For what it is worth, I thought I would pass this incredible testimony onto the rest of you. Awhile back ago on TBN, they had a middle-aged couple on one of their talk shows that were really anointed.
They had their own church and ministry, but I cannot recall where it was at. But part of their testimony was on the death of their young daughter.
Here they were, serving God full time with their church and ministry, and their daughter ends up dying at a fairly young age. I came in on the story right as they were talking about it. I did not catch the age of the daughter or what the cause of her death was.
The wife had really been wrestling with God. How could You take her away from us so early in her life, how could You allow this to happen, why didn’t You heal her, why didn’t You protect her?

Both the wife and husband were really having a hard time in getting over her early death with the Lord. They could not understand or get a direct answer from God as to why He allowed their daughter to be brought home at such a young age and rob the both of them the joy of seeing their daughter grow up.
After all of this wrestling with the Lord for quite sometime, the wife said she then received a direct word from the Holy Spirit that immediately set her free from her mental captivity. And boy did I get a whopper witness off this Word!
I will give you exactly what the Word was and an additional revelation that God gave the both of them on the death of their young daughter.
For those of you who have lost close, loved ones in your past – grab a hold of this direct Word from the Lord. This Word from the Lord has been used by this couple to set many other people free from the depression and anger they have slipped into as a result of not being able to deal with the death of a close loved one.
The wife said she was in the kitchen when she heard the Holy Spirit speak directly to her.
The words were: “Your daughter is no longer in the past – she is now in the future.”
Think about these words!
The wife said as soon as she heard these words – she immediately knew what God was trying to tell her and it immediately set both her and her husband completely free of the mental torment they were still going through with the death of their daughter.
God was telling them that their daughter was no longer in their past. She had died and she was now in heaven with God and Jesus!
God was telling them that they now had to move on with their lives, to let the past go, including the death of their daughter, and to continue to press forward into the divine call that He had placed on both of their lives.
Their daughter is now in their future!
When they both die, they will both cross over into heaven and be immediately reunited with their daughter once again.
God was telling them to change the “angle” with which they were looking at their daughter’s death from.
Instead of seeing her as being “dead in the past” – start seeing her as being “fully alive in heaven” – and understand that you will be reunited with her once again in a very short period of time.
Our time on this earth is not even a blink of an eye compared to the eternal time frame that is operating in heaven.
1. You have to step back and look at the big picture. We are all going to die and cross over – no exceptions!
Some just go sooner than others. When you die is irrelevant.
What you do with the time that you have down here is what really matters.
It’s quality – not quantity!
When you really grasp the meaning of the words that the Holy Spirit spoke to her – you understand that they should actually be rejoicing.
Their daughter is now in the most perfect place imaginable and they are both guaranteed to be reunited with her once they die and cross over.
They should be keeping the picture of their daughter in front of them – in their own personal futures – which will also be heaven for the both of them when they die and cross over.
Too many people are bound up with things that have happened to them in their past. They cannot let go of some of the bad things that may have occurred in their past.
As a result, their past slowly starts to eat away at them until they get to a point where they no longer have any joy or zest for living.
They then start slipping into depressions and then lose all of their desire to even want to live anymore.
2. Shortly after receiving this direct revelation from the Lord and being set free, they came across a woman who had also lost her son.
Her son had died about a year ago and the woman had slipped into a severe depression. She had literally boarded up her house, closed all the drapes and curtains, and would no longer even go outside.
She had completely shut down due to the pain and heartache she was going through at losing her son at what apparently was also a fairly young age.
This couple had given their testimony on the above revelation to a church this woman had been attending. The testimony was taped and one of the church members then slipped the tape to this woman who had boarded herself up in her house.
The woman took the tape into her bedroom. She listened to it over and over again all night along, literally until the sun broke at dawn.
When the sun broke at dawn, she later testified that she knew God was speaking to her through this couple’s testimony on this tape. She said the message and revelation from this couple that was on this tape set her free from the mental captivity that she had placed herself under as a result of not being able to see the truth of her son’s death.
The Bible says that the truth will set you free and this is a perfect example of this biblical truth coming into full operation!
Once she heard the revelation given by the Holy Spirit to this couple – she knew she had been looking at her son’s death from the wrong angle.
Her son is now in heaven and she should be looking forward to being reunited with him in heaven once she crosses over – not dwelling on his death, which was now in her past.
Once she fully grasped what God was trying to tell her, and it apparently took all night for this revelation to really sink into her mind, she was finally set free and was able to start fully living again.
This couple said that these specific words spoken to them by the Holy Spirit has helped many other people deal with the death of their close loved ones.
Bible Verses For Death of Loved Ones
1. Here are 3 good verses from Scripture that will back up the words spoken to this couple by the Holy Spirit.
- But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)
- “… but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)
Look at the words in this second verse: “forgetting those things which are behind” and “reaching forward for those things which are ahead.” This verse perfectly lines up with what the Holy Spirit was trying to tell this couple – to let the death of their daughter go, which was now in their past, and to look forward, to press forward for the things which are now ahead of them in their futures.
And one of the things ahead for this couple in their futures will be their own physical deaths and their own crossing over into heaven and being reunited with their daughter, where they will never be separated from her ever again!
2. This next verse talks about plowing forward in hope.
This verse is telling us that each one of us should continue to plow for God with whatever time we still have left down here on this earth – with the understanding that we will eventually be reunited with all of our saved loved ones who have gone home before us.
And not only should we continue to plow forward with this hope in mind, but we should also be a partaker of that hope. In other words, really believe that when you die, you will be reunited with all of your saved loved ones, and this time it will be for good – for all of eternity!
Heaven is going to be the final and ultimate reward for all Christians. The Bible tells us that we cannot even begin to imagine all of the good things that God will have in store for all of those who will be entering into His dwelling place. But one thing we do know for sure – we will all be given the two greatest rewards any human can ever hope to receive once we cross over to the other side.
- We will forever be united with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ and we will be able to have direct contact and fellowship with the both of Them for the rest of all of eternity.
- And then to top it all off – we will forever be reunited with all of our saved loved ones who have made it into heaven, and we will once more be able to enjoy the friendships that we had established with each one of them while living down here on this earth.
Now that’s an incredible one-two punch that can’t be beat. And to top it all off, there will be mansions and who knows what else from God the Father.
For all those of you who have lost very close loved ones, you have to step back and see the real big picture – the real ending to the story.
So many people have lost the rest of their earthly lives because they could never get over the death of a close loved one.
And the reason they could not get over their deaths is due to the fact that they were looking at their deaths from the wrong “angle.”
The Holy Spirit gave this couple what I feel is a very powerful and liberating Word on this subject. He gave them a Word that was pure, solid, God-truth. And once you receive a direct truth from God the Father – it will set you free if you are willing to accept it and then work with it.
The other thing that happened with this couple is that before they received this direct Word from the Lord, they found themselves taking their daughter’s pictures and photos out of a lot of their family portraits because it was too painful for them to see her and to be reminded of her death.
After receiving the above Word from the Lord, they were then told to put all of her pictures back in with the rest of the family pictures.
He told them that she was not dead – that she was fully alive in heaven – and that they should all be rejoicing because their time would come when they would all be reunited with her once again.
They were told not to try and put her out of their memory. They were to keep intact all of her photos and all of their memories of her.
They were all to look forward to the future when they would once again be reunited with her in heaven.
When this couple received all of the above from God the Father through the Holy Spirit, they were then all set free from the mental captivity they had placed themselves under, and they were then able to pick themselves back up and get back into fully living in their present again.
The other revelation that the wife received from God the Father was on the question as to why – why did God allow her daughter to be taken home so early?
God basically told her there will be times when He will not tell you why He allows something specific to happen in your life, like the early death and departure of a close loved one.
Sometimes it may be better that you not know why God brings someone home so early. Maybe that person was going to have something really bad happen to them somewhere down the road and God wanted to spare them the pain of having to go through it – so He arranges to have them brought home early.
There could be many different reasons as to why God may have brought this person home early, and maybe with half of those reasons you are better off not knowing.
She finally came to the conclusion that if it was God’s will that she not know why He had brought her daughter home so early – that she would simply have to trust God that He did have a good enough reason to bring her home early and to let it go at that!
The Bible says that we can only “know in part.” We will never get all of the answers to all of life’s problems and dilemmas. God will answer many of our questions if He is properly approached.
The Bible says to “ask, and you will receive.”
But when God does decide not to answer a specific question you may have, then you have to accept the fact that He has a good enough reason not to give you His answer, trust that He knows what He is doing and what is best for the situation at hand – and then move on with the rest of your life.
If you don’t, you will run the risk of getting stuck in the misery of your past. And if you do not pull up out of the misery of your past, then you will never fully accomplish whatever God’s perfect plan and destiny would have been for your life.
For those of you who have had a very difficult time in accepting the death of a close loved one, really chew on the above Word given to this couple by the Holy Spirit.
For those of you who may know someone who is really having a hard time handling the death of a close loved one like a child, a spouse, a parent, or a best friend, give them a copy of this article and/or sit down with them and give them the above Word from the Spirit of God.
Share the above testimony with them on this couple and the other woman who had lost her son.
Pray that God will move in on them with illumination and insight so they can fully grasp and understand that even though the death of a close loved one is a very painful experience, that their loved one’s death is now a new beginning for them.
Their close loved one is now in the most perfect place imaginable and they will be reunited with them once again in just a very short period of time. This life on this earth is just for a very brief moment in the eternal scheme of things – but the life to come, where they are at now, will be forever.
Remember what the Holy Spirit Himself has spoken – your loved one is no longer “dead in your past” – your loved one is now “fully alive in your future” – which is heaven.
Thank you so much for your story and words of hope.I had my dog who is my baby and my very best friend go up to Heaven her name is Destiny and we did everything togather I cannot wait to be able to hold her again in heaven along with my other babies (dogs) Mykah,,Neska,Tazja,and Tyson and little Pinche and they are all looking out for little destiny, she is quite small.I am having a very hard time in dealing and your story and words help me very much in what I already know but need constant reminding. Thank you very much and God bless you and your families
@ Tera, I just put my dog Maggie to sleep dec 22, 2011 @ 3pm. She was ate up with cancer. My heart & prayers go out to you. The LORD works in mysteriest ways. I too was having a difficult time with this. Also December 1, 2006 is also the anniversary of my middle sons passing. I remember knowing I would be with him again. With my sons death I still felt a strong need to protect him. I knew Darren wouldn’t want me to be devasted so I stayed strong. And I didn’t want to keep his soul in a bad place. So I would cry out to Jesus when it felt to heavy. And imeddiatly he would help. Yesterday I did the same and know today I google,too many loved ones dying of cancer. And the Lord lead me to this testimony. This is just what I needed to be reminded of too! I believe that it’s when were at our weakess God is at the strongest in our lives. All we have to do ask, seek and believe. Thank you Mike for this testimony and reminder. And thank you Lord for your guidance. GOD’S BLESSING’S TOO ALL, SINCERELY DENISE
Denise, I can’t say thanks enough for your kind words. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones. I have a very hard time everyday even getting out of bed but then I read what you wrote and look at the strength you have and I go on knowing we will once again be reunited with are loved ones in Heaven and I long for that day of hugs and no more separation. I pray on this Chritmas day you have peace in knowing they are with Jesus and what better place to be then with Christ on Christmas, thank you so much. Tera
I cannot say that the revelation made to the couple about their dead daughter is of much comfort to many who find themselves in different situations that are not comparable. I being one of those.
My wife died about a year ago but the story behind that was brutal to say the least. There are people who God decides to take because He simply has it in His plan. God may choose to take a child for reasons beyond our understanding. I knew of one family in Holland who lost 4 of their youngest children to a fire a few years ago. There is nothing you can do but accept those kinds of events. But then there are those who incur the wrath of God and whose lives are cut short. I can testify for a fact that those who use God to justify actions that go contrary to His word can bring such a lethal judgement upon themselves that in some cases, death is only answer that God will give.
Contrary to what most modern day Christians believe, God does indeed punish even believers with death. Judgement begins at God’s house. While a believer in Yeshua will be saved, all their works along with their physical life can be burned up. I have seen it with my own eyes and it was revealed to me before it even happened because God wanted me to know in advance that when it came to pass, it was His doing.
To experience something like that can nearly destroy one’s faith in God but I am reminded that God knows our limits and for those who He leads through such horrific trials, He gives even more grace.
It isn’t of much comfort knowing your beloved wife is dead and that someday you will see her again. Yes, I probably will see her again but she will never be my wife again and there won’t be that kind of relationship we once had in this world. And then there is the likelihood that I may never see her again or even recognize her. There is simply nothing in the Bible to justify the idea that families and children are reunited beyond this world. While it might be a wonderful thought for some, it probably isn’t for others. There are simply some people who have done so much harm in this world, using the name of God to justify their evil deeds, that even with forgiveness, I really cannot imagine sharing any personal relationship with those people beyond this world.
You wrote “Heaven is going to be the final and ultimate reward for all Christians”. No it is not. That statement has no Biblical basis whatsoever. Yeshua clearly stated, “The meek will inherit the Earth”. Our ultimate destinaton is NOT heaven but the new Earth that God will create, and with it the New Jersualem.
My wife left this world as a believer, but her life was not in order. I loved her dearly and while I am sad that she is gone, I choose to not wallow in my grief. I have come accept that this world will always be filled with tragedies and that it is over before you know it.
I found great comfort in this testimony, but reading your comment is unsettling. I recently lost my fiancé in a tragic accident. Can you elaborate on the “legal judgement” statement? You also state that your wife’s life where not in order, I can’t help but gather you’re saying your wife was somewhat punished for her actions or decisions she made. Forgive me if offended you or missed your point, I would just like to really understand your message. I know this is years later, but I just wanted to try and reach out to you. Thank you.
Nothing as painful as death of a hubby got fatal accident 28th jan 2017 n guys nothing said on earth make me feel better we hav just celebrated 5 yrs of his tender age i lost him ,i lost my world.all i have is infants to c n take care i dont think God cant do such a thing.His mercies are new each morning and no one is better than em..its just by grace we stil alive….Not punishment
Gm! I lost my spouse of 30 years two years ago after a brief illness due to a doctors mistake. The pain of losing him have broken my heart so deep. He was not only my husband he was my best friend. My life have been truly bless because of God allowing our paths to cross. Unfotionarly, I can not not will I tell you I am over his passing. There are days when I am totally out of it. So grief and how we go through it is so very personal. Yes! The testimonies of others give of hope and allow us to see Gods great mercy toward us nevertheless, each situation is so personal. Time nor paper will allow me to write all I have to say. I will simply say continue to pray trust God 8n the mist of your struggle. As Abraham mourn for Sarah you will mourn your spouse. Than one day in Gods timing you will find peace in God that will help you. Please seek grief counseling having someone to talk with that have no clue to your situation helps because the will just listen. Know disrespect to be we love and those whom love us always have an opinion as to how we should be. They really mean no harm and truly want to help but your pain is so real. It is my hope that you have found some comfort knowing your not alone. I normal due not write any responses yet I felt compelled to respond. God bless and your in my prayers. Respectfully, submitted. your husband will always be a beautiful part of your memory and you can see him in the face of your children. My struggle continues and with each passing day i get strength knowing that in this life time I was blessed with a princes who shared both the good and bad times with me. And with the residue of his loving memory I will be able to smile again. I pray the same for you
Thanks so much for all the comments I have read of those who are going thru, I too now am feeling the sadness of the lose of my husband. Your comments is so encouraging to me, thank you for sharing. My prayers are with you all as we are sisters and brothers in Christ. I love you with the love of Christ.
i don’t know if anyone can help me but
i’m looking for a quote that’s powerfull
but short and have to do with your loved one’s death
i’m looking for it for my grandpa’s, grandma’s and my aunt.
can anyone help me with this?
Hello Karlien
You can meditate on I Thesalonians 4: 13-18. It has helped me greatly during this hard times of the passing unto Glory of my mother
This is a powerfull quote by Norman Vincent Peale. “I believe there are two sides to the phenomenon know as death,this side where we live, and the other side where we shall continue to live.Eternity does not start with death.We are in eternity now”.
Wow, God definitely spoke to me through this. I’m 16 years old, my mom had cancer since I was 6, and she just passed away last year. I have been feeling so bogged down lately, and this just lifted my spirits. I can’t wait to see God, my mom, and every one else I have lost. I LOVE YOU, LORD!
Tell them to have faith in God And the son of God .I lost 2 boys of my own and a grandson and with out Jesus I would had neverade it May God bless you
I am 58 years old and my 82 yr old mom passed away 3 weeks ago. I feel like a big baby, but I miss my mama so much. If I could just hold her one more time. I know she’s with the Lord now. No more pain and suffering for her.
Love you Mama!!
This couple’s experience gave them “peace” that which comes from “Our Heavenly Father”. I lost my husband suddenly with a heart attack years back; I experienced bitterness, questions of “why” he was a christian the children and I needed him so. God reminded me that “he” my husband was a christian, and the events of his death were about “God and my husband” not about what I wanted or needed; as humans we are concerned with “what about me”,or “I need this or that” I began thanking God for the love we shared, as I continue on this journey until I too see “My Lord”.
great article but what if you loved one was not saved you know you wont see them how does the lord do the peace and letting go same way
This message came to me as I mourn the death of my youngest sister, that happened on 22nd Oct. 2013. The gave her life to Christ as a tenager, was in her 3s
As I was going to office this morning, I was think about death and then behold this artcle gave me the comfort I needed. I have posted it to a friend to print and make available to my wife, brothers and sisters who are currently on the peak of the their mourning. Thank God for visting me this way.
Thank you for your word of encouragement it is good to know that our loved ones are in the future and we shall join them one day. This has changed my view of the death of my partner who died of a heart failure on October /25/ 2013.
Hello. First I would like to send my condolences and thank you for your testimony ! In 1998 my daughter Tiara lost her battle and passed away in my arms. I was only 19 when this occured and I didn’t understand why this happened. Throughout the years I lived a life odmf destruction due to losing a lot of my loved ones. My grandfather passed away shortly after Tiaras funeral. Since then my cousin who was like my brother was murdered, a year later I miscarried another baby , 4 years later my sister was murdere,then my grandmother became terminally ill. I took care of her for 2 years until she passed away. Since then I lost my best friend , my aunt ,and 5 cousins. I have experienced a lot of loss in my 35 years on this earth. I think of them often maybe more then I should and I long to see them one day.Your testimony gives me faith that one day I will. I have a 5 year old son now and I thank God for him. He can never takethe place of my daughter but he is so special to me.You are really giving people like me a reason to smile throughout all of the tears. Thank you and God Bless !!
Sorry for your deaths
Glad you somehow found strength through God to carry on..When we see our dead children one day come alive that’s peaceful for that day
My loved ones died last May 18, 2015. Thank you that i was being redirected to this site as i am looking for messages and testimonies to comfort me. It’s really hard to accept the fact that they won’t physically with us and remembering the memories together with them is really painful. Honestly, i’ve asked GOD why he allowed it to happen, maybe some day i will understand the reason behind it. Right now, what’s in my mind is someday we will be reunited and we will never go apart. Thank you and GODBLESS to all of us.
Thanks for this testimony my wife died at age 35 she left me with our 6 month old son.. We tried for kids for 4 years and finally got a baby boy which she was over joyed I was so angry with God why he did this to me and my wife longing to be a mum.. But I know now there is hope and a future to see her again..
Thank you
God is good all the time. Our ways are not God’s ways. His ways are far above our understanding. I have lost loved ones also and it leaves a large hole in this realm that cannot be filled by any other. They will not come back to me; but, I can go to them when my Lord calls my name. God bless you all as you work through your grief. If you can, smile and try to be a light on your journey through this realm.
This article is helping me to say” my son is no longer in the past, my son is now in the future”. It’s true God has a new heaven and earth for His ultimate Glory. But until then, when a believer dies, he or she is absent from the body and present with the Lord. Even if a believer dies as a result of God’s discipline, it is so they will not be condemned with the world. Relationships will be better,not inferior.
I found this article very comforting and it also confirmed what God put in my heart since I lost my wonderful husband in June 2016..We both 35 years of age and have two young children, he was my school sweetheart ..We love the Lord so much and vowed to be together for our children till old age bt he suddenly left to be with the Lord.. I’m sure God had a purpose for this, He’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours and all good things work for those who love Him. I know my late husband is in a better place now. I only pray that God gives me strength to continue this life’s journey with the kids until we see our daddy that glorious day. Thank you for this article. God bless you.
Hi Miriam, sorry to hear about your loss.. i too just lost my husband on the 23rd of July 2016. It was a sudden thing.. he went through a minor operation but didnt wake up from the anasthesia. I am still struggling to accept it until today. My husband loved the Lord and i know for sure where he is now. But i kept questioning God about our relationship. We had a strong marriage, and same as you we had a lot of future plans for our two daughters… i need verses from the bible that says that our marriage bond still continues and we are not separated by death. I dont beleive in remarrying. I beleive when we meet, our sweet relationship continues…
Hi Christie,
So sorry about your husband. My husband passed away 2-1/2 years ago. It was a nightmare. I knew my husband was with the Lord, but like you, I struggled with questions about our relationship. I really dug into the Word and prayed about it a lot. I have come to have peace that our relationships absolutely will continue in the next life and be even better. God promises that what we have given up for Him will be restored to us in Matthew 19:29 – “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.” In the beginning when God created man, the only thing he said that wasn’t good was for man to be alone. I believe in Eternity we will not be alone. No way will it be “less than” what we had on Earth. So, if it wasn’t good for man to be alone in Eden, then I cannot imagine it will good for us in Eternity either. Adam walked with God and had perfect fellowship with Him. Yet, God felt Adam needed a companion. In Isaiah 65:21 God talks about the New Heavens and New Earth – “They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.” The Lexicon on says the word for “and dwell in them” means to settle, to marry. I would encourage you to study this subject, comparing scripture to scripture, and ask God to encourage you. He will. Your post is older so I don’t know if you are still reading, but here are some books that have helped and encouraged me as far as relationships on New Earth. A couple of the authors below believe there will be no marriage, but that our relationships will continue. I personally believe we WILL have love and romance on the New Earth. There is nothing to indicate God has changed his mind on that. Hope this brings you some comfort. 1) Heaven, Randy Alcorn. 2) Revelations, Nic Dicenzo.(Her husband was killed in service and believes the Lord wants her to wait and be reunited with her husband). 3)All Things New, John Eldredge. 4)Visits from Heaven, Pete Deison. 5)The True Heaven, Joe Beam/Lee Wilson. 6)From Grief to Glory, Harry and Cheryl Salem (This is the couple from the article). 7) For Those of Us Waiting on That Day, Ann Dillon (Fantastic Devotional. Expects to be reunited with her husband). Also Song of Solomon 8:6 – “… For love is as strong as death.”
The loss is so painful, at the sametime, we know this is my grandson getting to heaven, before us. It is true, we will see him again. I feel like he will greet me with that big o smile, awe granny you will love it here!
My daughter was killed 09/8/16. I don’t know if she was a christian, but when she was home, I would always hear her praying in the closet to God for help. She was my only daughter. I have nightmares of her suffering in fire and screaming out to me. I can’t sleep. She’s always on my mind, her face, her smile, her laugh is always in my head. I can’t let her go. I want to be with her. I know God could’ve saved her, I know He could have brought her back to life. I prayed for Him to bring her back, I still pray for it. I am not a devout christian either. I do believe in God and that Jesus did for our sins, but I am having a hard time understanding her death. I’m her grave site practically every other day, hoping she will be there waiting for me. Each time she’s not there and I ask God why. I don’t know how to heal this hurt in my heart, my mind, my soul…..I ache for her. Please help me understand she had to die and why am I still here.
I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you. I lost my mother on October 5th. She was an enormous part of my daily life and a great friend. I miss her face, her voice and her warm loving presence. I feel great sadness, anger, regret and the like. But there is joy knowing she is in heaven and I will see her again. There is also times of a comforting spirit I cannot explain fully. I truly pray that God gives you that same comfort. That he eases your heart. And I’m sure when she prayed out to God, he heard her. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I feel your hurt so much.My gorgeous daughter died may 16th.She was wonderful.
The only thing that keeps me going(and that is so hard) is that i see her again.
Every day is getting harder.So unfair that she is gone.
Love you with all my heart x
Dear Grieving Mother:
I too lost my only daughter to cancer on 12/21/16. I am so sorry for your pain and loss. The sadness of it all is unbearable at times. She just married, a year before and was expecting…this is how the cancer was found. She lost the baby and then her life. I dont understand forgiveness, or waiting to see her again. It just is so hard to “believe” these days. Believe in what??? How can we be left here to smile and carry on until we meet again – its a joke. 🙁
I too lost my daughter. I don’t think that this is a joke. God has taken our beautiful girls for his reason. I do believe that God has a plan for us all. Like the message before she is not in the past she is in the future. Don’t give up now on your belief, because we do not live forever. Wouldn’t you rather weigh on the side of seeing that beautiful daughter and grandchild. Keep your faith. Trust me I’m dead inside. It is a struggle to move into each day. I read and reread Gods promises. Gods word and Jesus as my savior , is the only reason I go on. I really do suffer the same pain as you . I am not any better than you. I wrote this because I am you. You touched my heart , because my heart is broken too. May God bless you and heal your heart. Until we meet in the future keep your trust in Jesus the way the truth and the light.
tana, that was so beautiful what you wrote to that grieving mother and you grieving yourself. i lost my wonderful husband of 40 years just 1 month ago and yes, it hurts badly, but reading this article, i can’t keep crying for he is no longer my past, he is my future and you wrote it beautifully that we have to keep trusting in Jesus so we can join our loved ones future. it is a struggle, but in time, I ask Jesus to heal my broken heart. i am in the ‘shock’ phase headed to the ‘acceptance’ phase. God bless you – linda
My wife died nearly 4 years ago, we were together for 48 years of complete happiness, God knows how hard I have struggled with this loss but it is so hard to forget her death, the day she died was a complete collapse of my life. Now at 73 years old I hope this reading shows me a different perspective of her and what I have to do to be reunited together again in God’s realm. Help me Lord to understand this..
I just lost my husband 2 months ago.
He was the love of my life ,a wonderful Christian husband. I know exactly how you feel. I feel we must keep moving forward and allow our Christian light to shine. I know we will see each other again. We were married 52 wonderful years and I’m 70 years old. I pray God will give us all strength to get Thur the hard times. Love and prayers
I lost my Son on the 1st of October 2016,at the age of 7,the was a week in September the whole week,he asked me where do the dead people go,it was heavy for me to answer him at his age,I asked him where did he hear that from,he said from school. I understood it because it is a Christian school,then I asked him what did his teacher say about the dead,then he said his teacher told him that they go to heaven/paradise to be with OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST,then said that’s true,he asked the same question from Monday till Friday,on Friday after asking about it,I asked him to pray over it,after praying he told me that when he dies he’ll go to JESUS,I never took his words serious as he was a very talkative and curious,we do combined prayers every morning and evening,even before OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST took him,he’ll pray with us,before he sleeps he’ll spread the blood of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST on his bed,I once asked him about it because we never taught him,he said when we are asleep our minds are unconscious therefore the evil one plays around,so by so doing that he simply protect his minds,I was in a shock, I couldn’t believe it,he used to tell me that sharing is caring,he’ll share anything,we taught him to be thankful of everything,when you give him anything,he’ll first say thank you JESUS and thank you afterwards,on the 30th of October in the evening, he told me how much he loves and prayed OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST,on the first of October in the Morning,I went to the mall with him,HE TOLD ME THAT HE LOVES AND PRAYED OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THAT HE WAS AFRAID OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST AND I TOLD HIM THAT IS THE FIRST WISDOM TO BE AFRAID OF GOD,THEN HE TOLD ME THAT HE’LL LEAVE ME AND BE WITH OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST,I NEVER TOOK HIS LAST WORDS SERIOUS,I DIDN’T GIVE HIM MY FULL ATTENTION THAT DAY,HE LEFT A NOTE THAT’S WRITTEN: PRAYING EVERY MORNING WHEN YOU WAKE UP AND EVERY EVENING WHEN GOING TO SLEEP,AT TIMES I WOULD ASK MYSelf about my Son if I was imagining things about him spiritually or it was true that he had changed,grown spiritually,only to realise now that I was not imagining things,GOD was preparing him. Many things happened even to me after losing him.the same night I saw my spirit coming out of body,climbing white steps like clouds with two angels,on our arrival I saw a very beautiful,beautiful palace, it’s not comparable to anything on earth,woow that beauty I can’t explain it,I saw two chairs in the middle and the right side the was a glorious,very shiny I couldn’t see it,on the left side I saw my Son,but in a different way,in a heavenly way,still I can’t explain it,then when I wanted to step closer something powerful turned me over and I couldn’t even look back,then those two angels came to me and accompanying me back to the steps,till the white steps I couldn’t see them I reached home I saw my spirit getting back into my body, painful as it is,in the flesh,we just have to Trust and LOVE GOD more,praise,worship and be thankful of everything,Matthew 11:24,Matthew 24:43_44,psalm 20:7
How wonderful, that gave me chills, how did he pass ? Forgive me for asking. I lost my dad age 20, July13th. I hurt so bad.
Holly,I read through all the comments and yours was the last. I have been trying to cope with losing my beloved companion and have prayed to God for a sign that she was safe with him.I believe God has shown me several times and this is another. You see her name was Holly. Bless you and all who believe we will be with our loved ones once again.
I buried my son on dec, 9, 2016. He was one week f rom graduation and his 19th birthday. God gave me a baby boy at forty, now I’M dealing with the grief of his friend accidently shooting him. I never got a chance to say goodbye, good kid, not perfect, but loved and was a giver. He confessed, that Jesus Christ was his Lord and Savior. I believe that he is with the Father. As a parent I think about, what I could have done differently, I prayed for protect of him and our family. I hard several dreams in the past few months, I convinced myself that I could sacrifice him, if God ask me to. Why was I thinking this? Maybe in my prayers, I should have chosen my words more carefully. My life changed and I will never be the same
Our lives have changed so much especially the ones who have lost children. There is no pain like losing your own child. I lost my son 3 years ago & it hurts so badly today as it did when it happened. I lost my husband (only 59 yrs old) 5 months ago. I believe they both believed in our Lord Jesus Christ but what if they didn’t or not enough? Can you believe in God but not be saved? I’m worried they are not together and with Jesus.
But that little girl needed to be with her parents and god took her? why does god heal some and not others ? can he only heal certain diseases ? does he like seeing us broken hearted ? is there a kind of punishment as to why have to suffer the death of a loved one when we earnestly pray for healing ? If god loves us all the same why does he only choose to heal some and not others ?
Thank you Lord for directing me to this article. I had just lost a son 2 months ago.
Now am assured that he is no longer in the past but in the future with our Lord Jesus.
He is enjoying a Heavenly peace with the Lord. He suffers no more but has eternal life. Praise the Lord! One day when our time comes, we will be reunited in Heaven.
Because we are human, we will all die if the Rapture doesnt occur first. I think its vital to remember that Jesus Christ, one third of the Trinity, also died! He was just hitting the prime of human life, but God chose, for His purposes, to send Jesus to the cross in his early 30s. Christ even asked that God remove the requirement of His death, but it was denied. If we can fathom that God allowed even His sinless, perfect, only Son to die a horrible death on the cross, that we should expect nothing less, but also that we should feel blessed to be in such good company as Christ. Faith in God’s perfect love for us will never fail even our imperfect belief. Thank You, God, for the gift of allowing Your Son to experience the same consequence of life that we humans do: death. But oh!, then!, life EVERLASTING.
I am new here. I just lost my husband of 12 years from a massive attack cardiac arrest and brain damage from lack of oxygen he passed away on Aug. 25 2019.He is and always will be the love of my life. I am taking it day by day.I talk to my husband everyday, kiss his picture goodnight and kiss him every morning. I tell him about my day when I get home from work. I miss my husband everyday.Nobody can take our memories away. Not one person can ever come between us. I know he is not here physically,he is here with me everyday in spirit, I totally believe in God
Since my 21 year old son took his own life on May 5, 2016 I have held on to this truth. That he is with our Lord. He was saved at 7 years old and truly had a pure heart. He hurt for people who were lost. He simply couldn’t understand why people would not want to accept Christ’s gift of eternal life.
He was not a perfect person. But he never caused me really much grief. I never ever would have thought he would do something like this.
But every day I live with the truth. And I try to forgive those who I feel causes his heart so much pain that he could not take it any longer. And the fact he couldn’t see past this pain. He couldn’t see a life that could once again have trust and loyalty.
TODAY…he has that restored and so much more. Today my son walks on streets of gold and has touched Jesus. He has been welcomed into Heaven by our Father himself! Can you imagine?
I have always and still feel that taking ones own life is wrong and leaves people so hurt and with so many questions.
It is not our decision in when or how we leave this earth. And just because we are “good” we will not see Heaven.
But because I know my son gave his heart to Christ at 7. And because I witnessed his life for the next 14 years as a child of God I know, I cling to that he is with our Father safe and secure.
I praise God for letting me have that comfort. Without it I don’t know how I would get through life little line the loss of my dear son.
i lost my wife 11 years ago.i was at work i called her in the morning and said she had a little headache.i asked if she wanted me to come home she said no.about two hours later my son called me told me my wife had passed out and was not breathing.i told him to call 911 it took me it seemed like forever to get home.i went to the hospital and the doctor said he didn’t think she was going to make it my son was crying i was in shock they operated on her brain to relieve bleeding i stayed day and night praying at her bedside watching the brain scan not moving after three days they took her of the machine and she died.i was married for 25 years and she was my everything i have been alone all this time and no matter what is in the bible i can’t get a handle on it people drink smoke take drugs and live very long lives my wife was the salt of the earth and died at 54 years old no amount of words or prayers will make feel better i really need to see god in person to be able to understand why did this happened.
I understand that you are hurting, but by not trusting God and saying “no matter what is in the bible” you are telling God that He wasn’t in control and that NO matter Whom He sends to you, you won’t believe it unless you see Him face to face. That’s a very dangerous thing to say, because God could just take you up on that, and then who would be there to comfort your son??? There are some things you need to consider.
You said that you sat by your wife’s bedside watching the brain scan not moving, and when they took her off the machine after three days she died.
Had God allowed her to live, she could have wound up being in a vegetative state where she could no longer enjoy life, brain dead and just a shell with NO life. She could have become paralyzed, not being able to speak, or do all the things she could have before. She could have been trapped on a ventilator for the rest of her life, and would have had to have someone be there to give her around the clock, 24 hour care. God has His reasons and we are to Never question Him. Yes, it hurts when we lose someone we love, yes, it’s ok to get angry, however, we are to Never question God’s reason for what He does. We are HIS Creations, and the Creation does NOT have a right to demand answers or question the Creator of what He is doing.
I am so very sorry that you lost your Wife and the Mother to your son. I am praying for you that you will come to trust God’s Will and that Christ will send the Holy Spirit to Comfort you both. But please remember, God knows what’s best and He knew what was going to happen. Life is never fair. But we can always rely on God being fair.
Remember Jesus said, “That ye may be the children of your
Father which is in Heaven: for He maketh
His sun to rise on the evil and on the good,
and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”
Matthew 5:45
Please remember, Your Wife is More alive now then she ever has been. You and your son Both will see her again someday. You MUST keep that in mind. Kepp your Faith, You prayed to God to let her live, so pray now that you and your son will be with her again someday in Heaven. Keep that hope. She would want you to.
I am praying for you and your son. I don’t know if you will take any of this to heart, but please know that Jesus feels your pain and He loves you more then you will ever know.
Remember, God gave up His only begotten Son, Jesus, to Die on that cross for all of us. He KNOWS your pain!
charlie, that was so beautifully said to that grieving husband. my husband was on a ventilator and trach in his throat for over 4 months and this made me cry because i imagine my husband could have been in this state the rest of his life and he didn’t want this. i had prayed for a miracle but God took him home 1 month ago and as i type this, i am crying because God knew want was best as he couldn’t move any parts of his body and in my mind i kept thinking that therapy would fix that. it looked like he was turning the corner, but God had been giving us signs for over 2 years that my husband would be going to his heavenly home and i just didn’t want to acknowledge it. we can’t focus on the past but concentrate on the future where my sweetheart is. thanks so much for the beautiful response you gave this gentleman because i was touched by it. God probably took my chester home because he didn’t want to be a vegetable the rest of his life. amen brother, amen
This is a lovely story. I’m not sure if it’s true or just a wishful thought that came into the Christian woman’s mind subconsciously. I thought I was a Christian,but my faith has been tested twice in 7 years and now I’m not so sure.
Seven years ago my youngest son had a high above knee amputation due to a neurofibroma tumour. He nearly died three times. In hospital five months. Came out looking well, and got on with life. In February this year he had an ATV accident while on holiday abroad, he’d ridden these machines before, but this time he ended up with multiple internal injuries from which he did not recover. He could have been fixed if it hadn’t been for a tumour in his pelvis that the drs could not stop bleeding. So much for praying, fasting and believing. God let my son die. He does have favourites. I go to church sometimes, but can no longer sing the praise words as I am full of confusion, hate, anger towards this Being that I believed existed. I feel cheated, conned, and do not sleep well. Is it all psychology to give people hope. My son always believed. But the bible does not say we go straight to heaven, we sleep the sleep of death and only arise when Jesus comes back? I don’t know what to believe anymore.
The Bible says that when Jesus was on the cross and the thief repented Jesus said to him “Today you will be with me in paradise” This is proof to me that you do not sleep when you die if you are a Christian, you go straight to be with Jesus.
I agree with you Eva I’m confused and don’t know what to believe like you. This has been a devastating year for me. I do believe in God and i will continue to pray but I will never be the same, after the loss of my mother yesterday. She was all I had in this world. After all of my pets are gone, I would like to die in peace, and I don’t want to ever come back again. This life has been extremely stressful, painful and disappointing from beginning to end.
having been through a tragedy in losing my partner, bestfriend, my tempest, my challenger, I feel somewhat cheated of a beautiful life I thought we had. Not knowing that he was suffering and him hiding the fact that he was sick, the aggressive cancer took over within a matter of 5 weeks. what hurts the most is I am strong in faith and I though he was too, but to push me aside and his step kids and grandkids really did the damage. he called his ex-partner back into his life after we had 3 and a half years together, but he still loved me and told me that I will always have his heart, I don’t understand that. I prayed so hard for God to save his life so that he can be a living testimony of his recovery however he was not willing to fight the cancer and gave up so easily. I knew there and then he had no faith, I have been through my ups and downs or the last 3 months as he died 12/4/2017. How cruel for his family not to let me know that he died, to tell me not to go up to the hospital and also to deny me the chance to say good bye, to be ridiculed in front of a community by his family, this is where my heart hurts, I know that my questions will never be answered. I have forgiven and have drawn away from toxic people but my faith in God has not faltered. Reading your testimony leaves me somewhat settled as I still feel him around me, I will never forget all the wonderful times we shared, because I know that God crossed our path for a reason and that was God needed Ali to feel what it was like to have the love of a family, I pray so much for all of you that are going through what I am. When people tell me to move on my response? Tell me how you do that when the one you love so much that it has broken you, you cannot see, touch or kiss, then I will move on.
My fiancé and best friend died on me while in Oklahoma at his moms house, he had a heart attack . I wasn’t there I feel so guilty I could have prayed more , He was a free spirit and He and I were not keeping God in our lives , infact He had to go to His moms house because we had a fight and my brother in-law came over to our house and fought with Him and then pressed charges on my Jamy , when my poor Jamy only got sucker punched and had more injuries then him , my Jamy was 53 years old I am 36 and my brother in-law was 38 . It was not fair I feel so guilty because I told him to leave because it was too much drama having cops at my parents house and we would still be together but I didn’t want him going to jail he would have been locked up because he owed a lot of money for tickets leading to an open warrant….I can only say that we were meant for each other, He was my best friend…My protector, but we had our arguments..he was used to being the one person in my life but when I turned my life around and we went back to my hometown, He gave up everything for me and moved with me while I was changing my life by facing up to a year in prison for my first ever case of drug possession and while I know I’m telling all …it’s because we gave up the low life life and left drugs behind and we’re picking up the pieces. He was the only man I know that ever truly love me , He was not a church going man but He was saved I just know I heard that being saved is not enough…you have to walk in the ways ..I’m afraid he died in sin and this is what is absolutely killing me inside, I don’t want the man I’m still in love with to be in a place suffering for eternity. I wasn’t his wife but I wonder if I was doing the right things and drawing near to God would he spare my lost love ? I don’t want to be separated from him , I miss him soooo much it’s killing me , I feel so much pain I didn’t even get to kiss him goodbye I barely hugged him because my brother in-law was having the cops come get him , I had to pack his stuff up and watch his car drive away not knowing that was the last time I’d see him alive again, I pray all the time he would be given mercy , I am not judging him but I’m only human I’m gonna worry , he was and is the only man I will ever love . I just want to spend eternity with him and Jesus Christ along with my family. Don’t we all ? I am still stuck in this heartbreak and heartache. I don’t want anyone I know and love to suffer in hell . I pray that we are all clean when Christ returns.
I’m sorry for blabbering on so long, Jamys death is haunting me….because I wish I could’ve been a better woman to him… I should have insisted he stay with me and we just let him go to jail , I don’t think I’ll ever be okay not knowing what he’s doing right now and where is he doing it. He was such a good man , he just had a child like nature … he was a big kid who could fix anything, he did everything for everyone , working and taking care of me while I was locked up and looking after my mom and dad while I was locked up taking her to and from work because she developed double vision and could no longer drive . He was loyal , never cheated infact he always wanted to be around me he was so romantic, often surprising me with Lil gifts every day, he cleaned up the house did a multitude of things to help take the burden off my family, I was finally able to truly experience love . I don’t want anything or anyone else because he was it . ….l can’t see anyone else in that way, because they’ll never get on his pedal stool it belongs to him my soulmate. I am drawing near to God always but I just wanted to share this with someone. I know I will love him till the day I die. So I’m asking for Jamys salvation if I earn a prize I want it to be him. I know I’m not alone in this pain I thank you all for sharing your stories it does help Father please be with those we loved and lost
These words were very comforting. As most of my family has passed on. It hurts when we lose our christian loved ones. But we are comforted, knowing they are with Jesus. This is the blessed hope Jesus give us, having beat death on the cross.
Unfortunately, those who decided not to believe or apply His teachings to there lives. Don’t have this hope. Once we pass on the choice has been made. The only confort here, is knowing it’s not to late for yourself. That the choice was thiers alone. We all have that choice.
Children are gifts from God. They are with God.
We all have this choice…..John 3:16
Hello, my name is Angela and I lost my son July 11th 2017, he was born July 4th 1981, he was 35. He went to sleep on my couch and never woke up.Danny was my 1st born and only son and 1year 3months and 14 days my heart still hurts every day. For the 1st 4 months every day I I would wake up mad that I woke up. I no longer wake up mad. I wake up now knowing that everyday I’m 1 more day closer to seeing my son again. I now live to live again. I will say that my life has 4ever changed. I trust God with all my heart, I will never understand God’s why, but He is God and my hope is in Him. I can’t wait to see my son but until then I will live until I no longer have too. Keep me in your prayers as I keep you all In mine.
I understand what you are going through. I lost my 29-yr old son and my 59-yr old husband in 2.5 years. I have hope I will see them again….I am not 100% sure they were saved. They were baptised, they prayed, my son wore his cross but is that enough? These comments help because you know your not the only one going through this tragic life. I pray everyday….I just wish I could hear someone respond to me. Some people hear God speaking to them …I want that too!
Dear Dar,
Before responding, l prayed for you & asked God to only have me to share what He would have me to share with you.
Several years ago my husband & I went to my uncle’s funeral..I have a cousin who I hadn’t seen in years. She was so broken up…not only because she hadn’t seen her dad since she was little, but because she had been praying for his salvation & had not had the opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with him. As I heard her story,..with tears building up in my eyes,…I hugged her & looked her straight in her eyes & told her your prayers were not in vain…my husband & I had visited him @ the
hospital before he had passed,..we shared the gospel with him..he had repented & with tears in his eyes,he had asked for forgiveness & asked Jesus Christ into his heart. As I had shared this with my cousin, was like a faucet had been turned in her eyes & a stream of tears had been released…we laughed,..we cried…it was confirmation & peace of mind to her that had been lifted from her shoulders.
I too lost my daughter who was 23yrs young. She was in the military & was saved.
As a believer of Jesus Christ, more than anything you want to know that your loved ones will be in glory.
The Bible says that God will not give you more than you can handle..l believe that to be true. Also..2 Cor. 1:3-4….Paul refers to the God of all comfort…no matter how hard some trials can be, we can always trust that our God is faithful & will see us through.
I hope & pray this was helpful & comforting to you.
The only “comfort” I find concerning the death of unbelievers is not really comforting at all while living here on earth, but the comfort comes in God’s promise that when Jesus returns and we are with him there will NEVER be sorrow or pain again. We will not be aware of any “unbelievers” demise. However while still here, we are called to trust and hope in Him. We MUST be in His Word daily, lest we forget.
Also, ONLY God knows the hearts of those who have passed, so there could still be hope 🙂
Blessings, love, and peace to you.
thank you Angela..your testimony gives me hope,I lost my son in October 2014,some days are better than others however I believe in God’s word that I shall see my son again in heaven I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.Romans 8:18.
I will keep you in my prayers.. keep me in yours
My son was stillborn. When I found out I was pregnant they told me that it was a molar pregnancy and he would not live. It turned out to not be a molar pregnancy and he was “happy and healthy”. Another test showed that he had a high NT scan signifying a chromosome issue. The blood test came back negative. The amniocentesis came back negative and I was told he was okay. The next ultrasound they checked for the fluid build up around the neck (the NT) and it was worse than before. The doctor gave my son 3 weeks to live. He died December 24th, 2017 and was born December 27th, 2017. He had half the time the doctor permitted. God took my child away from me. Let me believe that my baby was healthy in my womb only to let him die
I am a 69 year old father of two men whom I cherish beyond words. My eldest whom I’ll call by his first name only. Sean is his name. Sean struggled with addictions but the last six months I noticed the difference in him, that of Peace and Tranqulity. Sean suffered immensely from losing his two daughters as the result of his addictions. He lived with us for several months before his passing. Approximately a month prior to his leaving us I asked him if he believed in a higher power. His answer brought me instant hope. He gave me a look I have never noticed before and he said, “yes I do”. I knew immediately he had recovered. Then on December 9, 2011 I was on my early walk when my called and said I needed to come home now. I knew immediately what had happened. The next morning I knelt by his bedside and clutched onto my son’s Bible and my Book of Mormon and prayed with tears streaming down my face and I asked our Father in Heaven if Sean was happy and safe. Then three days after his departure as I stood in my living room and sense something pass through my body. It gave me chills up through my head, my hairs stood literally on end. I sensed that is was my son. On December 19, 2011 exactly ten days after he left I witnessed something miraculous. At 1:10 a.m., something woke me up. Two orbs the size of silver dollars appeared out of nowhere. The top one was bluish grey in color and the one about an inch lower was yellowish gold. Immediately after they became absolutely still a Light so Bright I couldn’t look into it as I looked away and at the ceiling. I noticed it started to dim and it was than I turned my head and looked into the light once again. As I did an outline started left to right and it was a perfect outline of my son’s face and I was stunned by pure happiness and instantly gave me Peace in my Heart. The orbs blipped out and the Brilliant Light trailed down towards my son’s urn and disappeared. I have shared my experience whenever I felt the need of anyone who would listen to my testimony.
I understand that when your love one dies either unexpected or straged, and those that are missing and What about the families find no closure. I truly understand God message of were are love ones go regardless. But why is it that some get the message and others do not. I am talking about the holy spirit talking to the women
my mom is currently in palliative as i write this. its definitely hard. i am middle aged now n losing a role model parent means i no longer am a kid but need to assume the role of an adult. it is not easier when some of us are more emotionally built rather than practical. my mom still worries about me n luckily since last yr i have finally committed to being a full on Christian. i know she is in pain n suffering… so i must be the adult now and step up to say farewell to her instead…n hold on not to her hand but her memories…but yet not live in the past but in the future…. anticipating meeting her again. the sad part is that we do not assume the same roles as we did in this world. i do sincerely miss her. its toughest to come home to see her absence.
I just loss my husband of 21 years of marriage 3 weeks ago and buried my Mom 2 years ago and lost my Son in the army 8 years ago I am trying once again for a new normal as when I lost my son I did not want to live I had my best friend my husband beside me and now he is gone he was only 50 years old and had a massive heart attack at are home in front of me. I try so had to be strong and tough but I sometimes question god how much more can I take ? I am looking so forward to seeing my family again
I am going through something similar and it’s seems so unbearable. How are you holding up? I lost my significant other of 3.5 years 3 weeks ago and most days I feel like it’s so unbearable that I just wanna go be with him…. we were closer than close and besties as well… birthdays are 3 days apart and were in love not just at the beginning but our honeymoon phase lasted the entire 3.5 years… everyday is so painful. I wanna learn how to help myself… you seem like a strong lady. This is my first time posting public about my loss but your story gave me strength to respond to your post. I hope u will respond back. Maybe we can help one another…
This is so very sad, I want to cry just reading this. I hope you feel stronger everyday, I can’t even imagine. Praying for you
These comments, for the most part, are very encouraging when dealing with the loss of a loved one who was a believer. What about dealing with the loss of a loved one who didn’t know Christ? I am a strong believer and my focus is not on the past or wrapped up in false guilt about “doing more” to share Christ when they were alive. I shared and they didn’t respond, I know each person needs to make that decision personally, but I have trouble finding any comfort about their deaths because I know, short of something miraculous that may have happened in this person’s heart just before their death, I will not see them in heaven. I would appreciate any specific verses someone could share in this regard. Thanks.
Dan, this is exactly how I feel about my son. He passed on 6/21/18 and he was Agnostic. I’m so afraid of how he is, where he is, if I’ll see him again. I think about it all the time. He had some pretty dark interests and that scares me so much. I raised him to believe in God and Jesus. But when they get s certain age, they just go their own way sometimes.
I have the same struggle and I believe it will haunt me till the day I die. Here are some verses I try to find hope in so I am not distracted from my Love for Jesus.
Roman’s chapter 10 is about salvation. So how clear is it? We certainly have clarity about what we are supposed to do to be saved. We get tripped up when we try to understand the heart of someone else.
Romans 10:9-11
“because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”
Two points here for salvation:
1) Everyone who believes,(with the heart one believes and is justified.)
2) If you confess with your mouth (one confesses)
My understanding of salvation is that it is a free gift from God. Believe it in your heart, confess it with your mouth and you are saved.
When we believe in our hearts, the holy spirit begins the work of exposing our sin and changing our hearts. This is a process after salvation.
Luke shows us that we can be saved in the last hour.
Luke 23:42-43
“And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”. And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”
We are asked to have faith in the unseen. This man saw evidence of Jesus in his lifetime, repents on the cross and Jesus promises to see him in paradise. That suggests that belief and genuine repentance is enough.
The bible further states the God wants to save all.
Matthew 18:12-14
“What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray. So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.”
Here we are told God want to save all. So the question then becomes, if we were meant to be saved, would the God allow us to die before we were saved.
2 Peter 3:9
“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”
These verses suggest to me that belief comes before repentance. So my question is, does that mean belief is enough for God to ensure you reach repentance before you die? (Even if it is your final hour that brings you to full repentance. The bible talks about the good fruit and bad fruit that we produce in the flesh. But how can fruit, good or bad be produced from a person who repents in that final hour. Can they have good fruit because they believed before they confessed. If so can we assume they knew the lord, believed in the Lord, confessed on their hearts without confessing with their mouths. Could they have confessed with their mouths through righteous behavior, but lacked understanding of the need to testify because they did not read their bible or go to church? I dont have these answers, but I find hope that the lack of testimony might not mean lack of belief.
Matthew 13:16-17
“But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.”
These verses are about why Jesus spoke in parables. These last verses suggest understanding only comes from God. It also indicates God determines what wisdom we are to understand. Understanding and wisdom are revealed by God. We are only judged on the sin that we were given wisdom to understand. If we did not have understanding of the sin we will not be held accountable to the sin.
So clearly the bible and our understanding of if comes from the spirit. The spirit sees the heart, we see the surface. My hope is in Gods promise. I lost my son. I did not raise him in a church. I did encourage him to seek the Lord through prayer and to believe in the Lord. His heart showed love, compassion, etc. I want to and need to believe that the Lord would not have allowed my son to die if he had not been saved. I study my bible and I am not clear on that answer. A preacher will not travel into grey area like that because they are called to show us how the Lord wants us to act. They are called to help teach, the spirit is called to reveal the teaching to us. I dont believe we are to be caught up in the salvation status of others and I do believe we need to focus on our own santification first.
Good luck with your journey for these answers. The truth is we wont have them until we go home. We are powerless at the salvation of others. We can tell them truth, live the example, but at best we can only have faith that the Lord is just and when that time comes we will have understanding.
I lost my mom 5 months ago I was very close to her she was the one who showed me to love Jesus with all my heart she was a big Worrier she was a great mother my mentor she was my encourager etc I wanted to die I was getting depress sadnesswas eating me alive I was constantly crying I asked the Lord to take me home so I prayed and ask Him to speak to me and to set me free so I got my answer and my healing the testimony of the couple you spoke about and the scripture you gave on Luke 9:62 God spoke to me I was crying and I felt my chain’s broken in Jesus name Im very happy my joy has been restored Praise God thank you very much God bless you
The first story about the couple that lost a girl reminded me of myself. When my son died I was unconscionable. I was in a terrible depressed state. I ended up having a nervous break down. I wanted to kill myself. I believed that I would never feel better because my son will still be gone. Anyway, after the nervous break down I didnt feel much better, every day I was depressed, but I found a religious meeting that helped me a lot. Then I found a good church, and slowly I was able to feel better. Then I got on the right anti-depressants, and I felt the best. For 40 years I asked God for a sign, and I can’t say he didnt give me any because he did, but I wanted to know if I was going to heaven. Well it is a long story but I will try to make it short. A friend on his death bed asked God to help him believe and he got up and walked.The hospital took a film of him, and people were asking for his autograph.Then he started getting messages from God and everything checked out. He told me things I didn’t know was in the bible, read my mind, I mean it was bazaar.Anyway he said God said I was going to heaven if I didn’t kill myself or do something really bad and not ask forgiveness. I have been walking in the twilight zone ever since, and I will believe it until the day I die and be grateful to God and Jesus.
What about mental illness and sucide, Can God understand: he knew not what he was doing at that time of death? Can God forgive a loved one who had brain tumors and brain injury, mental illness and depression, on the wrong pills for sleep all contributed to his untimely death. I am so worried about his soul and love him still. Please help me God I am not getting over this trauma.
Thanks so much
My brother in law committed suicide and I can tell you for a fact god does understand god does forgive , we know my brother in law is in heaven, we seen an amazing medium that confirmed it, I am so sorry for you loss I want you to know he is in heaven! He is with the lord waiting for you. Ask him to feel he is there , he will come to you.
I just lost my brother , my mother lost her son, he is only 37, we are trying very hard through god to understand and my brother has been a strong spirit , I call out and he answers. God Bless! (((Hugs)))
Thank you Sheri,
I am still suffering and cry daily for him and pray for his wisdom. I am without
a job and losing everything without him.
But I still love him as a 4th wife with 0 income on the verge of homelessness
Thank you,
Believe that Jesus died for you on the cross. Repent of your sins and live for Him. That’s how you will know you’re going to Heaven.
AMEN! John 17:3 John 17:3 New International Version (NIV)
3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
Romans 10:9 New English Translation (NET Bible)
9 because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
I lost my son on May 16, 2018. He was only 21 years old. I am devastated beyond repair and feel like I will never be able to move on. God has blessed me with such a loving and gentle soul and the best relationship a mother and son could have. Then in a flash he left this earth. I read the article and feel that could true for my beautiful son, he is my future. I long to see him again and do not understand why he left so early in his life. I have been told to “rest in God’s decision”. I struggle with that but hope to find a sign that he is in living surrounded by light and love. I feel him around me sometimes, it is peaceful, then I become overwhelmed again with saddness. I pray I can become stronger in faith and ensure that i am able to see him again someday.
I am so sorry. I lost my 55 year old husband on May 28th of this year. I needed to hear these words as well. Some days are still very hard but my hope is in Jesus. Prayers for you.
I lost my husband of 35 years on May 26, 2018. I feel so lost and lonely.
The second year that Iodt my wonderful husband and soul mate is coming up on Oct.13, 2018. I am having a very difficult time this year I think last year I was still in a zombie state so it wasn’t as bad. My faith I believe is what has gotten me through to this point. But I keep feeling so very lonely that I may not ever be with my Joe again and that would make me physically sick…For some reason today when I seemed to be at my lowest I came upon this article!!
Praise the Lord….,thank you. God is good He is with us..through it all.
I lost my husband June this year. I look forward to that reunion in Heaven with him one day. Yes, its still very hard without him here by my side, but knowing hes now healed and suffers no more is of great comfort!
I lost my husband for 49 years four months ago, I longed for him so much, This testimony really opened my heart and eyes and pray that everyone who lost their dearly beloved, who still carrying heartaches of their loss will find God’s comforts. Just remember we will survive until we be reunite with our beloved in Heaven when our time comes. As everyone says” life on earth is just temporary, we will be all home with God permanently.”
Hello KS,
I am so very sorry. I will be praying for you, I promise I lost my son July 3, 2016. He was only 27 years old. Hid birthday is Feb 23, a day after mine. I am working through my journey of grief. It is not easy but you will get stronger day by day, It may appear that you are stuck and can’t move forward but you can you will. Let do it for our boys. They will be so proud of us. Love you
I was looking for a prayer online through words of the Bible because I just found out a very closed friend of mine has been taken to hospice. I came across this article, coincidence? I don’t think so. This was meant for me to read today. Thank you Lord for helping me find it and giving me comfort. To read what I know and just have it confirmed was a blessing for me.
My brother in law was victim of a homicide thirteen months later my nephew became a victim I am trying to keep my faith I keep questioning god why why why? What is left what can someone say to my sister and her family that we haven’t already said I am so lost right I don’t understand
I lost my son in a drowning on June. 1. 2018 he was trying to rescue another teen in a flooded river. All day long the holy spirit impressed pain me that something was wrong, I had a heavy feeling that day that something bad was about to happen. I have back problems so I was on pain meds. I don’t understand why I didn’t seek the Lord’s presence on what was going on. I believe if he did my son maybe would not have died or I would have been instructed him not to go or would have had peace about it. He had just turned 18 on may 11 of this year. I can’t forgive myself for not seeking the Lord that day. Basically I didn’t listen to the holy spirit when he was speaking and my son died because I didn’t. It’s torment now.
Hi Michael,
That’s Satan the Accuser. Don’t listen to that voice in your head! We all live with guilt and regret. Allow Jesus to heal your heart to help you keep moving on. I felt the same pull as you did – I think that’s just our human instinct, that when we really love someone, our connection is so powerful that we can sense things. I knew my boyfriend died before hearing the news.
Ephesians – armor of God. Really visualize what each part means and that you’re wearing it to protect yourself from attacks. During my grief, I was under attack too. My pastor taught me this. I hope it helps!
My Son whose name was also Michael, died 10 yrs ago at age 22 in a motor cycle accident. My family plays the same type things over in their minds that they could have somehow prevented that tragedy, or they were somehow responsible for his fate. I on the other hand feel as thought the Lord sent me clear understanding that the Lord was always in charge and that Michael’s ultimate fate had nothing to do with any of us.
The first point I would like to make is that as heavy as that loss was on your heart that day, and as as surprised as you were by it, God was not surprised. Only the Lord determines our days here on earth so I had to learn to trust that the Lord had a greater plan for both my son, and for me and my suffering.
Here is what the Lord showed me to help me understand that he was fully in control and Michael’s death was not an accident. My sons death was determined within a split second of time. He was on a motorcycle when a car ran a red light in front of him. He has less than a second to respond. He T-boned the rear passenger door of a PT cruiser. Later I became aware there was a passenger in the front seat of that vehicle. The Lord highlighted for me how many different outcomes could have happened within that split second. My son could have missed that vehicle completely, he could have hit the passenger door in the front seat and that boy may have lost his life that day also. My son may have sustained injuries that were not life threatening. But none of those things happened. What did happen was that my son sustained injuries that cost him his life, and the passenger walked without a scratch. Just like the situation with your son, The Lord was in control and nothing would have changed his outcome on the tragic day.
My struggle like yours is more about my failure to keep my son safe, and the lack of understanding as to why God allowed my son to die that day. I know you understand the finality of the loss you just suffered. Sadly, a loss of that level is traumatic and it will take a long time to grieve it, accept it, and it will likely take the rest of your life to heal from it. You will never stop loving or missing your child and that is okay. You will however learn to live your life again slowly. There is no other pain like the loss of a child, but there is also no greater love than the love of Christ as he carrys you through this season.
The Lord continues to carry me and strengthen me as I continue to mourn my Son. I may not grieve as I did when I first lost him, but I do continue to grieve unexpectedly.
What I have gained as a true blessing is a faith in the Lord that continues to change my heart and complete me.
Their is no timeline on your grief so just go one day at a time. The Lord continues to reveal things to me to help me better understand his Love for me and I as m confident he will fo the same for you. Keep your eyes open and ask the Lord for clarity and understanding. The lord will not waste your suffering and he will work it together for your good. I dont expect to ever fully understand why God chose to bring my son home that fateful day, but I do trust that when I go home, my Son will be there, and God will reveal to me all he has done through that tragic loss. Until then, I will continue to trust the Lord to strengthen me when I am weak, comfort me when I am sad, and grow me closer to him through the rest of this journey.
I am so sorry for your loss. It takes a lot more energy then we often have strength to give to endure such loss. Do the best you can to channel your energy into the Lord and he will heal your heart and bring you peace.
I am helped by the revelation from the Holy Spirit to the hurting mother on the loss of her loved daughter.It’s exactly 1 year and 2 week since 34 year old son went to be with the Lord.Also 20 years ago I Iost my daughter at 21.. The pain has been overwhelming.I keep telling God that I can’t manage a lone.Without His help my life would just collapse.Many occasions excruciating pain wakes me up in the middle of the night.I plead with the Lord to hold my to help me stand and I get some peace enough to catch a sleep.I also ask God for a assistance that I may not blame Him.The loss of a loved one is a painful deep wound that Yehova God soothes and binds.He assures us that His is close the brokenhearted and heals the hurting spirit.May He give us the strength to wait up on Him.
I’m confused!! In the bible the book of Revelation says no one is in heaven or hell!! The bible says when God comes back that will be judgement day!! Everyone will go before him and be judged. It’s then that God will decide your fate!! Either you go to heaven or you go to hell!!
When a loved one dies people always say Heaven gained another angel!! While it makes you feel better, if that’s possible, it’s not true!! Keep up!!
People that are Believers in Christ Jesus ARE in fact IN Heaven. There is Scripture that Proves it many many times. If you do NOT believe that Believers are in Heaven right now, then you are calling Christ Jesus a Liar.
To be absent from the Body IS to be present with the Lord.
2 Corinthians 5:8
Also, there is NO such thing as “soul sleep” if that is what you are leaning towards.
My 43 yr old husband died 20 days ago in motorcycle wreck, he most likely had a heart attack while driving. . He died 10/30/18 which is 3 yrs to the day that he had a almost fatal heart attack in 2015. I am trying to look at the 3 yrs i got as a gift from god and not question his will, but i am in such physical and mental pain i cant. My husband was not perfect he had several issues such as drinking to much alcohol even after god gave him a second chance at life with me and the kids he continued to battle the demons of addiction even though he knew it was killing him … but i know for sure he was a firm believer in the Lord and his son Jesus Christ. I worry because he didn’t do any better with his demons during his second chance , he did pray about it…. is he in Heaven?? he had a heart of gold and loved everyone . The only comfort i get is from reading bible verses , i think he is there but i don’t dream of him or anything . I need to find peace with god for me and my kids .
If your husband accepted Christ as his Savior he is saved. Believers battle demons all the time. Battling demons is not a sin. Jesus battled Demons. The mere fact that he was “In battle” with demons means he was saved by Christ. If he wasn’t saved he wouldn’t have been “in battle” with the demons. He would have accepted the demons if he wasn’t saved.
Thank you Jim for your reply I too lost my daughter and she was in a similar situation and I worried and what you said makes sense…She was a christian but had demons attacking her everyday in her living situation. She passed away Oct 21, 2018 of a sudden heartache. I am still working my way through trying to understand why. She was trying to overcome alcohol. She loved the Lord. Your words have comforted me. Thank you Connie
Praying for you sweetheart. I just wanted to give you my testimony.
I lost my Mom going on 14 years next month in March on the 9th.
My Mother and I did not get along my whole life. Honestly, she wasn’t a very good Mother to me at all. She used to tell me that she wished I had either died at birth, or she wished she had had an abortion with me. I was the only daughter out of five of us girls that I felt like she absolutely hated. I had stopped speaking to my Mother for three years because she used me for over $6,600.00 and refused to pay me back that money, causing my sons and I to go without. I was taking my family to a town where we used to live where my Mother still lived, for my oldest son’s doctors appointment. As I was getting closer to my old home town, I heard a Man’s voice tell me to go see my Mother. I thought it had been my husband at the time saying something to me. He said he hadn’t said anything. I heard the same voice and the same message three times. The Third time I heard it, I knew it was the Lord. I went to see my Mother, and after spending three days with my Mom, the Lord told me she was going to die the next morning.
I tried to tell her three times, but it came out in a different language that neither she nor my husband could understand. God has told me that it was for me to know only, not my Mother or any one else in that household that night. He was preparing me for what was to come.
The very next morning, my Mother died as she walked into the hospital to pick up my dad, as he was slowly dying himself, and the hospital was sending him home. My mother had collapsed on the floor and 10 minutes later, she was in the Arms of Jesus.
Those three days that I had with my mother were a wonderful gift to me from God because those three days were the best three days of my entire life with my Mom.
I was given a glimpse of what was to come for her and I in Heaven as a relationship.
I Thank God for giving me those three days. It’s been almost 14 years, and it still feels like yesterday and I still dream about her, But I am SO thankful to Christ Jesus that I got those very special days that were meant for just her and I. <3
The pain is still there and it always will be until I too, am in Heaven, and I still miss her more then anything, but I am SO thankful I got to spend those last three days with my Mom. They were most definitely A Very Special Gift to me.
May the Lord continue to comfort you and may He give you peace, comfort and understanding that only He can give.
What an amazing testimony to the love of the Father. Thank you for sharing this.
Yes yet if someone dies and you know they were not saved then sorry they r not in heaven. That it why it is so important for Believers to spread the gospel and pray that others come to Christ too, get saved. Yet we r not to wallow and stay in disappointment if they never do in t end because either they’re Saved and go to Heaven or not saved and the wrath of God remains upon them and they will live in everlasting Hell like Bible says….Also there r real demons that torment and hinder here right now on Earth. Problems, addictions, quirky ways, strange habits,bad behaviour, Sins and iniquities are not demons and should not be called demons, yet these things including sicknesses CAN be promoted, incited, egged on, exacerbated, and even caused by demons [Possession, Oppression, Suppression, Depression] note tho that Christian Born again and filled w Holy Spirit cannot b Possessed but can go thru last 3 til JESUS sets them free casting them out{breaking their attachment}
Amy, your husband believed, yes I truly believe he is in heaven with his Savior… John 3:16. And you will be reunited with him upon Jesus’ return.
Believers are forever His, God says so and it is true.
God never says anywhere in His Word that any of us will never struggle with sin when we believe in Him. Quite the opposite, as the devil wants us to doubt our salvation when we sin, which could lead us to stop trusting in Our Father God and the grace through His Only Son Jesus.
It is NOT by any works (trying to be good enough) that we have salvation, it is through grace alone by our faith which is given to us by God himself. It is through our faith that causes us to desire to please God, but on this earth there is no such thing as being without sin. I must add that God’s grace is not a “free ride” to sin purposely, as sin is what separates us from God. Jesus paid the price for our sins. As believers we should acknowledge our known sins and ask forgiveness, He is faithful & just and does forgive!
Blessings and may His peace and truth rest in your heart.
Dear Bridgette, I am so sorry for your loss. I also am beside myself with grief. I have to pray myself out of bed. My 21 year old son died instantly in a car accident on Jan 31st, 2019. I have cried everyday since. I know my son is in heaven. I saw something I didn’t understand but I know my son is in heaven. My phone is silent. I am in despair. But i know that God is a good God. I hope that you feel his comfort. Cynthia
My son Travis just became a father. He was shot and murdered being robbed and left his 2 week old son and wife behind. this was in 2012. Noah, his son, is now almost 7 and has never really known his father, but he says he “recognises” him. Like he has seen him before. I know there are not answers that we in our human sense can understand why God took them home, But, I see miracles in my grandson every day by the light of His love.
Three years ago, my mother passed away and the pain is still very much alive, but I started to accept and not be so angry at God for it. Then, this Easter we get word that my uncle who i’ve always been close with passed away. This is my grandmothers last child to pass away. We have been in a whirlwind and have been questioning/angry at God as to why he takes our loved ones. This weekend we will be having my uncles service and i’m so glad i found this article. Thank you for helping shed some light into losing our loved ones.
I lost my son over two years ago. He was 31. I have cried every day since his death.q the stress is causing me health problems. I understand what this article says. But it is so hard. I don’t want to cry it just happens. What can I do?
And the worst guilt is when we were waiting to find out if my sons were ok..I never once prayed to god. I just thought because I always believed that this kind of thing could never happen to me…that they would be ok. I never pray and asked
god to save my sons.
Hey everyone I have been reading this post because I have been going through suffering and confusion and thoughts concerning the life/soul of a sibling that I lost a month ago in a car accident… I and everyone I know in my family can truly say that he was a good kid had a great smile had a good personality and a great heart. And I don’t say that just to make me feel good about myself but I truly know the heart that he had . I am a worshiper in church and I am in church every week and I do it because I love the Lord and I know that he has called me and save me through his grace and love. I love what i do for God. My sibling was only 18 years old. Thankfully he was not into drugs and did not have an evil heart, he always had a great heart. I know he didn’t go to church I am pretty sure though that he had a understanding of who Jesus was. I travel a lot, on ministry/worship trips
And I had told him that on the next trip I want him to come with me and my goal and purpose through that was that he could know Jesus better and in a more intimate relationship with Jesus. He said” lets do it” he never rejected the thought/plan. But unfortunately and very painfully that did not come to pass because he passed away in this car accident. I really refuse to believe that God would leave me here suffering and wondering if my brother is in his presence and that we will meet again knowing what I had planned for my sibling in the future to know Jesus . I know that the God I serve and love is a God of love mercy and grace, and have believed that the same mercy and grace and love that i have over me, extended(as if i were a portal) over the life and spirit of my brother.
I would appreciate any feedback and spirit guided words about this because i have been battling with this a lot., i just miss him and love him so much, i just want that guarantee of seeing him again when its my time!
To Whom it may concern, I am so grateful for the powerful words of the testimony from two powerful messages from God. Thank you for helping me to see my daughter death from a different angle. God message is so powerful I’m so full of a emotions right now knowing some day soon to cross over with my daughter. His words help me to see that the path I must travel just got easier. As I write this testimony it is with a deep profound love for God. I will move forward with my life with grace because I have a future to face. Reuniting with my daughter again. Thank you for this message from god. Sincerely Crystal Robbins mother. Crystal born August 28, 1963 pasted March 28, 2019.
As always, God through the Holy Spirit is able to comfort the broken heart. I thank God for speaking to me through this ministry. I am one who needed a word from heaven, and not from my continuous grieving, hurting and loneliness. i lost my wife of 46 years in 12/5/2019. This word from God makes so much sense. being a pastor for 26 years, and my wife being an evangelist, i could not imagine being without her. I thanked God for letting us serve Him for the past 46 years. I always thanked God for letting us share each other’s lives for the better part of both our lives. To be loved is a wonderful thing. to loose that love is unacceptable. i always knew our marriage vows meant we would be one for eternity. i just didn’t know how. i now can let go of her past death and rejoice that we will be together again in the new Jerusalem.
I would like to find the scripture in the bible where it say that, I now can let go of her past death and rejoice that we will be together again in the new Jerusalem. I lost my wife of 58 years on 08/11/2019, I would love to read and study this bible chapter.
Yes our God never leaves us to suffer after our love ones go home, my husband went home July 18, 2019, after 44 years of marriage i was 16 and he was 20 when we married in 1975 , all i knew was the two of us together, now i am an widow, As i read about God’s promises, it makes it easier, it still hurts me sometimes, because of the separation now, but makes me happy that i will see him again when i go home to heaven. May our God comfort you through the days to come. Peace be with you.
beautifully said!!
i lost my husband of 40 years just 1 month ago and i cry daily, but this article is so true – we have to stop living in the past and do God’s will that we too can live in the future which is heaven with our loved ones. thanks for sharing
Can our loved ones’ spirit come and visit us after they leave us? Or can we ask God to reval their spirits to us since they are fully alive in heaven. I say this because of reading 1 Samuel 28, about King Saul’s experience with Samuel’s which l believe God allowed through His power only.
What would be your encouragement for a situation when a believer lost a close relative and that relative didn’t confess or demonstrate any faith in Jesus before death? Thank you.
Not looking good…the Bible tells us that Christ is our salvation and no-one can go to God except through the son. Ultimately it is up to God. Pray for him
I think you may have enhanced the meaning of past and future. Yes the child may have a future but this is through Christ upon His return. He will come back to judge the living and the dead. We do not go to Heaven, we turn to dust and are resurrected through the grace of God by His son. It states this unambiguously in the Bible so why mislead people? That day of resurrection which I believe is coming soon, will be glorious beyond all measure and only then will we be reunited with our loved ones. Heaven will be on earth….please read your Bible carefully
Losing a child is a very unique life experience in one of which a parent does not come back from until they do and for the house of the Lord I cannot take solace from this experience because my experience with The Holy Spirit was quite different mine was one of redemption meaning all of those things that bothered me or people that bothered me in the past and the present was gone after the death of my son and the Holy Spirit entered my body and provided me with grace that was over several years ago and it still continues and will continue and I learn new things every day better very very important for me to follow my faith and do the word
Janet Vanderhorst
God knows what’s best for our loved ones. i had to know and trust God that his will is done. My husbands journey was complete on 2/28/2020. i miss my husband dearly. when i read this article a peace of reassurance came over me.I know the Lord lead me to it this article. i was really having a hard time. I still get teary eye from missing him but God is my comfort through all of this. i was looking at it from another angle. something that was taught but not fully realizing the deepness of ones faith that God wont leave us nor forsake us and his holy word is true. Until your faced with it. The faith you spoke of is now going to be taken up a notch. Your true walk with our Father. His will be done. I know God is going to sustain me for His purpose, for his glory. I ask the Lord daily, for his purpose he has for me to be done on earth. For just a short time when the Lord has ended my assignment , i too will see God face to face and then be reunited with my husband of 37 years. I have his memories and love in my heart to hold on to.There is a place i long to be, in my savior’s embrace…… We will all be free of life’s cares. It gives me peace. i shared this story with another friend of mine whose husband left this side on 4/3/2020. I prayed that it gives her understanding and peace too. Oh what a time it will be! God be the glory.
beautifully said – i too lost my husband and after reading this, i too will look at my husband’s passing differently – yes, we will cry, but we have to be happy for them and not keep living in the past. thank you
I have been mourning my husband for 16 years and then my granddaughter passed away 10 days ago at 20 years old. I have been depressed and blaming myself for not doing more for them. I feel sad that my Granddaughter won’t get to finish college or have a boyfriend and get married. I’m sad because she didn’t have an easy life. My husband was 58 years old and he died from cancer. After reading your story I feel better and will share with my son who is the a Dad. Thank you
We lost the father of our son November 27, 2020 and I must say that I never imagined pain to be this bad nor feel it physically im having such a hard time but this article has given me alot of hope and I will be putting this in mind for sure thank you
I am so very grateful for The Holy Spirit leading me to this article. This was me. Struggling to try and understand why God called one of our sons home to heaven early, leaving our son’s young children without their father.
The Holy Spirit told me I would never understand on this side of heaven. But He did answer my question on how God will restore was has been lost.
Grateful for that. I now have to do what God has been asking me to do all along to live a full life – trust Him. Trust His word and not my emotions.
Thank you for this article.