I know this next topic will be a very sensitive one for many in this day and age. As you all know, many people like to get different types of tattoos and body piercing put on the different parts of their bodies.
You will see people getting tattoos on just about any part of the human anatomy, even on their most intimate, personal, and private parts. The same goes with the different types of body piercing. You have people getting piercing on their noses, navels, eyelids, nipples and tongues.
For those of you who are really wanting to know what the Lord may think about this issue, I would challenge each and everyone of you to go before Him in prayer and ask for His direct opinion on this matter. I know there is a bit of a rift in the Body on this issue right now.

On the one side are those who believe that God’s command back to the Jewish people in the Book of Leviticus no longer applies to any of us in this day and age since we are now operating under a New Covenant with Jesus and we are now no longer under the law, but under grace.
On the other side are those who believe that this command still applies to everyone in this day and age, and that God has not changed His mind on this issue.
For what is worth, we are going to give you our opinion on this subject. In addition to the verse from Leviticus, I believe there are several other verses that you have to match up with that one to get what God’s opinion may really be on this issue.
Again, we do not want to get dogmatic on this issue. This is just our own personal interpretation of what we feel God may be trying to tell us in these specific verses. You are each responsible for getting your own answers from the Lord on this issue.
For the record, we do not believe the Lord wants any of His people getting any kinds of tattoos or body piercing put on any parts of their body.
The Scripture Verses
I believe there are 5 key Scripture verses that need to be grouped together to get what God’s opinion may really be on this issue. I will go ahead and run them all together, and then comment on how I feel they may be shedding some light on this very controversial issue.
- “You shall not make ANY CUTTINGS IN YOUR FLESH for the dead, nor TATTOO ANY MARKS on you: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:28)
- “Do NOT think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did NOT come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.” (Matthew 5:17-18)
- “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16)
- “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:19)
- “If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.” (1 Corinthians 3:17)
I believe that when you put all 5 of these verses together, one right next to the other, and then study what the Lord is trying to tell you in these verses, I believe it is possible to pick up what God’s opinion may be on this very controversial issue.
1. The very first verse is from the Book of Leviticus back in the Old Testament. God was telling His chosen people what they could and could not do in their personal relationship and interaction with Him.
As we all know, God gave them quite a bit of rules, regulations, and commandments that He wanted them to abide by. This one particular command was one of them.
Notice this verse specifically isolates not only tattoos, but any “cuttings on the flesh,” which I believe relates to all of the different types of body piercing people are now getting these days.
Also note that God was referring to them making any kinds of tattoos or cuttings in their flesh “for the dead.” Back in those days, many people had the practice of marking up their bodies with tattoos and different types of cuttings as a way of mourning and paying respect for those who had just passed on.
God the Father was flat out telling His own people that they were not to engage in this type of activity. Notice that God uses the word “any” tattoos and “any” cuttings” in their flesh. He was not cutting them any slack on this issue – and He was wanting absolutely no cuttings or tattoos of any kind, shape, or form put anywhere on their bodies.
If God was telling them that He was not wanting any kinds of tattoos or body piercing put on their bodies as a way of mourning for the dead, then I also believe that you can extrapolate off this command and assume that God did not want them doing this for any other possible reason, whether it be for the dead or not.
The wording is just too strong in this verse to think that God was only referring to doing this as a way of mourning for the dead. I believe the tone and intensity of these words are showing us that God did not want His chosen people to be doing this for any reason whatsoever.
These people were being called to be God’s special chosen people. They were being called to become separate from the things and ways of this world – especially from some of the pagan practices of many of the people who were still inhabiting parts of their Promised Land.
If God the Father did not want His special chosen people back in the Old Testament to be putting on any kinds of tattoos and cuttings in their flesh, does He still have that same opinion today with all of His New Testament believers? I believe that He does, and this will now lead us into the second verse above.
2. In this second verse above, Jesus Himself is telling us that He did not come to do away with the laws of His Father and the prophets. He says that these laws and commandments are still in effect until “all is fulfilled,” which I believe refers to when we get the New Heaven and New Earth after the 1000 Year Millennium Kingdom has passed.
Notice that Jesus says “till heaven and earth pass way.” These words perfectly describe what will happen when we get the New Heaven and the New Earth as described in the Book of Revelation.
It says that our earth and heaven as we know it now will pass away, and in its place we will be getting a new heaven and a new earth. Until this glorious, final event actually occurs, Jesus is telling us that all of the laws and commandments of His Father are still in full play.
This means that all 10 of the commandments are still in effect, along with all of the commands on engaging with any parts of the occult.
Unless the New Testament specifically does away with some of these specific laws and commands back from the Old Testament, I believe that we have to assume that God still wants all of us to abide by them. And this command that we are not to tattoo or cut into any part of our flesh still applies to everyone in this day and age.
The Bible says that God does not change, that He is the same today as He was yesterday. If God the Father is telling us that homosexuality and anything to do with the occult are abominations in His sight back in the Old Testament, then He is not going to be changing His mind just because we are in New Testament times.
Granted, we are no longer under the law, but under grace in our New Covenant with Jesus. But this does not mean we can start engaging in activities that were expressly forbidden by His Father back in the Old Testament
. As Jesus has stated in the above verse, all of the moral laws from His Father have not been done away with at this time, and they will not all be done away with until we get our New Heaven and New Earth. And until that even happens, I believe God wants all of us to do our best to abide by them.
So if God the Father was not wanting His chosen people back in the Old Testament to be putting on any types of tattoos or cutting into any parts of their flesh, does this same command still apply to all of us in this day and age? I believe that it does, and these next three verses will tell us why.
3. The last three verses listed above are all telling us that our bodies have now become the temple of God’s Holy Spirit. Notice that God is specifically telling us that it is our human physical bodies that have now become the temple of His Holy Spirit.
Think of the ramifications of this statement – that since our human physical bodies are now literally carrying the Holy Spirit Himself on the inside of us once we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, that God is now telling us that our physical bodies have now become the actual “temple” of His Holy Spirit.
Notice in the last verse that God is using the words “defiles the temple of God,” and that anyone who attempts to defile His holy temple will be destroyed.
God then ends this statement with talking about our physical bodies being the temple of His Holy Spirit. In other words, God does not want our temples, which are our physical bodies, to be defiled in any way, shape, and form. Is putting any kind of tattoo or body piercing on our physical bodies a form of defilement with the Lord? I believe that it may be.
Also consider this fact. The Jewish people did not have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them back in the OT. Jesus had not yet come to die for all of our sins, so the Holy Spirit was not living on the inside of the Jewish people like He is now doing with all New Testament believers.
This means that the physical bodies of the Jewish people back in those days were not considered to be actual temples of the Lord since they did not have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of them.
So if God the Father is telling His chosen people that He did not want them tattooing or putting any kinds of cuttings into their flesh – and their bodies were not even considered to be the temple of His Holy Spirit back in those Old Testament times – then how much more seriously should this command be taken by all New Testament believers, since all of our bodies are now considered to be the actual temple of the Holy Spirit?
As the above verses are telling us, our bodies have now become the temple of the Lord Himself.
We are no longer our own. As a result, we should be doing everything we can to glorify our God – which includes glorifying Him in our bodies as the second last verse above is telling us to do.
Marking up our bodies with the different kinds of tattoos and body piercing may not be what the Lord had in mind when He is telling us to glorify Him in both our bodies and our spirits.
Again, you will each have to get your own interpretation as to what all of these verses are trying to tell us.
As I said at the top of this article, each Christian will be responsible for getting their own direct answer from the Lord on this very controversial issue. I believe that when you put all 5 of the above Scripture verses together side by side, the answer might be in the correct interpretation of these verses.
Without question, the last three verses listed above are telling us that our physical bodies are now considered to be the temple of our living God since we now carry His Holy Spirit on the inside of us.
I believe that our physical bodies are now more sacred, more precious, and more special in the Lord’s eyes than the four physical walls of any church may be since God is now calling our bodies His actual temple.
And just as we would never consider marking up or defacing any parts of an actual Christian Church building – in the same way I do not believe that our Lord wants us defacing or marking up any parts of our physical bodies.
This is why I believe God made sure to put this specific command in His Word.
When God is using the words “any” tattoos and “any” kinds of cuttings in the flesh, He is not making any exceptions with this kind of activity. I personally believe that God is letting all of us know, loud and clear, that He does not want any of us marking up our bodies with these kinds of defilement.
As a side note, I will leave you with a personal testimony from a good close friend who went to God after she had got her navel pierced. When she first called me up to tell me what she had done, I told her about the above verses. However, I told her not to take my word or opinion about this. I told her to go direct to God the Father to get His direct opinion on the matter.
She did, and shortly thereafter God came through loud and clear for her. He told her that He did not approve of it and that He wanted it removed. The revelation she received back from Him was that He was looking at this piercing like a smudge mark or dirt mark on her physical body.
When she called me back up and told me what she had received, I received an immediate vision in my mind’s eye of a young 5 year old boy coming back into his parent’s house. He had just fallen into a mud hole and he had mud caked all of over his face.
I then saw the mother have an immediate and instinctive reaction to want to go and get a wash cloth to wash all of the mud off his face. Can you imagine a mother just sitting there letting her child have all of that mud remain on his face for the rest of the day?
I believe that God may be having the same kind of reaction to many of His own when they start putting tattoos and different kinds of body piercing on various parts of their bodies.
Again, this testimony is a personal and private testimony. You will each have to get your own witness on it, as well as getting your own interpretation on the above verses from our Bible.
I will leave you with one last challenge on this issue:
For those of you who have a good ability to pick up an inner witness from the Holy Spirit on many different matters in your life, simply tap in and see what kind of inner witness you get from Him once you entertain the thought of wanting to put any kind of tattoo on your body, or make an attempt to want to put any kind of body piercing in your navel, tongue, eyelids, or to any parts of your genitalia – knowing full well that you carry His presence right there on the inside of your physical body.
What kind of witness do you get from the Holy Spirit when you tap in to see what His opinion may really be on this kind of a matter?
My own inner witness tells me that He does not want us getting any kinds of tattoos or cuttings done on our bodies – and that if we do, it is a form of defilement since our bodies are now His Holy Temple.
We have had quite a few people write in asking our opinion on this matter since this is still such a popular trend and fad in our society. For what it is worth, all of the above is our own personal opinion on this matter and the biblical reasons as to why we feel this way.
well i dont want to see you eating any fast food. that will destroy your body fast. Now since were going old school cant have chees burgers either. you cant pick what parts you want to enforce mand its all or nothing.
Defilement? ok lets take all the paintings and pics out of churches. i decorate my body with tattoos not defile it. you article is biased on your opinion. i work out not to be sexy at 38 but to stay healthy and weight loss is a side effect of that. not you testimony you left us with aboutthe navel ring? maybe she got it for the wrong reasons, to be sexy, or maybe she idlolized it..maybe that vision was for her not everyone.
so does your familiy have earings? did your kids fall and get scars? does you have a surgey scar? that, according to the “vision” is a blemish. Id much rather have a tatoo that get circumsized with a knife, thats a big juicy scar. Were not jews and that is a Jew custom. Nowadays its a medical concern so its done everyday.
i get looks from folks when they see im a Rev Marc Bz, cause they think i should be wearing Kakis and a polo shirt every day. is there a Jesus dress code? or was it come as you are? I have an outreach to the homless should i make them bath first? where would Jesus be if he came today, in fancy churches or in the bars and streets with those hurtin?
You gotta look past social stigmas and teach folks how to have a relationship with Christ..
there are things the Bibles says we can do but if it aint good for us we have to stop it. Drinking is one of those, if done in excess and it controls you then dont. But i wont drink in front of a brother and make him fall if is recoving. We can eat all things as it was revealed to Peter and so does that me we can pig out? no.
SO are Tattoos bad in general or when taken to an extreme? and then what is extreme. all i know is that my body is healed after 2 weeks and is fine. its not destroyed. Now my mo says “u can get Hep C or worse and die” Man i can get sick eating chicken from Wendys and have 6 inches of colon removed like my sisters friend did from salmonella.
Truth is i reach the group that God uses me to and by looking the way i do it actually gets thier attentions quicker and they heed waht i say casue they can relate. I can reach folks you cant. and you can reach folks that would shut down when i walked in. But inthe end were all getting folks saved..
Marc bz said it perfectly. Lots of things destroy our temples. Tattoos are just looked down upon as the mark of satan. What about religious tattoos? I had a friend who saw a demon until he got his cross tattoo and now he leaves him alone.
I know plenty of godly men and women with tattoos and piercings. Is God going to turn them down because they got a tattoo? I don’t think so. I think the motivation for getting the piece could come into play here but I guess I think that God loves all people. If a person gets a tattoo it is between them and God. The rest of the world and so called Christians do not need to sit and judge them for what they chose to do. What if they got them before they turned to God? Does that mean they are marked and forever going to be rejected by God because of it?
Overall, this is a well thought out artical, I just do not agree.
@Tat2fan, Jesus talked to all types and persons in the bible, i can’t see that i can’t do the same, your argument about similarity with the people youre trying to reach doesnt add up, why make yourself like them to help them change? perverse. show them the better way, how to get out of a sinful lifestyle, not that i think im sinless, far from it, but i fully endorse whats been said above, i once had the holy spirit speak to me directly about a member of our outreach cafe who had new piercings done, he was going strong for god and i felt holy spirit had said to tell him to take out the studs etc , i did, he didnt want to do that, and is now in hospital seriously ill, his addictions were not healed etc. its a tragedy because he had a real anointing to reach homeless guys and gals, and he ruined it by trying to be like them instead of like jesus, who is not pierced apart from the nails of crucifixion, instituted and organized by god. we are to be like him.
Great guidance scriptures.
I don’t see why this topic has to be discussed so much. Scriptures clearly show that god does not want his ppl to mark their skins wit tattoos. Its not a question of christians being judgemental. True christians know that there is only one judge.As for those persons who got their tattoos before they were saved, we all know that once we accept christ, repent for all our sins,and go down into water baptism,all of our sins are washed away and we become a new person in christ. As for those who are claiming to be christians and contemplating getting a tattoo, u need to check yourself and re-evaluate your relationship with god. After all, if god says, NO MARKINS WHATSOEVER, who are u to try to analyse and compramise on God’s word which is the same yesterday, today and forever more.And for all of those mis-informed ppl out there,i would like to say that christianity is not a religion its a way of life and a life which tries to mirror christ as much as possible.I should think that Jesus would never even contemplate getting a tattoo. As far as opinions go, god give us all a choice.Personally i prefer to go with god’s written and documented word. I’ll not defile my temple or encourage any one around me to do so with tattoos
Christianity isnt a way of life tho, its a personal relationship with God
Well put mondella for the most part, but let’s be quite clear. God (never god), is not giving anyone a choice! If you do this, tats and piercings, you will be destroyed. Does this sound like a choice? Of course not. This is the Word of God. If you think it to be a coin flip…………..Satan appreciates it I’m sure. Fence straddling with hell in the balance……please.
Good article, in depth. and I do agree with what you’re saying – that the law does not change, that christ did not come to abolish the law but to fulfil it.
but seriously, if we’re going to take leviticus 19:28 right out of the chapter – stick it next to a few verses from the new testament , etc and say that it is still relavent to us today, therefore don’t get tattoos and piercings
by our own declarations we should also be taking the rest of leviticus 19 and applying that directly as has been done in this article with verse 28. Somehow I don’t think it lines up when we look at that chapter in full.
verse 19 for example…
“Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.”
“Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.”
verse 27…
“Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard”
I don’t see how we can say that verse 28 by its self must be taken as direct law to us in this day and age, yet ignore the other verses.
Planting with two kinds of seed or the two kinds of material are not moral laws.
There were ceremonial and moral laws.
I wanted to read up on the subject of piercings from a biblical perspective because I’m planning on getting my tragus pierced tomorrow. Normally I would agree with an article like this, but I don’t think we can make exceptions for things like earlobes if we’re going to say no to other parts of the ear or body. Sure, certain private places on our bodies really shouldn’t be pierced or tattooed by other people because they’re sacred in general, but I would have to say that a piercing is no worse than a shot as far as the pain, and no worse than a piece of removable jewelry as far as appearances.
However I will always respect and revere the teachings of the Bible; this just so happens to be my interpretation of the text.
I would like to point out Ezekiel 16:12… As well as Genesis 24:22. God gave Israel a nose ring as a sign of submission. I honestly believe its about the heart, where the heart lies in wanting the piercing. If it is out of rebellion, anger, bitterness, conceit, or hostility, then no. It should not be done. If its done with humility, submission, or as a symbol of commitment to God (or her husband)… If her heart is pure… How and why would it be a sin?
you sit here and say that piercings and tattoos are not right but what about the part in revelations 19:16 where is says that Jesus comes back bearing a tattoo on high thigh that says king of kings?!
It wasnt a tattoo it was A NAME WRITTEN.
Revelation 19:16 (KJV) And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
Getting a tattoo involves breaking the top layer of skin wich is also cutting it. Writing on skin doesnt.
@Jennifer, It’s good of you to bring it up, but the verse isn’t referring to a tattoo. More likely, Jesus will have the phrase stitched or etched on a robe that extends to his thigh. “On his robe at his thigh” is a better translation of the verse than some others.
its the spirit within our bodies that has the spirit of the son of man and he means dont defile that the outside of the human body doesnt mean anything beacause it can be seen meaning that it is not real where the holy spirit in you is not seen meanin that it is eternal, to defile the holy spirit inside of you is what god will get pissed off at 🙂
to try and make it understandable ” only unseen things are eternal gods word is eternal therfore it is unseen, your human pysicla body is seen therefore it is not eternal so i dont think god would care about something that isnt eternal its the holy spirit inside of us that he cares about “
I couldn’t stop reading this article. It’s not just interesting, it’s written in an easy to understand manner as well as being easy to understand. Thanks for your great work!
People who sit here bashing tattoos are being ridiculous. I’m a saved Christian and I’m fixing to go get a tattoo and they each mean something to me. One being for my grandfather who died to soon, one of myself on my thigh so I never loose sight of who I am, one of an all seeing eye for reasons that I’ll keep to myself (no its not a fad it means something to me) and my forearms are reserved for my children and the mother of my kids gets my other calf. God made me and loves me regardless I feel no guilt in getting these and if anyone views me any differently I don’t care because god is my only judge, and even if I sin he shall forgive me. If there are any Christians wanting tattoos and reading these comments I hope you get to mine and realize that he will love you no matter what!
Galations 6:17 for one, for two, Mikayla made a good point when mentioning the nose ring was used as a sign of submission. And for 3 marc bz is right, people with tattoos, peircings, crazy hair colors and hair styles reach people that cookie cutter, suit wearing, businessman can NOT reach.
A good exposition.
Many people (“Christians” included) like to interprete the Bible according to their own perspective. I think we should look at the Bible in totality.
The Word of God is always true, in the New & Old Testaments.
Don’t treat the word “grace” so loosely that we can do anything we want, including with our body!
In fact, it’s not “our” body, but it’s the “temple of the Holy Spirit” when we because Christians.
The relevant question to ask is: “What would Jesus do?” or “Would Jesus like us to tatoo our body?”
Seek the Lord for his guidance!
Let not our actions cause our brothers & other to fall!
Jesus would love you with open arms and not treat you any different even if you had tattoos from your head to your toes and this body doesn’t go with you into heaven and you can’t tattoo your soul it’s impossible
IF you are a Christian, your body is Not Your own. It belongs to Jesus. He bought n paid for you with His blood! He is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. He doesn’t change His mind to suit the times. He made it clear, we carry the Holy Spirit in our bodies and are instructed NOT to mark or mutilate it in any way it IS the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit. Go to Him in prayer, you will get the SAME answer!
@Tanner, its rebellion, against what God has said you can do, or not do, rebellion against God. people who rebel against God get punished for that, if the angels were put out of heaven for rebellion – god takes it seriously, don’t go against what He says, deliberately, it has consquences
I understand and appreciate your position. Cutting of the flesh, is not likely to be in regards to bodily piercings, but to the religions practices surrounding Old Testament religions. Baal worship, for example, is one of many gods surrounding the Old Testament Israel, concerning whom the scripture reveals priests and believers would cut themselves to appease the god, that their prayers might be heard. In the wilderness, scripture reveals that human sacrifice was even an issue, to appease Molech. To be exegeticaly correct, it would make more sense that Christians avoid Jewelry on the grounds that they humble themselves as recognized sinners, the way Israelites would remove their jewelry in the wilderness–often for punishment for its abuses (idol making, self exultation, so on).
In whatever you do, do it with worship of God at the forefront–He judges not simply appearance but intentions–and the individual believer (an the believer’s flesh) is His property, treated as such.
Hello, I would just like to say a few things.
1) I have one tattoo and plan on getting more and they all glorify God in some way shape or for
2) I am a very good Christian and I am getting better every day
3) I am trying to become a priest
4) I put all others before myself but yet I am a bad person for having tattoos
5) I am sure most females that posted on this have their ears pierced or belly or other areas
and my 6th and final thing
6) In the end, none of your opinions matter because only God can judge me, only God can judge the people that have tattoos and piercings and only God can judge you. It is a sin to kill but yet you gratify the Army I am sure. Plus Jesus has died to forgive us of our sins.
@Ncalhoun127, Disobediance to Gods expressed directions do not glorify God
You are not a good christian, your heart is evil and you need the only truly good person everyday to stand atonement for you, i.e. jesus. You are not good.
You already are a priest if you are a believer filled with the Holy Spirit
You need only put God before all other things and that includes obedience to his stated commands
I did have my ears pierced, since understanding this command i have repented and let them heal over, i do not wear stud earrings anymore
The elders of the church, were clearly told to teach the younger believers , thats what im doing now, so my opinion, in the opinion of God, matters, and you are to come under the authority of your elders.
Judgement is soley Gods perogative.
Jesus died for your sins, and your rebellion, why would you want to keep crucifying him over and over by knowingly sinning?
Hi Tanner,
have noticed you said your a saved christian, and that God will forgive us. This is definitely correct, however, this does not give us the license to sin and then ask forgiveness if we sin intentionally. Just want to share you and please do your research first of what does an “all seeing eye” symbol means before you go on with your planned tattoo of this design. this is one of the marks of the devil, please do your research, all is available in you tube or google. please, if you have Christ in your heart, do not ignore this and spend few minutes to check it out.
I recently got a bridge, and its weighing on me spiritually.
I enjoyed the web site and espeacially the differentiating thoughts and views of other Christians.
Besides the bridge, I also have tattoo, and not being totally literate on scripture I will live with the tattoos.
As I am trying to strengthen my faith and knowledge, the bridge is coming out.
Thank you all peace be wth you and GOD BLESS YOU.
Wow, I’m thoroughly grateful for this article and everyone’s contributions. Particularly the scripture and explanations that AC has added, and Eulalia’s personal experience with her tattoos and piercings. The area on this subject which was once grey to me has now transitioned into a very clear black and white subject. I have had my nipples pierced for about 5 years now and recently took them out for the first time ever in preparation for an exam to become a police officer. Usually they ask you to list your piercings, and out of shame in advance I decided to take them out before the test so that I could answer no. I have always loved my piercings (these are my only ones) in private, and my girlfriend and just about every woman that knows about them really likes them. However whenever removing my shirt at the beach or the pool, despite being in top physical condition…I have always publicly felt embarrassed about them. Most people are surprised that I have them because it really doesn’t represent me at all. I do not judge those that have piercings and tattoos, in fact I find many of them quite appealing…but what I find appealing really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. I fear God and love Jesus and this is why after putting my piercings back in after the police exam I decided to research the subject a bit more. When putting my piercings back in I began to feel guilt like I never have before and as much as I would like to justify my piercings, I believe that my Creator and Savior’s opinions matter much more. I removed them yesterday morning around 5 a.m. and oddly enough one of the comments I made to myself at work was “Wow I feel lighter,” which totally hit me even harder when I saw Eulalia’s post. I like how the piercings look, but regret getting them…and the only reason why I have kept them in is because with the rings out…my nipples appear to be hard all the time, which I do not like. I even thought about the whole grace over law discussion and how we’re not under Old Testament law anymore so “that doesn’t apply to me,” yet after reading AC’s post I realized that I was just looking for justification to do what I wanted. I believe the Bible is meant to be taken literally and to also be interpreted among fellow Christians which is why I’m on this page, but to interpret the scripture and conform it to what we want it to be so that we feel better about ourselves and justify our sins is not the way. And when I think about it, I really don’t believe that Jesus would get his nipples pierced. I regret getting my nipples pierced because of how they look without the rings in, so for me to keep them in literally for vanity’s sake is ridiculous when I think about it. So in a nutshell I like how my nipples look pierced, I dislike how they look when they’re out, but I choose to remove them permanently because I question the reasons for having them and as most people say, if you have to question yourself if it’s right…then usually it’s wrong. Thanks to the cited scriptures, and researching this page as well as others, I see now that my body is the temple of the holy spirit and I choose to honor that by not partaking in modern day markings anymore. After reading the article and everyone’s posts I don’t feel that just because you get a tattoo or a piercing you’ll go to Hell, but I do feel fear of God and certainly don’t want to risk it! Thank You!
There’s no doubt that society and the World in general are being warmed up to, or HAVE been warmed up to sporting Tattoos. It used to be a thing mostly only worn by military men and bikers, etc. NOW, even Business Men and Women are wearing them. And, they’re all very illustrative and flamboyantly artistic. Meant to be worn for a life-time. I believe that the Mark of the Beast will incorporate, somehow, a Tattoo, and that is why and how so many are being warmed up to them today. As the generations become more Godless, the Tattoos become more acceptable. I may be wrong, but, there’s where I see it at this point in time.
I am still awed at some christians who think piercings and tattoos are ok and even make it as a witnessing tool for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Why not be like St Paul? His scars is better than tattoos. Why not get scars instead for the Lord?
Sometimes one just need to ask themselves, Would God be pleased with what I am doing to my body? And if we claimed to be all sold out for Jesus Christ, why are we still wanting to prove our spirituality or love for God by piercing or tattoos with bible verses and symbols, and having to pay $$$ for it? Your body is not yours , you are bought with a price, blood-bought when Jesus died on the cross for you!
Do we need to justify ourselves of having one? esp when you do tattoos and piercings AFTER becoming a christian? Does that make one more Christ-like? How is that, if so?
Jesus wants us to live a Christ-like life. Tattoos and piercings are a stumbling block to many, and if you are thinking of evangelising to the poor nations, to the underdeveloped countries, to those in the East Asia , to those in muslim countries…with those tattoos and piercings… ??? Please dont portray christianity associated with tattoos and piercings!
Have you ever thought if it will stumble people? Not everyone in the world thinks like the West.
Do you know that the muslims are forbidden to get tattoos? And yet as christians we think we are better off than them, because we are free in Christ and do tattoos and strange piercings? Freedom in Christ does not mean we can do anything or anyhow to our body. Freedom in Christ means you are able to say ‘NO’ to the desires of the flesh, and obey God’s commandment. Are you able to say ‘NO’ to Tattoo or piercings? and take Lev 19:28 as it is? Or do we still squabble and justify about having it?
I did a search on articles written on side-effects on piercings and tattoos. Even the non-christian article can prove to us that it is best not to go for such things. Do we need unbelievers to humble us? Maybe we do!
Our Wise God has already written those words more than 2000 years ago, for us to read, and yet we cannot obey it, even on this matter of tattoos and piercings. Are the unbelievers wiser than us who have the words of God? Are we as children of God so ignorant?
If Lev 19:28, the word of God, cannot convince you, then maybe you need the medical research to convince you instead. In fact these research and findings support Lev 19:28.
1. Research on the risk of piercings and tattoos by non-christian:
The observed health effects, which are potentially associated with tattooing and piercing,
include :
Viral infections such as hepatitis, AIDS, and cutaneaous infections;
Bacterial infections such as impetigo, toxic shock syndrome, tetanus, chancroid,
tuberculosis and leprosy;
Fungal infections such as sporotrichosis and zygomycosis;
Allergic reactions such as cutaneous irritation and urticaria;
Granulomateus/lichenoid reactions;
Malignant lesions such as melanoma and skin cancer;
Behavioural changes;
Other skin diseases such as psoriasis, photosensitisation, phototoxicity and
2. ADVICE from non-christian research:
Quote: I received an email from a young woman who was thinking of getting nose and lip piercings. This is my reply to her:
Please do not do that. The central meridian, and the governing meridian, which is the meridian for the spinal cord – the two most important energy flows in the body, meet at the lips. Plus the central meridian goes over the nose. So piercings in these areas can have profound affects on one’s health and well-being.
Yes, many women do this stuff to themselves and SEEM to be okay. But it’s only appearances. I have had many, many women come to me who LOOK healthy and happy, but when I muscle test them, I can tell that they are way off balance, and I ask them if they feel terrible a lot of the time. They do. And I ask them if nobody believes them? And they say yes. People used to pass away peacefully in their sleep. Now 1/3 of people are dying of cancer. Cancer HURTS. A friend of ours died of cancer, screaming in her husband’s arms, despite the drugs.
Piercings are just a part of all the bad stuff that is affecting us. It was not meant to be this way.
Plus there is a spiritual aspect. In the past, the only people and animals that got pierced and branded were slaves – to show ownership.
Plus – there’s no money in piercings. Please see how many wealthy people (apart from drug dealers etc.) who have all this garbage on them.
Please stand firm and don’t buy into what everyone else says. Be your own person.
3. Tattoos and piercings can have negative side effects that teens/adults may not be aware of. They can lead to:(From non-christian site:)
• Pain during the procedure and while the tattoo or piercing is healing
• Infections, including potentially deadly infections like staph, tetanus, hepatitis B or C, or HIV
• Excessive and unsightly scarring
• Uncontrolled bleeding
• Nerve damage
• Allergic reactions
• Misdiagnoses or interference with medical procedures like MRIs
• Difficulty finding a job
• Increased risk of some diseases and damage to the mouth, with mouth or tongue piercings
• Skin growing over the jewelry in piercings
• Pyogenic granulomas, growths which must be removed
• Abscesses
• Temporary tattoos, like decals and henna, can also cause allergic reactions.
• Because of the risks of infection, teens may not be able to donate blood for at least a year after their piercing or tattoo.
• Removing tattoos can be expensive and painful, and usually does not leave the area looking completely healed. When piercings are removed they can leave scars and holes, and if they are accidentally ripped out the resulting injuries can cause deformities.
My question is, are we christians more ignorant than unbelievers?
I feel it is a shame that christians ‘show off’ their tattoos infront of unbelievers, thinking that it is a tool for the gospel. Get them attracted to your tattoos instead of your good behaviour and love.
Here, I am talking about those who did tattoos AFTER becoming a christian.
If what I shared here isn’t convincing enough, then we have to examine our own hearts before God and be humble enough to accept God’s Word as it is. I believe it is a matter of obedience to God and do what is pleasing to Him.
Deep Godly Sorrow would be how I’d describe my decision to mark up my body. I came to Christ after mine was already applied and is a daily reminder of shame and only represents one thing and one thing only and that is one night of rebellion, anger and of depraved mind. Now, I often times wonder will God ever choose to use me in any extraordinary way now that I have defiled the temple of the Lord. Sin has consequences and I could have missed out on a blessing just as Moses did for disobeying God. Moses was never granted permission to enter the promised land for His act of disobedience. Many will say I did it b/f I came to know the Lord, well…it was still wrong and I knew it. My conscience told me so. How is that for being predestined by a Most Holy God ! I know He has forgiven me but a visible tattoo is hard to cover-up and many misjudge me right out of the gate without even attempting to know me first. I deeply regret my momentary lapse of reason and impaired state in making this kind of judgement call. To choose to go with the popular mainstream world views on such a delicate and sensitive and very personal matter that will no doubt have it’s consequences now and forevermore, be a lasting and permanent impression on not only how I view myself but how others would view me as well, good intentions or not. God cares enough about my feelings and well-being and knew far in advance it would hurt me this way…God loves His children and wants to protect us and Friend, that is why He puts these Laws into place. To God be the Glory
No cuttings: all you ladies who needed a c section to have your kids, you were meant to either die or your kids die. Also, any of you that had weight loss surgery you have also ‘defiled’ your body. That being said: Everyone has their own walk with God and he is the only person to ask whether it is right to do or not. It clearly states not for rituals of the dead it does not say never. With everything else that he was straight forward about in the bible what makes you think he would make you ‘read into’ this issue for?
The writer gave 5 verses that we can pray over and listen to Holy spirits response on this subject. The writer also said it was their opinion. You keep referring to one scripture and referencing Women getting a c section(which Is deemed a necessary procedure by a doctor) and comparing it to people just choosing to go out and pierce and tattoo their bodies. I am a 55 year old man that both pierced my ears and placed a couple tattoos on my body before accepting Jesus Christ as not only my savior but my Lord. Now i have a teenaged son that has also given his life to Christ and is asking about tattoos and piercings. I have a responsibility to help lead him towards glorifying God in all that he does. God forgave me for marking my body out of ignorance and i can honestly say that when i look at them i often wish i’d never done it. The holy spirit reminds me that we were created in the image and likeness of God. Why was it necessary for me to get piercings and tattoos? Just a thought.
I wonder if you, in any capacity, realize what you are saying??…in the case of a C-Section the immediate and natural thought would be…”To save a life or lives”…which would be exactly the case involving Jesus, most notably the nails that were put to his wrist and that we will witness with our own eyes one day…Jesus died to save many lost ones b/c His love for us is so deep…so Jesus stretched out his hands in order to save us…and has the scars “not tattoos” to prove it…your theory is disapproved and could never apply to the same thing as getting tattoo’d versus having a heart for people and choosing to die for them. Here you have two completely and totally different viewpoints and scenarios with many wanting to distort the word of God in order to arrive at a clean conscience. I’m finding that the word of God is very offensive to many and the truth is a hard pill to swallow. The people of this nation do not want truth they want to be in complete control. Moreover, many Preachers teaching it’s okay is exactly what’s been prophesied “For in the last days they will be lovers of themselves rejecting the fullness of the word of God”…is there anyone in your life that you know of that would die for you?
I was giving you an example to compare. If he is saying NEVER then your aren’t allowed to do these things either. You people that pretend that you know it all are the ones looking for complete control! God never said do not adorn yourself. Actually he said the exact opposite. And I never said that I disagree with people being able to have a c section! I said that with what this person is saying then God didn’t want those people to do that. But I don’t believe what you all are saying. I believe that you have nothing to do but waste your time trying to make people that do things that your too scared of or don’t want to do bc it’s out of your realm of comfort feel bad about things they do. You can read it and pull anything you want out of it but the fact is he didn’t say don’t do it at all he said don’t do it in this circumstance my point was if he meant never then he would have said it straight, not in code. And I don’t have any tattoos… I am not looking for a clear conscience with God, no one has one anyway bc WE ALL SIN! I’m not rejecting God’s word I’m rejecting that of the people who obscure it.
“You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh FOR THE DEAD, nor TATTOO ANY MARKS on you: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:28)
here it is really clear do not make cuttings on your flesh ‘for the dead’
‘Tattoo any marks on you’ (so no tattoos apparently)
These are really clear if you ask me. Notice how everything above says, ‘I believe’ by the author. Bc it doesn’t say straight forward on both just tattoos. So then we go searching the bible for other verses to support our opinion…
This isn’t about “people, feelings, traditions, culture, trends, peer pressure, emotions or opinions”… It’s about Truth, that’s is all! So many who are not clear on what the Bible teaches are so quick to dilute or fabricate the word of God. It has to be read in whole not part. We want to cloud it with human weaknesses listed above and so much more the things of this world. All these things not coming under the authority of the Holy Spirit will indeed be under deception and will cloud our beliefs. If you are a Christian you are “Not of This World” which in short means everything about you comes under the subjection and authority of God for by which you were bought at a price with God’s only Son’s shed blood that of Jesus Christ. You no longer have a right to choose what to do with your body. It no longer belongs to you, even to the point of death which your case would be C-Section since you brought about this scenario. Bringing everything under the authority of God will give you your answer…not people and certainly not the opinions of the people which is mostly futile at best. God chooses people to be a vessel in delivering truth and to perform His will and purpose…and that is all. If your getting a word from a Christian (child of God) it would be wise to seek His face and His counsel and His word as to the authenticity…but if the child is genuine you can be confidant God knows what He’s doing so don’t be so quick to condemn the children of God as they are Gods messengers.
Before we go on the tattoo bandwagon let me tell you a true story about myself. I had a ton of Satanic tattoos before I came to Christ. When I turned my life to Christ, He called me to be a traveling minister aka evangelist; I had to break the commitment to Satan by covering them up with Christian ones to show that Christ owned me not Satan. So I leave you with a final question: Which would God want me to do, keep it and while I’m out in public they see that I belong to Satan because of the tattoos or would God want me to cover it up with signs that I am a born again believer? I chose to cover it up and now it is easier to share my faith.
I want to ask : Did Jesus had tattos on his body or an earring ? think who is your example to follow? maybe you just want to be trained to receive the mark of the beast? or you want to get the attention of others using a tatto or piercing, maybe you need some pastor to ministry because you feel alone ,depress,etc. loook for help from a qualified pastor full of Holy Spirit . remenber Jesus is our example.
Thank you all for the pieces u hav shared and indeed fulfilng Matt24:14 in these last days, am almost startin a tatoo job to save my siblings and i frm unbearable hardship, i bliv it wil ”be benefial” in ths case bt ofkos it wil b dentrimental. I would realy appreciate more spiritual help bkoz i want to Serve the Lord as i once did in such a another dark arena. MORE PRAYERS PLEASE. SHALOM
Just a thought. If we believe that our body should not be pierced or tattooed because it defiles the body, then what about other signs of defilement, like obesity (gluttony) reference Proverbs 28:7, The one who keeps the law is a son with understanding, but a companion of gluttons shames his father. Proverbs 23:2 And put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite.
I am a sinner too, so I strive to be righteous so I also need to pray for help, a lot. I seem to be sensitive to seeing people casting the first stone because the topic is not one of their sin issues.
Some who are opposed to body piercing quote Leviticus 19:28. Here, I will quote the first part. Later I will quote the second part. It says, “You shall not make any gashes in your flesh for the dead.” During the time the Israelites were entering the land of Canaan, the pagans who lived there had a practice of cutting themselves in mourning. They would also cut themselves as part of their fervent idol worship (See 1 Kings 18:28). Today, there are people who have psychological issues regarding self-abuse. These “cutters” often say they cut themselves to make life seem more real, or to punish themselves for their perceived low self-worth. These practices have nothing to do with body decoration. People who engage in such activities are in need of psychological help. As the verse quoted above involves such practices, and not body decoration, it cannot be used to condemn body piercing.
This is what I believe to be true to, not the twisted version by adding bits and pieces out of context as above… Spare us!
But what about tattooing in general? Encyclopedia Britannica says, “Tattooing has been practiced in most parts of the world, and examples have been found on Egyptian and Nubian mummies dating from 2000 BC.” In the Canaanite religion, tattoos were associated with idol worship. Leviticus 19:26-28 says, “You shall not eat anything with its blood. You shall not practice augury or witchcraft. You shall not round off the hair on your temples or mar the edges of your beard. You shall not make any gashes in your flesh for the dead or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the LORD.” It is certainly clear what the Scripture passage says, but what does it mean? Drinking blood was also associated with idol worship. Hebrews wouldn’t even eat a rare steak! Trimming your beard was associated with witchcraft. Ironically the long beards that good Hebrew men were supposed to have are today mostly found on tattooed bikers! Clearly these verses are meant to be taken in social context. Remember, these rules were meant for the Hebrews as they were moving into Canaan. If you live in a culture where trimming your beard is a sign that you’re a witch, don’t trim your beard. If you live in a culture where trimming your beard is more acceptable, then go for it! The same is true for tattoos.
I believe so much in God..I feel the same guilt and fear. I have to two sleeves, reading this and how intense the message is, not sure I will be forgiven. Just saying.
That guilt has only one purpose, to drive you to God. The texts are right but the purpose is not to make us stay away from the forgiveness that Jesus bought for us on the Cross. Go to him ask and receive forgiveness. Then praise him for your tattoos that will make you think of him every time you look at them. I think it is pretty clear what God thinks. He thinks we are all sinners so he sent Jesus to clear up any question about ANY of our shortcomings. Just be sure to go to Him and you will be fine, He promises.
he who is in Christ is a new creation and behold the past is gone. it does not matter what you did in the past,the lord forgives once you are in him
None of us are keeping our earthly bodies, God will make new ones for us, and Jesus’s paid for our sins so if you feel that your tattoos are a sin, that’s ok, Jesus’s blood covers them anyway
I really loved this I totally agree. Because it was precise and also not the opinion of men. You backed it up with scripture.. and I just take God up on his word.. I grew up with the fear of God in me . By my family lol but I also enjoyed that testimony by your friend.. thank you and God bless you
God bless you today and always. Free Will is the gift that we must mature enough to leave alone. Jesus knows we don’t need it, and Satan hopes we put it to use.
You left out verses were tattoos were ok.
Where piercings were given.
Where jewels were placed upon heads.
In fact none of these books were mentioned.
Please, I am truely sincerely on a quest here.
How can I TRUELY serve the Lord if the facts are not stated?
All of them. Objectively.
Despite your personal opinions and not meaning to be dogmatic, in truth, you only referenced scripture to validate your personal opinion.
Not cool.
Ezekiel for example, was outcast and seen as blahhhh in the jewish works.
But for western, modern, and oh, the ruler, King James, he is considered a prophet.
It is amazing how people can percieve the facts, unless however, they are written to appease anyone’s view except for God’s command.
I may very well get a tattoo that says, “I belong to God” who knows?
No one sin is greater than another. I choose to continue to remove the plank from my own eye rather than anyone else’s. We need to remember that God is our Heavenly Father and we need to regard his word as a witness to us and anyone that comes into our life’s path. We are living examples of Gods word to each other and are expected to hold each other accountable as well as help each other. If you have tattoo/s, and/or piercings or not you are making a statement. What kind of statement are you making to the Holy Trinity, others, yourself and your children? Is this the statement you want to make for eternity? Just food for thought. No one is perfect.
It is quite clear that the law was fulfilled when Jesus died on the cross. When he died all past present and future sins are forgiven when he said it is done he was talking about the old testament Because there are over 600 laws in the Old Testament Who are we to say which ones still apply or don’t apply we cannot keep any of them that is why we live by grace when he said the old is gone the new has come . That happened on the day he died that was when the new covenant Started . But I do agree that you should bring it before the Lord before you make a decision
No one sin is greater than another? If, by that, you mean all sin can disqualify someone from an eternity with God, yes. But if you mean every kind of sin is punished at the same intensity by God in the Bible, I’m not seeing that. I think “No one sin is greater than another” implies resisting the Holy Spirit to speak to the person behind you in line at Safeway is identical to Judas betraying our Savior to Roman guards for silver. Remember, for him, it was written it was better for him if he had never been born. I think it’s just with considering.
Hi Julie…….I believe you are sincere about what you are saying, but sometimes, during my lifetime, I have found that I have been sincerely wrong. When we are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit lives in us and we are His dwelling place, His home, His temple. When Jesus paid the price on the cross for our sins, and as believers we accepted the sacrifice He made, then we no longer belong to ourselves………we belong to Him and are to glorify Him in all we do. In Isaiah 45:9-10 and Romans 9:21 the Bible talks about God being the Potter and we as the clay in His hands. Does He not have the right to make what He wants out of that clay for His plan and purpose. Julie, God has a plan and a destiny for you, but if you choose to be disobedient and rebellious with the life he’s given you, then He can’t bring you to the place He needs to for you to fulfill that plan and purpose. The Bible says in I Peter 2:8, “He is the Stone that some will stumble over, and the Rock that will make them fall.” They will stumble because they will not listen to God’s Word, nor obey it, and so this punishment must follow, that they will fall. Sweetheart, honor God with your body by not marking it up with tattoos as the Bible commands. Romans 1 tells us of the consequences of our disobedience to our Lord.
Great!! I feel a sense of relief in my soul that has been satisfied by your message on tattoos. Thank you for explaining the word of God with direction from the Holy Spirit. As a Southern Baptist Pastor I am concerned that many new believers and many seasoned believers may find themselves wanting to fit in with how society in the world is evolving. Good and evil have always collided and always will. God calls every Christian, believer, child of the most high God into His submission, His authority over their own will. His will is done. You are write in saying to pray and ask God what His word is saying, but then wait on the Lord for His answer. Beware: Christian, believer, for the devil will mimic. Satan will talk to you and try to cause confusion. Make sure you are hearing the Holy Spirits still small voice! Amen. Thanks again commentator for your conversation.
Thank you for the message. I see clearly from the verses that our loving Father doesn’t want his children to get dity.Because our bodies are they the temple of the Holy Spirit. I know now tattooing our bodies with either the picture of the man who acted Jesus movie or anything else is wrong.
I believe what God says.. do not mark your bodies or have piercings.. my friend thinks it’s ok for herself and her son to have tattoos all over their bodies because they are “Christian” tattoos… I get so frustrated with her because she doesn’t read God’s word, the Bible, but yet she claims shes a Christian.She also believes everyone who dies goes to heaven ..
I’ve tried to talk to her about it but she won’t listen..so frustrating.
Of course someone who needs surgery for health reasons causes there to be a totally different reason for the cutting, not for pleasure or fad. When I hear people say everyone has their own walk with God, it worries me that their interpretation of such is that they can do whatever they want but individual walk or not, we should seek the desire of God in all we do and not simply what pleases our flesh. As his children, we must seek to please him over our own selves. The scripture also clearly says we should present our bodies as a living sacrifice,…. and to be not conformed to this world but transformed by a renewed mind. This means we should not think or view things as the world does. When we have a problem with things, it is usually because we want to please our flesh and want no resistance.
I have read a lot of replies to this article, and am quite surprised at some of the reasoning. Gods word is as straight and hard-nosed as it gets, but we need to be very careful on how we interpret it. Please, for everyone’s sake read 1st Corinthians chapter 2, especially verse 14 (KJV). Make sure that the holy spirit is the one who is giving you the understanding you need on everything Gods word says. I have tattoos that I got years ago before I gave my life to the Lord, and before I ever had read the scripture. I wish I had never gotten them, if only I had known. But I firmly believe that God has forgiven me for my sins and past delusions of ignorance. I do know that there is a difference between an action done deliberately, and an action that can’t be helped, and God knows too. But for every action that I do, that God is not pleased with, i will have to stand before him and answer for one day, regardless of what everyone else says or thinks. I want to go to heaven and i would like to take everyone with me that i can. In order to do that i have to live by Gods word. Am I perfect? No not by any means, but I have to keep on trying.
I am looking for the verse i know i read quite a while back mentions not associating with witches and heathens, going on the saying you can identify them by their tattoos and or piercings or brandings, i cannot remember which, but i have not been able to find it since i read it, who knows i may have read it in a dream, all i can remember is i did red it in the bible somewhere, yet through all my re reading i haven’t been able to come across it
I was saved at the time I chose to get tattooed. I would not go through with getting tattooed now, knowing what I now know because I am going deeper into my relationship with the Holy Spirit and I see how I have defiled the temple. I did not see myself with the Love that He has for me. I did not know how much He really loves me and how everything about me was purposefully designed. I am sorry for what I did to my body. I pray now that every tattoo has a testimony for the glory of the Lord and that every person that asks me about it will hear of how much they are loved by their Creator and come to know Him as the Savior of their soul! In Jesus most holy Name!
Thank you for your interesting article.
1) Why is it okay for you to instill a sense of hopelessness in those who love the Lord, and yet have tattoos/piercings?
2) God uses everything for His purpose and Glory. Can He not use tattoos and piercings? For example: God wants us to reach out to ALL. I can’t imagine God just tossing people aside because of their tattoos and piercings. As a matter of fact, it has been my experience that people with tattoos and piercings warm up to others with tattoos/piercings, feel safer with us, and are more willing to listen. God will use whatever it takes to connect with His lost children. Don’t you think? It is just unfathomable to me that our Father will toss away these people. We are His children.
3) Basically, what I hear you saying is we are unforgivable. There is only one unforgivable sin: blaspheming the Holy Spirit. I’m interested in your response to that.
4) We are to follow the Ten Commandments. Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see any mention of tattoos/piercings in the Ten Commandments. Do you?
May God bless and keep us all.