As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.
This is one of the wonders of praise. Praises to God bring down His presence and makes Him to show His Almightiness. King Jehoshaphat and his people organized a choir according to God’s directive and they began to praise God even when the enemies were already very close to them. Three nations rose against them, yet they believe that by praise they will have victory because God said so.

The result was disastrous for the enemies. God did what He had never done before, He set an ambushment against them, and they began to destroy one another, until they all died. The people of Judah did not need to lift their swords, it was not necessary because God was in action. They only came to take the spoil and a great one too.
This is a lesson for us all. What is the battle that is confronting you, they may not be three nations that faced the land of Judah, but the truth is all enemies bow to the praise of God.
How do I know that?
In the book of Joshua, the Israelites were confronted by the wall of Jericho, an impregnable wall that no known human manufactured machines then could pull down. And God told them to move round the wall once in a day for six days. On the seventh day, they moved round the world seven times, and on the seventh, they shouted praise, and the wall came down (Joshua 6:20).
In the book of Acts 16 Paul and Silas were thrown into jail. They waited till midnight when their praises to God will be heard loud and clear, and they began to pray and sing praises to God. All of a sudden God responded by shaking the prison to its foundation, and removing all the chains in the hands of the prisoners. At the end they were set free (Acts 16:25-40).
The bible says we are created to bring pleasure to God. But only those who belong to God can touch Him by praise, because the sacrifice of a sinner is an abomination before God. All the people that brought down the presence of God through praise in the bible were people of God.
If you want God to accept your praise, and to come down for your help, you must first do away with sin. Give your life to Christ, and He will give you a new heart from which heavenly ordained praises can come (Acts 3:19).
Wonderful article! I had been in search of divine intervention in many areas of my life, always praying and asking God for change; BUT once I started focusing on the greatness and goodness of God in my life so far and GENUINELY PRAISING HIM regularly for His awesomeness & power; CHANGES BEGAN TO OCCUR. Today God often reveals His presence in my praise & worship times by imparting an abiding peace such as I have never experienced before, AND HE NOW ANSWERS MY PRAYERS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS THAT BRING TEARS OF JOY & GRATITUDE to my spirit daily. GOD IS TRULY AWESOME IN PRAISE!
I can attest to this truth that ‘praise is a weapon.’ Many years ago, faced with one of the darkest times in my life, the Lord woke me up with the word ‘counter attack’; not knowing what the exact meaning was, I looked up the word. Counter attack means; ‘an attack made in response to one by an enemy or opponent, an attack in response.’ You see, my enemy was bombarding my mind with fear which brought torment and God was saying,” Enough is enough!!” After founding the meaning, I sought the Lord for the how. He told me to praise Him for who I know Him to be!!! Hallelujah!!! It’s a personal thing, you have to have had an experience with Him!!! So, everyone from that point on, when the enemy would come to me with his lies, I would exalt the Lord and His truth and the enemy would flee!!!!
You can’t even imagine how much that testimony just blessed me! 8 years ago you wrote this, and it is now in 2023 an answer to my cry!!!!!! God used you to speak to me in a very real way!!! You may not see this because it’s been so long ago, but thank you for writing your experience, I pray God is mightily and continuously blessing you!
praise is one of the five most powerful weapons given to Christians by God. weapons are righteousness, praise, prayer, name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus. They automatically activate the almightiness of God. Thanks, God bless you.
I agree. A few weeks ago I woke up with the word “extol”. I wasn’t exactly sure what this meant and when I looked it up it meant praise / worship. I started to do this, as Gomez said in his message, and I started to feel some changes in my daily life – one of them was peace. I also haven’t had any of my really bad headaches since I started extolling God every morning.
I remember in 2008 I was encounter with biggest and hardest problems in my life and I have seen God manifest Himself that I am left stunned to say the least. Things have change over the years and I started doubting God and asking Him questions about what is presently happening to me know. I told Him that I don’t understand how He works.
I was watching a pastor preaching and he said our best weapon is prayer and praise, prayer locks in the targets and praise pull the trigger and there you get victory. I am now committing myself to pray three times a day and priase Him constantly becuase I am not letting go of Him , my greatest aim is to go into God secret places, I need to be wrap up, tied up and tangle up with Jesus.
My experience with God is too awesome, too real and too profound, there are too many elements to God that I need to experience more of His glory.
The enemy wants me to doubt God becuase of the many disapointments, fustration, bitterness, anger and fears but each time I remember the battle He fough and won I have to ask myself the question as to why I could be in my rightful mind to let God go from my life becuase Jesus is a name that knows no defeat. Who better can I possible need to have in my life apart from Him ?
What a wonderful article and comments to stumble upon this time of the night.
All your comments are edifying and has really encouraged me to build a tower of
praaaaaaise and unlimited worship unto God Almighty. Monica, i love your last
sentence. Jenny now i know the meaning of “EXOL”.
God bless you all.
When the praises go up,HIS glory comes down.
This was a good reading as I was questioning if a sinner had the right to praise God since the scripture in Psalm 150 says “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord” in my mind this passage did not exclude sinners. I understand that NOT everyone can Worship God but everyone can praise Him. I’m still seeking more clarification on this. But this helped me a great deal
Every one can praise but what’s only acceptable to God is from the one who received Christ as his/her Savior and Lord.
So inorder that we can please Him through our praise, we have to be intuned to God’s Spirit.
Hello so blessed, it is my understanding ( you are correct) everyone can praise God, however only Christians can worship because Worship is something that is done by obeying God’s word and as a sinner one is not obeying God’s word or living for God’s purpose for which we are created thus it is impossible for a sinner to worship. However, all can praise the name of God but not all chose to follow God.
Hello, I just wanted to clarify to So Blessed that the article says… that God can only be touched by praise by those who belong to Him. It did not say that all He has created even sinners could not praise Him. But if you want Him to intervene on your behalf in the time of trouble you must belong to Him. By Romans 10:8,9,10
I don’t want to look at it wrong but a sinner can praise let every thing that have breath praise the Lord Psalm 150:6 but a sinner can’t worship cause worship is to be done in spirit and in truth according to John 5:24 that which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit John 3:6
I want to commend Bradley for this article and also all the commentaries and commendations thus given. GOD bless you all.
Praise is a powerful weapon that we still need to know beyond what we know. God revealed something to me I never knew.
Revelation : In the month of January 2019, I was worshiping with psalm 100 and my spiritual eyes were opened; I saw a closed door with such illumination inside the room while I was getting close because I was outside in the revelation. The closer I go, the more the glory and the intensity of the light coming from the door as though the door is pulling away because of the glory and the colour of the door is now pure white. Suddenly the door began to open as I started reading the part that says, ” Enter into his gate with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise…” A voice then invited me to come in while still singing and also said, ” come to my courts with praises, like you go to courts for cases with a lawyer, you come to my courts with praises and they are done. Then I picked courage and began to walk in… ” Immediately I realized it was a vision. The courts of the Lord is akin to the physical court but the difference is you do not need an advocate or a lawyer because you already have one and the intensity of your praises and thanksgiving make you know. And there is really a gate which praises and singing can take you through and singing will keep you in His presence.
May His name alone be praised.
Love the article. How often do I live in the flesh, even though I know that God inhabits the praises of His people I often forget. Yes my prayer life needs to resume and reach a new level. Reading these comments has reminded me of the power of prayer and praise. Love the comment from Gomez July 2015 12.46am. Praise in the night when all is quiet is powerful seeking God after hours has tremendous results. I know this well.
thank you to all bless you heaps
Such an encouragement reading these posts and article on the Power of Praise. I have had some health issues that I have been praying about and I believe that it’s no coincidence that I’m reading these today and of course our enemy flees when we praise GOD for The Lord Himself is then present with us, not that He ever leaves or forsakes us but it’s our enemy who leaves, I believe that today is a breakthrough day for me, thank you everyone who has posted these very encouraging word’s of Truth
Truly, praise is a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare and victory. I have come to believe and know that there is nothing the LORD can not do when we praise Him. Sometimes in January 2020, the Holy Spirit ministered to me to thank and praise the LORD for 7 days. No prayer request. No asking Him for anything. Initially, I found it difficult as I have many needs to discuss with Him. Finally, I obeyed. At the end of that 7 days of praise and thanksgiving, bondage of more than 30 years was broken in my life. Something people have said that it cannot be possible in my life, the LORD did it in such a way that I least expected. Of a truth, JEHOVAH whose name is JAH do inhabit the praises of His people. May His praise continually be in our mouths in Jesus’ Name. And when we cross over to yonder, we will praise Him eternally. Thank you and God bless.
wow, this really encouraged me and i feel prompted to do the same. I have a lot to ask God as am getting married in 5 week, but am going to do this!
I believe that a sinner can praise and worship God. Praising God can be the entry point into a new life with Christ. Thank God for the life-saving, life-giving power of praise.
This is great! I also have a great testimony of how praise is a weapon. In August 2004 my husband passed away after 33 years together, 6 months later my mother passed, and a year later my oldest daughter passed and God had miraculously seen me through all that with continued praise upon my lips. Well it was in the middle of all this, about 9 months after my husband had passed, 3 months after my mother, that my 8 year old grandson was passing from an allergic reaction to cats. It was a Sunday evening. Well that morning on my way to church I was praising God and dwellings on the scripture, magnify the Lord all ye people. So I was asking God how do I magnify you. If you put a magnifying glass up to anything, it shows every detail of that thing. How can I magnify God, the creator of everything? That night when my grandson laid there stiff and cold, no breathing and paramedics couldn’t revive him, I ran out into the yard looking up into the sky screaming! I was screaming what now Lord? What is this? I heard Him say within my spirit,”magnify me now.” I lifted my hands in the air and began to sing, I will magnify the Lord who is worthy to be praised. The Lord raised him up when no one else could. He’s 25 years old now and doing good all because of praise to our God! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah!!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thanks for sharing
Let EVERYTHING that has breath praise the Lord. No one can praise God unless by influence of the Spirit, as the flesh is at enmity with God, but those filled with the Spirit have the power of God. Excellent article though!!!
As I read some of the testimonies, I tear up at how God miraculously moved when He is praised.
I’m focusing on praising during this difficult time of my life. I know this battle has been won by praising God, and the answer will manifest soon In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.