One of the ways that God shows His love for us are his many promises to keep us from harm, from loneliness, from evil, from our enemies. Let’s go through just a few of these now:

Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 59:1 “Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear,”
Matthew 10:29-30 “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Many of the prayers and psalms in the Bible remember God’s promises of protection and safety. Here are a few of them:
In the first book of Samuel, Hannah’s prayer shows the faithfulness of God to those who are faithful to Him. In 1 Sam 2:9 says: “He will guard the feet of his faithful servants, but the wicked will be silenced in the place of darkness.”
Psalm 4:8 “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.”
Psalm 91:1-2 “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
With so many promises that God will keep us safe, protect us, and never leave us, it’s no surprise that His people have many stories of His protection at work in their lives. One sister relates that she felt an urge to carry her young child in her arms, and at that time she found he was close to swallowing a small ball. A brother in the faith told me a story that he had once been told that he wasn’t bothered as he was passing a shady area because he always had big men following him around – even when he usually walked there alone!
Here’s one of my own: as a child I was once helping to push a car that the adults were trying to get started. Okay, maybe not really helping, just pushing along and enjoying the feeling of seeming to help. Just when the car started, I stopped, and took a step back and to the right – right into the path of an incoming car on the opposite lane. Just moments before I would have been hit, someone strong grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the path of the other vehicle. To this day, I can’t recall the face of that man, but I believe he was God’s way to keep me safe from harm.
What are your personal stories of God’s protection and salvation? Feel free to share them here, so that others may be blessed by the way that God has blessed your life.
There is no such thing God protection , you have to take care yourself and plan care full the thing you do. God is not our body guard to give protection for us. He is boss and we are his servant. Dont wrongly interpret the world of bible. Bible word has deep meaning. The protection here just a formal word for righteous man motivation.
You need to read the bible. You are so wrong. No one can tell me that as I fell asleep driving, that an angel didn’t shove my car back on the road. I didn’t jerk the whee back. I felt a strong . smooth, shove on the back passenger side below the window. Tell me He doesn’t protect.
Hello James,
I see you thinking in terms of flesh, there is more to life than “right now”.
God indeed protects his children that’s a fact if HOLLY WORD says so.
Bible should be taken literally exactly for what it says on each and every page. If you are confused while reading, ask Holy Spirit to enlighten you. Pray for understanding and if you ask you will receive.
*Children of God are these Christians who truly keep 10 Commandments God gave to Mosses (James ponder on this).
God Bless you
I totally disagree with James. You probably do not live fully in his way. I remember living in my own selfish standard where I thought what I do was more right, but I was still dealing with enchanters, evil spirits, and in flesh that tried to put a spell&curse on me, and cheat there way around. I read this article saying that if I pleas the blood of Jesus and confess my sins and accept Jesus as my personal lord and savior than he’ll protect me if I have FATH in him. I had heart growing up in the streets full of drug dealers and gangsters but this was on a whole other level when I really prayed. After I prayed, a rain dropped from the sky where there was no cloud and hit my left foot. I didn’t understand until I seen a scripture saying he will protect the feet of his children and it made sense since then. I deal with evil beings 24/7 and its important to live right ALL the time and not play BOTH SIDES or play bad more than the good according to THE BIBLES LAWS ONLY. Ever since that day, I’ve had the power of the cross in my hands to burn the demons around me and the power of the four elements to shake and vibe around like lightning. (That static noise in your radio when your around is it, but mines is getting stronger and getting unlocked because of Jesus) Every move I do, the people around me can feel it from miles away. Im like an energy ball with sound waves. Anyone can do this and thats why GOD gave the commandments when Adam and Eve sinned, eating the forbidden fruit so they can sustain themselves. Trust me, all those sorcerer’s and enchanters are just a small fractions of what Gods children can do and NOTHING compared to Jesus and God. Do not be fooled because many false prophets have come to this world and working on the innocent even more at the end of times, saying your too late, your never gonna make it, and saying doubtful things. I’ve learned to tell thats something GOD would not say or his children, and to tell everything to confess if Jesus came into the flesh and IS LORD so if they say yes then they are good angels speaking the truth. Everyone is created equal which means we have the same tools, it just depends on how we use our free will to use them. I in the other hand James, have invested real time, love, and RESPECT towards the Gods wise ways and to teach it even if I don’t do it myself in a few cases. Thats the difference between me and most people, is that I can accept my faith if I go to hell, I won’t make my situation worser and mess up someone else’s life and I’ll try doing that, plus he seen that i can stay faithful to my girlfriend others even of they didn’t deserve it and GOD KNOW IT. No matter what, you’ll never know whatll happen in the end, but this is just a little story on my journey that hasn’t included how my angels protected me in car accidents when me and my car should’ve been more wrecked and more other situations. Understand the bible and this life gives will help your karma and how it worked, and how its going to work so this is why i know Jesus and God is the fairest and and loving people youll ever meet when compareing your FULL LIFE, AND EVERYONES ELSES FULL LIFE AS WELL IN GODS VISION TO SEE HOW THEY REAP WHAT THEY SOW. Trust me, not to brag but I’m out here in Tacoma Wa, Teaching and vibing for others to change and be. Thats all I have to say for now guys, I hope you believe harder and invest more.
I know God has watched over me from birth. I could have died several times. When he started working with me he brought some of these back to my memory. My favorite is when I was young maybe 7or 8 there was a large piece of equipment in my grandmas yard it seems like it had a pole on it. I decided I could fly so I climbed to the top and flapped my arms and jumped. I remember the feeling of wow I can fly I went a little ways and landed very softly. I did it again and again. I believe God has answered my every prayer even when I wasn’t where I should have been. There is so many others I could tell. The thing I truly believe is he knew one day I would get to where I really wanted him in my life full time and I would need to know he was always there! I have asked why didn’t you take me one of those earlier times so I didn’t mess up so bad but ….
God bless
I will like to disagree with James’ assertion that God isn’t one’s body guard. He is to those who know Him and have a relationship with Him.
No matter how careful one is, or one takes care of himself, one will obviously get hurt. We are not ‘far-sighted’ by that I mean we do not know the dangers right in front of us in terms of what one will encounter in the next one/two minutes in life. But God who is All-knowing, All-wise and All-powerful, knows and sees all things. He makes it possible for us to avoid those situations that will lead us into danger or trouble by either redirecting us to take another path, or even prevents us from moving at all.
I remember in the late 1980s I was then in Senior High School. I was returning school after holidays. I boarded the only public bus that was travelling the town where I school, that Wa. The journey was 210 kilometres from my village in Northern Ghana. If I missed the bus at that time what it meant was that, I would have to stay for two more days before I could get the bus. What it meant was that bus would make the return journey the next day in the afternoon and then move on the third day. The passengers were so many that the bus got full. I managed and go in with others. We were to stand throughout the journey for the 210 kms. The bus conductor came and forced us out. I managed and entered again. I got us out. This happened for the third time, then I said to myself, why was I being forced out yet I keep going in?
At this point, the bus conductor warned me that if I entered again, he would slap me. Some of the guys who struggled with me went in but conductor did nothing to them. I simply walked away dejected but hoping that I will catch the bus the third day to enable me get back to school.
One hour after the bus left, information got back to us that the bus was involved in a fatal accident and every one in that bus lost their lives. Upon hearing the news, I wept bitterly for that fact that I too would have been dead.
On the third day, we had a bus for the trip and when we got to the spot where the accident occurred, it was really horrendous. I wept very bitterly and thanked God so many days for my escape.
I have hard dreams in which I have been warned not to embark on trip that I had planned to go on. In one such occasions, I ignored the dream and I nearly died in an accident. These are some of the few instances in which God protects us.
The Bible even tells us that we are in a spiritual world and that our warfare isn’t carnal but a spiritual one. So we need God to combat such a warfare for us.
No matter what man does, he can’t protect himself.His own protection is inadequate. That is why others go to some mediums- agents of satan to help them protect themselves. The Christian falls on God, the creator of all things to protect him. And scriptures such as Isaiah 41:10; 59:1 and Psalm 91 are all indicative of the fact that man’s own protection is inadequate.
Thank you.
The promise of proctection still very subjective. I have a friend every day before he goes to work he pray that with Jesus Chirst blood his house will be protected, yet one day his house items was stolen when theft break in to his house. I also seen friend before drive car he pray that God will protect his journey yet he met accident. If God protect is children then God childrens become very weak and has no self confidence. If God proctect his children then it become unfair to pagans. Every one in this world treated equally weather your are christain or pagans. If you take protection measure with all the tools and equipments you can minimize the risk. God only proctect those whom take measure to proctect them self from natural disaster , mankind disaster and evil disaster. By surrender to God that does mean one live under God’s protection. The proctection can only comes in heaven once you have intangeable body.The protection in earthy is more to spiritual life to avoid sinful act.
James you just said it right. God protects his children, the pagans are not his children though he loves them they are not his children. Your natural father on earth will he leave you and your siblings and be going to protect other people’s kids all over the place? No he’ll protect his family first, he can sometimes help other kids if his opportuned to that but his family comes first. Even you will protect your family first before any other extras. We are made in the image of God so for you to protect your family first is the nature of God hence he protects his children at all times. Difference between you and him is he sees afar while you are shortsighted so his protection is more better.
God is truly the almighty. If not for His mercies, as Christian we are extremely vulnerable to diseases, accidents, death etc. In as much as I know I’m capable of taking care of myself, I do it in vain without God in my life. So I cannot rely on my abilities, I rest on God who gave me these abilities and who helps me steer them in the right direction. And when I do not have the option of escaping via the God given abilities, I rest on Him cos He will surely provide a way out. If you trust in your abilities rather than He who provided them, the blessing may end up being problematic or useless at some point.
Psm 127: 1 “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain”
Hello again,
James in reply to your (second) comment from June 2, 2015 at 7:13 am.
Tell your friend NOT to hold on to “earthly goods” but rather to the Word of Lord.
God Bless
One asks for earthly protection NO protection will be given.
One asks for spiritual protection BOTH will be given by Our Father.
This is the Truth
bible tells each and every one that belive and you shall see the glory of romans1:17 says the just shall live by faith.if u belive god can protect you and he will protect,if you dont belive he wont it is your faith acts.romans 8:5
Look to Jesus’ life on this. Healing is one kind of protection put into action by His divine love and mercy. Yet, God did not “protect” Jesus from the cross even though Jesus asked for the cup to pass from His lips. God has a purpose for each of us and sometimes it involves suffering and even ongoing horrible circumstances. But we can still know we are blessed because being blessed is NOT a situation or condition, it is a position. We stand washed by the blood of the Lamb and can never be taken from His care. “And whatever you do in word or deed do everything in the name of Christ Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” It is not what we do, or where we are, but each situation is meant to continue our walk with Jesus.
David wrote a lot about being saved from his enemies in the Psalms. But God does things in his own time, too. It took 40 years for the Israelites to be delivered. People lived and died during that time.
I guess I am saying that the walk with Jesus is more important than being delivered from painful situations that a sinful world brings to our door, though there is nothing wrong with asking to be protected or spared. If a person’s experience is that they are NOT spared from something horrible, they do not see the big picture. God’s will in all things, that is what I pray for, and trust He knows what I need better than I do. It is not always comfortable to be where we are placed. But His peace that passes understanding is the answer to that! I guess this article got me thinking.
Many years ago a similar situation occurred. A large cardealer transporter crashed into my car door as I was open ing it into the street I felt something push me into the car . I believe that was an assigned helper from the Lord. He has saved me. Countless times since then that was sixteen yrars
I was once kick from behind with brute force down a very high flight of stairs by a man bent on harming me. I was wearing high heals. I flew at speed down this three story staircase not touching a single stair and landed feet first on the ground at the bottom with still such force that one of my heals b one and my knees buckled with the impact. I know to this day God’s Angels carried me. I was unbeknown to me at the time pregnant too.
I was driving around a traffic circle and before entering it i saw a car afar distance from me, i knew i had a lot of distance to make it around. What I did not anticipate is the person speeding up so fast that it would of hit me on my drivers door. Without a doubt in my mind, I know for a fact, some thing made me turn the steering wheel to a hard right. I know it was not me. I was shocked and relieved that the other car did not hit me. I immediately said to myself… “that an angel just made me turn my steering wheel hard”. It was possible even God, I can’t see them but i know it was of God in heaven. I give God all the praise and glory for this testimony Amen and Amen.
I was asked by my late mum to watch over cassava dough she dried outside to be used for “yakayake” when i was kg.I didnt know what came over me and i decided to crime a tree at the middle of the house and when i got to the top of the tree,i decided to crawl on one dried branch even knowing well the branch isnt save.The next thing i realized was total darkness over me and finally on my bottock on the floor unhurt.In actual sense,i supposed to land on the floor with my head and that will be the end of me on this earth but through the powerful arm of the most high,here i am today breathing.I also entered a big trap before but escaped unhurt,i was nearly killed by a falling high tension on my way to school before but didnt know what pushed me immediately from its lane.The most surprising aspect of all this is that,both my parents were unbelievers so i was too.Today,I’m grateful to God.
I was walking back home one night after midnight,the buses had stopped running,all of a sudden 2 guys jumped me from behind and had guns! They said get down on the ground! So,I did,they went through my pockets..and lingered. ..they were discussing whether to kill me,I felt a cold calm sweep over me,I prayed in my mind “Please Lord,Help me” 2 SECONDS LATER,A Houston Police cruiser drove by going the opposite way,scaring the robbers off!
HI….I felt like reading testimonies ofor God protecting people and when I read the last one…reply of sedic64…I was suddenly reminded of just yesterday morning….an incident where I had to say to myself that God is truEly awesome and amazing amongst so many things I can say in praise and honour to God.Yesterday morning( and there were a few such occasions in the past),on way to George….I realised that from time to time…. in a space of one hour…I actually fell asleep for brief moments.Funny enough…but can only have been God at work to ensure my and other people’s safety….I was asleep and when I woke up so for a few times…I have passed car,lorries and abt two trucks.That brings me to a point…it was God who must have kept the wheel and woken me…cos I did not swerve. I slept in George for an hour and felt better on my way back to Cpt.God is awesome…..God also kept me safe from an horrific accident that could have happened where on my way to Langebaan in Cape Town one night to go there for work purposes…..I just missed by a split second a car who was travelling at a great speed and I at 120km/h…….missed by just one last nick of a pull away…….from the car that was in my Lane with brights on for a head on collision.God is awesome.My believe…sometimes we get into a situation (even if we are to take care and don’t do by the book and so we find ourselves tired behind the wheel) where truely God gets working to keep us safe.I can and by the grace of God…will put my testimony of that incident and protection of God in an accident situation some time (testimony where I woke up behind wheel…dream woke me up)….God is awesome and amazing.I give honour to God…I also humbly ask….pls keep me in your prayers
I am so thankful to God for bringing my family and I safely home. We were travelling to Durban from Port Elizabeth on 29 April. We were almost coming to Mooi River plaza when we could see huge fires. Police guided us onto another road. There was a truck strike. If we did not make a stop earlier on then we with have been caught in between the burning trucks. God is good.
If God promises protection to his obedient children who love Him in sincerity (He says those who really love Him follow His commands), then it is true. Let God be true and every man a liar. If you love your good Father then you trust Him to protect you, and He will. If you don’t have total faith that He will protect you, then you leave yourself open. And little children have their gaurdian angels, Jesus says their angels behold the face of God in Heaven. Just because someone disagrees with His promise of protection doesn’t make His word any less true. That person who doubts His word needs to check their hardened heart that is full of doubt. God has miraculously saved me and my father multiples times.
God is faithful always even when we are faithless and can only do good. With the psalms, books of prophets fulfilled upon Jesus Christ’s fulfillment of prophesy on earth, and the law being vanished and in its place the Grace of perfect pure divine love, that is love without punishment and harm or injury, I agree, we are so as St Paul stated, lavishly bless.
Thank you our Lord God Almighty in the name of only begotten Son Lord Jesus Christ.
His protection around me/us has been phenomenal. Many things have happened over the years that some wouldn’t believe.
One time we were coming down a curvy mountain and a car came around the turn, going up the mountain. He was halfway across the center lane on our side of the road in a sharp turn. We had no reaction time and if we would have had reaction time, we wouldnt have had anywhere to escape to, except through the guardrail and down the side of a VERY steep mountain. Our two vehicles passed through each other and everything in our environment turned from color to black and white for a blink of an eye.This happened on the VA side of the mountain near Rawley Springs VA.
This also happened two more times on different roads in two different states. The only difference on those is everything stayed in color. One of those we witnessed at an intersection in Pigeon Forge Tn. The two cars went through each other at the light we were waiting at. If they would have hit each other then they would have hit us too.
My story goes as such; I was but a young man and was with my mom and dad heading west out of Edmonton. I was sleeping in the back buckled up in the middle seat mom was driving and dad was the passenger .the next thing I was to remember I was beside the ambulance and mom and dad were hurt my mother was thrown 500 feet of the opposite side of the Hwy 16 a dad was wearing his belt and stayed in the car witch just flipped out of no where for no reason still no explanation as to why, I was thrown threw the ruff of the car and landed sitting on my bum legs crossed and hands on my legs no cuts no bruises! Not a thing. Eye witness report confirmed I did go threw the roof, but no hole . My dad trapped in the card kicked out the back window to try and save me but a witness stopped and ran over to me moving me before a car hit me .A couple years down the road my dad past away from cancer, and three years after that I lost my mom. and both sides of moms and dads family didn’t take me in I was all alone . the next 19 Years I walked alone not knowing why I was still here. When I was 25 I had a daughter and began to feel the good, gods love and some understanding as to why I was all alone.
Another few years down the road I went to bed.It starts out its a dream and there is a bird moving changing and very evil. Then all the sudden the black demon with red eyes, wings that spanned 50 feet and arms the size of trees. I remember being scared and saying to the beast who just stared at me “just stay the fuck away from me.” I was ready to fight and die but nothing happened. After a bit he was gone, a little girl was there and said “thanks to me for saving me.” I said “no problem, I have a daughter of my own but don’t leave me.” Then I remember hearing a voice in a room with no doors. It said come on in! Jesus appeared before we walked threw the wall. I saw two doors then golden gates as far as the eye could see. We were walking towards them. I am aware this is a dream. When we get to the doors, they open I could here people,, music and wind! They where all having a party, it was so inviting and peaceful . The next thing I knew I was walking on the beach with the father myself on the right hand side . We talked. The next thing I knew I hear “Ian” I look back too see my mom and dad. I ran to them and grabbed them. “I haven’t seem you fuckers in years” I said. I pulled them both in towards my chest, holding them tight, we fell to the water.
Then: I awoke in my bed . Still to this day I have no idea why life went the way it did for me, but I never looked at my story with sadness. I always told people do not feel sad, but take it as I do, inspirational!
Take my words of strength and do what is right in the world! Do more for others then yourself. My story has way more to it, I am not going to tell all, but know this! GOD THE FATHER does hear us, he does watch over us, and there is a purpose for all of us,after this life! Since my experience in heaven, I don’t know what the father said to me. I am not allowed to remember that part. I no longer fear evil. I am what god made me a soldier. His solider and he needs that from all of us. Effort, not just prayers. Our blood and sweat as well. We the good have to stick together, stand up against evil. Be good to one another. Do onto others as they do onto us. I hope my words ring loud and far.I hope someone will stand with me. Do what is right. Alone we are weak, out numbered. Together we can move mountains. It’s a lonely road to walk the good path, trust me I know still it is the right path and heaven is the best reward out there
. As we are called upon after this to fight in his army when the end of days comes as this is the only side that is worth it. well for now stay good and keep the faith and may the fource be with you.
gods faithful soldier ian riding
God gives us a choice every day to put our trust in Him or to put our trust in man, and in ourselves and our own understanding. Not trusting in God is the root of all sin.
I know God often protects us from danger but His promise of protection cannot only mean physical protection. My daughter was a Christian & she brutally murdered & many other Christians have been harmed or died in horrible situations. If God always gives us physical protection, Christians would never be harmed so it has to be that God’s protection might be over our spiritual being, for reasons we cannot understand, He takes us to Heaven. God’s ways are higher than our ways so we cannot always fully understand why things happen.