What Are the Signs of Demonization

Per all of the articles we have in our Spiritual Warfare section on how to deal directly with demonic spirits, the first thing you will need to do once God leads you to work with someone who may be demonized, is to make sure that it really is demons who are attacking this person and not something they are imagining or conjuring up.

If demons are attacking someone from the outside position and they are not actually in that person’s body, this is what you call basic demonic “oppression.” These types of cases are much more easier to deal with than an inside case. Just find out what their legal rights are, properly break them before the Lord like we have showed you how to do in our other articles, and then command the demons to leave the person in the name of Jesus.

However, when demons are literally living on the inside of someone’s body, this is what you call “demonization.” But again, the rules are the same. Find out what their legal rights are, properly break them before the Lord, and then proceed to cast them out in the name of Jesus.

However, these inside cases may be a bit tougher and there may be some additional things you may need to do, depending on how many legal rights the demons are operating on and how long they have been on the inside of that person in the first place.

In this article, I just want to concentrate on the very first thing you will need to do if you are working with someone who has demons living on the inside of them. And that very first thing is to determine if there really are demons living on the inside of them.

Signs of Demonization

Here are some of the basic signs and manifestations you may come across when dealing with someone who has demons literally living and operating on the inside of them.

Since we cannot see demons with our natural eyes like we can see people and material objects in our natural realm, you will need some of these types of signs and manifestations as guideposts so you can determine whether or not you are dealing with a person who is really being demonized from the inside of them.

1. The Person Will Already Know They Have Demons on the Inside of Them

The first “sign,” the first “tell” you will have on these types of cases is that the person many of the times will already know that they have demons living on the inside of them. They will tell you they can sometimes hear voices on the inside of them and at times can actually feel or sense the demons moving “in and out” or “up and down” in them.

Many of these people may at first be very reluctant to admit this to anyone for fear that they will either be misunderstood or thought of as being crazy.

But by the time the Lord leads you to these types of cases, many of these people will be ready to work with you and they will be more than willing to tell you anything and everything on their story so you can properly work with them to get them completely delivered, as many of them have been bound up and under torment from these demons for quite a long period of time.

So the first thing you will need to do is to not turn these types of cases away when they do first come your way, as there is always the possibility that it is God Himself who is guiding this case your way so you can try and work with them to get them completely delivered from these demons.

Just listen very carefully to the person’s entire story and then be led by the Lord and His discernment on the case so you know whether or not you are dealing with the real thing.

One of the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit is the gift of discerning of spirits. And part of this gifting is where the Holy Spirit Himself will give you the supernatural ability to be able to see or sense if this person really does have demons operating on the inside of them.

2. Look For These Basic Demonic Manifestations

As you are listening to the person’s entire story and how they may have gotten these demons on the inside of them in the first place, look for some of these basic demonic manifestations in their story. And also do not be afraid to ask the person if they have ever had some of these basic manifestations occur with the demons.

Now here are some of the basic manifestations that demons will do with the people they are inhabiting.

One or two of these manifestations may not be able to stand by themselves, but when you get someone that has quite a few of these manifestations occurring on some type of regular basis, then the chances are very good that they really do have demons literally living on the inside of them.

  • Hearing voices on the inside talking to them. These voices may also refer to the host in the third person.
  • Feeling or sensing the demons moving on the inside of them. Feeling pressure and movement in the head and stomach areas. Demons can also attack the central nervous system so it feels like the person is going crazy at times.
  • Having bad and frequent nightmares, sometimes with the same bad and horrific nightmare being repeated over and over again.
  • May have seen some of the demons in an actual vision.
  • Can sometimes smell the demons, who have a very putrid and toxic smell to them. Demons can also smell like burning sulphur at times.
  • Will have strong, inner compulsions to do bad things that are not in their normal behavior patterns like having bad thoughts of suicide and murder. Can also have very strong addictions to things like drugs, alcohol, and pornography.
  • Abnormal fascination with the occult or any type of criminal activity.
  • Abnormally strong feelings of rage and hate in them that are not a part of their natural personality and makeup. Demons can also transmit heavy feelings of despair, hopelessness, depression, and that they have committed the unpardonable sin of blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.
  • Irrational fears, panic attacks, and phobias on some type of a regular basis.
  • Periods of having loss all sense of time from minutes to actual hours and can sometimes end up somewhere and not knowing how they got there. Also, regularly doing things for which they have no memory of actually doing.
  • At times, can sense an evil presence on them, in them, and in the houses they live in.
  • Will feel cold spots in certain areas of the houses they are living in with these cold spots not being by any open windows.
  • Will sometimes see dark shadows running across some of the rooms in their houses, especially in their bedrooms.
  • Can have poltergeist type phenomena occurring in their houses such as material objects flying across the room, doors opening up and slamming shut all by themselves, drawers opening up on their own, hearing footsteps shuffling across the floors and scratching type noises on the walls, along with the electricity going on and off and material objects actually disappearing.
  • In the more extreme cases, the person can literally find themselves levitating right off their bed at times.
  • May have the ability to speak in a foreign language of which they have no natural knowledge of.
  • Can be capable of great, abnormal, physical strength.
  • Can receive mild to strong trembling and shaking sensations on different parts of their bodies. Can also receive choking sensations and a tightness around their head and eye areas.
  • Abnormal amounts of dizziness, blackouts, and seizures.
  • Very heavy, uncontrollable twitching type activity on certain parts of their bodies like their face and their arms.
  • May have had some out-of-body experiences, especially in cases of sexual abuse and satanic ritual abuse.
  • Have a very hard time in praying and reading from their Bibles. Can also have an actual revulsion of the Bible to the point of wanting to try and tear it apart or burn it.
  • A compulsive desire to want to curse and blaspheme God and Jesus.
  • Can have multiple personalities in them which are known as alters.
  • May have tried other kinds of treatments and medications from other psychologists and psychiatrists with no real help or relief ever being given to them.
  • The demons can at times take control of the vocal cords and speak right out of the person’s mouth. When this occurs, the tone of the person’s voice could change, like a woman speaking out in a man’s deep, husky voice. Demons can also emit animal like sounds out of a person’s mouth and vocal cords like the hissing of a snake, the growling of a lion or tiger, or the emitting of a baying type howl like a wolf. They can also let out very loud screams and yells, especially when being directly confronted by the deliverance minister during the actual deliverance itself.
  • The demons can also manifest in the person’s eyes where you can see them literally looking at you. What you will see when this occurs is pure evil and pure hatred looking at you. You will also see this look from the demons being captured in some of the person’s past photographs, as some of these demons love to show themselves in the person’s eyes and countenance when photos are being taken of them. Another type of look you can see when the demons are looking out of someone’s eyes is what I call the “hollow look.” When you see this type of demonic look, it is like you are looking into someone who has no personality. They will look “soulless” and “lifeless” to you when you see this type of look coming out of their eyes, and you will also know that it is not the personality of the person you are looking at.
  • Different types of facial contortions which no longer look like the person, such as glazed eyes, blank stare type eyes, eyes rolling backwards where all you see are the whites of the eyes, and stretching the skin of the face into a contorted, hissing like expression.
  • Different types of bodily contortions like people slithering across the floor like snakes, getting on all fours and barking like dogs, growling like lions, or howling like wolves. Abnormally stretching out their spines, fingers and hands locking up and going rigid, and demons grabbing a hold of a person’s throat in order to try and stop them from talking with you. The demons can also whip the head in a very rapid side-to-side type movement, stretch the neck out as far as it will go, along with jolting portions of the body causing those portions to move in a very rapid side-to-side type movement.

If the person has had any of this type of activity in their background, or if any kind of this activity surfaces or manifests while you are talking or praying with the person, then there is a very good chance that you are truly dealing with a person who has demons living on the inside of them and they will now need a full scale deliverance from the Lord.


With many of the churches still not doing enough in-depth teaching on this subject matter, you still have some people sitting in many of the churches across the world who are being demonized like this on the inside and they feel totally hopeless, helpless, isolated, and alone.

They feel that if they try and speak out on their conditions, that people will either not believe them, or if they did, they would think they are evil or that there is something mentally wrong with them. They also do not want to deal with the possible stigma of having demons attached to them.

As a result, they slip underneath the radar screen in most of the churches they belong to and no one, including most of their close friends and family members, even knows they have demons living on the inside of them.

Sadly, most of these people go on for the rest of their earthly lives and never get set free from their demons. This is why every single church should have some type of basic teaching system in place on this part of our walk with the Lord so people like this will not be afraid to try and reach out for help.

This little website alone has stirred up some of these hornet’s nests, with people coming to us with demons being attached to them, but with them being too afraid to go to their own pastors for fear of either ridicule or disbelief because this subject matter is never talked about or taught on in the churches they have been raised up in.

Once you start talking about these kinds of issues, and give people some basic working knowledge to fully understand it, then they will be willing to come out of hiding and seek help because they will then feel that someone will understand what they have been going through.

But if you never talk about it, then they will assume that you are either not interested in it, you don’t believe in it, or you are too afraid to deal directly with it yourself. As a result, most of these people will never get delivered, and they will then have to battle this inner torment for the rest of their earthly lives.

1.  To any of you out there who feel like you do have demons attached to you, but have never sought out help for some of the above reasons, it would be our strong recommendation that you read our article, “Looking for a Deliverance Minister,” and then follow the logical and straight forward steps that are in there to try and find a good deliverance minister in your area who can work directly with you to get you set free.

As we have said in that article, God is raising up more of His people to be able to do deliverances, and there is a very good chance you can find someone in your area who will be able to deliver you if you will just put for forth the time and effort to try and find this person if you are not confident enough to try and do a self-deliverance on your own.

Ask God to guide you to this person and where they are located at, and the Holy Spirit will then move to guide your steps so you can find the right minister who will then be able to set you completely free from these demons.

2.  If by chance you know someone who does have demons attached to them, but they have never sought out help for some of the above reasons, do not be afraid to approach this person and offer them your time, help, and assistance to try and find a minister who will be able to set them completely free if you do not feel comfortable in trying to do this yourself.

Again, go to our article, “Looking for a Deliverance Minister,” and follow the straight forward steps that are in there and God will then move to take up your case and use you to help get this person delivered if they are too bound up or too afraid to try and do this on their own.

We have a testimony of that actually occurring in this article. A woman’s roommate was being seriously demonized on the inside of her as a result of her engaging in white occult magic. She then decided to take on her case and got her roommate fully delivered from the demons by seeking after the right deliverance minister who could get the job done for her.

She had to go to three different pastors, but the third pastor she found was able to get her roommate fully delivered from her demons. And all of this all got accomplished because she just took the time to do this for her roommate, since her roommate was too afraid and too bound up to try and do it for herself.

I have seen God move time and time again on these types of cases if people would just step out of their safe boats and take on these kinds of deliverance assignments from time to time.

As we have said in our article, “The Great Commission – Save, Heal, Deliver and Disciple,” one of the main ministries Jesus is calling all of us to do for Him is to get people delivered from demons when we do come across these types of cases. You can either learn how to do it for yourself, or you can help guide these people to the ones who will know how to do it for them if you are to afraid to try and learn it on your own.

But either way, we should not be having people with demons tearing them up on the inside sitting in our churches when this type of subject matter could be easily taught on in every single church – especially with Jesus Christ Himself telling us to include the deliverance ministry as part of the Great Commission that He has asked all of us to do for Him.

We hope this article will help educate and enlighten some of you on some of the basic demonic manifestations people will experience when demons are actually attached to them, especially with demons who are living on the inside of them.

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  1. I saw a lady’s face have a grey mask with black holes the size of an American quarter and an elongated black mouth. Her face could not be seen. Is this a common demonic manifestation?

  2. I know all those signs. and they seem to work together. even sinning against the
    holy spirit.
    It is the solution that i dont think anyone cleary has.For starters Jesus may be
    part of the problem. May be psychiatry is what can really work. Although it can take
    too long.

    1. How would Jesus be part of the problem? Jesus is the only one the demons are afraid of and always obey.

  3. Great article. Very educational. I doubt someone who who had actually committed the unforgivable sin would not be attacked by satan nor would he be making them feel guilty or thinking that they might have. And they would most likely not be worried about having committed it.
    Well written and concise information.

  4. In order to counsel a person to determine door opening sins and legal rights the person has to be willing, have some knowledge of his/her problem, and want deliverance. That requires teaching to a teachable spirit. But the person has evil spirits. The person’s unwillingness may not be the person’s but the evil spirt’s. i tried teaching in an open class and the demonized person got upset and the pastor kicked me out o fthe class. Of course, it was the demons that were upset and the pastor doesn’t believe a Christian can have an evil spirit. So what was the solution. Jesus had assigned the person to me for deliverance. But the demons didn’t want deliverance. Solution: Set the demons’ house on fire with the fire of the Holy Spirit and they want out fast in torment. Watch Synagogue Church Of All Nations. That is what the Lord led me to do to set the person free. No counseling, no permission needed. Of course, the person is a Christian and has protection so they won’t return. Currie Blake says that when he is ministering to thousands of Hindi’s he doesn’t have time to find out their generational curses. If we get specific with the devil, he’ll bog us down with specifics. The demons’ favorite delay strategy is talk.

    1. That’s exactly right. The demons favorite thing is delay. I have a lady telling me, we must first take down the ‘pillars’, then take authority over the strongman. Even though I told her Jesus said in the Word, we must first bind the strongman. Jesus said, how can you go in and plunder a man’s house unless you first bind the strongman. I really need someone else to help me. She calls once a week to ‘talk to me & I quote prayers with her & renounce things my parents said & did to me’. She doesn’t want me to talk to anyone about the fact I’m seeking deliverance & I am having a hard time trusting her.

      1. Shelby,
        When starting deliverance you stand in the gap for your generational bloodlines. You confess the sins of your forefathers as well as your own. (Lev 26:39-42).
        They are generally broken down into categories (idolatry, rebellion, fears etc.) You renounce the sins, ask the Lord for forgiveness and break the curses. Asking the Lord to cleanse the bloodlines. And there are prayers that are done at times depending on the type of session and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
        Once you have confess, renounced, received forgiveness, the legal ground for the demons are broken. And the demons must go when to to go.(Col 2:15) Please keep in mind that once you confess, you have broken agreement with the demons, and agreeing with the Lord.
        Also, when renouncing the sins of our ancestors,(parents) they are still held accountable by the Lord for their actions. When we stand in the gap, it cleanses our bloodline from us on down.
        You can not be held accountable for what your parents said and did to you. However, you must forgive them for what they’ve done. What a lot of people may not realize is that there are wounds that also need healed after deliverence is done. By not letting/allowing the Lord to heal those wounds, it is an open door for the enemy to return (Matt 12:43-45).
        I would say, if you are not comfortable, with whom is doing the deliverance, find someone you are comfortable with. And never, NEVER, be silent on what the Lord is doing or has done for you!
        Hope this helps.

  5. I want to get peoples opinion and see if they think i may have a bad spirit, which i am feeling lately i may have.. I have read some of the symptoms on here and some do agree with what has happen to me through my life and even now.. I came to the lord Jesus christ only 3 months ago, and since then i have had horrendous unimaginable thoughts.. I try reading the bible a lot and have to stop because bad things start coming in my head.. I cry a lot and ask forgivness always, and have felt so helpless.. Sometimes i have thought have i commited the unforgivable sin.. In my past yes i have heard voices.. Sometimes many years ago i would think my grandmother or someone was calling me only to find out they didnt.. Also there have been times in past it smelled like something electrical was burning and could not find out where it was coming from, and yes there have been times it was like i felt a presence and it was not a good feeling.. There was one time a few days ago i will never forget.. It was a feeling of peace and love inside my heart and it was like i could see clearly and seen things differently.. It was great and then just the next day things started changing bad again and that good feeling i had was gone.. Sometimes i think i am crazy myself LOL

  6. Dear Marc:
    You have classic signs of a demonized person. However, because you are a Christian you also have the Holy Spirit bonded to your spirit and the Lord’s love and protection. The demon(s) are the source of the evil and not your mind so do not feel condemned or guilty. Romans 8:1,2. It would be good to read all of Romans 8.
    Don’t let a person tell you the heresy that a Christian cannot have an evil spirit. In 1 Kings 21 when Manasseh put the idols in the outer courts of Solomon’s temple, it is a parable of the Christian, the NT temple, having demons living in his/her outer court, the flesh. The soul represented by the Holy Place of the OT temple separates the spirit from the flesh. The Holy Spirit is with your spirit separated from your flesh where the demons are. Seek out a Pentecostal pastor or charismatic pastor ie. Vineyard to get a deliverance. You can do self-deliverance bu tI believe because you are so young in the Lord you will need help and teaching to maintain your freedom. Stay from the internet. The devil owns it.

  7. Dear Gordon

    Thanks for your reply.. I am going to leave a list here because i did not mention everything.. If people knew everything around me they would say i was crazy and needed to be evaluated.. I went over the voices, and these voices was not like it was inside my head it was a voice that called my name like somebody that i heard with my ears and found out no one had actually called me… When i was a child this started to happen and i am 42 now.. There was something else that happen one night at my grandmothers and that was believe it or not the bed had started shaking and the dog in the house started barking and then it stopped.. My grandmother also in the bed i asked her i said did you feel that and she calmly said it was the dog under the bed, and i thought later that did not make sense because this was a small dog and would not be able to shake the bed like that and then bark and it stop.. Sometimes i feel like i cant think clearly like my head is in a fog or something and have lost track of time and scared my own self wondering how i got from point A to point B… Sometimes in a room before i would feel like someone entered the room and i would turn around to find no one there.. I have had a lot happen over all these years and would just blow it off, but now after coming to the lord things are different and i recognize a lot of things that has happen to me and around me.. There is also a lot of anger, hate and rage at times.. Some of my family at one time mention to me they thought i might be bipolar but i didnt think anything of it when they said that years ago..Let me ask you something else can these bad spirits cause headaches a lot and feel like your shoulders and neck are sore and hurt like a heavy weight on you?

    Thanks for your time gordon and replies.

    1. Marc you have already gotten some important spiritual advice. I wonder, have you seen a neurologist? It’s possible to have small seizures which aren’t noticeable but can also have symptoms you describe.

    2. Marc,
      Many denominations stay away from Spiritual Warfare teaching but Jesus Christ delivered many from demon possessions.
      Please find a good deliverance minister and get deliverance. Think about this- God has revealed certain things in your life and He has given you the understanding that you need deliverance and your next step is to obey and seek deliverance because God wants you free for the next part of your journey.

  8. Dear Marc:
    The demons can and do cause headaches but so does dehydration and stress.
    Please seek out preferably a charismatic pastor to help you get delivered. Demons love talk and discussions because they are not directly confronted and kicked out. Generally, the conservative evangelicals and Assemblies of God believe a Christiand cannot have an evil spirit. Some
    AOG know the truth.
    Ask Elijah House on the web if there is one of their ministers who live near you. There may be other ministries on the web who has someone near you who can help you.

  9. Greeting Gordon,
    I’m so happy to have run into this site, It’s truly a blessing.This is my testimony. On January 8,2014 the Lord spoke into my spirits in a still small voice he said, a egg has hatch. At the time I couldn’t understand what God had in store for me. On January 13,2014 I started to feel deliverance from demonic spirits. But it didn’t stop there! the lord spoke again and said, there’s still 6eggs left that needs to hatch. God is my Refuge and strength, my present help in time of need. Let me just elaborate on my experience. From the deeps of my belly through my throat and out my mouth came a goshen winds as my body release them, my tongue wiggle and a shriek sound came out with a jerk of the body. Till is very day I am still being deliver from evil spirits. The Lord said it would take 90 day deliverance b/c of past sin. I believe that when we come to the Lord and we are not totally surrender to Christ, we are heading for big trouble. In Matthew12:43 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through dry places looking for to rest. But doesn’t find none, he saith, I will return unto my house from which I came out…in this case it was my house that I neglected. I pray that all those that comes across my experience will give there hearts in total surrender to a loving father that cares. I ask kindly for your prayer and would like to here from you. Thank you.

    Emna Bonano

  10. Dear Emma:
    PRAISE THE LORD. Before demons had to driven out either by a counsellor or by self-deliverance. Your testimony tells me that the Lord has made a change since we are approaching His Second Advent and doing deliverances from Heaven. I read a testimony of of a Christian who said that the Lord told him he had demons. The Lord did not do that with me for many years until in 2004 a lady prophetess called me and said that she had a dream of me running and a demon was flapping in my wind off each wrist and ankle. Later He gave her the names. But the kingpin demon I had to fiscover on my own. Jesus is doing more hands on work to speed up the day that His church will be without spot or wrinkle.
    Look up Rev. Susan O’Marra. She is a prophetess from Rochester, New York.

  11. I have a cousin who, during prayer her eyes become red and they roll, her face twitches. She always tries to control it. She likes to stare at me at times and when she does its like something else is looking at me. She gets head aches, always looking sad or perhaps tired. She is not free during prayer I do not like being around her because her presence is uncomfortable. Even when she is being nice. She is 14 years old born again since she was 8. She used to be full of life nothing could stand in her way and Jesus. Sometimes she looks okay sometimes not. Could she also be demonized?

  12. Dear Iazana:
    From what you described I would confidently say that yes your cousin is demonized. The demons hate what they’re hearing in the prayers, and reacting. You are not imagining things to sense their presence.
    Has your cousin at any time played around with occult things like ouji boards, tarot cards, amulets, told ghosts stories? Although I have not heard of prople being demonized by ghost stories but a fellow did testify getting a demon while readin or watching someone else’s episode with spirits.
    Has your cousin ever visited a soothsayer, psychic, witch, clarvoyance, or took part in a seance? Even if her attitude was, “Oh, we were just fooling around and didn’t take it seriously,” she would be entering the devil’s territory and leaving herself open for attack.
    But what you described is pretty heavy duty symptoms so I have to ask is your cousin secretly a witch or has been subject to some witches’ rituals?
    I knew of a person who use to be a witch who could not stand to be in a Christian meeting and had to leave.
    Your cousin needs help by someone experienced in deliverance.

  13. I am not sure if I have a demonic spirit in me or not I know two weeks ago I went to a meeting were I believe I was delivered from a spirit of fear. The pastor looked into my eyes during offering on the way back to my seat and I never pay attention but I never look in people’s eyes for more than a sec or two but he locked eyes with me and I felt a deep rage rise up in me and I wanted to scream out loud. I got prayed for and felt some kind of release. The deep rooted fear is gone but im still having some trouble my mind is racing all the time I find it hard to pray at times and two nights ago I was attacked in a dream that made me sick to my Stomach. I have a past of drug addiction and I know that opens doors how do I know when im free?

  14. Dear April:
    Of course, there are physical and chemical causes to headaches and stomach problems but when it is purely biological we don’t feel spooky, mysterious, or that some other thing is in us making us feel bad. We just take a pain killer or laxative (best not chemical) and cure the problem.
    But if you are feeling like there is something else in you causing fear, spookiness, mystery and playing tricks on you like nightmares, and voices in your head especially ones that argue with you then these are signs of demonic activity.
    You need someone who does thotoughdeliverance not just kick one out and think the job is done.
    There are spitits that seem to be universal and try to destroy us by false guilt, condemation, and generally run us down with fatigue.
    These spirits are: abandonment, insecurity, intimidation, harassment, condemnation, fear, anxiety, worry.
    In my case, i had a dramatic deliverance but I had to do self-deliverance afterwards. And then the kingpin spirit, Jinx, blinded me for years and the Lord gave a prophetess a dream about me to cause her to help and we found Jinx. I kicked him out myself.
    But when you are young in your faith and inexperienced youshould seek help from someone experienced in deliverance.

  15. Tonight a pastor prayed for me and while he was praying he kept on hitting me in my forehead and he kept on asking me who was i (he was talking to me). I know for a fact that he was trying to identify a demon but I’ve never known myself to being “possessed”. I’ve never experienced any of the signs you’ve listed above. My mom is a prayer intercessor so she’s very familiar with when a spirit manifesting and she said it didn’t sound like I was. I personally believe that he didn’t try to identify whether I was possessed or opressesed.. I guess my question is why was he hitting me on my forehead and asking me who I was…. Btw throughout the whole thing I was very aware of what was going on….please help

  16. Dear Brii:
    The pastor does not have to hit you on the forehead. I have had pastor’s try to push me down to say that I got slain in the Spirit by his ministry. I don’t know why some pastors do things that they do. The name of Jesus is sufficient to get a demon to speak. But they can resist and hold out for a time. The pastor has to be persistent and not give up too easily.
    The Lord has shown T.B. Joshua that the deliverer (we know that Jesus is the actual deliverer) can set the demons’ house on fire by calling the fire of God/Holy Spirit/Heaven to fill the pserson’s body. The demons are then tortured by the heat of God’s fire. It is also a good test to see if there are demons.
    Watch Emmanuel TV to see healings and deliverances.

  17. Dear Sir,
    This is my first time writing to you. It’s been 2 years since I was delivered ,and 1 year since I seriously started to walk with the Lord. During this first year everything I have received was a miracle and gift from the Father. And many many persecutions and trials by fire. I try my best with the guidance and help of the Holy Spirit of God each day to remain in the Fathers truth and commandments. I am constantly attacked by my own loved ones. One minute they are nice the next it’s getting worse. I pray and fast try my best each day to pick up my cross and walk with the Lord. Now things are sooo bad, I do have faith in the Lord…… It’s just that I would like to know what’s happening. Everytime I go thru this I Lord makes me grow in my knowledge of him and my walk with him……….. But this time things seem dark. I will never lose faith in the Lord , why is this happening to me, especially from my own loved ones…….

  18. I have had the experience several times of being paralyzed in my bed and trying to scream out the name of Jesus and could not talk. My grandmothers voice screamed my name in my ear and my face contorted as though I was having a stroke. Nightmare after nightmare makes me afraid to sleep and I wake up not knowing where I am. I have to look around and realize I am in my room. I have been a Christian for many years, am baptized in the Holy Spirit, I never got baptized. So much time has passed in my Assemblies of God church I am embarrassed. I know my past life of drug addiction may be the cause, and when I cast demons out my body physically feels them leave. I don’t live a perfect life, but how do I close the door? I even have a ministry for impoverished children. My friends say the enemy is attacking me because I am close to my breakthrough. But the experience last night has me exhausted.

    1. Laurie, I have had the same thing happen to me at least 50 times. I was afraid to sleep because I lived alone. I would be paralyzed and have a demonic nightmare. I couldn’t speak to say the name of Jesus. What helped was to say before I felt it coming on was, “You are not allowed to touch me in Jesus’s name.” I think it was a spirit of fear. It stopped when I got married and no longer slept alone.

  19. Hi Gordon

    It is such a blessing to have found your site. For many years, although being a Christian all my life, and attending a charismatic church here in South Africa, I always felt that discussing the spiritual realm, and what I used to call “spiritual attacks” was seen as taboo. I used to feel and see demons, around my house, and especially in my room at night.

    Only recently, have I gained understanding and wisdom to deal with demons. Through your site, and much prayer, and spending time reading the bible, I finally feel like I can grow in this area. I have always felt God wanted me to work in this area, and these experiences were almost training for me.

    Years ago, I did backslide for about decade, and after reading some of these articles, I was worried because I have never had a deliverance. However, the Holy Spirit keeps showing me the day I returned home, as a prodigal daughter, and I believe the Lord delivered me the day I recommitted myself to Him. I don’t have any of the “symptoms” I used to have anymore. I see you mentioned that God himself is doing deliverances to speed things up as we are approaching end times, and I believe that is what He did with me.

    At times, the Holy Spirit will reveal a demonic presence, either in my home, or someone elses, and I can feel His anointing come upon me, and I am able to confidently and easily drive them off. The more you read the Word, the more the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom and understanding, the more confident you can become in facing demons. I used to quietly and fearfully pray when I faced them, now I boldly command them to leave in Jesus Name. I do appreciate your prayer suggestions on “Pleading the Blood for Protection”, and have started doing this. Since, I have not felt any demonic presence in or near my home.

    I do believe that God wants more people to work in the deliverance ministry, and I believe that is where He is leading me. I don’t know where to start, or what to do, but I will keep praying, and know the Lord will reveal the path he wants me to take.

    BTW, in reference to your article “Battle Angels” – I too have seen them with my own eyes. I was young, maybe 5 or 6 years old (at the age, I didn’t have any idea what angels looked like, or what the bible said about them). My parents had put me to bed, and I decided to look out the window, to see if watch the sunset. As I looked out my window, standing just there as clear as day, were two very large angels – they must have been over 7ft tall (way taller than my father). They wore white clothes, and each had a sword. It looked as if they were glowing. They said nothing, but simply waved, and I waved back. I remember feeling such a peace, and calm, as if I was completely safe. My sister and I shared a room at that stage, and I believe those angels were there for us both – I have no idea why, but obviously we needed guarding from something that night. Only years later, after reading about angels in the bible, did I realise that was what I had seen. I will never forget that as long as I live – the memory is as vivid as it was that night, and I am now 36 years old!

  20. Hi Gordon,

    I am so grateful for the teaching and testimonies on this site. I want to understand this page. Is it possible for a born again, baptised by water and the Holy Spirit, daily Bible reading, prayerful, spirit-led follower of Jesus with the gifts of the Holy Spirit be able to see, hear and feel demons like in some of the ways describe above due to the nature of their calling in His ministry?

    1. @Jean, I have been experiencing all sorts of spirits attaching to me, squeezing my belly, making me really mad at God, and laying next to my body at night while I listened to the spirit breathing. I felt like God told me don’t even worry about what those spirits do, they cannot hurt you as long as I’m with you
      God has been allowing me to experience all this partly, as mentioned from someone else in above article, so I can go to work as a deliverance minister or work under a deliverance minister. Also, mentioned from others in above articles, I have found no help from family or church leaders. Most all of them think I have a delusional disorder or something else like that. I know it’s spirits harassing me, so I keep asking God, how much longer of this stuff, before I can move on with my calling, purpose and new season.

  21. Hello Mr.Tippett. It is a blessing to hear your insight in regard to demons. I used to attend numerous apostolic churches that didn’t believe an individual could become demon possessed if they had received the gift of the holy ghost. I have questioned that numerous times over the years and unfortunately stayed bound by demons. I have had numerous prophetic words spoken over me that I am called of God and I have had some powerful services I have been a part of but unfortunately the demon or demons of fear remains. When I look at individuals in there eyes for whatever reason my eyes start twitching and they well up with fear. It is so embarrassing to experience this over and over and im certain people have thought I was insane over the years. The spirit of fear has robbed me of normalcy and I wish I could have been delivered years ago. Please pray for me or anyone that reads this that the Lord would direct me to an individual or a church that would pray these demons out of me. I am a 37 year old single dad trying to raise my 9 year old daughter by myself and fear has destroyed my life up to this point. I want to be bold and do what the Lord wants me to do for him and be the dad my daughter deserves instead of having such a fearful and rebellious spirit. Thank You.

    1. Dearly beloved: when I took some time to read your precious, experience in the Lord ; I began to understand your problem ! Your problem is a lack of understanding concerning your gift of discernment. Proverbs 11:1 Reveals the root cause for spiritual warfare ( false perception, will authorize demonic interventions. Proverbs 11:1 A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is His delight. Beloved the word of God degrees, and declares in the book of Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Never lean on your own understanding in all you ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path Proverbs 3:6.

  22. I think I may have possessed or oppressed by demons. About a month ago, I was wondering if demons were actually real, after I had just read a chapter of a supernatural book. I was thinking about it for a few minutes, before I decided to get to bed, at the time it was around 12:30 pm. After I laid down and shut my eyes, I got a sharp pain in my head which turned into a headache, I heard ringing in my ears, felt a huge weight pushing me into my bed and and bringing me up again (I still felt the weight then) my body was moving up and down, I saw a skeletal face surrounded by darkness with my eyes closed, and when I started feeling real scared I tried to open my eyes, but they felt like they were glued shut and I couldn’t open them, and for some reason they also felt really heavy. I stopped trying to open my eyes because I knew it wouldn’t really work. About a minute later I felt completely normal, could open my eyes, yet I still felt so much fear about what happened a second prior. I’ve also had a nightmare like this before, except I could also hear loud drums as well, it was about 3 months prior. And not too long ago today I saw what seemed like a shadow out of the corner of my eye, near my window and mirror in the corner of my room, when nothing could have made it. The past week or so as well, I feel so groggy and drained as soon as I open my eyes so I go back to bed, and sometimes, I’ll sleep for 15 hours straight. Recently about 2 weeks ago, I went to my basement to the freezer down there, was looking for food, forgot what I was doing then went back up stairs, not even remember if I closed the door to the freezer, I felt like I had completely blacked out then. I had to go back downstairs to make sure I actually closed the door. And after writing this for the first time, then deleting it all, and while reading the comments my door to my closet creaked and I thought I sensed something there. At times, I really do feel like I’m going crazy as I get really on edge and hypersensitive to everything around me, I also feel really paranoid. At other times, some parts of my body will feel like they’re throbbing, I can feel my pulse in the most random of places, for example the side of my cheek and forehead, or even my calf. I feel like I should also mention, I’m growing up in a Catholic family, but personally, I don’t believe in god and I believe myself to be depressed, or at least I did before, because I’m usually contemplating suicide. I have no motivation whatsoever usually, always feel tired and sometimes lightheaded, as if I’m going to pass out. And lately whenever my uncle who is 6 years older than me is verbally bullying me, when I could handle it before, lately I feel like punching him and get really mad when he bad mouths me, I try to ignore him and walk away from him by then though, usually works but sometimes it doesn’t. I’ve had panic attacks before as well, although I believe that to be from social anxiety and my sensitivity to pain. Sometimes I also twitch on certain parts of my body, like my face and can’t control it. My eyes also do this weird thing where they feel strange and I can hear a noise come from them, it’s almost like they were being strained. Right now, I’m 13 turning 14 in a couple of months. So yeah, this is why I think I’m being possessed or oppressed, if anyone has an explanation for this or thoughts, please share them with me because I don’t know what to do anymore.

    1. @Brooke, I know you posted the above in 2016, but thought I would respond in case you’re still on this site.Have you ever looked up Sleep Paralysis”? Please note I’m not attributing all the symptoms and experiences you described in your post to this phenomenon, only the symptoms associated with sleep, things you described as seeing, feeling, and how you’ve felt once you are fully awake. It’s sometimes called Lucid dreaming. We’re between waking and sleeping. There are chemicals in our bodies that prevent us from Acting out our dreams or nightmares physically- we are temporarily paralyzed until we wake up. Reading more on the subject can help you cope. There’s a common theme & symptoms people affected report: sense of dread or doom; feeling watched by something evil; somerimes feeling someone or thing groping or sitting on you preventing you from moving;
      naturally the person affected just wants to wake up so they struggle to open their eyes, move a finger, but it’s exhausting ; may call out or YELL to family or others whom they live with for help (usually comes out as a whisper) I know I’ve lived with this for over 45 years.
      I suffer from it as do 3 of my children-started after puberty. I find when I think about it happening before sleeping it usually does. I finally learned to repeat Jesus’s name, asking for His help.
      Worth reading up on, better understanding of the physiological reasons can help manage this issue. And build more trust in the Lord as you gain truth and victory over the enemy’s manipulation of this parasomnia. Praying you read this or have already been directed to information on subject.

  23. First, let me start be thanking the one responsible for this article, as I think I may need some guidance.

    I was baptized in 2010, but in 2014, I stopped reading the Bible due to a severe headache whenever I read it. The words sometimes blur, and I often lose my place. As of Oct. 11th, 2016, I still receive major headaches from the Bible. I’ve been to the doctor for excessive dizziness and nausea, yet they couldn’t find a definite reason for my illness. I get cold suddenly at times, and my arms sometimes fidget. I don’t smell sulfur but I do smell lavender from time to time. And the last symptom I have is that when I’m in church I feel very uncomfortable.
    Any idea or advice on what I should do?

    By the way, I contacted a pastor once, but I never received a response.

    Thank you,


    1. I suggest to check your heart, unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, ought etc. give open door for the demons to come in. Humble yourself, confess your sins & plead for Jesus’s blood, fully surrender, ask the Holy Ghost infilling.

  24. To self deliver in the case of trauma one may want to purposely feel the hellish feeling underlying their misery and depression. When they do they may begin to growl or roar loudly in an all out rage. Keep doing this until all of the angst has been flushed out of your system. If noise is a problem then get a down pillow and shove your face in it when you growl/scream. This is a way to self-deliver and heal PTSD (which can leave an opening). You may begin to shake as well, this is the release of fight/flight energy build-up, just let it happen.

    If you hadn’t sensed God before, you will now..work with Him, he will help you…He’s awesome. If you reenact and move backwards, don’t blame yourself, brush yourself off and just continue moving forward.


  25. Thanks be to God that i have got access to this website. In the course of sleeping time sometimes i could end up screaming loud and my wife could reveal to me about the shouts as if someone was breaking into the house. Is this a manifestation of demons?

  26. Can you please help me. i swear to god what im about to tell you is the whole truth . i used to buy presents for god when i was 15 years old and then i started seeing visions of angels, than after a couple of years i realized it was demons disguised as angels. what do i do to remove demons from my body and my home so i can be in peace. i never wanted demons to know me. why do they keep telling me the future, and the truth about what happens in a couple of years. all i was ever happy was spending my day thanking god and boasting about gods generosity. because he saved me from death. they have alienated me from family and friends . i cant take any more. i can see the future and im ill all the time. any suggestions of help please email me. thankyou.

    1. Satan gives you half truth. That is a familiar spirit. Get into the word of God, write down all the scriptures on spiritual warfare and most definitely the authority you have in Christ as a child of God. Read them out loud daily so Satan can hear you. The word of God is truth. Whatever you feed will grow, whatever you starve will die.

    2. Yes, get deliverance, you don’t have to live with them, at the name of Jesus Christ the must leave. You can google many good sites with prayers for deliverenc for any evil and every evil spirit.

  27. this is really helpful,now help me understand this,i know this woman who when praying the voice changes and begins to say”i am god speaking this girl i like her,i warned her husband but the mother to her husband is a witch,she tied her son that useless and stupid mother i warned her ,i will kill her if she does not repent” .then now the voice of the mother inlow begins to speak through this woman and comfesses what she has done ,this voice also sermons other beings and begins to speak through her,this now becomes a conversation between god and the other beings.This last for not less than 60min .These voices are audible not in the mind.pliz help me understand this scenario.Is it truly God speaking through this woman or its the demon imitating God?does God scream when talking ? does he cry when talking,does he even mistaken the names of people? it is really happening to this woman?

  28. Please help me I have demon living inside me
    Exactly you discrurbe that how they do me. They want me to serve them and not God. I had dreams seeing demon in my ear, that some famous Pastors were trying to cast out but I would manifest but the demon would not come out. The other Pastor try to deliver me but there was wound in my body and needed to be heal.

    Please help me to get my deliverance from these wicked demons

  29. Christians really should NEVER EVER JUDGE other Christians who were FORCED to get the families that they were born into completely out of their lives permanently, because trust me I LIVE IT my whole life already and I really honestly HAVE HAD WAY MORE THEN ENOUGH of all of them by now !

    This is really honestly not a HOLY way to live always dealing with all of these CHRONIC PROBLEM RELATIVES !

    1. In everything– every new avenue or corner I come to, I wonder, “”What am I supposed to do here?”” And then later on, “What am I supposed to be teaching//learning from this?” The relatives can be such a drain or drag on you. Maybe we’ll never be the family we”d hoped for. Through alll of it– I still feel like I just can’t give up on them. It would be like I was abandoning them to such an abyss. No matter how bad it gets– I have faith in God’s ability to reach His children’s hearts in His own way, and I have faith that God gave me. So, with that faith, God’s intervention, and my belief in the tremendous POWER that LOVE has. I believe, (no matter what the devil shows me or wants me to believe), that love will find a way. No evil can take the constant shower of love it finds when it expects anger & sin. There is no delight in love– quite the opposite instead. The “heaping of coals over their heads” again & again, makes it very unlikely that evil will want to stick around. We all want a loving family. But, we can be only responsible for ourselves. So, by working with God on ourselves, we will know what to do, when to do it, & we will succeed at saving countless souls. I t is a lie to say, “We can’t.” With God, we can do all things.

      1. I’ve delt with very bad demonic in laws, I had to forgive them , “ of course” but forgiveness is not a feeling. It’s a choice, when the thoughts rise up to dwell upon the negitives about them I cast them down, do I fall off the wagan yes, many times , does forgiveness mean fellowship when they have been cruel and would divide my family “in a heartbeat” without repentance and remorse.” Absolutely not” we are not doormats as Christians. But we have to forgive.

    2. @Mary, Agree. If anyone can wield power by manipulation, guilt, shame, and feelings like worthlessness and unlovable it’s the ones who raised us, extended family with their own unhealed childhood wounds and people like teachers who in my day affected the same areas but had no obligation to care or help when external things could be impacting learning, self confidence and belief in oneself.
      Straight A student. Turns out thats how the Lord answered my prayer Please get me out of here or take me to heaven. When i was 8.
      So set boundaries. Meet them.on your own terms. The Lord calls us to forgive. He also says to love ourselves. Not be doormats. That doesn’t help anyone involved. IMHO.

  30. If you’re seeing a demon the Bible is fake and is not gonna help you. The god of the Bible sacrificed hundreds of thousands of innocent animals in the old testament and is a evil deity.

  31. I have a lot of these signs and it actually freaked me out.. but there are many explanations i think. I have had depression for a while now, which causes negative thoughts, I have anxiety, and my twitching comes from sleep loss. Bad thoughts like criminal activity and wanted to rebel God are very normal at my age, being a teenager and all. i think this website needs to push the fact that these issues may have different sources instead of freaking you out

  32. #nice write up sir……. indeed we need not to rule out the fact that all this powers exist…
    but why, all this procedure for deliverance when God has provided a better means…
    No 1…demons keep on oppressing you as a believer when you are ignorant of your authority in Jesus Christ…
    the name of Jesus,his blood and his word is your deliverance from satanic oppression and curses..
    Note: Ephesians 2:6 for God has raised us and made us to sit with Christ in heavenly places (far above all principalities and power) so no power has right over your life when Jesus is in charge..
    No 2… all the devil wants is to put in bondage,take away your authority and useless your life
    ##Galatians 5:1 freedom is what we have, Christ has set us free, stand then as free people and don’t be enslaved again…
    No 3….. give no rest, call upon the name of God daily, cry unto him until u gain total deliverance
    note: Jesus wants to be your saviour not only now but forever.. he wants to keep on saving you every day
    ………….give him a chance to save you again and keep on saving u

    finally, learn to rebuke any demonic attachment by the word of God.. it is your most effective weapon.of war fare..not in necessarily meeting a prophet

    revelation 12:11 *and the overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the lamb and by the words of their testimonies

    ####the blood of Jesus would save you all in Jesus name….

    please don’t heed to any deliverance procedure that is not in line with the word of God….. shalom

  33. Jimmy,

    You have truth mixed with falsehood, a typical trick of the evil one. Perhaps if you had stuck with Truth, that being the Christian God, you would have healed faster and better.

    Ask God to bring you to complete Truth through Jesus Christ. He will! Don’t try to do it though with any ulterior motives or wanting to rationalize any sin in your life.

  34. Last week I underwent deliverance. I still have to go back for another appointment. The last couple of days I have been feeling restless, or should I say the demons that are still inside have been restless. Today whilst sitting on the couch I started to manifest. My back gets stretched out and I always end up coughing the demons out. This happened during the deliverance last week, but also before when I used to pray in tongues, I would suddenly start manifesting. However this was really strange today as I was not praying, just sitting on the couch and listening to a talk about prophecy.

    Is this normal? Do demons just manifest themselves whenever they want or only when they are being confronted.

    Or could it be that now that I have started the deliverance process, they can longer stay in hiding?


    1. Believe me, you’re not alone. I have something going on as well. Years ago when I chose to walk with the Lord I experienced the same thing now as I did then. I have been driven by the Holy Spirit to rededicate my life to Jesus and walk the walk and talk the talk. And more so now I am totally committed this time to continue my journey.
      But in under attack AGAIN. I tell Satan that I am rebuking him and that Dear Jesus fill my soul with your holy blood. I will start singing hymnals, parts that I know, or just say repetitiously Jesus Jesus precious Jesus, just to get the voice, (my voice), from cursing Jesus, God or the Holy Spirit.
      The voices stop when I stray away from the Lord but pick right back up when I start to worship, pray, etc. When I try to pray at church it’s like I’ve totally lost what memory I have, I can’t get the words to come out.
      I have read and am still reading on what I need to do.
      Someone, of God, please assist me on this matter.
      Thank you and God Bless

  35. Hi. Thank you for this blog.i have my own experiences about the topic,I feel better knowing that I’m not the only one with such oppression and attacks which most people don’t understand or know. The funny part is that when I was still a sinner,i never had these demonic attacks.

    1. It happens when you come to the Lord, the demons are mad. Be happy that means you are saved! Just need to resist sin follow God and they will go away in time or seek deliverance and have them kicked out faster.

    2. Exactly… When I did not believe I was never bothered either. I’ve seen many demons and I was tormented from them for years after I was saved. I recently was baptized and since then have had a few amazing encounters with God. I have the Holy Spirit living inside of me now, and all torment has stopped. God has shown me His mercy and peace abound.

    3. @Jacqueline Reedy,
      Same as you & other commenters.
      Satan does not have to waste time when we’re doing things HIS WAY.
      But turn to God repent and BE READY. Put on the armor of God. Plead the blood of Jesus. Pray for discernment and direction. & for Wisdom in all your ways.

  36. I have been demonized for almost a year now. I used to have dissasociations frequently and blackout for anywhere between 20 Minutes to hours. I’ve had people try to deliver me, me and some trusted friends ( a couple from my church), fasted and prayed for a whole day and it seemed to stop the dissasociations. But I still can’t sleep at night and suffer from nightmares and paranoia. I pray, I fast, I seek the Lord, I rebuke whatever I can…I am battered and weary…how long must I go on like this?

    1. Your problem is fear, which is the opposite of faith. You have to believe that Jesus is able to save you. Say “God, I pray to you in the name of Jesus, and I bind all demonic oppression. I cast all demonic spirits to the pit of hell that are trying to attack me or attach itself to me. Spirit of fear, I rebuke you. I command you to depart right now. I bind you and cast you out, in Jesus’s name. Imaginations and high things that exalt itself against the word and knowledge of God, I bind you and cast you down in Jesus’s name. Thoughts of obedience to Jesus, I bring you into captivity, in Jesus name. Jesus, I plead the precious blood of Jesus over my life. -2 Corinthians 10:5

  37. Hi Gordon. At times several personal belongings have vanished even under my nose and never were returned to me. In recent years I have felt the presence of a spirits in my other place where I used to live but for some reason I was not afraid. On one occasion when I was alone cleaning my kitchen sink a quarter was thrown to the sink but no one else was in my place six but me. My entire life as a Christian since the early 80s I have always had a hard time praying and reading my Bible. I have not been congregating in a local church for many years. Several months ago I was assigned a new dentist to supervise my medical treatment and the first time I met him and we started talking, a strange thing happened. I felt on the left side of my chest something came loose inside me and exclaimed with a loud voice “how beautiful he is.” This supervising dentist became obsessed with me, gave me prolonged stares near me when I was left alone, began to stalk me inside the facility, and offered to ask him anything to the point he was making me feel uncomfortable and I had to report him to his superiors and I asked to be transferred to another dental clinic. In 1986 when I was judging and condemning my ex-husband and was being very hard on him accusing him for all the things he had done against me in the past, i heard a heartbreaking voice inside me telling me John 3:17 ” I did not come into the world to condemn it but to save it.” Am I demonized?

    1. Lady, yoU are fine. I hate to say this, but demonization is simply a way for sinners to reassure thenselves that they are not personally sinning. Calm down and ask your pastor for help.

      1. Hi
        Totally disagree with the above reply, you have or had a spirit of lust, and need to cast it out and the scripture you were given towards your ex was the HOLY Spiirt. you can still and most do have evil spirits inside of them because the church has been hoodwinked by the devil to believe otherwise. Christians still sin and have the Holy spirit, it is the same principal. But yes don’t worry you have power over them but you must do your part which is the verbally cast it out!!!

  38. I can relate to everyone’s comments about demon possession. I first felt them in my stomach but since have felt them move in and land on my back, legs, face and head. I can tell how they are going to manifest by where they land. I hate living this way. The worst part is doubting my salvation because God feels so far when they are so near. I’ve been through a deliverance but they come back and I’m not sure of my open doors. The confusing part is that I operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I need help.

    1. I am so sorry you are hurting at the hands of Satan. Your pain is real, but you are blessed by the Holy Spirit because His Spirit is actively speaking to your soul and informing you the nature and the cause of your pain. The biggest part of this fight for your soul is awareness of the condition of your soul. Like an alcoholic/addict, I have 2.5 yrs sober time, most of the battle is in the awareness and admission of the problem. I can see the contortions and the writhing pain in people afflicted by demonization. I’m not a deliverance minister but I’ve recently been activated in the prophetic and I’m overwhelmed by the suffering that satan causes in many people that I can now see as readily as I can see the sun. Most of them don’t realize the source and are, therefore, living in blind obedience to evil and can not see the hope and peace waiting for them on the other side of repentance. I spent 1.5 yrs in the study of my own personal deliverance from the demonic influence of addiction and promiscuity. I spent hours every day in the presence of God through scripture and Tony Evans (youtube). In praising the Lord and in thanksgiving, I felt demons flee from my soul every day. When God tells us to submit to Him and the devil will flee, He speaks absolute truth. You are now in a unique, even blessed, position to study the Word for your own deliverance. On the other side of this you will walk in a power and authority over satan that few others can learn to embrace because you will have intimate knowledge of both yourself and your enemy. Self deliverance is arduous and painful, but I’m living proof that it’s possible for all who are aware of their own demonization. If you choose to take this path to Christ, buckle up because you’ll be starting the biggest adventure of your life. I feel blessed that I had been demonized because, as a result, I can readily see them in others. I can cause them, because I can see them, to turn tail and flee from my presence. May the Lord bless you and keep you as you step in to the light of His Word, His Life, and His way.

    2. I’ve got an impression of you having spirit of doubt & unbelief. No offence, I suggest to ask the Holy Ghost for Godly sorrow for doubting and repent because He is offended and that gives the demons a legal ground to attack you. Plead for the Blood of Jesus for forgiveness and protection. Ask Jesus to give you Godly hate for this bastard spirits and begin taking authority in His Name and rebuke them. Submit to Him first, humble yourself, resist then they will flee. God bless.

  39. I asked Jesus into my life when I was about 14 but at about 17 I turned away and prayed “Get out of my life God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit”. Fast forward another 10 years and I started going back to Church. Since then (for another 10 years) I have been tying to come back to God. I attend church but I can’t say the whole of The Lord’s Prayer, I can’t sing certain hymns; when I have asked people to pray with me I feel physically tense, start clenching my fists or clawing with my hands and get jittery. If people tell me I’m already a Christian I feel angry, I sometimes find myself wanting to rip pages out of the Bible and I shake leading up to communion. When I go up for communion I can’t take the bread or wine as it’s almost like there’s a voice telling me not to so I usually just have a blessing but whilst I am having that I feel sick and shaky and like I want to run away from the communion rail. I have tried to ask Jesus into my life but cannot physically get the words out. I sometimes wonder if it is just me stopping myself from asking Jesus into my life again but now I wonder whether it is something else. I would appreciate any thoughts?

    1. Break the words you cursed yourself with when you told them to get away. You need deliverance and I believe you will get it

  40. My brother has definite possession of demons. When i texted and asked the number he texted me in code and said 9 then corrected himself and said 8. He was in a relationship with a women who dealt in the occult. Every time he tried to leave her, he couldn’t. Things got worse. Now, she left the state and he goes into these catatonic states and we have toBaker Act him because he won’t eat for days, even weeks. It’s c clear possession. However, when he is the calmer that he could be, we offer him prayer, but he says he don’t want that… at least the spirits say it for him. He’s more afraid of them than his deliverance. He told used to say that we make it worse when we pray and not to worry (before things got real bad). Now his neck jerks, and you can physically see the demons moving. Once we prayed for him and he fell to the ground. Another time we prayed they pulled knives and threatened the minister. My question is, he clearly wants help, but I know he’s afraid. Everyone keeps saying he had to accept Jesus first, but I’m conflicted because I’m thinking the spirits will NEVER let him do that. It’s getting to the point that he is dodging us because they don’t want him around us. They are trying to pull him farther and farther away. He said to my sister, why won’t y’all let me go home? why y’all keep saving me? He does call for help though, like food and water. Spirits won’t let him keep a job. He told me they tell him not to go to work. It’s a vicious cycle that had been going on for about 3 years and ies getting worse. People tell me he needs to accept Jesus first, but they have total control. I feel like we still need to pray until total deliverance happens and t the curse and spirits are lifted. Please ley me know what should be done.

    1. Paul never ask Simon the Sorcerer if he want to be saved or permission to cast out the demon, Apostle Paul just got fed up and turned around and commanded the demon to come out and if you are saved you can do the same thing…. It’s Bible!

    2. Maybe if he won’t go to a deliverance minister maybe a deliverance minister can go to him. Perhaps he needs spiritual food for spiritual strength. Perhaps he needs to read the gospels. And Joshua 1:8. His eternity is at stake. I’m sure if he could think clear he would choose the way to everlasting life which is Jesus. I’m sure he’d not want to spend the rest of his eternity burning in the lake of fire. He needs to sacrifice this life for the next one.

    3. Pray and Fast… Both of you. You and your Sister… If you have other Believers of Christ in your Family… All of you do this at the same time. Are y’all all Believers Baptized? Anoint your Home Daily. Anoint where he sleeps, take him to church but dont tell him. Make sure the people, pastors that are praying for him as well have been praying g and fasting…. Christ said it himself. This kind can only be cast out by prayer and fasting. You are more filled up with the Holy Spirit. If you absolutely cannot get him to church… It’s safer there. Demons cannot enter. Do it there…. Then have all the church come to you. Fast and prayer. There is Power in the name of Lord Jesus Christ….Say His Full name.

  41. You need to leave your husband and get away from that toxic environment. Show your grand daughters the Love of God and talk with them about how Jesus loves them. I hope you have a good Christian friend who can pray and hold you up at times you feel weak.
    I too have been through a lot, I get on my knees and cry out to God for my family. But sometimes you need to step away from the situation. Hope that helps

  42. The signs that people with demons inside them displays, are rightly mentioned. When you suddenly turn your face and look them in the eyes, you’ll capture an “I hate you!” face. That changes quickly to a calm look. You catch them in that look frequently. You might think “what have I done to him/her to fill her with this much hate?” Hey…its not him/her, it’s the demons, and demons are that way. Understand and help.

    1. Yes , I remember a friend, while God was trying to deal with her, she looked in the mirror and saw her own eyes looked back at her and they were demonic, Praise God Jesus set her free.

  43. Good night everyone. I have been delivered. I got involved with a guy who was involved without my knowledge. He would prophesy so I thought he was genuine. I thank God for those He had praying for me so that I could finally see the guy for who he was. I didn’t realise that I was living in a bubble, the guy would do things contrary to scripture and I would make excuses but they were signs all along to show me how deceptive he was. To reconnect I did a six-day pray and fast and I meditated on scriptures daily that were very specific to the issues in my life. I am so happy to be finally with Jesus, knowing Him in a real way. My situation propels me to never be deceived again. Test the spirits…they are out there. I am now in Ministry and I won’t go back because I am ever grateful.

  44. I’ve never seen anything as described above except on movies such as The Exorcist, The Three Faces of Eve, or The Village of the Damned. What was portrayed was an exorcism. A much different situation than deliverance. Mental illness as per edict, must be ruled out first.
    According to the Gospel we are to “take the log out of our own eyes…” So to distill and apply this we do self deliverance as taught by the gospel.

  45. A lot of what you are describing can also be attributed to mental illness and physical illness. It is wrong to dogmatically assume everything is demonic. Jesus Christ healed people of many conditions, demonic possession being only one of them. Due to family religious indoctrination, I used to believe the panic attacks I was experiencing were demonic attacks, and that it meant I simply was evil and bad. This made the attacks exceedingly worse. I found out later I had panic disorder and PTSD, much different conditions. Jesus helped/is helping me through these symptoms. But I had been mis-labeling them for years. People experiencing any of what you describe above should seek medical attention.

    1. yes, I certainly agree to getting medical help.
      many conditions have their basis rooted to medical conditions.
      prayers and asking GOD’S HELP to cure together with appropriate medication from qualified doctors is the best way to recovery.
      If God did not want us to have better quality of help, then He would not have given us Doctors, Medical Centers, Hospitals, Nurses, Medications and Research.
      Also certain jobs,and family and friends interactions can put us under tremendous stress, this later develops into further illness brought on by worries and self neglect.
      Daily ritual of self care combined with discipline, prayers, acknowledgment of God’s will for us and gratitude help in the road to recovery ,
      I am on that path. My faith is steadily growing in leaps and bounds

    2. Jesus brought the *kingdom*(check greek definition) of God against all sickness, disease, illness, evil spirits, and set the captives free. Who were they held captive by? Leprosy healed, blind received sight, lame walked, mentally ill restored to sound minds.. JESUS prayed for all who would believe.. thst WE would be ONE just as HE and THE FATHER ARE ONE. think about that deeply EVERYDAY.

      JESUS himself prayed the FATHER that WE (you, me, and all born again believers would be ONE.. just as Jesus and FATHER are one. The body of Christ gets that revelation.. then we will see the works he did in our very own lives.. but this may be blocked by the flesh/carnal mind/unbelief.. and may require diligent prayer meditation on the scriptures and fasting.. look at the great commision.. luke 18 dont stop knocking on that door until it is opened.. PERSIST like the widow with the unjust judge. Never give up.. pray without ceasing.. meditate in his words deeply and pray his prayer… THAT AS HE AND FATHER ARE ONE… YE ALSO BE ONE.

    3. I finally told someone about my voices. My last suicide attempt I was determined to join Gods legion to fight demons. I was diagnosed with DID. I’m getting worse. I feel what is in me is foreign. I am planning a trip to church to speak with Father.
      Medical plan is to integrate all these different parts of me to make a whole. I don’t want this in me anymore. It’s not me that I feel inside.

  46. Some of these things can only be revealed through the gifts of the Spirit. Dealing with hierarchies depend on our ability to come up higher in Christ and absolute direction from Him.

  47. well I beg to differ, first sicknesses is from the pit of hell. there are many people today suffering from one sickness or another but if you do tests you won’t find anything but the sufferers knows it’s there, I am a living witness! lots of things written here is so true!! I have done couple of tests but doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me, they where able to diagnose typhoid fever but I knew it’s much worse. I keep getting sick every now and then almost every single day some of them are life threatening!

  48. May you please help me. I always feel heavy shoulders and some things moving in my body. Sometimes around my waist i feel hot and sensational in my stomach. When this hapens my feet gets hot. As I speak right not my right shoulder muscle is pulling towards my neck and feel like something is compressing the muscle. My stomach, I have tried medications varying from Doctors and even Prayers from many man and women of God, both face to face and online but nothing has help. Many times I have dreams that show my things getting blocked. If I plan to do something I do not need to discuss with my wife. Once I speak about it, that is the end. I can feel a movement on top of my heard but if you touch, there is nothing. i can have people’s dreams that pass possitvely but mine many time are negative, since I was young.

    From what i got form you, I do not need any site neither anyone to pray for me or guide me except you. Please advise, as I have lived with this propblem for more than 8 years. Please help me be delivered.

  49. I am sceptical to admit that the things described here I have experienced several of the signs. The pressure on and within my body. The cold spots, as well as hot spots. A horrible smell, that doesn’t seem to come from any particular place. But mostly I see shadows thru out my house, no matter where I live. As I have moved several times. The 1st time I smelled the sulfur, I was 15yrs old. Angry with my mother and said some awful n DISRESPECTFUL things under my breath. But my son’s also have seen shadows….. I’m afraid to say anymore

    1. Remember read Jesus’s words on the bible, by reading his words you will know the truth and the truth will be in you. The truth will expel the evil entities around you. You can try with the books of Matthew and John. Book of Acts has a lot of truth too, in fact the entire bible is full of truth.

  50. I was delivered from a demon 3 day’s ago. I have not been able to breath fresh air in years, I am still in shock. I can only cry because when I think back about all the crazy thing’s I felt, saw, sensed. Anger, aggression, night terrors, being paralyzed not being able to move or scream. Gastro issues to no end. No medicine helped with my mental state or physical health. I have no problem crussing the lord. Have no 1 to turn to whe you know something is not right. I had a physical fight, I was told it looked like a horror movie. I felt it rising from the pit of my stomach I was grunting. I grunted 3 long loud grunts. They had to lay hands on my head. They kept saying release her. My body was on fire .I was so drained afterwards. But the air was lighter. I felt a whole person lighter, I could walk tall. I could think clear
    I am a brand new creature. I am in Love with Jesus. This is not a game this emotionally disturbing. We need to be able to address this with our churches. I have tried many times before I was helped.

    1. Hello Chakeia, I have been dealing with a demon everyday for three and a half years. It has tried to still everything from me. It speaks to me in my mind and can control my thoughts. I did not know I picked it up through the self realization fellowship that puts Jesus on its pictures. (Like it is the new version of what modern day go getter-mediation people should do. Well I found out it is a bunch of lies and Jesus is not in its lineage.
      My Demon, pretended to be a guru at first rebuking me in my mind. So for everyone reading this, know Satan plays his tricks on the New Age Christians so stay informed. I have since been baptized and I am going to love being a strict Christian. I was wondering if if anyone could recommend what deliverance minister they went to? Thank you

    2. Chakeia,

      You have given me hope! It has been a year since you were set free. I would be interested to hear where you are at now in your deliverance. Are you still free and able to breath fresh air? Are you still able to think clearly?

      You are the only on this website that has given a testimony of being delivered. Many people like came here looking for answers. And you have testified of God’s awesome power to deliver you.

      I really do hope you are still delivered!!

  51. I was doing better in my fasting and prayer life, and celebrated Christmas with such interior joy..but when New year hit…all of the sudden, it was like *WHAM, a heaviness encompassed me that I haven’t been able to shake… My prayer life is dismal, I go to church on sundays still..but totally lethargic, heavy, slightly depressed and very easily distracted from prayer or Scripture readings.. Very sudden change.. Could this be oppression???

    1. Yes satan did not want you to excel spiritually so he attacked your prayer life. Just press through in prayer but change your strategy and maybe worship longer before you pray.

    2. Hello Barbara:

      In our prayer life, fasting, going to church, paying our tithes praise and worship we sometimes forget to read the Holy Bible. We can only establish a relationship with someone if we know more and more about them. When we read (study) the Holy Bible, we are establishing a relationship with God, and by reading the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) especially John, (who speaks to the world about the life, death, resurrection, ascension and return of Jesus) we begin to know the characteristic of Jesus himself and establish an intimate relationship with Him. It is then we can try to be like Him throughout our lives, loving, helping, and assisting others by leading them to Him. Keep fasting, praying, going to church…..etc. Knowing that the word of God is powerful and will heal deliver and set us free no matter what we feel or are going through, Jesus, is the Living Word.

    3. Hello it’s Nora again:

      I know you may read your scriptures Barbara, but sometimes we have to dig into the word and simply study it. Find out who is talking, who are they talking to, why are they saying what they are saying, how effective will the information be to the person that is the receiver, who are the people receiving this information, how does it apply to us today, is a prophetic word, history, poetry, an epistle of Paul’s or within the wonderful Gospels of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. All of the Word is inspired by God, I just try to study the word and get an understanding, apply it to my life and I also speak God’s word to the enemy for it makes the evil one tremble, it also makes me tremble for it is a double edged sword. When we study and not just read it breathes life into our situations and emotions.

      God Bless!

  52. I have an ex husband that has demons inside of him, I have seen them and faced them.. But I have a question, when I look at his eyes I see a flash of light that crosses over his eye, my kids has seen his eyes change color as we Is there anyway that he could put a demon inside of a person that stares him in his eyes? And also I have seen a black shadow around him in the dark with just a night light on, and in the day I have seen a clear shadow floating around him, I have felt tapping on myself while this clear shadow floats around in the air, I have heard voices talking to him while I was driving and he was in the passenger side of the car, I have seen things disappear on my phone when he looks at the phone, holds my phone etc. Can someone look at you in your eyes and cast evil spirits in someone? I have encounter so many weird thing’s and i am afraid that my kids now have evil spirits inside of them.. Can someone please explain to me what and how to go about this.. And Maybe give me some information about this? I know that he had told me that he would keep me alive. Didn’t exactly know what that meant but took a long thinking time and came up with if people keeps looking at his eyes then there eyes will flash with his and he has taken their soul and put their soul in his body.. Maybe I am just freaking out to much but that is what I really feel and think.. IF ANYONE READS THIS PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR OPINIONS ON WHAT THIS COULD BE… THANK YOU…

    1. I’m not an expert on this stuff, but you could try using protection for yourself and your kids. Maybe get yourselves baptized and wear a cross, crystal, or something? If you go ask a priest, they’ll likely know better than me.

      As for your ex, if he doesn’t want to live with the demon, then get him exorcised and have both your houses blessed. Just be careful if you do, the demon may not like it and take full control of his body to try to stop it, like have him grab your steering wheel or run away, etc. It would be better to have a priest come over. However, if he wants to live with the demon, then there’s not much you can do aside from baptism/blessing yourself and kids. People who want to be possessed, can’t really be helped. Sometimes it’s just them who wants the company of a demon in their own free will.

      Feel free to comment or email me if you have any more questions (idk if you can see my email from this comment, but if you can’t just reply then) but like I’ve mentioned before, I’m not an expert, and am only speaking from experience. You could also try Google for any questions or info you may want. Best of luck to you,


      1. And also, this sounds like a demon or evil spirit to me, but I don’t know exactly what. I personally don’t think he can steal souls or cast things into other people, but he could potentially be attracting other things that could haunt, follow, or scare your family.


    2. you do need a good deliverance minister to break off the demons that possess him… they need to find the legal rights that were given to the demons in the first place and deal with that and call up the spirits.. but ofcourse… he may not allow anyone to do deliverance on him…. please find a good annointed deliverance minister

    3. No. There is no automatic transference of demons. Before you could become demon possessed, you must give the devil a legal right to enter you. However, If someone is demonized from the outside, they could release a demon to harass someone. (In my opinion.) We see this happening in witchcraft and the casting of spells.

    4. I can relate to your experiences. I too had an ex-husband who had demonic issues and you have every reason to be concerned about your children as your marriage to him created a spiritual tie to him which can be broken. That being said; there is not enough information here for me to give you any good advice or to help you. The questions I have in this are for both you, your husband and ancestors on both sides:

      1. Are you a Born Again Believer? Have you ever made a commitment to serve Jesus, the Messiah?
      2. Have you or your husband engaged in occult activities in your life, including when you were children. Such as: Ouiji boards, seances, Psychic Readings, yoga, Transcendental Meditations, American Indian rituals, etc.
      3. Has anyone in your family belonged to a Mormon Chruch, Jehovah Witness, Christian Science, etc?
      3. What about your ancestors—did any of them belong to a secret society (such as Free Masons)
      4. What television programs and video games are watched or played in your home?
      5. Is your ex-husband willing to change or wanting to change?? If not, then you need to protect yourself and do what you need to do for yourself and your children.

      These questions are something you need to consider and write down the answers. You need to do this for yourself and your ex-husband and go as far back as you can remember. Demonic strongholds can be created through our ancestor ties and created through what we permit in our lives. Since he is your ex there are also ties to his ancestors as well. These demons may seem powerful, however, all they have to control you is fear and intimidation—-they can be defeated.

      I am a Born Again Believer and I went through a very difficult time in my life 4 years ago. Once I submitted to God (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and admitted I could not handle this on my own is when I became delivered from the demons and I became Born Again.

      I also suggest you listen to Neil Anderson on YouTube. I have a You Tube Channel called Sarah Moul where I have created a file for Neil’s teachings OR you can search for his teachings as well. Neil also wrote books and I suggest Victory Over Darkness, The Bondage Breaker, The Steps to Freedom In Christ.

      Again, I understand what you are going through and I just went through this with my ex spouse as well and I know the solution.

      If you would like a more complete list of things to avoid OR things that were in your past, please let me know.

    5. PS. I forgot to add that my guess is that you might be not fully delivered, spiritually open or still bound to your ex husband through ungodly soul ties such as unforgiveness and therefore you can see the ‘special effects’ on him. Fasting and prayer can solve this easily and while your husband will stay demonized you won’t be so affected by him and should stick to your separate identity in Christ who is your true husband. It’s a sin to be afraid of anyone else than God.

      On some occasions I could see unnatural anger sticking out of eyes of my close friends so my other guess is that it could be some kind of spirit discernment gift.

  53. Whether your husband is possessed or not, which I highly suspect could very well be the case, you need to realize that you need to put some serious space between you both, at least until you can seek some support and become one in Jesus Christ through constant prayer and meditation on his word. The Holy Spirit will be strengthened within you and when you are ready, He will guide you to possible deliverance or show you how to find the right Deliverance Minister who just might deliver your whole family. I must tell you that what you describe is a man with a narcissistic personality disorder and you are suffering from Narcissistic Victim Syndrome. Google both of these and do some research. NPD has been thought to be directly linked with Demonic possession purely because the nature of the Narc is solely to torment and what do you think demons job is…tormenting humans. I would also tell you to be in a constant conversation with the Lord Jesus as if he was physically right next to you. You wouldn’t only address him twice a day and He longs to have a strong, close relationship with you. Your husband will not like that you are spending so much time with God because it is all about him. we are not to be submissive to the point where we lose ourselves and our loving personalities to our husbands. Many narcs make their partners feel like they are going crazy and are truly in need of psychiatric help. I went around feeling that there was something wrong with me but could not put my finger on it. I happened to go to a psychologist (both my ex and my sister had told me I need to seek mental help because of the fog I was in) to learn how my brain works and why I could no longer be on time to anything, why did I feel like I could not make any decisions on my own…Within 15 minutes he almost had me committed because I couldn’t put two thoughts together and I was so all over the place. He wasn’t sure how I was managing but he was able to calm me down and he told me I am a victim of domestic violence. He presented me with the Wheel of Abuse and I could not believe it cause I had never been hit or anything. But I was called horrible names, yelled at if he wasn’t happy which happened more and more, felt like my mind wasn’t working cause he would tell me one thing and then when I would bring it up later, he said he never said that (gaslighting), moved in on my family and my church and my daughters school to get everyone on his side and make me feel I was worthless and now is fighting for custody of my daughter which he never wanted until I wanted to move away with her to marry another man that I have known longer than him. And he is quite charming to others, so they believe him. But years ago I remember him telling me there was something evil inside of him and he just couldn’t shake it. He would be loving and kind and caring and I would see the real person until he would go back to work for the entertainment industry, and then he would turn mean all over again. Now he is teaching my 7 year old it is just find to be distrespectful to mommy as he is the boss. He even told her He was God which, bless her heart, made her fearful of being around him lest God should strike him down! She was confused about it for a while as up until last August, she was with me 93% of the time and was raised to believe in Jesus and lover her preschool and our church. Thankfully, she knows who God is and that it is not her father, but the more time she spends with him, the less often she wants to pray, she is disrespectful and says hurtful things that she heard her daddy say because it gets a laught out of him and ifr she makes him angry, he won’t love her anymore. Unlike mommy who will always love her no matter what. So now after doing my research, I am convinced that if NPD and being demon possessed are two truly different things, we are in trouble. Cause demons can be cast out, but unless a Narc realizes they are that way, they will never change and you need to get out of your situation before he messes up anymore children, especially your innocent grandbabies! please research what I mentioned. You will identify much and God bless you!

    1. I must also state that I am not a psychologist and that all I have is my own experience, knowledge and extensive research which is why I am encouraging you to do your own and draw your own conclusions. Also, look up the consequences of having an NPD mate and a parent with NPD and what these children face in their adult lives and ask yourself if your children don’t fit this. I would encourage you to also reach out to a Domestic Violence center in your area and speak to someone and get more information or look on Facebook and find a group for domestic violence survivors or all of the above. Trust in yourself and your instincts. You said you were fine growing up in a Christian family so you are the exact type of person that Satan would love to see fall. He can’t touch you personally as you are a child of God. And so how would he be able to make you fall??? Mentally, emotionally, physically, financially and spiritually using the ones you love most to torment you like your husband and making you feel bad that you don’t get to have a relationship with your granddaughters. Don’t let Satan win. Please seek help and get away from your husband, especially if he cannot be delivered from his demons.

  54. I’ve been in a constant battle with 4 demons approximately 5 + yrs. I’ve experienced, tightness in my head , gestational issues, being paralyzed with my eyes rolled back, partially possessed where my head was rocking back and fourth, with a mans voice speaking in an unknown language. Loss of control of my arms , legs, eyes. Thats just a glimpse of what I’ve been experimenting. I’ve reached out to my pastor. After I got annotated with oil in front of the congregation. My entire body started shaking uncontrollably. I dropped to the floor screaming in a unknown language. They then proceeded to evacuate everyone. Long story short, he attempted to deliver me. It didn’t work. So now im in search of a anointed Deliverance Minister who can help me . In the mean time from my personal experience, hold on to God dont let him go. I have faith that he will lead us in the right direction. Dont lose hope.

    1. ok Lori, so this pastor only got them stirred up but didnt finish the job…. need to find out where the legal rights came in for these demons to take possession of you… yes.. you need the right knowledgable annointed person to do this for you.. i pray you meet them soon! im in Australia so im too far

    2. Demons flee in the face of the Truth. The truth sets you free. The only legal right a demon will have is when you believe something that allows them to be there. It is an entry point, kind of like a portal. Once the belief that allows them is revealed, ask for the truth. Ask for the true Lord Jesus to show you what you believe and then ask for the truth about what you believe. Once you have the truth, ask if the bad belief can be removed. If yes, then ask for it to be removed and the truth to be written on your heart. Remember who you are and your authority. Rise up and remember that you are made in the image of God with all of his power pulsing through you. Freeze the demons with that authority and command any interference to stop. If you get a no when you ask if the bad belief can be removed, then you need more truth. Ask for the truth you need for the belief to be removed. Keep going with this process. Once you get a yes, ask for the bad belief to be removed and the truth to be written on your heart. Ask for any hurt in your heart to be healed and for the power that they have stolen to be returned filtered through Christ. Reclaim that which is yours. Fear feeds the darkness and it will try to act like it is strong…but remember…darkness flees before the light. I send all spirits through the fire of Source (God) that which we came from. Let him judge them. None of us should ever be subject to this torment. We have to awaken and remember that we are powerful through God and that we are more then conquerors. All of the power of the universe pulses through you when you intent if good and you are connected to Christ. Rise up!!!! Lori….rise my love. This can be done over the phone too. It does not have to be in person. The only power they have is in deception. That is it.

  55. Do you believe that a born again Christian can be demon possessed? I can understand how they could be demonized from the outside. However, if they are saved by Jesus, He now possesses them. By this I mean that possession implies ownership. A Christian, (especially if they are Baptized in the Holy Ghost) is in Christ and Christ is in Him. I would think that a demon could not occupy a spaced filled with Jesus and the Holy Ghost. What say ye?

    1. Hello Mike,

      You are right! A demon can not occupy a space filled with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but God made man in His image in one whole, but separate parts — body, soul and spirit.

      “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:23 KJV)”

      Our soul is our mind, emotions, conscience. It’s ever changing depending on what’s happening in our environment and reacts by thinking and feeling (anger, sadness, etc.)

      “But the “natural” (word used in Greek “psuchikos” meaning soulish or compulsory) man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” (‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2:14‬ ‭KJV‬‬)

      The Bible has plenty verses that separate the soul from the spirit. The body does whichever will we choose.
      (Heb. 4:12, Ps. 139:13-14, Numbers 16:22 )

      Therefore, unclean spirits can not occupy our spirit, but they can occupy our soul (mind, what we think). There is always an inner battle between our Holy Spirt and Soul and the battle is victorious when they are aligned in favor of the Holy Spirit.

      Hope this helps!


      1. Hi, that was one of the most enlightening things I’ve read in a long time. The separation between the holy spirit and the soul. That is why demons will try and get into you mind and thoughts having you thinking your crazy but your spirit knows better. Thank you so much

  56. Thanks for the summary and main points. They are helpful. I have experienced approx 5 instances of smelling sulphur in an overpowering way when praying for someone I suspected had demonic bondages. It was like a demonic sign and an attempt to distract. I have also experienced a tightening of the throat when praying for someone to be freed who knew they were under attack frequently and also hearing voices. That happened when praying for the person in their presence and when praying with an intercessor to ask God to free the person in bondage who wasn’t getting victory or peace in their own home.

  57. What would you say about scratches on your arm after praying after a night of sleep? I’m no demon but I know how to handle them. They don’t scare me but they truly are angles they just got lead a stray. Because at times the things they spend time I change them, inside and out but if they stuck to the word they wouldn’t have such conflicting issues or have problems like demons. But this was a great article. Thank you so much, god bless.

  58. Thanks for your service to Christian beliefs. I really enjoy reading your articles your writers are outstanding & extremely informative. I have been encouraged in only 1-2 hours of reading some of the interesting articles & replies. Keep up the goodwork.

  59. I don’t know why it is but every time I get a job I can only stay on the job 2-3 days and no one seems to like me where ever I go. I live with a man friend of 42 years and he have started to dislike me. His family don’t like me either and they have turned against me. No one speaks to me but him and he stays away from me as much as he can. I’m left alone all the time with no friends. I hve my daughter and grand children. I don’t have any bad habits (no drugs no drinking no smoking.) I’m saved and looking for employment, I pay my tithes. But getting a job and keeping it is the problem. I went to college online to prepare my self for employment and still no luck. Is it a deamon doing this to me? I was with my husband before he past away, and I had a lung illness for 7 years I was told its no cure for it, after he died it went away without a trace in my body. Is it a demon or what? some one please help me why it is no one likes me. why I can’t keep a job?.

    1. Hello Audrey:

      I have had similar problems in the past, however, don’t worry. My name is Nora and I am a Servant of our Lord and Master, Jesus the Christ. Individuals seem not to like you when you are a child of the King. It is the light that He, gives us that others may not understand. John 15:18-19 KJV, says, 18-“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19-If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye ae not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” Concerning the light that Jesus, gives us for He is the Light of the World. John 1:5 KJV says, “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. So if the individuals that we communicate with on the daily basis does not have a relationship with Jesus, that may not except you because they do not understand.

    2. Thank you! I have found this very helpful. I have been through a lot in my years and demon stomping is one of them. Generation curses and strong holds had tormented me for so long. I am free indeed now thanks be to God. I have what they call anyway bi-polar 1 with psychosis. I’ve had two episodes and they were both spiritual. My spirit in Him has been awakened. I am okay but on stinking meds now and have gained weight. I’m not mad about any of this I do believe God was dealing with things in my life I could not see. I will keep you and your writing in my prayers, God bless you

      1. Hi Julie, I would like to pray for you. Dont worry you are not alone in this spiritual warfare, and things do get better. God has a purpose for everything and will not make is bear anything we cannot handle.

        Lord please take these wicked thoughts from Julie, restore her heart and give her a new mindset that is guided by your Holy Spirit to find strength through this obstacle. When you sent your only son Jesus to us he was crucified so we can have forgiveness for our sins. When he died he said “It is finished” and already took care of our spiritual problems by defeating Satan, crushing his head. Father I ask you to lead Julie away from the worldly things that cause us to sin, just as you had Moses lead the Isrealites away from Mt. Sinai where they were told to abandon their sins. Only then can we let the holy spirit guide us and stop these spiritual attacks. Let Julie accept Jesus Christ as her savior and only focus on you God and enjoy the blessings she receives from you. Let this curse be lifted and let the enemy not hold her back from enjoying your blessings. No magic, card reading or science is greater than you God so we have no choice but to call on you for healing and salvation through continuous prayer and successful worship in the right church. Please guide her to a church where she can grow in faith and feel happiness and forget that these suicidal thoughts were even a problem. Take these burdens Lord I ask this for Julie, for me, for the church, and all the nations that we can discover the freedom Christ offers us. In Jesus name I pray Amen!

  60. A very wise pastor once told me, “If you go looking for demons you’re going to find demons, if you go looking for God you’re going to find God.”

    One of the best things I’ve ever heard. I grew up in the Assemblies of God, knew about this stuff and even operated in deliverance etc. At the age 12 until about 15, then I veered off and eventually came back to God. But if one thing I have ever learned, demons only have the authority and rights that you give them.

    Legal rights for demons, where is that even scriptural? That is not found in scripture. They were command out, that is it. The whole shebang of, “I command you to reveal yourself evil spirit what are you?” Etc etc. Like what? Is this Hollywood or real life? No things must flee, and we fight demonic activity with the word and our authority in Christ. He said we would do the same things He did, therefore legal rights stupid stuff like that along those lines, is truly just legalistic and religious practices and knowledge. Not biblical and definetly not new covenant or the way Christ taught us to handle those things.

    Be careful of getting so super spiritual that you’re no earthly good, or believing and thinking everything is a demon/evil spirit.

    1. This guy lays out a pretty even handed understanding of demons. It’s clearly not a “demons are everywhere” perspective. Jesus didn’t go looking for demons, but they did seem to keep popping up. They are recorded often enough in the New Testament that all Christians should understand that they are important to be aware of. You say it is “stupid stuff”, yet Jesus was clear (when they asked him) that not all demons are easy to remove. The people who were casting them out believed they had the authority in Jesus name to cast them out. Obviously, the demons weren’t having any of it. Why?

  61. So just a few months ago I met my current boyfriend who is now living with me. And ever since he moved in the vibes in my house feel negative and his mood changes a lot one minute he’s happy the next he’s angry and the moment after that he’s all sweet and loving but from him personally I can just feel this bad energy coming from him and sometimes I feel like his mind just wonders off for a bit like he’s not there and something that has left me thinking a lot lately was just a few weeks ago me and my partner we started to make out and i swear I felt like something poke the back of my throat really quick like a sharp quick needle type feeling and my question is what does it mean when your kissing your partner and you feel like a sharp tongue poke you in your mouth ? Could he be possessed? Is it something Evil ? Is it normal to feel that ?

  62. Two nights ago, I was either falling asleep or beginning to wake up when I felt (inside my body) a demonic presence. It was in my jaw. I literally COULD NOT open my mouth. I struggled to the point it completely woke me up. It was so real. About a week ago, I came to bed and was freezing cold. My whole body (feet, legs, arms, hands were freezing). I was up and about walking thru the house before that working, and didn’t feel cold at all. The weather is changing outside, being that it’s autumn, but it’s not so cold that the inside of the house is cold. It took my husband to warm me up, I was so cold. I mean like ice. The next morning, I was fine. A few weeks before that, I felt something run across the bottom of our bed. I was awake. I was not asleep. I thought it could’ve been a mouse or something but it felt bigger than that. It hopped across the bottom part of the bed. I could feel it hit my legs. I was totally awake. I told my husband the next morning & he said he didn’t feel anything & slept fine. And several times over the years, I’ve felt something on the inside of me when I sleep. It’s different than just a dream. I can literally FEEL IT inside me. Sometimes it’s in the pit of my stomach, other times it keeps me from being able to speak. Especially when I try to say the Name of Jesus. It won’t let me. It’s like it only manifests at night. What the heck is this? I’m a Christian. I’m in ministry. I’m saved. I’m righteous by the Blood of the Lamb. I’m filled with the Holy Spririt (so I thought). I’m a believer. I don’t understand how this could be happening.

    1. Same old story different day. I actually did what I was taught NOT to do and that’s converse with the enemy. I too was in ministry Holy Ghost filled in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!! One day I was praying in the Holy Spirit than all of a sudden I heard voices like different voices and it was him the one we are all to avoid. I call him the annoying one because he thinks he owns everything but I’ve noticed that he too prays in the mighty name of Jesus. My teachings of Christ have taught me not to be scared just to recognize who we are and our abilities as heirs. I’ve also learned a lot through being tired of seeing how easy it was for Satan to do what he does in trying to take over that I sit and observe as he does what he does to me I take from him and increase my security in Christ Jesus. I only keep to myself because yes this topic does make an individual seem crazy but to me it’s an advancement to battle the enemy head on for the Glory of God. I seen your article mention that individuals don’t feel comfortable going to their local preacher and discussing this issue.. well for me as an experience it’s more of a safety hazard. I literally saw an experienced my family torn apart for stepping out of line police with his emblem on them came to pick me up for walking in my own neighborhood just because I wouldn’t show him love. I’m not the type of Christian to roll over. I understand how to pray better now and always. If anyone else wants to realize what the heck all that movement is about like I was asking instead of always just casting it out just ask. The cold. He likes it cold. That’s when he is trying to take something from ya. My main advice don’t be scared. Remember God is always in control. I forgot to say -you would be super surprised how obedient demons actually are they do the will of Satan. I’ve learned this in my encounters -Satan won’t allow disobedience towards him or anything or anyone he acknowledges pretty harsh.There is just so much more I’ve learn , kitchen talk, bathroom talk,bedroom talk, mirror talk. Glass talk. Tech talk. God is everywhere and Satan is rite there trying to be everywhere too but in a different weirdo perspective. I hope this helps.

    2. I would recommend you to do some serious spiritual warfare on these demons period. They play games and will keep doing so till you stand your ground take authority over them and plead the blood of jesus over youself house and everyone around you. I particularly take a notice to the fact that these demons are renegades they dont care who you are and quite frankly will do as much if allowed. Ask the lord to give you the gift of tongues because being saved and filled with the holy ghost doesnt stop there. Its a battle and jesus said stay vigilant for your adversary is like a roaring lion.

      1. Do not show fear. Know your authority in christ jesus because the fear is giving them authority. If u feel you are possessed then you need a deliverance minister. I listen to tedline on youtube. She is a deliverance minister in ministry. A door may be open to them and seems they have legal right to keep up this kind of harrassment. Evaluate your life and ask God why are you being targeted. Everything goes back to God he is the source of our strength and can meet you where you at and pull you out.

    3. Rebuke the demon in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God!

      Mark 16:17
      17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils;

      Think only on the things in Philippians 4:8, anything not in that list rebuke immediately. Do not let it dwell in your mind. Everything must bow to Jesus.

      Pray for the Holy Spirit to search out all false beliefs in your heart. The heart is incredibly deceptive. Any false beliefs brought to your mind, rebuke them in the mighty name of Jesus. Do not give the devil a foothold in your life.

      I feel compelled to say, be very careful not to gossip or be proud. Be very careful! These two terrible sins are creeping into people’s lives unnoticed.

      God bless you,

  63. For 2 years I have struggled with a demon possession in me. I thought it was the process of awakening but now realize the vibrations and movement in and out of my body are you that of evil. A tarot card reader I had hoped would help me understand called it a blood sucking vampire and wanted nothing to do with me. I have reached out to a priest, a non denominational Minister and recently s sorcerer but I refrain from fighting magic with magic. It is leading me to suicide. It controls my entire life. I no longer want to live like this. This all started with meeting someone on line and it has destroyed me. He told me he was a psychic. He has attached this demon to me. There is no one to talk to and my life as I knew it is over.

    1. Hi Julie,

      Hope the below helps you:

      Not sure if you’re a believer of Jesus Christ, but he’s the only one who has the power to drive out demons. Anyone can be demon possessed, unless they have the holy spirit in them, which protects them from being possessed by demons. My advice would be to read your bible, specifically the below passages and ask Jesus to come into your life.

      Romans – 5:8, 5:12, 10:9, 10:13 and Ephesians 2:8,9.

      And the bible teaches that anyone can ask Jesus to save them. You don’t have to be a good person to receive the gift of salvation, Jesus died for your sins and has already paid the price so you can have eternal life with him in Heaven.

    2. Hi Julie my name is Dina and I just wrote a little bit of my story on the bottom of this page, about a year ago I started seeing the numbers: 11:11, 1717, 777, 444, several times a day then the symptoms of the spiritual awakening, for few months I believed this lie, but then I realized that is was pure evil, I stared prying and asking the Lord Jesus Christ for his wisdom and protection, and everything is over. I still see some numbers in a row sometimes, but I don’t pay any attention anymore, because only Jesus is my Lord my Light and the truth. God Bless You❤️

    3. Julie…NEVER GIVE UP! for God nothing is impossible! I had a demon inside of me and I did not even know it! It took 14 years for someone to recognize it and take it out of me! They accused Jesus of using the devil to cast out devils but as Jesus said how can a house stand if it is divided against itself…so you have to seek help from Jesus and His disciples…look up “The Last Reformation” website and in their map you can find someone who lives near you, send them an e- mail. God bless you and guide you.

    4. Hi Julie,
      You need to ask the Lord himself in prayer. The God who made heaven and earth.
      His name is Jesus. Repent is the first word from our Lord’s mouth. This is key because we humans have always sought our own ways and wondered from our Gods path.
      Your life is the Lords and it’s not over if your name is in the book of life. What you really want though, is to be in the lambs book of life. This is when a sinner repents and receives pardon from their sins by believing in the message of the cross.
      Hope this helps you.

  64. Hello
    thank you for your rich write up. I found myself here because I am looking for answers. I have been told by a priest that I have miming spirit that resides inside of me. That there is something about my photographs that spells out evil within me.
    I just read the points u gave to help us determined whether or not one is demon possessed and found this above mentioned point by the priest as one of the pointers.
    Please I need help!!!

  65. Hi, my name is Dina, I very appreciate for this article let me tell you a little bit of my story, I was born in as an evangelist my faith in the Lord Jesús it is had been my strength specifically in the most horrible moments i’d lived with my only and dear son. Back in the state of Michigan my husband passed away 14 years ago, leaving us alone, soon after that he passed away we noticed that things starting disappearing, this brownish and sticky staff on the carpet around our beds, sounds like someone was stoning our house and roof, and strong footsteps on top of the roof, well we moved out of Michigan to the State of Florida, this is where the real nightmare started. My son a good kid 24 years old started feeling weird things inside his body like something was moving inside his body, his behavior towards me was changing constantly, epilepsy attacks frequently, when he was a very healthy guy, one day he passes out and started spoken in another lenguaje, he looses time sometimes he sleeps for two or three days in a row, then unable to sleep for a week and so on. He started filming the demos that appeared on the walls since I can’t see then, he was trying to show me that the demos are real, as a Christians we spoke with the Pastor, he made a prying for us (supposedly delivered prying) didn’t work, things was getting worse to the point that I almost die on the hands of my poorest son. My story is longer but I Just wanted tell you, that they basically kicked out us from the church, we visited two more churches, the Pastors hear our problems and they kicked out us too. Hopeless y started myself prying and to demonized my son, didn’t work, I went to the Catholic Church I didn’t have any hope either, nothing but excuses. One year ago my dearest son passed away he comit suicide, I am sad, devasted and feeling very guilty because I wasn’t able to help my son, I don’t go to church, I believe and love Jesus but I don’t trust the Church.

    1. Dear Lady It’s not your fault so be at peace at lease you tried to do something.

      I feel so bad for you.

      Read the King James Bible every day and pray and talk to the GODHEAD always.

      I Love You in Jesus the Christ.

    2. Hello Dina

      Trust the LORD Jesus Christ. He’s the only help you have. In due time, he’ll lead you to his servants who will show compassion and understanding.

      I will keep you in my prayers

    3. I feel very sorry that this happened to your son especially when you were trying so hard because of your love for him to find help. I hope that God will fill your heart with love and compassion for others with this struggle and it will be more and more clear as to how to help them.

    4. Evil peaked in my soul after a man i am dealing with demonization. Suffering my soul and making my body weak. Talking out of my mouth took everything I had going for me. Taken over most of my body but let’s me do things sometimes I can’t talk only it can. Has me down and lazy. Before it took me I didn’t smoke I watched my weight and stuff now it has me smoking and eating donuts this case is severe. I have no choice I just want my life back if there is someone that can help it’s not a nice one at all

      1. Slushy: First, you must give your life to Jesus by repenting of your sins and take a stance to live for him. After that, you must know who you are in Jesus. You are an heir of Father God and joint-heirs with Jesus. Christians have the _authority_ over Satan and his demons. You must use this authority to be delivered from this demon that has attached itself to you. Pray the following prayers, faith believing and taking authority in the name of Jesus:
        Father, I know Jesus died for me. I ask your forgiveness, let the blood of Jesus, your Son wash away these sins. Father, I agree to renounce these sins, I will never attempt to go back into these areas again. I now officially renounce everyone of them. I fully forgive those who have hurt me in my past. Now break the legal rights of these demons from me. Completely sever their legal rights. I come against them operating under your authority and your anointing to be able to do so. Father, in the name of Jesus I fully break and sever each one of these legal rights. I repeat, in the name of Jesus I command every single inch and every single part of the legal right line be completely broken and severed and demolished in the name of Jesus. I plead the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus against each single part of this legal right line and command it to be completely broken right now in the mighty name of Jesus. I have fully surrendered my body, my soul and my spirit into your hands Jesus. Place me in your perfect will for my life. I’m willing to follow you all the days of my life. Thank you Father God and thank you Jesus.

    5. Dear Diana,
      Stand firm for the Lord Jesus heals! Forget whatever passed history you have experienced losing your son as well. Trust on our Almighty God who works with us in diverse situations.
      Loving you mama in Jesus Christ.

    6. So sad for your loss – God Bless you and your family – your son is with Jesus now and he is not in pain anymore. I listen to Joyce Meyer online and she explains that a lot of Church’s do not talk enough about the Devil and how he influences/controls peoples lives and that by Committing to a life with Jesus that you can be healed and delivered from Evil – and how prayer in the name of Jesus Christ has unlimited power, when it feels like it is useless that’s when you do it even more and expect a result (maybe not straight away) when God’s timing is right. Checkout the Joyce Meyer website its free she is down to earth and has worked through a horrible past with Jesus in her own way and come out the otherside extremely strong.

    7. I am very sorry to hear about your tramatic experience with your son and the church. But just know that the church is Christ bride and that not every church is planted by the Lord so in the future ask the Lord to lead you to the right one so that it can be done right the first time in Jesus name. May God bless and keep you my sister!

    8. Dear sister,
      I am really sorry for you but it is true as the brother says that there are people who do deliverances. One of the groups who do this is” The Last Reformation” and they have a map where you can find the nearest person to you. They are doing what Jesus said laying hands on the sick, casting out demons and baptizing people in the name of Jesus and then getting them filled with the holy Spirit just as the Apostles also preached- this will change your life so contact their website and look up their map to contact the nearest to you! Don’t despair! Jesus is coming soon to take us out of here! Blessings

    9. Your story has touched my soul. I pray for Jesus to deliver you and give your soul peace. Your sons passing was not your fault. My father committed suicide in 2006, he was a strong Catholic. I used to be Catholic now I’m born again Christian- bottom line I love Jesus with all my heart. Nothing works without God being first. Those that do not embrace you or things you share are not your people. Let them go and keep seeking the right God loving people. Many will come in sheep’s clothing and be true wolves be cautious but know those who say Ill things are not people of the lord, walk away without reservations and pray for them. Do not be sad as your son and husband are resting with the lord. When my father passed I went to the church I grew up in they told me no way my father was going to hell for what he did. I believe Jesus loves the worst of people and we all make mistakes. He says come as you are. So I could’ve sat there cried and succumbed to what was said instead I pulled strength from within found the best church of my life. I joined music ministry, created a church library and gave my life to Christ in adult baptism. Adult baptism was the best thing I ever did in my life. Since I battle spiritual warfare but some demonic dreams I used to experience stopped. My point to you is both the Devil & Jesus are very real. Do not be discouraged or fear those who challenged or hurt you, pray for them and keep going. I don’t know you or if you’ll see this message, but tonight I am going to ask God to give you peace for the rest of your life. Remember this post when you get sad, challenged or afraid, you walk with the lord. If God is for you it doesn’t matter who isn’t. Your story is etched in my heart and I pray with strength within tonight you are eternally healed and enjoy the rest of your life from this point forward. In Jesus name I ask the lord to break the tie that binds, I stand on holy ground and I’m sending prays and petitions to protect and deliver your soul from these pains. Stay strong and keep looking for your people, you’ll know when they are the right ones. Stay Blessed ❤️

    10. Dear Dina, sorry for the loss of yr son, but he is not lost in the Eyes of Our Eternal Family and YASHUA. Churches are institutions which may or may not help. Religions the same. Remember the scriptures teach that WE are the TEMPLE of GOD. Go inside your own temple to find truth and peace. Your son is not lost but learning and growing in other dimensions. Someday you’ll meet again. I’ll pray for both of you!

  66. Fast and Pray that’s what it tells us to do. Paul had a messenger of Satan who he had to deal with apparently. I’m working through this as well.

    Thanks for the post cuz it feels like lonely long fight

  67. For those reading this, stay away from spiritism, Ouija boards, tarot card reading, crystals, new age philosophies, dreamcatchers, tv/movie supporting demonic activity and spiritism. There’s other thing too, but listen to the scriptures, the Bible says to read them aloud day and night. Listen to audio of the scriptures while you sleep or just doing your everyday chores, even at work (listen to the Bible through your headphones). The truth is the wicked spirits will test you and approach just like they did to Jesus, so you know they will do the same to us. Like I said before get rid of all things involving spiritism in your home and or life. Do not associate with people who practice spiritism as well. This should help some, but you have to pray for God’s help and beg him to deliver you from evil.

  68. I’m sorry, but I really need to say this. Reading the syptoms, a lot of them sounded like Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), especially the part about having multiple personalities called alters.
    DID is a serious dissociative disorder which is formed from repeated trauma before the ages of around 8-9. This is when a not fully formed personality splits, because the brain has no other way of coping with the trauma. These personalities are called alters. Yes, they take control of the body, yes they can know different languages, and speak differently to the other alters, yes, people with DID often blackout when another alter takes over, and yes, people with DID experience amnesia quite frequently. So please don’t think that someone with DID is possessed. Think LOGICALLY first, so that a person can get some actual help. It’s misunderstandings like these that have lead a lot of people with DID into thinking they’re possessed and gotten multiple exorcisms, all of which haven’t worked, because THEY AREN’T POSSESSED. They have DID.

    1. Hold on a second, your reply makes a lot of sense except for one glaring thing…

      People with DID can just randomly speak different languages.. That they have never learnt, never heard, and never had ANY prior knowledge of? I’m sorry, but that part makes zero sense. Logic and common sense also tell us that someone can’t just start reciting language that they’ve never been exposed to.. Let alone learn it and speak it fluently, as seems to be the case when someone is speaking ‘tongues’ for whatever reason. Think about it, people go and live in a new country for years, and still are not able to string sentences of the language together, let alone someone start blurting out fluently as if they’ve been speaking it their whole lives?

      That part makes no sense at all. I do agree about what you describe DID to be, it is serious and related to repeated trauma.. And shouldn’t be just cast off as ‘demonic’ possession.

      I just don’t agree at all wtih the language thing. If someone is doing that, then something a lot more sinister and perhaps spiritual may be involved.

  69. Hi there, I think I’ve had a demon inside me my whole life. I honestly don’t mind it, really, because it doesn’t hurt me. All I have to do is read stories of torture and I can feel that the demon is happy when I do that, so it doesn’t do anything to me. I have managed to section off a part of my body that the demon can’t escape, although sometimes it does break free, and swims through my body. I’m afraid that it will one day take control of my body, and I’m not really sure what to do. Can any of you please help?

    1. Demons, ghost, dead family members, and evil spirit are not our friends so we do not need to negotiate
      Luke 10:19
      Deuteronomy 20:2-5
      Ephesians 6:10-18
      Ishiah 54:17
      James 4:6
      Deuteronomy 3:22
      Fear is not of God
      There is nothing wrong with not understanding or knowing the truth so therefore seek it read his words and speak to him
      Your strength and help come from the Lord God Almighty therefore get to know him little by little
      Every human have what we grew up thinking of as have a good and bad angel
      That so call bad angel is called a familiar spirit who has a covenant with each family passing through the Bloodline they know everything about you and they are part of networking spirits and monitoring spirit
      All these things that are happening is to make you surrender to them because it does not matter if you are a Christian or not you have authority over them
      The power and authority over them as a Christian and believing in Lord Jesus Christ gives you the right to deliverance on a whole other level
      Demons are afraid of Christian who have a true relationship with our Lord and savior because they know they truth
      Hosea 4:6
      Zechariah 4:6

      I hope you can overcome in Jesus mighty name revalation 12:11
      If you are ready accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior and let the Holy Spirit be your teacher, comforter, and guide you in the way
      Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life

      I speak from my own experience and truly hope this helps

  70. I went to a local Catholic parish for awhile and met a lady who seemed very kind and caring at first. However, I began noticing that she would give back-handed compliments and ask derogatory questions. One day she thought I was unaware of her doing this but I saw her give me and my son a very intimidating mean look like she despised me. I finally lost my cool and confronted her about her too faced behavior on the phone. Well she made herself look like the innocent party, like she had been a great friend. I later found out I had been the target of vicious gossiping making me put to be a woman of ill repute. No you believe this woman is infected with jezebel? I do. I also noticed that she seems very close to the priest always trying to do things for him.

    1. There is hope for you dear child.

      You did NOT blaspheme the Holy Spirit; the demons inside you did that and they are trying to keep you trapped in that belief. Even now they are calling me a liar and telling you there is no hope. THEY ARE THE LIARS! Rebuke them in the name of Jesus Christ. Seek help from Jesus! Cry out to Jesus and ask Him to cast out the demons when you are in a safe place. Follow the directions in the links in this article- keep calling on Jesus for strength until you are delivered DO NOT FEAR the demons, it gives them strength. Talk down to them with the authority of Christ. Do get help and make certain every last one of them has departed from you.

      I am going to pray for you after I type this prayer- Dear lord Jesus Christ, deliver Jessica from the demons who have attacked her; make them submit to your authority and leave her. Do NOT allow them to trouble her any longer. Save her, bring her back to fellowship with you. Have her read the Bible aloud (out loud) to drive the demons into submission until they are cast out!

      Now Jessica, you need to ask Jesus to deliver you; Jesus created the universe, surely Jesus can cast out your demons!

  71. A number of years ago I was a guest within a house of family members where a birthday celebration was taking place.The majority of those gathering there young and older were church goers.I made a step of faith back in 2007 and was baptised.During that day of family gathering with birthday celebrations I got talking with a man whom I had met before who was within the family group.We were standing talking to each other, then suddenly without any warning as I was looking at his eyes they rolled backwards in an instant and all I could see were the whites of his eyes but with no pupils at all visible!.Was this a sign of a demonic presence?. That experience has not left me and although it troubled me somewhat I know that that that God is always protecting me wherever I go!!!. Praise God !!!.

    1. Hi Paul Im a born again Christian been 1 for 30+years.
      I can relate to your story because I recognized a spirit of error in my son. He was arguing with me and I saw his eyes rolled back. Ive seeked help for him and our deliverance ministers will deliver him out of demonic powers if my son is willing to b delivered.At the moment Im praying for him and also 4 the deliverance ministers to do this. It will b in Gods time that this will take place. Father God has blessed me with the Holy Spirit gift of discernment to recognized the true Spirit (God) and false (devil). I believe u have this gift. I hope my sharing has helped you..God Bless U.

  72. Hi
    Three years ago I got possessed by demons. I have been living a life of hell since then. I used to be a very strong devout passionate Christian studying the word of God in depth. Then in January 2018, I started to suffer from depression and anxiety and severe insomnia. I did not know I was suffering from oppression Attack from the enemy. I sought medical help but no tablets helped. I also sought spiritual help but no one realises I was under spiritual attack. Not once did I think to put my armour on. Then after this went on for three months I suffered a full on nervous breakdown which still did not get treated as I had no medical aid. A few days after that, I was sitting on the couch with my family, when my body stiffened and my eyes rolled up. Demons had entered me. The next thing I heard were massive voices in my head telling me to run away from home. Stupidly I obeyed the voices in my head. I drove away in my car. I hid around a corner and wrote a long message to my mom saying I was sorry I knew demons were making me run away from home but I was helpless to stopping it. I said I loved the Lord very much and that I was running to a spiritual haven to get the demons cast out. I then proceeded to race away in my car. During the trip I had a massive demonic attack come upon me where I saw and felt the demons screaming at me to end my life and overthrow my car. I fought them in my mind and thought they will not get me but sadly not once did I rebuke them in Jesus name. When I arrived at my destination I was instantly in this other realm, a hell realm, where my soul was bound up in chains of hell and the Holy Spirit departed. I grieved the Holy Spirit, and mistakenly not on purpose committed the unpardonable sin. I cried out to be sedated for the rest of my life. I had lost my salvation and become demon possessed. I now live a life of hell with no God, no Holy Spirit, no Jesus, no connection to nature or outdoors or creation which I used to love, no mind, no will, no emotions, no rest, no peace and I am bound up for hell. The agony and pain at being separated from God is unbearable and horrific. I know there’s no hope for me but I was just wondering if you knew of anyone else like me???

    1. Jessica,
      Just reading your desire for God, and the pain you are experiencing in being separated from God, tells me that there is much hope for you! Many people take the grieving of the Holy Spirit as an easy thing to do. Our God is much more powerful than these evil thoughts Satan is putting in your mind. It is impossible to mistakenly commit the unpardonable sin. The person that commits this sin will be proud of the fact and hardened to any and all prickings of the Spirit. The agony and pain you are experiencing is God working in you drawing you back. Find someone to pray with you, resist the devil and he will flee from you! Don’t give into these deceptive lies of the devil, that’s his intent and purpose.

    2. The word of God says in Romans 8:39 “neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” those attacks came upon you because you are of the Lord, you are his daughter and he loves you. Be encouraged and fight with the weapons he has given you (prayer, fasting, the word of God, etc.) and be still and wait upon him knowing that he will do it. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but powerful to the pulling down of strongholds -2 Corinthians 10:4! Know that you are loved, so not believe the lies of the enemy. Any thought or word you hear that is contrary to the will and word of God take captive and make it obedient to the word of God. You are loved daughter of God ❤️ You are not alone. Please reach out to me if you need prayer

  73. Hi Jessica,

    I would suggest dealing with the demons that are lurking within. Stop doing whatever it was that attracted them to you in the first place, Then let Jesus deliver you from them. When you have a sound mind your blasphemy will disappear. Don’t give up! The devil is a liar and may have convinced you that there is no hope and you are condemned. I will pray for you. God Bless!

  74. You say nothing about the torment and pain they cause once they are in your body. Some will come with burning, fire, dirty energy, radiation, feelings of heat warm or cold air, feelings of pins and needles, claws, sharp pains, movement around neck, head, shoulders, back of neck, spine, lower back, movement and pain in abdomen. The energy they come with can make people sick. There presence is enough to make you feel like you need to vomit especially when they are inside you. The very air surrounding the person will feel different. The energy around them will feel different. Just like the Holy Spirit has a presence, demonic spirits have presences as well and there is a kind of tormenting energy that they carry with them. I have had many demons in my body and I can tell you from experience that in certain cases if they stay in you long enough it will shorten your life span and eventually lead to death by torment, disease, and possibly different types of organ failure. Sometimes it takes a whole room of people shouting praise to Yahweh in Yahushua’s name blowing the shofar and anointing that person with oil, but even at that if the Holy Spirit is not willing to fill the void within the person the spirits can just come back. People who have the Holy Spirit have to treat these cases like a war for a persons very soul. They should not treat it as a one and done deliverance, not at all. Sins have to be fully repented of and in some cases people have to be rebaptized, because their baptism was not done with all sin repented of. People can be demonized even after baptism. It is the work of Almighty God through the Holy Spirit that breaks the yoke of bondage in a person life. Not only do they need deliverance, but often times people need inner healing and curses broken off their lives in the spirit realm as well. The discernment of spirits, word of knowledge and various gifts are very necessary in deliverance for it to be completely effective.

    1. Sounds like everything I have been going through for years, I don’t know how to get rid of them and they have been inside of me for years, I’ve taken medication that didn’t work, I was prayed over many times didn’t work, it feels like it’s taking over everything. I get sick all the time I can’t find anyone that has the gift of discernment of spirits. I’m very tired of this and I have no clue what to do anymore, I get tormented and tortured every day of my life and all night long. If you have any ideas on how to find someone who can help I would appreciate it.

  75. I am in agreement with a lot of what is in these deliverance articles. One thing though that does not sit well with me is a small percent points to self effort and your ability to save yourself instead of Jesus ability to be your savior. I believe we have the power to let go of pride and be healed, but not the power to abstain from sin, which is what keeps us focused on His ability to guide us and not our ability to keep clean. I think any trust in self is a recipe for disaster and only trust in Him will keep us free.

  76. I’ve been experiencing feelings of an evil presence around me lately and I feel like I’m being targeted too. My body has been twitching uncontrollably usually when I’m sitting down or laying down and sometimes my head will move by itself too almost as if I gotten slapped by something. Ive been suffering from demonic nightmares and I wake up around 3AM. I’ve been trying to tell my family about this but they do not believe me or they’ll just come up with some logical explanation for my strange experiences. I’m really concerned about what’s been happening to me and was wondering if you could help me.

  77. I think I might have an evil spirit with me. I rededicated my life to Jesus last year in October and started focusing on him. I wanted to live completely for him. I was happy and content until one day things started going downhill. I started getting voices telling me I had accepted the mark of the beast and was going to hell (I know now that it isn’t possible) I thought I had blasphemed the Holy Spirit. I thought I had done terrible things and the thought of that tormented me for ages. I smelled a burning smell a lot, sleep paralysis was a common thing where I would hear people talking to me and a person yelling and feel hands on my body and actually see and feel my body being pushed even though there was no one there. I can feel weird presences whenever I try to pray that I know aren’t God. I see really scary images whenever I blink like a lizard person with scaly skin and arms and legs. I feel resentment towards God even though I know I have no reason to hate him. I feel like that feeling of resentment isn’t me though. I think about getting delivered but in my mind I think “no I hate God and I want these demons” I know these aren’t my thoughts. I remember at some point in my childhood I suddenly became fascinated by things like ouija boards and really graphic horror games and just a lot of stuff that were really demonic and bad. I didn’t think much of it. I thought I was cool because I wasn’t easily scared by these things. I remember a few weeks ago I was dozing off on the couch and suddenly parts of my body started to twitch. My hands, feet, knees. I don’t mean like those weird muscle twitches that you get when you drink too much coffee. I mean my entire body jumped when I was about to fall asleep It would only happen when I was close to falling asleep. This has happened many times before also when I’m about to fall asleep but this was the most extreme it’s gotten. These things used to bother me but now I feel like it’s been so long that I just feel used to them now. I’m worried through because I know I should be bothered. I also have certain reactions towards things that I feel like I shouldn’t have. I was watching church online and suddenly felt like getting up and walking away because it didn’t like what the pastor was saying about worshiping God. I don’t know if these are my feelings or if it’s a demon. The signs had always been there but I never thought it was anything spiritual. I really want it to end though because it makes me feel like I don’t actually believe in God and that I should reject Jesus. It has massively affected my education and family life. I tried prayer and fasting, studying the bible makes things worse somehow. I used to cry a lot about it and get really scared and worried and lose sleep but I’m emotionally exhausted and now I just kinda sigh. Do you think I have a demon on me?

  78. Hello All,

    I am not sure where to start, However, I am seeking help with delivery from some type of Spiritual attack now over 12 months I noticed, I believe its witchcraft working, something is moving under my skin (head to toe) it even puff up if I beat it, Its goes anywhere it wants on my body:( and its not a physical bug of this I am sure, I am a baptized believer and It Is The Holy Spirit who been helping with my self delivery, however, I need someone who knows the right words to speak! I have had a sister or two prayed for me earlier and I felt it moved so it does respond to the word of God, I really need in person visit as I want them to touch my body since its where am been attacked… I lost all my long beautiful hair , now its attacking my skin , biting in my scalp:( I Cry a lot, its like fighting my own body… unable to rest , Is anyone here able to do the work? I really need help. #1love

  79. Demons will not sound like the master who is jesus. Demons terrorize people who are not terrorizing anyone. Demons convince people to make fear giving laws. Demons make people to be offended by whatever. The sight of a human or dog genitalia offends demons. An ejaculating one is worse to a demon. A demon is being offended through a human. It should be up to the individual as to what they do with their Phallic member, or the phallic member of another species. Demons convinsed people to use money. God says fear not, and don’t be afraid and don’t worry, putting people at ease. Demons fear Jesus, who will judge them on the last day. Christ’s light will make the lost to look like a lake of fire. Demons are guilt givers. demons say: I am going to call the authorities on harmless people who offended them with what they saw, or words that they heard. Those authorities are obeying people who work in Satan’s throne AKA legal system. That legal system tries to replace God’s throne. REv:4:4 KJV. Satan wants God’s image to admire that throne. The being who made that, made islam, too. God talked to Abraham. Abraham was not devil possessed. Satan is going all over the earth in our body that dies. Demons torment zoophilia people and pedophilia people too. Pedophilia people are not trying to get people into any spesific belief system. Pope is doing that. Islam is doing that. Both act like they are pedophilia, not being pedophilia. Stay out of Islam. The Devil is there waiting to possess you. demons are not honest. Satan, a colorful golden being will call it’s self anything, but who that being is. That being will not say don’t be afraid when seen. A guilt giving demon is in the person who wrote this article. Hell is under the earth where roots are. There would not be any living green thing, had hell be a place of eternal burning. The soul that sins it shall die. Eternal suffering changes the word die, to be, live, or thou shalt not surly die. You know who said that. You are naked, or pornographic. God made the languages.

  80. My wife and I went to a deliverance ministry. Coming back from that our worldview shifted and we started seeing demonic oppression all around us. *I go to a ‘Christian college’ and the Spirtual warfare is brutal.* Here recently one of our close friends got hit hard with some demonic oppression. The only problem is we dont want to scare her by saying a lot of things we cant directly point to scripture that has a clear interpretation of demonic attack. For my wife, me and for our friend, what are some good scriptures we can use that can support the claims from the article above?

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