Since we have opened up this site, we have received many good testimonials from people all around the world. Since these kinds of testimonials keep coming into our site on a regular basis, we thought we would create a separate page putting some of them out for you so you can see some of the good fruit that the Lord is producing through this ministry.
The Bible tells us to let our lights shine before other men so that they may “see” our “good works” and thus glorify our Father in heaven. Here is the verse:
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

The positive feedback I will now list on this page is only a small sampling of what we have received, as these kinds of compliments keep coming into us on a very regular basis. But this will give you more than enough information to see what the Lord is really doing with this website and ministry.
1. I have been teaching for over twenty years and this is the very best bible knowledge site I have ever come across. THANK GOD FOR YOU.
Leroy – USA
2. Michael, thanks very much. I appreciate your heart to let people know of hell’s reality and God’s truth. Thank you for the encouragement – my wife and I do really appreciate that too. Finish the race strong.
Bill Weise (Author of 23 Minutes in Hell)
3. Thank you for having such an ordained site full of TRUTH and Knowledge. You definitely have the gift of deliverance and are strong in spiritual warfare. I have tried some of the self-deliverance techniques, battle prayers and Pleading the Blood, etc. and they all WORK. I am a high profile young woman working in the business and higher education communities (both of which are plagued by strong demonic forces) and am constantly attacked by the enemy because I spread God’s message through my work and members. Your site was God-sent and I’m glad the Holy Spirit led me here. I am always coming back and referencing the site. Hope your ministry grows because you are being used by God to set people FREE. God bless.
Keisha – USA
4. Hello Mike, I am a pastor in Sioux Falls, SD and came across your site. Thanks for the help! It is always good to find people who hold up the Bible’s guidance and authority. I look forward to your emails and will pass along articles as such to the people in church. We have about 700 attending church, and many are eager for solid biblical teaching. Thanks again
John – USA
5. THANK God for you, this is very helpful. May I speak frankly. I find this to be a breath of fresh air and I have already become attached to it. This is my first day reading some of the material. I pray that God will bless you and the staff of researchers for this helpful tool. I’ve prepared several messages for God’s people, but this is outstanding and I will share this with all who God will send my way. I enjoy the completeness of the studies and the order in which it is distributed. Again, thank you for being an avid student of God’s Word. May I use this for a Bible study tool?
Terry – USA
6. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your web site. I will be making copies of everything you have on here. I have a lot of family and friends who would love to sit and read what your site has to offer. I ran across your site today and was sooooo excited about it. I have been reading different things on here for about 6 hrs now. Please do not stop what you are doing because a lot of us is in the beginning stages of learning the bible. God bless and I will be sending a donation soon!!!
Melissa – USA
7. Just a short note to let you know that you have blessed us in such a way that we can not explain. The why you wrote the end times is awesome. We were able to understand it in every way. I pray that you continue to write and explain the bible the way you do because it helps people like us to want to read more and more because we understand what is being said. May the Lord Bless you and your family.
Betsy – USA
8. Thank you for your articles send to me. I greatly appreciate it and it reminds me how precious to be a child of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. In fact I just arrived from Franklin Graham ministry here in the Philippines. I am the Asst. City Coordinator of Cavite. Your lessons and messages is great help to me in training and discipling new believers in my church and unbelieving friends. Keep in touch and more power to you and God bless.
In Christ,
Bro. Jacob Tibio
9. I am a minister and director of In His Steps Prison Ministry, Inc. We minister in several of Florida’s Correctional Facilities on a regular basis. I found your site while searching on the net for another perspective on the subject of “Spiritual Warfare” and your article was great. Your comments have proved to be a valuable aid in preparing for the next prison in which I will be speaking on spiritual warfare. The message is already prepared, but during the “fine tuning” some of your comments gave even more insight.
Thank you for what you do.
In His service,
Rev. Paul Newkirk, Director
In His Steps Prison Ministry, Inc.
10. I would love for you to know that The Holy Ghost led me to your website 2 weeks ago, on a Saturday night. I was looking for a lesson on The Blood. I grew up in an pentecostal church – so I knew – but its been years since I have been hungry, never in this capacity, never submitted 100%. I read and prayed the prayer of submission. The next morning during the music worship, by the second song, the Holy Spirit took over me and baptized me and it has started a movement in our Church, in my Life, in my house – my wife now is on fire like no other – I wish I had time to type the whole story but – maybe I can this summer – I am a student with finals now – but I LOVE THIS SITE – YOU ARE A MODERN DAY REMNANT WARRIOR! Is all of this stuff available in a book in case the internet ceases to exist? I have not explored the whole site so forgive me for asking if it is. I am working on the prayer secrets now. Amazing.
Jim – USA
11. I just want to thank you with all my heart! I googled the words breaking fear of demons, and I came across your web site. I have found every answer to some questions that I have had for a LONG time about a number of topics. I have never been so educated in my life. I have such a new understanding of the spirit realm, as well as the Holy Spirit. I am so grateful to God that He allowed me to stumble across your web site. Please be encouraged to continue what you are doing and God bless you. You have REALLY helped me out TREMENDOUSLY. Thank you!
Kristi – USA
12. I am writing this email to tell you what a blessing your website is to me. I am an American living in Sharjah, UAE. There are no Bibles or Christian printed materials sold whatsoever here. I have been relying on the web and the one Bible I have to grow in my Christian walk. Your site contains a wealth of knowledge and it is helping me tremendously. After I found it I have been reading it every morning before I start my day. I so appreciate reading the real life testimonies and the battle prayers you have given others to combat spiritual warfare. I am combating spiritual warfare in my own life. I have just learned about the power of pleading the blood of Jesus over situations from your website. Praise God! I had heard this mentioned years ago but never knew the real meaning of it until reading the material on your site.
I am now putting this to practice in my own life and I thank God he used you to get this message through to me. I just felt the urge to tell you this because maybe you need to know how the work you are doing for the Lord is helping others and to encourage you to continue on. Please know there are people out there reading your articles and being blessed by them. Personally, I don’t know what my job will be for the Kingdom yet, but I am waiting to be led. On my journey, I am happy to find your website to inform, inspire and encourage me to do my task whatever it may be. Thanks again, your work is much needed and appreciated by me.
Sarah – United Arab Emirates
13. This is an awesome site. I have put to use the Spiritual Warfare and the Pleading the Blood of Jesus. I am a faithful believer and this information has broaden my knowledge with the grace of God. How about fasting? There is not much out there with meat. I sent this website to my mentor and she too is utilizing the information. We will be starting a Spiritual Warfare class in a couple of weeks and your information on this topic is tops. I can see the work of God in you. Thank you.
Mercedes – USA
14. Dear Mike, I found your site by googling a question my 13 year old daughter had asked me and I was having trouble finding the right scripture to explain my answer to her. Your site is so awesome and we have spent many hours in the evenings looking up things on your site instead of watching TV. Not only has it helped me in answering the many questions she asks me, but it has taught me things I never knew and I have been a Christian for many many years.
My problem is that I find it very hard to read and understand the Bible. I have tried many different versions, but still have trouble understanding what I am reading. Your site has helped me to learn so much in the few weeks since I found it. So I just want to thank you because I know all the work that has to be going into it, but know you are touching lives all over. I plan to start sending part of my tithing to your site, keep up the good work!!!
Nancy – USA
15. I am so blessed in God to have found your site yesterday! It has been on my heart for a long time to have ONE resource I can point believers to that I’m prepared to stand before God and give an account to regarding the words written on that site, because I’ve come across many good sites, yet don’t have the balanced insight and wisdom YOUR’S has. Of course, all glory to God! Having neither the time nor the anointing, which I’m sure means I don’t have the CALL … from what little I’ve read your site, YOUR SITE meets the standard I believe the Holy Spirit wants me to set on what we link to … which then MEANS I don’t have to write what YOU have already written! Praise God for people like you and those God has given you to create this site. You will REMAIN in my prayers … that you will stay balanced and wise in what you publish. I think many people such as my wife and I are looking for a balanced site like yours that we can link others to help grow in Christ and in the knowledge and wisdom of God.
Norm – USA
16. I have come across a few good Christian websites but your website is by far the best for me (your site really is for everyone not just Christians) wanting to truly know the knowledge of the WORD and how to truly live and what we are up against. I wish I had come across it 10 years ago although you were not up and running then, I pray that God will continue to bless you, your brother, family and everyone around you. Your battle prayers are something we all need to know about. Through vulnerability I became involved in the Occult. I cannot type the word I detest everything about it and how I was lured into it by someone’s invitation to my regret. I did not know anything about it and was told to go for a reading. Little did I know what it involved, sadly I know now.
Kind regards,
Sarah – London, England
17. Praise God for your website. I just happened to type in a keyword search for Bible articles and your site was the first one listed. I’ve visited many sites such as and and I know that the Lord is blessing the people behind those sites and I feel the same way with this one. I know there is a definite anointing on this site and on your testimony as well. I was particularly moved by the Battle Prayer Against An Unjust Lawsuit. I’ve never been in your friend’s situation but it was just awesome to see how our Father listens and is activated by our faith; so much to the point where He is moved and delivers us from our situations. God is truly worthy of our praises!
Spreading the Gospel is just as delicate and robust as the art of seasoning. If you use too much salt, no one wants to eat the food because it is overwhelmingly salty. However, if you use just enough it creates a thirst for more. On that note, I pray that more and more people will be led to your site whether through word of mouth or a keyword search like me. God is doing great things through you. You and your brother will be in my prayers. Praise the Lord for just having an awesome experience at your site and for the ability to fellowship with you. Feel free to email me anytime!
In Christ,
Stacy – USA
18. Thanks SO MUCH for alerting me to the two new articles. WOW … are they anointed! Okay – here I go again. I’ve been wanting to write about both of these issues, BUT … there is no way I have the anointing like your brother has to address these issues, thus, rather than be concerning about writing on these issues, it’s a lot EASIER for me just to link to both articles, Praise God! Hope this helps, and tell your brother to keep WRITING. God has greatly anointed him.
In Christ,
Norm – USA
19. Awesome article! When I read the verses in 1 Timothy 6:3-11 I really got Holy Spirit witness. This will be good for a lot of people to read. These articles are like little power packed sermons. Again, great article!
Deb – USA
20. Hi Mike, I am very pleased to receiving all the articles you kept sending, it’s been a great insight into the Word and has blessed me so much, and as a Pastor of a small congregation these articles are shared and taught here even being passed on to other Pastors. God will richly bless you.
21. God bless you and your brother for attending to Gods calling of “Feeding His Sheep”. You site has truly been a blessing to me. I have been so hungry for the Word and learning how to walk this Christian life. Yes I do attend a good Church, but like with all things that have changed the teachings are not what I was seeking. I also attend bible study but it is still not the same for Christians that are trying to get to the next level of their walk. Your site provide me with basic principle issues that I was not finding in the Church.
A sister in Christ
Lynn – USA
22. Dear Mike, I am a new subscriber to your site and just received your acknowledgement. I just wanted to drop a quick email to tell you that I think your site is wonderful! I just read several of the Articles and I am in full agreement with all the opinions/ interpretations that you give on the various issues raised. I guess that’s because we have the same Teacher!
This kind of a site where people, who may never have read the Bible or been exposed to its teachings, can come and get easy to understand outlines on the major issues that face all of us, is truly needed in todays world. Time is of the essence. Our Lord will be returning soon to “catch-away” His Church and it’s vitally important that as many as possible know what they need to know to prepare themselves for this. God bless and keep up the good work!
Your brother in Christ Jesus our Lord,
Fred-John – USA
23. Thanks. And because of your ministry I have been growing in Christ; I rededicated my life, found a new church, and my life has totally changed.
24. Greetings to you and happy new year. Am writing to notify you of the great work you are doing in the kingdom of God in educating Pastors and Christians worldwide. The Lord continue to bless you for the kingdom work. I will request that you continue to pray with me as I upgrade my knowledge in the things of the Lord, am yet to take distance courses from Bachelor to Doctorate pray for the release of funds. Thanks and hoping to hear from you soon.
Pastor Ghansah
25. I have been so blessed by your web site. I finally found a site that I feel has God’s anointing all over it. I would like to know more about your ministry. What church are you affiliated with? Do you ever speak at other churches? Do you feel led to move to the Iowa/ Illinois Quad Cities area? (Where I live) and start a church here? Okay my pastor might have a problem with that last one… Ha ha. I have just enjoyed your site so much that I want to know more about the ministry behind it. Thank you so much for being God’s obedient servant! May God bless you and your ministry!
Love In Christ,
Cyndi – USA
26. I would just like to complement you on this wonderful website. I had just happened upon it the other night, and love it! Mr. Bradley, you do a great job answering peoples questions, with a real down to earth, easy way of explaining. I emailed you a question the other night, and I am very excited to receive your response. Thank you very much.
Cindy – USA
27. I will be sharing a message in my church on mother’s day. I am considering (not sure yet) sharing about end time events. I am requesting for your permission to use your notes on your website, to prepare
a quick cheat sheet for people to take away. I will be using other references as well. God bless you. You have a great website.
28. Dear Michael, Thank you very much for the wonderful bible study documents, they are truly a great blessing. I only recently discovered your site and I give God thanks for you. I run a ladies ministries group at our church and will be sharing this good food with them. May God continue to inspire you.
Gwen – USA
29. Hi mike, my name is Michelle. i just wanted to email and tell you what a blessing your website has been to me. I have tried so hard to read my bible but i just get bored because i don’t understand what I’m reading. But with your bible knowledge site I am getting a greater understanding of the bible and each verse. I just got done reading on how to receive the Holy Spirit, it was so informative, I have been trying to receive the Holy Spirit myself for about 2 yrs … Anyway i just wanted to thank you for your site its amazing and helping me to grow so much.
Thank you,
30. Mike, thanks for your e-mail. I just wanted to share with you my impression of your most wonderful web site. I have been using it for some time now and have learned SO much about God and have found answers to many questions that I have had over the years and never fully understood. I now feel more knowledgeable than ever and feel that I could even possibly answer a few questions to others about interpretation of the Word! All thanks to you and your web site! Have a blessed 2010.
Eva – USA
31. Greetings To you from India. We are serving the Lord among the Muslims since 1996. My not had a chance to go to Bible College but God blessed her to serve the Lord among Ms Woman with word of knowledge, God used her to touch thousands of Muslims women. Now she is running the Christian institute where 4 million Muslims are living, God helped my wife to educate Muslim women to know the Lord. Everyday around three hundred woman are coming to the center and learning the course as well as the Lord.
What I want to tell is that my wife was blessed by your web site to learn the word of God and gaining the knowledge of God. We thank God for you and your ministry. May our heavenly Father bless you and use you for His glory. Please pray for us and the ministry what we called to do for the Lord. 200 million Muslims are living without Christ in India, Please pray God to raise the workers to reach these unreached for the Lord. We love you and praying for you.
Yours in His service,
Daniel & Joy
32. Just wanted to drop you and email to thank you for your wonderful site, especially the topics you covered that some sites do not. The Lord saved me in 1995 from witchcraft and other occult practices and I know first hand the damage it can do, physically, spiritually and mentally. I am concerned at the number of Christians who read their horoscopes, many do not seem to know how dangerous that can be, also New Age healing has crept into modern day treatments at our Pharmacies, Doctors and Hospitals. People need to be aware. Anyway thanks again and much love in Jesus.
Helen – UK
33. I’ve just read the story of Adam and Eve on your web page, and I feel God empowered the spirit of truth and understanding to you and I feel by reading your material I could spread what I learned here to the youth of the world. I’m only 19 and now I understand the true meaning of being born again!
Jahmal – USA
34. This site is such a blessing to me! Michael your teachings are insightful and straight from the kingdom of God. I look forward to reading and receiving more. VERY, VERY helpful, especially the spiritual warfare teachings. THE BLOOD OF JESUS, AMEN!!!
35. Thank you so much for the Spiritual Warfare information, particularly, the prayers and specific instructions for breaking the rights of attacking demons. This is all very new territory for me. I got involved in “automatic writing” and thought I was communicating with a benevolent spirit. It led me to a website of anagrams that were mocking God and Jesus. This is when the horrible realization of what I was communicating with struck me like a lightning bolt. But, by that time, I had already allowed it to frequently control my arm and move my head.
I was incredibly, incredibly foolish! Once I realized what I was communicating with and began to pray in earnest for forgiveness and deliverance, it had wedged quite a hold on me, thrashing me around at home during prayer and even growling while I was at work. I have been fighting and fighting this (primarily on my own because of the perceived “craziness” stigma of claiming demons are attacking you) for several months. But, God willing, I believe, with the help of your outlined “rights breaking” prayers, that the attacks are gone for good now. Thank you once again, this site is such an incredible blessing!
Cathy – USA
36. Thank you for your speedy reply. I prayed and asked the Lord to bless you with the money for the future books. My husband and I prayed and fasted when our 6 yr old daughter told us she wanted to hang herself, it was through your website that our Lord showed us the way to fight back through faith and prayer. Now our daughter is 7 and she’s doing wonderful. Thank you and Thank God. We went on the site and read the story suicide attack #2 it sounded so close to what we were going through. So we fasted and when she went to school on the third day we went up to her room and we did exactly what the prayer said. We did this on her behalf because she was only 6 and it might have scared her. My husband and I are both graduated from the international school of ministry and really never saw something like this before. You always think it will never happen to you, well we learned real fast that the enemy goes after everyone. We feel God must have a special plan for our daughter. Maybe that’s the reason demons came after her with such force, but we know who is the most powerful. Jesus Christ. At first I was scared but for my children. I overcame that fear real fast.
Vee – US
37. THANK YOU so much for this website. I was online today looking for info on the renewing of the mind and here I am. I have found so much more than I was looking for but so much that I need. I love the articles and am learning a lot. So insightful, in-depth and wonderful. This is a blessing to me and I need all this to learn and grow in my walk with God. My hearts desire is to be used by God and walk in His calling for me. I deal a lot with spiritual attacks and fear. Thank you for the info on Spiritual warfare. Good and relevant stuff people do not want to talk about but need too!! Have a great day.
Wendy – USA
38. I just wanted to thank you for your website. I have been looking for a website that was thorough yet not overwhelming, i did a search on sanctification and love how you put it together and link other studies to it. You are appreciated and valued for what you do!
Thank you and God Bless,
Beneta – USA
39. Great news! Several years ago when I started reading your articles I found they really helped me in a great way to improve my understanding of the Bible. I thank God that He led me to your site so I could get this better understanding of His Word. I look forward to reading more. Thank you.
John – USA
40. Thank you so much for answering my question. I enjoy your web site so much. It has helped me to be a better Christian, and to use the knowledge that I have learn from you in studying the bible to reach out to my family and others. God bless you.
Sara – USA
41. Hello, Thanks be to God for his greatness and mercy. I have been praying for a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and release from all the “misfortunes” that have been happening to me throughout my life that have escalated to greater height after I got married which coincided with my full initiation in to the Catholic Church. It has been almost five years now and I am able to keep my head above the water, Thanks be to God, but I am tired and would like to live in the fullness of Christ.
Recently the Holy Spirit have been calling me to study the word to the point where I will be able to recite it fluently. I always question God and he always answers especially through His Word. Your website is the answer to sooooo many questions that I am flooded. I have yet to put some of the things you recommended into practice but I did print some of the verses to memorize. Thank you very much. I would however like some advice on a very complex personal matter but I will wait for your reply. Due to the fact that this website is so information packed I am not sure if you dealt with “the power of praise”. It allowed me to get a miraculous healing. It is absolutely astonishing the wealth of knowledge I have found here. May God bless you and keep up the good work.
Maricia – Trinidad
42. Mike, Thank you – points well taken. I have the 100 Battle verses and will review. Please advise if you are ever teaching in Georgia . I know intercessors in my church would love to attend Again, Mike thank you so much. Words cannot express my gratitude for you obedience.
Ava – USA
43. Mike, your website is awesome. i feel that God is speaking to me and a few others concerning generational curses and the breaking of them. Now I understand how it all works. Thanks for your insight and thanks for sharing it.
Joan – USA
44. Hello Michael – Thank you for your wonderful website. I Have recently accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. But one thing I do not know how to pray correctly. So I asked God to help me and he showed me your website about the secrets of prayer. Thank you and God will continue to bless your work.
45. This is the only contact info I came across, and I felt compelled to use it. I hope this is going to the right place. I am really excited to come across your sanctification article. It is one of a kind and am so glad some one took the time to spell it out in a step by step process! I am going to apply this new knowledge to my life and look forward to the spiritual transformation. Just when I was thinking, how can I change my life (as a Christian woman already) what is the next step – how do i get to the next level? I don’t doubt that God has lead me to this website! I just wanted to say a thank you for committing to the Lord your time, to help others like myself in their road to a higher calling. I look forward to reviewing all the other articles and resources. Thanks to everyone involved.
46. I really thank God for finding your web page. I am a catholic. Your articles help to improve my spiritual life. Praise The Lord.
Francis – Malaysia
47. Just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you very much for the work you’re doing on this site. It has been a great resource to me as I have sought to recommit myself to being a better Christian man, father, husband, and doctor. May God continue to bless your work.
Matt – M.D.
48. Dear Mike, I accidentally came upon your website by simply googling the fruits of the spirit! Not only did I find out what the 9 fruits of the Spirit were but how they worked in great detail! Also the run down about Sanctification was amazing! I totally love your site and look forward to reading what’s new on a daily basis! Thanks again.
49. I’m a young Christian, I recently turned 19 years old. I was born into the church but have only recently began walking in a true live giving relationship with God and in the authority of His word. I’m a youth leader, member of the worship team and conduct weekly bible studies; I just want to encourage you guys and let you know that your site is a rich resource of good, solid word founded knowledge. I pray that you will not grow weary in well doing, and will continue to grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Keep it comin’!
God Bless you guys,
David – Canada
50. I also like your writing style because it is very simply worded and seems like you’re listening to someone talking rather than reading something.
Deborah – USA
51. Hi Mike, good day to you!! well I am Rosalind from Penang, Malaysia. It was a blessing that know about the Bible knowledge website. It was introduce to me from my husband who really reads the article and apply it, he even print it out so that he can always read them out and share with me the knowledge. I really thank God for discovering it for me. Usually I don’t read that much of article but when I come to this this website really inspire me and that I enjoyed reading every line without being bored! Praise the Lord, you guys are really blessed with God’s amaze work….I really enjoy it and guess what….i will share this with my children, I can really share this with my Sunday school students and it really make me confidence in what I know on the knowledge of GOD’s Word, I really feel, extremely very happy for it. It is like I am doing a sermon to people. Hope you can allow me to do the sharing rite?
I thank God for this website and for His love for me is endless. All praise and glory be to GOD. Last but not least Thanks, Brother and God bless you, your family and your website. I can feel the Joy of the Lord when i am writing this, all the praises and glory be to Him for ever and ever! AMEN
Love in Christ,
Rosalind – Penang
52. I just want to take a minute and thank you for your website on sanctification. I am a born again Christian that has strayed and renewed my vows to Jesus. I was raised in the Church of the Nazarene and have always struggled with sanctification until God led me to your web site. I have now asked God to sanctify me with His Holy Spirit and have started my life in the direction of living a holy life. Thank you for your website and I ask that you keep me in your prayers as I start this new area of my Christian life.
53. A friend introduce me to this Website. I’ve just gone through some of your write ups. They are really Spirit-filled and motivating. I pray the Grace of God will be multiplied in your life and give you more insight into the word of God so that more people will come to God’s kingdom while the kingdom of Satan will be depopulated in Jesus name Amen.
54. First of all, I want to say thank you so very much for this website. I really do not know how I stumbled upon it, but it was meant to be. I’m a new Christian, and for the first time in my Christian walk my faith was tested and I was sooo confused and had so many unanswered questions. I stumbled upon your article called “Trials and Tribulations” and it really did provide much clarity on things. I am beginning to see the light, I never doubted my Lord to be honest, but I was just confused as to why certain things were happening, or NOT happening to me for that matter. So, just letting you know once again that I am very grateful for what you have posted on here.
Sincerely and Blessings,
55. I am very excited at your articles. They are deep and insightful. God will increase you and give you new revelation of him in Jesus name.
56. Thank you so much for this article on the Eagle Analogy. I believe that I am one of them whom the Lord is preparing for a mighty work in the last days and I am excited about this that something great is about to happen in my life. I just can’t get enough of the articles you have sent to me. I get a lot of knowledge from it. May the Lord bless you on this mighty work you are doing on such a time as this.
57. I would like to thank you for all your information on this website. I have recommended to people who have been anointed by the Lord and whose walk with God is more than mine and they also agree the power in the information is amazing.
58. I am a regular reader of your web site and from the pass few weeks I’ve been telling people about it and they also found it very interesting, I even phone up our radio station here and telling listeners about your web site, from I stumble upon your site, it becomes a source of strength for me. I told my friends if they are having problems and they need to find a scripture to back it up, just tap in on your site and the answer is there staring us in the face, it’s a real blessing.
Charmaine – London, England
59. Hi Mike, I would like to thank the Lord for using you as his instrument in answering a question which I have been seeking the most to fully understand and grasp. It is your article about “How to handle negative feelings when wronged by someone else”. I knew exactly that this area is one of the most struggling for Christians like me.
Somehow I know that I should let go and forgive because it is what the Lord has said in his word, but I came to realize that this situation has been a great stumbling block for me to move forward in my everyday life’s journey and walk with Christ. It was very refreshing and liberating experience to read your article in which as I course through it, I know I am being delivered from the bondage of unforgiveness. It felt right through and through. Thank you very much. Now I hope to share your article to people I have been praying for.
In Christ,
60. Hello Mike, my name is Nick and I’m a Pentecostal, Holy Ghost filled, born again Christian here in CT. You have no idea how much this website has blessed my life. It’s very clear and easy to understand… has helped me understand the tougher topics of the Bible (like the end times in which I have always been VERY intrigued in). These articles have encouraged me, blessed me, enlightened me with the knowledge of God, and helped me gather my own thoughts together to bring sermons to my church.
Anyways just wanted to thank your and your brother for the website. It has definitely blessed me and I look forward to more and more new articles!
God bless!
Nick – Pastor
61. Hi Mike, the Lord led me to your site and your excellent article on “slain in the spirit“…I wanted to thank you as I loved your explanation! I have had this happen to me, as well as seen the ‘counterfeit’… once you experience the Presence of the Living God in this special way, there is no one that can tell you that it was not from Him. However, many have tried over the years to argue with me about what I have experienced, whether His presence, or speaking in tongues. It’s one of those things that you know, that you know…with NO doubt, when you RECEIVE FROM GOD! Thanks again, Mike!
In Him,
62. A wonderful article on the 9 Gifts of Holy Spirit. I regularly read and also circulate with your permission and instruction your articles to my ladies prayer group held every Tuesday. You are a great blessing. God Bless You and your ministry and your family abundantly.
63. I am so thrilled that I came across this wonderful website. I am a Christian and need to develop a closer relationship with God. I feel this website will help me in studying the Bible and understanding it to the fullest. Thanks again!
64. Thank you so much for your web site. Somehow God led me to it when I was searching for a particular topic, can’t remember which one, but your articles have been so helpful especially the one about dealing with negative emotions. I can’t tell you how much this is helping me. Thank you so much.
Shawn – USA
65. Hello Mike, I just wanted to tell you how wonderful, informative, helpful and truthful your website is. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving and sharing with all of us, your Godly knowledge and experience. Thank you and may the LORD Bless you
66. This is an amazing site. I read you article about how a Christian can still lose their salvation and I fully agree with you. It does not seem like many people are brave enough to stand up for this type of doctrine and you both certainly are. I will continue to the read the articles posted on this site. The truth radiates everywhere here and in your writing.
Tim – USA
67. Hi Mike, Calvary greeting from the lord Jesus Christ. I want to appreciate you for the work you are doing in bringing the bible knowledge to those who are still searching to know the the true word of God. I thank God for that you are one of the instrument that God is using to enlighten those who are still under the bondage of false doctrine like those sects you made mention Jehovah’s Witness and Muslims who have misinterpreted the word of God and refuse to accept the facts. Hope to be part of your vision. Once again thank you hope to hear from you.
68. You have a wonderful site! I have spent hours and hours reading all of your articles. Thank you for sharing this information so all of us can learn and benefit from it.
69. Thank you so much for your article titled, “The power of Hope.” I am one of the people who lost their jobs due to this recession. I was retrenched in August this year, since then i have been looking for a new job and the job market seem to be tight. Sometimes i get so depressed since I no longer have a source of income. But thanks to your article it has inspired me. It has given me hope. I will continue to go through the scriptures you have given me. May you pray with me during this difficult time. God bless you.
Yours Faithfully
70. I just want to say thank you, as a new believer this information helps me with my everyday walk, thank you so much, may good keep on pouring out his blessings on you, your family and all you do.
71. Hi Mike, I want to cry – but I am not going to do that yet – by finding you I know God answers prayers. Just thank you for being there and helping others through their predicaments – I will be in touch with you more as I gauge myself to measure up my successes – I don’t intend to fail this time around with what you gave me – I just got to practice and wait – God will take care of me. Thank you.
72. Dear Mike, I would like to thank you very much for the Awesome website you have created. It is spiritual food for me and is really deep. No wonder things have been the way they have been in my life. I can see the Light and I am really ready to make changes within myself so that I can be right with God and see His Power operating in my life by using his Word, through Faith in Jesus Christ and by using the powerful prayers on the site. If you don’t mind, I will digest more of what you have written, then I will email you again to perhaps seek some guidance and help. It will also be a tremendous pleasure for me to make a donation very soon and I’m looking forward to doing this. May God Bless you and your Loved Ones. Thank you for sharing what you have learned.
Acting Manager – London, England
73. I just came across this website in desperation to connect with my Heavenly Father and learn more about him. This is an incredible website and I will be returning often to keep learning. Thank you for your heart to the Lord.
Megan – USA
74. Just wanted to share how blessed I am to have “accidentally” clicked on your website. It is awesome! it could not have come up at a better time when I am facing challenges I know only the enemy is capable of. I have not been able to stop reading these articles! Thank you again!
God Bless
75. Hey i just wanted to say God truly blessed you all and you all have done a very good thing here, i remember when i came across your site i was led to it by the most high God almighty. And it has helped me non-stop since. THANK you and THANK GOD FOR YOU! I just wanted to let you know that you all have done something WONDERFUL! And made it soooo easy to reassure people like me of what is going on. You know sometimes we get sooo caught up in the world that we slip, or forget (not that this is an
excuse). Your website always pulls me right back. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
76. Dear Mike, I stumbled upon your articles one day and I am forever happy that I did. My niece told me that her thirteen year old daughter wanted a oiuja board for Christmas. Just telling her the dangers of it was not sufficient so when I found your article I told my niece about it. Thank you so much for such a web site. Sometimes pastors do not teach on subjects needed at the moment. I have been saved for three years and need more explanation of some things so I very much appreciate your articles. Once again, thank you.
77. I just wanted to thank you for creating the bible knowledge website. I’ve only been a Christian for 2 years now and have never read the bible until 1 year ago. My older sister who moved to another country had a very scary experience with evil spirits and then finally an encounter with God. It was then that she called me, and His grace fell upon me that I knew God was using her to speak through to me. It was an amazing experience but as the months wore by with no support around me and a family who were into animinism and shamanism I forgot about the experience and went back to my old ways of being “in the world”, drinking, partying etc. I had also never been a member of a church before this. I probably stepped in a church maybe two times in my then 27 years of life.
But finally as God and evil spirits kept pursuing me, my sister led me to your website and it gave me all the basics that i needed to know. I finally prayed and was led to a church 6 months ago where I know God wants me to be and where He will use me. Thanks so much for creating the website. God Bless you. Whenever I witness to a unbeliever, I know i’ll show them the website. A place where they can begin their walk, because so many times people are led to Christ but if they don’t have the support or the knowledge with what to do after accepting Christ, they fall away into the old things. So again Thanks!
In Christ,
78. Hello, I am so glad I found your site, I am learning a lot about prayer, I was taught to only pray one time and then just keep thanking God for the answer, but my husband and I are reading your article about prayer and we are learning a lot of things we didn’t know before. Thank you and I will be checking out the rest of your site hoping to learn more. God Bless. God Loves Us.
79. I want to let you know this site is new to me – I asked a Pastor friend of mine if he would assist me is preparing a lesson on “unpardonable sin” – he sent me something from this site. It was very informative and
helpful. I also looked at several other articles while on that site. Loved them. I will go on this site regularly to read the articles and await what is new. Thanks for working so hard to get this up and running. May God continue to bless your efforts to share His word. thanks again.
80. Hello! First off, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your website. I stumbled a cross it a month or so ago. I’ve not closed it since. I want to read all the articles all at once! Your helping through one of the most challenging times of my life.
Anna – USA
81. Hello Men of God, I just wanted to tell you that your site has been a true blessing to me as I have begun a serious search for God’s will for my life. I am soooo happy to have found it. Continue to let the Lord use you as you are touching many with the Good News!
82. Dear Mike, I would like to praise the Lord and thank you for developing the website I desire to have a closer walk with the Lord and was feeling very frustrated because I was not getting anywhere. It seemed the harder I tried the further away I would go. I came across your site and am so thankful. What brought me to your site was”Renewing the Mind” and I read about Sanctification – I now know that It is God and the Holy Spirit will do the changing, not me, but that I do have a part in it. Realizing my part has really helped me understand my growth in Christ. I just wanted to let you know that your site has been a blessing in my life.
God Bless,
83. Mr. Bradley, I’m sure that you get alot of emails, so I’m not looking for a response. I just want you to know that your web-site is awesome. The time and effort taken to put all the information together in a wonderful easy to read format is truly inspired by our Lord. It’s truly helped me to understand the bible and apply in my life. I’ve been reading the articles and information this evening for two hours. Again, the web-site is great.
84. Mike Thank you for your website. I have learned a lot from reading Bible Knowledge. It seems that you have written more about demons in the last year or so and I’m glad you have. Too many people seem to be afraid of talking about the spirit world. If you try to talk about it, many people think you are a nut case. I have attached my notes on an incident that happened a couple of years ago.
May God bless you and your ministry.
85. Dear Mike, I would like to thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for the revelation he is giving you. I have been reading your articles since the last 2 weeks and I have found them very inspired. They are helping me in my walk with Christ. Keep yielding to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
86. Hello Mike, I’m glad I was able to donate to help the you and the website. You and your website have been a tremendous help to me. Your articles have helped me break free from demonic oppression and walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Your website has really helped me to accomplish the assignments God has for me.
God bless you and your ministry,
87. My name is Pr. Brian Kato from Life Restoration Kampala Uganda. I just want to appreciate and thank God for all the efforts your putting in to build the kingdom of the Almighty God. I have got some of your literature and it has helped me in my teachings. I have now pastored for four years now, our church has a membership of 800. When we get people like you who are so determined to promote the gospel of Jesus, it is such a pleasure. I send you greetings from my family and may God richly bless you.
Pastor Kato – Uganda
88. Dear Mike, thank you very much for your clear and straight forward teaching on how to plead the blood of Jesus. I really enjoyed this teaching and I also enjoyed the testimonies and I believe mine is next as I have started to plead the blood of Jesus at some stubborn situations I have been going through for years. Thank you for making available your teachings for free. You are a such blessing to the body of Christ. God continue to bless you and increase you ministry.
Together in His Service,
89. I’m blessed with your articles. Its my prayer that more people would come across this site and find salvation and encouragement. God bless you. By the way, I copied some of your articles on my computer for my reference. I hope it would be okay for you. Thank you.
Friend from the Philippines
90. I just wanted to send an email to thank you for the article on becoming Spirit-filled. I have been in church all my life, and no one has ever explained it in this way. It really opened up my understanding. I just happened to find the website while looking for material for my church bulletin. I believe it was by God’s design. I will continue to visit the website for additional information. God bless you!
91. I have enjoyed your teachings immensely. Thank you so much for all the work you have done on this website. I am a pastor’s wife of 30 years. I accepted Christ at the age of 9 years old.
Kristi – USA
92. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry. I find it so helpful as I teach and preach, and currently working as a missionary with my husband in Mexico city. May God continue to bless you & your family.
93. Thank you so much for the article on Knowledge and wisdom. I had not taught Sunday school in two years and my lesson was short. You provided just what i needed. Thank you.
94. I am Australian from NSW in a place called Wollongong NSW Australia. I am Catholic and I Have been reading the scriptures daily for a while now. I have ten different versions of the bible and read off many bible commentaries and various biblical study online resources and it is a breath of fresh air to find a non-catholic bashing, non denominational truly Christian website resource such as yours thanks for the very good articles you have.
Simon – Australia
95. Dear Mike, thank you so very much for the study on the fruits of the Spirit. This information has been very insightful and helpful to me as i learn to know Him as a person.
96. Hi Mike, I will pray along side you that the Lord move you and your brother into a new season of full time ministry and discipleship. The Lord has brought me to your site for specific answers to problems so I know He is using you and your brother. For my husband and myself as well as at least 20 others I have shared your site with, your spiritual insight and knowledge has been enormously helpful. I have spent countless hours on your site reading, reading and more reading. In my spiritual mentorship to others in dealing with significant troubles, the Lord has led me to your web site for answers. I have been absolutely amazed.
A testimony in brief: This summer, I used your Battle prayer for a legal court case we were being involved in as defendants that was so utterly ridiculous. But I felt a battle prayer was in order because a person who lives behind me has brought my husband and myself into court 2 previous times and won both based on packs of lies. In fact, had I not lived through those 2 legal situations, I would never believe what happened, really happened. After 20 years of harassment by this person, I was really asking God where He was and why I did not have his hedge of protection? I could not understand and still don’t completely understand the situations the Father has allowed to happen to us by this evil human. Mind Boggeling situations. (I do know he is breaking me and letting me know I am nothing without him. I also have learned to count it all joy not to mention increased patience) It appeared like this evil human force had the world and everyone in it under his total control. His obvious lies, did not seem to be lies at all to others and yet clearly were obvious to me.
Anyway, the long and short of it is, we finally won the 3rd case against us. I am totally convinced it was the Battle Prayer to the Lord that provided his hedge of protection. My husband and I prayed it regularly for several weeks leading up to this court case. What happened in court was this person was allowed to present his case first. Literally, he ranted and raved like
the off-center person he really is.
I saw this person like this daily for 20 years but in the presence of others he attempts to act like a Boy Scout. Literally, He went on and on and on seemingly without any control of himself. We all sat quiet, including the judge just letting this guy sink himself and he did. Also his evidence actually worked against him. Of course, we had ample evidence of our innocence, but we had that is other court cases as well and still we were convicted of things we did not do. The Lord heard our battle cry and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for teaching me how to plead my case with the Lord. After 20 years of Harassment with no justice, you can imagine the mind torment I was under and still to some extent am dealing with. My husband and I received significant faith encouragement that day.
It would be a privilege to support your ministry. In your donation section, you might even consider stating your goal to build this site into full time discipleship. I am thinking others who are blessed by God through you and your brother as both my husband and I were would love to contribute to such a blessed cause. I will follow up with a donation by following the steps
on your website.
Thank you and May God Bless You and Your Brother.
97. Dear Brother Michael Bradley, I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe that all is well with you just as it is with me. I would like to thank you very much for keeping me updated of what is happening on your website. I really appreciated that. However, despite making aware of the latest changes that have been there, I should point out that I am not a stranger on your website. I have been visiting your website most of the days since I discovered it. Honestly speaking, the teaching that you have outlined on your website have really expanded my knowledge about God: I have been challenged as a born-again Christian, I have been encouraged and the same time being blessed. I can’t really not hide the joy that I have been experiencing in reading the word of God through these articles.
There were many things I did not know about, but after reading your articles I have really gain a lot. I praise God for that and may he continue to blessing you with this teaching gift. I have mostly loved articles titled: Trials and Tribulations – the testing of your faith, Can a Christian lose his Salvation, False religions, In the world but not of the World, Slave no None – Servant to All, The sin of Adultery, the 2nd Coming of Jesus, Battle verses of the Bible, Be anxious for nothing, Be wise as serpents – Harmless as Doves and many more. It is my hope that I will learn more from the topics that your will be writing very soon as you have said in your recent email.
Yours In Christ,
Alick – From Malawi, Central Africa
98. Thank you for bible knowledge. I visit many times. I hope you will keep it up. I have so often found the answers I am seeking. I have wanted to study revelations in depth and here is your site! Thanks. I will pray for your continued endeavors.
God bless.
99. I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful articles. Just read How to Handle Negative Feelings When Wronged by Someone Else, what a powerhouse!
100. Just wanted to say thank you for all the articles you’ve written on your site. They have been a blessing in my life and as a young Christian who got saved two months ago, i have learned a lot of stuff from here.
Gerald – Kenya
101. Your web site has been a blessing for me. Thank you for relaying the information to the simplest form for my understanding. Simple and straight to the point. May God bless you, as I have been blessed. Love and prayers:
102. I’ve been trying hard to find articles to quest my spiritual thirst until I came across your website. Not only are your articles very informative, interesting and truthful, but I feel like I am on the right track. Kudos to Michael Bradley and all the other people involved.
103. Receiving your God-inspiring articles and newsletters is the best thing to happen to me in recent time. it has indeed increased my appetite for bible knowledge. Thanks and God bless.
104. Complete joy is to know God!! And with the knowledge revealed in your articles it makes the journey so much more rewarding. Thank You!!! God Bless!
Gizelle – S. Africa
105. I really enjoy your articles – it’s inspiring and can’t wait for the next to come. It gives me some great insight in the word of God. May God bless you.
106. I find Bible Knowledge one of the most important e-mails I receive. The material I have read over the last few months has helped me in my spiritual quest more than words can express. I thank Michael Bradley so much for following what I believe is an anointing on his words. Thank you Mike, and God Bless, keep it coming.
107. Mike, I feel the depth of your writings and web site. Its hard to explain except with the word “depth”. In reading this response, I felt such compassion and God’s love helping (through your writings) these people in bondage. Its the kind of help that will “stick” and enable them to stay free. You are a blessing to me as a friend and to everyone who reads your articles.
108. Mike, I wanted you to know how you are impacting the Kingdom. I am an online mentor for, a totally free biblical web site for helping people get set free from addictions of all kinds. I mentor some very broken hurting ladies. I just wanted you to know that in my correspondence with them, I have utilized resources from your articles that have been exactly what these ladies needed to know in the midst of their trials. Today was an ‘ah-ha’ for one very destroyed lady today, praise to our Father for that victory and her forming seeds of hope and trust. I cannot thank you enough. It is so humbling to be on the front lines of battle and see first hand God’s glory. Thank you very much for your part in these battles and equipping these ladies and me.
Love for all eternity,
109. Thank Michael, you have been a God Send for me. Your insight to God Word has and will continue to help me grow and
understand what I am reading. The article on Revelation was outstanding. Keeping doing God Work.
Thank You Very much,
110. Mike, They came through and they look super! (2 articles on Moses) You did a tremendous job on both of them. Thanks again for sharing!!! The people we teach in Kenya will love it. May the Lord reward you for all your hard work and for giving them something that money can’t buy… good study materials of the Word of God.
God Bless You Abundantly,
Judith – USA
111. This is my first time to the web site. I just wanted to say keep up the good work on the web. I love it. I always have questions about the bible and you just break it down to where everyone understand it better.
112. Hi! Thanks for treating me so politely. You all are doing a very good job for the sake of your religion. I am surely going to tell my family and friends about your organization. Once again, THANKS!!!
113. Thank you for all your articles. I have read many of them over and over. They have really been an inspiration to me.
114. May I have permission to use some of your material when I go to Kenya next spring? I am doing a course on Moses and you have such excellent material. I will certainly give you the credit for it all. They have such little study materials in Kenya and know that your material would be
an asset for them. Thanks & God bless you for sharing and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
115. Hi Michael, I just happened on your site, looking for bible verses to send to my friends, and lo and behold, I find a treasure of articles!! I love your website and I just subscribed to your newsletter. Thank you so much for the work you are doing. You’ll never know how many lives you have touched and changed, until you see our Master face to face.
Your article about fighting demonic forces with the word has helped me so much. My son is in rehab right now and for awhile, he was talking crazy about wanting to get out and come home. Being that he’s over 21, he could do as he wished. So I got off the phone with him and a little voice in my head reminded me to read the scriptures that I just printed up from your website, and to start claiming and speaking the word over Keith, my son!! So I did. And guess what?
Keith called me up a few hours later, apologizing for his behavior! And he told me that his girlfriend is out of his life for good!! (It was a very toxic relationship) And I only found and printed up that article for a friend who was going through a hard time. In fact, it was the only reason that I found you in the first place – to help my friend!! And God said, you need it too!!!! And there it was, already printed up, sitting on my desk. I printed it for myself too because as I was sending it on to my friend, I was reading it and thought, I need to save this. Never realizing that the very next day, I needed it for my son! Of course now I think back and I should have seen all along that the article was for me too, but you know how it goes. Keith was doing well in rehab at the moment! and my life was whizzing by.
So God is certainly an amazing God, isn’t He? He knew what I needed and supplied it before I had a clue! And your articles are so right on. I’m glad I’m finally in a church that is teaching the same thing. It’s powerful and awesome!! So thank you again and I pray that God’s blessings pour over you 100 fold for the work you are doing for His kingdom. No, I take that
back 1,000 fold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
116. Praise God! I have been reading many articles from your website and I cannot express how much I have been blessed by them. You know how God operates. Whenever I need encouragement or revelation on something, God sometimes has a way of revealing things through this website. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless your ministry 100 fold in the precious, mighty name of Jesus Christ.
117. Thanks so much for the email, Michael. I appreciate your website and the wonderful articles. I have read several, and look forward to each one – they are well written, with grace and love, and are excellent study tools. I’m not sure what you mean by keeping the original signature on file.
I’m not currently teaching a class, however, I would like to print some of the articles to give to my daughter-in-law to read. As a working mom, she hasn’t the time or energy to attend a bible study, and I know these articles will keep her faith burning and keep her in the Word. I’ll assume that is acceptable unless I hear back from you.
God bless you and your ministry!
118. Hello Mike, how are you ? Greetings in the name of which every knee shall bow and every tongue confess our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Thank you for continuing to bless with me with this wealth of information. I just read your article on the power of love it was outstanding to say the least. I am know reading a book by Kenneth Hagin about walking in love. I thought I would read your article along with it. I am the son of a Bishop (now deceased) of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World.
God bless you,
Bro. Michael
119. Thank you. Our Bible study group uses excerpts from some of your articles in our studies on Friday nights. I am back in town, and can now set up the account to purchase online the Scofield version of the
Holy Bible from your bookstore.
120. Thank you Michael, I feel blessed by your wisdom and knowledge of the whole bible.
121. Michael, Many blessings. Just which to thank you for the opportunity to learn so much about the word of God. I have the privilege of teaching youth at district level in the Bronx New York. Your site is a wonderful resource and I am grateful that you are freely sharing your knowledge. Thanks. God bless.
Emmanuel Santiago
122. Hi Mike, thank you for replying. The articles you put up on the web are a blessing and it would be indeed wonderful if someday it could be compiled into a books for future references. It would be a waste to see them taken out of the website when new ones are being included. Anyway, I will be asking the Lord to open that possibility so that when it comes to pass many people may be blessed by it. May the Lord grant you the wisdom in the ministry He has given you. God bless
123. Hello Michael, Just wanted to drop you an email to say “thank you” for these awesome articles that you send to us. I’ve truly enjoyed them, and this one on obedience was right on time!
124.I have read the Bible five times, but after reading most of your literature on the internet, I still came about new verses that I had never seen before. I thank the Lord for your wonderful and clear articles. No words can express how your articles have tremendously blessed me.
Brenda – Germany
125. Dear Sir, we are updating our training information for the Word School. This “School” was started to teach and train all new born believers in the thinks of GOD, So that they have a solid foundation of basic biblical truth to build their lives and ministries on. My request to you is if it is possible for us to please use your articles to compile a new and fresh workbook for new believers. I have read some of your articles and it is just what we need. We will give you credit for the information. Any suggestions of what we can train on will be helpful.
John – S. Africa
126. Subject: Re: The Rite of Water Baptism and Regeneration by the Holy Spirit – These baptismal articles are very well stated. I have not heard it explained in just this way but there can be no mistake about what you have explained. Keep up the GOOD work and may HIS blessings be yours. Thank you again for your ministry.
127. I came across your site and was very much blessed in reading the articles on various subjects. As a Teacher I am alway deeply blessed to studied Our Lord’s Word. I am looking for more articles on studies for the topic of Prophecies, and the end times. My wife and I spend much time teaching and sharing the Word everywhere we go here in Phoenix Arizona. I praise Our Lord Jesus Christ for this ministry. May Our Lord richly bless the ministry He has called you to.
Pastor Joseph – USA
128. I copied your article to send to my nephew Robby Moody, who is a prison guard outside of Bagdad, Iraq. Thank you for offering this information in such an easy to understand format. He can understand it and can also use it to witness to others.
May God bless you.
Merry Christmas,
129. Just want you to know that I think this is very educational & highly positive web site. I’m a new Christian going through a tough learning stage and after reading a couple pages, I’m truly convinced that it was not be chance that I found this site on line. Keep up the great work and Praise God cause He is truly worthy to be praised, if you can recommended any books or passages for someone like myself that wants to learn more and stay connected to God I would really appreciate it.
God Bless,
130. I just want to say “Thank you Lord” for what He has done for me through your site. Your articles and scripture have been a great addition to my Bible reading and prayer. I have been through many storms over the last 4 years and you have helped see me through.
In His Service and Your Sister in Christ,
131. This is Jijo from Saudi Arabai. Saudi is the head Quarters of Muslims. Here no Christian churches. I gone through this site and i am very much happy to read so many things. When i was going through this site it’s really touched me. I am sure God will bless this site and will touch many souls. My prayers will be always there.
With love and prayer
132. Also, thank you so much for your articles. I can’t begin to share with you the clarity that each subject deals with. I don’t know who you two are or what your backgrounds are, but the information and truth in each article is just so timely to what I need to learn. You write and research like my brain thinks !! What a blessing!!! Let me know about the hard drive back ups!!
133. I’ve been reading through your article entitled “4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare against Demonic Attacks” may I say that your article has helped me beyond anything I’ve seen so far. I’ve been frantically searching for this article for the last 2 weeks, and tonight I found it. Every word you typed is the golden truth. Thanks for helping to bring me to terms with my situation/life.
All the best,
David – S. Africa
Stratos – HI
135. Dear Servant of God, Thank God for the in-depth and pure teaching of the Word of God. I am getting blessed with the teachings and growing. May God continue revealing things for the body of Christ spiritual well being.
Pastor A.D.Nkhata
136. I must just compliment you on your website. This is powerful stuff! Very solid information and easily explained. My ministry lies in Spiritual Warfare and I really enjoyed reading your section of Spiritual Warfare.
Nadia – S. Africa
137. I just finished reading your articles under sanctification entitled: “The Fear of the Lord”, and “God is No Respecter of Persons”. I learned some very profound truths and realized that the Lord had to use fear to call me out of heavy sin and to come back to his calling. I praise him forever! What a wonderful, loving God we serve! I also was wondering about certain persons in my life who claim to be Christians, but bear no fruit. I doubted their salvation. But I realized that any Christian who was walking fully surrendered to Jesus, would have asked the same question about me. I was that same defeated Christian. I was so vile that I doubt anyone would have mistaken me for a Christian. I thank you for your web-site and your Holy Spirit inspired words. May God bless your ministry.
138. I recently have found your web-site by searching for a way to break a generational curse. My family has been through many trials, all of which keep compiling on the others. My family has never been able to overcome these curses. We have prayed to God to help us and He does; however, things keep getting worse and worse even with the blessings of the Lord. Our family, a way of saying it, gets knocked back 2 steps and then can’t take a step forward. Even people that I have come into contact seem to have worse things happen to them when I am around them then when I am not. My father has now performed the battle prayer …
Since my father performed the battle prayer, my father, my brother, and I have all felt a sense of peace that we have never felt before in our lives. Things look different in our home (e.g. lights in the house look brighter and clearer). I don’t want to say that these are small things because they aren’t. these things that seem insignificant or petty to others don’t realize that our family has not had a sign like this from God in 20 years. I wanted to thank you for allowing people to come to your website and be able to learn and take and use your prayers. Thank you.
139. I cannot begin to thank you enough for the help I have found in your articles. As a result of applying your teachings I was able to quit smoking. A friend of mine has come out from under the bondage of being a victim in relationships. Another friend was able to determine that her inability to lose weight came from a generational curse from her grandmother who was a wonderful woman who abused her body through food. It always seemed right to her because her grandmother was so loving. Another friend is called to be a missionary to Israel and has encountered much resistance from her husband. Since she broke generational curses, and soul ties her husband has begun to have dreams about being a missionary to Israel. He is even telling his friends that when he retires in 2 years he is going to Israel to do missionary work! Thank you, thank you, for so generously sharing the information.
140. I am so glad that I found your study on Revelation. I have been using Dr. John Hagee study to teach my class, but your study made it soo very easy to understand.
141. I am now exhausted from CRYIN reading your story about Moses. I tell you tell you true I was never soooooooooooo moved by one story in all my life. You have no idea, I actually felt God was the one telling it to me as I believe The LORD is preparing me to move closer to him and a SPECIAL Assignment. I really do believe this but there are some days I say maybe I am just kidding myself. When I read your story I KNEW THAT I KNEW THAT I KNEW I was correct and yes I have been in the WILDERNESS for the Past year.
I must tell you your style of writing really touched my HEART. Soooooooooo INTERESTING, TOUCHING, MOVING INSPIRING, UPLIFTING, and the VERY best part, Do you want to know what it isssssssssssssssss? it is all TRUE. Well I am going to dry my eyes and get a hold of myself and thank the LORD for your work.
Sincerely Arline
142. Brethren, it was by accident that I came across your website while I was searching for notes written on End Time Events. It is really amazing and interesting that you have put it in a clear language understandable to anybody. Not only I read the End Time Events but also other many articles posted on your website including your faith statement that conforms with that of mine. God bless you for the seeds you are sowing. Again, I say, God bless you. I would like to thank our Lord for He has given us such dedicated brothers like you. I also will keep on reading your articles as much as I can and I am doing it now. Let the Grace of the Lord be poured upon you immensely.
Your brother Desalegn from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
143. Good morning. You know, I have to say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this site!! I wish I could tell you in full detail what I am going through spiritually and emotionally. SO MUCH warfare. Your website is a POWERFUL tool and you don’t know how much it is helping me. I will make sure that I spread the word about this website.
In Christ,
144. Hello. This is just a note to say a big thank you for all the people who have put time and effort into this great site. Whenever I need help or clarification in my bible study this site always gives me a great deal of food for thought. Many thanks.
Jane H – UK
145. Thank God for your vision!! I can only imagine the attacks that you felt getting this information out. This website has truly blessed me and I’m grateful to God. Keep doing what you’re doing and may the Lord continue to watch and protect you!!
146. I am from all the way across the Atlantic in this little island called Ireland. Again dear brothers in Christ, I want to thank you for your great website. The Good Lord is truly using you to bless others. I have given the website address to a friend recently and as she was reading one of your articles an anointing of tears came on her – tears of joy at the revelation
she was receiving – Be encouraged !!!!
Leslie – Ireland
147. Dear Brother Mike: I just happened to be over there on Rick Renner’s Web reading a blog and looked over and saw your Website listed and it was something that I’ve not stumbled on before. I have been searching for a Web Site like yours and I can’t hardly believe how the LORD really set me up this time. I am truly thankful that I found it. I’ve already consumed several pages of your Web site throughout this day already and I copied a couple articles to take with me through the rest of the day. I’m going to give myself to studying all that you have put out there. Also, I will definitely put your WEB site as my favorite one now. Thanks again and keep up the work!!! You have a great writing style and it’s very easy to understand and very clearly communicated. Don’t change a thing other than just keep pouring it out to us WORD junkies out here.
Greatly Appreciated.
148. Hi Michael, with God blessings, I would like to thank you very much for the two articles sent to me and indeed your personal email address. I’m building up very quickly with this website and I believe with the help of the Holy Spirit i will soon become a strong evangelist. Just for your information, I’m a Pastor ordained in August 2003 and our congregation have tremendously grown into a multitude of about over 3,000 flocks.
I’m a member of the Church of Christ and believe in Gospel interactions with different Christian faithful who strongly believes Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior. Once again thank you Brethren for the response and looking forward to sharing the word of God together. God bless you. Amen!
Pastor Christopher Banda-Malawi Central Africa- the warm heart
149. Dear Sir, I have found your site very helpful and accurate. I would like permission to use some of the lessons in our Church School.
I intend to print in-house a simple book of lessons for distribution to the students. I would like to acknowledge our usage of your works on the inside of the pamphlet along with the names of other contributors rather than at the bottom of each page as instructed on your website. This email is to request your permission to do so. I thank you in advance for your kind response and permissions if granted. Your fellow servant in Jesus Christ.
150. I have been searching hi & lo for “accurate” teachings of the end-times and after reading a few of your articles, my heart is jumping. I only get that feeling when I know it is of the Holy Spirit that has led me to truth.
151. I have recently become acquainted with your web site, and have been going through your articles on Spiritual Warfare, which very much coincide with a seminar I went to in the 80’s. I find these articles very informative and helpful in understanding strongholds in my life and other peoples. God has recently been having me go over the power of the blood of Jesus and spiritual authority, and then a friend told me about your web site.
I believe it was a God thing and am so thankful for availability of the information. My granddaughters are on fire for God and are reaching out to a lot of hurting kids in our community. The prayers and testimonies on your site are great as a guide for warfare. God bless you, and thank you for being there.
152. I wanted to tell you how much I am blessed through reading some of the articles you have posted on your website. My relationship with God was a distant one until I find great revelation through your writings. God led me to your website miraculously. I don’t even recall how i got into your website. Lord cares for me enough to bring me to you. I want to thank you for helping me draw close to our God.
Take Care
Vincent -Singapore
153. This a great site with very good preaching and teaching information. May God bless your ministry greatly.
Pastor Irvin Blouin – LA
154. And for you, the God that you serve will reward you in Jesus name. You have been a blessing to many, most of the teachings you give is what I use for my personal and church Bible study. The impact the study is having can not be quantified but we have positive response day in day out. Thank you.
Awoyemi Robert Akinade.
155. Love the website! Thank you! Just read the article, “Why the World Hates Jesus.” I too see so much of what the article says going on in today’s society. I went to university and became an RN where I’ve been taught I am to think that homosexuality and other undesirable lifestyles are to be respected. And don’t make any comments about your beliefs at work as you will be reprimanded. (we have one gay nurse who is always running to the nurse manager when he feels violated)
Our schools in Canada too have stripped away Christianity teachings. There is no Christmas concerts or carols. Yet Muslims are fighting their right (and succeeding) to pray so many times a day and demand special prayer rooms for them. They are also fighting for their sons to wear their little dagger to school. I so agree with your comment on how intelligent people are working subconsciously under the influence of Satan. Take the United Church of Canada who have changed their rules and now allow gay “Christians” to marry and hold positions in religious teachings. Since when was it our decision to change this Biblical teaching? Definitely a wave of an antichrist spirit in our society. Thank you for writing this article and the many others posted on your website
Laureen – Canada
156. Thank you Michael; I have already enjoyed what I have been reading, keep up the good work this website is a blessing.
In His Service;
Pastor Audrey
157. Mike, I just wanted to let you know that I fully surrendered myself and my life to God. You would not believe how my life has changed! My husband found a very well-paying job, which he is working at right now. I feel a peace I have not felt in a long time. I feel like God is close to me and loves me. Thank you so much for your advice!
158. Dear Mike, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to answer my question, and congratulations again on your website. I pray for God’s blessings upon you and that He would clear the way for you can share your knowledge with common people like me who are hungry His word and understanding it. Your articles are a very good road map for study. I hope I’m going to be able to see more of your writings posted soon. Have a wonderful and blessed day.
159. God bless you Mr Bradley. I have never ever received such enlightening information on Christian living before.Your clear easily read articles have strengthened me profoundly. God be with you.
Lily – Jamaica
160. I am so overwhelmed with your writings on your Bible Knowledge site. I do writings to read at my church on Love Salvation, and Forgiveness, and I would love to use some of your quotes and reading in what I am writing. I would like to know if I could have your permission to use small bits and maybe a much as a half page, but it would have to be legal, and with your okay.
Arlan (Arlie)
161. Your articles have helped me so much. Recently someone I thought cared about me said he wanted nothing to do with me any more, after I had supported him when a friend got sick, helped him after he had been through a divorce which ended badly. He continues to live in the past and has a hard time letting go. I guess in a sense I have a hard time with that to, but your article about letting go and the Holy Spirit have really helped me through this difficult time and I just wanted to thank you for reaching out to so many people who truly need some guidance through the everyday struggles life sometimes has to offer. You have been my inspiration to move forward and to see what God has to show me and what good things can happen from now on.
Thank you,
162. Hi Mike: I have discovered your website about a year ago and have saved it in my favorites. I have used it as a source of insight into interpreting God’s word and questions I have pondered. I wanted to write you and announce that your commentary on Full Surrender is absolutely liberating! I have struggled my entire Christian life asking God about my purpose in this life. After reading this article I now know why this revelation has been so elusive, I have not fully surrendered! That is a situation that has now been resolved GLORY BE TO GOD! I praise and thank God for you and your website. I will keep your website up in prayer; as well as, your ministry.
God Bless
163. Dear Michael, I first want to say thank you so much for your due diligence in wanting to help Christians focus on the true meaning of being a Christian. I ran into your sight while needing answers yeah, i went to the bible but honestly i just didn’t know where to start. I did a Google search and there you were. Your website is amazing! The wealth of knowledge and the way you put it together with all the right verses by topic.
Your sight helped me to see that I was losing faith, and that I had given up my total surrender. After a divorce, I grew mad and bitter, I guess at God, but i never was the same again. Never really moving forward or experiencing the abundant life. Your article on Total Surrender brought me back home. I’ve read Total Surrender, Sanctification, and Seeking God. Thank you so much. I have told everyone i know of this blessed site. I will include you in my prayers. God Bless you and your ministry.
164. I just wanted to thank you for allowing the Lord to use you. I am currently being truly blessed with the Sanctification section of your articles. I especially enjoyed the article concerning the renewing of
the mind. I will apply all those principles to use. It really hit home for me and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate you allowing the Lord to speak through you to be a blessing to others. Thank you and have a blessed day!
Lisha J.
165. Just wanted to let you know that using your site helped me a lot in finding what I needed to know quickly, because my step-daughter came in yesterday and was telling her dad and I about this woman that told her some crazy stuff about her dead mother passing on some messages to tell my husbands daughter – and I knew I had to act quick, so I turned to the net and prayed and this is the site I was led to – It gave me the scriptures I needed fast to SHOW her AND tell her about. Thank you for your site. God Bless you.
166. Hey I just wanted to say thank you for having this site up. I was on the terribly wrong path of the occult and tried to leave that behind me but never really could. A friend alerted me of the danger to my soul really and told me about spiritual warfare. I had never even heard of it. I actually came onto this site and the Lord lead me through everything I needed to do to come back.
I can’t thank you enough for having all this info on here including prayers. I actually spent 3 hours reading, praying, and weeping. Since then my whole life has turned around and the Lord has done some major changes in my life. I have totally been freed and my eyes have been opened to the life I was leading before. I know I will never go back to that and I am glad your info was available to help change my life. Thanks and God bless!
167. I came across your web site by accident (ya, sure!…When
it comes to God, nothing is BY ACCIDENT! I am a Catholic by faith, yet I like to read a lot of Christian books, literature as well. Well, I have to tell you your Christian site is like a breath of Spring and everything my heart and spirit agrees to and also in great need of spiritually and emotionally!
Your site “tells-it-like-it-is” and filled with common sense; something that this society is in short supply! I love your site! I love your articles and topics. I feel that I am learning. That I am being instructed and NOT preached AT. Your articles are timeless, like the Word of God, and can be saved for reference material whenever the occasion arises. Whenever we or I need it the most!
168. I have been using the material off your web site to give the message at our church, it has been very helpful and truthful. With so many using the net to gather information, it’s nice knowing that yours comes from the Holy Bible. You have been so very helpful. Since my incident in June where I was in the grip of death and asking God. ” Father if I die please remember me”. My life has been great and I am thankful that he saved my life. Our God is an awesome God. It’s so amazing what he did so that we could have eternal life. I once again thank you for the information on the site, may God continue to bless you to the measure and fullness of God.
A brother in Christ
169. Just wondering if you have the information on your website in a book form for those that don’t have computers? It would be absolutely wonderful to obtain a book with these articles in it because this site has really opened my eyes to some things that i was ignorant about. Thank you sooo much for this site continue the good work and may God continue to use you for his glory!!
170. First of all let me say that I really thank God that I found your web site on the net. Your testimonies and information were (and are) such a blessing to me and our church. Recently my wife and I were faced with a difficult financial trial. I asked the Lord what was to be our strategy and how were we to conduct ourselves. That night I had a dream in which I found my self in a spiritual battle and I was shouting, “The Blood of Jesus,” in a very loud and commanding voice. I took that to mean this was to be our strategy and to the best of our ability we began to employ that immediately.
A few days later (in fact, it was this past Thursday) I googled The Blood of Jesus and found your web site. Wow! What a blessing!! Yesterday, August 10, I taught on Rev. 12:11 in our 10:30 Bible Workshop. I used many of your principles and instructions in the lesson. One thing that happened
immediately was this: One of our ladies had her vocal chords slightly damaged during a pregnancy about 2 years ago. Nothing severe but it would always hurt her to sing.
But yesterday as I was instructing on what you said about applying the blood to and/or against specific things. She began to do that right then. She began to Plead the Blood specifically over her vocal chords. In the morning service she testified as to what she had done and she said when she began to sing along with our opening song, she had no pain at all! As I said, we are following your instructions. Every morning as soon as we get up we know that we are to first surrender ourselves anew to God, and then we are to cover ourselves spirit, soul and body with the blood. We are also taking time this week to establish Bloodlines around everything that pertains to us.
Once again, thank you so much for being a blessing!! I look forward to hearing from you.
Greg – Pastor
171. I just wanted you to know, I email you awhile back
about having problems with my neighbors on my street. I started pleading the blood over this problem, it took awhile, but they are all gone now {druggers} and the landlady who allow all this, is in good hands now. She
has a caregiver now who watch over her. This has been going on for years. I think everyone should plead the blood of Jesus over your street, as you never who might move in. It Works.
172. Hello Mike, I wanted to take a quick moment to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your Bible Commentary Words of Wisdom. My Husband and I are 5 years into our Intimate Relationship with the Lord and as such are reading your great articles and discussing them for an hour everyday. Your commitment to serving our God through serving others is commendable. May God abundantly bless all of your activities on advancing His kingdom. May He gift to you the desires of your heart!
Suzanne CPC
173. I want to thank you for your writing on “true repentance”. I’ve grown up with the knowledge of Christ believing that I’ve been saved my whole life, going to Christian schools, church every Sunday and Wednesday nights, bible studies and church camp. I’m a married mother of 3 teen-aged children and am just now realizing that I’m not sure of where I’m going and why isn’t God near. As I prayed regarding my feelings and read His word I stumbled (I believe God led me there) upon Romans 2:1-3 which then led me to 2 Corinthians 7:10. I know that God isn’t far away from me now, I’ve been far away from Him. There has not been a “true” Repentance in my life and now I’m praying and asking God to show me how to have a truly repentant heart. I think what you’ve written is totally accurate and I wanted to say thank
In Christ,
174. Brother, your articles are very anointed as you purely use the Word of God and I feel God speaking to me. God continue to bless u and I am using your articles for sharing and encouraging others.
God bless,
175. Many thanks for such a wonderful and enlightening site. I have searched for several years for something like this, and have now started to get so much in such a short while. God bless you all.
David – UK
176. I am so blessed by the articles posted on your website. I have a group of Christian friends and told them about your site and share to them the articles, especially in spiritual warfare and prayer, and they too were blessed and equipped. I am inquiring if I could have your permission to post some of your articles on our website.
I belong to a group of born-again intercessors from the Philippines. We came from different churches and formed this group, The Golden Censer, to help our fellow Christians in equipping them in the area of intercession. Here, in our country, especially in the provinces, our brethren are lacking in equipping and education about intercession. I think the reason for this is because books are so expensive and it’s very costly for them to go to Manila to attend seminars and conferences. It’s the mission of our group to go their places to teach & train them for free. It is our motto and belief that since we have received freely from our God, freely we should give. I believe that your articles will be very, very helpful and useful. I pray that you will give us the permission. Thank you very much and God bless both of you richly in Jesus’ Name.
Felicidad – Phillipines
177. Message: Hello, thank you for such a great website. I was wondering if I could print and distribute your study on Repentance. I volunteer for Good News Jail and Prison Ministry at our local women’s detention center every Friday. We have a Bible study and I would like to include this in our handouts for the girls to study. Will this be okay with you? Thank you kindly for your response.
178. Hi Michael, thanks a lot for making these very thoughtful articles available in the web. I find them very resourceful in my pastoral ministry. May God bless you ever more and may his Holy Spirit continue to enlighten your mind and soul that you pass on His teaching to all who believe in God of Jesus Christ. God bless you.
Yours gratefully,
179. I was very happy to know about this website. Also, your prayer secrets and other articles helped me a lot in my life now. You gave me so much inspiration in developing my one-on-one relationship with the Lord. I am encouraging a lot of my friends and co-workers to check your website and read your articles. Sorry for copying your articles and posting it in my friendster blog.
But I still write your Mr. Michael Bradley’s name at the bottom with the web address. I would also like to let you know that we are taking time in reading your articles (by printing our copies) and collecting all of it. It has helped us a lot in understanding the bible better and creating e very personal relationship with God. Thank you so much. We’re looking forward for more prayer secrets revealed and inspiring personal testimonies. More power!
Dianne – Philippines
180. Thanks for the e-mail. May I let you know that I received the Newsletter and I have printed it out and I am busy going through it. It has blessed me and I am sure it will bless those that I will be able to share it with. You might as well know that I am a pastor in the Salvation Army and right now am appointed at the Territorial Headquarters where I am working in the social department. I have met and counseled so many people with the question ‘why me Lord’ and this has encouraged and empowered me. Thank you so much for the Newsletter and may God richly bless you as you continue to avail yourselves for his ministry.
With Love and prayers,
181. You all are doing a wonderful thing here and I thank God for all of you and our prayers are always with each and everyone of you always. All I can say is keep up the fine job. Your brother in Christ Jesus Service Always.
Rev. George R. & Cheryl Ann Downs Ministries – Milan, Tennessee
182. Yesterday I was checking prayers for “UNJUST LAWSUIT in the internet, I came across your prayers for UNJUST LAWSUIT. I felt connected to the prayer as I had an unjust lawsuit to attend today at court. so I prayed the BATTLE PRAYER,. something inside me said I must not sleep but pray “THE BATTLE PRAYER for the whole night, as i’m going to attend my UNJUST LAWSUIT case today, I did not sleep.
this Morning was my first appearance at court. when the Judge opened the case file, he immediately said:
then he simply DISMISSED the case and throw it out of court in less than 2minutes.
I thank GOD for his. Grace over this prayer and for setting me free from this UNJUST LAWSUIT
Thank you and GOD bless you Abundantly. AMEN
– Cendy
True Christians must act like Jesus Christ and strive to be perfect even as our Father in Heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5:48).
We love you as our Brothers and Sisters and here are some advice:
The Lord said in Doctrine and Covenants 10:63
“And this I do that I may establish my gospel, that there may not be so much contention; yea, Satan doth stir up the hearts of the people to contention concerning the points of my doctrine; and in these things they do err, for they do wrest the scriptures and do not understand them.”
Dear Mike,
Thank for this very informative website. I thank God for making me pop into it. I have been really blessed, and I believe I have recieved my deliverance after going through the topics on Spiritual warfare, and doing what you’ve recommended. There is one topic I was looking, about the bastard curses and how to break them. Is it possible for a woman to break this curse while the husband is still under bondage of commiting adultery.
Just want to thank you, Ive made so much progress in my spiritual life and all because of the information you send me. May God bless you even more that you may touch other lives.
Michael, I purchased and downloaded your most recent e-book “How to be lead by the Holy Spirit” this morning. I have read a bit over half of it and am captivated by the truth conveyed and in such a way that anyone who can read, can also gain a solid understanding. Tomorrow, I am taking my own paper to work and will print it out so it can be bound and read again and again. This item assembled several pieces on this subject for me in one place that covers just about everything one could ask on the subject. Thanks for another excellent work! Your web site has become my second source for Biblical information and second only to my own Bible. 🙂
Glory be to God,
Thank you very much for being obidient to the move of the holy spirit. The articles on your site are such a blessing. I will definetly will be using the material on your site, and recommend it to others in need.
Thank You and May God bless you and your team abundantly.
Good day,
I came to your website through the link from google about pleading the blood of Jesus for protection as I was searching to learn more. I therefore would like to share an experience I had last night (21May 2013).
I live in Cullinan – Pretoria – South Africa. I have an alarm set to wake me up at 23:58 to pray everynight, however, the past few weeks have been very difficult to wake up, sometimes the alarm will even go off without waking up. I share a bed with my seven month old daughter, so last night, she woke up a few minutes before alarm time and she was very restless. I was completely awake because I had to try to put her back to sleep. Then the alarm rang, few minutes after that I heard a low growl outside my bedroom window (it was a wild growl definately not a dog), as the growl went on my daughter became more restless and crying, I was about to rise and peep and see what was going on but then I was overwhelmed by fear, I was so scared that when I tried to pray I became speechless.
By then I was kneeling on the bed, the growl was still there, as my mind was racing, I screamed at the top of my voice”Fire of God” twice, then the growl became violent and loud, I also decided to become violent and loud then I said “Blood of Jesus” twice the growl lowered in volume and changed tone from violent to submissive then when I said “Blood of Jesus” the third time I could tell that that creature was in terrible pain because it screamed a very loud long shreeky scream as it quickly moved away, I could hear the street dogs barking angrily just after the scream. I continued to pray. I felt that whatever creature it was will never return to our home not after its painful experience.
The blood of Jesus is the powerful weapon, I dont know what could have happened if I didnt wake up and say it. No evil can stand against it, not now not ever.
Thanks for this wonderful website. My faith in God is renewed and restored. Please pray for me to get a job at CocaCola CEWA that I really want. Praying for it using the prayer secrets I have noticed here.
Recently I have been undergoing a spiritual warfare in my life. Seems it’s been going on for a very long time. Further than I had realized. Perhaps from always running away from my own issues and directing all my time and energy on others to help them. But it’s come down to where I had to finally face what was really happening… To make a long story short…. I am so very thankful for this website! I was praying and I had asked God to guide me to what I was missing… This was after I had surrendered again for things I never felt within that I hadn’t done long ago when I became a born again Christian… But I knew it was the Holy Spirit prompting me that I needed to do this… So when I surrendered and for the things I felt was also needed… I began to feel as if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder… Then I noticed I began to become really hungry for God’s word… I began to feel the Holy Spirit more and more with me and I felt as if on fire… I was praying for everything.. denouncing other beliefs that were tied to my Ancestral line (I am native American – a direct descendent from one of the greatest Leaders/Chiefs in our tribe.) When I began to do this… I asked God to please show me how to pray the right way… Then I kept receiving messages from Him through watching Christian television, etc. So many things kept coming at me about praying the blood of Jesus … So with that said, looked online… And found this website. I am so thankful because ever since I began reading articles here and getting a deeper understanding of things.. Far deeper than I had already thought I knew. Especially since one of my main things I do is through my Non Profit is working with kids that are at-promise (at-risk) and my programs are all Christ centered. So Thank you for making this website and for the in depth but easy to understand articles. All so well written and the comments from others of faith have also been so helpful!! Thank you much!!
An Apache Warrior for Christ
This is the best website to teach others of God’s word and His truth. I came to this website accidentally. Boy, am I being blown away….by the information and how much I can learn from it! I am still reading, there is so much to learn. Thank you guys for putting out this website. Pray that the Lord will continue to bless you abundantly and exceeding for whatever you need to get this running……thank you!
Michael you are singing triumphantly to The Lord Jesus Christ, The Messiah. The good fruit; did the good work. and left The living word as Light to the world to be carried out continuously.
Seek The Light In Jesus Christ, The Messiah our Lord. AMEN!
God did show us how to cast out demons. And you are wrong two spirits cannot live in one body. Darkness cannot dwell where there is light. You can be attack or influence by demon but if the spirit if Jesus Christ is living on the inside of you and you are living according to gods words no demon from help can possess you.
I agree with this. A Christian cannot be possessed, but they can be heavily influenced from the outside. Kenneth Hagin reported seeing into the spirit realm. He said he saw a spirit hanging off of a person’s neck like a monkey. Pastor Kris Vallotton reported having the feeling of a led vest being lifted off of him when he commanded the spirit of fear to leave him.
Hi Mike,
I just want to thank you for this site, because the Holy Spirit put on my heart to find more research on demonic influence and spiritual warfare which is where my spiritual gift is and as soon as I typed this in google tons of sites came up, however I clicked on yours first and needless to say I never left it.
Its like I cant stop reading your site, I’ve become addicted:) I actually can be occupied doing something else and will have a strong desire to get on this site and continue reading. The Lord has definitely anointed you in spiritual warfare. Thank you so much for your obedience to the Lords call. We need you!
Like many others here, I was lead to this site by the Holy Spirit. I love that you spread the truth of the Word and put it into understanding.
I was searching on “breaking generational curses” and your web page was the first and last one I needed! Thank you for your dedication and spreading the truth of the Living God! You are a blessed man and you bless me!
Love, Tesia
Praise the Lord, this site is God sent. I have been struggling with demons that was playing with my mind and so many times I ended up in hospital and when I read my last diagnosis file It said MAD. Because I suffered severe anxiety disorder because of these demons. But today I am free, I pleaded the blood of Jesus out LOUD to satan and his followers… And can proudly say that the Word of God is my SWORD and my Amor and Protection. I can only thank our Lord and Savoir for your hard work in helping other Christians around the world. Thank you brother Mike. May the Lord continue to bless you so you can be a blessing for others and strengthen you so you can be strong for Christians around the world.
Cornelius Charles Van Reenen
South Africa
I have never heard of “Pleading the Blood of Jesus” before today when a good new Christian friend suggested it to me for protection and deliverance from my abusive tenant/squatter. I now believe he may be possessed. Despite my daily prayers, he has trapped and abused me for 12 years. Tomorrow I enter intense spiritual battle when I hand him a 90-day no-cause eviction. I found your site to learn specifically how to do this safely, for there is little help (except for the police) in getting this kind of help. I will follow the great advice you offered and come back later to report my results. Thank you for spreading the word, kind friend, so I can find my way through the darkness to God’s light and liberation. God bless you!
@Gia Poore, So odd to find this post in 2023 when I Googled my name. I am Gia Poore. I said I’d give an update, so here it is:
I gave my life to Jesus Christ 9/24/2018 – almost 2 years after this post. I drove the demons on this squatter out with the powerful name of Jesus. After 16 years of torment, Jon left of his own accord, without drama, on 3/19/2019 and he never returned.
Praise God! Hallelujah!
Dear Michael, I prayed the I surrender prayer to the Lord. I have gone through the testimonies, I did not see a battle plan for adverse situations and deliverance. I was looking for an offensive prayer and strategy that I could learn. Can you please send me one?
It was such a blessing to stumble on this website and find so many excellent articles relating to walking a Christian path. I live “downunder” in N.Z. which is on the Ring of Fire so the country is very prone to earthquakes/volcanoes/tsunamis. Japan and western coast of U.S. are also on this ring. Six years ago our city suffered severe quakes resulting in loss of life and much destruction including entire suburbs being destroyed or pull-down later. Plus a good two-thirds of Downtown/CBD had to be demolished. Our house was in a badly hit suburb but it survived almost intact apart from minor paintwork cracks. Apart from abit of minor looting, most of the citizens rose to the occasion and it really bought out the best in so many people with help and support including our Church which fed many people. Recently there was a quake about 180kms/110 miles up the coast but the tsunami sirens went off in our city so we had to evacuate further inland from the coast. But God was good and no tsunami arrived. Throughout these times God has always been there and no matter what is going on around us, He is always there for us. Yes we need to plead the Blood of Jesus for protection as we live in a turbulent world. Praise to God! Thank you for your encouraging and uplifting messages which are available to people from all round the world.
Jo – New Zealand
Greetings in Jesus name
My heart is stired by what the Lord is doing through you,i was reading the testimonies and i am blessed and i am ready to hear from you concerning the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sinclair . South Africa
Hello. I have a question…My husband has a narcissistic spirit, leviathan, jezebel. He knows God and we used to go to church together. Now, he will not go near any church that has a heavy presence of God. If he does consider it, he always wants to go late to miss praise and worship. He knows he has demons. Sometimes we will talk about him going for deliverance but he will never commit. My question is…Can a person be delivered from denim possesion if they dont want to be?
I will say as of today the devil has really dealt with me, cause he got me in my weakness again. amongst limitation in my life and just a spirit of anger that is growing because of disappointment one after another.. I feel hopeless, to the point now I am just a field for devil to play depression has set in, I open my eyes but I don’t see its has not dawn in my life , battle and attack after attack, alcohol and stupid shopping is what keeps me.. my finances are not to be mentioned in a mess, I am sure that there are people Christians suffering worse than I but, I am down in a pit, on day the sun will shine in the morning but just before noon the darkness will fall that will cover for a long period that I even forget that I saw a sunny day… the main thing is being a single mother of three and all men left me but they loved me so dearly and had promised me marriage I am worried that I growing old now and no longer beautiful and not sure if there will ever be a man who will wish to marry me, especially with three children bare in mind all the father do not even pay a dime to support me with the children, the last men has also left me… help me help remove this spirit I want to do good before God but I am so tired and weak, when I have money my body earns to sin and spends it useless thinking that I am happy cause I never experience being happy… help me deliver me from this grave, from all these spirits that took over my life and are monitoring my day… I used to think I can do it but not anymore.. I cant even pray anymore in fact I don’t think God listen to me because He no longer trust me as I don’t want to keep promises to Him because I have not keep none deliver me please I beg.. how do get back in track and how do I claim my blessings am I going to cope with this life of being lonely.. and alone will I be able to raise these children my teenage son is alredy a rebel from wishing to meet his father who don’t want to set an eye on me why me what did I do… so do I have to leave Christianity in order to leave better as you said that Christians are mostly attacked by the devil.. please help me I only know God not that I am perfect I went on about other people advices trying to seek life not always been the best daughter to my parents.. only now I am thinking like that.. what is the problem with me please help me .
Stay strong always. God is always next to you. He is omnipresent meaning he knows everything at once. Jesus went through every kind of struggle so he knows our situation and he will help us as long as we remain obediant and faithful. Have hope of the future god has planned for you. Surrender to him and he will unlock doors in your life.
Gather yourself together my sister,
Our God is never late, never early but always on time. Jesus suffered and died for your sins. He made you rightious before God, therefore you are not condemned. Stop blaming yourself and trust your God again. God is never annoyed with us, He tests us but does not tempt us. Be led by the Holy Spirit not by your flesh!! You are not lonely bcoz Jesus is ever on your side.
Let men go, in fact hands off them! Draw closer to God your All in All, eventually you will find joy. He is the provider, and educator of our kids according to His word in Isaiah 54:13. Some men in this world are just sperm donors, irresponsible and heartless, BUT remember there is an Everlasting FATHER, who will never forsake you nor leave you and your children. That is my JESUS.
Am a single mother, but not complaining because of the Power that is in me which is powerful than the power that is against me!! I implore you sister to TRUST in GOD.
Your web site has enabled me to obtain clarification on a number of subjects over which I had had some doubts previously.
Thank you and God bless.
Thank you for this wonderful website on Pleading The Blood of Jesus. I have used it before with success on other problems and last night I used it in my prayer for healing and God answered my prayer the same night.
I had torn the miniscus in my left knee and the pain was terrible. After I prayed the Pleading The Blood of Jesus prayer, I woke up this morning and the pain is completely gone. Our God is great and does answer prayers, but you do have to completely surrender yourself to God and Jesus for this prayer to work. I recommit myself to God and Jesus each time I use this most powerful prayer. Each time, my prayer has been answered in less than 24 hours, a true miracle from God. I have told many friends and relatives about this wonderful website and I urge everyone to do the same. May God bless you.
I am blown away . I stumbled upon your website by typing in how do I know a demon is in my attic ? I have always known internally that a struggle is taking place and I could always manage these struggles by justifying my sin to myself . In fact my sin has become a source of living on the edge living dangerous, but always dialing back Just enough to stay successfull in my career and raise a family . The problem is the more successful I have become the deeper my sin has gotten. My sin would include drugs , alcohol , strippers , hookers and prostitution . With all of this sin I have been able to justify my sin internally or so I thought . Daily a battle is taking place with me internally consuming my thoughts an example of this struggle would include while driving my car , brushing my teethe , drinking coffee etc. I am constantly evaluating my thoughts and heart to the point that it’s driving me insane. No one knows but me and God or so I thought . The kicker is another player knows and I have always known he was there but in my justification of my sin to myself , hiding my sin and my excitement in living dangerous on the edge . I attracted a demon and the scary thing is I have known this for a while now . It started with loud sounds stomping in my attic . I sleep on the couch almost every night and right overtop of me in the middle of the night the loudest boom comes waking me up and sometimes the entire house. Being a man I have armed my self and headed to the attic finding the attic crystal clean . So clean that I know internally I have a problem but I can’t rap my mind around it .
When I typed in how do I know theirs a demon in my attic . Your site appeared and took me to spiritual warfare and in the middle of the night I started reading . But while I was reading I heard this demon walk across the attic and stop just short of where I was laying In the family room . I knew that he was watching while I read . While reading I came across the full suit of aurmor and to stand forth-rite and i said outloud I am not afraid of you infact I am studying in Gods words gaining knowledge to slay you with the sword his word . I felt him retreat . The issue i have in reading things in my life that I have not thought about in years. I have thought about all day consuming me . In my heart I know I have to put a plan of action together and it starts with repentance . I believe with Every fiber inside of me that Jesus died on the cross for my sin and through my reading this plan has been established for me to follow . I am scared to death that I am not capable of holding up my end up . Even though my sin now does not honor Both God and his son Jesus . I have never asked anyone this but please pray for me . I know deep inside that I’m at a point of definition in my life .
Hi Chad, Ive been through a lot myself in regards to Demonic attack as a Volunteer Pastor in the Jails I never knew that I had to Cover myself with the Armor of God and the Blood of Jesus then after leaving the Jails break all Demonic Soul Ties as the Demons would come out on my breathe, Demons come out through Yawns, Burping Belching and other ways like crying etc. Hosea 4:6 My people that’s us die from a lack of knowledge. A third of Jesus time on earth was casting out Demons, Healing the Sick and raising the dead which is hardly talked about in American Churches so we are unequipped to handle the enemies assault. 1.Deliverance is for Born Again Believers only. 2.Repent and Renounce of your sin. 3.Forgive to the best of your ability anyone that has hurt you, basically give it to God to handle, get it out of your gut. (Demons have Legal rights to us through, Generational and Ancestral Curses, Our Personal Sin, Demonic Soul Ties and when someone sends Witchcraft against you) 4. Seek a trained Deliverance Minister, must have references as some have good intentions but are not equipped. I was on a Deliverance team and healed of an enlarged left atrial by the enemy coming out on my breathe plus choking etc. Deliverance is not pretty, its for Gods warriors to set the Church Members free, the Devil bogs us down with pain, attacks, poverty etc to keep us from living Life to the Full with Jesus. Go on You Tube and seek Derek Prince plus get his Deliverance book Thy shall expel demons also pigs in the parlor by Frank and Ira Hammond, you must learn how to defend yourself by learning your authority in Christ, Luke 10:19 Mathew 11:12 Psalm 2:3 Mark 3:15 Zechariah 4:6 John 14:12 Warfare is attacking the enemy by Loosing and Binding Mathew 16:19 and living a Holy Life or they will come back 7 fold. My Prayer to you is this as an Intercessor Father God in the Name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit I Loose warring Angels to protect and keep Chad from harm, I cover Chad in the Blood of Jesus and Pray that Chad learns Warfare to bind the enemy from continual attacks. Holy Spirit open Chad’s mind to receive anointing and Blessings from Heaven. This is as far as I can go because you may have open doors that you need to close to remove the enemies rights to you so get those books, check out Derek Prince on you tube and Micha Steven Bell, seek the Kingdom of God, appropriate the Blood of Jesus in your Life, Best Chaplain John
I love this site, It strengthen my hope in heaven. God reveals in you a heavenly wisdom and knowledge. Godbless keep going this site. Amen
Praise The Lord!
A few minutes ago, I received a disturbing text from my 15 year old daughter regarding one member of the family. I have always suspected this particular person might be demon possessed – specifically by the spirit of Jezebel! So I decided to google out who or what this spirit is for the sake of my daughter. I believe it’s the holy spirit that led me to this site! I could not have got a better description of the spirit of Jezebel and lots of other useful material. My daughter now has a clear picture of the whole situation and together we shall continue to pray for God to show us how best to deal with this situation. I will recommend this site to everyone who values their spiritual life and wants to make it o heaven. God bless you all abundantly! Haleluyahhhhhhh! Thank you so much and may God richly bless you all.
Thanks for this website. I have learn something new today. I know I will be coming back with a greater testimony to the Glory of the Lord. I have learned of how powerful pleading the blood of Jesus.
I am so grateful the lord jesus guided me to this site I have seen truly remarkable deliverance with pleading the blood of Jesus with the very strong prayer you offer God is so good and Has saved me more times even though i didnt deserve it his mercy is incredible i feel i have found my calling to free opressed people when and who the lord so chooses his will be done not my own I THANK YOU ABBA FATHER ,JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR LETTING A NOBODY LIKE ME HAVE A PURPOSE IN YOUR KINGDOM
The site to me is a wow! to the glory of God. More grease to your elbow. It’s a great help to me. May God crown your effort with Heaven at last with you and your ministries members IN JESUS NAME. Kehinde,from Nigeria.
I am so pleased to have found this site. I don’t doubt God led me to it. I have been ill for a year and have prayed daily for healing. But I now realise I need to plead the Blood of Jesus. Thank you for teaching how to do this effectively.
I would like to subscribe to this site but I can’t see where to do this.
I ‘stumbled’ upon your website while searching for articles on spiritual warfare. Many articles tell us we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but…. few told how to fight once we have recognized our enemy, how to fight against these unseen forces. Your website has spoken to these issues that plague the body in 2021, giving chapter, verse and practical applications to teach and to train. Thank you for your willingness to serve God and those of us who desperately want to grow in the strength and truth of our LORD. Blessings.
I thank God for your site and for your articles. I have found all the answers I needed and God knew where to send me for it.
This has been an eye opening. I have been a Christian for many years now since 2003 and this has helped me to understand the warfare area and how to fight back.
I pray to God to continue using you for the Glory and Honor of His Name.!!!
God bless you!