This next event, a war in heaven, will not be able to be seen with the naked eye by the people who are still left on the earth as the 7 year Tribulation starts to unfold.
What happens in this next incredible event is that Satan and all of his fallen angels are cast out of heaven and cast down onto the earth by St. Michael and his army of angels. There will literally be a war in the heavens between God’s angels and Satan and his fallen angels.

To really understand what is happening with this war in heaven, you need to know there are three heavens. The apostle Paul says that he was taken up to the third heaven, Paradise, where I believe he encountered Jesus and possibly God the Father. He says he does not know if he was in his body or out of his body when he had this experience. Here is the verse:
“It is doubtless not profitable for me to boast. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord: I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago – whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows – such a one was caught up to the third heaven.
And I know such a man – whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows – how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which is not lawful for a man to utter.” (2 Corinthians 12:1-4)
Many believe that Paul was talking about himself, that he was the one who had the experience. If this verse is telling us that there is a third heaven, then there must be a first heaven and a second heaven. If God and Jesus live in the third heaven, then the first heaven has to be our earth.
The second heaven then has to be the “air” or the atmosphere between heaven and our earth. Satan is called the prince of the power of the “air” in the Bible. This is where he and his demons live and roam in.
I believe Satan and his fallen angels were cast out of the third heaven where God and Jesus live at long before we humans were ever created on our earth. Satan had rebelled against God before we were ever created and he thus was cast out of the third heaven down into the second heaven – the air.
This is why the Bible calls Satan “the prince of the power of the AIR.” Here is the verse that will specifically tell us this:
“And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience.” (Ephesians 2:1-2)
Satan is not confined to the Bottomless Pit or the Lake of Fire and Brimstone at this time. He is free to roam in the “air” until Jesus comes back to us in His second coming. After Jesus comes back, Satan is then thrown into the Bottomless Pit for a 1000 years and then eventually into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone at the end of the 1000 Year Millennium Kingdom.
What happens in this next event is that Satan is cast from the second heaven down to the first heaven – which is our earth. The Bible says that Satan really gets mad and furious when this event occurs because he knows he has but little time left before Jesus comes back for His second coming to throw him into the Bottomless Pit for a thousand years.
The Bible then says woe to the people who are still living on the earth when this event happens because Satan will then start to release his wrath upon the earth! He will first go after the Jewish people, but God will provide protection for 1/3 of the Jews, so he will not be able to kill all of them.
The Bible says that he will then turn his attention to the rest of God’s people, the saints in Christ. This is where you get the 42 months that God’s saints will allowed to be given into the hand of the Devil and the Antichrist for mass persecution.
This war in heaven will probably occur right around the midpoint of the Tribulation. This event may also help explain why the Antichrist all of a sudden in the middle of the Tribulation, breaks off his peace treaty with the Jewish people and then proceeds to seat himself up in the Jewish Temple proclaiming himself to be God and then starts the mass persecution of the Jewish people and God’s saints.
Some people think Satan himself may actually possess the Antichrist at this time since he has now been officially cast down onto the earth.
Why would God cast Satan out of the second heaven? Why not just wait until His Son comes back and then cast him into the Bottomless Pit from the second heaven?
I believe that when Jesus comes back the second time, He will start His descension from the third heaven where He now resides. He will then pass through the second heaven and then land on the first heaven, which is our earth at the Mount of Olives.
I believe God may want the second heaven cleaned out from Satan and all of his demons before His Son Jesus starts to descend from the third heaven. The Bible says that God’s saints will be coming back down with Jesus when He comes back the second time.
If Jesus and all of God’s saints are coming together at one time for this event, I believe God may want the second heaven free and clear of any demons in this middle realm.
Satan will obviously know this when he is cast down onto the earth, and the Bible says from this point on, he knows his time is short and that is why he becomes so furious. Satan will thus have the last three and half years to wreak as much havoc as he can through the Antichrist and False Prophet before Jesus comes back and finally puts an end to his reign of terror.
I really believe that God is going to give all of us an incredible history lesson when we see what happens when Satan merges with the Antichrist and False Prophet to cause as much destruction as they possibly can for the last three and half years – especially if the Church has already been raptured before all of this begins to take place.
Without God and His Church in the big picture – man, in union with Satan and his fallen angels, will wreak nothing but pure havoc and destruction on a mass scale to a degree that no man would have ever thought was possible.
For all those who think that man is basically good and that we do not need God in our lives, and that we are capable of creating an utopian type paradise on our earth through our own human efforts – these people will be shown first hand what will happen when the earth is left in the hands of humans under the influence of Satan and all of his demons.
The result will end up being mass chaos and total destruction to a degree that the world has never seen before and will never see again! Jesus Himself said that had these days not been shortened by God the Father, that no flesh would have survived this horrible time of trouble.
The Scripture Verse
Here is the Scripture verse that will tell us exactly what will happen with this event.
“And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.So the great dragon who was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down … Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them!
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.
Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child. But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.
So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.
And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Revelation 12:7-17)
The “woman” mentioned in the above verse is Israel. The “male child” that the woman had given birth to is Jesus.
Notice that the woman Israel is given under the protection of a great eagle after Satan is cast down upon the earth. This protection is for a time and times and half of a time. We already know this stands for three and half years from the prophecy of Daniel already talked about in one of my earlier end time articles. So we know that this is referring to the last three and half years of the Tribulation.
As I stated in my article titled, “Basic Overview of Main End Time Events,” some people think this great eagle may be the United States since we have the national symbol of an eagle.
Our country is still on good terms with Israel and we would be the most obvious choice to protect Israel if we are still considered a major super power and not under the control of the Antichrist at this time.
Now that Satan, the Antichrist, and False Prophet are given incredible authority and power to carry out this unholy reign of terror for three and half years, how does God go about getting anyone saved during these last days if His Church and main body of believers have already been raptured off the earth?
For this answer, go to the next article titled, “God’s 4 Avenues to Reach the Lost During the Tribulation.” God will arrange for an incredible counterbalance to take place during this time of trouble in an effort to get as many people saved as He possibly can.
Thank you! I’m here. Good and bad are done. We have converted. Be ready!
3rd and 2nd heaven are ready. Help me with the fight in 1st heaven. Be ready. We gotta spread the word
Team Jesus all the way! He only can give me salvation so I’ll fight and die for him.
Hi guys. I’m David and would like to let you know that satan and his angels(fallen) have already been cast down into earth. If Satan or the antichist is aware of what he is it makes sense that his angels will be as well. They come through people and these people are fully aware of it. I know as I’ve had first hand experience with it. A great awakening is coming soon and all God’s children will be awoken spiritually and become aware of this fact.
Spiritual thought provoking.I could see how this is possible. Thank GOD I am saved by JESUS BLOOD and loving grace. PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. AMEN
I am so grateful for this piece of inspired text, scripture says loud and clear but man chooses to ignore it. Let us all pray that all will turn to God papa God.
PS Lord Haggis is the aka the youth at the church gave me lol.
The war in heaven has already taken place back in 1914 when the first world war happened.
The end of all wickedness can happen at any day now. Only God knows the day and time of Armegeddon.
David is right and I urge all to acquire and read Hilton Suttons books which expound on this subject carefully and Biblically. Paradise was a chamber under the earth and above hell and now no longer exists. It was the place all God’s followers went to when they died prior to Jesus’ death. When Jesus died the first place He went to was Paradise and He released them up into Heaven. Since Jesus died heaven or hell is where, in a nano second, all who die go. Jesus destroyed Paradise and merged the space into an enlarged hell, for those to come down the centuries, who would either deny Jesus unto death or simply die in ignorance of Him. As suggested, Dr Sutton’s books are well worth the read and I urge all to study this as time is very very short.
Dear Ian,
Dr Sutton sounds like a nut job to me.
Continue seeking, for if you seek, you will find.
Ask, and it will be given. Knock and it will
be opened. God is but a prayer away, always.
And God bless you.
Dr. Sutton is not a nut job. He is a very good teacher on end times. People like him, Jack Van Impe, Tim Lahaye, Mark Hitchcok, Grant Jeffrey, Hal Lindsey and Perry Stone are all pretty much on the same page in their understanding of end time events and we agree with most of what they teach. This woman does not, so we are on 2 different pages. We will see who is right on all of this after the dust has settled and all of these events have occurred.
Bring me to the gates of Heaven so that I may burn them down.
I agree with David that Satan is here already with his own sons, the antichrist and their dark prophets. I also happen to have had a first hand experience on or in this. They are waiting in what I see as a pseudo game of attrition.
I wish to have an encounter with jesus with this word of faith
Anyone who wishes to have an encounter with Jesus Christ only needs to call upon his name and ask him for his Redemption and salvation, ask him to be your lord and savior and to dwell in your heart. Simply say,” Lord Jesus, I accept your offer of free salvation and I ask you to come into my heart and save me.” And this will be done. The Bible tells us that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. The Lord is faithful to do as he has said. You should seek to be baptized afterwards. But you can have another believer baptize you in a swimming pool or a tub if necessary. May God bless you richly and may you enjoy the sweet Fellowship of his Son forever!
I do not believe that LUCIFER and his angels fell before the creation…that goes against the word of GOD …how could GOD describe his creation in 6 24 hour days as “very good” if SATAN and his demons were loose in the air above EDEN …does not make sense nope…Lucifer was in THE GARDEN for a while whilst ADAM AND EVE were there he was the anointed cherub.. but it could have been for 10 ..20 or 100 years….And SATAN still has access to GOD even today until he is cast out…he is the accuser of the brethren…also he was there to accuse JOB …the idea that there was a gap of possibly millions of years before GOD remade the earth is false
Does the Bible not say that when satan and 1/3 of the Angel’s were cast down that they descended upon the earth and they saw that the daughters of men were fair…and took them as wives…their offspring were the giants…so… mankind were on earth during the battle in Heaven..right ?
Please, this simple illustration should suffice for an end to this was created after Lucifer decided to abandon heaven for hell.Lucifer and his confused angels were defeated after lunching a two time war in to heaven.they were pushed down to earth and it was at this time that God the father, the son and the holy spirit made a meeting and decided to make man in their likeness to fill the vacancy that was created by the departure of Lucifer. Lucifer was the 2nd in command after the Trinity. Before this time,Lucifer had lived millions of years with God. Then, there was no sand on on land but only water because God and angels did not need land to walk on, it was the creation of man that lead God to separate land from water, an account you will read in Genesis 1-so man is now occupying the position which Lucifer occupied. Before it was the “Trinity—Lucifer, arch angels,—- host of other angels. The heaven’s organogram now is the ” Trinity —– man—- arch angels —-host of other angels
There are a couple of errors in the article sent. Maybe the person who wrote the article did not have clarification from the Lord for different reasons. Below are the errors:
1. The theory of the church rapture is false. There will be no rapture. The saints will suffer martyrdom during the great tribulation the way they also suffered martyrdom in the past.
2. America is the Babylon of the old. The fate of America in the times of the greatest tribulation is described in Revelation 18. Political affairs have nothing to do with Jesus. This is what people cannot understand.
Revelation 18:7-8 (NKJV)
7 In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.’ 8 Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges[a] her.
I have a message for all the Christians. My mother has the gift of dreams. We have entered a spiritual warfare for a month. Last night she was caught up into the second heaven. It was not a dream. This is what happened:
– she went to church for the evening service
– there were powerful prayers and the Holy Spirit was present in the congregation of the church
– she came back home and she finished the prayers
She went to sleep. She was in the dream state. She saw herself with another woman in a manger where they lived in hiding. She could see a dark shadow flowing through the air (the atmosphere between Heaven and our earth) A spirit voice told her that she and the other woman will be kidnapped. After that, my mother was not in the dream state anyone, her spirit was caught up into the second heaven. She was brought together with the other woman before something that looked like a sort of a military base. Doors made of iron were opened and she was told that she will be brought before the master of that place because he wants to talk to them. My mother was paralyzed with fear initially. She saw an ugly old man who asked her two questions:
How old are you ? When she answered, he asked her this question: “now tell me about Michael, tell me about Michael, tell me all about Michael”. My mother answered this: “I do not know any Michael”. The ugly old creature became very furious and with a very angry voice he told her this: “yes, you know Michael. Do not tell me that you don’t know him because you know him”. My mother described the place as a place of terror where you can only be paralyzed with fear. But, even though she was also afraid, she had he protection of the Holy Ghost. Therefore she could concentrate well. She suddenly realized that something is not right and she immediately recognized that the ugly old creature was satan, the price of the power of the air. She immediately rebuked satan in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ and she called the blood of Jesus. The old creature immediately disappeared. After a while my mother was returned back in her sleeping bed. She described the whole thing as being different than waking up from a dream.
This is the interpretation of the dream: Revelation 12 describes that satan with his demons will be cast out from the second heaven and they will be thrown completely on the earth. It will be the time of tribulation because satan knows that he does not have much time until Christ will return.
Michael represents the archangel Michael who leads the army of God’s angels in the second heaven. They are fighting satan and the fallen angels in the second heaven. Satan is still in the second heaven and a huge spiritual warfare still happens between his fallen angels and Michael with his angels (read Revelation 12). However, these times satan will be defeated by Michael and his angels. The satan with all his fallen angels will be cast down on the earth. The greatest tribulation is about to start.
I am currently tired to write more about the spiritual warfare in the second heaven. But I found an article online that speaks clearly what I also try to convey:
Revelation 12:7-12New King James Version (NKJV)
Satan Thrown Out of Heaven
7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them[a] in heaven any longer.9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
10 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”
This was so interesting to read! I wish you could share more!
Well, the law does not require the life of a sinner, God is the law.
But God being what he is, (sinless, perfect,loving ,patient ,kind & all good &only capable of good things- etc…)
And when there is sin where love resides, they can not thrive together, sin causes death and is death, there is no death in God. God IS life.
And Sinning will cause the flesh to decay because the spirit within can not protect and be a part of the sinful nature that is now in the human, the flesh will naturally grow old (decay)and die, and the soul be lost and without the presence of God, which means, nothing good would be with the lost. Soul but nothingness= hell=grave.
But after Jesus died in the flesh on earth but completely sinless, that therefore conquered sin and when he eventually ascended into heaven, his Holy spirit could now be with the people at all times by living inside them to show us from our spirit straight to ours who and what God really is and understand him directly. To ask for forgiveness when we needed it, because we now had a direct line to God as where before we did not. There is the law of the flesh and then the law of the spirit. Flesh has to be told not to sin but the spirit knows moral right from wrong and behaves out of God’s love and spirit, even through the carnal flesh. But because of the flesh , we will still be tempted and sometimes sin but now we can just ask for forgiveness through LOVE , as long as you mean it wholeheartedly and try to resist the sin.
And also, Jesus is the word the light & the truth- so yes, the beginning of the the bible says that in the beginning there was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. So yes Jesus was with God always, well Jesus is God
this is really great i was led to this sight today.all that i read made sense to me and know im aware of things that are to be coming soon.I never though of there being 3 what a great day and on the spot info.thanks to all of you im back in the saddle.god bless and have a great day.
You have said that Satan was cast out of the third Heaven long before man was created. My question is this, who caused Satan or who influenced him to “sin” against God? If Satan was in Heaven, then Heaven is not a Holy place and since my current Bible teaches otherwise, I will not fear of being able to rebel against God when I’m back into eternity.
Heaven is the holies of the holiest place. Now Lucifer was just taken away by his beauty and everything God had made of him n so pride kicked in. Now,with pride you want more recognition and you’d do anything to have it. And so,he did try to have his way to the only thrown of his maker..and guess what…you don’t step on your Master’s shoe.
Don’t rebel along with him,he already knows his fate and trust me no one wants to suffer alone. Don’t be his guest. You are a son of Christ
Alvis, God does not create robots to serve Him. Lucifer was created good and holy with free will. In heaven there was no temptation to cause evil thinking. Lucifer let his thoughts go wild and fell in love with self-pride thoughts, something he had never ever considered before. Such a thought scared him at first, but God seemed unaware. He loved that thought, and nurtured it. He shared it with others and deceived 1/3 of all the angels with those thoughts. Lucifer, that is Satan, led the rebellion against God and was banished from God’s presence, except when God demands his presence to give a report. He accuses the brethren constantly. He is always asking God to allow him to sift us like wheat. Satan knows his end. God showed him the Lake of Fire — Satan and his angels desperately try to overcome God’s designs for them. Now Satan and his angels are pure evil to a level that would shock us if we knew. He hates humans and wants them in Hell. Only God loves you and gave us His Son to keep us from Hell. The whole world is rebelling against God just like their master. Don’t you be rebelling along with him, choose Jesus instead. It is those who walk with God and endure to the end who will be saved. True faith endures to the end.
Jesus, in John 17:5 speaks of a time “before the world was”. Apparently He was with the Father in heaven before the world was. Is it possible then that heaven and the angels were established prior to the creation of this earth? Is it possible that the Genesis account of creation describes a earth, instead of our earth? God, who speaks worlds into existence would not be limited to creating just one earth in the vastness of the universe?
Heaven and the angelic host existed for a time before the fall of man in Eden. Lucifer was a covering cherub, who stood next to the throne of God. Lucifer began to admire his own beauty. Lucifer desired to be worshipped by the angels just like God. He wanted to be “like the Most High. Lucifer wanted to be consulted in the creation of the earth and in the making of man. Lucifer became jealous of the Son when the Father gave all authority to the Son. Lucifer exercised his free will to oppose God. Lucifer used flattery and deceit to sow discontent among the angels. Lucifer, with his powerful intellect, now bent on discrediting his Maker, convinced a third of the “stars of heaven” that he should be made equal to God.
War broke out in heaven. Did weapons play a part? Was there a need for weapons in a place that had been created happy and holy? What kind of war? We do not have answers to the specifics. But we do know that Lucifer became Satan, the adversary of God, and he and his angels were cast out of heaven. We know that at some point he appears in the Garden of Eden, tempts Eve to distrust God, causes Adam to want to share his wife’s fate, and takes possession of the dim ion of this world away from Adam. Sin gained a foothold on this earth and men began to die.
God did not ordain that sin should exist, but saw its existence and made provision to meet the terrible emergency. The Godhead formulated a plan of salvation before the creation of the heaven and the earth of how sinners might be saved from eternal death, if such a thing were to happen.
God’s holy law, when broken, demands the life of the sinner. The only way out of this death sentence, would be for One who is as honly as the law itself, to take man’s place, to suffer the penalty for him. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Thank you Michel for this read. I had ask of God to show me things that are now going on in heaven and things to come on earth. In my dreams he opened my world that i may see. Isaw what you had told in this message. There is a time for people to have awareness of spiritual things and i guess it was my time. After this dream i thanked God for alowing me to see some of what was going on and some of what it will be like in that final battle. I was a total wreck for days after. It has been weeks since that dream and this past sunday i turned on my computer, sat downn and just typed in war of heaven and was led to read what you had written. I was so shocked to read and get conformation of what i had seen in my dreams. I just want to thank you for writing this, it was as if it was just for me. I hope all who read this go on to study for themselves and come to their own conclusions about this.Thank you again.
In pondering Satan for without him Jesus would be of no purpose, I began to think…and my limited theological knowledge of Scripture makes me see in simple terms….So, someone please bestow some scriptural wisdom upon me, because I am truly confounded.
My question(s) is this: Satan was perfect, right? Divine in nature and appointed angelic. Cast down from Heaven. Why? Pride. But, if Heaven is a perfect place- how did pride exist there (3rd Heaven)? Pride is sinful. Pride separates us from God. How can divinity and iniquity co-exist in Heaven or in a Heavenly creature? These things deserve my further study. In fact, Rev 12:7 onward says that a war broke out in Heaven. How can pride and war (synonyms, really… war=I am right/You are wrong=pride) be present in the Heavenly realms to begin with?
Just like us, they were created with free will. Will to obey or not to obey. To submit or not to submit.
The issue of the war in heaven is one of the great mysteries of the Bible. It has always been assumed that Satan fell from heaven either at the beginning of creation or after the events of the cross. But a proper reading of the book of Revelation will show that Satan still has access into heaven even to this day, and that he will only fall from heaven after the rupture of the 144,000 saints just before the beginning of the 42 months of great tribulation, and their arrival in heaven to serve as God’s new team of heavenly priests (Revelation 7 and 14). And the reason for the war is because Satan will reject the elevation of Jesus and his appointment as the High Priest of heaven with the 144,000 as the new priests, in the same way that Korah and his colleagues opposed Moses and and Aaron and sought to take the priesthood away from Aaron. I have explained these issues fully in my book; Assyrian Antichrist Comes to Power as Jerusalem Rides on Satan’s back