Another very powerful tool we have in our arsenal as born-again believers is the ability to bless other people in the name of Jesus.
I think this is one of those benefits that we have forgotten how powerful it really is. We are so used to praying before our meals and asking God to bless the food with which we are about to eat, that we forget how much further we can really go with this privilege that we have already received from the Lord.

The ability to bless other people and other things is an extremely powerful prayer tool and every Christian should try and do it on some kind of a regular basis, as you never know how far God will actually work with you in this realm.
Here are some of the definitions on exactly what a blessing is from some of the different Bible Dictionaries:
- To bestow happiness or prosperity upon; praise and glorify
- Pronouncement of God’s gracious favor
- The act of declaring, or extending through pronouncement, God’s favor and goodness upon others
For those of you who were not aware of this incredible privilege that we have already received from the Lord, I will go ahead and give you some of the key verses from the Bible showing you that we have been definitely granted this type of authority and privilege from the Lord. I will then end this article giving you some examples of how you can use this powerful privilege in the name of Jesus.
As you will see with some of the examples I will give you below, there is literally an infinite number of things and situations that you can try and bless in the name of Jesus. And when you do bless other people or other situations, real life spiritual transactions can actually take place with the person or situation you are blessing. In other words, the Holy Spirit can actually move to impart the specific blessing that you have just prayed over someone.
The Scripture Verses
Here are 16 very good verses showing the wide variety of situations in which blessings were granted, either direct by God the Father, Jesus Christ, or some of His own people back in both the Old and New Testaments.
- “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” And He took them up in His arms and blessed them. (Mark 10:15-16)
- “The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked, but He blesses the habitation of the just.” (Proverbs 3:33)
- “And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven.” (Luke 24:50)
- “Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the multitudes.” (Luke 9:16)
- Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” (Luke 1:42)
- “So Joshua blessed them and sent them away, and they went to their tents.” (Joshua 22:6)
- “You are the sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with your fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.'” (Acts 3:25)
- “When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you.” (Deuteronomy 8:10)
- “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all of His benefits.” (Psalm 103:2)
- “With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God.” (James 3:9)
- “Otherwise if you bless with the spirit, how will he who occupies the place of the uniformed say “Amen” at your giving of thanks, since he does not understand what you say?” (1 Corinthians 14:16)
- “The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?” (1 Corinthians 10:16)
- And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” (Genesis 1:22)
- “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44)
- “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” (Romans 12:14)
- “But whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ And if the son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you.” (Luke 10:5-6)
Notice in addition to God being able to directly bless us and we blessing other people in His name, that we can also directly bless God ourselves.
As you can see from the above verses, not only did God the Father bless in the Old Testament and Jesus blessed in the New Testament, but both the apostles in the New Testament and some of the patriarchs in the Old Testament also blessed others in the name of God.
When Jesus left and ascended to His Father, He told us to do what He did. He has thus given us His authority and His power to carry on His supernatural ministry. And part of that supernatural ministry is the right to be able to bestow blessings upon one another in His name.
Examples of What You Can Bless In the Name of Jesus
There are literally an infinite number of things you can bless in the name of Jesus. Just so you can see how far you can actually go with this privilege, here are a few examples.
- Bless the food you eat at every meal.
- Bless someone with peace if they have lost it due to an adverse development that may have just occurred in their life.
- Bless the baby a mother is carrying in her womb, and ask God to bless the mother with a perfectly normal healthy baby.
- Ask God to bless someone with a new job if they have just lost their job.
- Ask God to bless someone with knowledge and wisdom if they are having a hard time in trying to solve a personal problem.
- Ask God to bless your finances or someone else’s finances if they have run into trouble.
- Ask God to bless your house or any other valuable personal items you may have.
- Ask God to bless our country and our political leaders. Ask God to bless our leaders with His knowledge and wisdom so they can make the right decisions with the tough times we are now all facing.
- Ask God to bless any new adventure or any new job you are now taking.
- Ask God to personally bless you with His knowledge and wisdom so you can make all the right choices in this life.
- Ask God to bless you with favor at your place of employment.
- Bless the marriages of all of your children so they can stay under the hand and covering of God.
- Bless others with joy, peace, and happiness in the Lord.
As you can see from these types of examples, there are just a wide variety of things that you can bless in the name of Jesus. You can pronounce blessings on yourself, other people, different type of situations like marriages and pregnancies, and actual objects like your houses and some of your personal items and possessions.
How to Word a Blessing
For those of you who are looking on how to word a blessing, here are a few suggestions using some of the above examples.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that You bless the child in my wife’s womb and that You bless our child with perfect health and long life.
- Father, I ask that You bless Joe with a new job since he has just lost his job. Bless him with the right job for Your glory, in Jesus name.
- Father, please bless Susan with Your knowledge and wisdom to solve the personal problem that she is dealing with at work, in Jesus name.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that You bless the new job that I am about to take. I ask that You bless this job and also bless me with favor with both my bosses and the people that I will now be working with.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that You bless the marriage of my son Daniel and his new wife Tracy. I ask that You bless them with happiness, peace, joy, and long life in You. I ask that You also bless any children they may have. I ask that You bless each one of their children with perfect health and long life.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that You bless this country and bless the leaders of our country. I ask that You specifically bless them with Your knowledge and wisdom so they can make the right choices to keep this country safe, strong, and secure in You. I ask all of this in Jesus name.
Again, there are just an infinite number of things or situations that you can actually pray a blessing over in the name of Jesus.
Many of us have heard the words, “God bless you,” so many times, that we really have forgotten what this principle is all about and how powerful it really is, especially if it is being done under the unction of the Holy Spirit.
Again, real life transactions can actually occur in the spiritual realm when we pronounce a blessing on someone or something. The Holy Spirit Himself can move on the person or situation that we are pronouncing the blessing over and actually impart exactly what we are blessing that someone with.
That is why it would help if you can be very specific with what you are blessing someone with as versus just doing a general type of blessing.
To those of you who have never really tried out this privilege we now have with the Lord, you might want to start experimenting with it, as you never know when God will move to actually back you up with what you are blessing.
Ask, and you just may receive some incredible blessings, for either yourself or someone else you may be blessing.
Lois Struble
Monday 23rd of December 2019
Blessings are treated very casually here. Rather than give Believers your (or man's) instructions, we know that God's Word can be made clear once a person is saved . At that time, the Holy Spirit covers us IMMEdiATELY. God states in His WORD that Christian leaders (chosen by God) should offer the names of teachers (also chosen by God) to new Believers. They, with the help of the Holy Spirit will learn the Bible (GOD's WORD), Then true Believers can be weaned from the milk (minimal understanding of the Bible) and know they cannot understand the Bible because "they are not of strong meat" until that time. Hebrews 5:12, Isaiah 28:9, all of Deuteronomy 18 - Who is speaking? And to Whom?
Gary L Goldstein
Wednesday 13th of April 2016
Too often "we want" God to bless us "we want" a wife. What does "God want?" If God knows it is in your best intrest that being a single man having a healthy relationship with God should be first. God will not give to us more than He knows we can handle. God's ways are not "our way." i asked, Father, & in your name Jesus Christ, i see in the acts of the Apostles and read how you said, And these signs follow them that believe: in my name....they SHALL speak with new tungues..? and you said in your word that heaven and earth SHALL pass away, but my words SHALL NOT PASS AWAY.. Why then has no minister been truthful with me? And this is what i prayed, instead of asking him to bless me with what " i want," i needed to know "His WILL for my life." Later i heard His voice, & He lead me to a man who had this evidence dwelling in him & the elders, & by obedience and faith in His holy word they laid hands on me and i received the baptism of the holy ghost! Ah-heat-toe amoe shaundah! Speaking in tongues as the Spirit of [the Living] God gives me the utterance! Men of God in Christ Jesus (Yeshuah) it is well for us to deny our selves: "our wants" our effections, so we can bless the Lord our God, & without distractions be ready for the glorious appearing when we have over come our own premise to do "What God Wants" For is it not written, For if any man come after me he must deny himself, & take up His cross and follow me? Delight yourself in the LORD, & he will give thee the desire of thine heart. The desire of my heart is to be acceptable in His sight,& to delight myself "in the Lord. to bless others by sharing the good news and in Spirit and in Truth.
Friday 18th of September 2015
Well if many of you were Blessed with a wife and family, that was an excellent gift for you. Then there are many of us good single men today that weren't blessed like that which many of us would've wanted that gift as well.
Wednesday 9th of September 2015
How to Word a Blessing
I am a bit saddened by the examples you give in the section How to Word a Blessing. Your examples are asking the Father to bless rather than do what Christ said he gave us power to do. If we are speaking a blessing over someone or something, we speak over them not ask someone else to do it. Example: Each morning before leaving for work I bless my wife by speaking works over her as she prepares to leave for work herself. I say to her; may your day be fruitful and prosperous, may your heart be filled with joy, peace and happiness, may your coworkers and your boss look upon you with favor, may the love of our Lord and Saviour be in your heart and may you be filled with His Spirit. Notice I did not ask the Father, the creator of all things to do the blessing. We are told to bless! When we look at the examples in Scripture where a blessing was spoken over another they spoke what blessing they wanted to come over the ones they were blessing. They did not ask the Father to do the blessing.
Now if I ask the Father to bless something or someone I ask that his blessing be upon it or them and I express in detail for what reason I ask him to bless. Example: When I ask the blessing over my meal, I go to the Father in this way. Oh LORD God of heaven and earth I thank you for this meal you have provided for my family, I ask that your blessing may be upon this food that it may be a blessing to our bodies for strength, health, nutrition and energy, I come unto you giving thanks a praise unto you by the authority given unto me by my LORD and Saviour Jesus the Christ.
The heavenly Father has given us the authority (in the name of Christ) to bless. When we do things in the name of Christ, this means we are doing something by his authority, he gave to us. Just as we would give a lawyer authority to speak and act on our behalf, Christ gave us the authority to speak and act on his behalf (in his place).
To bless someone is not to ask the Father to bless them with something, but for us to speak over them in the place of Christ.
May you be filled with knowledge and understanding of the truth spoken by Our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ!
Wednesday 14th of January 2015
Thank you so much for this compilation of scripture and the info about blessing.... Our Awesome Heavenly Father has been teaching me for several weeks a lesson between blessing and cursing and this morning the lesson has culminated I believe into the finality which is about blessing. I thank God for teaching me and I absolutely know that this is true because in my heart I was having difficulty with some leaders in my church and unfortunately I really was cursing them in my heart and did not even understand that that's what I was doing by complaining, by getting angry, by refusing to accept teaching, by standing in resistance to things that I was being told and even though it doesn't sound bad I came to understand that it was.... Thank God through his teaching this happened this morning and it was so powerful that He walked me through many different scriptures in my Bible study and the culmination was about blessing others and not cursing others and when I found this website many of the scriptures that were on the top where the same scripture that the Lord has brought to me over the last few weeks and one scripture that God brought to me in my teaching was about hypocrisy and I didn't understand where I was being a hypocrite but now I do. The hypocrisy was in my heart because by not blessing someone and having all of those ungodliness' (as I listed) in my heart I was actually cursing them even without knowing it and once I was obedient to the Father and truly did bless these people with my mouth and in my heart my entire body collapsed I had to lay down I fell asleep because I was cursing myself and once I let go and truly did bless these people in my heart God could actually bless me and heal me this is the most amazing most powerful gift that God has given each and every Christian praise God and I bless you Father in Jesus name