Prayer Secret #1 – establishing a good, personal, intimate relationship with God the Father will now get you into the door with Him. It will get you to the point where God will now listen and consider each of your prayer requests.
Prayer Secret #2 is the next step when approaching God with a specific prayer request. This one seems to be so easy to grasp, but many Christians keep violating this basic common sense principle. Prayer Secret #2 is making sure that your prayer request always lines up with the will of God for your life.

I have a pet saying when it comes to this principle. The saying is, “Father always knows best.“ God always knows what is best for you in all situations – you do not! God’s knowledge and wisdom is always perfect – yours is not! God knows what all of your future will hold for you – you do not! Too many Christians are constantly asking God for things that He does not really want them to have.
Here is the main Scripture verse where this basic revelation is being given to us by the Lord:
“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” (1 John 5:14)
Interpretation – God hears your prayer only if the prayer request is in His perfect will for you and your life. If it is not, then the above verse is implying that He will not hear your prayer, and thus will not grant the prayer request.
This is where each Christian has to really get a grip on any specific prayer requests they are presenting to God. If God comes back letting you know that what you are asking for is not in His perfect will for you and your life, then you have to let it go, trust that God knows best, and move on.
When you approach God the Father with a specific prayer request – this is very serious business. You are asking God to bring something to you that normally would not be coming your way. You are asking God to supernaturally bring or allow this request to come your way through Him.
So the first thing you have to do before approaching God with your specific prayer request is to make sure that your prayer request is in His perfect will for you and your life. There are several ways you can do this.
1. Analyze Your Prayer Request
Sometimes it is quite obvious that the request is needed and will be in God’s perfect will for you and your life. You do not even need to pray about whether or not it will be in His will for you and your life. The answer is already obvious and you can go ahead and shoot your prayer through.
A good example would be is that maybe you have just lost your job. You will now have to go to God and ask Him to lead you to the next new job He will want you to have. You already know this request will be in His perfect will for your life because you now need a new job to survive and put food on the table. This is quite obvious, and you can now go ahead and start pressing in and praying to God that He lead you to the next new job that He will want you to have.
Sometimes the request is not so obvious as to whether or not it will be in God’s will for you. Maybe you are dating someone and you would really like to marry this person. However, God has not voiced His opinion on the issue yet.
The way to properly handle this is to go to God and ask for His perfect will on the situation – whether or not you should marry this person. If you really love this person and really want to marry them, the best way to word your prayer is to tell God you would really like to marry this person, but you will only marry this person only if it will be in His perfect will for you to do so.
This way you are on safe ground with God in the way that you have worded the request. You have voiced your opinion on the matter, but you have also let Him know that He knows better than you do as to who you should be marrying in this life, and that you will not marry this person unless it will be in His perfect will for you to do so.
2. The Holy Spirit
The other way to approach this is to simply ask the Holy Spirit if you should be approaching God the Father with the specific prayer request. I believe that the Holy Spirit knows most, if not all of the time, whether or not God will answer your specific prayer request. You can save yourself a lot of travailing and praying by getting the Holy Spirit’s answer before you waste your time and God’s time by praying on a certain issue.
For those of you who have established a good inside connection with the Holy Spirit, the above is rather easy to do. You simply tap into Him, ask His opinion, and most of the time you will pick it up with an “inner knowing” from Him as to whether or not you should proceed any further in approaching God with the specific prayer request.
For those of you who have not yet established this kind of inner connection with the Holy Spirit, you can still go ahead and ask Him, and He will somehow get through to you as to whether or not you should be praying to God on a particular issue.
Now here are 3 short powerful stories that will really illustrate the importance of making sure that all of your prayer requests always line up with the perfect will of God for your life.
Three Stories
1. STORY #1 – About 10 years ago, a friend of mine told me this story and I will never forget it. One of her girlfriends had been dating a man for about two years. Everything was going great. She got to the point where she was now wanting to marry the man. She went before God and started praying, asking God if she should marry him. God came back with a one-line answer and the answer was, “He is sufficient for now.”
This type of an answer obviously was not good enough for her, so she kept pressing God for an answer as to whether or not she should marry this man. God came back with no further answers every time she asked. After about 6 months of continuing to ask God for His opinion on this matter and not getting any additional answers, she decided to make her own decision and marry the man without waiting for God’s confirmation or approval.
Six months into the marriage relationship, this man’s dark side all of a sudden started to emerge. He started to physically abuse her. The beatings got so bad that she had no other alternative but to divorce the man for fear he was going to end up killing her.
I have found from personal experience that whenever God is silent on a specific prayer request, this means to hold your position and do nothing until you receive further word from Him as to whether or not you should move in the direction that you are looking to move into.
2. STORY #2 – Here is another perfect example on this. Another one of my friends was dating a man for about 1 year. She too started asking God if she should marry him. She got no answer from God for at least 3 months. Again, she got impatient waiting for God to answer her. She went ahead and married the man without any leading from the Holy Spirit to do so, and no confirming activity from the Lord that she should marry the man.
One year into the marriage, she found out that her husband had been having an affair behind her back with one of his secretaries during the entire year that they had been married! They were divorced shortly thereafter.
Do you see what happens when you go against the perfect will of God on a specific request? Total death can result. In these two cases, both girls saw their marriages end up in divorce because they were not patient enough to wait for God’s answer on their specific requests! They were both praying for marriages that obviously were not in the perfect will of God for their lives. This is why I say God always knows best.
God knew the one man had a dark side that was going to emerge once he married the girl. He knew the other man would not stay faithful once he got married to the second girl. Neither girl could have known these things were going to occur. But God does know all these things and what our futures will hold for us – and this is why your prayer requests have always got to be within His perfect will for your life or the consequences could be disastrous like they were in these two stories!
3. STORY #3 – The third story is my own personal story. About 20 years ago, I was dating a girl for about one year when she got diagnosed with cancer. The doctors told her she had a 50/50 chance of making it. She immediately started chemo and the rest of the appropriate cancer treatments. I took her to see Joyce Meyer for a healing, along with some of the other ministers in our area who were supposed to have the gift of healing operating through their ministries.
None of the ministers were able to bring any type of healing to my girlfriend. I then started to try and pray myself to see if I could get God to heal her. I will never forget what happened when I did. As I approached God the Father with the request, I felt the Holy Spirit put up a shield between me and God the Father. I initially ignored the shield and continued to try and pray through to God for this request.
As I started praying the appropriate words, I saw my words travel about two feet in front of my mouth and then drop straight to the ground. I could tell my words were not “hitting” God. I then felt the Holy Spirit start to literally pull back on my words as I was trying to release them to God. There was no anointing on my words. I had no wind at my back from the Holy Spirit to be approaching God with this specific request. I was really straining in trying to get my words to reach God the Father.
After about the 5th or 6th time when trying to pray to God for her healing, I immediately stopped and asked God if I should even bother to continue to pray on this issue due to the resistance I seemed to be picking up from the Holy Spirit.
I then received an immediate answer. I was given a strong knowing that God did not want to heal her and that it was His perfect will that she be brought home to Him – and if I continued to try and pray for this healing against His will, that I would just be expending useless energy. He made it loud and clear that His mind was already made up on the issue and that I was to let it go.
He then conveyed to me as to why He was not going to consider healing her. Long story short, my girlfriend was 40 years old when she came down with the cancer. 8 years prior to this, she got diagnosed with the beginning stages of emphysema. The doctors told her that if she did not quit smoking, that she would end up in a wheelchair and on an oxygen tent on a permanent basis.
For whatever reason, she would not quit smoking and she continued to smoke for another 8 years. The emphysema was starting to break into the next level and she still would not quit. She then broke out with the cancer. God made it very clear to me that He gave her 8 years to clean up her act, to heed the warnings from the doctors and to quit smoking.
Our bodies are a direct gift from God, and He expects all of us to do the best we can with them – especially in the area of taking proper care of them. When she refused to take proper care of her body by giving up smoking, God decided He was not going to heal her and that she would have to be brought home much earlier than He would have really liked.
I believe to this day that had my girlfriend quit smoking 8 years before coming down with this cancer, that there would have been a very good chance that God would have healed her of the cancer. But because she did not take proper care of her body, God had no natural desire to want to heal her when this emergency presented itself. And God gave her plenty of time to get her act together before this cancer hit – 8 years!
I did not tell my girlfriend what I felt God had conveyed to me. I did not want to cause her to lose hope in the event I had not properly heard from God on this issue. She tried several other healing ministries, along with continuing all of the cancer treatments, but nothing worked. She died one year later after getting diagnosed with the cancer.
1. As you can see from the above three stories, you can save yourself a lot of blood, sweat, and tears when praying to God if you can pick it up ahead of time whether or not your specific prayer requests should be brought before Him for His consideration. This is the beauty of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. One of His jobs is to help us in our prayer life with God the Father.
The Holy Spirit will always know whether or not God will want to answer our specific prayer request. By connecting up with the Holy Spirit on a specific prayer request, you will go a long way in being able to decide when to approach God in prayer and when not to.
For those of you who have not got this far in your own personal relationship with the Holy Spirit in order to be able to pick Him up and read His movements, you can still approach both Him and God the Father before you attempt to pray and just simply ask God if it will be in His perfect will that a specific prayer request be put before Him.
I have found that God will always come through loud and clear on this issue. Remember, God wants to establish a loving personal relationship with you – and in this personal relationship will be the benefit of being able to approach Him with your specific prayer requests.
2. God really wants to show you how to play the prayer game with Him. It is prayer that will pull down major miracles from God. You just have to learn what the ground rules are and how to play the game with Him. The Bible lays down all the ground rules that you will need to know in order to become a very effective and powerful prayer warrior for the Lord.
For whatever reason, God has the big picture set up in that He will not move many of the times on a certain situation unless we first go into serious prayer with Him. The art of prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of a Spirit-filled believer. God can be moved to answer prayer no matter how dire the circumstances. You just need the knowledge on how to properly approach the Lord in order to get Him to move on certain situations.
I think you will find the remaining prayer secrets very interesting, as they will all give you several different options and strategies in which to approach God with on your specific prayer requests. I believe with knowledge comes power. With knowledge will come the ability to know how to properly play the prayer game with the Lord.
I will leave you with one last thought. One of the benefits of having established a true personal relationship with God the Father is the ability to be able to approach Him with your specific prayer requests. Think of the consequences and the possibilities of this privilege that we now have with God the Father.
God the Father has the full supernatural power to do or accomplish whatever He should so desire. The Bible says that “With God NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.”
God loves to answer prayers. Prayers to God can save lives, change circumstances, and prevent catastrophes. The Bible says that God is looking to “show Himself strong” on behalf of those who have established a true, loving, personal relationship with Him. However, many Christians do not fully realize the power and potential they have if they would simply learn how to properly pray to God to get Him to move on certain situations.
Many people are so wrapped up in themselves and their own lives, they fail to see how their own prayers to God can help someone else out who may be in a dire situation. One of the prayer secrets I will be discussing shortly is the power of intercession – the ability to stand in the gap for someone else, approach God as his advocate, and pray to God to help them out of a dire situation.
Many people do not really know how to properly approach and pray to God the Father. As a result, people are either dying early before their time is really up, or they are forced to live under tragic circumstances due to no fault of their own. Accidents can happen. Bad things can happen. But prayers to God the Father can either prevent the bad things from happening before they happen, or they change the situation for the better once the bad thing has happened.
Remember, our God is in the life-saving business! Our God is a God of miracles. He is just looking for true prayer warriors to pull down these miracles that He is only to anxious to release!
Think of the possibilities that we all have with this privilege that we have with God the Father – to be able to boldly approach His throne for prayer anytime, anywhere, and for any situation – to be able to save the day for someone who may be at death’s door!
This is the call of the Eagle. A true Eagle of God is a “master prayer.” He has learned the fine art of being able to properly and effectively pray to God the Father in order to literally move mountains when needed. Nothing is impossible for a true Eagle of God because he knows nothing is impossible with the God he serves.
Mark my words! God will be raising up an army of Eagles in the coming years that will fly with the power and anointing of God such as the world has never seen before or will ever see again. The Bible says in the latter days just before Jesus comes back, that an army will raised up. The verse is Joel 2:2. It reads:
“A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, like the morning clouds spread over the mountains. A people come, great and strong, the like of whom has never been; nor will there be any such after them, even for many successive generations.”
The rest of the verses then go into how powerful this army will be and the exploits they will do under God’s anointing and power.
For more information on this coming army – see my article titled “Prophecy from Jesus to Mary Baxter on Joel’s Army to Come” under the “Prophecies” section. A woman by the name of Mary Baxter received a direct Word from Jesus about this army and who He will be calling to be a part of it.
This was a very powerful Word given to this woman, and I believe there is a strong possibility that this army will be coming out of this generation!
- Introduction to the Prayer Secrets
- Prayer Secret #1 Your Personal Relationship With God
- Prayer Secret #2 The Will of God
- Prayer Secret #3 God Will Hear the Prayers of the Righteous
- Prayer Secret #4 Stating Your Case Before God
- Prayer Secret #5 Ask – Seek – Knock
- Prayer Secret #6 The Prayer of Agreement
- Prayer Secret #7 The Power of Intercessory Prayer
- Prayer Secret #8 Praying For Something More Than One Time
- Prayer Secret #9 Do Not Lose Heart
- Prayer Secret #10 The Intercessory Ministries of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
- Prayer Secret #11 Mighty Prevailing Prayer
- Prayer Secret #12 Prayers of Thanksgiving
- Prayer Secret #13 Pray to God the Father in the Name of Jesus
i am happily married for 10 years to a sweet and gentle woman and i am a father to 2 healthy boys. 7 months before my wedding an ex girl friend tried to win me back. we broke up becos in my mind becos of bad timing and not becos she and i were not right for each other. i was tempted to go back to her frankly becos she was just that bit prettier.i prayed to GOD asking will my ex and i have a good marriage and he gave me a vision of me walking into conference room to sign divorce papers!! my ex does not want children and is extremely career minded and we would not have worked out.
Thanks a lot for your teaching about praying in the will of GOD. But I want know practically how one can know the will of GOD so the we pray according to..I have got marriage to a lady and the lady have had an etopic/miscarriage bbefore and due top that she is not able to give birth but I am still praying ffor the fruit of the womb.let me here from u.thanks for listing
This is actually an eye opener.a great manual i av never come across.I knew salvation age now 37 but av never had a close r/ship wt t Lord and my prayer life has been hitting a wall and i always give do i ask God his will and how does he answer.i av a strong desire 2 av a very close walk with him but my prayers i feel do not go anywhere.thanks for the great work you are doing.may God bless you.
This is wonderful, your messages seems to be empowering me, i am a very much delighted and will always look through your powerful tips on how a christian can work with God and benefit from faithful serving.
grateful if you can link me to online bible studies to equip myself for the work of Christ.
Thank you may the lord richly lavish you and your institution with unendless blessings.
Thank you
Hi m 28yrs years old i read about secrets of prayer i m really blessed .I love a guy from 5 yrs as we planned to get married but due to his financial problem we r unable my parents dnt agree i just to know the what is the will of God in our lives how do i knw can u plz pray for me n email me
To Jennifer : The marrage vows say for richer or poorer , I feel as long as there is true love between you two, That is the most important thing financial set backs are temp. love is forever 🙂
To Jennifer –> i don’t think true love is everything, it’s a matter of asking God whether it’s His will or not and waiting for His answer. Love can wither at times but if it’s a relationship with God at the centre, He will guide and help you in a marriage.
So pray to God and wait, don’t do anything rash as has already been mentioned in a testimonial. Sometimes financial hardship can ruin a relationship because of practical reasons, lack of communication/compromise
By the way, with regard to waiting for His will, I guess things will become easy and everything will line up for you both to get married if it is God’s will and you’ll feel peace. But if it is not God’s will, u will get barriers or no answers from Him.
Please give me support in pray for my loved one, Agus Susanto, that The Holy Spirit hold the power of his life and change his life and heart. So finally he can believe and keep Jesus Christ as his Savior. He can open his heart and mind for all true knowledge about Jesus Christ. May The Power of Holy Spirit release Moslem Spirit in his life. May God release Agus from devil spirits and his bad habits .I wish that he get salvation from God. May God Bless our relationship and someday become man and wife. Thru happiness and sorrow, richer or poorer, better or worse, sickness and in health. This is the only man I would give everything for. I really hope we belong together. I’ve never felt this feeling ever before just with him. And may God make our love more stronger in Jesus Christ and give miracles on our relationship
I need to pray for my marriage, my husband want a divorce and I want to save our marriage.
I fall in love to a girl that never love me some years back, I decided to live her alone. I then started another relationship with another girl who love me very well.I am having some doubt about the present girl and feeling confused as to either she is the perfect will of God for me or not. I am beginning to gain back the love for the earlier first girl but each time I present myself to her as some body having interest in her, I observed she still don’t like me even though my mine is still pushing me to her.I have been praying to God to show me between the two who to concentrate in. Help me in prayer and advise for a Gods revelation.
Me and my ex been broken up now for almost several months,but I love her deeply I been praying for months for us to get back together,she says it’s no longer in her heart,that unless God changes her heart it want happen,I tried to move on but I think bout her day and night,sometimes I can’t go nomore than two days without seeing her that’s just how much I love heri ask God to restore our relationship.Our breakout lead both us to trust in God.Before that neither one of us prayed or went to church,sometimes I half to talk to her about spiritual things because she is the only one that I trust.I ask God to send me a prayer partner or either just someone Godly,but as I pray her face is the only one that I see,so I wonder if that’s a sign that He is going to work it out in due time,I’m so lost about this situation so I ask your opinion please help and pray
I was married to a very abusive man for 13 years and eventually left him and stayed on my own. Over the years I have tried to date but I kept on meeting man who hurt me one way or the other.
Just a year and four months ago I met someone but we have not yet met. It is someone I knew when I was very young as we all came from the same country and used to be Moslems. Now my challenge is that I have been hurt so much and every time he promises to call and not call I feel so discouraged. He also lost two wives in a row and from his side is also been disouraged by his situation, but we had an agreement to go ahead and we also pray about it. Please pray with me.
I am currently fasting and praying for my situation to change as I dont want to keep meeting new people.
Kind Regards,
The Abomination of Desolation
…21″For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. 22″Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. Connection in India top destruction and dead change BIBLE SECRECY AND IT LONG YEAR TRADEDY SEVICE AND CHRIST SHOW THE ROOT ENTR HEAVE PLAN EXPOSE 1993 from . B.K.JOHN
Please pray for me. I really,really need help.
After eight years of battling alcoholism and depression, I’m trying to get my life back, but everything seems
so grey and empty now. I feel, I don’t have any purpose to live anymore. I feel lost and in despair now.
I need God to enlighten me and show my way in life. Help me to find the job best suited for me,
the place to live and purpose to live.
Also, please pray for my mother Dana, recently she had a stroke and very ill now.
Father, please take care of my mother and help her to fully recover.
Thank you
Thank God for giving me the insight finding this column , rich and full of God’s out-pouring . w . I find it so rewarding . Praise God .
I am short of words to describe my experience vis a vis what I have just learnt from your teachings .
Honestly I’m entangled in a web of limitations and confusion to an extend that one would almost say ” yeah no need for the prayers ” as each day comes wth same old life . Now I remember the story of Abraham who was a humble and patient servant of God whom God blessed at a far advanced stage of his life just because he kept faith in God . In addition to your contribution I begin to see clearly why we have to wait for God’s time and not dictate the way we want things happen . Thanks indeed . I’m so blessed and favoured .
I think the holy spirit led me in the rite direction,4 me 2 read this article because I’ve been going thru tests nd trials 4 a while now,nd I was at de point of giving up,I’ve been dating this guy 4 7yrs now nd we hav 2 kids,he hasn’t married me yet nd everytym we wud fyt I wud pack nd go,I pray eveyday 2 God that he makes him stay away in my life but somehow wed end up 2gether again,the love we hav 4 eachother is indescribable,if God wnts me 2b with this man but not get married…hai I’m confused on what’s going on in my life now coz wen I wanna break up with him it doesn’t happen but God keeps us 2gether,we’ve been thru a lot nd some of the things that can corse relationships 2 fall apart but ours is amazing,now the question is is it Gods will that its like this?
Very usefull guidence for our prayer before we start. Otherwise we waste our time and finaly dissapoint with no result.
I have never thought about going to the Holy Spirit before approaching God with my prayers! We all know that the Holy Spirit is “Our Helper”……..DUH! Revelation here!!!!
I love feeling the presence/confirmation from the Holy Spirit. Uh, like right now! Amen! 🙂
You certainly know if what you are doing, saying, or where you are heading is in line with God’s will for you when you tune in to the power of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you SO MUCH for opening my eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand again!
God blesses those who bless others in their walk with the Lord….and you, my friend, are truly blessed! From all the comments I read, you have helped so many of us just with this one article alone.
I am so glad I “stumbled” upon your website and this knowledge. <3
Praise the Lord!
Yeah the writer is on point with this article, the Holy Spirit tells us exactly what to say to the Father, I am a living testimony to this fact..
Please pray for me! I’ve been devorsed for two years now. It’s a very long story but recently she told me she is seeing someone! I so much love her and I have been so sad even to the point of suicide. God has got his grip on me and I believe he has told me through prayer and scripture and the presence of the Holy Ghost that we will be together again . My faith is so small and I’m so week please keep me in your prayers. Thank you
I don’t believe prayer is a “game” to God. It’s sober and serious. Speaking to the two examples of women who married those men without God’s permission – why didn’t the Holy Spirit tell them not to date the men in the first place? God wouldn’t have us to be dating random people, only whom we would marry. Seems to me they weren’t listening to God from the start.
I agree with that everything that was said before was making sens. But God doesn’t play games much less “prayer games” that’s not how God works. He is straight forward and does not play what you say prayer games. Yes we should wait on his plan but you should never say that God plays prayer games. Prayers are not games to him.
I have recently been ordained as a Christian minister and have been blessed with many gifts, prophetic. I started to write some sermons on what I feel is coming to me from God and would like to share some with you
Prayer is such a powerful and intimate time with the Lord. It is a time when you can go naked before him(meaning baring your soul unto him). Laying all of your burdens and cares at his feet. This is also a time of communication; once you tell the Lord what is going on; he will respond back to you. It is not a time of babbling on with repetition; but once you go to the Lord with a situation; have faith that he will give you an answer. This answer may not come right away, and sometimes it is not the answer that you would like to receive. But, this is one thing that I do know; and that is the Lord will give you an answer. I also know that a delayed prayer does not mean a denied prayer. At times what we are desiring in our hearts to come to pass; may just not be time for it to come to pass(which means that it is not the season for the prayer to be fulfilled). Prayers are answered in seasons. As in the book of Ecclesiastes talks about the different seasons; such as their are different seasons for our prayers to be answered. Sometimes we may not be completely prepared to receive what the Lord has waiting on us. There is a time that we have to grow and mature; in order to appreciate that “Blessed Prayer” being answered.
Be Blessed in The Lord
Praise God for your comments on prayer. It is confirmation of what God said to me while I was in spiritual boot camp, being prepared to go forth to teach the Word of God. God made me a prayer warrior in 2007
It makes a difference when we know how to use our authority that has been given us by God our creator. We perish for the lack of knowledge. God has given us power to take charge over sin, sickness,
diseases, contrary and evil spirits of every kind sort and nature. I have learned who I am in Christ Jesus and I Love kicking the devil’s head with the Word of God. That’s what Jesus did and we are suppose to follow his leadership. It is the Spirit that quickens
I feel as though the main writer is talking out of both sides of his mouth. Do you mean that if I love someone with all my heart, which by the way, I didn’t ask to fall in love with this person, nor did I form my personality. I was born with one that caused me to fall in love in the first place, but now it has to go through all of these ridiculous channels of approval by God. I’m sorry, but I just don’t believe it! It seems to be giving God an excuse for unanswered prayers. I agree with the other commenter that prayer is NOT a game. If it is, then it’s a cruel one. I am 71 years old and I have to swallow that all these years my prayers weren’t answered because I didn’t know THE GAME!! Can or can’t God do all things? If not, just admit it and stop torturing people!!! I would appreciate some feedback. What does the Bible say about it not being good to be alone, or do I have to pray through that also?
Sound like you have a justification spirit. Everything is lined up with the word of God. Those who justify are those that are living in their sins.
Thanks for the insight but i hav a question. God showed me that something would stand in my way of success through my dreams and i prayed against it with power knowing that my prayer could change the situation. One week down the line i got accepted for a job but i could not start the job because the manager wanted me to bribe him and as a child of God i could not support corruption. Should i say that my prayer could not stop such things? And why did God show me it could happen but could not answer my prayer
Can you please pray for me. My fiancee broke up with me after our 10years relationship as he fall in love and started to have an affair with his coworker, who is already married with two and he is not ready to leave her but i feel that he still cares for me and i love him so much and cant move on. Just by thinking about living without him kills me.
Please pray for me that God will soften his heart for me again.
Why would you want him? If he’s cheated before the wedding what makes you think he won’t cheat after?
Yes it hurts but the fact he cheated with a married woman shows he has no respect for marriage vows.
You’ve been together 10 years and this is what you get? Your time is irreplaceable. You deserve someone as devoted to you as you are to then.
Please see the writing on the wall. Thank God he showed you this before the wedding.
A leopard doesn’t change his spots.
God’s Will is in His Word so why do you pray “if it’s your will?” His will has been established. Yes, as far as dating and personal matters, you need to seek the Holy Spirit and get the inward witness. God changes not and is not a God that He should lie. Satan steals, kills and destroys, not God. He promises 120 years of life but it’s up to you to live according to the mandates of His Word and if you are satisfied with your life span and if you finished your course or race on Earth.
Secondly God has already healed and provided everything we (believers) need on the cross. Your statement that God chose not to heal your girlfriend wasn’t from God. Your girlfriend chose not to receive the healing in the covenant because of her lifestyle (smoking, whatever) and not believing and receiving the promises of God. She cooperated with Satan’s lies.
Yep, the old Churchian mantra: “She brought it on herself.”
I couldn’t agree any less of every word said here. Jesus crucifixion death and resurrection was not for nothing it was a convent brought to bear alive when he said it is finished so onus is on a believer to either receive life via his / her confession and conviction in heart and total trust in What Jesus had done.
Well I will say we all have a different level of understand about what my big brother and Lord Jesus did for us. And it all boils down to what is your personal relationship with God and towards the understanding of what and who Jesus is and did
my dear bobby am also going through the same challenge, am still believing and trusting God for his will over my life. i had to stay and give myself some month on my own just to know God will and go for it. i definitely know that she is Gods will and so i have told myself i will go after her and my heart. so if u love her truly and see her as your wife as God also sees her then go for her. she is yours. it is well with us.
Ive a question, so how do i know what gods will for my life is?
Prayers are mostly silent, i want to be close to god and walk with him but this silentness and unanswered prayers are getting me frustrated and idk if im just going crazy beliving in this
First for you to understand the will of God for you, you have to acquaint yourself with the word of God the bible and how do you understand the bible?
First through the ministry of the holy spirit you need to ask him to teach you cause Christ has been made to you knowledge, wisdom and understanding so all you need is ask the holy spirit and he will explain things to you easily so far you have Christ in you. Through fbis you will know the willnof God for you.
God is never truly silent 1 Chronicles 12:38
All these were fighting men who volunteered to serve in the ranks. They came to Hebron fully determined to make David king over all Israel. All the rest of the Israelites were also of one mind to make David king. You need to be one with the word in your mind ..
you know the apostle paul said
Philippians 4:
[vs: 9] Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me–put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
[vs: 10] I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it.
[vs: 11] I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
[vs: 12] I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
[vs: 13] I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
At a point when he did not hear from God he knew what to do then he said (I have a sound mind) you have a sound mind as long as you have Christ in you all you need do is activate the deserting spirit in you
I want God to bless me with a good job and a very good pay. I want God to bring back my relationship with the lady i intended to marry Queendalyn. That any form of obstacle and confusion from men coming her way should be destroyed. And God to uplift me, restore me back, grant me favours, blessings, breakthroughs, peace, total health, longlife, wisdom and progress. I ask all these through Christ our Lord amen.
I talked my parents about my marriage to whom I love but they refuse our marriage due to different caste and Lower qualifications I love my partner I can’t live without him plz pray for our relationship urgent pray that if next time I talk to my parents they approve our marriage .now they strictly said no to our marriage. I love him I can’t live without him plz pray urgent pray for our relationship urgent pray that my parents approve my marriage
Your first story, about the woman who ended up with the abuser, is difficult to accept. Would God truly find a violent, physical abuser “sufficient for now” for any Christian woman, at any time?
”Sufficient for now” means that she didn’t have to get married to him, Joe.
“Sufficient for now” to me means the Lord has seen something else in the future that will not make him sufficient later on. So the answer was a warning.
Yes, “sufficient for now ” meant he is good just for now and marriage is not just about now, its about now and forever so if God didn’t say he is sufficient or he is sufficient now and forever, the answer ‘He is sufficient now’ was a warning. May God give us wisdom and understanding in the Spirit.. May we discern in full what He is saying to us. Amen.
Thank you for the training and God bless Mary Baxter for her loving service to the Father
Please pray for me and boyfriend to settle our problems. I don’t want to lost him because I love him so much. Lord I ask you once again to give him to me,. One more time lord please give his love back to me as we are going to talk again this coming few days. Once again I am asking for a prayer to anyone who can read this and to you lord to give us another shot that it will lead to marriage and have a family on our own with your love and guidance.
Hi Jing.. I know how deep love can go. And I feel for you and your situation. However, be careful to pray to the Lord that only His will in your life should happen. Pray that the Lord will let the two of you stay together and marry if it is His will. And if it is not, that He gives you the strength or walk away.
I recently had an almost similar situation. I had a boyfriend for over a year. I usually travel and it was on one of these trips that I found my strength to pray to the Lord about my relationship seriously. I always felt that he might not be the right person for me, but he’s a good guy and I really really was in love with him. He was my best friend too. However, on that day, I turned to the Lord in a deaperate prayer and asked that He’d find a way for me and him to not be together anymore if it was His will. And I was honest with Him and told Him that I’d tested myself that if He left it up to me (even if He told me) to break up with him, I didn’t have the strength and would let it drag on. So I asked him, since it was still the first month of the year , to give me a new beginning without him if that was his will, and that He should give me the strength to accept and move on. Comfort me and give me peace.
Long story short, about 2 weeks later, we were over. It wasn’t easy at all for me. And because of how the break up happened, I know the Lord was showing me something about how I needed a man who fought for me if I was going to be with him forever. And I know the Holy Spirit had a hand in separating us. According to the Lord’s will.
Am alright and still praying to the Lord about a marriage partner. Am thankful and grateful that He separated me from my ex. And I have seen so many reasons why he was not compatible with me. I know he would have hurt me if I didn’t pray for the Lord’s will to be carried out. The Lord is my Savior, I am His sheep.
I’m soo touched by this stories. With me it’s very sad. The love of my life is getting married to someone he doesn’t love. We dated a bit in varsity and broke up after that because he didn’t have intentions of marrying me then. His church didn’t promote dating if you didn’t have the money to pay lobola. 6 years later he came back to ask for my hand in marriage, unfortunately by then I was in a relationship and I couldn’t accept. He was hurt and couldn’t move on, by the time he decided to move on while still not over me it was the time I realized that I still loved him. Unfortunately it was a bit late. Now he paid lobola and engaged to get married but still he feels that he loves but he’s very afraid to break the ladies heart and the church at large. He decided to bring the matter up with the pastors and all they are saying is that the fact that he’s engaged shows that it’s Gods plan and instead of praying to hear Gods voice he decided to go ahead because he’s not ready for the consequences… I prayed and felt like God is saying he’s the one. But he chose someone else.
Well for me i feel a cirtain unexplainable type of joy and peace and assurance that what i prayed for has been answered, i feel a magnified need to declare with my mouth cirtain things, they practically flow out of my mouth automatically like I’m repeating wat someone is telling me, and i know its God and not my own feelings becoz when i try to then add wat i “want” to the list of the declarations or professions I’ll be making they jus feel wrong or my mouth just shuts, i just fail to utter more words.. Also God says in the Bible “my sheep know my voice” soi think you should believe you are God’s sheep and so u know his voice.
This article assumes I’m going to hear direction from the Holy spirit. My personal feelings can be very strong and we are told not to rely on what we feel because our hearts are driven by fleshly desires. I can’t count how many times I’ve gone with my feelings and been dead wrong. How to you know and trust that it’s the holy spirit. Satan can also cast shadows of doubts over your hopes so…? Are we all just making our own decisions here and saying the holy spirit lead us to it?
I married a man out the will of God and for eleven years I have been living under control. My children have been suffering my oldest has two children out of wedlock and my husband has put her out of the house we both build . She wants to come home but he stands in the house as tyrant. I have no access to the front of the house
My children and I are so unhappy he control the keys. He control the groceries he control the washer as we are allowed to wash only when he say
Recently the Lord has been opening doors for me to speak at churches so I know he has a plan for me
Reading your post I realized this is not how God intended for me to live
I am claiming my deliverance now
I need a battle prayer
I can’t exactly say I have heard from God but I have peace of mind in regards this man I have intentions of getting married to. A few pastors I spoke with concerning him have given me discouraging revelations about both him and his family. But the will to fight for him above all and still marry him is so strong because I find peace in my heart. So please help me. Am getting frustrated!!!!
I don’t want to make mistake in marriage it will break me for the rest of my life.
Hm. I’m wondering how you can have “peace in your heart” and “getting frustrated” at the same time. Take your time to get married. LISTEN to your pastors. I married against all sound advice and it has taken me years to get over my mistake.
Then just wait. It may be the right person just the wrong time. Wait on the Lord!
Okay, now I’m really confused after reading marriage prayers and testimonies I come here saying maybe it isn’t Gods will to pray for a restored marriage? Help clarify please
Don’t believe what other say without relying in the bible. I’m holding on to the story of a widow woman that asked the evil judge in Luke. Jesus, command us to keep praying and seeking. God wants everyone to be saved and healed. If you know the story of Jonah while he run from God? God wants him to intercede for people in prayer because God wants them to be saved. I’m struggling in my marriage too and I’m seeking God to help my marriage.
This really is not a good article . God does not punish people because they didn’t do as he might want . Lots of people in the bible have gone against his will and he’s shown them mercy . God doesn’t punish someone by not healing them . This is nonsense
Dear sister, I can testify that God can and does discipline his Children. Not because he he doesnt love us. It is specifically because he loves us.
Your comment is hopefully based solely on a lack of understanding. All throughout the bible, God has punished people who sin and openly rebel.
Adam and Eve were punished for their rebellion by being banished from the Garden of Eden. There is also Cane who was punished by God for murdering his brother Abel. Saphira (Moses’ sister) was punished with leprosy for daring to defy God by oposing Moses. Jonah was punished by God and spent days in the belly of a whale when he refused to go to Ninevah.
I mean no disrespect, but your comment that God doesnt punish is false doctrine that only can come from Satan.
You seem to forget God is not going to tolerate rebellion forever. There will come a time when Christ gathers the believers and everyone will be put up for righteous judgement.
All mankind will be judged guilty or innocent. That right there proves God will punish the wicked for the wrong they do.
David is a perfect example of a man who was called “Friend” by God, and yet when David had an affair with another man’s wife, he was punished. His son that was born as a result of that affair died from sickness.
God cannot and will not tolerate rebellion forever. There will be a time when rebellion is crushed and all who are not living according to faith in Christ will be punished.
God hears you and will answer all prays, he’s good God, a father and every other good thing u can think of, he just did something wonderful to me,I want you to know he hears and feel your pains just that he wants a relationship between you both the devil will flee from you if you resist the devil. may God guide and protect you. Amen
The lord is with you all,keep praying and fasting, he will hear your cry from the heavens and he is the only true God strong in battle, he has manifested in my life and am here to give testimony, he answered my prayer and I forever trust him
I have been praying and fasting to get my ex back. Please pray for me for my ex to start loving me again, feel for me, treat me right and respect me and come back to me. recently he asked me to return all his stuff back. I am so disheartened but I still have faith in God, I do lose faith sometimes but I am continuing to fast and pray for him as I still have hope that god will do miracle in my life soon. Please pray for me for him to come back. Amen
Good Morning,
This my first time being on your web site. I am truly blessed my reading your article on prayer #2. It is my great desire to read your other articles as well.
For several days the Holy Spirit have been dealing with me on how our lives are already mapped out by God & how we meet our future of God’s will for our lives. So I got up early this morning seeking more information on this matter. I have been attending this particular church for approximately 3 months. I have been praying for God to show me my Pastor. The scripture say let God’s word be established by two or three witnesses. My first & second witness , “he is not your Pastor”. Third witness ” wait on the Lord”. A impatient & a restless spirit of pressure have been on me. Last Sunday, (I) said (I) might as well join this church what’s it going to hurt, after all it is God’s will that I have a Pastor. Your article is my fourth witness. In the 3rd personal story when you said how you had been approaching God still for the same request over & over again “how you felt the Holy Spirit put a shield between you & the Father.” This too have happened to me in this situation also but flesh always war against the spirit. God has truly answered me to wait on him because I have been seeking for an answer. God is so faithful! The word said if we sincerely seek him, we shall find him! I thank God for your anointed ministry & your words of wisdom! It is my desire to grow in knowledge, to learn God’s ways & be a partaker of his blessings for my life & to help others to know him as well. Thank you again!
First let us give the Lord thanks for the abundance of all things.Please pray that the Lord would deliver his people from evil men; That the Lord would preserve his people from violent men, who plan evil things in their heart and stir up wars continually. Pray against the spirit of anti Christ,false witness,terrorism,leviathan,jezebel,witchcraft,hatred and violence. Pray for world wide repentance that people would turn to God, so that he will forgive their sins. Please pray and intercede without ceasing that God’s will be done in the lives of the world’s leaders and for our leaders to seek God and listen to Him. Pray that they would be surrounded by godly counsel and, that President Trump and the world leaders would personally know God and the salvation found through faith in Jesus Christ alone. That we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. God can turn the hearts of kings. Earnestly pray that the people of America and its leaders will humble themselves and seek the Lords face and turn from their wicked ways. Pray that the Lord would hear from heaven and forgive our countries sins and heal our land. God Bless America Pray that the Lord would grant peace in America, that we may lie down and no one will make us afraid. That the Lord would remove wild beasts from the land, and that the sword will not pass through our country and that President Trump along with our leaders be filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might to declare the sins of Gods people. Please pray for revival and that the Lord would pour out his spirit on his servants, throughout the world both men and women. Pray for the peace of Israel. Gods will be done on earth as it is in heaven.In Jesus Name, Amen.
Please pray for me,there is this man i met recently via a friend and i am so in love with him. We talk for long hours on the phone, we are always so excited to talk to each other.infact ,talking to eachother has become a routine, we talk ourselves to sleep everynight. I asked him some few days ago to set a meeting so we could meet but he just kept saying hes really busy at the moment, my fear now is am i the one in love with him in my head or is it that he doesnt feel for me, that he probably just sees me as a chat mate.
Before i met this man at all, i did like a 10days prayer for single women. i swear i heard his name in my dreams the day i finished the prayer section , we got hooked that same week by a friend whom i have never spoken to about relationship . I dont want to waste my time falling in love with someone who sees me as just his friend, please advise me
Hi Mide, 🙂 I advise you to pray asking God about this man. After praying and asking God about a man I almost married, God ended the relationship a week after. If that man isn’t from God, HE will end it early on. Pray.Only GOD can guide you according to HIS Will for your life. You can also pray telling God you want to put this man on the altar and if he isn’t from God for you, then ask God to take him away from your life.
Remember, God gave Eve to Adam when he was asleep. The man is supposed to be pursuing you, not the other way around. Pray and ask God to guard your heart until it’s the man HE wants for you. When you are feeling confuse, negative feelings, etc…remember, it’s Satan and the enemy can use anyone to detour you from God’s purpose for your life. God is not a God of confusion. Google on and watch Pastor Michael Todd’s sermons on “relationship goals.” He’s awesome and a man of God! 🙂 I hope this helps!
I met a guy in an AA meeting a year ago I felt an instant connection with, then saw him at church a few weeks later, since then we have been sitting together and having fun. I was definitely interested in getting to know this guy more. In my head we were already a couple. I then asked him about his feelings for me. He said he was really busy in his life and he didn’t have the time to commit to a deeper relationship. I continued to obsess about him and still do. When I go to God about this relationship there is no real answer. I’ve now pushed him away so he never calls me and I always initiate conversation, email texts etc… Although he calls back when I ask him to he is still not showing any further interest than friends. I am now stuck and am struggling to move on. My friends have told me to stop going to places he is at (that church) but I’m drawn to it like an addition. I pray that you dont get wrapped up into someone that is not willing to commit the time and energy you deserve and crave. Its been nothing but depressing for me the last year. As I sat here crying as I write this, anyone reading this please pray for me that I can move on and find my happiness again.
I’ll take 1 more shot at this, my comments never seem to fly. (Like an Eagle BTW) I like to share story’s, I have a cool 1 about an Eagle encounter too. I should probably put under ur eagle analogy which I liked very much.. Another writing that is a blessing to me, I’m so sorry that ur girlfriend went home early. Love the fact that u will see her again. I believe the part about smoking I was meant to read. I too have been struggling this addiction. Maybe the last stronghold of sin God is trying to rid me of , I do believe it’s holding me back from complete surrender. Short story, moments after seeing let’s say a planted seed come to fruition. And I had cried aloud I’d sure like to see God win one, though I know something said or prayed might not come to pass for years. ( (The last 2 strongholds of sin took me more than 20) to learn to hate the sin as God does.. Anyways, someone had called to say how much better they were doing and thank you . One of the best feelings ever. I found myself having a ” God moment” standing under trees by a creek, I found myself wanting to live, move forward knowing the feeling of doing God’s work, that started with a simple act of kindness, & turned miraculous.. but my health is not good, always feel like I only have 6 mo. – 2 or 3 yrs. All at once I thought hey 10 more years..? God said ” granted” but I know I have to take better care of my body, its only by God’s will I’m alive now, I have to quit smoking, ur girlfriends story just might extend a life today, and thats kinda how it works isn’t it? Love this site, such a blessing, u are really maticulous , 1 cig left in my pack and so it goes.. I’ll keep you updated. Cjp.
My name is honor, i bumped on this page while reading , i am very sad tonight and i cant sleep….. i feel totally broken , as if God left me.
I had a boyfriend that i loved so much, with all my heart, but he didnt love me the same,he was leading me on at first and when i asked him to define the relationship, he broke up with me .
We made up and broke up, until he told me he was returning to the state, where he got arrested, the first time he reached out to me when he came out on bail before his sentence, he broke up with me and told me he accepted jesus bla bla … and he would want to be friends instead, because i still liked him, i agreed to it.
We have been friends now for 2years, but i cant get over him. He is a nice guy now, changed and very caring. He is in jail now though, he reaches out to me all the time, sending me mails and encouraging me on my job, my school and even on love… he calls me all the time….. what should i do? I was very local and nice to me , he dint take care of me then, now he is acting nice…. should i cut him off completely or just remain nice, because i no they truly needs friend to be there for them