As you will see in the Scripture verses I will list in this article series, God the Father places an extremely high value on the pursuit of knowledge – especially spiritual knowledge. He says that gaining knowledge is greater than all the silver, gold, and material things of this world.
The Bible tells us we have to grow in the knowledge of God. Once you get saved, that is just the beginning. From there, God expects you to grow in the knowledge of Him, His Son Jesus Christ, His Holy Spirit, and all of Their ways.
![Seek After The Knowledge of God](
As I mentioned in our article “The Power of the Word of God” – the number one way that you will grow in spiritual knowledge on this earth is by reading and studying the Bible for yourself. There is simply no other way.
God has arranged to have all of the spiritual knowledge that we will ever need about Him, His Son, and His Spirit to all be contained in this one Book. You also grow in the knowledge of God through your own personal adventures that you have with Him in your own daily walk, along with learning from other Christians, especially those who are anointed and gifted to be able to teach from His Word.
Once again, God is using some very intense language in these verses. You can really tell that He is trying to let all of us know the extreme importance of growing in this knowledge. The reason for this is that God’s ultimate aim for us after we get saved is our sanctification and transformation.
He wants to transform us into the express image of His Son Jesus. He wants to make us into a better and more holy people.
However, before God will allow this sanctification process to really kick into full gear through the Holy Spirit – He wants you to fully understand exactly what He is doing and why He is doing it.
In other words, you have to have the knowledge as to what God is doing and exactly why He is doing it.
Even small children will pick up on this principle very quickly. Tell a child that he is not to do something, and what is the first thing he will do? He will ask you why he cannot do that particular thing. And then if the child is old enough to understand what that reason is – then you can proceed to tell him why it is not in his best interest to do that particular thing.
In other words, you are giving your child the specific knowledge that he will need to have so he will know exactly why he should or should not be doing that specific something.
It’s the exact same way with God the Father.
God loves to transmit knowledge to His children across the board on anything that they may need His knowledge on in this life – but what prevents many of His children from being able to receive this knowledge directly from Him is that they have never been taught how to hear from Him when He does start to try and communicate with them – or they do not press in and enter into a seeking mode with Him to try and get Him to release this knowledge to them.
The Bible says to ask – and then you will receive. Seek – and then you will find. Knock – and then the door will be opened to you.
Notice in all three of these conditions that you have to be the one to initiate it. You have to be the one to ask, to seek, and to knock.
If you do – then God will answer you, open doors for you, and let you find the answers to your questions and problems.
King David tells us that we have to meditate on the word of God. To meditate does not mean to blank your mind out waiting for God to talk to you.
To meditate means to think about, to chew on, to try and figure out what the different Scripture verses mean and how they can apply to your daily life.
What I have personally found out is that the Holy Spirit will literally guide your thoughts into the revelation that you are seeking after as you are trying to figure something out. In other words, you will find the knowledge you are needing as you are seeking after it.
The Holy Spirit can either guide your thoughts into what the correct answers are by you just using some of your brain power to try and figure things out, or He will guide you as to where those answers are located at.
You can literally learn how to “pull” knowledge directly from the Lord by going into these seeking modes with Him! As you will see in some of the Scripture verses I will list below, it is the job of the Holy Spirit to teach us all things in this life. In other words, the Holy Spirit is our personal Guide and Teacher in this life.
The Holy Spirit can and will communicate to you if you are open to receiving this kind of direct supernatural communication from Him.
I will be doing a much more in-depth article in the near future on the wide variety of ways that the Holy Spirit will communicate to you – especially in the area of receiving knowledge from Him.
But for this article, I just want to give you the main foundational verses from the Bible to let you know that God does want to transmit His knowledge to you across the board on anything that you will need His knowledge on in this life.
Not only can God give you all the spiritual knowledge that you will seek after, but He can also give you His knowledge across the board on anything else that you may need His knowledge on in this life.
God can give you His knowledge on how to become better parents for your children, better spouses for your mates, and better at whatever specific job or jobs He will be calling you to do for Him in this life.
If God is calling you to be a policeman, an attorney, a doctor, a nurse, a stay-at-home mom, an architect, a laborer, a sports star – He can give you His direct knowledge in each of those specific areas so as to make you much better at each of those jobs. There is absolutely nothing that God cannot give you His knowledge on if you are open to receiving it and are not afraid to start seeking and pressing in after it!
Many, many Christians are missing out on this part in their walk with the Lord. God will supernaturally communicate His knowledge to you – but you first have to realize that He does want to communicate His knowledge to you – and then you have to learn how to pick it up and properly read it when He does start to try and communicate to you.
Again, I will go into much more detail on how to really hear from God in another article – but in this article, I want to show to you by the Scripture verses I will list below, that God really does want to impart and transmit His knowledge to you.
As you will see in the way that I will present the appropriate Scripture verses on this subject to you, we are dealing with an incredible, profound reality – in that God Almighty Himself, a Being with perfect knowledge on all things – is willing to communicate and transmit His knowledge to us through the Holy Spirit, who is literally living on the inside of us!
Think about this – that you already have the knowledge of God residing on the inside of you in the Person of the Holy Spirit!
The Scripture verses I will list below will show you the extreme importance that God is placing on that each and everyone of us seek to obtain this kind of knowledge from Him. In some of these verses, God is making some very powerful and profound statements. He says:
- That we are to GROW in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- That His people are literally destroyed and will go into captivity for having lack of knowledge.
- That gaining His knowledge and wisdom will help you walk safely in this life, help preserve you, and help keep you on the right path that He has set up for you to follow in this life.
- That gaining knowledge, wisdom, and understanding is better than all of the gold, silver, and rubies of this world and that it does not even begin to compare to anything else that you may desire in this life!
- In other words, gaining the knowledge of God in this life is bigger and better than any materialistic thing that you could ever buy, want, or desire in this life!
To think that God Himself is making this kind of extreme, intense, radical statement in that acquiring His knowledge is more important than anything else that we can acquire in this life is as big and powerful of a statement that He can make about what is really most important in this life!
Notice in the first number above that we are to grow in the knowledge of God. I believe the main reason God is telling us that gaining His knowledge is more important than anything else we can seek after in this life is because we cannot spiritually grow in the Lord unless we first obtain His knowledge – and then seek to implement His truths into our daily lives and walk with Him.
After you get saved – God then expects you to start to spiritually grow and mature in your walk with Him.
You cannot become more holy, more transformed, and more sanctified unless you are spiritually growing
And you cannot start to spiritually grow unless you are first seeking after the knowledge that will cause this spiritual growth to occur in the first place!
If you really study the people who are most alive in this life – it is the seekers – it is the people who are constantly learning, constantly trying to improve their knowledge base on whatever it is they are seeking after.
It is the knowledge-seekers that are making the great discoveries that are changing the course of our human history.
And they could not have made those great discoveries without first seeking after the knowledge that would eventually lead them to those specific discoveries.
As you will see in some of the profound Scripture verses I will list below – God will make you seek and search after knowledge, much in the same way that treasure hunters will seek and search for buried treasure. Talk to any true knowledge-seeker, and they will tell you that most of their joy comes from the journey of trying to find the knowledge that they are seeking after.
Once the discovery has been made and they have found everything they may need on a particular subject, then it’s off to the next great adventure.
Nothing will stimulate your mind and emotions and make you feel more alive than seeking after the knowledge on something that you may really be interested in and be very passionate about. However, many in our country have now become “brain dead” and mentally lazy as a result of becoming couch potatoes by watching too much TV.
God has incredible knowledge adventures set up for each and everyone of us if we would only be willing to get up out of our ruts, step out of our safe boats, and start seeking after the things that He wants us to seek after.
Before I go into the Scripture verses on all of this, I will leave you with one last thought.
The knowledge of God is like a treasure chest that has no bottom to it!
There is no limit to the amount of knowledge that God can release to you if you are willing to dive into this treasure chest and start seeking after it.
Think about this long and hard – that the one and only all-powerful and all-knowing God of the entire universe is willing and able to transmit His knowledge to you on whatever it is you are wanting His knowledge and wisdom on.
Every single Christian has this incredible treasure chest of knowledge and wisdom literally residing on the inside of them in the Person of the Holy Spirit.
And the Holy Spirit is only too anxious and just waiting for you to tap into Him to get this knowledge to start to be released to you!
This incredible knowledge adventure is just waiting for each and every Christian who is willing to get off the couch and start using the brain power that the Lord has given to us to start to seek after this kind of knowledge.
I will go ahead and list these Scripture verses under their appropriate captions below so that you can fully grasp what the Lord is trying to tell in you these very profound verses.
These verses are major door openers for each and every Christian – as they are showing you that God can supernaturally impart and transmit His knowledge to you through the Holy Spirit if you are open to receiving it, and are willing to go into a seeking mode to pull it from Him.
Once again, these verses mean exactly what they are saying.
1. Growing in the Knowledge of God
2. The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Receiving Knowledge and Wisdom
3. Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge
4. Knowledge and Wisdom Are Better Than All the Material Things of This World
5. Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom
6. All Knowledge and Wisdom Comes Direct From God
7. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, Teacher, and Guide
8. Seeking After the Knowledge of God
9. Knowledge and Wisdom Will Help Keep You Safe
10. In the Multitude of Counselors There is Safety
11. Use the Knowledge That God Will Give You
12. Walk With Other Wise Men
13. A Wise Man Will Not Show Partiality in Judgment
14. Stay Humble When God Does Start to Release His Knowledge to You
15. Knowledge Will Increase Sorrow and Grief
16. The Wisdom of This World is Foolishness With God
17. Don’t Cease Listening to Instruction
18. The Story of King Solomon
Growing in the Knowledge of God
This first verse will completely set the stage for you to be able to receive direct knowledge from the Lord. This first verse is literally telling us that God is wanting us to grow in the knowledge of Him and His Son Jesus.
“… but GROW in the grace and KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18)
This verse is only one short sentence long, but a lot is being said in it. After we get saved, God expects us to start growing in the knowledge that He wants to transmit to us. And the only way we can spiritually grow is by seeking after the knowledge that will cause this growth to occur in the first place!
This right here is why many Christians are not make much spiritual growth over the course of their lives after they initially get saved – all because they are not seeking after the knowledge of God that will cause this spiritual growth to occur in the first place.
The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Receiving Knowledge and Wisdom
Now that we know that God wants us to grow in the knowledge that He wants to give to us, these next two verses will tell us the first step that needs to be met before God will even begin to release His knowledge to us.
These two verses are specifically telling us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of being able to receive knowledge and wisdom direct from the Lord. Here are the two verses:
- “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7)
- “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10)
Notice in both of these verses it says that the fear of the Lord is the “beginning” of being able to receive knowledge and wisdom from God. In other words, if you do not have a healthy fear of the Lord, then chances are, God is not going to be working with you very closely in releasing His knowledge to you.
This first condition right here is another reason why many of God’s people are not getting more knowledge, revelation, and wisdom being transmitted to them.
What exactly is God meaning when He says that we must have a healthy “fear” of Him? He obviously does not want you to be so afraid of Him that you then become too afraid to enter into a healthy personal relationship with Him. What I believe God means by the phrase “fear of the Lord” is that we are to have an extremely reverent respect for Him and all of His ways!
Many Christians have a good, healthy fear of God Himself, as they know that He is all-powerful and that He is God Almighty Himself. But where many Christians are getting into trouble off these two verses is that they do not have a healthy fear of all of God’s ways. And one of God’s ways for all of us is that we try and stay out of sin, especially some of the heavier type sins.
If you are out committing adultery behind your spouse’s back, literally breaking one of God’s ten commandments – then chances are, God will not be imparting much of His revelation and knowledge to you since you are living in an obvious sin.
If you are out committing this type of sin against God, then you are not showing much of a fear of Him, or else you would never have considered falling into this type of heavier sin to begin with. Your actions may be speaking louder than your words to Him.
If you have a true healthy fear of the Lord, then you will not want to tempt your fate and what He wants to do with your life by directly disobeying some of these obvious commandments such as adultery, cheating, scamming others, verbally and/or physically abusing your spouse or your children, holding extreme unforgiveness towards others, abusing alcohol or doing drugs.
If you have a good healthy fear of the Lord, then you will make every effort to try and live your life right and stay out of the heavier sins that you know will get you in major trouble with Him.
We are all sinners and none of us is perfect. I believe there is a certain amount of “slack” with the Lord on our own imperfections and some of the stupid things that we will do in this life.
However, where some of us will get into trouble with the Lord on the above two verses is when we blatantly enter into what I call “unacceptable” sins and behavior. And some of the sins mentioned above are unacceptable sins and behaviors in God’s eyes, and they thus could cause God to pull back on you with what He wants to do with your life.
God will not be mocked! If you do not fear Him and His ways and the way He wants you to live this life – then He may just choose to withhold any knowledge and revelation that He may want to impart to you.
This is why the above two verses are so important for those who would really like to start seeking after the knowledge of God for their lives.
God will be more than willing to open up His storehouse of knowledge for you in this life – but only if you are willing to do your part – and your first step will be to make sure that you have a good, healthy, reverent fear and respect of Him and all of His ways.
Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge
God’s People Are Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge
These next two verses are extreme – and I mean extreme!
These two verses are telling us that God’s people are literally, and I mean literally, being destroyed for lack of knowledge. The second verse below says that God’s people can literally go into captivity as a result of not having the right amount of knowledge about something.
God the Father is giving all of us a major warning with the way that He has these two verses worded. A perfect example of these two verses in actual operation are the Muslim suicide bombers.
Many of these suicide bombers are young children. They have been brought up being brainwashed by the extremist element of Islam, and they really do think they are going straight to heaven if they are willing to blow themselves up and anyone else they can take with them.
This is a perfect example of these young children being led into “captivity” as a result of not having the appropriate knowledge to fully understand what they are getting into in the first place.
And then when they actually do take their own lives in these suicide bombings, they are literally being “destroyed” as a result of this lack of knowledge.
That is why seeking after the true knowledge of God in this life is so important with all the crazy and demonic things that are going on in this world. Having God’s specific knowledge on a wide variety of matters is what can keep you from getting entangled into something that could end up turning very deadly on you.
These next two verses should be burned into your memory banks so that you never, ever forget what the Lord is trying to tell us.
- “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)
- “Therefore My people have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge …” (Isaiah 5:13)
If these two verses are telling us that not having the knowledge of God operating in our lives could literally lead us into getting into some kind of captivity – not to mention the possibility of getting killed or thrown into the pits of hell when we die – then the reverse is also true – that having the knowledge of God operating in your life can help keep you out of serious trouble, help keep you free, and possibly help lengthen the number of days that you can live down here on this earth.
Knowledge and Wisdom Are Better Than All the Material Things of This World
These next 7 verses are once again making a very radical statement. God is literally telling us that the knowledge and wisdom that we can receive direct from Him is better and more valuable than all the silver, gold, and rubies of this world.
In other words, the knowledge and wisdom that you can receive direct from God is better than all the material wealth that this world can offer!
God then goes one step further in this first verse I will list below, and states that knowledge and wisdom is better than anything else you can possibly desire in this life!
Think about how radical and extreme this statement really is given the materialistic and money-hungry society we now live in.
Grab a hold of these 7 verses – especially the first two.
- “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding; for her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, and her gain than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies, and all the things you may desire cannot compare with her. Length of days is in her right hand, in her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who retain her.” (Proverbs 3:13)
- “How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.” (Proverbs 16:16)
- “There is gold and a multitude of rubies, but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.” (Proverbs 20:15)
- “… but the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it.” (Ecclesiastes 7:12)
- “Understanding is a wellspring of life to him who has it.” (Proverbs 16:22)
- “Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” (Proverbs 24:3)
- “Wisdom strengthens the wise more than ten rulers of the city.” (Ecclesiastes 7:19)
Notice in the first verse God says that “happy” is the man who finds wisdom, and that having knowledge and wisdom will help lengthen the number of days that you might be able to live down here on this earth.
He then says that knowledge will also bring you peace and be a tree of life to you and your life.
This “tree of life” is what stimulates those who seek after knowledge. There is nothing more challenging, more rewarding, and more thrilling than seeking after the knowledge of God on a particular subject or issue you may really be interested in.
And to top all of this off – all of the knowledge and wisdom that you will be receiving from the Lord on the different parts of your life down here on this earth will all be going with you into the next life, which will be heaven.
However, not one ounce of all of the gold, rubies, silver, and wealth of this world will be going with you when you die and cross over. All of that earthly material wealth will rot and perish as far as you are concerned – because not one ounce, not one penny will be going with you to the other side!
This is why God is placing such an extremely high value on the pursuit of His knowledge and wisdom for us in this life. This is why God is telling us in the above verses that seeking after His knowledge and wisdom in this life will give you true life.
Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom
Before I go into the next set of Scripture verses – there is one more thing that I need to point out to you. In many of these verses, you will see three key words that are constantly being repeated over and over again. These three key words are:
- Knowledge
- Understanding
- Wisdom
God will first start off by conveying Hisknowledgeto you about something specific. However, knowledge by itself will not get the job done. The next key word is“understanding.”
Understanding means that you understand the knowledge that is being given to you. If you do not understand the knowledge that has been given to you, then you will not be able to use it or apply it in a real life situation.
The third key word is“wisdom.”Once you understand the knowledge that has been given to you, then there is now one more step you will need to have in order to be able to properly use that knowledge – and that step is having the actual wisdom to be able to use that knowledge in a real life situation.
Many college graduates understand the knowledge they have learned through many of their college courses – but they lack the wisdom to be able to apply that knowledge in the real world. You have all heard the term that someone may be “book-smart” – but lack the common sense and wisdom to be able to use this knowledge in the real working world.
Here is an example. Say someone just gave you a perfect manual on how to rebuild a car engine. All of the knowledge that you will need on how to rebuild a car engine is all contained in this one book.
However, the next step is that you have to be able to understand the knowledge that is contained in this book. If none of it makes any sense to you, then all of the perfect knowledge contained in this book will be of no real use to you.
However, if you do have the ability to understand all of the knowledge contained in this book – then the next and final step is to be able to have the wisdom to be able to actually rebuild a car engine in a real life situation. All of that knowledge and all of the understanding of that knowledge will be of no use to you if you do not have the actual wisdom to be able to use it to actually rebuild a car engine.
This is where the Holy Spirit will be coming in big time! The Holy Spirit will help you in being able to understand the knowledge that God may be trying to give you on something.
The Holy Spirit will help illuminate your mind so you can fully understand what is being given to you. The Holy Spirit will also help you with the last and final step – which is being able to have the wisdom to use or apply that knowledge to a real life working situation.
Example – say God is calling you to be a great heart surgeon:
- First, God will arrange to make sure that you are given all of the working knowledge that you will need to become a great heart surgeon.
- Second, God will then make sure that you have the ability to fully understand all of the knowledge that He will give to you on how to be a great heart surgeon.
- Third, God will then complete His work with you in making sure that you have the actual wisdom to be able to apply that knowledge so that you can then do real live heart surgeries in real life situations.
The above three step process can be done by God with each and everyone of you on a wide variety of matters and issues in your life. It is just a matter of you being willing to seek after whatever it is God wants you to seek after. Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom direct from God on a wide variety of matters and issues in your life is available to all of His children if they would only be willing to spend the time to seek after it!
All Knowledge and Wisdom Comes Direct From God
These next set of verses are the heart and soul of this entire subject matter. All of these verses are telling us that all knowledge and all wisdom comes direct from God and Jesus.
The first verse will tell us that all the “treasures” of wisdom and knowledge are “hidden” in God the Father and Jesus Christ. Notice that God is comparing knowledge and wisdom with “treasures,” and that this treasure is hidden within Himself.
This means that God and Jesus are the source of all godly knowledge, and that we first have to seek after the source in order to get this knowledge to be released to us.
Here are some of the most profound verses in all of Scripture showing us that not only is God the source of all godly knowledge and wisdom – but that He actually wants to release this knowledge to us!
- “… both of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians 2:2)
- “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! … For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.” (Romans 11:33,36)
- “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright …” (Proverbs 2:6)
- Daniel answered and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.” (Daniel 2:20)
- “Can you search out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than heaven – what can you do? Deeper than Sheol – what can you know? Their measure is longer than the earth and broader than the sea.” (Job 11:7)
- ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3)
- “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.” (Matthew 13:11)
- “… that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe …” (Ephesians 1:17)
- “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7)
- “But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets …” (Daniel 2:28)
- Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31)
All of these verses are telling us that all things, including all knowledge and all wisdom, comes direct from God the Father. These verses are showing us that not only is God the source of all knowledge and wisdom – but that He actually wants to release this knowledge direct to us. He wants to show and reveal great and mighty things to us.
He wants to tell us deep and secret things that the average person will not have access to.
And not only will God give you His knowledge, but He will also make sure to give you the understanding of that knowledge and the wisdom to be able to actually use it! All of this can be given to you free of charge.
All you have to do is be willing to seek after it, and then seek to fully understand it and how it can apply to the different areas of your life.
The last verse is Jesus telling us that if we will “abide in His word” – then we will have the ability to know the truth, and then the truth will be able to make us free. In other words, if you are willing to abide in the Bible, which is His Word, and seek to understand what you are reading – then you will be fully loaded with an incredible amount of knowledge and truth covering a wide variety of matters and issues in your life.
And once you have God’s truth on many different areas in your life, then that truth will help make you free because you will no longer be bound up with wrong thinking!
However, notice Jesus says that we have to “abide” in His Word in order to be able to get these truths worked into us. Abiding means that you are willing to spend some kind of good, regular, quality time in reading the Bible for yourself and then seeking to understand and implement these truths in your everyday walk with Him.
All of the above verses are giving us an incredible revelation in that God and Jesus are only too anxious to release Their storehouse of knowledge to us if we would only be willing to do our part by seeking after it.
The Holy Spirit is our Helper, Teacher, and Guide
Now that we know God and Jesus want to release Their knowledge direct to us from Their throne room in heaven – how is this knowledge actually transmitted to us?
This will now bring us into the next set of Scripture verses.
These next three verses will tell us that this knowledge is given to the Holy Spirit – and then the Holy Spirit, who is already living on the inside of us, will be the One to transmit all of this knowledge to us!
The Holy Spirit will thus become your personal Guide and Teacher in this life. It will be His job to impart and transmit all of this knowledge direct to you once you start to seek after it.
Here are three very powerful verses from Scripture showing us that the Holy Spirit will now be the One who will transmit the knowledge of God direct to us.
- “But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.” (1 Corinthians 2:10)
- “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, HE WILL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, and bring to your remembrance all things that I have said to you.” (John 14:26)
- “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, HE WILL GUIDE YOU INTO ALL TRUTH …” (JOHN 16:13)
The very first verse lays the foundation when it says that no one knows the things of God except the Holy Spirit – and that the Holy Spirit has been given to each and every one of us in order to reveal the things that God wants to reveal to us. In other words, it is the job of the Holy Spirit to release the knowledge of God direct to us!
The second verse then confirms the first verse when it says that the Holy Spirit will be our Teacher and that He will “teach us all things.” Notice the word “all” – that He will teach us “all things.”
Think about what is being said in this verse. This statement being made by God in that the Holy Spirit can teach us all things is a maximum intense type of statement being made by God. God is telling us that He is willing to go more than overboard in order to teach us things and to transmit His knowledge to us.
Then the verse even goes one step further when it says that the Holy Spirit can literally bring back up to your remembrance, when you may need it, the knowledge that He has already given to you!
A perfect example of this is for those who really study the Bible in order to get it really worked and assimilated into their minds and spirits.
What you will find start to happen if you are willing to spend some good quality time to get the Word worked into you – is that the Holy Spirit will bring back up to your memory the appropriate Scripture verses when you may need them on the spot when preaching or talking to others about God and Jesus.
You will literally see these verses float right up out of your spirit in front of your mind’s eye right at the moment that you will need them. This is literally a supernatural transmission of knowledge direct to your mind by the Holy Spirit Himself!
And not only can the Holy Spirit do this with Scripture verses – but He can also do this with any other bits of knowledge that He may want to give to you. He can give you His words of knowledge and wisdom all day long on whatever else you may need His help on.
This is why the Holy Spirit is called “the Helper” in the second verse above. The Holy Spirit cannot help you unless He is able to transmit His words of knowledge and wisdom to you as you will need them.
The last verse says that not only will the Holy Spirit be our Helper and Teacher in this life – but that He will also be our Guide in this life.
Think about those three words – Helper, Teacher, and Guide!
This is a powerful, three-fold ministry that the Holy Spirit has with each born-again believer.
The last verse says that the Holy Spirit will guide us into “all” truth. Again, notice the word “all” – all truth – not just some or part of the truth.
If you can learn to be led by the Holy Spirit and pick up when He starts to try and communicate with you, you can literally start to receive the knowledge of God in every area of your life where you need God’s knowledge and guidance to help get you safely through!
Seeking After the Knowledge of God
So now that you know that God is more than willing to release His knowledge direct to you through the Holy Spirit – how do you go about getting God to start to release His knowledge to you? This will now lead us into the next set of verses. These verses will tell you exactly how.
You can sum up on how to get God to release His knowledge direct to you in two simple words – asking and seeking! However, before you can really get God to start to release His knowledge to you – there is now one more thing that you must really have – and that is desire.
The first verse I will list below says that you must “desire truth” in your inward parts. Another verse says that God will give you His knowledge and wisdom if you are willing to “cry out” for it, if you are willing to “apply your heart” to understand it, if you will “seek her as silver” and “search for her as hidden treasures.”
All of these phrases are showing that you must have some level of intensity in your seeking of this knowledge. You have to show God that you mean serious business with Him when you start to seek after the knowledge and wisdom that He can give to you. One verse in particular says it best when it says you must seek after the knowledge of God like someone who is searching for buried treasure.
Notice the intense way God is expressing Himself in the wording of some of these verses. You can really tell God is trying to drive home several major points that we need to fully grasp before He will be willing to release His knowledge to us.
Study, meditate, and really chew on these verses very, very carefully. These verses in particular are giving you major, I repeat, major secrets in being able to get God to release His incredible storehouse of knowledge and revelation into your life.
- “Behold, You DESIRE TRUTH in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.” (Psalm 51:6)
- “ASK, and it will be given to you; SEEK, and you will find; KNOCK, and it will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)
- “Yet you do not have because you do not ask.” (James 4:2)
- “If any of you lacks wisdom, LET HIM ASK OF GOD, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.” (James 1:5)
- “… TO ASK that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may have a walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God …” (Colossians 1:9)
- “My son, if you receive My words, and treasure My commands within you, so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; yes, if you CRY OUT for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you SEEK HER as silver, and SEARCH FOR HER as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.” (Proverbs 2:1)
- “The heart of him who has understanding SEEKS KNOWLEDGE, but the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness.” (Proverbs 15:14)
- “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to SEARCH OUT A MATTER.” (Proverbs 25:2)
- “A wise man will hear and INCREASE LEARNING, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel, to understand a proverb and an enigma, the words of the wise and their riddles.” (Proverbs 1:5)
- “The heart of the wise teaches his mouth, and ADDS LEARNING to his lips.” (Proverbs 16:23)
- “Hear my children, the instruction of a father, and give attention to know understanding; for I give you good doctrine: Do not forsake my law” … He also taught me, and said to me: “Let your heart retain my words; keep my commands, and live.
GET WISDOM! GET UNDERSTANDING! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you: Love her, and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Exalt her, and she will promote you; she will bring you honor, when you embrace her.
She will place on your head an ornament of grace; a crown of glory she will deliver to you.””Hear, my son. and receive my sayings, and the years of your life will be many. I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life.” (Proverbs 4:1-9)
Notice in the fourth verse that it says that if any of us is lacking wisdom – that we are to ask God for His wisdom.
The next sentence in that verse then makes one of the most powerful statements of all when it says that God will then give His wisdom to “all liberally” without reproach!
In other words, God is not going to be playing favorites with anyone on this issue. He is telling all of us that He is more than willing to release His knowledge and wisdom to us if we are willing to ask and press in for it, and to also ask for it in faith without doubting.
Notice that God is also using the word “liberally” after the word “all.” This means that God is more than anxious to release His knowledge to all of us, not just to some of us.
The next verse after that says that we are to ask to “be filled with the knowledge” of His will in “all wisdom and spiritual understanding.” The word “filled” with His knowledge is also showing us that God wants to pour out His knowledge and wisdom to us in great abundance!
Notice in the 8th verse that it says that it is the glory of God to “conceal a matter” and that it is the glory of kings to “search out” that matter.
This is a very fascinating verse in that it is giving all of us a major secret – and that secret is that many of the times God will make you seek and search after His knowledge like those who seek and search for buried treasure.
A good example of this is the Bible itself. God has purposely scattered many of the different Scripture verses throughout the Bible in order to make you work for the knowledge that is contained in all of the pages.
For instance, God has scattered all of the verses about the second coming of His Son back to our earth throughout the entire Bible. You literally have to start from the beginning of the Bible and search it all the way through to find all of the verses that are pertaining to just this one subject.
Once you are able to find all of these verses and put them together like you would pieces to a jigsaw puzzle – then you will find the knowledge and revelation that God is trying to transmit to you on this subject.
This is one of the main reasons that we have started up this website – to show you what the Bible has to say about many different topics once you group all of the appropriate Scripture verses together by subject matter.
The very last verse stated above is where God is using some very intense language in order to drive home the point on how important it is for each one of us to seek after His knowledge in this life. Notice these specific words:
- Give attention to know understanding
- Get understanding!
- And in all your getting – get understanding
- Get wisdom!
- Wisdom is the principal thing – therefore get wisdom
- Take firm hold of instruction, for she is your life
Once you put all of these Scripture verses together, one right after the other – the message comes through loud and clear. God the Father does want to transmit His knowledge and wisdom to us through the Holy Spirit – and He wants to do it in great abundance!
The last caption in this article will be on what God did with King Solomon. If you want to see what God can be capable of in this area, wait until you see the one Scripture verse that will tell us how much knowledge and wisdom was given to just this one man, all because he simply pressed in and asked for it!
Knowledge and Wisdom Will Help Keep You Safe
Per the two verses I listed at the top of this article about people literally going into captivity and being destroyed as a result of not having the appropriate knowledge about something – here are three more good verses showing how knowledge and wisdom can help keep you safe in this life.
- “My son … keep sound wisdom and discretion; so they will be life to your soul and grace to your neck. Then you will walk safely in your way, and your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.” (Proverbs 3:21)
- “When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you, to deliver you from the way of evil, from the man who speaks perverse things, from those who leave the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness; who rejoice in doing evil …” (Proverbs 2:10)
- “Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life will be many. I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths.When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life.” (Proverbs 4:10)
Life is full of one tragedy after another when people do not use good, common sense. People abusing drugs and alcohol, driving too fast on the highways, and hanging out with the wrong crowd can all lead to an early departure from this life.
Notice in the very last verse above, that it starts out that your years can be many if you are willing to follow the way of wisdom. But the implication is also there that if you do not follow the way of wisdom, that you can have your life cut short and ended early. Many of the deaths that we see on a daily basis are the result of people making very poor choices.
This is why God is really emphasizing in the above verses that the way of wisdom and knowledge will help keep you safe, help preserve you, help keep you from hanging out with the wrong kind of people, and help keep you in one piece as you journey through this life.
In the Multitude of Counselors There is Safety
Once you start to seek after the knowledge of God for your life, one of the ways that God will communicate His knowledge to you is through other people. Sometimes you will receive the knowledge that you are looking for direct from God Himself.
Other times it may come from a particular Scripture verse you may be meditating on.
But at other times, God will communicate His knowledge to you through other people. A good example of this is when you receive words of knowledge and wisdom through an anointed teacher of His Word such as your pastor who is teaching the Word in Sunday service or hearing one of God’s teachers on one of the Christian TV stations.
What you will find start to happen to you is that words or revelations coming from others will “jump” at you.
This is the Holy Spirit “quickening” these words to you in order to help give you His knowledge and wisdom on something that you may be dealing with or searching after.
Once you start to enter into this kind of journey with the Lord – you really have to keep your radars up each and every day as you never know when, where, how, or through whom God will release His knowledge to you.
This is why the knowledge game is so much fun to play with the Lord. God loves variety and spontaneity, and He will give you His knowledge and wisdom in many different ways and through many different sources. But always remember – the Holy Bible will always be your main source of spiritual knowledge and wisdom in this life.
When God does want to communicate His knowledge direct to you through other people – one of the things that God will arrange for you to have is access to other good, solid Christians who you can discuss things out with.
Here are four very fascinating Scripture verses telling us that there is safety in the multitude of counselors, that without appropriate counsel with others our plans can go awry, and that we are to wage war by having wise counsel with others.
- “A wise man is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength; for by wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety.” (Proverbs 24:5)
- “Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established.” (Proverbs 15:22)
- “Every purpose is established by counsel; by wise counsel wage war.” (Proverbs 20:18)
- “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” (Proverbs 11:14)
The Bible tells us that all men will only “know in part” with what knowledge we can get from the Lord down here on this earth. As a result, no one will ever have all of the answers to everything in this life.
By having a group of other solid Christian friends you can chew things out with – you will help keep each other up and sharp in the Lord, help keep one another humble and accountable in your walk with the Lord, along with being able to learn from one another.
Use the Knowledge That God Will Give You
Once God starts to transmit His knowledge to you on a wide variety of matters and issues in your life, your job will then be to take that knowledge and use it and apply it in your everyday life.
Though this principle sounds very simple, many Christians keep getting themselves into trouble either because they are choosing to directly disobey a direct order from the Lord, or they are not stopping and thinking out very carefully what their next step should be.
Here are three very good verses telling us that the wise and prudent man will “consider well his steps” and that the “plans of the diligent” will lead to plenty. However, the reverse is also true – that everyone who is “hasty” in their decision making will be lead into poverty.
In other words, God is wanting you to stop, think, and evaluate very carefully what choices you have to make when you are faced with having to make a decision on something.
In our fast-paced society, many people are living their lives in too much of the fast lane. They are so mentally wired, they are constantly making too quick and too hasty of decisions without thinking things all the way through.
As a result, they keep falling into one jam after another, and they are then forced to have to spend extra time to dig themselves out of the jams they have fallen into.
These next three verses are a true word to the wise from the Lord.
- “The simple believes every word, but the prudent man considers well his steps.” (Proverbs 14:15)
- “The plans of the diligent lead surely to plenty, but those of everyone who is hasty, surely to poverty.” (Proverbs 21:5)
- “A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished.” (Proverbs 22:3)
Remember – God will at times make you seek and search after His knowledge and wisdom on a particular matter. This means that at times you will have to take your time and think things out and think things all the way through before you can “find” what God’s answer may be on a particular issue.
Walk With Other Wise Men
These next set of verses will tell you two things – that he who walks with other wise men will he himself become wise – but he who has fools as his friends and companions will be destroyed! Per the article I did titled, “Choose Your Friends Carefully” – the Bible makes it very clear that we are not to be yoked together with unbelievers, that we are to choose our friends carefully, and that evil company will corrupt good habits.
Once you enter into a full surrender of your entire life with God the Father, one of the first things He will start to do is to prune out some of the bad and negative people that you may have in your life.
These negative people will do nothing but try and hold you back if you start to try and grow in the Lord. God will not be putting up with their negative influences in your life, and He will thus be taking these types of negative people out of your life very early on in your walk with Him.
Many Christians never make it into what God’s true call was for them in this life because they did not want to give up their negative friends.
As a result, these negative people kept these Christians bound up in their lower way of living in this life. As a result, these Christians never reach their full potential in the Lord in this lifetime.
The very first verse I will list below says that he who walks with other wise men will become wise himself.
The reason for this is that you can learn from other wise people besides what you will get direct from God on your own. Learning from other wise people will really help in accelerating your knowledge in the Lord and whatever else God wants to give you His knowledge on.
These verses will also perfectly line up with the verses mentioned above about safety being found in the multitude of counselors.
- “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” (Proverbs 13:20)
- “Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words.” (Proverbs 23:9)
- “A scoffer seeks wisdom and does not find it, but knowledge is easy to him who understands. Go from the presence of a foolish man, when you do not perceive in him the lips of knowledge.” (Proverbs 14:6)
- “A prudent man conceals knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaims foolishness.” (Proverbs 12:23)
- “He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of calm spirit. Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.” (Proverbs 17:27)
Notice God says in the second verse that fools will be despising the knowledge and wisdom that you may have in Him. This lines up with the verse in that we are not to give what is holy to the dogs. The knowledge and wisdom that you will be receiving from the Lord will be very holy, and you will be wasting your time trying to feed it to other people who have no desire for it.
A Wise Man Will Not Show Partiality in Judgment
Once God starts to enlighten you and you are able to start to see real truth from real error – then God will hold you personally accountable for this higher degree of knowledge, especially if you are in a position of leadership. This principle really applies in today’s world where everyone is trying to be politically correct. There are some issues that are not neutral in God’s eyes – yet some of His own are trying not to step on anyone else’s toes for fear of offending them.
The two verses I will list below state that the true wise man of God will not show partiality in judgment on topics such as these. Study the intense wording in these two verses very, very carefully – especially if you are in a position of any type of leadership within the Body of Christ.
- “These things also belong to the wise: IT IS NOT GOOD TO SHOW PARTIALITY IN JUDGMENT. He who says to the wicked, “You are righteous,” him the people will curse; nations will abhor him. But those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, and good blessing will come upon them. He who gives a right answer kisses the lips.” (Proverbs 24:23)
- “TO SHOW PARTIALITY IS NOT GOOD, because for a piece of bread a man will transgress … He who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who flatters with the tongue.” (Proverbs 28:21,23)
Notice in the first verse that it says that if you are willing to take a stand against something evil and call it out for what it really is – that you will then receive a “good blessing” for it!
To those pastors who have been too afraid to call out issues such as abortion for what it really is for fear of offending too many people – consider the intense wording of these two verses. When God says that it is “not good” that you show partiality on issues such as this – He is giving you a major and solemn warning!
Bottom line – you are working for God – not for man! The only thing that matters as far are you are concerned is what God thinks of your performance as a leader within His body, not what the flock thinks, or what other people outside of your church may think!
You will be eventually judged by God for your performance – not by any other human being. Study the prophets of the Old Testament – not one of them minced any words when God had them call out the evil that His people were engaging in.
I truly believe that many, many Christians are looking for their pastors and leaders to take strong stands on these type of issues with no compromise. You may lose a few people at the outset for offending them, but I believe that the word will then get out on you that you are a man that will not compromise the truth and Word of God, and you will then end up drawing many more people into your church as a result.
People are really looking for God’s opinion on a wide variety of issues and problems facing our world today. Now is not the time to try and be politically correct. Now is the time to stand up and tell the world what God’s opinion really is on some of these hot topics,
God’s people are going into captivity and are being destroyed for lack of knowledge and guidance from their pastors and churches on these issues. The truth will set these people free – but you first have to tell them what the truth really is before it can start to work to set them free.
God’s Word and Truth is your sword – do not be afraid to use it to set these captives free!
Stay Humble When God Does Start to Release His Knowledge to You
There are only two downsides to having God start to release His knowledge to you. The first downside is that for some, the increase in their knowledge base will cause them to start to get to full of themselves.
In the verse I will list below, it says that knowledge can “puff up.” In other words, it can puff you up. Your ego starts to swell, and conceit and arrogance can start to set in.
You start to think your smarter than anyone else. You start looking down on those who do not have your higher levels of knowledge. Pretty soon, you start to present a haughty, arrogant, and know-it-all attitude to others, and as a result, you start to drive people away from God rather than to Him as a result of your bad attitudes and behaviors.
Once God really starts to release His knowledge to you, you really have to keep a sharp eye on this and make sure that all of this new found knowledge does not start go to your head.
You have to stay humble and thankful for it. It becomes very easy to start looking down on others who are not getting this higher level of knowledge. You start questioning their spiritual growth and why they are not getting what you are getting.
You have to realize that every one is operating at different levels of spiritual development in this life with the Lord. Some will go farther and progress at faster rates of speed in this realm than others will.
You cannot compare your level of spiritual development and how fast you are progressing with anyone else. Some people will not go as far as you might go in this realm – but others will leave you in the dust and progress to a much higher level than you ever will in this life.
You have to realize that God is working with each and every Christian at the level of spiritual development they are currently operating at with Him. Granted, some people look like they should be making more and better progress, but there may be some personal factors operating in their lives that may be slowing down their spiritual growth that you may not be aware of.
This is why God is telling us in His Word that we are not to judge one another in some of these areas.
Your job is to be the best you can be in whatever God is calling you to do in this life. Put the pedal to the metal in climbing the highest mountains you can.
Seek to produce as much good fruit for God as you can. But at the same time, do not ever compare your walk and your fruit in the Lord with anyone else’s.
Stay humble in your walk with the Lord, and do not let all the fruit and accomplishments that you might achieve in Him go to your head and puff you up.
Here are two very interesting Scripture verses telling us that knowledge can puff you up and that all men will only “know in part” in this life. In other words – no matter how smart and intelligent you think you may be getting, you will never have all of the answers to everything in this life.
This one fact alone should help keep you humble and real as you start to grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God for your life.
- “We know that we all have knowledge. KNOWLEDGE PUFFS UP, but love edifies.” (1 Corinthians 8:1)
- “For we KNOW IN PART and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away with … For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.” (1 Corinthians 13:9,12)
Knowledge Will Increase Sorrow and Grief
The second downside to receiving the knowledge of God in your life is that it will start to increase your sorrow and grief over different things. This incredible piece of revelation is coming from King Solomon. Here is what he says:
“For in much wisdom is much grief, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.” (Ecclesiastes 1:18)
What I believe God is trying to tell us with this piece of revelation is that once you start to receive His knowledge not only on the personal things in your life, but also on the “big picture” with the way that He has things set up – your eyes will be opened and you will start to “see” things from God’s perspective and viewpoint.
And once you are able to start to see things from God’s point of view – then sorrow and grief will start to set in. Why? Because you will have developed a good understanding of the big picture and why things are the way they are.
You will see that there really is a God and a devil, a heaven and a hell, and that there really is good and evil and that everyone is being tested in this life.
You will see that we all have to be born into an imperfect, cursed, and fallen world as a result of what happened in the story of Adam and Eve.
You will see that God has given each of one of us a free will, and as a result, a certain amount of people are going to choose to live this life on the dark side. As a result, a certain amount of people are going to end up getting murdered, robbed, killed, abducted, cheated, scammed, and hurt in this life. Bad things are going to happen to even good people.
As a result of the curse of Adam and Eve still operating on this earth, we also have to put up with all kinds of different sicknesses, illnesses, diseases, accidents, and eventually the physical death of our bodies. People will suffer, and in some cases, there will be extreme suffering.
You will see that not everyone is going to make it into heaven, that the Spirit of God will not strive with a man forever in trying to get him saved. As a result, a certain percentage of human race is going to end up in the worst and most horrible place imaginable.
You will start to grieve and cry out for the lost, especially for the ones who will refuse to accept what Jesus has done for them with His death on the cross.
Once you sit back and see the big picture for what it really is – you won’t be able to stop the sadness and sorrow that you will feel at times on all the bad and terrible things that can happen to anyone of us at anytime.
This is why King Solomon was able to come to this kind of revelation after he had received the knowledge and wisdom of God for his life. He was able to see the big picture for what it really is.
The knowledge that you will receive from God is like being given a two sided coin. On the one side is the “dark picture” – with all of the above things hitting you straight in the face.
There is no getting around it. This is the way things are, and this death that we see on a daily basis will not stop until Jesus comes back to us in His second coming to set up His 1000 year Millennium Kingdom. Until that event happens, we are all going to have to put up with demons and bad and evil people who will choose to live this life out on the dark side.
But there is also the other side of that same coin – the “good picture.” This life of death will not last forever. God the Father has made a way of escape for all of us from the fires of hell in the death and person of His Son Jesus Christ.
All can get saved and completely born again by accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. As a result, we will all get to go straight to heaven when we die and cross over.
We will all end up with brand new, spiritual, glorified bodies that will never age, corrupt, or deteriorate ever again. We will never know disease, sickness, or death in any way, shape, or form ever again!
When Jesus comes back to set up His 1000 year Millennium Kingdom, God will be taking out Satan, all of his demonic spirits, and all the bad and unsaved people who have ever lived on this earth. All the bad apples – angelic and human – will be forever banished from the eternal scheme of things – and we will all be able to live happily ever after with God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, all of God’s good angels, and all the rest of saved humanity that has ever lived in a new heaven and a new earth.
There will be no more wars, no more terror, no more crimes, and no more disorder. We will all live forever in the heavenly environment that God had initially intended for all of us to live in.
Once the knowledge of God starts to get released in your life, you have to stay on top of this game and make sure that you see what is real truth. God will give you His eyes in which to see things from His perspective.
His truth will start to set you free, but realize that this is a two sided coin – and that you will see both the good side and dark side of this life and why things are they way they are. As a result, there will be times that you will experience sadness, grief, and sorrow in this life that will cut right through you like a knife.
The Wisdom of This World is Foolishness With God
Once you start to receive the knowledge and wisdom of God flowing into your life, you will find something very interesting that will start to happen.
You will start to see the difference between the knowledge and wisdom of God versus the knowledge and wisdom of this world.
You will see that God is always right and that man is always wrong when the two are on opposites sides of the fence. A perfect example of this is the abortion issue – where you have the people who are pro-choice and their arguments versus the people who are pro-life with their arguments.
From God’s point of view, it does not take a rocket scientist to see who is on the wrong side of the fence on this issue.
As you will see in the two verses I will list below, the Bible tells us that the wisdom of this world is “foolishness with God.”
Since God is all-perfect in His being and in His knowledge – then this obviously means that God is always right and that man and the world is always wrong when they are not on the same page.
So the first thing you will need to get worked into your mindset and way of thinking is that God and all of His ways and all of His knowledge is always right.
You will really need to ground on this because the wisdom of the world can be very enticing at times. You will be tempted at times into believing what the world has to say instead of believing what God is trying to tell you is right.
Our young teenagers are constantly battling this reality. They are constantly being tempted and enticed to get into drugs, heavy drinking, and premarital sex.
If they have not been grounded in the Word and in their faith from a good, solid, Christian upbringing by their parents, they can be very easily swayed to enter into some of this dark side activity.
You will start to see the difference between God’s knowledge and how He likes to operate versus the business world in general. Many in corporate America are constantly pushing the envelope trying to get as far as they can, get as much as they can, and not caring who they run over and hurt in the process.
The almighty dollar is their god and they will do anything and everything they can to try and make more of it.
Many Christians end up getting sucked into some of their unscrupulous, business practices and they thus end up going against God Himself by some of the shady things they end up doing.
Each Christian has to stay true, loyal, and faithful to His God and to His ways when they are faced with these kinds of heavier temptations.
Study these next two verses very carefully, as they really do set the stage as to what is going on in the spiritual realm when you compare the knowledge of our God versus the knowledge of this world.
- Let no one deceive you. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. FOR THE WISDOM OF THIS WORLD IS FOOLISHNESS WITH GOD. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness,” and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.” Therefore let no one glory in men.” (1 Corinthians 3:18)
- “But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing will be there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.” (James 3:14)
The second verse perfectly describes what goes on in the dog-eat-dog business world. Many are self-seeking, jealous, and envious of one another, with everyone trying to run over everyone else to move higher up on the food chain.
Notice that God calls this kind of wisdom earthly, sensual, and demonic – and that it is not from Him. This is why God says in the first verse that the wisdom of this world is foolishness in His eyes. In others words – it’s a joke! All of these people who are choosing to live their lives in this kind of dog-eat-dog environment are heading down the wrong road.
Once God starts to really work with you, and starts transmitting His knowledge to you on many different areas of your life, you will really be able to start to see the truth on a lot of different things – not only in your own personal life, but also with the world in general.
Once this knowledge has been released to you and you have full understanding of it – God will expect you to believe in it and act on it when you are faced with the temptation to go with the wisdom of the world rather than with the wisdom of God. Always remember who you are serving. You are serving and following God and His ways for your life, not the ways and wisdom of this world.
Don’t Cease Listening to Instruction
Once you start to journey on this path of knowledge that God will set you up on – do not ever get too big for your britches further on down the road and think that you have “arrived,” and that you do not need to listen to God or anyone else that He may want to use to transmit His knowledge to you.
This knowledge journey will never end with Him!
You will always be learning new, different, and exciting things from the Lord as long as you are open to being taught by Him.
Here are three very good verses emphasizing the point that we are not to cease listening to instruction and straying from the words of knowledge if we want to be wise in our latter days.
- “Listen to counsel and receive instruction, that you may be wise in your latter days.” (Proverbs 19:20)
- “Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.” (Proverbs 19:27)
- “He who is often reproved, and hardens his neck, will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” (Proverbs 29:1)
Notice in the last verse that destruction can come upon someone very suddenly if they keep resisting someone who may be trying to help get them straightened out. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will not strive with a man forever.
There is a limit even to God’s patience.
Once God starts to transmit His knowledge to you, you better receive it and properly act on it or the consequences could be fatal. To whom much is given, much more is expected. God will hold you personally accountable for the knowledge and wisdom that He will give to you.
There is no turning back on this road of knowledge once God starts to enlighten you and show you His ways of living in this life.
The Story of King Solomon
Without question, the greatest story in the Bible of someone who sought after the knowledge and wisdom of God and actually received it was King Solomon in the Old Testament. What happened to this man was just about beyond belief.
When Solomon became King of Israel, he knew he did not have the knowledge and wisdom to properly rule his people. So what did he do? He went direct to God the Father and asked Him for His knowledge and wisdom to rule the people.
He admitted his weakness in this area and was not afraid to press in and start asking God for His knowledge.
So what did God do when he asked Him for His knowledge to help rule his people? God did not meet him halfway – He met him all the way!
As you will see in the two verses I will list below, God tells Solomon because he did not ask for long life, riches, or the death of his enemies for himself – but just asked for an “understanding heart” to judge his people and help with discerning between good and evil – God tells him that He will give him a “wise and understanding heart.”
But then God takes it one, more, incredible step further. He tells Solomon that the knowledge and wisdom that will be given to him will be like what no man has ever had before him and what no man will ever have after him! In other words – God will make this man the smartest man in Him that has ever lived, and that there would never be another man in the course of human history that would ever be his equal in this realm!
Just stop and think on what an incredible thing this was – to have been given so much knowledge and wisdom direct from God Himself, that no man would ever be his equal in this gift!
Then God goes one more extra step in order to put the icing on this man’s cake. He then tells Solomon that since he did not ask for riches for himself, but just for the knowledge of God to rule his people – that he will now be given incredible riches and honor to go along with the knowledge and wisdom to rule his people.
Then God adds the final touch on the riches and honor he will be given – telling Solomon that there shall never be another king like him all the days of his life and that he will surpass all the kings of the earth in “riches and wisdom.”
In other words – God ends up making this man the smartest and richest man in all of the earth at the time that he was living!
If Solomon was really not asking God for wealth and riches, but just for the knowledge and wisdom to rule his people – why would God go so overboard in blessing this man with this kind of extreme wealth, especially if he was not really asking for it and possibly not even desiring it at the time?
I believe the main reason God rewarded Solomon with this kind of maximum wealth was not only to show him, but the rest of His people that would come later on, the extreme importance that each and every person seek after the knowledge of God for their own lives. By blessing Solomon with this kind of extreme wealth, God is telling all of us the extreme importance that we seek after Him and His knowledge for our lives.
In other words – seeking after the knowledge of God has to be a major priority in a believer’s life. We cannot spiritually grow and develop in the Lord unless we first have His knowledge worked into us that will cause this spiritual growth to occur in the first place.
And you cannot get this knowledge worked into you unless you are first seeking after it!
Seek, and then you will find. But the reverse is also true – if you do not seek, then you will not find. And if you do not find the knowledge of God for your life, then the Holy Spirit will not have anything to work with to start the sanctification process within you.
Really grab a hold of these next two verses and the statements that God is making to Solomon – all because he got this ball rolling by simply asking God for His knowledge to help rule his people.
- “Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?” And the speech pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked for this thing.
Then God said to him: “Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice, behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you.
And I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor, so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days. So if you walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days.” (1 Kings 3:9-14)
- “So King Solomon surpassed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom. And all the earth sought the presence of Solomon to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.” (1 Kings 10:23)
If King Solomon was able to receive this kind of knowledge and wisdom direct from God simply because he asked and really pressed in for it – then what can God personally do for you in this realm if you are willing to expend the time and energy to seek after it?
After reviewing all of the above Scripture verses in the above subtopics and under their appropriate captions – I think the Lord is making a very powerful and life-altering statement for each born-again believer.
In both God and Jesus are hidden all of the knowledge, wisdom, and revelation that we could ever need or ever use – not only in this lifetime, but also in the next life to come – which will be heaven, then the 1000 year Millennium Kingdom, and then eventually the New Heaven and New Earth.
Just think about this one powerful, incredible, knock your socks off type of truth – that we serve and have entered into a personal relationship with the one and only true God of the entire universe – and in the Person of this God is maximum knowledge and maximum truth on every single matter, topic, or issue that we could ever encounter.
We truly have a God who is all-knowing and who has perfect knowledge on all things.
To think that this one and only true God has sent His One and only Son down to our earth to physically die on a cross so that we can all receive full forgiveness for all of our sins to allow us to enter into heaven when we die and cross over.
And then to top all of it off by allowing His Holy Spirit to literally enter into each person who will accept His Son as their personal Lord and Savior – is enough to knock anyone right off the couch once you stop and really think about what God the Father has just done for all of us in order to save us from the fires of hell.
And then to think that God the Father is willing to take this whole scenario even one step further – that not only does He want to save us from ourselves and our sinful natures, but that He wants to enter into an individual, personal relationship with each one of us.
That this one and only God of ours cares enough about each one of us to make this individual, personal connection in order to help us grow in Him and make it through this life in one piece is without question, the most awesome and profound reality that we have on this earth!
As a true born-again believer, all of the above is now firmly locked into place.
You are now truly saved and you are now a true child of God the Father as a result of the Blood that Jesus has personally shed for you on that cross. Now the ball is back to you.
- What do you want to do with this reality that is now staring you straight in the face?
- Do you want to take advantage of what God is providing for you in the way that He has all of the above Scripture verses worded?
- Do you want to take advantage of the third Person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit, who is now living and fully alive on the inside of your being – who can help you grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ?
To think that God the Father is now willing to go this one more extra step with you – that He is willing to make direct, personal contact with you in order to communicate His knowledge to you through His Holy Spirit – is without question the icing on this entire cake!
To those of you who have never really sought after the knowledge of God for your own personal lives – just stop and think for a moment what all of the above Scripture verses are trying to tell you – that in the Person of God the Father and Jesus Christ is perfect and maximum knowledge on all things! I repeat – all things!
And as a born-again child of God the Father – you now have direct access to Him and all of His knowledge on anything that you may need His knowledge on in this life and the new life to come.
The only thing that is keeping you from being able to receive this unlimited and abundant source of knowledge from God is yourself. As all of the above verses from Scripture are trying to tell you – there is only one way to get God to release His knowledge to you, and this involves three very easy and simple steps:
- First – you have to really want and really desire the knowledge of God for you and your life. The verses mentioned above says that you have to “desire truth” in your inward parts, that you have to be willing to “cry out” for it and “apply your heart” to understand it. All of these key phrases are denoting someone who has a major desire for this knowledge.
- Second – you then get the ball rolling with God by starting out by asking Him to start to release His knowledge to you. Tell God that He now has a full and solid green light from you to release His knowledge whenever, however, and through whoever He wants to release it through.Tell God that you really want His knowledge released into your life, that you cannot live without it, and that you need it in order to be able to grow in the way that He wants you to grow in Him.
- Third – and this step is what will make or break you in this realm – you now have to be willing to start to seek after the knowledge of God for your life. Once you put the request on His altar that you now want Him to release His knowledge to you – God will sit back and watch what you will do next. The Bible makes it very clear.It says you have to seek – and then you will find. It says you have to knock – and then the doors will opened for you. Two of the above verses state that you have to seek after the knowledge of God as one who would seek after silver and as one who would search for hidden treasures.These two key phrases are again showing someone who not only has a maximum desire for this knowledge – but someone who is willing to go into a maximum seeking mode to get it!
As I said at the top of this article, if there is one major secret I have personally learned from the Lord to get Him to release more of His knowledge into your life – is that you have to be willing to go into some kind of seeking mode with Him to get it.
At first, your actual desire may just be one of initial curiosity. You may wonder – will God really start to communicate and transmit His knowledge to you if you start to press in after it?
If you are willing to give God just a few baby steps on your end to start to press in and seek after His knowledge, then God will be more than willing to meet you halfway. He will start to communicate and transmit His knowledge to you. And once this process starts, your hunger and desire for it will start to increase.
You will start to find that God does want to get personally involved in every area of your life – and that there is nothing that He cannot give you His knowledge on to help you be better at something, or to help increase your knowledge and understanding on a particular subject or issue you may be dealing with.
To show God that you really mean serious business with Him on this seeking mode – here are a few suggestions that you should attempt to seek into to get God to want to release His knowledge to you on a wide variety of matters and issues in your life:
- You first have to show God you mean serious business with Him by getting into His Word – the Bible itself. If you are not willing to spend some kind of regular quality time in His Word – then chances are God is not going to have much of desire to want to release His knowledge to you. The reason for this is the Bible is the only Book that we have down here that will give us direct knowledge about the Lord and all of His ways. If you are not willing to show God that you have a major desire to want to know more about Him, His Son, and His Spirit by reading from the only source that can give you this type of direct knowledge about the Three of Them – then God may not have much of a desire to want to release any of His knowledge your way.
- A second good source of God knowledge that you can tap into besides the Bible are other good Christian books written by anointed teachers from His Word. God has anointed many to be able to teach from His Word and you can learn a lot from their writings and experiences.Many of the Christian outlets and bookstores are loaded with good, quality reading material that will help you grow in the knowledge and ways of God. You can also ask the Holy Spirit to help guide you as to which books you should read at your present level of development with Him.You will then find certain books jumping off the shelf at you as to what He would really like for you to read next. What I have found is that God will sometimes alternate between having you read from the Bible and reading from other good, Christian books.
- Another good source to learn more about God and all of His ways are the radio and TV. Again, God has anointed many of His teachers to be able to preach and teach from the podium.Many of these teachers have their own radio and/or television ministries that you can listen to or watch from.
- Another good source that God will use to teach you things is just from the normal circumstances in your everyday life. This will be another whole article in itself, but there are many different ways God will use to transmit His knowledge to you if you are sharp enough and observant enough to pick it up.God will talk to you though other people and different sets of circumstances. Once you start to enter into this knowledge journey with the Lord – you really have to keep your radars up each and every day as you never know when, how, or through whom God will speak to you next.
- And last, but certainly not least, you will start to pick up knowledge direct from the Holy Spirit Himself. You will start getting “inner knowings” as to what certain things may mean. The Holy Spirit can also give you “inner visions” or “mental pictures” in your mind’s eyes when He is trying to communicate knowledge to you on something specific. They say a picture is worth a thousand words.The Holy Spirit loves to communicate knowledge by way of these visions or mental pictures in your mind’s eyes. He will also help you in interpreting what these pictures mean. Again, your job is to keep your radars up each and every day and jump on anything that God will start to transmit and pass your way.
If you are willing to show God that you mean serious business with Him by starting to seek after His knowledge through some of the above avenues, then God will start to supernaturally show Himself to you in this realm, and will start to communicate and transmit His knowledge and wisdom to you covering every area of your life that you are open to receiving His help and knowledge on!
As all of the above Scripture verses have shown you, God the Father is only too anxious to start you on this journey of knowledge through Him, His Son, and His Spirit. He is only too anxious to release His knowledge and wisdom into every part of your life that you will need it on.
With knowledge comes power! Knowledge will help you grow in the Lord! The knowledge of God will help change and alter the course of your life if you are willing to seek after this knowledge and work with the specific truths that will be contained in this knowledge.
The knowledge of God can help set and make you free in this life. And you do not have to wait until you get to heaven before you can start to receive this kind of knowledge from God.
God can start to educate you right where you are at right now if you are open to receiving it from Him.
I will leave you with one last thought. Look how far God the Father was willing to take King Solomon.
If God was willing to take King Solomon this far in the realm of His knowledge – how far will God personally take you if you are willing to press in and start seeking after Him and all of His knowledge?
Some say that the sky is the limit. In this knowledge realm with God – I believe that there is no sky – that there is no limit to the knowledge of God.
The knowledge of God is like a treasure chest that has no bottom to it – and it is all there for the taking for those who are willing to dive into it like those who seek and search for buried treasure!
Jon Molnar
Sunday 5th of January 2025
Last year, I had a question on what God's Grace means. The Holy Spirit lead me to your website and showed me the answer. I have been reading your amazing articles ever since.
To get more focused on my reading, I challenged myself, with the Holy Spirit's guidance, to read all of your articles under the Bible Basics group, reading one article per day. All of your articles are both fascinating and enlightening to say the least, but this article, #22 on the group listing, is absolutely stunning, and life-changing! I wish I could convey how much I appreciate it's message to me.
Thank you and God bless!
Jon M.
Friday 21st of April 2023
I can't begin to express how grateful I am for you Michael and Chris. I believe with all my heart that The Holy Spirit led me to discover your site and it's been nothing but pure blessings day after day. Most of your article have answered or confirmed alot in my life. I believe this was from the Father's heart, guided by the Holy Spirit, you were able to deliver untainted message. While I am learning alot, alot that has already or is currently happening in my life as far as spiritual growth is concerned has time and time again been confirmed in most of your articles.
God bless you. Hadassah From Kenya
jimel itohan
Thursday 13th of January 2022
Am grateful to God for leading me to this article just when am seeking the gift of revelational knowledge, his wisdom and understanding to become an effective witness for God, and to the author may God richly bless u for putting all this together backing it up with accurate scriptures, thank you for been a vessel unto honor, God bless!
Fanny Joshua
Saturday 11th of December 2021
Thanks a lot for being a blessing.May more lives be transformed through your writing and may you enjoy your reward here on earth and in heaven especially. Thanks again.
Willy Faustin
Tuesday 20th of October 2020
The only thing I have to say is thank you for such incredible article. I actually blessed through the words God put through you to write this article, God bless you
Regina Hutchinson
Sunday 5th of September 2021
@Willy Faustin, Thank you! This article has shown to me how to seek after, to pursue, how to really value God's wisdom. The knowledge of God is priceless!