I just had another real good story called in once more showing the unbelievable power of Pleading the Blood of Jesus against something specific.
A woman I used to work with called this in. When she first told me about it, I had no intentions on passing this story around due to the very personal nature of what had occurred in it. However, after she told me what just happened, she literally asked that I pass this on to the rest of you.
She said if this story could help others who may be having the same type of problem she was, that she would be all for releasing this story, as it once more dramatically shows the power of intercessory prayer, especially when combined with Pleading of the Blood of Jesus against something specific that you want taken out.
Here is her story and how fast God answered her prayer.

The Testimony
About 6 months ago she told me her marriage was in trouble and that she was thinking about at least separating from her husband. I had met her husband several times and he is a really nice guy and they seemed to be very compatible. The news of her marriage being in trouble really shocked me.
She then proceeded to tell me that the source of their marital problems was that her husband had been abusing alcohol for the last 8 years and things were going from bad to worse. It was really starting to affect his health. He was starting to prematurely age and his entire family was really starting to worry about him. They were all afraid he was literally going to die.
He apparently had been suffering from unexplainable, panic-anxiety attacks and started drinking to try to alleviate these panic attacks. The alcohol obviously did not work and just made things worse. This woman had been trying to get him to go to counseling but he would not do it. She said her husband is a very proud man and does not like to admit defeat or weakness in anything. He is also a real outdoorsman and literally cannot stand to be cooped up inside for too long of a period of time.
I think he was afraid to go to counseling for fears that the doctor would want to have him admitted for the alcoholism. One of his doctors had him on some medication to try and alleviate the panic attacks but the medication was not working. With the medication not working to alleviate the panic attacks, with him being too proud to admit defeat to go to any type of counseling, and the abuse of the alcohol continuing on an everyday basis, my friend was at her wits end and did not know what else she could do to stop all of this.
When she first told me about this 6 months ago, I told her if all else fails on trying to get him to counseling – to try “standing in the gap” for him with God, Plead the Blood of Jesus against the alcoholism and any demons who might be behind the scenes influencing him to continue to drink, and then to ask God to move into the situation to break this addiction off him and to get him cleaned up so she would not lose her marriage over it.
I told her that since her husband had no real working knowledge about spiritual warfare and how to use it in a real life combat situation – that God would honor her standing in the gap for him and that she could go on the “offensive” by Pleading the Blood of Jesus directly against the alcoholism. I told her to do it in secret, that she did not have to tell him that she was going to pray for him.
Six months had gone by and with there being no improvement on this situation, she decided to try and Plead the Blood of Jesus directly against his abuse of alcohol to see if God would move in with His deliverance power to get him to clean up his act and set him free from this horrible addiction. Here is what happened after she went into the gap for her husband.
They were set to go out of town on a vacation on a Monday afternoon. My friend decides to pray and Plead the Blood against the alcoholism the night before on a Sunday night. She went ahead and Pleaded the Blood and asked God to move into the situation to set her husband completely free from the alcohol.
The next morning on that Monday, they were sitting at the breakfast table. They were due to leave for their vacation that afternoon. Then all of a sudden her husband looks at her and asks her if she really wanted to go out of town on this vacation. He then proceeds to tell her that he has better things to do than to go on this vacation.
My friend then tells him that this vacation will probably do him good and that he needs a break from all of the work that he does. She then asked him what else does he have better to do than to go on this needed vacation.
He then looks straight at her and says that he knows that he has a real problem with his drinking and that he now wants to do something about it before he loses his marriage with her. He then proceeds to tell her that he would be willing to have himself checked in and have the doctors and counselors work with him!
My friend said she just about fell out of her chair. She had been pleading with this man over the last 8 years to get professional help and he would not do it. She then goes on the offensive, Pleads the Blood of Jesus one time, and then asks God to move in on the situation. Twelve hours later, her husband all of a sudden has a complete change of heart about the entire matter, decides he really does have a drinking problem and that he does need professional help.
Mind you, her husband is a very proud man, does not like to admit defeat or weakness in anything, and cannot stand the thought of being locked up for any length of time. By having himself admitted to an alcohol rehab center, he knows he is going to be locked up for at least 4-6 days. All of this goes against his normal behavior patterns.
That is the typical length of stay at a rehabilitation center, while some centers even offer longer treatment periods.
Within 12 hours after his wife Pleads the Blood of Jesus against his alcoholism – this man all of a sudden has a complete change of mind on his drinking problem and is completely willing to have himself checked in, when over the last 8 years he had refused to accept any type of help. Coincidence? I don’t think so. This complete turnabout within 12 hours shows how fast God can move on certain situations.
My friend then proceeds to have him admitted to an alcohol treatment center. He was in there for 6 days and had no physical withdrawal from coming completely off the alcohol. After he gets out, he tells his wife that he does not want to lose her over his drinking problem and that he will try and defeat it. He said he saw quite a few people in the treatment center that had completely lost everything as a result of their drinking – their families, their marriages, their jobs and all of their friends.
He felt like God was showing him that this was the road that he was traveling on and that if he did not clean up his act, that he too would lose everything like some of these people had done.
He has had no drinks since he has come home from this 6-day stay. However, he did tell his wife that the desire for the alcohol was still there and that he was still tempted to want to drink. I told her the next step is to Plead the Blood of Jesus directly against the desire to drink. God has to take out the desire for the alcohol. If He does not, then her husband will continue to battle his temptations to drink and could easily slip back into it.
When God completely delivers someone from alcohol or drug abuse, He usually takes out the desire for the drugs or alcohol. Testimony after testimony from people who have been set free from drugs or alcohol all say the same thing – that when God delivers them from their addictions, He totally takes out their desire for the alcohol or drugs. If He didn’t, the temptation would be too great and too strong and many of these people would fall back into their addictions.
Hopefully, this powerful move by God will stick and he will not go back to his drinking. I feel if my friend Pleads the Blood directly against the desire for the alcohol, then God will finish what He started and will have completely set this man free from his abuse of alcohol that had been going on for the last 8 years.
Again, another powerful and dramatic testimony once more showing how powerful Pleading the Blood of Jesus can be if you are willing to go on the offensive with it like this woman did.
Have been looking at your site and like what I see. I have a friend(girl) who has a problem with alcohol and I use to help her with money to buy booze. I contributed to her addiction and I suspect that she is on pain pills also. She has jealouseys to the extreme. Her mouth is can be very abusive and physically also. I also suspect multiple personalities in that she changes very violently. It is a shame for I want her to come out and be set free; at first, it was fun but now it worst. What is this?; partnering with evil, now is evil coming and going after having partnered with the evil?
Thank you very much God Bless you all, this was refreshing.
Larry, have a similar friend who has bought alc for me since I was 15, and now 20 years later I’ve been the one buying alc for him because he is disabled and completely without any hope in life but only likes to party. I’ve been really fighting the whole alc addiction thing the last 18 months, even after having my first son and second baby a girl on the way. Got saved at 16, stayed in church till I was 18, and fill like I have thrown the last 16 years away by not committing my life to Jesus as I should have. Came here because I know I have got to turn around from this sin in my life. Wanted to tell you that there is, according to the Bible, pleasure in sin only for a season, it sounds like your season has ended in regards to your friendship with her, and you know that sin only leads into more sin and it sounds like she really has to get things right in her life.
All I can say is “Wow!” and “Thank you, Heavenly Father” for leading me here and reminding me of the power of intercessory prayer!
I did as you suggested – I prayed that I stand in the gap for my boyfriend and in the name of and under the authority of Jesus Christ, I plead the Blood of Jesus over him directly against the disease of alcoholism and directly against his desire to drink.
All I can say is that God works fast. I cant stop praising Him today.
Thank you again!
I am battling with my husband drug addiction. He is a man with much knowledge of the Word of God but refuses to apply it to his own life. This battle is not mine however it is affecting my marriage. I ask that you would make intercession on behalf of my husband Everett. I would not wish this on anybody. It is a unpredictable spirit that controls his mindset.
How do you pray the Blood of Jesus over a son or husband?
Just go in your heart and talk to the Lord, there is no special verse or ceremony in doing so. The Lord already knows what is in your heart, what troubles you before you even know. I myself would just go to Him and tell Him everything you’re worried about in your life and ask for His help and to intervene, just simply say to Him that you’ve not got the power to do this on your own and that only with His help can it be done. All you would do is say what you are concerned about and simply ask that your prayers be heard in the name or blood of Jesus, after that it is in the Lord’s hands if the problem gets fixed or not, even if you pray the Blood of Jesus, does not mean the problem will be fixed or ever fixed as each of us have our fates in life and is all a part of Gods plan that we should accept. At the end of the day it is down to the Lord whether He answers or not, we cannot demand it of Him, but it doesnt hurt to ask 🙂
(continued from above)…dont give up hope though, keep praying even if you dont see a change. Ive been praying for months now that I be set free of the demons of drinking alcohol in Jesus’s name, but yet still drink heavily daily. Im hoping the Lord will show mercy on me and cure me of this addiction because Ive confessed to Him I cant do this on my own, I need Him to step in and fill the gap in my life that leads me to turn to the bottle..time will tell what the Lord’s plans are for me.
Oh my sister! I am walking the same road. My husband is a believer and very knowledgeable but the draw to alcohol has such a hold on him he doesn’t seem able to say no to it. I pray for him to be delivered. Bless you sister. I know how hard it is to watch the one you love stumble and how helpless we sometimes feel. GOD…give my sister the strength to continue to stand with her husband. And give her the fortitude to continue to fight for the man she knows you created him to be. Soften his heart Lord.
I’m going to try this and any additional prayers from anyone would be greatly appreciated my brother marc has lost everything his children his wife his home and his job because of alcohol he is also at great risk of going to prison as well if he violates his parol he will go for 6 years I have payed his fines given him a place to stay and now his alcoholism is threatening me and my family. I honestly feel Jesus Christ is our only hope
Thank you Jesus O my lord for bringing me in this site. As because I am too suffering the pain for wouldbe going to husband. As we are going to marry soon but things are not falling right for us due to his alchohol addiction. Our wedding is getting delayed n delayed. His health is deteriorating , his family hates him , he has lost his respect at his work place. He is completely into the severe desire of drinking.
O God please help me so that my friend gets healed from this severe desire of drinking.
Thank you for this encouraging testimony. I realize I am not alone and that this too shall pass and my manage is salvagable. My husband is healed, delivered and set free from alcohol in Jesus mighty, majestic, marvelous, miraculous name.
Great stuff Praise God for his Faithfulness I was deliverd back in 99 from drugs and Alcohol God blessed me with a great wife that Loves Jesus and have been happily married fouteen years after many years of serving the Lord the pull of the world became stronger than my walk with God I started slipping with my devotional life and was really struggling with occasional binge drinking that started effecting my business and even wound up getting a dwi Glory to God my license was restored and I have been steadily getting back to my walk with Jesus I say all this to say there is always Hope in any situation as long as you are looking to Jesus for he answer testimonies are such an encouragement for God bless you all
I am a 55 year old women who has been married just shy of 4 years. My husband is six years younger than me and he is an alcholic. You know how some women might say they have the best husband? Well I can truly say if it were not for his abusing alcohol he would be the best. Now with that being said I am struggling to stay with my husband. We are both born again Christians. We are both leaders in our church. My husband drinks and smokes weed every day. When he over indulges he is like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. He becomes verbally abusive to me and he is very embarrassing in public. He is like this all during the week but come Sunday morning he is up and might I say dressed very sharp and ready to go to church. The people in my neighborhood look at him as a hypocrite. He wants to go around telling everybody God bless you,and as soon as he comes out of church he starts getting high. I am sick and tired it has been 4 years and he hasn’t changed. He will not admit he has a problem, he puts all the blame on me and he is not accountable for anything he does.I am tired of money being spent every day on drinking an drugging. I have been drug free for 5 years and it is only through the grace of God that I am still clean. Like I said he is a good man but when he starts drinking I forget about everything he does for me and I say it’s not worth me staying. At my age I want peace of mind I don’t want all this unnecessary nonsense in my life, it’s not like I have another 55 years on this earth. He says he loves me but then why doesn’t he go get help to save his marriage? I don’t know whether to leave or stay.He’s my best friend and I do love him but his drinking is changing me. I have become physically abusive to him.He says things to me that are untrue and my insides just start boiling and I lash out at him. I don’t want to be this way. Can someone please give me some advice and encouragement.
First of all age does not matter in your marriage what matters is your relationship, surely the devil is abusing your husband but he has not won yet. All is well because he is going to the sanctuary with you, continue to trust in God and plead the blood of Jesus upon your husband and declare that his body is the temple of the Lord and therefore it should be kept clean according to the word. Cry at the altar , in your house and ask God to remember him for the good things he does for you and that he will be set free. Ask to speak to your pastor privately about him and he can pray for him even without telling him . God will surely hear you, fast and pray without focusing on his behavior and pray that God will give you the grace and patience to wait for your husband to be set free and that you will continue to love him despite his sins. You should hate his sins of course and speak the word of God against it. Look beyond your husband’s mistakes and pray your way through. God put you together for a reason . What does your church say about alcohol , do they preach the word of God about alcohol or they are afraid to challenge these issues. If they do not speak against these things then its not a good place for him, you should go to a church which does not water down the word of God and discourage people from drinking and taking drugs. I know some churches with pastors who drink alcohol and they think alcohol is alright. The house of the Lord is still sacred and alcohol and drugs are a no no to Christians no matter what other people think but the word of God stands. I pray that God will set your husband free from this demonic attack and that he will desire to fellowship with God more than anything else. Philipians 4:8 encourages us to do think pure thoughts and do excellent things how do we do them when we are drunk? I speak the Blood of Jesus upon your husband and pray that you will stand in the gap for him and trust in God always. God bless you my sister.
I just want to thank you for this testimony. It has inspired me so much. I have been praying over my husbands addiction to drugs and alcoholism for a while. Trusting that God has it all under control. God Bless You All!!
My wife and I have been married 33 years and have 3 great kids all saved and doing well. My wife went through menopause just over 8 years ago. It had altered her life and our marriage. She never drank all our years together and spent much time reading her Bible and praying and never used profanity. For over 8 years now she is over drinking and it is getting worse.She curses like a truck driver regularly. I left home twice and was able to get a compromise that she would not drink inside our home. Still she goes out to visit her sick older sister and she will stop at her brother’s house for dinner and will drink there.Or meet a girlfriend for dinner and drinks. I have prayed on my face for over 8 years and have gotten no resolution from the Lord. I don’t understand how satan has not marched through this giant door of destruction she has opened for so long. I will try what was presented here as another way to break her addiction.
I am encouraged by that testimony going on the offensive in prayer and pleading the blood of Jesus as I am in a very similar situation. I will continue to pray.
I am in the exact same situation. I’m in prayer and pleading the blood of Jesus RIGHT NOW to set him free from his addiction. I’m asking that all of you who love the Lord please lift him up in prayer. I ask that God please protect him at this moment because he has been gone for hours. Thank you so much for your prayers.
With Love,
Your Sister In Christ
I too am going through. My husband and me got back together and for two days hes been drinking. Im tired and ready to ewalk out and leave. Im praying for everyone going through this
Hello, I know this is an old post but I am in the same situation. My husband was gone for hours and Horn back drunk. Hopefully your husband is healed. I am praying for mine too.
My boyfriend of 9 years is in detox now and will go to rehab right after. Hes been battling alcoholism for the past 8 years. I was ready to leave I was tired and depressed. The day I saw him at a corner store drinking with homeless people just about did it for me and our kids. We have 3 boys together, he has a 13 yr old daughter and i have a 10 yr old son. The next day i had an intervention and gave him an option, to get help through treatment or I would fight for full custody of our boys and I would never ever come back never. Im glad to say he has one more of detox and 45 more days of rehab. I prayed and prayed and finally my prayers were answered! I cant wait to see him sober!.
Hi, I am pretty much at the end of my standing. I have been married for 28 years, and we have 4 kids. My husband has drank since he was young and all his family were the same too. Today, I am praying harder than ever because it is out of control. He works and is great when not drinking but after work, he buys beer and lies to me about it. I have had to endure the shock of learning about affairs he has had, but now the realization of alcohol abuse is too much. I will plead wholeheartedly, for the precious blood of Jesus over my husband to save him from the evil one’s grip. I will pray for everyone else struggling with this evil that has come to destroy what God has brought together.
Greetings children of the most High God, please pray for the father of my children, my mom and my children. They drink alcohol a lot. Please pray for God to restore my family, and everything I’ve lost in Jesus Mighty na!e
My husband has been sober for 2-3 years and back then I was so happy and at peace. I believed our dark days were behind us. Then last year and a few times already this year, he has had some slips. I love him very much and he tells me he cares very much and doesn’t want to lose me. I told actions speak louder than words and I would believe him only upon evidence of him really trying to stop. My otherwise steadfast faith has been really shaky since he relapsed. I have been praying and while I pray, he still has slips and gets very defensive. I am mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. I am glad I stumbled across this website and I will plead the blood of Jesus against my husband’s slips. Please pray for us on our journey. We need a miracle, otherwise I don’t know if I can stay with him. Pray he becomes cured of alcoholism and pray that God grant me strength, serenity and sanity.
My husband has been battling alcoholism most of his adult life plus he has a lung and heart problem. I have been praying for him though I feel exhausted with this problem. I am encouraged by this story. It’s Easter and I will intercede through the blood of Jesus for him. It’s been a tough journey and I know it could be worse without the the Lord Jesus.
Please pray with me and agree that the when I plead the blood of Jesus over Alcoholism in a young mans life…his name his Cody. That God will release him from his illness and desire to drink. His mother shared in confidence with me yesterday that her Son needs prayer. I KNOW God want to deliver him. I KNOW God has a purpose for his life. I believe in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and I pray for Cody to come to know Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour.
Thank you for showing me the way out of alcoholism. Am grateful.
I plead the blood of Jesus to cleanse my sister of this disease of alcoholics she desperately needs prayers and deliverance over it she doesn’t think she think she is going to live much longer and me myself needs deliverance from smoking please pray for me for I feel like i,m not going to have much longer to live to I believe in pleading the blood the blood of Jesus will help praiseGod
Me too, I a christian, but through horrendous physical and emotional bullying for 16yrs and loss of my mum at only 50,i always hid my pin through drink, now after 20yrs I been honest with my churches and my gp, the prob is cnt afford rehab etc, long to stop but need a total miracle before I loose everything
Why is God not taking it away from me? I’m hurting so bad. I feel so stuck and so lost and in so much pain within my soul. I’ve also messed up the best relationship of my entire existence upon this earth. And made such bad decisions from how I feel and made people think I’m not a good person or rude and I’m far from it. My heart and soul isn’t this way. I lost my ex. I know people come second to God but he’s now turned to God in Prison it’s like WOW God wants him what about myself. I feel so lost and stuck and just don’t know what to do 🙁 I want him back in my life. But I know I need to put God first and change so much within myself and the alcohol was why he left and what came with the alcoholic behaviour and all these other issues I left inside for too long and didn’t heal.
I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like I’m destined for nothing. For failure. My mind is so negative toward myself and my life. And sometimes that spills out to my life and relationships and so much else. I don’t know what to do. I’m alone. I feel alone and like the only one who’s never going to be saved.
I feel like God sees me keep falling and sees its pathetic and looses hope in trying to chase me and heal my soul. I don’t know what to do anymore. I want to change not the drinking it’s the worst right now but lies and I stole because i yes was being selfish but inside it hurt me to do. But my addiction got hold just to get alcohol and get things that covered my pain when I had no money. I had no absolute right to do so to anyone and hurt their soul through my actions
HELP ME LORD GOD PLEASE PRAY FOR ME anyone please I’d appreciate it so much. I need prayer right now more than ever from my brothers and sisters and souls in Christ.
MUCH LOVE AND kindness to all < you see the way I spoke like that inside my soul that's how I truly am. I'm not a thief or a liar or addict I want to change GOD please bring the power of your one and only son Jesus Christ pour it over me please.
Why don't you want me God? I'm done with all of this!!!!!!!!!!!! IM OVER THE DARKNESS THAT LINGERS OVER MY LIFE and upon my soul
I don't want to be these things anymore. I want to be a honest and good soul to others and especially to others. Please pray for me anyone ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I just keep going back to the drinking. It's like what is this. I know it's gonna take a lot of work on my part no worries but also at times I struggle with fighting for my soul and I feel incredibly shameful for that. I'm done I want a whole new soul please change me Lord God
Sarah. The power of the blood of Jesus can burn the spirit and desire of alcohol. Tell Jesus you want him the head of your life. Your Lord. Have all of your past sons washed away through the baptism in Jesus name, and receive his precious Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues.
Find you an Apostolic church that teaches how to use the power of the Holy Ghost to get rid of demons and fight to stay free.
Blessings, In Jesus name.
Dear sweet precious Wanda,
God loves you so much. He knows your heart and He sees your yearning toward Him.
Continue to cry out. Seek Him in His word. Pray, Fast, sing songs to Him and find one person to be good to in Jesus name. You begin to feel His power flow through you. I’m praying for you. He has not given up on you. He does not grow weary chasing down his lost lambs. Hold fast. He’s coming for you with arms of love.
Please move from despair to praise!! God WILL help you! Begin thanking Him even now. Trust Him and His timing. Be thankful BEFORE He heals you. Please child, walk by faith not by sight. Your faith IS YOUR EVIDENCE of things hoped for. God bless you richly.
Dear Sarah, I understand what you are feeling, although I was never addicted to alcohol. I went through a time of great darkness when I felt that even God had rejected me even though I am a born again believer. It’s horrible what Satan does to God’s children. He convinces us that even God rejects us and has given up on us. But our loving Jesus said that He will never leave us nor forsake us, so we have to believe what He says rather than the lies of the enemy even in our most darkest moments. I cried out to God to help me to overcome the rejection I had suffered from all my life; it was like a cloak that I wore. He told me to start a journal and to write down all the things I was feeling, so I started to do that. Then I found ‘Bible knowledge.com and learnt about self deliverance. I did this as I could not find any believers who believed in deliverance for believers at that time. I did all they instructed and the Lord most certianly heard my prayers and He delivered me from the root of rejection that was causing my pain. He gave me two visions of the process that would take place, and it’s been happening just as He showed me. I very rarely experience or even think about rejection now, praise His wonderful name. Its taken time just as He showed me it would and in the process He has taught me how to use His word to transform my thinking according to His way of thinking. So i encourage you Sarah to never ever think that God doesn’t want you, that He doesn’t love you, but to know that it’s the devil who doesn’t want to let you go. Seek out those who believe in deliverance, if you can’t find anyone in your church, search Bible knowledge.com, I’m sure they would still have that available today. Do all that they instruct. It was nothing dramatic for me; God just gently lead me through. Repent before God, seek His forgiveness and trust Him to set you free, and most surely will. I am praying for you Sarah!!
I pray that God leads you away from temptation and delivers you from the evil one stronghold. May the blood of Jesus restore your mind, body and soul. In Jesus name Amen
The story this woman told was my story I’ve been with this man 14 years only married 10 months and drinking has cost him so much including me at this point. We are separated because drinking consumes him, he’s able to work but has lost jobs in the past due to drinking. It’s overwhelming and he won’t get help and is totally in denial. He makes promises and completely disregards them. I am definitely pleading the Blood for his deliverance for the taste, desire and removal of alcohol in his life in the mighty name of Jesus permanently! Also for the renewing of his mind so that he can participate and communicate in this marriage as a man of God Loving his Wife as God Loves the Church! I’m waiting on you Lord, I’ve done all I can now illl gladly stand!
I plead the blood of Jesus over my boyfriend Dimas for deliverance from alcohol and cigarettes and from the pains of his past. Thank you God for delivering him from all evil and protecting him and healing him from all pain. I praise the name of Jesus and am grateful for His Divine healing and mercy for all involved during this time! AMEN
I plead the blood if Jesus over my boyfriend. I am trusting God to honor my prayer over his life and to deliver him from alcoholism. I pray that God will take the desire to drink alcohol away from him. I also pray for God to surround him with some good friends that will be a help to him instead of a hindrance.
I plead the Blood of Jesus over my husband alcoholism and desire to drink. Lord I in trust in you yo release him from this evil. I ask that you surround him with positive people so that they may guide home in the path of being a good father and husband. Lord Show him the way of the truth. In your son Jesus I pray.
I Am pleading the Blood of Jesus over my husband and his alcoholism Lord, I beg for a divine miracle over his life and for the demonic spirit to go In the mighty Name of Jesu, it’s destroying our marriage and taking my happiness away, Lord I need you please
I plead the blood of Jesus over my boyfriend, Victor A. I am trusting God to honor my prayer over his life and to deliver him from alcoholism and horrible past relationships. I pray that God will take the desire to drink alcohol away from him. In the powerful name of Jesus, Victor will be delivered from alcoholism. I pray that God delivers him and takes away the fear of marrying me, because of his past relationships. I also pray for his health. Thank you Jesus, because it will be done. Thank you because my prayer is answered, I have faith it will be answered. Jesus you are in control. I pray that he contacts me with positive and great news. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!
I thank God to reveal this powerful stories. I am pleading the blood of Jesus to fight against alcoholism to my husband and the disire of wanting to drink in Jesus name I pray.
I plead the blood of Jesus against the desire for my mother to drink and to completely uplift her spirit and bring her closer to god and back to her family. Thank you father God for hearing and answering prayers.
I really needed to hear this. I have been praying, believing, worshiping, crying, begging God, to help my daughter with her alcohol addiction. People keep saying change won’t come until she’s tired she have to want help. I know we all have free will, but God holds the power. I have been mad, anger, frustrated asking God why he won’t answer this prayer. I am so tired of seeing her living the way she do. I just said the only thing left is for me to fast. I need relief and before she kills herself. I know as Christians we hold power my power works for others just can’t get it to work for this situation. I believe God to do it so I will continue to trust him and I am going to pled the blood.
I will try it. My husband has been abusing alcohol for 16 years of our 21 year marriage. He is not an angry drunk and he is somewhat in control of it, this is why he thinks it’s not a problem. Does not affect his job. But there is alcohol every single day, six or more beers a day during the week. Any day that he does not have to get up for work the next day is a day for mixed drinks/drunkenness. He has said it’s just so fun to get drunk even though he does it alone. He’s drunk every Friday and Saturday nights and any time he’s on PTO from work; even on family vacations where he’s ruined some times with our kids. Increasingly he’ll have mixed drinks in the middle of the week too. Alcohol isolates him. He doesn’t really have friends and keeps a distance with family.
I avoid him when he’s getting drunk because he gets really aggravating towards me. At times I scream profanities at him because I am being provoked to wrath. He knows it’s bothering me and only increases the bothersome activity. I feel it’s his way of getting attention. The next morning he is perfectly fine and just moves on as if nothing happened. No hangover! But he will sleep a lot midday.
I’ve broken down when expressing how much it affects me but he actually hardens his heart more when I show tears. I do feel he has a spirit. If this doesn’t work I feel I need to remove myself from this marriage. I even think his drinking is provoked by me.
Kristina, why do you feel his drinking is provoked by you? I am really curious. No judgement at all, I promise. Do you see a pattern in his family at all??
Kristina you are not alone my band is just as you said your is….. we have been married for 15 years and have 4 children 3 girls 13, 11, and 8 our son who is 6!
HE drinks every day usually starts at 5-6 pm sometimes earlier. I recently asked him to stop drinking liquor because he becomes overly aggressive never physical just obnoxious and mean to me and our 4 children. He has been lying for a long time about a lot of stuff but these silly lies I can get past it’s the drinking that is going to in the end separate us. He sneeks and drinks vodka or whiskey shooters not really sure how many anymore and drinks anywhere from 10-15 16oz beers a night. He won’t eat until right before bed sleeps from 10/11 pm until anywhere from 12-3pm the next day he works 24 hour shifts and is off for 48 hour shifts. He doesn’t go to friends unless invited and will Uber there and back unless I’m willing to pick or drop him off! He is on lisinopril once a day (which is always taken at irregular times) for his snappy behavior he calls it. He is retired from the military and now a Firefighter/EMT! I’ve recently converted to Apostolic faith about 10 months ago and am really serious about my relationship with GOD now! I was to an alcoholic for the past year and after I started going to the church I slowly cut down and decided to start the new year off living completely for GOD I’ve been blessed spiritually in so many ways over the past couple months but can not get him to willingly cut down on his drinking let alone stop. My faith is strong but when it comes to my stubborn husband whom is one way at church and another at home and in fact like this everywhere but at home. He is a happy drunk around others but a very mean one to myself and children none of us want to be around him at all when he is drinking. He has gone as far as getting up from sleep and peeing in the kitchen trash can in front of our 8 year old daughter and myself while playing card games I woke him and said why are you peeing in the trash and he proceeded to yell at me that he could pee where he wanted to in his house. I have a very hard time holding my tongue and saying what I think at the moment and feel like my anger toward him is growing! My pastor advises to grow the anger toward the alcohol and Satan I do hate them both but my husband has been saying very mean things that are starting to make me wish we were separated. Due to the lack of respect my children are acting out and misbehaving some of them are having school issues with grades and my oldest is seeking attention from boys I’m not sure what to do anymore I know there’s is power in prayer I pray constantly have recently decided fasting and prayer may also be a great benefit! I just want you to know you aren’t alone and I’m going to be praying for you! Thank you for taking the time to read my story I can not wait to post a testimony about my marriage someday!
I believe the reason this wife was able to be effective in standing in the gap in intercession by pleading the blood of Jesus is because in 1 Cor. 7:4 (NASB) the Word of God gives the wife AUTHORITY over her husband’s body.
I hesitate to say this would be consistently effective for me just doing the same for my friend. I do stand in the gap in prayer for anyone who asks me to pray for them. I should. But I do not have authority over their body.
I understand what you’re saying and that’s a great verse! However, there is also an example in Acts 12 when Peter was put in jail after Herod killed James and Herod noticed it pleased the people. Herod was going to kill Peter. Yet, the church was praying and interceding for Peter. We don’t know how they were praying, but they were obedient to pray. God delivers Peter from that prison and he goes to the house to tell them, while they are all praying and mourning Peter knocks on the door and they don’t believe it’s him! God is so good! We also have Romans 8:26, Ephesians 6:18, Collosians 4:2, James 4:2c-3 and James 5:16 to encourage us to have an earnest prayer life even when we don’t know how to pray.
I’ve needed all of these verses as I pray for my husband to stay the course and rebuke the enemy and any desire my husband has to start drinking alcohol again. He knows God has delivered him from 6 years of alcohol abuse but he also thinks he could enjoy a glass of wine one day down the road and I don’t agree with that mindset. God tells us if we bring fire to our chest we will get burned.
Yet we do because we are all the body of Christ and one in unity with Him.
I’m pleading the blood of Jesus for my husband. Please dear Lord save him. We have been together for 40 years, we have 3 beautiful children that at all married and 4 beautiful grandchildren. I’ve been praying for him for so long. I just don’t know what to do anymore, I just want to give up. He drinks everyday. 5 years ago he quit for 3 years, was the best three years. And than started up again 2 years ago. He has a lot of hurt from childhood issues, I pray that God heals him from those demons. Please pray for him, I am at a loss and my prayers aren’t working. Dear Lord, I’m pleading the blood of Jesus for my husband, please take away his urges, desire and need for alcohol, please heal his heart of the demons that are taking control of him, please have him seek you in his times of weakness and troubles. In the name of Jesus I pray amen and amen.
In 1995 the Lord delivered me from alcoholism. I never have experienced a desire to drink since. Now I am retired and am living with my son and daughter-in-law. In the last year I have witnessed alcoholism completely take over their lives. My son, who seemed to be a committed Christianhas lost all sight of God in order to pursue his need and desire to drink. Any attempt on my part to speak to either individual regarding their drinking has resulted verbal attacks against me. Thus,in order to keep the peace I have stopped discussing it. I am living in a situation that is causing me great stress and heartbreak. I have no other place to go because I don’t have enough income to live on my own. I have been praying and praying but it sometimes seems that the Lord isn’t listening. So I came to this site looking for scriptures that I could use to continue to pray for this couple. I am asking for any od you who read this to join me in prayer that the couple be released from this bondage.
I prayed for your son and his wife and heard a voice from home that they will be well. Let’s keep on praying…there is nothing impossible for God to do. Hope this helps you. Take care of yourself and look for a support group for yourself. I’d like to hear your progress. I have a young son addicted to alcohol too and please pray for him too. God bless.
Vicki God is listening. He always is listening. He cares and will move on your family behalf. He promises never to leave us never to forsake us. He is the same God. He never changes. If he did it for you he will do it for them. Don’t give up. Keep praying. Keep believing.
My beautiful daughter is an alcoholic. She is 34. Tonight she told me she doesn’t want to drink anymore. She had gotten a promotion last year as a restaurant manager. She has had 2 warnings about her drinking. I am thankful she finally wants to never drink. Going to AA tomorrow. I have prayed she will hate alcohol. I do plea blood of Jesus over her not I have not prayed against spirits, I have played against generational sins and curses to be broken. I sing a song God gave me to sing over my daughter. I praise God he is with her to heal and deliver her for His glory. He had a plan and purpose for her. And being free from alcoholism is His will. I’m going to keep pleading the blood and praying and singing over her. God is faithful. Amen
I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years now. He loves to drink- and stopped for awhile, but recently started back. When he drinks he drinks heavy alcohol and becomes mean and belligerent, argumentative, and verbally abusive towards me.
I currently stay with my mom. We both have told him not to drink at our house. So instead, he shows up drunk. He stopped but recently started back.
I told him to leave yesterday after he became mean and uncontrollable. He got angry. He claims he is not ‘drunk’ when he drinks, but he argues, yells and stumbles around. He is a completely different person, one who i do not care to be around.
Today he called me and told me he is about to leave me, because i quote ‘try to tell him what to do and treat him like a child’.
I don’t want to see the relationship end, because he is a great guy when he is not drinking. His mother told me that alcoholism runs on both sides of his family, that his grandparents went out and drank and became excessively violent and mean, causing big fights and discomfort in the family.
I need advice. Please pray the blood of Jesus over John and to God for an intervention against this illness.
Thank you.
I personally have a drinking problem. I had quit smoking and drinking for almost 6 years but due to peer pressure I went back. I see how my family loves me and how much they get hurt when they see me drunk. I need prayers for me to stop the resurgence of these habits.
The best solution is to avoid your friends.
Yes it will hurt and can prove difficult but that’s is solution.
Don’t be friends with the world or you will continue to be a part of the world!
“If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.”
Luke 14:26 If there is anything on your way to Christ (doing the right thing), push it aside!- Always put the Will of God for you first.
Read also Luke 18:29-30 and see the reward for doing this.
God help you overcome in Christ Jesus Name amen!
I plead the blood of Jesus against alcohol and drinking habits in my husband more than 45yrs this was going. I also plead the blood of Jesus on that time he hates me and children and insults blame and beats me in front of others.he puts me out of house of hours that time he loves his people and my mother’s sister sons and daughter in laws who wished to see my tears and pain. They pay double roll.i plead the blood of Jesus on all situations I believe that Jesus will heal him and change him to a good person to me and children. Please pray
Hi my sister, I’m very sorry to read about your situation that you in…I would really like to comment…It is not God’s will for you to stay in an abusive relationship.You should pray that the Lord remove yourself and the children from this situation…
God bless you and trust Him completely
I plead the blood of jesus against my husband daily drinking and chain smoking.i believe in faith God that u may change him this moment. I also plead the blood of jesus against our family because of his drinking he hates me and children for his people he tries to leave us and give them to enter into our house and put us out.i plead the blood of jesus to become my husband good and a good father to children.
Father I thank you for this message and testimony right now as I plead the blood of Jesus over the spirit of alcohol in my husband life I minister deliverance upon him in Jesus name. Holy spirit I pray that you will help my husband to overcome this addiction you word says greater is he that is in him than thee that is in the world. Let the blood of Jesus separate him from wrong friend and as you deliver him I believe that our children as well will be delivered in Jesus name amen.
I am experiencing so many of the same things i am reading about. Since my husband’s mother dies he has started drinking and sleeping alot. . It gets better and then when I least expect it it happens again. I feel alcohol is a tool satan is using to tear us apart. He is a mean drunk and verbally abusive. The bad thing is he does not remember anything he has said or done. So it’s like he can’t understand the hurt he causes.
He lies about drinking and promises to quite but is unable.
I plead the precious blood of Jesus over him to help him stop and to take away the desire to drink.
In Jesus name amen
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I stand in the gap and I plead the Blood of Jesus over my husband against alcolism and any demons who might be behind the scenes influencing him to drink, Lord deliver him from destructive spirits. Lord move I our situation and break every addiction off him. Lord, clean him up completely. Lord, separate him from friends and situations that influence him to drink. Any depressive and negative emotional manipulations of demons that cause my husband to drink and live self destructive behavior, I come against you in the Name of Jesus. I declare that my husband is free because the Son of God, Jesus Christ sets him free from every addiction and every negative emotions in Jesus name. My husband, be filled with the Holy Spirit. I plead the blood over the desire to drink, in the Name of Jesus, may you detest completely, the smell, taste, sound of alcohol. May the joy of Holy Spirit fill your heart. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
Please agree with me for God to remove the taste for alcohol, cigarettes, and any other additive substances from my son David. Please agree with me for David’s eyes to be opened to the light of the Gospel. Please agree with me for David to become the man that God intended for him to be. And finally, please agree with me for his peace and safety.
Amen! I came on here to read about this testimony to get perspective on what more I could do and it was a great testimony as I scroll down, the first comment I see is yours. My husband has the same name. I am in tears. They will both be delivered. IN JESUS NAME! ❤
I come in agreement with you, my son is also going through same problem. In the mighty and wonderful name of Jesus Christ, I come against that spirit of alcohol and cigarettes that is trying to destroy our children’s lives.
I am in this same battle with my wife. She wants to stop but says she can’t. I fasted for 3 days and asked my church for a prayer cloth annointed with oil and prayed over by all the women of the church. I have given her the prayer cloth and continue to pray daily for her. I know God is going to move on this situation. Please keep us in your prayers!
In 2017 we were on the verge if divorce but hubby repented & became sober after much prayer. Now it has started again, and I’m tired. I cant do it again. The sacrifices i made.. I am tired. Pls help me. My family is on the line here. I have seen the demonic spirit and it has spoken to me last time. My spiritual state is empty and i am trying to seek God, but I struggle to hear Him. No one at church, family or work knows this challenge. I am embarrassed for him. HELP. He’s coming home drunk again. Another possible argument.
I would just love it if anyone would pray for my husband. He has been an alcoholic for 16 years. Drinks every day and often gets so drunk he can’t function and doesn’t remember what he’s done. Two nights ago he came home (drove home) so drunk he could barely stand and then peed all over our son’s bed right in front of him This is by far the most traumatic event we’ve had. I have been praying for so long and I feel so helpless right now. He apologized to my son last night and told him he would try not to drink as much anymore. This comes after I told him he is an alcoholic and needs to stop drinking for good. Sounds like he has no intention of quitting. I have such a fear that it will come down to me and my kids leaving because he will choose the alcohol over us. My daughter even expressed yesterday that he is more interested in having fun than he is in his own children. It’s heartbreaking. Please, please pray for him and us. I don’t know where to go from here.
For the last five years my Husband has lost his mind to alcoholism. We went through so much and it seems as if its getting worse. We have been homeless, loss jobs, lost home, hes been arrested for multiple dui’s, he is in denial, he is delusional from what is real, he has become abusive, and it seems as if it will never get better. I have been praying and now I am asking for anyone who would help pray that the Lord will free him of his addiction for alcohol. I am pleading the blood of Jesus christ to take away my husbands addiction for alcoholism and the desire to drink alcohol in Jesus name I pray Amen.
I also plead the blood of Jesus over you and your family. I pray that the Lord bind and cast out all attacks and tricks of the devil. I pray the armor of God over your household in the Mighty name of Jesus.
I just want to get better. I am 31 and have a beautiful wife and newborn daughter, but I feel as if I am a slave to alcohol. I keep telling myself that I need to stop, but the next day when I’m faced with the opportunity to drink I just push it from my mind and give in to temptation. This is killing me. I need to be free. I am begging to be healed from this. I am begging, pleading for help. I’m so lost, and I’m begging Jesus to free me from this curse.
I am in the same boat. My husband started drinking about 11 years ago. He gets so mean, and now he has quit his job and we are living in poverty. Our house is in horrid disrepair and the grass is usually very high. Alcohol has completely consumed his life. I have had to leave home and I am just beside myself. He has gone to “Teen Challenge” rehab before but left in rebellion. I am
So distraught. I am going to start pleasing the blood of Jesus.
I too am in the same boat. My husband has been drinking and smoking for over 40 years. It has gotten worst since he became disabled from a job related accident. He drinks all the time now and it is depleting our finances. He has had one DUI and we were charged $3000 for an attorney. The DUI was turned into a reckless driving. We were also fined over $400 in fees. Our car insurance rated have increased 300% monthly due to the reckless driving. We have numerous medical bills because he gets confused and don’t know who he is or we are and have to go to the ER which is terribly expensive without health insurance. He has been to the ER about 5 times in the last 3 years. Each time transported by the ambulance because otherwise he refuses to go. The trip to the hospital is also expensive. We’ve been told that his liver is failing and his brain is shrinking. We go to the ER, they give him fluid, lactulose and sends him back home. I can’t have him admitted to a treatment center unless he wants to be admitted, which he doesn’t and doesn’t believe or at least not admitting to me that he has a problem. When he’s confused, he tries to pee everywhere except the bathroom but I normally awake and get him in the bathroom. To say the least our marriage is dissolving and he is aging badly. He used to be such a handsome man, now not so much. I’ve pleaded the blood of Jesus, fasted, but I guess I’m not doing it correctly. I’m still holding on and still believing that God will deliver him and save his soul. Please pray with me.
Dear Ruth,
I will stand the gap with you for your husband. Lord, we are asking that EVERY desire for alcohol be removed IN JESUS NAME! Alcohol demons you come out now, in Jesus Name!! ✝️✝️
One of the hardest things for a person to do is watch a loved one destroy their life with addiction. That thing has such a stronghold on them. I am praying for your husband AND for you. Spouses and family members of people with the spirit of addiction NEED prayer too. You need support. I pray that you have someone, a friend, church, who can walk alongside you during this time. ❤️❤️
I am a Christian man that is bound by alcohol and I’m at a place where I my marriage is not good. We won’t ever divorce but I want to be free to make the last years of our lives to be better, to be the best. I have been through several treatment programs over the years and have had some success. Lately, the last 10 years have not been good though. I love the Lord and I know he loves me. All of that is not the issue, it’s me. It’s all me and I can’t conquer this. Please anyone out there that would pray for me. Pray that the Lord can shake me and wake me up. To release me from the power of the drug. I don’t want to drink anymore. I’m done, but everyday I start again. It has me locked into it’s grip that I can’t escape. I have many Christian friends, both of us, our social friends and everyone drinks. Not like I do, that’s the issue. Please pray the blood of Jesus over my situation. This is me reaching out.
Pat i don’t know you but i serve a Good God that know you you have to now believe that i prayed the blood of JESUS over your desire to drink dont fight it just believe that we are serving a forgiving God that send HIS Son to die for us so this means it is done in the Mighty name of JESUS Christ Amen
I thank God for this testimony, I have a sister called Hellen who is also an alcoholic and she lost her job due to it. She left home and would sleep where she gets drank. Two weeks ago I started pleading the blood of Jesus against the spirit of alcoholism, she has come back home but still continues to go out to drink. I believe her coming home is a step, and that one day she will be completely delivered, so that the desire of drinking stops all together.
Join me to continue praying that God delivers her through the Blood of Jesus. I prayer that Hellen accepts Christ and salvation. Glory be to God
My Husband also has a drinking problem. Every time he drinks he comes back home and he quarrels about everything even though I don’t say anything a bout his drinking he will shout and quarrel about anything that crosses is mind. One day he was so drunk that he even lost self control and he would walk the whole house necked and we don’t stay alone that was so embarrassing to and remained talking to home self like someone who is demon possessed.
Last night the same thing happened, he even threatened to beat me up in front of my young brother just because I asked him to lower his voice. Today morning he asked for forgiveness and promised he would change but since he has been doing the same and each time he asks for forgiveness and says he will change. I didn’t take it seriously. I need someone to help me pray for him
Please pray for my husband we are only married less than two weeks and he is drinking daily again… I’m praying for him to leave this addiction he has attempted to give up a few times but always falls back onto drinking… Please help me pray him out of this.. He is starting a new job next week and I want our lives to grow.
I know there is nothing I can do without God, Lord Jesus Christ. I have been with my hubbie for over six years. I have begged, pleaded, cried and have found myself to be in a increased trigger state. I know Lord that you can take care of this issue and I need to respond by asking through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Help me Lord. I beg of you. Help my Man by removing this addiction and keep me focused. I Love you God, Lord Jesus Christ. I humble myself to you forever and may my Family lie under the protection of “Your Blood”.
My nephew has been struggling with addictions since his teenage years. He is now 39 years old and in a very bad way. He just went back into rehab again. I pray the blood of Jesus over Him to be delivered from his addictions and that God take the desire to drink or take drugs completely away from him.
Please Jesus I pray for my son to please stop drinking he is ruining his life his health and hurting himself and hurting his family he a good person a good family man a good son and a hard worker and would do anything to help anyone his addiction to alcohol is making him lose all that.He gets very argumentative when he’s drinking. He loses patience with his son and his work schedule is not what it used to be. He tells me he can’t live without it. I pray in Jesus name he can.
This testimony is so inspiring,
I have two brothers of mine undergoing through the same situation.
It is my prayer they get cured from alcoholism , Jesus give me the grace and strength to stand in there gap by pleading the blood of Jesus .I have faith this problem is gonna be wiped out from the core.
Thanx Jesus
Please pray that my son who is only 28yrs old an is a Alcoholic. We need prayers for him so that he stop this n lead a proper life. As he is a married man. He does not fight but it upset everyone. His wife does not like this at all n ends up in a fight.
I take the gap to plead the blood of Jesus over my husbands alcoholism. I pray that through the blood of Jesus that he overcomes his addiction and heals. I plead the blood of Jesus that his desire for alcohol disappear and that he can walk the ritous path that God intends. Please help me pray for my husbands healing and release from the bondage and desire of alcohol. AMEN.
I on behalf of my brother who has been drinking since he was 16 n now he 47 . I stand on his behalf ask blood of Jesus to wash him of desire n dependency on alcohol. For years we have been praying as he is getting worse n violent. N it’s effecting the family. Thank you Lord Jesus. I feel so lost n alone
Amen Julie I am praying with you. And I ask you please to intercede, I need this exact prayer over my husband too. Both free, amen in Jesus’ name
Pls help me pray for my boyfriend. He drinks every time he gets opportunity. It is effecting the his kids and mother. At times he drinks the whole weekend without sleeping. I really need to help to get him away from this problem
Candace, I completely understand how you feel. My ex girlfriend who I still love has a problem with alcoholism. We are becoming really good friends but I am very concerned for her because for the last past 5 days she has been drinking with very little, if not anything to eat. I am very concerned about her and her health. I have been crying out to God for her but I worry and I feel overwhelmed doing this all by myself. Someone please help me pray for her!
Amen, thanks to God for the power in the blood of Jesus Christ! Please join me to pray for my only brother who is an alcohol addict for over ten years now, is is now doing drugs also, causing worry to his wife and the rest of us, I plead the blood of Jesus over this situation, and I request you pray with us for his deliverance
My husband started to drink every day. He is not an alcoholic. He say that he knows how to control it. I worry that it can get worse. Both our fathers were alcoholic and abusive. Both our parents got divorce due to that situation. I don’t want that curse to be in my household. I pray that the blood of Jesus stop his desires to drink. In Jesus name, Amen.
Plead the blood of Jesus over my son, Jess. His alcoholism has a hold on him. He has been told it has rewired his brain. He’s now had seizures. I know this is painful for Him but it is also breaking my heart. He lives in another state and there are times that I don’t even have contact with him. I try to be strong, pray and have faith…however I am only human with emotions and a great love for my son! Please intercede all prayer warriors.
I am at my breaking point, my husband’s mother and my father were both alcoholics; I broke my generational curse my husband did not. We have been together 43 years that’s not married. He has had three major operations in 1996, 2009 and 2017 each with stays in the hospital over 20 days. I took very good care of him. I am recovering from broken elbow surgery, my second. He is not working, no problem with GOD’s grace we are making it. GOD sent me to this site: When drinks he is evil and I was partially sleep Wednesday {when he started drinking} and I saw a demon attached to him. My Faith is sufficient: GOD I come boldly before your throne of Grace standing on behalf of my husband Marvin. I plead the BLOOD OF JESUS, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet to cover him and deliver him from and remove the taste, desire and want for any type of alcohol in all forms also at the name of JESUS the demon of alcoholism shall flee from his mind, body and spirit. I pray and plead the BLOOD OF JESUS and in JESUS’ name, this is your servant’s prayer. AMEN, AMEN and AMEN
There is hope. Wait on the Lord and you will see that he always keeps his words. Trust and depend on him – don’t be discourage. Hold on to his promises. This too shall pass! May God grant you his strength and peace in this storm.
Amen and Amen!
I needed this as well… There is hope…we do recover if we stay close to God!
I come in to agreement with the works of God and this powerful testimony in the most wonderful and powerful name of Jesus & i stand in the Gap for my uncle Ian who has been battling against fear , & alcoholism. I Plead the blood of Jesus over the alcoholism and stand in the gap for him declaring a d decree that the chains and bandages set up from the enemy may be broken & he will be totally set free from any demoinc strongholds I also plea the blood of Jesus over his desire and fear to get seizures off drinking. In jesus most might and majestic name it is Done amen.
Thank you Father God for this life giving testimony and On behalf of my husband Eric I stand in the gap for him and plead the Blood of Jesus against his desire to defend and justify his drinking alcohol or any addiction. Lord God I’ve been praying for many years and believe a breakthrough is on the horizon. God would you break this curse of addiction? In Jesus mighty name. I break every demonic generational curse that would try to touch our children or our household by the Blood of Jesus Christ. I declare and decree that Isaiah 54:17 lives over my household that No weapon formed against us will prosper in Jesus name. I seal our godly destinies with the Blood of Jesus. In Jesus name.
Hello friends,
My husband has underlying Mental Health issues which is self medicates by drinking. I am so done with the ups and downs of this struggle. He’s very kind when he doesn’t drink. However, when he drinks, he focuses on everything negative in life. I not only desire for the drinking to stop, but I pray that my husband gets healing for his mental health issues.
Please pray for us. I plead the blood of Jesus over my household. Amen!
I am praying for you as I am in the same position. Praying for your husband and please pray for mine so my house hold can finally be in peace❤️
Thank you Father God that I may give this testimony for my fiancé Michael. I plead the blood over his drinking addiction and ungodly living habits. I stand in the gap for him and plead the Blood of Jesus against his desire to defend and justify his drinking alcohol or any addiction. Lord God I’ve been praying for 3 years and believe a breakthrough is on the horizon. God would you break this curse of addiction? In Jesus mighty name. I break every demonic generational curse that would try to touch our children or our household by the Blood of Jesus Christ. I declare and decree that Isaiah 54:17 lives over my household that No weapon formed against us will prosper in Jesus name. I seal our godly destinies with the Blood of Jesus. I thank you for it right now In Jesus name.
Please pray big prayers for me.
I have relapsed so many times and each is worse than the other. I PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS…God please heal me Father.
Today I claim victory over this viciousness and rebuke the devil in every way.
Amen and Amen. …in Jesus powerful name!
Dear Maria may God bless you in the name of Jesus.Please start watching Derek Prince on spiritual warfare,it helped me heaps.He has many sermons on addictions.Also start playing music out loud in your house or wherever you can ,old school worship songs ,like Worthy is the Lamb ,by Brooklyn Tabernacle,also Lord I need you.Also ,yes I know by,Gaither band.Play the shofar out loud.Bless yourself daily with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.Play audible Bible on YouTube.Also please speak out loud to satan , remember he has power ,we have authority in the name of Jesus Christ.Also Jesus spoke out loud to him by quoting Holly scripture.Say out loud many times a day ,I command the spirit of alcohol to leave me in the name of Jesus Christ.I am no longer in agreement with the spirit of alcohol nor doI have the desire to have any alcohol ,in the name of Jesus Christ you must flee from me and never return.You are no longer welcome here,and any and all spirits that are from the evil one and have crept into my life ,sadness ,anger , insecurity,depression ,unforgivness,I command into the abyss never to return,in the name of Jesus .Say all these things with authority.I belong to Jesus Christ.I am a child of God.Also please declare openly to anybody else that you are a sinner.That you believe Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose 3days later Then call his name,ask the Holly Spirit to come to you.Start reading the Bible ,start with new testament if it helps ,read Psalms everyday .Listen to Amazing grace.Also I recommend Pastor JD Farag Bible study and Bible prophecy.I don’t know you dear Maria but I came across your comment and believe God wanted me to write this .I love you like a sister in Christ and want you to feel his love and forgiveness over your life because I know how heavy the burden is to carry without Jesus .God bless you .
I’m sitting here at my son’s home once again having made the trip up to help my younger son try to put his older brother back on his feet after a long drinking bender. They live together and my son, who just turned 40 has been an alcoholic for many years. He lost his marriage and now his two beautiful children…a son and daughter who want nothing more to do with him. Our son by the world’s standards would seem to have everything going for him…he’s handsome, very intelligent…with a college, but sadly doesn’t see it. He suffers from severe anxiety attacks and depression. He’s been on all kinds of medication, with no good results. If not for his younger brother who moved in with him years ago…to try to help him conquer this battle…he would be on the street, in prison or dead. My younger son is now pretty much the only financial provider for the household…being that my older son can’t work most of the time due to his addiction. My husband is 72 and I’m 62…both retired and living on a budget. We have tried to get him to go to rehab…but he won’t. We also help our younger son financially when we can. The saddest thing is to see how it has affected my younger son’s life and ours. This horrible disease is a joy snatcher…it literally sucks the life out of you. Our younger son…who loves his brother just can’t bring himself to kick him out. He always says, “I couldn’t bear the thought of him dying on the streets or going to prison after I kick him out.” I read the testimony above and all of your prayer requests…and I ask that you please remember our sons and our family in your prayers and I will definitely be praying for you as well. I will be pleading the Blood of Jesus directly against the alcoholism and the desire for him to drink. God bless each of you and know that Jesus loves you and so do I.
My son is having a drinking problem, when he started drinking he can’t stop. When trying to talk to him, he denied that he is having a drinking problem, as of now he sees me as an enemy as I always trying to talk with him about his behavior, when he drinks he forget everything. I know that my Lord you can, what is impossible for us, it is possible for you my Lord. Please pray because his marriage is on the rock due to that problem
I am blessed to have found this site and read all the prayers and problems of people who are related to alcoholics…my boyfriend drinks everyday and says he is not a full blown alcoholic…and I believed him. Now after reading these prayer requests I know better. Please pray for him..his name is Victor…I plead the blood of Jesus over his drinking and desire for it..In Jesus mighty name I pray. I have noticed in our relationship that he is not consistent with things caused by his alcoholism. May God bless all and may Jesus intervene in our situations.
This resonated with me. I had been a drinker for over 40 years. The last 10 being the worst and most debilitating with all kinds of physical problems. In June of 2017 I lay my face on the floor and committed myself to Jesus with complete surrender. He delivered me from alcohol and took the desire away. I praise His Name because He has developed a wonderful relationship with Him and a reconciliation with my family. Jesus delivers and sets captives free!
Your stories inspire me
I’ve been reading them and I feel encouraged. Mybrother has the same problem of alcoholism he’s well educated but he’s refusing to look for a job because the addiction won’t let him
The problem is he drinks and gets really violent with everyone even our parents my father is sick and this really stresses him out
I need help he was a good Christian before alcohol made him turn back I know and believe one day he’ll turn back to the almighty
God of second and many chances please deliver my brother from alcoholism
Am writing this believing that I’ll one day give a testimony please help me in prayers
Thank you for your story. I was struggling. I asked for forgiveness and accepted the Jesus. I slacked off . I’m at peace and listening to Passion radio. I just need prayers for my husband of 43 yrs. His a good man. I just pray he no longer will have
the addiction to drink. Now it’s my son. Please pray for them both. I will Plead the blood of Jesus. Thank you Lord for your son Jesus that died for our sins!
I need the same thing. I am wondering if someone could pray for me and plead the blood of Jesus and remove any and all desire for alcohol… I have prayed and prayed and I have asked the Lord to PLEASE take it completely away. I would be so grateful. I just can’t cope anymore… my life is a mess. PLEASE Lord… take the desire for alcohol away so that I may get my life back on track and heal all of the messes I have made. PLEASE help me. I have come to terms with it and I am more honest about it. I just need to be healed from even the thought of drinking ever again. My name is Cheryl. Thank you so much. LORD I need your help… my marriage is at stake and my spirit is broken. I want to serve you Lord. Please Lord remove this evil from my life. Thank you
Hi lm engaged to the most wonderful humble man, however he’s alcoholic. l believe he was born again in his youth in Bible camp. Since he had a settlement couple years ago before l met him he started drinking every other day. Now he can’t live with out. He gets disability check once a month it supposed to last a month his money is gone within 2 weeks to drinking it all up. Prior to this he rarely drank. His brother and l worry about him constant bench drinking. His younger brother is born again he prays for his older brother too. I want to start stand in the gap for my fiance we just recently got engaged. I met him through his younger brother almost 2 years ago. I love him were in our early 50s l feel we wasted enough years we both realized early on when we started dating were meant to be together. Within 3 days dating both of visionalized getting married to each other. This alcohol has a hold in his life l want him to totally set free delivered.
Im am starting right now to pray for my brothers alcoholism. He had many near death exp because of that. Drinking is in our family, i prayed longtime ago for my children to be freed from this bloodline addiction.
My siblings suffer….
Pleading the blood of Jesus over my brother, believing God to takeover and free him from this addiction
My neighbor told me to do this im dealing with the same thing with my husband but its getting worse and worse hes now having alcohol seizures if he drinks to much and if he doesn’t drink he was sober for 5 years almost and he relapsed after the death of his mom I’ve had alot going on with him in and out of hospitals and such
I’m encouraged to do the same for my nephew. Thank you for your testimony, it gives hope
We thank the Almighty God for answering your friends prayer