Per my telephone conversation with you the other day, you said you had a friend who was hearing voices. You said it got so bad at one time that she had herself checked into a mental hospital. You also mentioned that she apparently believes in spirit guides.
Tom, if she is using the word “spirit guides,” the voices that she is hearing are demonic spirits. Spirit Guides is a New Age term and comes right out of the occult.

There are some people who literally make contact with what they feel are “good spirits.” These good spirits are really demonic spirits masquerading as angels of light.
If this woman is a Christian, then she is headed towards very dangerous waters if she is still hearing these voices and have gone as far as to make direct contact with what she feels is a good spirit guide.
If she has made contact with some kind of spirit being – then there are only 3 possible things it could be:
- Jesus Christ
- One of God’s angels
- A demonic spirit
I will give you two Scripture verses to give to her so you can give her fair warning as to what she is really dealing with.
Scripture Verses
1. This first verse tells us that either Satan or one of his demonic spirits can literally appear to us masquerading as an angel of light. Here it is:
“For Satan himself transforms himself into an ANGEL OF LIGHT. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” (2 Corinthians 11:14)
This verse tells us that not only can Satan himself actually do this – but so can his other ministers, which I believe are either demonic spirits or other people who are operating under his direction and influence. This is why you have to test out any spirit that would suddenly appear to you.
The first thing you have to find out is if the spirit appearing to you is one of God’s angels or a demonic spirit. This now leads us into the next verse which will tell us exactly how to do this.
2. This next verse specifically tells us not to believe every spirit, but to test it out as to whether or not they are really from God. Here is the verse:
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, BUT TEST THE SPIRITS, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.” (1 John 4:1-4)
Tom, per all of the above, I would tell your friend the next time she hears any voices coming at her, or if one of these spirits should suddenly appear in front of her, I would tell her to do two things:
- Ask the spirit who his Lord and Master is. The spirit better say his Lord and Master is Jesus Christ. If the spirit cannot confess that Jesus Christ is his Lord and Master – then he is not an angel from God.
- I would then tell her to ask the spirit to confess to her that Jesus Christ has come to our earth in the flesh. If this spirit cannot make this specific confession to her – then this spirit is definitely not from God!
I believe the reason a demonic spirit cannot confess that Jesus Christ came to our earth in the flesh is due to the fact that Jesus totally defeated Satan and all of the fallen angels when He came to our earth in the flesh and died on the cross. This is called the Incarnation when Jesus came down to us in the flesh, which means He was fully Man and fully God when He was walking down here on our earth.
Tell her to tell the demon that he has now been fully exposed, that she now knows that he is not one of God’s angels, and that he is to leave her now and forevermore, and that he is to never, ever come back on her again.
Tell her to do the same thing every time she hears those voices trying to talk to her. Tell her to simply speak out loud to the voices, telling them to stop and for them to now leave her in the name of Jesus Christ.
If the above does not work – tell her to plead the Blood of Jesus directly against the demons. That should take care of it unless she has engaged in some kind of door opener activity that has allowed the demons to come in on her in the first place.
If that is the case, then she will have to confess the door opening activity as a sin to God, and then renounce this activity before God – telling Him that she will never, ever go back to it again.
Once she has fully confessed and fully renounced the sin before the Lord, then the demons will lose their legal right to be able to stay attached to her, and they will now have to leave her if she commands them to leave her in the name of Jesus Christ!
Tom, I do not know how far you will be able to get with this woman, either now or somewhere down the road. If you need any further help on all of this after you talk to her, let me know, and I will be glad to answer any specific questions she may have about all of this.
Norman Slater
Saturday 17th of September 2022
Command the demonic spirit into the drylands never to return or be replaced the Call upon the anointing power of the Holy Spirit who lives in us to surround your home inside and outside, underneath into the earth and above into the heavens in the Mighty Name above all names Jesus Christ Followed by praise and thanksgiving. I like to pray a Psalm that I memorized before I pray the command because it torments them enough to fear the LORD with trembling. I have felt a light wind whispering past me as I call upon the Holy Spirit, it is a truly good and peaceful experience. As the Spirit of Yahweh moves as one together through us my sister in Christ, I pray in agreement with you and stand firm with the Armour of Yahweh through our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ with thanksgiving and praise with you Amen. FYI, Yahweh does not want us nowhere near soothsayer's or mediums. And blessing your home with the word of God inside and out is good and having the Shema at your gate. Yahweh Bless you my sister :)
Michael christian
Wednesday 1st of May 2019
I think im lost. I gave everything to my family my self and everything i can do. But everytime i ask for help or support my wife always reasoning with me and i think shes just making them to avoid listening to me. Im just lost and i need help if shes true because i cannot move forward as long as she keep showing me this behavior. As if she was more on helping her family than me her husband and my 2 yrs old son.
Prophetess D. Grant
Tuesday 16th of March 2021
Michael, pray everyday for God to give you guidance and wisdom in the leading of your household and to help your wife and child to submit to you as you submit unto Him. Be patient with her and keep her lifted in prayer everyday, but don’t pray with anger in your heart as your prayers will not be answered. Mark 11:25-26, “And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.”The Bible also says in Colossians 3:19, “Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.” But sit your wife down and talk about the situation regarding how you’re feeling with no anger and try to come to a workable agreement between you two. Show her Matt.19:4-6, “And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” Let her know that when she cares more for her family than keeping peace in her marriage she’s going against the Word of God. And if you aren’t already doing so, you and your wife should learn to pray and study the Word of God together, especially scriptures on marriage and if needed, go seek counseling through your Pastor. I pray that this helps and your marriage will grow stronger in the Lord
Monday 10th of June 2019
I am married as well and i can kind of relate as in to say sometimes as women wehave a hard time with that due to trying to make everyone one happy we forget to take in consideration that we may be neglecting ourselves and our househould as well...and when my husbands says the same as you feel or felt it makes me feel terrible but it was never intentionally done. I hope it works out and remember to focus on each other family can have a way of causing confusion and a lot of decisions should be made together, ask God for Guidance and resoulution He will see you too it.
Daniel Stuart
Friday 21st of September 2018
I believe you missed the boat slightly when you quoted the verse to test the spirit. The Bible says any spirit that says Jesus is come in the flesh is of God. The difference here is subtle but all encompassing. Is gives us Jesus in in the present tense. If you ask a demonic spirit if it believes Jesus has come in the flesh it will answer you to the affirmative because he knows He did. The demon spirits know Jesus and tremble at his name. Better to give this lady a KJV and study it with her than try to fend off demons with reference to a poorly translated book.
Friday 18th of March 2022
@diane G Thank you! This is wisdom and demons will say that. I think it would be best if someone asked the entity if Jesus Christ is it's Lord and the one it follows. I see so many Christians nowadays also believing that there are benevolent Extraterrestrials. There are NONE that come from God. In every dream God has given me about Aliens, they are wicked. Always trying to destroy our faith in Jesus. God said to me the most heinous deception to hit mankind. It is satan's endtime army come to deceive even God's own elect.
diane G
Saturday 18th of July 2020
No, I am a deliverance minister and deal with demons all the time in people. Quoting the words "Jesus Christ is come in the flesh" is not the way to test the spirits. The demons will say it if you press them hard enough during deliverance, they dont like to say it but will, they will even say "Jesus is Lord", because He is. I see deliverance minsters misuse this verse when doing deliverance, if the spirit says it then they say its an "alter personality" or another persons spirit or an angel. No, this is Unbiblical and we do not have power to split our spirits, God will not allow it, Satan cant even do this.
The verse is talking about the spirit a Prophet is speaking from, and how you test it? Does he confess The Lordship and deity of Jesus Christ on earth. To confess Jesus as God, who came to earth in the flesh, was crucified, died & rose on the 3rd day and now sits at the right hand of the father with a name above all names, does he confess Him as Lord and Savior?. If He Does not exalt Jesus as Lord.... the next verse (1 Jn 4:3) says if he does not, then its the spirit of AntiChrist. The word "spirit" in this verse is different, it gives title the THE SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST, not just any demon. This verse of testing is not about ask demons to say 'Jesus Christ is come in the flesh" because they will and you will be deceived. Must read the verse in context. I know deliverance ministers that are deceived and believe in alter personalities, all they are doing is huritng the person they are ministering too. Demonizing them more.
Earl Kayron
Monday 10th of February 2020
agreed. The answer is lurking somewhere raising its hand & nobody notiicng but want to avoid answering the question. Kinda motivates me to no longer be Christian ! Churches are a business; therefore, unreliable as usual. How I know they got a textbook college degree not a Montessori fully engaged college degree. This info was totally un-helpful. Just saying. Wasting my time on reprobate.
Andile Mali
Wednesday 21st of August 2019
God the Holy Spirit has given us this scripture to test spirits of whether they are from God or the devil, but arrogance, stubbornness, rebellion in or outside you have the audacity to not just question, and dismiss the scripture, but God Holy Spirit the author of the bible Himself ! Do you realize that this question is not from you Lady? In Jesus Christ name I pulled down all satanic strongholds in you. I cast down imaginations reasonings speculations arguments knowledge and knowledge understanding thought and every high thing that exalts itself above and against the knowledge of God, and I bring it into captivity every thought to the obedience of Jesus Christ.
Wednesday 23rd of January 2019
Is it not it better to ask the demonic spirits do they love God. They could not answer that question.
Friday 13th of July 2018
What does it mean when a person is self righteous? What are the characteristics of self righteous? What does it mean when a person pray for someone & the devil sends an attack to them what does that mean?
Friday 15th of June 2018
I hear spirits that are bad. I was confused as to what I should do about my second marriage. they would not acknowledge jesus only say they were god themselves. I prayed and said that I would not accept anything but what God has told me to do. I told Him I needed a messenger. one day I heard a voice behind me say I am Jesus Christ. he then went on to let me see the hurt I was causing my daughter and the fact that I was in sin cause I was rejecting His forgiveness. I never receive visitors but I received a phone call immediately after this happened from a woman at my old church. she said that God had pulled her to minister to me about God's love. she came over to do this. she told me how great the love was and then I received a phone call from my daughter that she had just been in prayer. she later told me that she prayed about our family and shed a couple of tears but cried in her heart. I think this is what Jesus allowed me to hear. God knew I had read about testing the spirits and wouldn't believe just anything. I didn't ask this spirit if He believed that He came in the flesh. I just knew it was Him. I believe that He sent the lady immediately afterwards to further the reality of what He told me. some say it's an unforgivable sin to be remarried and that you have to leave. at the time I wasn't believing anyone who said I didn't have to leave and that i'd been forgiven. I was set on leaving my family and teaching this to others.
Rebekah Wang
Tuesday 16th of April 2019
Jennifer - I really want to know what Jesus taught you about remarriage. This is an issue - that is on my heart - that I want and I feel you've been anointed to teach. Do you mind sharing, - being obedient to the Lord - and your word - and teaching this to myself? (And others?)
'some say it’s an unforgivable sin to be remarried and that you have to leave. at the time I wasn’t believing anyone who said I didn’t have to leave and that i’d been forgiven.' it sounds like Jesus was saying go had to leave? - could you either confirm / or teach a bit on that? :) Kindly, Becky