Battle Prayer To Recover What the Enemy Has Stolen

In this article, I want to focus on one specific area that Satan and his demons like to operate in. The Bible tells us that Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy.

Recovering What The Enemy Has Stolen

I want to focus on how Satan and his demons come “to steal” from us, with the obvious intentions that they will then try and kill what they have just stolen from us.

Sometimes before they can actually kill something or someone, they first have to steal it from us.

Here is the specific verse from our Bible that will show us that Satan and his demons will try and do this whenever they can:

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” (John 10:10)

This is where you really get into some of the heavier types of spiritual warfare cases. Here are some specific examples of how the devil is continuing to operate in this horrific realm in this day and age:

  1. Your daughter has just been abducted by a predator.
  2. Your brother has just got hooked on crack cocaine and cannot break the addiction.
  3. Your teenage son has just joined a criminal gang.
  4. Your sister has just fallen in the hands of a demonic, false religious cult who have brainwashed her into joining their group.

The first thing you will notice is that these are all cases where the person has actually been “stolen” from us and they are now caught behind enemy lines.

In some of these cases, the captivity will be so extreme, that only the power of God will be able to rescue and deliver these people from the pure evil they have just fallen into. In other words, if God does not directly move on these kinds of extreme situations within a very short period of time, the person could end up dying with what they have just fallen into.

For the purposes of this article, I am going to concentrate on example number one, where your daughter has just been abducted by a sexual predator.

What I will give you in this article can also apply to any one of the above examples or anything else similar that you may be dealing with on your end. Just adjust the wording accordingly in the strategies and battle prayer that I will give you below.

For those of you who watch a lot of the cable news programs, one of the things that you will see reported on a regular basis is the abduction of many of our young daughters and sons by sexual predators.

In most of these horrific cases, the person is never found and it has been estimated by law enforcement that the sexual predator will usually kill the person they have just abducted in the first 24-48 hours.

What you are seeing are demons influencing these predators to first steal the child and then kill them after they have had their way with them.

This is a perfect example of how demons can actually get other people to do their evil bidding for them based upon the wording of the above verse.

For the life of me, I do not know how any parent can deal with the pain and trauma of something so evil and so horrific.

Watching these parents being interviewed by the media, and then seeing the pain and torment they are actually going through, is one of the most gut wrenching things that you will ever see.

How fallen angels and evil humans can sink down into this level of pure evil is simply beyond human comprehension. This is just pure evil beyond anything our rational minds can even begin to comprehend.

The first thing you will need to pick up on these types of extreme cases is that in many of them, there is still a time interval where God can still move in on the situation to rescue your loved one before the person or group ends up killing them, especially in the case of a sexual predator.

What this means for all Christians is that God can still miraculously move into the situation to actually rescue your loved one before it becomes too late.

What I will first give you below is a major power story from the Bible showing you how God actually rescued a group of people who were abducted by some very evil people back in the Old Testament.

Burn this incredibly powerful story from our Bible into your memory banks in the event that you are ever forced to face this kind of extreme dilemma. This is a major power story, and I mean a major power story!!

After I give you the verses where this incredible story is coming from, I will then give you an example of how you can form out your own personal battle prayer to the Lord to get Him to move very quickly on this kind of extreme situation so He can save the life of your loved one.

Major Power Story From the Bible

Unless you have read and studied from the Old Testament, you would have missed this incredible story from King David.

Here is a short, but very powerful story from our Bible that will perfectly apply to some of the extreme examples just mentioned above.

“Now it happened, when David and his men came to Ziklag, on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the South and Ziklag, attacked Ziklag and burned it with fire, and had taken captive the women and those who were there, from small to great; they did not kill anyone, but carried them away and went their way.

So David and his men came to the city, and there it was, burned with fire; and their wives, their sons, and their daughters had been taken captive. Then David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept, unto they had no more power to weep. And David’s two wives … had been taken captive.

Then David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters, but David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.

So David inquired of the Lord, saying, “Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?” and He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.”

So David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away, and David rescued his two wives. And nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them; David recovered all.” (1 Samuel 30: 1-8, 18-19)

Notice several things in this powerful story:

1. The Amalekites had managed to “steal” and carry away every man, woman, and child from David’s camp.

2. The next thing that occurred is that David and all his men wept profusely once they had found out what had occurred. The grieving was so bad, that some of them wanted to stone David and kill him right there on the spot.

3. And then what does David do next? Instead of giving up and throwing up his hands and walking off in despair, the Bible says that he then “strengthened himself in the Lord his God.”

In other words, he got back up, told himself he was not going to give up or give in, and immediately connected back up to the Lord so he could get his guidance from Him as to what he should do next to properly handle this problem.

4. The next thing David does is to first ask the Lord if he has His permission and authority to go back after the Amalekites to fully recover everything they had just stolen from him. Once he puts this request before the Lord, God then gives him complete permission to not only go after these evil people, but He then tells David that he will be successful in recovering “all” that the Amalekites had just stolen from him. And the story then ends with David literally recovering every single man, woman, and child that these people had stolen from him, along with all of the goods they had stolen.

If God is no respecter of persons and He is the same today as He was yesterday, then this means that God can do the exact same thing for any of you who might have had someone or something stolen by the enemy.

Burn this Bible story into your memory banks in the event you are ever forced to deal with this kind of tragedy where one of your loved ones has been stolen by the enemy, and then kept behind enemy lines like what has been described in the above examples. God can and will move on these types of extreme situations if you will just pray for Him to do it.

The Battle Verses

When dealing with this kind of extreme adversity, you are going to need some very strong battle verses from the Bible. You will need to quote these verses back to God the Father in your battle prayer to Him, and you will also have to ask Him to move off the specific wording of these verses.

This is when you will literally go to war with your situation just like David did on the above story, and just like he did when he took on and defeated Goliath.

In the Spiritual Warfare section of our site, we have an article titled “Battle Verses of the Bible.” In this article are 100 of the very best battle verses in the Bible. You can go in there and pick and choose which ones you will want to incorporate into the battle prayer itself.

For the record, here are the specific verses that we would recommend that you include in this special type of battle prayer. But again, feel free to pick any other ones that you feel will apply to your specific situation.

The first two verses I will mention below in the battle prayer itself are the top two battle verses in all of the Old Testament. If there is one battle verse that will move God the Father to want to take on your extreme situation, it has to be these first two verses.

I remember when I first saw them, they just blew off the page at me. I felt God’s power and anointing all over them and felt they were both a major key in being able to get God to take on these kinds of heavier assignments.

These first two verses will tell us two very powerful things about God the Father:

  1. They will tell us that God the Father is a Man of War and that He does have a war side to his personality.
  2. And then they will go one step further – they will then tell us that we can actually stir up God the Father to go into battle for us as a Man of War.

Think of the implications and ramifications of this statement. That God Almighty Himself, ruler of all of heaven and earth, can personally take on an extreme situation that may have just come your way, and then personally go to to war on your behalf to bring total victory and deliverance to the situation just like He did with King David in the above story.

I will list 20 rock, solid, battle verses that you can include in your own personal battle prayer to the Lord when dealing with this type of extreme situation in the actual battle prayer itself listed below.

The Battle Prayer

For those of you who have never formed out this kind of a special battle prayer to deal with this kind of extreme adversity, below is a sample type battle prayer you can draw up to go to the Lord with.

Due to the extreme seriousness of this type of situation and the battle verses that you will have to put into this type of warfare prayer, I would either type or hand write all of this out and then read it back to the Lord to make sure you cover all of your bases with Him. God will honor and work with the prayer as you are reading it back to Him in the same way He will work with you on any prayer that just comes straight out of your mouth.

By going to the extra length to actually hand write or type all of this kind of prayer out so you can make sure you cover everything that you will need to cover with Him, this will show God that you mean serious business with Him and that you are doing everything you possibly can to try and get Him to move on this situation.

Again, I will use the first example above with your daughter having just been abducted by a sexual predator. Here is the sample battle prayer:

1.  Father,

In the name of Jesus Christ, I now approach Your throne of grace boldly and with full confidence that You will hear my very special prayer to You.

Father, as You already know, my daughter just been abducted. Time is now of the essence. Father, I ask that You now take this assignment up and move as a Man of War to fully rescue and fully deliver my daughter from the foul predator who has just abducted her.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that You personally come against this evil man. I ask that You come against any and all demons who are influencing him to do what he is doing. Take this battle up for myself, my wife, and all of our family members and friends who love our daughter with all of their hearts and all of their souls.

Please Lord, take this assignment up and bring our daughter back home safely, sound, and in one piece, with not so much as a hair on her head being harmed.

2.  Father,

The Bible says that You are a Man of War and that You can be stirred up to go into battle for us. Father, I am now going to quote these two battle verses back to You.

Here are two of the most powerful verses in Your Word that I have ever seen which will show us that You do have a war side to Your personality and that You can go into battle to either protect us, or engage with the enemy if they have stolen someone from us:

  1. “The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is His name … Your Right Hand, O Lord, has become glorious in power; Your right hand, O Lord, has dashed the enemy in pieces. And in the greatness of Your excellence you have overthrown those who rose against You; You sent forth Your wrath which consumed them like stubble.” (Exodus 15:3,6)
  2. “The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war. He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies.” (Isaiah 42:13)

3.  Father,

I now want to quote some additional battle verses back to You. I ask, in the name of Your Son Jesus, that You take each one of these battle verses to heart and move off the wording of these verses to save my daughter and rescue her from the clutches of this evil predator.

Father, let Your full wrath and Your full fury pour out and ignite against this unholy man and bring him down quickly and mightily – all in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Lord, here are the special battle verses I now want to quote back to You:

  • “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.” (Psalm 34:17)
  • “I will go before you and make the crooked paths straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron.” (Isaiah 45:2)
  • “Therefore understand today the Lord your God is He who goes before you as a consuming fire. He will destroy them and bring them down before you; so you shall drive them out and destroy them quickly, as the Lord has said to you.” (Deuteronomy 9:3)
  • “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” (Exodus 14:14)
  • “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms; He will thrust out the enemy from before you, and will say, ‘Destroy!’ “ (Deuteronomy 33:27)
  • Do not say, “I will recompense evil;” Wait for the Lord, and He will save you.” (Proverbs 20:22)
  • “Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord. (Jeremiah 1:8)
  • “God is a just judge, and God is angry with the wicked every day. If He does not turn back, He will sharpen His sword; He bends His bow and makes it ready. He also prepares for Himself instruments of death; He makes His arrows into fiery shafts.” (Psalm 7:11)
  • “He will guard the feet of His saints, but the wicked shall be silent in darkness. For by strength no man shall prevail. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces; from heaven He will thunder against them. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth. He will give strength to His king, and exalt the horn of His anointed. (1 Samuel 2:9)
  • “Behold, all those who were incensed against you shall be ashamed and disgraced; they shall be as nothing, and those who strive with you shall perish. You shall seek them and not find them – those who contend with you. Those who war against you shall be as nothing, as a nonexistent thing. For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’ “ (Isaiah 41:11)
  • “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and You right hand will save me. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me …” (Psalm 138:7)
  • “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; the God of my strength, in Him I will trust, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge, my Savior, You save me from violence.” (2 Samuel 22:2)
  • “Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.” (Psalm 62:1)
  • “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He guards all of his bones; not one of them is broken.” (Psalm 34:19)
  • “And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom.” (2 Timothy 4:18)
  • “But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in time of trouble. And the Lord shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him.” (Psalm 37:39)
  • “Through You we will push down our enemies; through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us. For I will not trust in my bow, nor shall my sword save me. But You have saved us from our enemies, and have put to shame those who hated us. In God we boast all day long, and praise Your name forever.” (Psalm 44:5)
  • “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17)

4.  Father,

Now is the time to move. Now is the time to move off these battle verses. Now is the time to move off the specific wording of these verses. Now is the time to move off the above story from King David where he was able to rescue and recover all that he lost from the Amalekites when they stole all of the men, women, and children from his camp. Now is the time to save the day for my daughter and bring her back home, safely and sound.

Lord, I ask that You move now, as time is of the essence. I ask that You move now Lord with Your mighty angels at Your side to come against this evil predator and any demons who are operating on him to commit this unholy and abominable act against both You and my own flesh-and-blood daughter.

Lord, let me know if there is anything specific that either I or any of the other members of my family can do on our end to assist You in this miraculous recovery.

Father, show us where our daughter is located at. Lead the police and the rest of law enforcement to where she is at before it is too late.

5.  Father,

Since we are dealing with a time delay, I also ask that You fully protect my daughter and keep this predator from killing her before she is actually located.

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I now plead the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over every inch of my daughter’s body, over every inch of her soul, and over every inch of her spirit. Lord, let the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ fully protect my daughter from any kind of harm until she can be fully located and found by You.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I now plead the blood of Jesus Christ specifically against this predator and every single demon who is attached to him. Stop this man, and stop these demons dead in their tracks right now so they will not do any further harm to my daughter. Stop them now Lord, dead in their tracks, in the name of Jesus Christ.

6.  Father,

I am totally helpless in this situation. Father, only You can save my daughter, Only You know where she is located at. Only You Father knows who this evil predator is and how we can find him.

Father, please, in the name of Jesus Christ, move now to save my daughter’s life from this unholy and foul creature. Give her a second chance to live again. Do not let her go home to be with You before it is her time to actually do so.

Both myself, my wife, and all of our family members are now standing before You and asking that You take this assignment up and move to bring my daughter back home as quickly as You deem possible. My daughter’s life is now in Your mighty hands. Let Your perfect will now be done on this situation. We ask that You please have mercy on both our daughter and our family and bring her safely back home so we can all be reunited with her.

Thank You Father, thank You Jesus for hearing all of our cries and petition on this extreme matter.

In Jesus name, Amen.


If you will notice in this kind of dramatic and intense prayer, what you will want to do is pour out your entire heart and your entire soul to the Lord. Don’t be afraid to cry, weep, and pour out everything that you are feeling and going through with the Lord. Your heartfelt passion and intense desire for the recovery of your daughter may be the thing that will get God to want to move as a Man of War on this type of extreme situation.

One of the things I have learned about the Lord on my own personal journey with Him is that He does have flair for the dramatic and that He does bleed and weep when He sees these kinds of extreme situations occurring in our fallen world.

Again, study the above battle verses very carefully, along with the above story from King David. If God moved for King David to recover every single man, woman, and child that was stolen from him by the evil Amalekites, then God can do the exact same thing for any of you since He is no respecter of persons and He is the same today as He was yesterday.

In other words, if God moved to help King David recover all that He lost in the above story back in the Old Testament, then God can do the exact same thing for any of us in this current day and age.

Our God is still a mighty God of miracles and He can be moved to want to answer our prayers, no matter now dire and how hopeless the situation may appear to us in the natural.

And the key to getting God to want to move on these types of extreme situations is intense and heartfelt type battle prayers, taking hold of God in a way that you may have never done before.

I will now end this article with one last bit of advice. With the kind of pure evil that seems to keep getting stronger and growing wider across both our country and the rest of the world, you never know when you will wake up and find yourself having to confront this kind of extreme adversity. These kinds of events can happen to anyone at anytime.

To all of you who are still raising your children up, what I would highly recommend that you do is to plead the blood of Jesus on your children as a protective covering on some type of regular basis.

I would recommend that you do it at least once per month, most preferably on the first day of each month.

Again, here is a sample type of prayer that you can do to get your child fully covered under the blood of Jesus so as to protect them from the evil predators who are still roaming in our streets and our own backyards:


In the name of Jesus, I now plead the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ on my daughter Rachel. I now plead the blood of Jesus over every inch of her body, over every inch of her soul, and over every inch of her spirit.

I now plead the blood of Jesus against any demonic spirits who may want to try and come against her. I now plead the blood of Jesus against any bad and evil people who may want to try and harm her in any way. I now plead the blood of Jesus against any natural catastrophes that could possibly come her way.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I now ask that You perfectly protect this child as she journeys through this life so she can fully accomplish everything that You would like for her to do for You.

Father, I ask all of this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

For the record, we keep getting more and more reports from people all around the world who are getting delivered off the information we have in our Spiritual Warfare section. Our God is a mighty Man of War and He will go into battle for you if you will just learn how to apply some of the basics in this area of our walk with Him.

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  1. two men stole from me gold valued aprx 200,000 257,000 dollars, It was left to me by my father. It was many years ago.
    What does God say about recovery of this.
    i fell pretty ill over this as i have children

  2. Brenda, could it be that God allowed it to happen so He could be your help in time of need? I moved into a neighborhood one time that was very modest and God removed from me the money I had. God told me that money was not what these people needed. If someone asks me for money I will give it to them so I understand what he said.
    The problem with trusting God to give us (believing Him for it)is it requires we not have a backup plan which actually works against God getting the Glory.

    1. I too have been placed in a modest neighborhood and our property taxes have increased unfairly and I’m having to go up against a board which gives me anxiety and stress to protest these increases I feel like God wants to cut the Head off of this giant of inflation not only in my county but also over America a giant of inflation causing us to lose our land in which we have inherited from God’s promises I inquired of the Lord just like David is this my battle or Gods and prayed that He would go before me and handle this while I wait under the Mulberry tree and then just go pick up the spoils when I hear a loud noise in the treetops I hope & pray God is handling this giant in our nation so that we can live in peace safety protection and fair prices ! I remember when Jesus was mad at the tax collectors in front of the temple and turned over their tables and the Romans always overtaxed the people and it is still happening today so I believe God is working in this and these warfare prayers have comforted me while I pray for this battle to be handled by the Lord and give me strength to go to the appraisal district board and handle this without being anxious or afraid.

      1. For the record…Jesus was not mad at tax collectors in front of the temple. He attention was on those who traded in animals for sacrifice. See Luke 19:45 and John 2:15

  3. Almighty God, I thank you for the strengthening that you gave that comes from within. Believing you can, and will, I ask that you restore the years that the locusts have eaten, and ask II Tim 4:18a deliverance for my family from every evil work.In Jesus name

  4. What I know about praying over children is if God gives them to you then He will answer the prayers so its a given.
    There are legal conditions so God has to call for outside intervention where a parent does not have the scriptural knowledge for the battle and therefor will supply the needed meeting of the “legal rights” for which to intercede on behalf of another.
    One of my greatest sorrows is not doing more when I saw someone in over their head in an onslaught from the enemy.

    1. Thank you Maize, my mother in law has teamed up with the other woman to destroy my marriage, family, home and they will not stop until I am destroyed. God is good, praise Him. Please come into agreement with me in prayer to hold my ID, God’s kairos, what God has Blessed me with, and what God moves for us to do for all families who are experiencing this warfare. They are ruthless. My husband is ensnared with a pair of jezebels. My mother in law did this to her youngest son and destroyed his family as well.

      1. God will go before you and protect you if you ask him. He will also quiet/hush the mouths of the enemies who try and come against you or your family. Plead the Blood of Jesus over the situation and the Blood Covenant we have with God when we are born again and redeemed by the blood. No Weapon can form against you/family shall prosper. I say these words/promises over my life and family every day.

        Reminder though, we fight not with flesh and blood but against rules of darkness in high places. It appears it is the Mother in Law and or ex wife but in reality it is from Satan with the work he comes to do which is exactly what is mentioned above.
        Kill, Steal and Destroy.

        My advise is to pray, Yes Pray for the ex wife and mother in law to come back to the lord or come to the Lord to get their lives back on track. Another reminder is that what ones says out of their mouth is what they will sow. SO, concentrate on doing the right thing and let God handle the rest. Last Reminder, God does not like gossip or back-biting so if they are doing this it will be noticed. Give it all to God to handle, seek the Lord about it every day and he will help. God Bless and Amen

  5. I don’t think God wants our blessinga to be stolen. My husband and I had our savings stolen by someone who professes to be a Christian and not having that in our old age created hardship for us.

    God has nothing to do with stealing. We are commanded to not steal. It is really disgusting when a Christian is stealing from others and pretending to be a servant of the Lord.

    It bothers me knowing some would stoop to do this to fellow believers, but they do and we can only ask the Lord to lead. He would not want someone to take that which is ours. They are commanded to return what they have stolen from us (I believe it is sevenfold).

    1. No sister. The Lord has advised us to watch and pray/be alert as the enemy is like a roaring lion moving to and fro waiting to devour someone/pray persistently as the times are difficult.

      The Lords blessings can be taken away from us if we are not careful or take God for granted. However we can confiscate all that the enemy had done in our life but seeking God for help/repenting and walking in His ways alone…just as king David recovered all that the Amalekites stole from the people.

    2. I don’t agree with Ruth.. Being christians and trusting other people claiming to be a christians is what we are suppose to do.. Yes, we are suppose to pray about all things.. God commandments are in place for all of us.. It is a sin and always will be for people to steal what is someone else.. Are we to be punished because we are trying to be a good christian and trust another person that claims to be a christian .. We expect another christian to be like us , trustworthy and obey God’s commandments.. How anyone can have the nerve to do things to other people using God’s name I will never understand.. But, you pray for God to bring this person to justice and help you restore what is yours .. God is a forgiving but just God..This person needs to pay for what they have done using God as away into your lives..God’s Blessings and Mercy Be With You.

  6. Heavenly Father, I pray that my broken relationship with Frank would be restored completely. Heal our hearts and help us reconcile our differences. Lord I’m claiming what was stolen from me. A health loving relationship. God you are the Almighty God all powerful, please Lord bring us back together. And forgive our sins. Have mercy Lord please. In Jesus precious most Holy name. Amen

  7. Leave the things behind and come out from among this evil world and please the lord. The lord is the rightful owner of the holy temple we brought nothing in this world and we leave with nothing. God will bless you if you change your life around. the lord already won the battle against satan and his demons years ago and he still trying to overide the human race. Trust in god today time is running out.

  8. I am trusting God for recovery of my car, I was conned by people in our country via the Internet. The guys have not been traced to date. We as a family have several loans to repay and a balance payment to previous owner of the car, we have no one to turn to except God. Please pray with me and let me know what God says about the situation as I wait for a testimony.

  9. Challenges sometimes,is a test of our faith,but defiantly the creator is closer than we think and will not allow any harm come to us.most times we cry over lost of valuables for real it hurts,but we shld know why we’re alive to witness it..all this are challenges we must experience as sons and daughters of god,I was abandoned by my wife and left with three kids,with my last child been jst 7months.she left with a man who happens to be a police officer from ughebe in calabar,she locked me up in cell,fought me wit his brothers,used the job I linked her up to get against me.simply because my business went down,and she was helping out as the bread winner for the moment,so most times you may not know the strength god has deposited in you until your faced with challenges in life,rit now I’ve bounced bak ten folds and my kids are doing wonderfully well.and loves me more than anything in the world.when I look back now I can’t jst stop thanking god for not turning my back on him.because I would ve been a dead man by now,or a drug addict,but thank god I took a wise decision and turn to god,believe me he will never abandon you in time of your needs.most pains we face in life is a stepping stone to the next level..we just have to know when is calling,god bless you…

  10. I need scriptures and prayers that will draw me near to GOD . Pray for me to have GOD’S favor and blessings in my life. Pray for me to overcome my enemies and any negativities in my life. Pray for me to have job

  11. Battle Prayer is very powerful I was fighting my own sickness for some time and got your battle prayer and I say it 2 to 3 times daily against my sickness and I am recovering daily though the healing of god and pleading the blood of Jesus.
    Just want to say thank you with all my heart and may god bless you all for all the work you do in gods name thank you …will give more as my healing progress ..

  12. Hello saints, I stumbled upon this article on prayer while surfing the net 4 days ago and found it interesting and powerful. I then pinned it to my desktop as favourite so I can read it the more as I did not finish the many articles.Today as I was sleeping The Lord showed me, my 9yr old son being run over by a van and I began to cry in despair, shouting he`s been run over, he`s been run over. I was awakened by the angel of The Lord instantly.I did not panic, and I thank God for my spiritual knowledge and maturity , plus my trust in The all sufficient one, Lord God Almighty.
    I knew I had to pray, so I began to worship in the spirit . I then switched on my laptop to quote these above verses to The Lord and The glory of The Lord descended upon me . My body began to vibrate and a warm sensation was all over my body.
    There`s peace that surpasses understanding in me right now and this is my re assurance that The Lord who loves me and my children, has revealed this impending danger of my child to me, so I can do something about it and save my child.What can I do but pray. The prayer model on this site are powerful and am mightily blessed to give my testimony.. Glory to GOD in the highest

  13. hi christen brother and sister
    I need your support in prayer
    my mother in law and sister are all witchcrafts
    they have hate my head with evil billet on my head they confess to me they
    seize all my children from me and destroy my happy marriage
    make me lost my job and keep a witch doctor who work for them
    I need God invention I rally need God to fight for me
    please please help me and family in a deliverance prayer from this evil
    from court to court they say they will not stop

  14. I am very grateful for this article as this was an answer to my prayer as to what I need to do about a relative who has been smitten by demonic influence. My daughter is dating someone who has been brought up on charges of sex offense. This person use to bring her coffee during the summer; I’m wondering if he put something in her drink. I now know to engage in fervent warfare for her..

  15. This article on Prayer to recover what the enemy has stolen is the one of the answers to my prayer on how to pray concerning a situation that is out of my control, mainly the Battle Prayer for my child.
    I have a 23 year old son who has been framed for murder and is facing 40 years to life in prison, he is awaiting trial at the Riker’s Island Correctional Facility. It is very hard for me as his mother, I am totally helpless in this situation, for the way this crime was set up, everything is pointing to my son and the person who set it up is out free.
    I know it is the work of the enemy, to destroy my son because God had given me a vision about 3 or 4 weeks before this took place, He showed me everything that is taking place right now, it is like I am still in the vision the way everything is happening.
    I am a christian now from the time I was pregnant with this same son, I got saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and baptized with him in my belly and from since then the devil is trying to destroy this child.
    But even though I am a christian and I went through all kind of battles, this one hit me very hard, I almost loose my mind, I almost committed suicide when it took place, I thank God for keeping me strong and in a sound mind.
    I kept praying and praying but did not really know how to pray concerning the situation, so I would ask the Holy Spirit to pray through and for me and instantly or shortly after I ask HIM to pray for me concerning this matter, I would start speaking in some unknown tongues that I have never spoken in before or even after I finished praying I cannot speak in these tongues, just my regular heavenly language, Because I had situations before where He allow me to pray in deep unknown tongues and He had told me that those tongues are for when I go deep into spiritual warfare, then I realized that He wants me to go into warfare on behalf of my son.
    But before I started to pray in deep spiritual warfare, I had a vision where I was standing before God in His presence and pleading for HIM to have mercy on my son and suddenly I felt some one behind me and I realized it was one of our church prayer group leader and his voice became very loud, sort of like an echoing sound, and he was saying to me, “You need to stop praying for mercy for your son (he call him by his name) and go into warfare for him, because the situation he is in is not normal, it is spiritual, some one took his ID card and did witchcraft over it so he can get trapped into this situation and you need to get his ID” then I woke up from the vision before I ask who has his ID.
    I never took the vision for anything but after that all I kept coming across is everything on warfare, the preaching at church, the scriptures God giving me is all on warfare for my child, I bought the book “The Power of Praise” and it tells me about speaking in unknown tongues. Then I started to pray warfare prayer but felt within my spirit that I am not praying the way God wants me to pray concerning this extreme matter.
    So I asked HIM to show me how to pray and then I received the email from Bible Knowledge Ministries on “Prayer to recover what the enemy has stolen” so I hand written it accordingly to fit the situation surrounding my son and will use it for warfare prayer for the deliverance of my son. I believe that God will intervene miraculously in this matter.

    I am asking you and every Holy Spirit filled believer to help me warfare concerning my son’s deliverance from the hands of the enemy, who come to steal, kill and destroy.

    Thank you Michael and Chris Bradley for allowing God to use you to minister in this fashion, for I can truly say that this ministry has truly blessed and taught me many things spiritually. I pray that God keep you and impart in you HIS knowledge, wisdom, counsel, fear and understanding according to HIS word so you can impart them into many lives. I pray that God keep and protect you and your families, In the name of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. Amen

  16. Hi Yonette, thank you for sharing that and for the kind and encouraging words. That was an article that just jumped off the page and it was not one I had planned on sending that night. God is so awesome!

  17. Yonette: I am praying against every lie and deception in, around and over your son in the name of Jesus. I pray that the evil, demonic strongholds be torn down and burned away as though of paper and that God completely reveal every evil spirit to the light of His Glory from judges down to the smallest of the enemy’s workers of iniquity, including lawyers, policemen and any other who has hidden truth. I ask the Lord to send in those who love Him and therefore love truth.
    To God’s glory and His perfect will, in Jesus name and may you be strengthened daily in an abundance of grace. Amen

  18. Thank you Maizie: for your prayer, I come in agreement on behalf of my son. Please do keep in warfare on behalf of my son, as you have heard and read of many real life situations where men and women goes to prison for a crime they did not commit and after 25, 35, 10 or many many years it is discovered that there are lies that were testified against the individual and after many many years the person is freed. And even now, there are many who is serving life sentences for something they did not do, it is only for the truth to be revealed. My son is 23 years old and he has his whole life ahead of him and the devil want to steal that away from him and if possible kill him. As many times he brings hopelessness and lies to my son’s mind and tells him to kill himself because his life is over. Please keep praying, tell all prayer warriors to pick up this assignment. My son’s name is Stephen Peters.

  19. Thank you for leading me in this prayer. After walking into my flat to find that someone broke in and stole my computer, which has all my study material. I am writing an exam in 2 days and after this prayer I have blessed assurance that whoever took it is on their way back to return it, in the Mighty, Majestic and Wonderfull name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

  20. I thank God for using you to put this powerful, battle prayer teaching, on the Internet, I believe that God will use it to save many people, that the devil are trying to destroy in the mighty name of JESUS CHIRST, Thanks GOD Bless you and your family richly,

  21. For 3 years I have been saying deliverance prayers daily because I am attacked on a regular basis ( scratched, knocks on walls, behind frig.. etc ) and can not find anyone qualified to help me.
    Personal items started to disappear several years before the scratches and knock even started. It never occurred to me that it was demonic until I experienced the scratches and knocks.
    Over 20 years ago, one night my X and I came home and someone defaced our front door. We thought it was kids in the neighborhood, my X painted the door and we forgot all about it. First, my health went. I was always sick but tests were always normal. I also had lots of falls and cars out of nowhere would hit me.
    I have lost everything my home, my health, friends, every job and family.
    Alone, for my 45th birthday, I treated myself to a ring that I loved. Whenever I did the dishes I always took it off and placed it with the spoons. It took that.
    When I smoked it used to take cigarettes, it always took 1 earring making the earrings useless. Last week Last week I bought barrettes & hair accessories that disappeared. Once I was deadly ill and bought night quill. I sat it on the sink in the bathroom left and when I went back it was gone, I started to scream at it to give it back, later that night I went to the bathroom turned my head and it was next to me on the sink. I went to make tuna and the can opener disappeared. {How did it know I was going to get a can of tuna out?} Again I screamed and demanded it to return it to me, later that night it was in the bathroom sink. Almost overnight my X couldn’t stand the sight of me. Then my daughter couldn’t stand the sight of me. I suppose you can say I lost them too. Everyone I have dated since my divorce, everything is fine then overnight I don’t hear from them. So, I stop dating over 10 years ago ( before the scratches and knocks). Even friends would just stop calling. I’m alone. I do go to church on a regular basis. I dropped off photos of the scratches and the rectory requesting call and for my apartment to be blessed and no one ever got back to me. I am going to try out these prayers. If anyone of you knows of anyone who can help me in person please contact me. I have no money to pay them. My charges are maxed out. I also charged a lot of money to spiritual people who said they could help me and it didn’t work, once it got 100x’s worse.

    1. I pray that God will send help your way like he did to me just 3 months ago. Some of the thungs sound very familiar. Jyst got divorced 4 months ago and i met a cery spiritual man who has fought hell to get me right .it was not easy. If it not a revelation that hel meet with me..i think he would habe given up. We are getting married next year. Iv never been so happy. I really pray yoy find help.

    2. Try playing praise and worship music in your home regularly. Satan and his demons hate that. Also, you should praise God multiple times a day. There is a great book by Rali Macaulay called “Praise Works.” You can get this book on Amazon and AbeBooks. and maybe some other online bookstores, too. There are also many other books on the power of praise. You can also do research online about the power of praising God. Churches do not teach enough on the power of praising God, and the importance of gratitude and giving thanks in all situations, bad and good. I Thessalonians 5:18. (Merlin Carothers, “Power of Praise.”) Be sure to keep strife and complaining out of your life and that you remove any objects or books or magazines from your home that are ungodly. All of those things leave open doors for demons to enter your life. It wouldn’t hurt to say the Lord’s Prayer and 23rd Psalm daily, too. And be careful of the company you keep. Watch Christian TV. God can speak to you through the teaching and preaching on Christian TV, so watch it daily. Church on Sunday is not enough. Demons will not like the Word of God coming from your TV on a daily basis. God Bless you. It will be all right.

  22. Need serious prayers been married four times En from each marriage to happen takes place after every three years recurring of each marriage with loosing everything to getting square zero. These year has been the worst since lost my son, my in laws don’t want to talk to me, my husband has been planning to leave me, my kid broke her arm, the other just gets lost not knowing where she’s going to.
    Been told have spirits that are attacking me that’s blocking by blessings and my health. Words spoken come to manifest En really scares me. Need deliverance. please remember me prayers and need help.


  23. Powerful! It’s time to put an end to the enemy from stealing from the Body of Christ, no more in Jesus name!

  24. Thabk you for taking time to help people how to pray. I needed this…i belueve um victoriuos already.fir a long time i have never felt connected when praying..i started weepung fir my family ti regain all what they have lost. GOD IS GOOD and faithfyl.

    1. thanks for sharing the encouraging words and life story may God bless you all in jesus name.Amen and Amen.

  25. Thank you so much my brother in christ. I messed up my life with false Prestige and foolish life. With this foolishness I m trapped In huge debts, I messed up my family life, no peace in the Family and now I m in do or die situation. This morning I was search for Gods comforting words. Then i Got your article in google. As i started reading the article I felt the presence of the holy spirit in me. I started praying according to your spirit filled article. Peace entered my life. I once again thank my saviour Jesus christ my lord of life. May god bless you and use your ministry mightly for his glory.

  26. Thank you so much for this prayer it works and our God understands the essense of time and moves into war immediately we call upon him. It worked for me. I woke up at 5am and looked for a prayer and this is what I got. Immediately I got on my knees calling upon God to return somebody who had gone missing for 2 days. I cried, repented, went through the prayer reading the verses loudly crying out. Immediately I felt peace and was at peace. By the following day, in a dream the Lord showed me that the person was safe and with a friend. One day after I received a call and indeed a friend had saved him from great trouble and had taken him away quickly. I really thank God for his faithfulness. Trust The Lord with all your heart… may the Lord bless this ministry.

    1. My heart and faith never seems to go astray no matter what people. What the enemies think they gain. Battle is ours. The Lord will make everything new and we shall live in victory. Never give up hope because that’s what the enemies want you to think. Heavenly father I ask that you make everything new and help our children and families in what the enemies have stolen come back to us. I decree and declare that the devil is destroyed and all his works have been exposed go forth mighty angels and help authority wipe out all the evil that the devil has unleashed apon us. We thank you heavenly father because we know it is done in Jesus name amen.

  27. I Love this prayer. Its what I have been looking for in the last 8years. Let Your will be done in our life, Lord of restoration.

  28. I am truly blessed for this word today because of having to war against the enemy for Me and many others. Truly Blessed in Jesus name Amen

  29. wow..The best solution to my search. thank you lord for revealing such powerful hindrance to me.may I dwell in the power of these prayers and defeat the enemies in Jesus name AMEN

  30. Thank you so much for taking the time to write all these verses/articles and helping us to know our position in the Lord. It’s truly a blessing and after reading I felt equipped and feeling like a winner. This a truly awesome job imparting wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. God Bless!!!

  31. I was going to through a tough time when someone wanted to keeps items I have bought from him. His intent was pure malice and greed.One day I felt like going in line and look for war prayers. I set out to pray for 3 days based on the prayer topics in this article. I have have received my materials which i needed to continue my project. I know the other which he has taken fraudulently shall be returned back to me in the Mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

    Thank you for putting out the word of God and guiding us ,through Christ , to reclaim what the enemy is stolen from us .

  32. Thank you so much for these power parked prayers. I believe that our God is mighty to save and He will surely restore all that the enemy has stolen from us! May the Almighty God increase the anointing on your life as bring hope into our lives. God richly bless you always!!!

  33. A fraudster took thousands from me through my bank, these scriptures have touched my heart and I feel like a winner, The mighty God of war will punish him and restore to me everything as he did to King David. Evil never wins. God, go and fight for me as am helpless, lead the authorities that your people have selected to catch up with him, and let him be punished by you God, let him be ashamed and give his life to Christ, for your kingdom is not for such people. Only armed with faith all will be returned in Christ our Lord. Amen and Amen

  34. The Prayer references is fantastic and inspirational. May your anointing never run dry in Jesus Name. Amen.

    The story in (reference)is challenging. May the Lord give us the grace to summons the courage to fight for our right and get it back from devil without fail .

  35. pray for me and my family someone has taken our identities and pray that we will learn how to get our identities back also pray for all the stealing they stole our bank accounts are false our vehicles are insurance policies just pray that all truth will come out thank you

  36. Thank you for the inspirational article. I also need the Lord to fight for my son Courage to get his job back. He needs a second chance but seems something is blocking the opportunity. Management promised to discuss the issue but no word from them till now. He lost the job due to mistakes he made and sincerely asking for forgiveness from the Lord and Managers.

    1. Yes this happen to my grandson as well a mistake were they wanted them to work in the dark were they was no electricity pitch black so he left the job for his safety the flooring was slipperyso that was abandonment to them and not safety

    2. Thanks to the writer, you in. deed touched my life by your spiritual guidance and a sense of direction. Remain blessed in the name of JESUS Amen

  37. i find it so strong message that i even touch by the power of his words. so grateful, i have read the message. the message is timely, esp. now the world is full of lies and deception. so many young are being tempted and trapped by the enemies.

    I felt encouraged, strengthened and empowered. thanks to the writer.

  38. Thank you Lord I have been sleeping then God has shown me that there is theft in my home up on my wife and property . I have opened the above spiritual warfare and I know God will restore each and everything. He will judge the convict accordingly.
    Through Jesus’s name Amen.

  39. I want to thank you for helping me to get closer to GOD from the prayer that you presented to me. I just couldn’t put in to words what to pray for I knew the devil is trying to destroy my relationship with my family But GOD Thanks again

  40. Thank you for taking the time to write such powerful prayers and verses. Currently, we are in the process of trying to recover some capital which was stolen by one of our colleagues,Clement, we have searched everywhere for him and it seems we were just missing him. But God’s Grace is sufficient. I know God will bring not only him, but the cash as well as it is crucial for our business… as well as for the lives who benefit from this sector of business here in Malawi. God of Miracles, signs and wonders… the situation seems hopeless… I feel hopeless…but I know that You are the Mighty Man of War… Lord! Come and do what Only You can do…

    1. Just to give an update…
      the guy (Clement) has been caught… and though he’s not saying where the money is yet, I believe he will let us know. Thank you for your prayers. Our God is Awesome. I have seen His Hand. Amen

  41. One thing each must remember is that God loves the person that is doing evil. God does not love the evil. I have had a vandalism in my home. Much stolen, I am praying that God will pour out conviction on the person so strong that they cannot eat or sleep and every thing must be returned, restoration made. And that person will run to the mercy seat for forgiveness and “he that stole will steal no more working with his hands that which is good etc. Gods mercy is renewed every morning. When we pray God it heaps coals of fire upon the head of the person. God will do what he says, God watches over His word to see that it is performed and it will not return void unto him. I BELIEVE THAT I RECEIVE WHAT I HAVE ASK FOR IN JESUS NAME!

  42. Afolabi Olubola,
    July 18,2020
    This is what I will call “DISCOVERY FOR RECOVERY”
    THIS strategy is the best I have ever seen or come across as an intercessor. Thank you for all the revelations that are embedded. The Lord will keep you and all yours and continue to use you to bless the body of Christ. Amen.

  43. Thank you so much for this guidance I have always needed a strong prayer to rightfully gain back a stolen piece of land that was encroached on from two sides and am glad I found this prayer, I call upon the Lord to go to war for and fight against the evil in these people may the leave what is mine and work hard to gain their own cover my land in your precious blood and put a conviction on them to never rest until they return what is mine, turn from their evil ways and fully worship you Lord instead of their satanic powers I cover my self and my family under your precious blood Jesus amen

  44. Hi, my counselor gave me this link. Thank you for the prayers, I am currently trying to survive as victim-example #4 on your list. That was scary to see the real gravity of what I’ve been mostly, unknowingly walking through. This past month, I broke off a second engagement to a man who is in a false, religious occult. These are high ranking principalities I’ve been battling and sadly lost most due to being “in love”. Prayers are much needed. I haven’t slept normally for 2+ years, lots of trauma from abuse and was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease. I contacted my ex again in February after being broke up for 14 months because I was so desperate for a reason to live and help. His abuse was so much worse this year than before. Thank you for passing for me. Something still wasn’t broke off after 14 months and I prayed every prayer I got my hands on. I’m currently praying to be delivered from the trauma bond that was formed to try to survive the abuse.

  45. Thank you so much servant of the Most High, our Man of War, for these powerful and inspiring insights.Yesterday I was earnestly praying that God be able to place me into such a divine communication net work that would enable me exercise the authority and power I possess in Christ Jesus against the enemies of my life, family, and destiny, as His servant.God has done it very fast.Praise Him.May I follow the instructions given herein and hopefully testify of the victory for Gods’s honor, brethren.Shalom

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