When tough times call, most people, even non Christians, often find themselves uttering a small prayer of guidance. For Christians, they understand and know that Christ has their best interest. Of course, it doesn’t make it any easier to accept uncertainty.

As a Christian one of the foremost things you do as you enter into Christianity is that you are required to fully surrender everything to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Praying For Guidance

He will take whatever’s bad in your life and transform them inside out; turning you into the best possible person you can be under Christ.

This may seem easy but it takes a long time to finally reach the point where we can fully surrender our needs, wants and other so-called necessities and simply trust that Christ through the Holy Spirit will provide for everything.

On the other hand, entering through this relationship doesn’t mean it’ll be peaches and cake since as humans; we are predisposed to doubt and fear.

So if you find yourself in a situation where you feel like you’re going through a dark tunnel with no end in sight, here are a few important Bible Verses to remember as you utter prayer for guidance.

  •  “O Lord, I know the way of a man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.” (Jeremiah 10:23)
  •  “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord …” (Psalm 37:23)
  •  “A man’s steps are of the Lord. How then can a man understand his own way?” (Proverbs 20:24)
  •  “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” (Proverbs 14:12)
  •  “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:1)
  • My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10:27)
  •  “Direct my steps by Your word, and let no iniquity have dominion over me.” (Psalm 119:133)
  •  “Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation …” (Psalm 25:4)
  • Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48:17)
  • For this is God, our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to death.” (Psalm 48:14)
  •  “The Lord will guide you continually …” (Isaiah 58:11)
  • “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (Psalm 32:8)
  • Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5)
  • The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord …” (Psalm 37:23)
  • Therefore be followers of God as dear children.” (Ephesians 5:1)
  • “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10:27)

When praying, keep these verses in mind. Quote them back to the Lord and claim them as part of your life. You are a child of God, and he does have beautiful plans for you and your life.

Even though uncertainty and other problems might beset you right now, rest assured that the Lord is always there to help and guide you. All you have to do is ask for his help.

Please let us know if there are any other prayers for guidance that are not listed here that you have prayed.

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  1. I’ve been opressed by forces of darkness since 3 days now, but just this morning, something say I should open my e-mail box, which I did & read through your 16 verse quotes, which truely have given me of return to normal person.
    Thanks very much,
    Mike Agu.

    1. Dan & Michael, thank you for sharing. It just shows the power of scripture. As you know, many of the articles on the site are long in nature while this one is more scripture and this just reminds me how powerful just the Word of God is!

  2. Thank you for these scriptures that provide sure guidance when relied upon. The Word of God has everything we need and would have needed. Thank you for spending quality time in studying the WORD.

  3. This morning I woke up. With a heaviness in my heart. My concern for my youngest son Salvador
    I always plead the blood over every situation. And I thank God every moment. For his protection he gives all my children. But Salvador has concern me
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    Thank you. For the word

    1. Dear sister. God has heard your prayers. He’s seen the tears in your heart. He has prepare a way for your son Salvador. Receive my salutations and peace in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  4. I came upon this page when I did a Google search for “scriptures for guidance.” I’m in a post-divorce and difficult co-parenting situation. I need Godly wisdom. This page has truly blessed me. It has help me begin my own war room. Thank you for this. God bless you.

  5. Trusting God to bless my womb with a baby and to come through in my marriage thank you for this scriptures.God bless

    1. I have seen wombs open through the act of forgiveness and letting go of worry. Forgive everyone including your self, worry for nothing but trust God. Perhaps He will bless you!

  6. I am at the cross roads in my life. I pray for wisdom and guidance. I ask the Lord be the guide if my life and helps me make the right decision for my future and that of my children. I have just realised that life is so short and this world that we live in means people can be gone at anytime. What legacy do l leave my children? I feel so lost in tis world and l pray for your love and for your guidance.

    1. I thank God for the love and wisdom in the life of some concerned Christians. As it stands now, am in a state of confusion. I pray that God Almighty who knows where it pinches me will see me through and deliver me and my family in Es us name Amen. I all so pray for God’s directions over my life.

  7. I did a search and finally realized that every step a man takes is suppose to be lead by God. Every step I have taken seems like I have not done anything, I always loose self courage. I pray to our lord jesus christ to bless me with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. AMEN

    1. I thank God for the love and wisdom in the life of some concerned Christians. As it stands now, am in a state of confusion. I pray that God Almighty who knows where it pinches me will see me through and deliver me and my family in Es us name Amen.

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  10. Thank you for these scriptures they have helped me to bounce back from a very low point. God bless you.

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    1. Hold on sister and pray. God promises us he will never leave nor forsake us. Hebrews 13:5
      He also promises he will never put us through more than we can withstand. 1 Corinthians 10:13

      Sometimes I know I have wondered. I fight with addictions also.

  14. Lisa, Prayers for you to stay strong and wisdom to know what to do. Hold on to Jesus with everything you have. I do not have all of the information that your Pastor has. I say this respectfully and with love, Your safety comes first. Domestic Violence is not OK. You are a Child of God and if this man is hurting you it may be best to separate and continue to pray for him. There is a elderly couple in our church that are married to this day…but she had to leave him early in their marriage…God got a hold of him and he got saved and gave up drinking. God can heal your marriage, but make sure you are safe. -Pastor Jeff

  15. Thank you for this great word of God, I’m blessed by them. At this point in my life I want God to take the lead, I don’t want to do it on my own anymore but God leadings, I want Almighty God to direct my path and show me the way to go.

  16. Thank you for the helpful scriptures. I am a final year student in university and I have been struggling to get back to my feet because of a broken relationship with my ex. Please help me pray for restoration and direction on how to fix this broken relationship. We still love each other but I don’t seem to understand what chains are holding us back from restoration. I have acknowledged my wrongs, and I am sorry and in regret for ruining what we once had. Please help me pray for direction as this is also affecting my school work… I surrender all to God and put him at the centre of restoration.

  17. I look for words of guidance in god because I believe in his love I will slowly but surely and genuinely give my life to him and hope to remember more often than I have to thank him as well and ask for his guidance first and trust he will regardless guide me and show me the road meant for me to walk through to happiness Amen

  18. I was confused in life. Did not know what to do, after reading this verses I have come to realize that He will guide my path by His word. God bless the author for such an encouraging verses.

  19. I am facing difficult situation now, I have two suitors Who want my hand in marriage, but am confused and I don’t know who to go for, but with these scriptures I believe God will make a right choice for me, and I also want you my brethren to please help pray too, God bless the Author of this message

  20. After 18 years serving as a choral director in an area church, they eliminated my position due to financial struggles. I have cried a thousand tears, doubted my God, lost focus and direction and had quite a “pity-party.” Your commentary this morning reminded me that God knows my hurt, is giving me time to “finally reach the point where I can finally surrender and simply trust that Christ will provide for EVERYTHING!!” I taught music for 20 years in schools before being called to this church and believed that I would retire from this ministry. It has been a shock to think at age 62 I’d be looking for a job. This verse showed me that He patiently waits for His child to go through “human” emotions, refocus, recharge and begin to be led by His spirit. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom!!!

    1. Ms. Brenda,

      I am praying that God has guided you in the direction he needed you in the most! Thanks for sharing your story. I’m soon to be 40 lost my only child years ago and desire to be a mom again and to be married. Well years of waiting and it has not happened. I have given up hope and now I’m taking care of my mom so my life has done a 360 so I just want my heart and desires to line up with with God has planned for me.


  21. My husband died all of a sudden last year. He left me with 3 beautiful boys. I am at a crossroads whether to remarry or stay alone. The loneliness is killing me. My youngest is 4. Pls remember me in your prayers. I need a sense of direction. I need God to speak to me. I am 43 years old. I need emotional stability.

  22. I founf this site after searching for scriptures for guidance. Going thru legal issues with one of my sons and I’m praying for God to open doors and place the right people in our path. I’m praying for the wisdom to know when He is telling us to move or stay still and to be obedient to which one He says. Uncertainty is extremely hard which is why I’m asking for direction. I TRULY want to know if we are doing the right things before we do them. Please let us up in prayer. I know trouble don’t last always. I believe our breakthrough is coming.

  23. All our sorrows Wil be our testimony..when a woman is about to give birth,she feels pain bt after giving birth she forgot the pains N be happy,so that means after every tunnel there is light..the fight is on N we can become more to conquer through jesus crist..jst read John 16

  24. Every step I take, every choice that I make for good seems to always backfire. I pray for the Lords salvation, for his help but receive no answer, no comfort, no spiritual guidance. Each day I spiral farther downward hoping and praying for God’s mercy but it is never found.

    1. Genesis 50:20
      “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people”
      Can you imagine being sold into slavery by your own brothers? Being a slave for years? Being wrongly accused and spending years in prison for something you didn’t do? Can you imagine how many prayers Joseph must have said during those long years? I wonder what went through his mind when year turned into another and another and still there seemed to be no answer. But we all know that God had NOT FORGOTTEN him. It’s easier for a mother to forget a child on her breast than for God to forget His child

    2. I think you should see this as an opportunity to seek out new paths and taking very little steps to do it even if you have to just creep. Even though you think God isn’t listening, remember he is. Try some different kinds of things and remember not to be afraid and don’t be afraid to accept help at this difficult time for you. Remember you are not alone many people are going through difficulties.

    3. You must remember, it isn’t in your time, it’s in God’s…the promise land was found in 40 years and the world was formed in 6 days-God has a plan, as a Christina, have faith, believe it, trust it and wait patiently on the Lord.

  25. Thank you for the scriptures. I’ve been going through a lot and I’m not sure how to handle the situation. I have left my church in my heart because of continuous hurt. Some would say I’m wrong, I’ve held it in for many years. I’ve talk to the pastor her response was what about my feelings. Im made to look like the bad person. The people she talks to on a regular base look at me as the bad person. Judging me, hearing her side a nd condemning me. What shall I do?

  26. I am at this loint in my life where I feel lost. I don’t know how to proceed with my life. I wish I could work in a first world country but it seems so heavy to accomplish. I’ve been dreaming of finishing college, get a degree but it seems too hard to achieve. I don’t know I feel like I was born cursed, unworthy and nobody believes in me. I feel so lonely for the past few weeks and I lost weight, demotivated but still I keep on fighting amd praying. Pls help me pray for my life.

    1. God knows the desires of your heart and the plans that He already has for you. Take it one day at a time. Ask God to guide you and don’t be afraid to take the first step. If you are moving forward in God’s word, you won’t step wrong. The devil wants you to believe you can’t have it all or accomplish it all…have faith the size of a mustard seed and see what God does with that!! Begin researching schools-then enroll and choose a major that exposes you to opportunities and see what unfolds. Time flies…you will be done before you know it and you’ll have the life ahead of you to be blessed…believe this truth not satan’s lies-he is the author of confusion. Jeremiah 29:11!!!! let that be your anthem!!

  27. I’m a 26 year old lady in a relationship with a 34 year old guy. I later discovered that he’s still customary married to his mother of his children whom he has told me that they have separated. He told me that they have both agreed on the separation And what’s left is only to notify both their families of the separation. I love him so so much that I’ve become so emotionally attached to him even though I feel he has wronged me. Im scared that I’ll end up hurt. I have thought of leaving him so many times but the thought itself crushes me. I feel like this relationship has become toxic. I have tried dealing with this on my own but i have failed. I need guidance from God. Please remember me in your prayers I feel so lost

    1. Hi Anita, in order to receive God’s grace, promises and blessings you must live by the Bible and God’s word is clear that adultery is an abomination….separated is still married. You will never truly be happy being in this relationship. You need to deny your fleshly desire and live by God’s word-which for many Christians is difficult to do when God’s word doesn’t line up with what we want-we look for ways to justify or even “make it work”-even sometimes changing the meaning of scripture just to fit fleshly desires. My prayers is that God gives you the strength and courage to walk away completely and cut ties with him immediately as it is the right thing to do by God and that in doing so, I pray God will bless you beyond comprehension.

    2. Hello sister, Jesus Christ can pull you thru and you will not be crushed. You have to take your hope out of this man and relationship and put it in Christ. I pray that the Lord guides you and wraps you in his love so that the fear of ending this relationship is gone. Remember all good gifts come from up above Jesus loves you enough to send you good things and you will feel it.

      Be blessed in Jesus Name

    3. Dear Anita,
      I do not know if you will see this, since it’s well after your comment; however I will take the chance since the matter in question is so vitally important to your future happiness and your relationship with God.
      Firstly, this man that you love has not only wronged you, but more importantly, his wife and children, with whom he has a covenant through marriage. He has wronged you through dishonesty, and I’m afraid that is a very poor way indeed to begin any relationship, let alone one as complicated as what yours will be if you bind your life to someone who has a wife and children already.
      Please understand that God would never want you to become involved with a married man. Period.
      Regardless of your feelings (and believe me, feelings are not reality), if this person who has already been dishonest with you about this, most certainly is capable of dishonesty in the future.
      You must examine what you truly want for your life. Pray earnestly and look deeply into the bible for answers. At 26, your life is in front of you, and please don’t make the mistake so many before you have done by putting your faith in a man who is not deserving of it.
      Above all, keep a clean heart, and I promise you that in many years time when you look back on your life, you will not regret it.
      God Bless You…

  28. I have failed in life, im 31 and have not accomplished what I thought I could, I opened a business in hopes of changing my life, my mom brothers and sister but I continue to fail, every approach I take I feel is like a step back, everytime I feel like im getting somewhere I get turned back, I havent lost hope and im still pushing through until my feet go out and theres no breath in my lungs but I crace for a family of my own, a love from one woman that can compensate for all the woman that ask for my attention, my car needs work, im ashamed of where im at in life now, Im applying for jobs because business has been upside down, havent done my taxes, havent had health insurance in years, im sick of living like this, I constantly always read what the afterlife is about because of seeing that there is nothing but pain in this world, seeing what everyone is going throughout the world especially kids and innocent ones, im here late night by myself in my own thoughts and desires to be successful, Im confused of what I should do or who to become, not sure if I have any greater talents, school system had failed, Ive never stop believeing in god or jesus despite all the wrong doing and fake news ppl bring up about churches and ppl of wrong doing, I was born a catholic but now just have an open mind of things, my mom is a strong believer and I know her prayers hve helped me get over speedbumps, I just want to see her happy and give her the house she always desired and to make her see that me and my brothers are successfull in life so she stops worrying so much, I miss my dad and I hope hes doing alright, everytime I try to reach out to him he fails to pickup and never answered the door when I go visit him, i know we all feel alone and lost at somepoint, above all things im glad to be alive and just wish the best for everyone on here commenting, I know life is tough maybe mines isnt so bad, I guess its hard speaking freely nowadays everyone is quick to judge or ridicule you, god bless you all and please pray for my business as all i want is to have a damily successful life to help all those in need and that need opportunity, there are so many things I want to accomplish hopefully my dreams may come true because I know there are good hearted ppl out there with the same desire, take care everyone

    1. I will pray for you. The lord is your helper. He will fight your battles for you all you have to do is be still close your eyes take a deep breath. Speak his word over your life . You are my helper you will fight my battles direct my path lord o have so much i want to accomplish os this life and i can’t do it alone i want to be a blessing to others and to my family bless me help me comfort me.

    2. Be live in Jesus Christ who knows you better then you ask God for help pray his word than fast and pray you will get his direction believe God in Jesus name

  29. Hi, everyone. I’m just here to let every person on here remember that as we go through life we must know beyond the shade of doubt that God is with us. HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US NOR FOTEAKE US… HE LOVES YOU AND IS TOUCHED BY THE VERY FEELINGS OF OUR INFIRMATIES… YES, HE KNOWS JUST HOW YOU FEEL. He wants all us to remember that we should always seek Him out for answers. He wants us to have personal relationship with Him. Spend time with Him. Find a quiet plz to do so. Last but not least we MUST seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL things will be added to us.

    For ppl who have been struggling maybe you need to consecrate yourself… Go on a fast lead by the Holy Spirit and when all else fails continue to serve Him and when it seems like you can’t go through whatever struggles you trust out in worship!!!!

    Ive not arrived because I’m saying this. I’m saying this because I can relate to most of you on here. What I’m telling you ive done and still am doing. I don’t always get it right all the time but when I fail, mess up I go to the throne room of Grace and cry out to daddy- cry out to our father which is in Heaven in us. I love you all and I pray today that the Lord come through for all of us in whatever situation. Oh and remember for those of us who needs to obey what you know God is telling you to do plz be quick in doing so!!!

  30. Dear Anita, I have been in similar situations and can tell you how the Lord worked in my life. I prayed for guidance and surrounded myself with Godly council as you are doing and I tell you the Lord opened many doors and blessed me as I stayed on the course he paved before me. Long story short, don’t look back as Lots wife but trust the Lord and He will direct you in the best way you should go. I pray for you that those sinful desires from the enemy will leave you in Jesus name! They will not be a part of who you are as a Christian believer.

  31. Hi Moises,

    I will be praying for you to receive God’s clarity and direction in your life. The book in the bible, Psalm tells us:

    “Weeping may tarry for the night,
    but joy comes with the morning.”

    I encourage you to spend time with God, giving him thanks, in spite of what you are currently facing in life.

    Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

    You can and will conquer your battles with God’s help through Christ. Believe in God’s word, and trust in God.

    In Jesus’ name, receive clarity, direction, and wisdom.

    God bless and protect you and your family always.

  32. Can you please pray. That God will give me the conslodated waiver for a group home at Jessica and friends community in York college, Pennsylvania. I just want a group home so I can have the support I need . I also want companionship.

  33. Please help me to pray that God will grant me a better job where I can use the knowledge he has given me weather within my current company or with another company. I live a humble life.

    Thanks God bless

  34. I am facing tough situation. I need to get a promotion and a pay raise either at my present job or another job. I am being taken advantage of where I am currently doing the work of 3 employees and not getting compensated for it and I am not using my skills for it. Please pray that something better comes to me soon as I am so unhappy right now.

    1. Dearest Lord, I thank You that the glory of The Lord shall be seen upon Brenda suddenly. Let her life attract uncommon blessings and unusual favor today. Let the enemy’s plans to frustrate her efforts in order to humiliate her to fail. Please give her a heart not to complain and serve as your ambassador at her job. Let Brenda know that her standard of excellence will prevail because she is your child. I base this pray on your promises in Deuteronomy 28: 7-8. In Jesus’ matchless Name, Amen

  35. I was with this man for 1 year and 3 months well we have had little communication hear and there but 3 weeks ago I got into a horrible car accident and he called and helped me without me even telling him what had happened he didn’t hesitate to help, I had prayed to God and told him if this person I care about should and needs to stay in my life and I need to make a effort then let something huge happen and then yesterday at night I get a phone call from his brother and he tells me that his brother my ex had gotten into a car accident my heart sank and my whole body started shaking and I was crying now I called my ex and helped him all night that night and I told him I still care and he told me he is glad I still care but what are the odds a night before I Pray that God shows me a sign and he did mind you I still talk to his little sisters his mom and dad his cousins I haven’t lost any communication between them at all but last night after all of this had happened I finally fell asleep and when I woke up this morning I had missed 2 calls from him I just don’t know what to do from here on out or how to handle this I asked God to let us get closer and let us work out again

  36. I need help with prayer. I am asking for guidance in which direction to go with my job, stay where I am, where I love the kids I work with, but the school is resistant to change to benefit the kids. I feel they are pushing me out. Change is hard for all people. Or do leave and start over at another school? The issues have been developing since September, and in Feb I filed a state complaint against the school, in support of my students. It has been downhill since then. I feel very alone, like it is me against the world. I believe God is with me, as I would not have gotten this far without him. I need strength. Please pray for me.

  37. I am asking the Lord for direction concerning ministry. I am working with victim families that have suffered loss of children. I feel like God is transition me into a greater calling. I love the work but it’s getting trying. I do not want to move swift and miss God. I THANK GOD FOR GOD KNOWS WHAT WE KNOW NOT. AMEN AND AMEN.

  38. I am blessed to found this site. I was so heavy in my spirit concerning my career, before i found this site. It has really given me peace of mind. Thank God for the verses i have found here.

  39. Boy-talking about being in a rough spot which I caused on myself from on bad decision has tumble into some serious consequences and not only that it effects my husband now I have a decision to make and praying to God almighty I do make the right one. My life is a mess from this one decision. Need prayer decision needs to be made by Friday.No more my decision but God’s way.

    1. Wow! Sounded like that was me writing! Exactly same thing. Got in a mess with inexplicable decision. Now I have been stressed. My wife is feeling it and it is affecting the while family. But God will make a way for you. Streams on the desert.

  40. Hello,

    I am asking God for guidance and clarity. My ex husband and I have been divorced for a little over a year now. When first separated things were horrible. We didn’t communicate really communicate because there was so much hurt. We rushed into our marriage and was trying to do the right thing because we had a baby on the way. In doing this caused us to deal with a lot. Much more than I bargained for. Thank God that we are finally communicating again and now are discussing if we want to give our relationship another try. We both still love and care for each other but not sure if this what God wants for us. I want to be lead by God and need to hear from Him. I need to know if I should get back with my ex husband or wait. Please pray for me. Thank you & God bless

    1. I pray that you allow God to guide you in your current place of emotions. It is always God’s will to heal and restore dead things. I am standing for my marriage right now as God has spoken that to me, although from what the eye can see it makes no sense. Fast, pray, trust, be obedient, get in His word of promises and stand on them. Ask Him to speak clearly and loudly to you. Make Jesus your first love and everything else will fall into place. I couldn’t recommend a ministry more highly for standing for marriage restoration than Rejoice Marriage Ministries. Get on their website. It is full of scripture, truth and encouragement. I pray for healing through the Holy Spirit for you and your spouse and family. God is a waymaker! He can be trusted!
      Peace to you

  41. In need of guidance and prayers. I’ve been married for 5 years. I don’t love my husband anymore and I am at a point where I don’t want to be married to him anymore. I have also come to not like my step-children. He has cheated on me in the past and has sworn that he’s stopped and is doing counseling for it. While I have forgiven him he has lost my trust. I am extremely unhappy and depressed. We have a 4 yr old together and because of my unhappiness and depression I am impatient and short with her. I don’t have the strength to do what I know I need to do. I am lacking the courage to do it. I am currently not working and have no money of my own. I have been asked to move out of state with my daughter to help with a family business. My family doesn’t like my husband and step-children And helping with the family business would require me leaving them. Is it the right time to be taking up that torch and leaving my marriage?
    I don’t expect/want any replies. Just throwing this out into the void and asking for prayers.

    1. I will advise you to ask God for divine direction, also I hope you are going to a good Bible Church, ask your Pastor to counsel you and your husband. Always pray for God to help you be a good wife to your husband, the best mother to your child and your stepchildren. Put whatever feelings you have towards his children aside and pray that prayer.
      I pray that may the Lord God heals your heart. heals your marriage, may God gives you divine direction, may God descend everlasting love in your marriage and may Jesus deposit the love of God in both your heart. Because when both of you start to love God first and more. Everything else will fall into place, my sister. May God bless you and your family.

    2. Good morning Morgan, I hope you are doing well. The storms of life are so real. After reading your story I could’t help but think about the story of Hosea.

      The one thing I can tell you is that you need to find a Bible believing church and attend. you need to take some time out and wait on the Lord for your situation. According to Matthew 17:21 Jesus said “Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. You are going to have to do a fast while waiting on the your Father.

      I will be praying for you and family. I hope you have a blessed new year.

  42. I just lost my high school sweetheart of 48 years. We were married young and I am now 64. I am going to need a full time job maybe part but my problem is I did not finish school and have no GED so I am asking for prayer that God will show me the way for a job. This has been extremely difficult I know God is faithful and will show me the way.

  43. For some reason, I keep feeling like I make too much mistakes which I’m not supposed to be making in all spheres of my life because I think I lack direction. I also feel like God is not talking to me anymore. I don’t even know what to pray about. I just need his guidance right now

    1. Hi Kemi, I know how you feel because I’ve felt that way in my walk with God many times but I found, Its not about what or how we feel but knowing who we are in Christ. God’s word says he will never leave us nor forsake us. He is our source in times of trouble and uncertainty. In fact I’m in a place of uncertainty right now but we press forward for the prize of the upward call of God Amen. Keep on keeping on God’s got You. Praying for you and your family. God’s abundant blessings.

  44. Deb,
    I pray right now in Jesus name that God is sending forth provision for you, I pray God is making a way for you to have financial peace and stability. I pray for the peace of Jesus that surpasses all understanding to fall on you like a comforting blanket, lifting all worry and burden off of you. Watch for God’s goodness and blessings. Expect it, declare it, it’s coming! The Lord will be your husband and provider during this time. Call on Him. Praise, worship and trust Him. Father, I pray unlimited provision and peace like a river for my sister. It is done in the Heavens
    . In the mighty and precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ

  45. Good morning, to everyone that is on this thread reading these messages and leaving messages I thank God that I found you. I am so thankful for the words of encouragement love to you all let us continue to hold fast to the things we have been taught least that anytime we let them slip let us pray for one another let us love one another for God is love.
    Peace and Love Missionary Debra ⚘

  46. My heart is heavy right now.I need God to guide me in the area of relationship.I’m 39years old and been praying for a life partner.At a point I gave up and all I was praying for was to have a child because biological clock is ticking….
    I’m confused on what next to do with my life!!!
    God help me.

    1. Dear Bhollar, Psalm 118:17 says we will live and not die to proclaim the goodness of the Lord. Proverbs 18:21 says live and death are in the power of the tongue. Do not be afraid that God cannot supply this need. Lay your hands on your womb whenever you can remember and speak life to it. This is from someone who has lost three pregnancies but now has four children. Not having it now doesn’t mean it will never happen, and that biological clock is God’s creation so He can hold it till it happens.
      Let the Holy Spirit direct you in your search of a life partner. It is not about physical appearance but about someone who will be a blessing and help you grow to accomplish God’s plan for your lives and vice versa. Ask that you live to proclaim God’s goodness and when you speak, always speak life into your situation and not death. Turn your prayers around and be thankful that He will do it. Seek Him first and let all things be added to you. God bless you. I’ll be praying with you.

    2. Hi Bhollar,
      I just stumbled on your message and I understand how overwhelmed you must feel right now, seeing as having a family is very important to you. If you are a Nigerian/African, that pressure is ever tripled, most especially from family and friends. I want to use this opportunity to encourage you not to give up hope. As important as it is to have a family, it is even more joyous when this partner gives you peace of mind and makes you happy, and that is the only kind that comes from God. Keep trusting HIM, keep believing HIM, please, do not get desperate to the extent that you fall for just anyone who would only bring you heartache. I will keep you in my prayers. Stay blessed.

    3. BHollar,

      Remember this too, when you feel the need to have someone in your life: Better wait for the right man & be blessed then accept the wrong man into your life, just because you want children. I say this because I speak from experience. There is a spiritual warfare going on & plenty of people who do Satans bidding, known as Narcissists/Jezebels/Pied Pipers: beware of the red flags of Narcissism. The wrong man is an imitation of the right man, & the serpent is the deceiver of Eve & of all those who are godly. Satan comes deceptively to steal & to kill our spirit, that we may not be able to worship God through the Holy Spirit. Narcissism is a deep subject, it seems never ending, & there are a great many on You-Tube warning people regarding it. I’ve studied it for @ least 3 yrs now. Be sure to learn to build better boundaries, that you will not give an inch, to the one who seeks to walk all over your boundaries. Enough said on this subject for now, you ought to seek information via you-tube & therefore be prepared not to seek anything less then what God has planned for your life.

    4. My hope is that you are no longer in the pain you were when you wrote this. I just happened across it and have said a prayer for you. We don’t always know why things go in a different direction then what we want, and it’s not our place to know. Trust in God and Have Faith. (I know it’s easier said than done) Turn your troubles over to God, relinquish trying to control your life and pray for God to lead the way. There’s a reason you were where you were but always know that there’s something better in store. It just takes a little time to find out.

  47. I am a Guy of 28 years alots of prophesy during my childhood about a brighter future but when I take a steps it ends In Regret. I am In a situation of not even know what to do and step to take. I always feel rejection from people that surrounds me. Please I need your prayer for God’s divine leading on what next to do and step to take. Thanks

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