote in vivid horrific detail the book Dante’s Inferno. The lake of fire is simply eternal destruction. After the last judgement there will be no more sickness, pain , suffering, and no more wicked ones. It will be just as God planned out in the beginning.

  61. I believe that there is only one God and it is the God that I imagine. You believe that there is only one God and that is the God that you believe in.
    The same goes in terms of interpretation of the scriptures, everyone thinks his/her interpretation if the scriptures is the only one that is correct.
    Fact of the matter is that no one is wrong or right but different.
    Instead of wasting time and resources trying to prove each other wrong, let us stick to our individual beliefs and let others also do so with their individual believes too.

    1. The question is which ‘God’ do you believe in? Is it the God of the Bible or the figment of man’s imagination? The God of the Bible is the One who created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1) and the One who said,

      “…Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all[b] the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”(Genesis 1:26, NKJV)

      Do you believe in the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit)? If not, the God you believe in is different fro the God I believe in? The baptism of Jesus gives evidence of the Trinity as follows:

      “When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:16-17, NKJV)

      This passage of Scripture describes what occurred when Jesus(the Son of God and God the Son) was baptized by John the Baptist. God the Father was present because He spoke from Heaven, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”. God the Holy Spirit was also present because He descended like a dove and alighted on Jesus. And of course Jesus was there. Truly amazing!

      Finally, truth is not relative, it is absolute. There is only one version of the truth. Jesus said authoritatively and emphatically,

      “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6, NKJV). Therefore, the idea of two different interpretations of God coexisting is unrealistic. There is only one God who exists in three Persons. God bless you.

        1. I agree too! I could not have done better at all. Yes there are a lot of “JW’s” out there that are very nice and I do agree there are not very many Christians who go door to door and try to spread the love of the Lord and his ways to others as much as we should. But just because they are kind and they truly care does not mean that they are right. It has really made me think about what I am doing when I reach out to others and I have been trying to be more caring to those around me because we can learn something from the “JW’s” and that is we all need to care more for those who are lost and do not know how much the Lord God loves them!

  62. why the end all will know who is the true religion…for armeggedon is a war fought by God to protect his people….they will inhabit the earth and teach the truth..without wars , crime, pollution and any manmade badness or interference

    1. Bruce, if you knew a bridge was out and anyone driving on it would crash to their deaths, yet you failed to warn them, or they said, hey, there’s no sign saying it’s out, would you consider it arguing over who was right and who was wrong? Eternity is at stake.The Bible tells Christians to rebuke and reason with those going off the path or Truth. Deception only works because it seems plausible to our reasoning abilities. However, just because it sounds good doesn’t necessarily mean it is. Jehovah’s witnesses actually do witness, unlike most Christian Churches, but unfortunately their message is not the Truth.

      1. Exactly! Many well meaning people who are mis-leading others yet claim to be “saving” them.
        God told us to question things. JWs are told not to question anything in their writings, their Bible, meetings taught by elders etc. They are discouraged from pursuing higher education too.

  63. Sorry,what you said is based on incorrect biblical transilatins revice the current Coptic version which is is accampanied with the correct Arabic language done on the year your interpretation is incorrect which leads someone to the unsatisfaction of our creator the only unseen the unexamined one.revise the event of Jesus paptism by Jhon the paptizer. When he saw a symbol of our Lord God power appearing a dove on Jesus shoulder to anoint him to Jhon.

  64. Matthew 28:18
    New International Version
    Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

    If Jesus is God, as you say he is, who gave him all authority in heaven and on earth?

    I hope you get your act together before Armageddon comes, otherwise you might find yourself on the wrong side.

    1. He has given (earned) the authority by Himself, as God. As a potter, I have authority to change the shape of a bowl. Once set, the bowl cannot make itself into a cup, or a tree.

  65. Hi . After reading all your comments I had to comment . Only JW use God’s name . This is very important as we are told in the bible and the commandments not to take God’s name in vain .It does not say not to use it . But , like clergy and politican nowadays , the Pharisees of former times said ….hm..let us protect the people from misusing God’s name . Let us stop people by never using it .,,,,!!! So the letters depicting gods name where at . later stages made into Jehovah . As there was no other way of pronouncing it .
    But all this will never stop me from addressing God , and I will always do so through the name of his beloved son Jesus . Spread the message of God’s goodness and love to all .
    For this I pray to Jehovah through Jesus . Amen

  66. The Bible is not read and interpreted in isolation. In all your Bible verses, there are several of them that teach contrary to your belief. Is it not unscriptural to even compare Jesus to Jehovah God? How many creators do we have in the Bible? Where does your trinity emanate from? Interestingly, you refer to the Bible as “your” Bible. Read the Bible with an open heart zed know the TRUTH.

    1. The Bible is, in fact, to be read in isolation. This is one way He reveals Himself to us. Also, you have to be more specific because you state “In all your Bible verses, there are several of them that teach contrary to your belief. ” This statement is complety false His word is infallible as is He Himself. There is nothing of error in the Bible. Many have tried to disprove the Bible and have failed miserably. Many have also argued and tried to show that there are many discrepancies in the Bible and have failed here too. I can show you them neatly listed indicating how and what these discrepancies are and why they exist. You need to read the Bible more to understand the Trinity, there is only One creator, and there’s only One who came to save us. The Trinity isn’t known as emanating, it exists in all those who believe in Him. Lastly, I may have missed the “your” you are referring to, but the author more frequently refers to the Bible as “our” bible.

      1. Thats exacly y the acient gods or priest should have never taken gods name out of the bible so some people say Jw took out and put verses in but they are then the ones who is using gods real name y do other chruches not use the hebrew name Yawe or Jehovah but Yawe is the only one who can remove his name but people took it upon themself to do so

    2. One creator. -God in fact jw texts are the contrary if that is what you are referring to and are brought to the world by “ false prophets” people who made the texts different to suit their needs and use god’s word and twist Jesus’ and all the bible’s teachings is literally vanity, selfish, not moral. Catholics and other Christians don’t compare Jesus to god he is from god not better or worse, it is known that Jesus came as a teacher and savior he himself is the messiah. The main point of the Bible is that it includes all of Jesus’ teachings and stories of the ways he helped heal others. We follow this because he was a leader like I said a teacher. The Bible is based on Jewish traditions as well and without that you can’t understand jesus’s role as teacher (rabbi) in context. So it’s Jewish texts and Jesus + his friends accounts of his life. It is very important to remember this otherwise you have just confusion. This is why Christians incorporate the trinity it reminds them how everything is connected Jesus came from God through gods power (the Holy Spirit). The Holy Spirit is a force not a literal thing and without these you have a vast sea of infinite nothing. the wording in the Bible is from Judaean times and if not translated correctly you have more wrong understandings. But really during those times Jesus was not the only one killed on a cross, that was typical punishment in those times. The difference is his tomb was found empty and he appeared to his “friends” the apostles in the flesh. He is not an angel or spirit body. If you read the Bible you would know this!

      She did not say it was her bible she said “our” meaning everyone. Everything you said shows you clearly don’t understand and have been brainwashed by the jw cult.

      And there is no Armageddon it is a fear/control tactic to keep you afraid. Apocalypse means revealing. I recommend people study the meaning of the words from their origin and you will no longer see through fear.

    3. I am just curious, how would you respond to the verse in Genesis 2 that says let US make man in OUR image? I think of the trinity like 3 distinct parts or functions of God. I can be a daughter and a sister and a teacher all at the same time. But what is different about me and God is that I am limited to one place on earth and one time. But God has no such limitations. He is everywhere at once and is above and outside of our human understanding of time. It is very possible for God our Father and Jesus his Son and the Holy Spirit to be distinct in some ways and one in other ways, just like those 3 roles(daughter, sister, and teacher) are distinct in some ways and yet all apart of one entity, me. It is not a contradiction. It is also found throughout scripture(John 1, John 14, Col 2:9, Is 9:6, Matthew 28:19, 2 Cor 1:21-22, John 10:30).

    4. The Bible speaks the truth that there is only one God which John calls him the word in John 1:1. And reveal himself in the flesh John 1:12-14. He will come to take his followers with him in heaven and bring those who are against him in hell. The God’s false Witness members are teaching otherwise that there is no hell, Jesus did not resurrect and was annihilated by God. Where did they get that interpretation?

  67. Well…. after reading through your article and the comments, i come to my conclusion that JW teaching is the truth about christianity. Robert :”Jesus forgives sin only God can forgive sins”. he could only do that after He was given AUTHORITY and power by Jehovah.
    Micheal W. Three of them according to john 1:1 were WORKING HAND IN HAND NOT THAT THEY WERE EQUAL.

  68. It is very unfortunate that there are no references for what Jehovah Witnesses believe. Simply you telling us what they believe is meaningless since we cannot verify from the writings of The Jehovah Witnesses. Each belief should be a quote from their writings.

  69. Who’s right, who’s wrong? I don’t know, but I do know that the JW’s are the friendliest most loving people I have ever met. They put the “born again non-denominational” Christians to shame! And, talk about evangelism! When was the last time, if ever, a “born again” Christian ever came knocking on your door? They are spot on for reaching the unsaved. And then they don’t drop you like a hot potato and have you figure it all out by yourself! None of that, “I don’t know what you want or need and I don’t want to know! I have a football game to watch!” or “Don’t worry people, we will get out on time to watch the kickoff!”. The JW’s care about you, spend time with you, call you, invite you for a coffee, and not just on Sundays, but whenever they haven’t heard from you in a while, or when you’re ill! They help you with problems. When my car broke down, a member lent me their spare for three weeks! In other words, they put their love into ACTION, unlike most “Christian” denominations! While it is ultimately about God and your relationship to Him, and henceforth your eternal destination, it doesn’t hurt to have friends to share the journey with. Their theology may be off-kilter, but their LOVE is genuine. So you go and worship with them but keep your own counsel on truth.

    1. That is how I see it. I am not JW. I have been everything but. I feel something is lacking in all I tried. I see JW as a real commitment. I admit that I selfishly am not willing yet to be that committed to anything. But: at least I admit it. I think they have it right, too. They go door to door. So should all Christian sects. They hire very few services to maintain the buildings. Each member brings a talent and contributes time. They dress up to represent God. It is a narrow path they travel. Unlike most others where anything goes. Thus: the JW is hated or ridiculed.

      1. And Jw does not celibrate christian holidays because if you look in history where this holidays started is all pagen believes if you are a true christian youl know what im talking about if heaven is so real y did Jesus not leave lasaurs in peace to go to heaven y did he resarect him if die i dont want to be on this earth with all this liying preachers i want to stay i want to see heaven and lasarus said nothing about seeing heaven thats y the old scriptures of the bible probly burned out or lock away so humen cant get to it. so sad how billions lost there way to just because of greedy old liying acient people from the past. But luckly god knows our heart just pray until end comes

    2. Arlene, it may be so that the Jehovah witnesses that you have met are very loving, nice people. So you say Love trumps Truth. But I do not believe this is so. It is never loving to give someone less than the Truth, especially about something so important as salvation.

    3. This is not to knock the Jehovah Witnesses but for all to be careful and do our research.

      The JW on the surface seems to be doing what Jehovah requires, hence like many cults, the lure is effective until you join and get entangled. Remember David Koresh and Jim Jones for example. When persons wanted to get out, it was too late for some of them. Research is usually a good way to start before joining a group on the basis of you liking what you see on the surface. We all should be familiar with the phrase “Beware of wolves in Sheep clothing”. Jesus also mentioned that Satan himself is able to transform himself as an angel of light. My few words.

      1. Great points!! Seek God. Read the Word (Bible) and ask God for HIS truth.

        Jesus said, I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. No man comes to the Father but by Me.

    4. It sounds like you have seen a lack of action from Christians. I am sorry to hear this, and will continue to pray for the whole body of Christ. However I do want to say that I am very blessed to be surrounded by hundreds of Christians that manifest love, patience, compassion, and help to people locally and all over the world believers and nonbelievers. It is true that we don’t go door to door, because we aren’t required to. Works will not get us into heaven but the acceptance of Jesus Christ of who he is what he did for us and that only he can save us by what he did at Calvary. Will get us in. When this happens little by little we should be changing in bearing good fruit and the works will come naturally I believe anyway. We should pour out our love to everybody in, I even think it’s OK to agree to disagree. And just continue to pray for the those who are not ready to listen to the Holy Spirit. God bless and have a good day

    5. I hear what you are saying. We need to not confuse love and determination. JWs get points for everything they do to get you to become one of them. They need to work their way to Heaven. It’s not love. We may think the time they spend and their consistency in their interest of us is love…but it is a counterfeit. We need to love God with our whole being. AND love our neighbor as ourselves.
      Jesus paid the price for all sin. Once and for all. Only God incarnate could do that. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. We need to seek Him and serve Him believing in all that Jesus did for us saves us. Nothing we can do adds or completes our salvation. I pray that God would send His precious Holy Spirit to give us clarity and know how to please our Father in Heaven

      1. Thats not true the bible says in matthew 24:14 the good news will be preached all over the world as a wittness to all the nations then the end will come. God said if man kind dont want to preach the good news he will use the rocks thats y Jw all over world go door to door and not preaching on tv channels and Miss Debbie all you said right i respect but take from your time and go door to door because in your own bible you will see that words

  70. Comment for….Arlene – (Nov. 22,2018) before we point our fingers as to what someone else is doing. We need to first ask ourself when was the last time I knocked on someone’s door, when have I reached out to the unsaved, when did I spend time with the lost, when have I invited someone for coffee and when was the last time I visited someone that was sick etc., etc.,? I used to be just like you. Until I decided to point my finger at myself! I realized that when I stand before God I’m going to be standing alone. Now I try to be what I want from others and I’ve never been more happier. You see before we can accuse others we need to make sure we aren’t guilty as well. God Bless you and have a blessed day.

    1. It isn’t about personalities nor how nice people interact with others. It’s about the correct understanding and application of the Bible.
      But if the source is corrupted the fruit will be corrupted. A bad tree can’t bear good fruit.

      1. You are so right Rob the source have long time been corrupted to much pointing and then we forget the simple things that matter to God

  71. Being nice person does not give you entry into heaven.
    Adding or taken away from the Lords word is a Sin in itself.
    Believe in the truth. That Jesus Christ is our Lord God and Saviour. Trust in him in all things.
    You sound like a ” Nice person ” I will pray for you.

  72. This is exactly why I have a heart for Jehovah’s witnesses. The Bible teaches that if you know someone is wrong and say God’s speed to them (which is the same as taking their materials and not speaking up). Then you are guilty also. It would be like a person speeding and around the corner the bridge is out and they will die – and you just wave hello.

    It is not about going door to door or doing some great deeds. Works are brought about by your love for God, not to work your way in – or to furnish proof to those who are watching. You do things for the Lord because you are grateful. So, don’t confuse issues.

    And if “any” of you actually read the Bible, you will see the differences plainly. If you research and discover they have changed the Bible (for their own purposes). Hear is the punishment for adding or taking away from the Bible.

    Revelation 22:18-19 ESV
    I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

    If you want proof of this change, see John 1:1 King James Bible
    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

    It is saying that Jesus was with God from the beginning, and with God, and that Jesus is the Word and that HE is “God” also.

    JV translate this into a god. Little god. This is very significant because a small god is not the same as God. Christians believe that Jesus is God and is part of the Trinity (they don’t believe this). They think he was an angel or a good man, but just stop and think about that for a moment.

    If he was just an angel or just a man, then you could have went to the cross for yourself & others. It makes the whole Bible a lie by attacking the divinity of Jesus.

    mike w.

    1. Hey Mike, good reply, you are on mark, especially in the comment on adding or deleting from Scripture/Bible, only problem is your King
      James Bible did just that, removed 7 books from the Old Testament And the last couple chapters
      of James from the Original Bible (Catholic aka Universal Church) that Christ Himself established. The agenda for this is rather transparent.

      I definitely include you as a fellow Christian due to our core belief in Jesus Christ unfortunately cannot do likewise with JW.

  73. Hi there im a christian and have just had Jehovahs witnesses at the door hence my being here, but your very wrong about hell being an eternal place of torment and thats according to the bible. What is the lake of fire and brimstone? The second death! Ots appointed for man to die once then comes judgement, hence why those thrown into the lake of fire recieve death the second and final time. The wages of sin are DEATH were mortal the free gift of God is eternal life and its only gifted through Jesus Christ hence the difference between the saved and unsaved. We came from the dust and to the dust we return genesis 3 19 ecc 12 7, malachi 4 3 explicitly shows the reality of the wicked as does isaiah 66 24 carcasses are dead bodies and worms live where? The earth/ dust exactly where God says the wicked will be ashes underfoot, hell itself is cast into the lake of fire, hell is just the grave, a holding locker until judgement day after that and judgement is complete theres no more need for it as death will be permanent for those who recieve it and death will be no more for those who inherit eternal life.
    God bless

  74. Jesus also said i am the ressurection and the life those who believe in me even though they die yet shall they live, seems eternal life is a free gift exclusively through and by Jesus not all because not all believe in Him, hence those who dont believe when they die they have no life.
    God bless

  75. Sarah Angel, while this lake of fire is considered the second death the Bible specifically talks about this place where all non believers, anti Christ or false prophets suffer in for eternity. Matthew 25:46 says, “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” mark 9:43 says, “If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out.” This implies that hell is your resting place forever. Lastly 2 Thessalonians 1:9 says, “They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might”.

  76. If JW’s believe what Jesus said, why do they deny that he is God? What, after all, was the charge laid on him by the Jewish leaders (blasphemy, claiming to be God)?

    1. I like your way of thinking. There is too much evidence of the Trinity! It may not have the word but it points to just that all through the bible.

  77. Hi,
    I agree with all that you say. I was saved in a Baptist church and was a Pentecostal believer.However,I went with my wife to a Methodist Church where it was a wishy washy gospel. I prayed to find somewhere else. I was invited to a Jehova Meeting and they really welcomed me sincerely,I just presumed it ordinary Christianity,Indeed I was one of them for about 4 months.God told occassionaly that why do they all believe the same thing,there is never any disagreeing.Why were single women frightened of me,Eventually I was studying the signifance of 1914 and God’s supposed interruption of His reign. Frightening. I have much sympathy and have some good friends but they have been brainwashed from childhood.Please pray that God will release them

  78. AND, I attended catholic school when I heard of the 144000 to enter heaven I felt out of luck that I’ll make the cut… but the witnesses explained that the 144000 will be co rulers in heaven with Jesus as king. God promised mankind a Paradise Earth… he is not late as some considered late,to his promise. God can not lie so the earth will be restored to it’s paradise state n those who trust and believe will live in paradise earth forever! And the 144000 in heaven again will co rule with Jesus catholic school n Baptist church NEVER taught me that! They just let me feel hopeless n confused

    1. Leia,
      As a true believer in my Lord and savior I would implore you to study the differences between True Christianity and the beliefs of the Jehovah Witnesses. You will find some very distinctive differences. Such as they do not believe in the Trinity or that Jesus Christ rose on the third day. Please just do some reading. Your salvation is guaranteed through the excepting of Jesus as your Lord and Savior. ✝️✝️✝️

  79. There is one argument that I have brought into my discussions with Jehovah’s Witnesses, that is the conviction and the Power of the Holy Spirit. In fact, the Holy Spirit is an argument you can use in all religious arguments. When the person trying to convince you they know the way, and they clearly see the light of Jesus in you, they might try to talk you down, but they soon walk away, either angry because your obvious light shines brighter than theirs or they are frustrated because they don’t have what God has given you. Arguing about the Trinity or Hell or any serious doctrinal issues with JWs is usually fruitless. If you have truly received the anointing of the Spirit of God, invite criticism, invite those who disagree with you, invite JWs, Mormons, and share the love and undeniable power and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, there is no argument against that. Trust me it works. If haste erupts, then you may need to ask yourself a question. Have you truly received the anointing of the Holy Spirit and does your light truly shine wherever you are? If not, then ask Jesus to do just that and watch those false teachers, waller at your feet in jealousy.

  80. It’s either heaven or hell, how you live here on earth as long as you have breath determines where you will spend eternity (Romans 6:23) (Hebrew s 12:14) we must live holy unto God because he is holy (Leviticus 19:1) (1 Peter 15-16)…….. you can continue to live the way you live in sin or live fore God in obedience to his holy word……(Revelation 22:19) it is written. One ? Where in the scripture s did God,the Profits the,Jesus or the Apostles day to be any thing alse but holy as talking about your faith (Jude 1:20)

    1. This article is so full of misleading information. I’m a Babtist but I had JW coming to my house for a while and we had long chats about their beliefs. We studied through their guide book.
      1. Trinity, they dont believe in trinity as God being 3 in 1 because why would God split himself if he can be Omnipresent and how can God be Jesus, God be God and God be Holy Spirit. There is 1 GOD – 1! However all 3 of these beings have the knowledge God has.
      2. they do believe that JESUS came to earth in real flesh. They believe in his existence. And they also believe that he is the SON of GOD. But not God. Otherwise why would he pray to the Father if he himself was the father? It doesnt make sense. And this is not the case of – this is not for human mind to coprehand. God never meant for this to be too complicated for us.
      3. Resurrection – yes, they believe that 144000 will go to Heaven to rule with God, however it is wrong to say they dont believe in Eternal Life. They believe in Eternal Life on Planet Earth, the Eternal Garden of Eden for our eternity! We as human were created on the Earth so we will stay here, with our Spiritual bodies! This will be our Paradise as it was supposed to be from the very beginning!

      1. I do not worship a god who is on my same level. I worship a God whose thoughts and ways are high above mine. I am still learning about the trinity, and I am beginning to make sense of it. I know there is so much more. Yes they are three distinct persons, but no, they aren’t in a hierarchy. Jesus and God are one. The Holy Spirit and Jesus are one and Holy Spirit and God are one. They all have the same power, knowledge and authority. I believe they express it differently. God was with the prophets of the old testament, but there are places where it says the Spirit of the Lord was with him. That’s God in the form of the Holy Spirit. What about the three men who came to see Abraham? The Lord appeared and spoke to Abraham (Genesis 18). Three men? The Father, Son and Holy Spirit visited him. So many moments in Psalms where the writer is talking about God and the spirit, being strength or a shield. They have the same power, though they show it differently.

        We know Jesus walked the earth. But Jesus said he MUST go so the Holy Spirit would come. He lives in us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was a man so he couldn’t physically be inside of everyone. But the Holy Spirit is a spirit and can be in everyone, as much as we yield to his leading. I am praying that we all continue to know what we believe and go deeper in our relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Ask and you will get a better understanding. I hope this helps.

      2. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God. It seems to me that if I were a Jehovah Witness and I am not nor will I ever be I wouldn’t be working so hard to bring souls in because I would be afraid that out of that a hundred and forty four thousand that’s going to make it to heaven, someone would take my seat. That is one of the more absurd beliefs they have. God is three and one is the father and the Son and the Holy Ghost he is the I am the beginning and the end the alpha the Omega. You can’t separate the Trinity no matter what religion you are. I too am a Baptist and I have been taught that the three are separate completely. What I have been taught is they are three God heads but at the same time they are one. Yes it is hard to wrap your mind around that but we are not made to understand we are made to believe and have faith oh, trust, hope, and love.

  81. You know I make it a point to never criticize or judge other religions because God, Jehovah, Allah, etc. depending on your belief gave everyone free will. So if someone wants to practice a religion different than mine that is there choice. I would love nothing more than for everyone to come to The Christ. But it has to be a free will choice. Not because I call their religion false or try to condemn them as a people. I believe my responsibility is to promote Christianity, to live in a way that attracts others to my faith. It would be very easy for me to debate many comments I’ve read here but as LW says “Just do some reading”

    1. Austin, I can definitely appreciate your reluctance to criticize or judge. However, God’s word does warn of false religions. I feel we have a responsibility to identify these so it does require judgement according to the Word. We have to do so with love and consideration.

    2. I know a JW, and I want to share the truth with him, as I believe that all JW’s are deceived. I wanted to understand the differences between JW and Christianity not to argue or build barriers but to gently and accurately explain the truth as led and directed to by Holy Spirit, I’m praying for this person and his family and trusting God to open the eyes of their understanding to reveal His Truth to them. I need to be equipped with an understanding of the doctrinal differences to accurately define them, and adequately describe them in a gentle and healthy loving way. TC Gotcher

  82. I am now dealing with 2 jw’s. They want to do bible study with me. I know that our beliefs are deeply deeply different. I don’t judge them, however I believe this is a false religion and could easily lead people astray. They hinder what is meant to be a real relationship with God. Also when u take away the divinity of who died on the cross I believe there will be serious consequences. Jesus’s divinity matters! What if we are meant to share the truth with them. I pray Holy Spirit leads me while I point to some undeniable facts in the bible. At the very least I pray they will rethink what they believe. I say this as graciously and respectfully as I can.

    1. Yes! I pray it went well. When given an opportunity to share our faith I pray we take advantage of it, without judging! Hear them out and share what God is teaching us. Then we can spread his love and light! God bless you and stay encouraged!

    2. Do a Bible Study with them as long as it’s not using their bible. That would only lead to arguments regarding what they want to push on you.

  83. Have you ever talked to a Jehovah’s Witnesses? You based your comments on what you know about them. This is so one sided. I just leave you one Bible text where they are very committed . Just check their brotherhood (John 13:34,35) different nationalities, races and languages. They don’t engaged in war or politics. Well as Jesus said cast the first stone if you didn’t sin, check out the history of Catholicism. How they spread the gospels, was it the same as the early Christian did? Shame on you. Check your religions background and history before you concluded their teaching is wrong.

    1. You need to read the scriptures not a rewritten book that serves as a guide to how some want it to be! Shame on you. In your comment and I quote” You based your comments on what you KNOW ABOUT THEM. That kind of tells it all.

  84. I do not believe this article I mean why would God want wicked to burn in hell forever I mean that’s just wicked, Take for example u were a father and ur son stole from u would u put his hand in fire and leave it there forever? this article talks about the obscene which I cant even imagine
    2: I do clearly see that the JW’s are the true religion because Jesus did say that his followers would be persecuted right? But the only religion I see being persecuted is the JW’s please comment if I’m right

    So your article is wrong

    1. Just because you don’t believe it, does not mean that it isnt true, beloved, It is true, for the word of God is faithful and true, nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be taken from it, and that is just what the JW have done, they have distorted and trampled on God’s Holy word, they have exchanged the true word of God for lies, and their “bible” the new world translation is blasphemy and will in no way, shape, or form ever be acceptable for it is a heresy, spewed right out of the pits of Hell, for the devil doesnt want anyone to know that hell exists or that he even exists, for the biggest trick the Devil ever played on humanity, was convincing people he is a fable and doesnt exist….. do not be deceived by this false religion or any other doctrine of demons, for the JW is a cult, and an abomination to God….. I hope that God removes the spiritual scales off of your eyes so that you can see the truth, and the glory of the Gospel of Christ Jesus….

      1. By the same logic because you believe it, doe’s not make it true,by the meaning of the word belief it means it is what you think.Example how many times do people give an answer on a test,then discover when the results are delivered you discover your answers are not always correct.

    2. Remember, God never created Hell for people. He created it for the devil and his angels.
      But because God loved us, Jesus became a man and sacrificed himself as the payment of our sin. God has given us an escape from hell. If He’ll is real, why would take the chance you are wrong?
      Eternity is a long time, and Hell is not a place I would want to be in. If it’s not true, you have nothing to loose, but if or is true, you have everything to loose! You don’t take those chances here on earth, why would you take an eternal chance of being in hell? Doesn’t make any sense to me why anyone would not choose to escape Hell.

    3. Ben,I have a neighbour who is a JW,we often talk about the true word of GOD which is written in the kj.Bible,the bible they use is so very wrong,they also believe that this world we live in is everlasting,read Isaiah 66:22,Rev 21:1–5,
      2Pet 3:13, heb 1:10–12,,God is going to create a new heaven and earth,this one is going to be destroyed,I can go on with many other scriptures

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