I am writing this after a video I posted a few weeks ago that I called, Seeing Through God’s eyes, though the producers called it God’s glasses, either way, I think you know where I’m going with this. I have posted the video below for those of who have not seen it.

This video brought to my memory a time about 10 years ago when I asked the Lord to help me see people through His eyes. I know it’s easy to look at people who are not like us, or think like us and start to have judgmental thoughts, I admit, I did.

Seeing Through God’s Eyes

Then one day, I’m out to lunch with a friend, I made a wisecrack about someone in the restaurant, trying to be funny but instead, it brought great conviction upon me and I started to see a pattern in myself.

What happened is I started to pick up bad habits of people around me and I didn’t even realize it. I know it can be tough to pick people to be with when you have to associate with them because of work, sports, or things like that where you really don’t have control but you can definitely have the Holy Spirit “alert” you when you start to fall into the traps the enemy will lay out for you.

Oh how easy it can be to let your flesh start to rule, and yes, it’s easy to see the faults in others, which I actually did but then I started to see it rub off on me.  And let’s not forget sometimes the faults we see in others is the Lord showing us our own faults or tendencies we may have.

And to top if off, I can make up excuses as to why I was doing what I was doing, and at the time, I could justify them as valid, LOL..but what are they.. EXCUSES! That’s it. No more, no less. Call it as it is.

Side note.. how many times do we try and justify our sins with excuses?  No More Excuses. Take responsibility and be quick to confess your sins and move on.

Thank God for the Holy Spirit and that the Lord had brought me to a place where I was sensitive enough to pick up that conviction.

So on the spot, I immediately confessed to my friend my sin, my pride, my arrogance of my comment and went and prayed for that person and asked the Holy Spirit to help me in this area.

That’s when I went home that night, shut everything off and went into my one on one time with the Lord in my prayer closet. And I do mean… closet, it was a walk in closet and I would go in there  for my prayer times with the Lord.

And I asked God to help me and start to see people how He sees them.

And I can’t tell you exactly how long it took for this to happen but it wasn’t long!

And was it ever life changing!

No longer did I see the “outside” of people but I saw the inside, or as God sees them. Now God didn’t reveal specifics, it was more general. Seeing how people were hurting  inside, serious roots that may cause them to be mean, angry, bitter or  dress in ways that lets call it anti-cultural, where it’s easy for us to judge but instead, it was, what’s causing this? I like to use a phrase Joyce Meyer uses, hurting people hurt people.

There were times I would stop and talk to someone or start to open a conversation with a waiter or waitress and I realized we live in a hurting world,  people are in pain and only Jesus can fulfill the void in their hearts and the deep roots of hurt they have.

And I just don’t mean unsaved people but many of our brothers and sisters are also hurting who may need a word of encouragement, prayer or a simple pat on the back and a smile.

Little things do make a difference.  We don’t always have to say the right thing at the right time but let our actions be our words. Preach always, if you must, use words.

I recall a time in the grocery store where I saw this older lady, who had a look of a very angry person. Normally, I would look and turn the other way but this time, I opened the door for her, wished her well and smiled at her.  She thanked me.

Then I just felt God’s love for her and though, here’s a lady at the twilight of her life and you can see the pain and torment on her face. You just knew she had a tough life. Only God knows what has happened to her but it was obvious she was in pain and probably not much fun to be around.  I think we all have met people like this so instead of looking at them in a way of,  geeesh, I wish they would act better,  maybe we stop and pray and ask God to help heal their pain and bring them into a close relationship with Him.

So today, I ask anyone reading this to start asking the Lord to see people through His eyes and be warned, this is life changing!

I know it was for me and I also need to get back to asking the Lord to help me see everyone through His eyes. And watch this video one more time to get a real understanding of what others may be going through.

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  1. Hi, I would like the Lord to help me pray for patients as I work in a hospital, where I go to their bedside to help them get medical coverage. But, when I see patients in pair or depression it touches me especially when they share a tear. Please Lord help me to help them. Give me wisdom and peace so that I can pass it on and help them recover and get strong so that they can go home. thank you lord for your love upon me. Thank you for everything. Love you, Jose Ortiz

  2. I am really so blessed by the video. I have started from now seeing people differently by the help of the Holy spirit

  3. Created to GOD’S image…and walking in a path of transformation to Jesus’ likeness….yes, we need to grow by the help of the Holy Spirit, into seeing people and our circumstances through His eyes…then …we will reflect a bit of Himself…till the completion of what He has started inside us. Thank you Jesus.

  4. This really does answer my prayer for Spiritual sight. I realized that I’ve often desired to see beyond the surface — even to the point of praying that my right eye would become blind if it would then see what’s in the Spiritual realm. Despite that, I had never simply asked God to see what He sees, I always was trying to “make a deal/trade” with Him. The Holy Spirit of God, through this article/video, truly opened my eyes and showed me the way to my heart’s desire. Thank you for such a blessing.
    With love,
    Rijen Vagabond

  5. I pray that the Holy Spirit will send more and more people to this article.

    The Father has taught me this lesson a long time ago, because I was one who was constantly on the receiving end of the type of comments that people made. I decided to never hurt people in that way, because it can cut your soul so deeply the bleeding takes years to stop. There is the saying : “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me”… That is one of the biggest lies from the pit of hell!!! Words kill – never mind harm. God says in His word that the power of life and death is in the tongue.

    One day a prophet told me that God has replaced my heart with His and since then, every time I hear someone just making comments that can hurt another person, I feel as if a part of me is dying. I want to burst into tears because of the other persons pain and the pain that God the Father feels. I break into pieces everytime.
    And I live in a house where this is a constant pattern of what happens. No matter how hard I try to tell them it hurts the other person, nothing changes.

    So, please , everybody out there that might be reading this, please realize how much your words can hurt – even if the person you are talking about does not hear it physically – the demons are all to willingly to run and tell it to them in their spiritual ears ( and probably with a story attached ) and the person feels hurt, useless, less than a human being, not worth anything….and so forth, without knowing why. Be careful what you say.

    God spoke and everything came into being – your words are just as powerful as the words spoken by God the Creator of all things because you are part of the body of Christ and Christ now lives in you through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. and even the words of the unbelievers have the same power.

    Can we please stop killing each other and start loving each other for who and what we are?

    Thank you for your work through this site. It is powerful what God is doing through it. Be blessed in Jesus Name

  6. Hi Mariyah, that was very well stated. The ole saying of sticks and stones is definitely a lie and words are so much worse b/c they never leave you while the bruises you get from a stick or stone may hurt at first, the pain eventually goes away. What’s even sadder is Christians who use their words to inflict pain on others

    1. I get more flak, often cruel remarks, from fellow Christians than the lost. Their words were the ones that usually hurt me inside it really made me feel sorry for them, l would confront them peacefully and tell them their words hurt me, sometimes I would walk away and let them have their say. The root in my life was painful, I was bullied, taunted, abused, mocked, scorned, laughed at, teased and hurt in my childhood. The words that were hurled at me tormented me, I’m okay now I wouldn’t say 100 but the progress I’ve made is better now than where it used to be.

  7. This video has answered exactly what I have been praying for and it has not come forth.may be I have to change the prayer point saying ” oh Lord !help me see people the way You see them .Put in me Your Divine Eye Glass in Jesus Name. Please for how long do u think I would pray this prayer to get result. More Grace to reveal the mystery of God to people thru this site. Remain blessed.

    1. Simply by asking the good question your heart has changed, and the good result started. Keep on asking, seeking, and knocking.

  8. I was praying to God this morning that I could see people and life through his eyes and I discovered this video. Jesus is truly AMAZING!

    1. He is truely amazing. i liked the video, but I’m still lost within myself because when I was searching for this video I expected it to be the way that I wanted it to be, but it’s alright because I love the video. Only thing wrong is that when I see things around me like, trees, sky and other stuff I start to think of what I’m seeing like in the video but the only thing wrong is that I just see the world as it is wondering if I can see throw his eyes.

  9. We are born as man. At this time , the God that is in us sleeps. Then we experience a second birth in the spirit. If we can recognize this , we will awaken in consciousness. We may start to react less to our environment at this time as we realize that Christ , or the operant power of the universe , was within us all along . If we use this information wisely we will shift from our senses to seeing things FROM their ends . From our wish fulfilled. The way God intended us to use our Imagination. This is using God’s eyes and all that it implies . This can include seeing the perfection in all .

    1. This New Year 2020 I want to have 20/20 God vision for this year. I want to see what God wants me to do ministering to others His love and hope and His salvation He poured out to all.
      I want to stay focused this year as I stay in the Word and walk the talk. I pray for all Believers to stay focused and be sensitive to others as the Holy Spirit shows us Believers to step out in Holy boldness the Kingdom of God is here and share the Good News✝️❤️

  10. That really made me smile. I was looking for a reference to support a prayer for 202O(vision) and thought of seeing through Gods eyes. This was very applicable and encouraging. Thank you for the work you do.

  11. That’s an awesome prayer. I heard this prayer somewhere several years ago and prayed it and I will say it was life changing.

  12. Has anybody else, connected parables, in the bible, together perfectly? A few of us found that they dont stand alone. Parables are incomplete stoties most of the time not real, but to find out there is another level of understand and seeing it thru GOD’s eyes, makes a difference, and why he wrote it that way. Just wondering if there are others, that have put them togrther?

  13. I had a question, about seeing thru Gods eyes about the parables, does anybody see the connection on most of the parables? Need to find any one that has a idea about them. They all connect

  14. Thanks for the notes and the video how I pray I would see especially those who hate me without a reason how God sees them. Oh God give the grace to help them.

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