This next particular prayer secret is where you will attempt to pull out all of the stops with the Lord in order to try and get Him to release a major miracle on the situation that you are praying for. This will be, without question, the most powerful form of prayer that you can use with the Lord in an attempt to try and get Him to answer your specific prayer request.

Mighty Prevailing Prayer

This prayer secret is where you will combine all of the other major prayer secrets discussed earlier in the Prayer Section of our site. If there is one powerful verse that will give us revelation that we can take this kind of an extreme approach with the Lord in our personal prayer lives with Him at certain times, it has the be the following verse:

“And there is no one who calls on Your name, who stirs himself up to take hold of You.” (Isaiah 64:7)

There is a major key phrase in this verse, and that key phrase is where are those who will attempt to “take hold of You.”

My personal interpretation on this phrase is that where all those who will attempt to “tear into God” on their personal prayer efforts to Him. And when I say tear into God, I mean literally tear into Him. Not in a way that you are trying to control and manipulate Him for your own gain or profit, but in a way that you are showing Him maximum desire and maximum intensity for what you are specifically praying to Him for.

Sometimes God will purposely test your resolve, your determination, and your desire for what you are specifically asking Him for. And if He sees that you are showing Him enough desire and intensity in your prayer efforts to Him, then that may just be the thing that will get Him to want to move to dramatically answer your prayer.

This is the kind of prayer you will want to use when you are facing a heavier type of situation, such as when a close loved one may be dying of an incurable disease, or your child has just been abducted by a sexual predator, or you need God’s help to save you from some type of impending crisis or doom.

This is not the type of prayer you will want to try and use on much smaller and trivial matters, as this type of prayer is going to wear you out due to the intensity of it, along with the possible length of it, as you may have to stay with it for quite sometime before the breakthrough finally comes from the Lord.

If by chance you have come across this article before reading the other prayer secret articles, it would be our recommendation that you first take your time and read the other prayer secret articles so you can see exactly how to properly combine all of them in this particular prayer secret. In order to be able to properly combine all of these prayer secrets, you will need to fully understand what each one of these other prayer secrets are all about.

After you read all of them together, one after the other, then you will be able to see how to combine all of them together in an attempt to pull down a major miracle from the Lord when you will really need one.

So you can see how this particular prayer secret will work, I will give you an example of where you can use this type of heavier prayer secret, and then use this example all the way through this article as I discuss each one of the prayer secrets one right after the other.

The example I will use will be that you are a married couple and you have a 6 year old daughter who has just been diagnosed with cancer. The doctors have now just come back and they have told you that there is nothing else they can do for your child. The cancer has now become officially incurable and no additional treatments are going to stop it. The only thing that will now save your child is a direct miracle from the Lord Himself.

I will now go ahead and go through each one of the prayer secrets in the exact order that we have them listed in the site, and then show you how to combine all of them together in this kind of maximum, intense, prayer effort with the Lord.

1. Your Personal Relationship With the Lord

Without question, the very first major prayer secret that is going to give you a much better chance on being able to get God to answer this type of heavier prayer request will be on what kind of personal relationship you have already established with Him.

As we have said in our Prayer Secret #1 article, the Bible tells us in John 15:7 that if we abide in Jesus and if His words abide in us, then we can approach God with our prayer requests and He will then grant them, as long as these requests are in His perfect will for our lives.

Abiding in Jesus means that we have established a close, intimate, personal relationship with Him. If you have been walking close with the Lord for quite a number of years, then you will be ready to go into this type of heavier prayer mode with Him when you are faced with a dire situation like the example being used above.

However, if you have never developed this kind of close, intimate, personal relationship with the Lord, or if you had it at one time, but you have backslid and fallen away from Him over the years – there is still hope for you! Do not let this stop or deter you. This is not a lost cause! Sometimes God will actually use a severe trial of this magnitude as a way to try and reach you and draw you back close to Himself.

If by chance you find yourself in this backslidden state with the Lord, do not let this stop you or deter you from going into this kind of heavier prayer mode with Him, as the life of your daughter may depend on your direct personal prayers to Him.

Whatever your personal reasons may have been for never drawing close to the Lord before this kind of dire event occurs in your life – the act of going into this type of prevailing prayer mode with the Lord may end up drawing you closer to God than you have ever been before – and you may thus end up with two big miracles when it is all said and done – a full healing for your daughter – and a close, intimate, personal relationship established for yourself with the Lord as a result of your own personal, intense, prayer efforts to try and reach Him for your daughter’s life.

Remember the story of the prodigal son. The father took him back after he had earlier left the family. God the Father will take you back in the exact same way if you will just humble yourself before Him and ask Him to take you back.

No matter what you have been through, and no matter how many bad sins you may have committed against the Lord, He will fully forgive you and fully restore His personal relationship with you if you are truly sorry for your actions. And once God takes you back into His loving embrace, then you will be ready to try and pray for your daughter’s full healing with Him.

2. The Will of God

Before you go into this kind of heavier, prevailing, prayer mode with God the Father, there is one more thing I would highly recommend that you do – and that is to try and pick it up beforehand if it will be in God’s perfect will that He fully heal your daughter.

Due to the length and intensity of this kind of heavier prayer mode with the Lord, you will want as much in your favor as you can possibly get before you expend this amount of time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears for your daughter’s life.

Once again, here is the main verse that will show us that our prayers still always have to be lined up with the will of God for our lives:

“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” (1 John 5:14)

Again, study our Prayer Secret #2 article on this issue. I personally had a case with one of my ex-girlfriend’s where God conveyed to me ahead of time that it was not going to be His will to heal my girlfriend.

Per our article titled, “Healing Verses of the Bible,” I still believe that God’s will is sovereign when it comes to the area of divine healing. There is still a big ongoing debate in the Body of Christ right now as to whether or not divine healing is an “automatic” and is included in the atonement, or if it is a sovereign act done by God as He wills, not as we will.

For the record, I am with the camp that believes that divine healing is still a sovereign act by God. In other words, God will decide who He will want to heal and who He will not want to heal. The gift of healing is listed as one of the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the Bible specifically says that each one of these gifts are manifestations as God wills, not as we will. In other words, we can pray and try to stir up these gifts with the Lord, but God will be the One who will decide when these gifts are actually manifested into any given situation.

If God comes back to us and lets us know that it will not be in His perfect will to heal on a certain case, then we will have to let it go, assume that He has His good specific reasons for not wanting to heal, and if need be, let that person go home to be with Him in heaven if you are dealing with a terminal situation like the example described above. Sometimes it will just be that person’s time to depart from this life and go home to be with the Lord for all of eternity, even at a very young age like the example being used above.

So the first thing I would do before entering into this kind of heavier prayer mode with God is to first ask both Him and the Holy Spirit if it is in His perfect will that this prayer assignment be taken up. For those of you who have a good inside connection with the Holy Spirit, simply tap in and ask the Holy Spirit if you have His green light to be taking on this kind of heavier prayer assignment.

He will know ahead of time if this prayer request will be in the will of God for your life. If the Holy Spirit gives you a solid green light to approach God with this prayer request, then charge ahead with both barrels blazing.

If however, you do not have this kind of good inner connection established with the Holy Spirit, then go direct to God the Father and ask Him if this prayer assignment can be taken up directly with Him. God will already know ahead of time whether or not He will want to move to heal on this case before you even ask Him. And once you ask Him, then He will let you know if He will want you to tear into Him with this kind of intense prayer effort.

If God already has His reasons for not wanting to heal, then He may actually tell you what they are. But if He does not, then you will have to fully trust Him that His reasons are good enough and then let the matter go, even if it means the death of a close loved one.

If however, you get a strong inner knowing, a strong inner unction to approach God’s throne of grace for your child’s life, then boldly and courageously storm His throne and take a hold of Him like you have never done before in order to save your child’s life and to give her a second change to make it in this life.

God will be waiting for you – and He will hear every word and see every tear you will be shedding for your daughter’s life as you go into this mighty, prevailing, prayer mode with Him.

3. God Will Hear the Prayers of the Righteous

Per our Prayer Secret #3 article, the Bible tells us that God will “hear” the prayers of the righteous, but that He is “far” from those who are sinning directly against Him. If you have been walking close with the Lord without any major sin in your life, then again, you will have a much better chance of getting this kind of heavier prayer answered with Him.

But once again, if by chance you have been sinning willfully against the Lord over the years and still have not pulled out of it by the time this type of crisis hits you – there is still a second chance for you. God will still work with you if you will be willing to come before Him, confess the sin or sins you have been doing, and then repent from those sins. If you can do this before the Lord, you will then receive His full forgiveness for these sins and your personal relationship can then be fully restored back with Him.

If you have been out committing adultery behind your spouse’s back, be willing to give this sin up and confess it before God so that you can then be made right and clean before Him. Be willing to give up this sin and lifestyle in order to help increase your chances of being able to get your daughter healed through the Lord. Your daughter’s life may depend on your willingness to pull out of this sin or any other major sins you are may be living in.

The Scripture verses listed in our Prayer Secret #3 article are all very straight forward and direct-to-the-point. God is not mincing any words or beating around the bush with the way He has worded these particular verses.

4. Stating Your Case Before God

This next prayer secret will now start to get into the real heart of entering into mighty prevailing prayer with the Lord. Again, we ask that you read this Prayer Secret #4 in its complete entirety so you can see the importance and the power that is on this particular prayer secret.

This particular prayer secret alone could completely turn the tide for you and get God to want to move mightily on your behalf.

What I would suggest on this kind of a case is to sit down and write out the best and most heartfelt prayer request you can, giving God all of your personal and specific reasons as to why He should consider healing your daughter and give her a second chance to live in this life.

I would literally write all of this out, and then read it back to God numerous times so you make sure you cover all of your bases and do not forget anything – much like an attorney will do at the end of a trial trying to convince the judge and jury of the innocence of his client.

5. Ask, Seek, and Knock

In our Prayer Secret #5 article, we give you the Scripture verse where this particular prayer principle is coming into play.

Bottom line – you keep on asking, you keep on seeking, and you keep on knocking with the Lord until either your daughter receives her full healing, or God comes back and tells you that you no longer have to keep on praying, as He has heard your prayer loud and clear, and you are to now sit and wait for His final answer on the issue.

Until you receive that kind of inner release from the Holy Spirit that you no longer have to keep on praying on this issue, I would just keep at it until either your daughter has been fully healed, or she finally leaves to be with the Lord for all of eternity.

6. The Prayer of Agreement

This is another prayer secret that you will definitely want to incorporate on this kind of an extreme emergency. In our Prayer Secret #6 article, we give you the Scripture verse that will tell you that where there are 2 or 3 are gathered in Jesus’ name, that He will then be in their midst. And if Jesus will be in their midst, then there is a very good chance He that will want to answer their prayer, as long as their prayer is in the perfect will of God for their lives.

Except in this kind of extreme life-or-death situation, you will want to attempt to get way more than 2 or 3 people to pray with you for your daughter’s healing. What I would highly recommend is that if you belong to a good church, meet with the pastor, tell him what you are dealing with, and then ask him to make a formal announcement to the rest of the church.

Ask him to have everyone in the church literally pray for your daughter’s healing. You will want as many people as possible storming the gates of heaven for your daughter’s healing.

Sometimes this kind of united prayer front with other believers will really move God to want to answer your prayer. Again, you want to pull out all of the stops and use everything that you possibly can to try and pull down this major miracle from God the Father. This kind of extra intense prayer effort will show God that you mean serious business with Him, and that you are leaving no stone unturned in your efforts to try and move Him to answer your life or death prayer on your daughter’s behalf.

7. The Power of Intercessory Prayer

As we discussed in our Prayer Secret #7 article, people who are willing to go into the gap and pray for someone else’s need is something that is very special and very powerful with God the Father. In this case, you will be the one going into the gap for your daughter before the Lord.

However, in this kind of an extreme case, I would go one more extra step with this particular prayer secret. As I have stated in this article, there are certain people who are very gifted and very anointed by God to be intercessory prayer warriors.

These people have very close relationships with the Lord, and they have been given the gift of intercessory prayer with Him as a result of this close personal relationship. What this means is that these kinds of people will have very high success rates in their personal prayers to the Lord.

If you know of any of these special kinds of prayer warriors, either in your immediate circle of friends or in the church you now attend, I would highly recommend that you approach each one of them individually, tell them what you are dealing with, and then ask each one of them to pray for your daughter’s healing.

If God wants this prayer assignment to be taken up with Him, all of these special, intercessory, prayer warriors will receive a strong inner witness from the Holy Spirit that they are to take up this prayer assignment, and they will then put your daughter at the top of their prayer list with no questions asked.

Again, you want to pull out all of the possible stops for your daughter’s life, and recruiting these kinds of mighty, intercessory, prayer warriors on your behalf will be another thing that will go a very long way with the Lord.

8. Praying for Something More Than One Time

Once you enter into this kind of an extreme prayer mode with the Lord, one time at the altar is not going to cut it. You will have to stay with this kind of an intense prayer effort until either your daughter is fully healed, God tells you that you are now done with the prayer, or your daughter does not make it and He brings her home early.

With this particular prayer secret, what you will have to do is keep on praying numerous and multiple times until something breaks one way or the other.

Again, read our Prayer Secret #8 article in its complete entirety, as I give you a very good example in this article on how praying to God more than one time is sometimes what will move Him to want to answer your Prayer.

By praying for something more than one time, you are again showing God maximum determination and maximum persistence, and sometimes that kind of extreme determination and persistence is what will eventually get Him to want to heal your daughter.

9. Do Not Lose Heart

This next prayer secret will be an extension off Prayer Secret #8. Once you start this kind of intense prayer effort rolling with the Lord, do not ever give up or lose heart. Sometimes God will bring about the miracle in the bottom of the 9th inning, with literally 2 outs left and one strike left to throw.

How many times have you seen this in sporting events, where one team is about ready to go down in defeat, the fans have left the stadium, and everyone has just about given up. And then all of a sudden it happens – in the bottom of the 9th inning or the last quarter, the team rallies and wins the game on the last pitch or the last shot.

At times, God the Father will have a flair for the dramatic, and He will purposely wait until the last minute before He releases the miracle. This is exactly what He did with Moses and the Israelites when they were sitting in front of the Red Sea.

The pharoah’s army was coming back down after them and God then parts the Red Sea just in the nick of time to get them safely across before this army would have swooped down on them.

I think the reason why God sometimes waits until the last minute before He grants the miracle is so that He can test your faith, resolve, and patience with Him. This is why you can never lose heart or ever give up once you start this kind of heavier prayer – as you never know when or how God will move to answer your prayer. You have to play this kind of extreme situation out until the very last pitch has been thrown and the game is over, which would be when your daughter finally leaves to be with the Lord for all of eternity.

But until that event actually happens, stay with this kind of extreme prayer effort with the Lord and do not ever give up, pull back, or lose heart – as your resolve, patience, and determination may end up being what will get your daughter fully healed with the Lord – much in the same way that athletes will sometimes win a game in the waning moments of it.

10. The Intercessory Ministries of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

Last, but certainly not least, is where you will also ask both Jesus and the Holy Spirit to pray for you and with you on this specific prayer request, as the Bible tells us that both Jesus and the Holy Spirit can intercede and pray for us before God the Father.

In our Prayer Secret #10 article, we give you several good verses that will show you that both Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit have actual intercessory prayer ministries for all of us, and that They both can pray direct to God the Father for anything that we may need His help on in this life.

So do not be afraid to ask both Jesus and the Holy Spirit to join forces with you in your personal prayers to God the Father for your child’s life. Again, asking both of Them to pray for you and with you may be the thing that will turn the tide and get God to want to answer your prayer.


The reason I call this last prayer secret mighty prevailing prayer is because you are praying direct to God in a very mighty and powerful way when you combine all of these prayer secrets together, and then combine it with the intentions that you will stay with it for as long as it will take to get an answer one way or the other from Him.

All of these prayer secrets are extremely powerful when used by themselves – but when you combine all of them together in order to tackle a heavier type of problem as the one described above with the 6 year old girl having incurable cancer, you are literally pulling out all of the stops with the Lord.

By going into this type of heavier prevailing prayer with the Lord, you are showing Him by both your actions and your words that you mean serious business with Him – and that you are now taking Him at His Word with all of the verses that He has in the Bible on how to properly pray to Him.

You are putting both your faith and your knowledge into major action with the Lord when you combine all of these prayer secrets together, since every single one of these prayer secrets are based upon His Word.

Bottom line – no matter how far you have backslid from God over the years, and no matter how many sins you may have committed against Him over those years, God can still take you back, clean you up, and move to answer a very heavy prayer request, whether that prayer request be for yourself or for someone else you may know.

As we have stated in our article, “Trials and Tribulations – The Testing of Your Faith” – sometimes God will allow extreme adversity to come your way in order to try and bring you back to Himself if you have been in a backslidden state over a number of years – or if you have been walking close to Him over the years, it could be used to test and strengthen your already existing faith levels in Him.

In either event, our God is a mighty, powerful, and loving God with nothing but your best interests at heart. If any of you are ever faced with a really heavy, extreme, life-or-death type situation like the one described above, do not be afraid to go into this kind of heavier, prevailing, prayer mode with the Lord. This kind of extreme intensity, passion, and determination could be the thing that will turn the tide and get God to want to move to answer your prayer.

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  1. I get the feeling God would respond only to intercessory prayer for healing. doesnt he answer someone if he is in sickness and prays for himself?Most of the prayer secrets and testimonies here give examples of God answering when someone prays for others health. How about one praying for himself?Are there any other special ways to pray or special things to do for God to answer such prayers?

  2. Thank you for this I will move to bring my self closer to God, I am one that has been lost, but need the lords hand more then ever and a miracle to help my grandson be reunited with his mummy, and out of the hands of a monster.

    Blessed be & amen to all.

  3. You comment on the above #8. Before I listed it here, I struggle with prayer and the answer to prayers that I don’t feel those are so.

    “Once you enter into this kind of an extreme prayer mode with the Lord, one time at the altar is not going to cut it. You will have to stay with this kind of an intense prayer effort until either your daughter is fully healed, God tells you that you are now done with the prayer, or your daughter does not make it and He brings her home early.”

    My daughter is 32 and has a terminal breast cancer, it was so very odd that you posted that and believe you had the intent of using that as example to others. Is this something from God to me or others in my case answering a questions.

  4. I am moved by all the articles you write, Mr. Bradley. They truly help me to better understand the Lord. I am very grateful. Thank you.

  5. Mike, Thank you for this site. It has become my daily morning spiritual reading. I am learning so much about prayers and praying and gaining insight and understanding to my prayer situations. God bless you and your ministry.

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