The Gun Analogy – Learning To Combine the Word of God And the Power of the Holy Spirit To Walk In The Anointing

About 10 years ago, I felt God gave me a very powerful revelation on the power of combining the Word and the Spirit. The knowing that came from Him was that many Christians really do not appreciate or see the real power that is in the written Word of God itself – the Bible!

I felt like He gave me this gun analogy in order to show people how powerful the written Word of God really is when you combine it with the power of the Holy Spirit operating through you.

The Gun Analogy

The anointing of God is really the power of God operating through you to get a particular job done. You can have the anointing of God – the power of God – on whatever it is God will be asking you to do for Him in this life.

You can have the anointing to witness to others to get them saved, the anointing to heal someone, the anointing to cast out demons, and the anointing to teach and disciple others.

However, when you cut a little further into the anointing, what it really is – is the power of the Holy Spirit Himself operating through you. However, the Holy Spirit is always operating under the direct authority and guidance of God the Father. The Two of Them work in perfect harmony and unity with one another.

The Holy Spirit will not manifest His power unless He has a solid green light from God the Father to do so. God the Father always calls all of the shots.

The Bible tells us that all of Jesus’ miracles were done by the power of the Holy Spirit. These miracles were not done by His own divine power because He was fully incarnated into a human flesh body exactly as we have.

He totally depended on the power of the Holy Spirit power to cast out demons, to heal the sick, and to walk on water.

Many men love guns and hunting, and for many of them, guns represent power. And guns are definitely powerful! The fact that a small revolver can create enough explosive force to propel a bullet out of a gun barrel that can literally kill someone is proof positive on just how powerful guns really are.

I felt that God gave me this gun analogy in order to show everyone how powerful it really is when you combine the written Word of God with the power of the Holy Spirit!

Many Christians really do not realize how much power there really is in the written Word of God.

If you want the anointing of God to operate through you – then you have to give the Holy Spirit something to work with – and that something is the written Word of God – the Bible itself!

Many of the times the Holy Spirit will not move on a particular situation unless you have some of the Word “loaded up in you.”

Each Christian thus has to spend some type of good, regular, quality time reading the Bible, seeking to understand it as best as they can, and committing certain Scripture verses to memorization.

If each Christian would spend some kind of good, regular, quality time in doing this, then God will anoint them with His power through the Holy Spirit when that power will be needed for a particular situation!

The words coming out of your mouth will have no supernatural power on their own. All of the power is with the Holy Spirit. You could memorize half of the Bible – but if you do not have the power of the Holy Spirit operating through you, then saying all of the correct Scripture verses for a particular situation will not get the job done.

There will be no healing, no deliverance, and no breakthrough. It is only when the Holy Spirit will manifest His power that the miracle will take place.

There are preachers who can quote Scripture all day long, but there is no power in their sermons because they are not operating under the true anointing of God. They do not have the power of the Holy Spirit on their preaching.

They are all Word and no Spirit. You have to have both the Word and the Spirit operating through you if you want to produce real fruit for the Lord.

However, the catch is that the Holy Spirit will not manifest His power at times unless you have some of the Word loaded up in you. He will then lead you to speak out some appropriate Scripture verses for whatever miracle you are seeking after.

Once you speak out what He leads you to say, then His power will manifest into the situation to give you the supernatural miracle you are looking for!

However, there is a flip side to all of this. It is the Word and the Spirit working together that will produce the miracle. If all you did was read the Bible, but had no real personal relationship established with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, then nothing would ever happen.

When I say the Word and the Spirit – this means that you have established a good, intimate, personal relationship with both God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit Himself.

Establish a strong, intimate, personal relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit – and then combine that good personal relationship with the study of the written Word of God – and then you will be fully loaded with nuclear firepower to pull down major miracles from God the Father when a miracle is really needed!

Many Christians have established good personal relationships with God and Jesus, but they have not spent much time in the Bible seeking to obtain more knowledge about the Lord.

The Bible is the only written source we have down here that will give us all of the knowledge about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I felt like God was trying to convey to me that if His people were really interested in learning more about Him, His Son, His Spirit, and all of His ways, then His people would seek out more of this knowledge by studying the Bible.

When you enter into any type of deep personal relationship with someone – the first thing you are going to want to do is to try and find out as much as you can about the person you are entering into the relationship with.

You will want to know all about their past and everything they have gone through in their lives.


Because when you learn about their past, you will get to know them better! You will begin to understand why they are the way they are.

It’s the same way in your personal relationship with God. Once you find out that this direct personal relationship is possible with the Lord, then your next step should be to want to try and find out everything that you can about Him!

And the Bible is the only true, accurate, written account that we have down here that will tell us all about God, His ways, and what He is really like as far as His personality qualities. You cannot find this information anywhere else other than the Holy Bible.

I believe that if you combine the study of Scripture with the personal relationship that you have established with the Lord – then you will create a major desire in God the Father to want to anoint you with His supernatural power when His power will be needed for a particular situation.

I believe the anointing is based upon having a good, close, personal relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit – and a decent working knowledge of the Bible. I look at this combination as a 1-2 punch!

No one will ever master the entire Bible in this lifetime. You do not have to become a Bible scholar in order to get God to anoint you with His divine power through the Holy Spirit when it will be needed.

God Himself will personally guide you in your study of Scripture. The Holy Spirit will lead you as to how often to read and how much to read. God will easily fit the study of the Bible into your normal everyday activities if you really want Him to do this for you.

I feel that all God is really looking for is that each and every Christian do the best they can in their study of Scripture. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth and teach you all things. The Holy Spirit Himself will help guide you and teach you as to what certain Scripture verses mean when you read it.

It is His job to enlighten you and illuminate your mind so that you can understand what you are reading. Simply ask for the Holy Spirit’s help when you study the Bible, and He will come to help you out.

But you have to go into a seeking mode when you study the Bible with the intention of wanting to learn more about God.

If you try to study the Bible just to see if God will anoint you with His supernatural power rather than for the express purpose of wanting to enter into a deeper personal relationship with Him – then He will see right through your impure motives and there will be no anointing when you will need it.

Now here is the gun analogy I felt God gave to me to show how powerful it really is when you combine the Word and the Spirit together – or to put it another way – when you combine the Word and a personal relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

The Gun Analogy

1.  Here is the basic gist of the analogy:

When you combine the Word and the Spirit – you are creating “bullets” on the inside of you!

The Bible says that the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit! Notice the word “sword.” A sword is an offensive weapon to be used in combat.

When you are trying to cast demons out of someone, trying to heal someone from an illness or disease, or trying to get someone saved from the fires of hell, you are really going into combat!

The demons who may be inside of a person do not want to leave! The person who has a terminal disease and who needs a healing, this terminal disease is not going to leave or subside on its own!

The person you are witnessing to may be resisting God’s message of eternal salvation being presented to him.

You thus need God’s supernatural power to come into these type of situations – to cast the demons out, to heal the person with the illness or disease the doctors cannot cure, or to convince the unsaved person that they need to accept God’s free gift of eternal salvation through the blood of His Son Jesus Christ.

My own slang term for this is the word “torpedoes.” When you are speaking out the words God is giving you when you are faced with these types of battle situations – you are “shooting torpedoes.”

Torpedoes or bullets are the anointed words and power of God coming out of your mouth to bring healing, deliverance, or eternal salvation to the one you are dealing with.

Example: say you are dealing with someone who needs a physical healing. You will lay hands on this person, say the words that God will give you, and then the Holy Spirit will move in with His divine power to produce the healing.

However, you may have to be willing to speak out the words God will give you before the Holy Spirit will move in with His supernatural power to heal them.

The Bible tells us “out of your belly will flow rivers of living waters.” Jesus was referring to the Holy Spirit when He made this statement. Key on the word “flow.”

Many of the times when God leads you to lay hands and pray for someone who needs a healing, you will get what is called a flow of words from the Holy Spirit. In this flow of words will probably be some Scripture verses on healing.

If you had not spent enough time in the Bible getting some of these healing verses loaded up in you, then the Holy Spirit would have had nothing to work with and God probably would have never even led you to try for this healing in the first place.

However, if you have been properly “loaded up” with healing verses from studying the Bible, then God has the “ammunition” that He will need in order to release the power of the Holy Spirit through you to bring about the healing!

You cannot heal someone unless you first understand that it is God’s will to heal through His Word. Most of the time, you will have to have some of these healing verses loaded up in your mind through the study of Scripture before God will move to heal.

You cannot witness to someone to try and get them saved if you do not have some of the basic salvation verses loaded up in your mind to present to that person. You cannot cast demons out of someone unless you quote some of the appropriate Scripture verses when engaging with the demons.

I have seen deliverance ministers cast out demons in quite a few people and they are always quoting the appropriate Scripture verses when engaging with the demons. You can really feel the power of God on their words when they are quoting Scripture directly to the demons.

So if you properly analyze all of the above scenarios – it is the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit working together that will bring about the miracle.

You speak out the appropriate words that God will want you to speak out, and then the Holy Spirit will move in with His supernatural power to bring about the miracle.

2.  Now here is the gun analogy God gave me so people can really see how powerful it really is when you combine both the Word and the Holy Spirit together.

Since I do not have graphics capability on my computer, you will have to use your imagination to visualize all of this. Imagine a revolver and a single bullet lying next to it. Actually the bullet is just a part of what is really called the cartridge.

a) The Cartridge

There are 3 main parts to the cartridge.

  1. There is the outer shell or outer casing.
  2. There is the nose or tip of the cartridge which is called the bullet. The bullet is what explodes off the casing when you pull the trigger. The bullet is the part that will actually go into the target that you are shooting into.
  3. There is the gunpowder that is located inside the casing or shell.

b) The Revolver

Here are the main parts of the revolver.

  1. There is the chamber where you will load the bullet into. The chamber is the holes in the cylinder that snaps back in and out of the middle part of the revolver.
  2. There is the trigger, which you will pull back to cause the gun to go off.
  3. There is the hammer, which is located on the back part of the gun. When you pull the trigger of the gun, the hammer will then pull back at the same time.

Once the hammer snaps forward, the hammer will strike the back of the cartridge causing the gunpowder inside the casing to explode. Once that explosion occurs, the bullet will propel forward, flying out of the barrel of the gun to hit the intended target.

Now here is the analogy of what really occurs in the spiritual realm when you combine the power of the Holy Spirit with the written Word of God.

  1. The Word of God is the gunpowder
  2. The Holy Spirit is the bullet
  3. Your mind is the chamber
  4. Your mouth is the trigger

Here’s How it Works in the Spiritual Realm

1.  You load your mind up with the Word of God by studying the Bible, seeking to understand it, and committing certain Scripture verses to memorization.

2.  You establish a good, intimate, personal relationship with all three members of the Godhead – God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Do both of these, and then God will anoint you with His supernatural power though the Holy Spirit when you will need His power to receive some type of miracle.

When it is time for the miracle to be brought about, here is what you may have to do that will line up with the shooting of a gun!

If God tells you that He wants to heal your sister of cancer, then what you will have to do is to go over and pray for her and possibly lay hands on her for the healing power of God to go through her body to bring about the healing.

When you lay hands on her, you will have to pray words, possibly out loud, before God will move in with His healing power through the Holy Spirit.

Once you pray the words that God may give you, then the Holy Spirit Himself will move into her body to bring about the healing. However, He will not move until you first say the words that God wants you to pray out loud!

In these flow of words that you may receive from the Holy Spirit will probably be some healing verses from the Bible.

The Holy Spirit will bring back up to your remembrance certain healing verses that you have already read! Since you have already done your homework by studying Scripture, the Holy Spirit is free to bring these verses back up to your remembrance when you may need them to either heal someone, deliver someone from demons, or to get someone saved.

However, if you have not spent enough time in Scripture and have never read some of these particular verses – then the Holy Spirit will have nothing to work with. He cannot bring something back up to your remembrance unless it has first been read and assimilated from the Bible!

When you study Scripture – you are loading your mind up with the gunpowder that the Holy Spirit needs to explode on.

When you have established a good, personal, working relationship with all three Members of the Godhead, then the Holy Spirit is free to shoot out of you with His supernatural power to bring about healing, deliverance, or salvation to the one you are dealing with.

When it comes time for the miracle to take place, you are already to go. You are fully loaded with the Word in your mind the same way the chamber of the gun is fully loaded up with the bullets.

The Holy Spirit is the bullet – ready to shoot out of you when His supernatural power is needed to bring about the miracle.

And here is the final part that will release the power of the Holy Spirit to shoot out of you like a bullet or torpedo – it is your MOUTH!

What causes the explosion to occur in the gun that will propel the bullet out of the barrel into the intended target? It is the pulling back of the trigger, and then the hammer comes down striking the back of the cartridge!

What will cause the Holy Spirit to release through your hands or body to go into the other person to heal them?

It is the speaking out of the appropriate words in the flow of words that God may give you right there on the spot! Your mouth is the trigger that will release the power of the Holy Spirit to move into the situation that needs the miracle!

If you do not tell or command the demons to go out of person when attempting a deliverance, then the Holy Spirit will not move in with His power to blow them out of there. You first speak out the appropriate command words – and then the Holy Spirit will move in with His supernatural power to bring about the deliverance.

Your words by themselves will have no power to bring about any miracle. It is only the power of the Holy Spirit Himself that can bring about any miracle.

However, God has it set up where He wants you to speak out the appropriate words first before He will release His manifest power into the situation to bring about the miracle.

Load your mind up with the “gunpowder of the Word,” activate the “power of the Holy Spirit” by establishing a good personal relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit – and then you will be a fully loaded revolver ready to shoot “God bullets” into any situation that will need God’s supernatural power to bring about a miracle!

Once you are fully loaded with the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit – then the only thing you will have to focus on is to not be afraid to speak out the appropriate words when God places you in a situation for a healing or deliverance to take place.

If you are fully loaded with enough Scripture to be considered dangerous, and you have the anointing of God ready to flow through you because you have established a good enough personal relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit – then the only thing that can stop you from bringing God’s miraculous power into any particular situation is your fear of stepping out and being willing to say the appropriate words.

If you do not have enough courage to lay hands on someone and pray for the healing – then nothing will happen!

If you do not have enough courage to talk directly to someone who has demons and be willing to cast them out by saying the appropriate command words against them – then nothing will happen.

If you do not have enough courage to witness to someone to try and get them saved – then nothing will happen.

Many of God’s people are fully loaded with the Word and power of the Holy Spirit! They are ready to go! The only thing holding them back is fear. They are too afraid to step out of the boat to witness to someone or to pray for someone else’s healing.

If they are not willing to step out of the boat and “trigger” the release of God’s power by being willing to say the right words and do exactly what God may lead them to do on the spot, then God will simply hold back His power and that person will continue to remain in bondage to his condition – whether it be from a physical illness, under the influence of demons, or continuing to remain unsaved and thus in danger of losing their soul should they die anytime in the near future.

I will be doing a separate article sometime in the near future on walking with the anointing of God. I feel God has given me quite a bit of information and knowledge on the conditions that need to be met before He will release this kind of miraculous power through a believer.

However, I just wanted to bait all of you with the above gun analogy.

The power of God is real! The Bible is loaded with major verses showing that God does want to anoint His people with His supernatural power like He did with the early apostles.

God has many “loaded revolvers” within His Body right now that are ready to be anointed with His power – if they will only not be afraid to step into it and allow God to train and bring them up in it!

I do not think most Christians who have really paid their dues by studying the Bible and having established very good, personal relationships with God really realize the power they are carrying on the inside of them!

The Holy Spirit lives and dwells on the inside of every believer. The Holy Spirit is the One who has the responsibility and ministry of releasing God’s supernatural power into any situation that may need it.

In the meantime all of you “loaded revolvers” – just keep your radars up! You never know when God will lead you into a situation that He will be looking to release an actual miracle in. God will set the entire stage up for you.

Just stay with your leadings from the Holy Spirit, and He will perfectly lead you as to what He will want you to do and when He will want you to do it.

Be willing to step out and follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit, and God may just arrange for you to not only witness a dramatic miracle – but to be an actual participant in the miracle itself! God may choose you to manifest His power through to help someone else out.

If He does, there can be no greater honor or thrill than to have God personally manifest His power through you to save the day for someone else. It will be an experience you will never, ever forget!

Now I will end this article with a few Scripture verses to back up some of the above points.

Scripture Verses

1.  This first Scripture verse is where the Word of God is compared to a sword! This verse tells us that the Word of God is sharper than any two edged sword any human can make on this earth.

God is using this analogy to show how us powerful the Word of God really is. After this statement is made, it then goes one step further and tells us that the Word of God can cut right through the body, soul, and spirit of a man.

People have a slang expression that someone’s words can “cut right through you like a knife.” Words are powerful, especially if your words are anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

If someone’s negative words can cut right through you like a knife, can you imagine what someone’s words can do if they are anointed with the power of God? This verse tells us that the Word of God is living and powerful! Here is the most powerful verse:

“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

2.  This next verse tells us that God can make our mouths like a sharp sword. This verse is a nice extension off the above verse. This is why the Word of God is considered to be the Sword of the Holy Spirit.

“And He has made my mouth like a sharp sword … and made me a polished shaft.” (Isaiah 49:2)

3.  This next verse adds more to the power of God’s words coming out of your mouth. This verse tells us that God’s words can be like fire coming out of your mouth. This verse then ends saying that the Word of God can also be like a hammer that can break a rock into pieces.

Again, this verse is really emphasizing the power that is in the Word of God.

“Is not My word like a fire?” says the Lord, “and like a hammer that breaks the rock into pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29)

4.  This next verse will tell us that if God’s Word is sent out – that it will not return back to Him void. In other words, God’s Word will accomplish what it was sent out to do in the first place! This is an extremely powerful Scripture verse.

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)

5.  This next verse will tell us that God can give each one of us an “utterance” – which will be a nice flow of words when we would need them to pray, to witness, to counsel, or to cast out demons.

Not only can God give us His utterances when we will need them, but with this utterance will come His boldness so we will not be afraid to speak out His Words to someone else.

“… that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel.” (Ephesians 6:19)

6.  This next verse is the one about being able to receive “flows” from the Holy Spirit. This revelation is coming direct from Jesus Himself.

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart (belly) will FLOW rivers of living waters.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive …” (John 7:38-39)

In this verse, God is telling us that we can get “flows” from the Holy Spirit. I believe there are different kinds of flows God can give us through the Holy Spirit.

The gift of tongues would be one of these flows. If someone has the gift of prophecy coming into manifestation, they are getting a flow of words from God to speak out to someone else. In addition to tongues and prophecy, I believe God can give each believer a nice flow of words whenever they would need them to properly witness to someone, to pray for a healing, or to cast demons out of someone.

If you ever watch preachers who are truly anointed to preach, they operate under a very nice flow. It is just one torpedo after another when they preach or teach the Word of God to you. It’s not that they are robots or puppets – it’s just that the Holy Spirit is anointing their speech with His power so that you are really fed when you listen to them. These preachers and teachers still have to mesh and flow with the anointing when it does come up on them.

God can do the exact same thing for you when you will need to talk to someone else about Him. This is why the anointing is so important for each Christian to have. Without God’s power operating through you, nothing will ever happen.

7.  This next verse specifically tells us that things are not accomplished by your power or by your might, but only by the power of the Holy Spirit! This verse is short and sweet, but it is one of the most powerful verses in all of Scripture.

In this verse, God is telling us that if we want to be successful in anything that we try to do for Him in this life, then it has to be done operating under His anointing, which is the power of the Holy Spirit operating through you. Here is another major power verse:

“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,” says the Lord.” (Zechariah 4:6)

8.  Here is another powerful verse telling us that God can make our words like fire if we are willing to speak out His words when they are given to us!

“Because you speak this word, behold, I will make My words in your mouth fire, and this people wood, and it shall devour them.” (Jeremiah 5:14)

9.  These next two verses specifically tell us that demons are cast out of a person by two things – by the power of the Holy Spirit and by the Word of God.

It’s verbal warfare when you cast demons out of someone. Speak out the appropriate command words when attempting to do a deliverance, and then God will back you up with His supernatural power to get the job fully done.

  • “And He cast out the spirits with a word …”(Matthew 8:16)
  • “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God …” (Matthew 12:28)

10.  This next verse will tell us that God will give us His boldness if we are willing to speak out His words. This boldness will be coming direct from the Holy Spirit.

“Now Lord … grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” (Acts 4:29-30)

11.  Now I will end this article with several good Scripture verses showing you that God really does want to anoint His people with His supernatural power to save, heal, deliver, and disciple.

These verses are all emphasizing the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit that is available to all believers if they will only allow God to build them up in it.

  • “But you shall receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
  • “For our gospel did not come in word only, but also in POWER and in the Holy Spirit …” (1 Thessalonians 1:5)
  • “For the kingdom of God is not in word but in POWER.” (1 Corinthians 4:20)
  • “… in mighty signs and wonders, by the POWER OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD …” (Romans 15:19)

It was only when the first set of apostles received the power of the Holy Spirit upon them at Pentecost did they have the power, boldness, and courage to go out and start the evangelism of this world that still has not quit to this day.


There are many more Scripture verses about being able to walk with God’s anointing and power operating in your life. I will be doing a much more thorough analysis on the anointing of God and how to really enter into it in an upcoming article for those of you who want to really tread into these kinds of deeper waters with the Lord. In the meantime, I will leave you with one last thought:

God is powerful and the Bible is powerful!

And when you combine the Two of Them together – you can have the power of God operating through you to accomplish any mission that God will send you out on.

If nothing is impossible with God, then nothing will be impossible for you if God’s supernatural power is truly operating through you!

This 1-2 punch is what will truly release the power of God into any situation when a supernatural miracle is the only thing that will save the day for someone.

The early apostles had this kind of power, and I really believe that God wants to raise up an army of overcoming believers in this day and age to walk with this same kind of power as we approach what may be the end times as prophesied in the Bible.

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  1. Thank you for all that you’re allowing God to do for Him and to share with us keep up the Godly work for The Almighty God.

  2. I have read it half-way,it is educative and good for those who have not been doing their know its importance and how they can be in communion with God.

  3. Hi thank you for sharing this wonderful message. it’s the exact messqage that i was reading recently from a book that i just bought and ti was talking about the the word and the spirit refering it as cement and water, an dthat those 2 has to be balanced, that is you have to have the word inside of you and when it is mixed with the holy spirit (speaking in tongue) it will cause an explosion.

  4. So beautiful and timely for me is this message. It comes at a time when I had been reflecting back since last week, and had decided I really need more of the word as I lost the discipline to read the word daily years ago, and I was just getting myself back to that first love. This comes as both encouragement and confirmation of what I need to do.

    May the Lord Bless the author and all you readers out there!

  5. Thank you for sharing this. It is a confirmation of what i dreamt of lately about an envelope given to me by a man whom i pressume to be a subordinate of a general i think.i opened it and i saw a paper there are words or some kind of a map or guide and there was also a bullet. Then after a day or two i dreamt again this time i was like an army i had companions all female i tjink we were 5 then . In my dream i was holding a gun an ancient gun and i thought i will ask for a new gun.thats all

  6. I walk down by the river every morning where I was baptized in repentance. I took a different path this time and found a small 32 cal bullet on the ground.I always look up biblical reference as to what God has shown me for the day. I thought it was spot on! Being raised on a farm my father was an avid hunter and owned a Trap shooting club.The only thing missing was Christ, although later in life after my father’s passing, thankfully I found Christ! Again many thanks, I felt as if the Holy Spirit had used you to write personally to me.

  7. You may have written this a long time ago but your detailed article strongly resonated with me today. Thank you. If you need specifics, John 7: Verses 38-39 and your comment about being properly loaded up for Good to bring about healing through us were my 1-2 punch.

  8. I had a dream in 2013 that I was at a very anointed church/prayer service but I had a gun. I have pondered the meaning of this dream for years. I was studying my bible reading this morning. I thought to study Acts when I finish Mark. But I was moved after study to revisit this dream I had in 2013. then I googled for the first time the meaning of having the gun and it brought me here. I thank you for this article. For God has finally spoke to me over 5 years later through your article and gave me the meaning of why I had that gun. I praise God for giving you this revelation. May God continue to richly bless you.

  9. On 25/7/2019 I dreamt snatching a gun from someone and shooting back at them out of self defense,i pulled the trigger and bullets were shooting at them but were not penetrating through their bodies.After reading this article is when i realized that,is a warfare affair whereby i need to read the word of God more in order for the gun powder to be released.

  10. Good day,

    I came to the internet to search for christian dream interpretation of a gun. Last night I dreamt being given a gun. I was excited by this idea but I knowing know that I am not gonna use it and I asked myself why on earth this person is giving me this gun because I never used gun before. This person sent me to use it but when I faced the enemy I began praying in spirit and I was not scared I was in peace and feel empowered and victorious.

    I wonder what is the meaning, may anyone please assist.

    1. I also had this dream just at the beginning of January 1st I dream it..I been told that it’s the weapon to defeat my enemies…..its a gift..I thank god amen…I had so many enemies they are fighting me for no reasons and god sees that I stand on prayers with them and nothing else…praise the lord almighty king of kings lord of lords.

  11. I came to read this article because my pastor asked me to speak at our Wednesday Night Service. When I did he called it a “shotgun preaching”. I’m new to the Lord. 6months now. I’m Thirsty and Hungry for the word. God be the Glory. Thank You for this Article. May God Bless You

  12. Thank you for the gun interpretation.
    I had a dream that some bad men was coming after us and this lady was there with a gun and I took it to load it but it was not many bullets so we were gonna have to make it work

  13. I praise God for the explanation of gun analogy. I had a dreamwhich made me begin searching the meaning . Thank you for allowing the holy spirit to write this powerful
    Guidance on the gun analogy. I am ready fir service with this understanding.

  14. Thank you for writing this powerful article! The gun analogy was brilliant! you are absolutely right we really don’t comprehend what God has placed in us through the power of Holy Spirit. I know my struggle has been with boldness, but reading Eph. 6:19
    I can pray it repeatedly and continue to pursue that closer relationship with my Savior to really be more actively used by His Spirit.

  15. Thanks so much for sharing this gun analogy. My friend had a dream she said she saw me shooting my family with a gun and then after shooting myself. I was confused why am I a bad person for shooting my family until I read your article now I know God gave a gift to destroy disease and all evil things from my family. Amen

  16. Thank you so much for making me understand the meaning of being given a gun in a dream. I will make sure I walk in the right way and having enough time with my God.
    May God bless you

  17. This was analogy was a God send. I had a dream about a large revolver and bullets. I asked God the symbolism and meaning and I received my answered prayer in the same day! This continues to confirm my gift as seer. God speaks to me in dreams

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